HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-21, Page 88 SI 0 WARD. A Reward of $100 will be given to any customer who hae bought Wall Paper Froin us and we have sial:gad thein 1e. per roll for trimming. No, we trim our Wall Papers F11EE or allow lo. per roll off when our custo- mers do this ubemselvee. It may not be worth 10. per roll to trim it but we allow It all the same' end will eon- tinue to do so until we get a machine tint will trim it on the BIGHT Sfl)E, so that it eau be perfectly matched. It is to our cuetonera ad. vautage, however, to trim the paper themselves and get the reduction which mattes e 6o. paper for So. ; a 50. cue for 4o„ and so on. We claim to have the largest stock and best Vrtlneq in Wall Papers in this section. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Opticiau and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTRERN EXTENSION W. G. & H. Trains lease Breesele Station, North and South, as follows: Germ SeaTl. GOING NORTH, alxureee "'21 a.m,Mixed 9-'04 0 01 ,Axed or:B een. I Mail 1252 p50 "fling, i1cb tens . A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BEATTIE'S bus le in the paint shop and a carriage has been eubatituteci in the trips to the G. T. 11. depot A eriseLc red trio of Italian m00ioa:B • did tho town last Friday and played fur a quadrille party in the evening, A Lose of Free klaeone drove from town over t0 Wingham on Tuesday even- ing to reeeive inatruotions in the Royal rch. RACES on the afternoon of the Queen's Birthday at Brussels Driving Park, The tine half mile track is in No, 1 cons ditiun, Tun W. H. MoC:rsoken property offer - el for retie last Saturday afternoon at the Queen's hotel Wits purchased by W. J. McCracken, C'unrl:Nt'nus are at work on improve• menta to Jun. Ament's residence and were pushing them ahead at a lively rate until Thursday's rain. FRIDAY afternoon of next week East Huron Liberals meet in Convention in Brunie to select a candidate for the Local Legislature. Jas. Waxen shipped 2 single buggies from his well known carriage factory this week to a customer- in Manitoba, His field is the world evidently. Esse Males; Teaohere meet in Con. ventiou on Friday and Saturday of this week in the town of Wingham. Friday will consequently be a holiday in the majority of schools. Mrsicoi and literary entertainment in the Methodist church school room on the evening of the Queen's Birthday. (,nod program with the admission only 10 cents. Everybody welcome. A CLOSELY contested foot ball match will be played on Victoria Park, in this town on the forenoon of the Queen's Birthday between Atwood and Brussels. Both teams are in good shape and a game well worth seeing will be the result. MOSQUITOES. Bo.0 all the aline. "Goo Save our Queen." Co. Conran opens on Monday, May SJst• NEXT Monday will be the Qnee•,'s Birthday. Tee local tennis players are getting their 'lend in, A FEW more cows can be taken for pasturage by W. 1. Stewart. SYAPORT,r stage hae donned a new dress of paint and looks quite neat. A..CO00LnY continues the sale of the silent steed. In another column may be read his list of sales this Spring. Miss O'Coxsoe's Concert will be Fold in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Fri fay evening, June 4th. Don't mics the line program. Tnoo'.—Tbe biegast ones nen rly always manage to drop off the hook i 'to the water and get away just like they did last year we are sorry to hoar. Tan balconies at the Quern's Hotel are being renewed so as to insure greater safety to guests who may wish to enjoy the oat -door breezes and sights. Ae the annual meeting of Brussels Public Library the old Board of Directors was re-eleoted. J. EC. Cameron was chosen President and G. F. Blair re- elected SecretaryTreasurer. BRUSSELS Was never better tidied up at this season of the year. A few parties are still behind and will have to comply with Board of Health instructions so the quicker the better. Because you cloned up last year does not balance the ao• cecina for 1897. TEE horses that beat "!Reddy" and "Maple Leaf" this year in their class will have to make the dust fly at a pretty lively gait, as both horses are in tiptop shape this Spring, They may give an exhibition on the Queen's Birthday, on the Driving Park. ACETYLENE.—L. M. Robinson, of Hen. ea11, was in Brussels this week giving an exhibition of tine Simplex Acetylene gen• critter, a new lighting process he is the agent for. It was displayed at I. C. Richard's store on Wednesday evening and Jas. Fox's drug stere on Thursday night and attracted considerable atten- tion, H. R. BREWER has purchased the fine two storey brick cottage corner of Turn• berry and Queea streets, from D. A. Lowry, Loudon, paying the sum of $1,400. The property cost Mr. Lowry hundreds of dollars mere than that fieer0. People are wondering what Harry requires a house for anyhow. Time was quite a little rash of Dash to Tun Por during this week in response to our notice in lain issue. We would like to have had time to write a note to each person thanking them for their prompt response but take bhis opportunity of doing so. We hope more will follow suit as it tapes a good many subscriptions to reach the amount we need. TonNnnnny HAS TUE LEAD.—Somebody in Mo1iillop a short time ago had a big duck egg with a record of 7x8} inches, but they're not in it with Mrs. Alex, Hislop, lot 69, 1st con., Turnberry, ne TEE Pon measured two eggs last Satur- day from an ordinary, everyday duck owned by that good lady, that measured 8t0i, inches and 7}x9;, raspeotively, This is eggeaotly correct and we would like to eat the eggs that beat this—if not of too mature age. Tee Hove Is NOT OURS.—The Soto forth Expositor of lest week says :— "KEna,—In Brusselq, on April 20111, tine wife of lir. W. H. Kerr of a son." We are the only W. H. Herr in Brussels that we know of, and we rise to remark tout the Exp niter is in error as the "sun- beam" has not come to our home. We think the joy belougs to our namesake, the maoufaoturer of the staff of life in Wroxeter. The Expositor ahonld put a paragraph over its Birth Column "We are not responsible for the opinions of our correspondents," as it jolts a fellow quite a bit to have your friends coming round with their congratulations and you have to decline them with thanks. Seam of Hts LUPE,—The well known and genial Richard Stevens, Esq., (we only dee the Esq. en very rare 0000,91o11s, like the present), has w,4'ten the story of his life, from his birth it, London, Eng,, to this date. "A Boy's Trials in Eng, land and Ametioa" is the eatohy title of the autobiography and it is dedicated to Wm. C. Smith, of Bruesols, who has filled the position of stepmother to the said Mr. Stevene eines coming to this part of the globe, The work is in the bands of the printer and some day may illuminate the world. If eo no small amount of eredit will be due to Mr, Smith, aforementioned ; Wm. GreWar and Leine Hunter for tenderly fanning the author's little fire Into a historic blaze, THE BRUSSELS POST CRAWS t'11111bi'J. 'J'he regular srrvioo was Hold in the R. (3. °herch last Sabhath morning, Rev. Mr. lox, of Linen, is expected to bake part in the serviette in St. John's °berol). next Sunday. Rev, E. A. Shaw, of Balgrave, will presnh in the Methodist ohorah here next Sabbath morning and evening, Capt, and Mrs. Clark, who have been in Drayton, arrived in Brussels on Thursday of loot week to take charge of the Salvation Army here, Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., preached at Wroxeter last Saturday afternoon in con. neaten with the OOun,unton services in the Presbyterian church. Rev. R. Paul, Rae. Win. Norton and B. Gerry attended the Diotriet meeting of the Methodist (thumb in Wingham, ou Tuesday and Wednesday of this weelo Last Sabbath evening Rev. Byron PePon gave a very interesting mission- ary address in Melville dhuroh. Mr. and Mre. Pelton left Brussels on Wednesday and after a visit to his mother they purpose returning to Chicago. The annual Sunday school Oonvention of the Deanery of Moron will he held in Exeter on Wednesday and Thursday, 26th and 27th of this month. St. J'ohn's church Sabbath school will he ropreseut. ed on that occasion by a dozen or more of its teaohers and adult pupils. At the Epworth League meeting on Monday evening Dr. Rivers, of Wood- ham, gave a Most iustruotive address on "The Charaoter of Christ." The enb. Int was divided under the following headings :•—Humility and Meekness,; Self•denial ; Forgiving Spirit ' Sym- pathy ; Knew how to bear Temptations and Sin ; Methods of Work • Imitate Sim by Secret Prayer ; Unchanging— the same yesterday, today and forever. LAST Saturday forenoon A. Cnnsley and Principal Cameron went trout fish• ing and hooked 88 of the speckled beauties. One of the number that fell to the lot of the former was 14 inches long and weighed 1 pound 7 ounces. This is DO fish story bat founded on fact. BRrssnes FIee Beremse.—Last Friday evening the annual meeting of the Brus• eels Fire Brigade was hold in the Town Hall. The following officers were elsoted for the current year ;— Chief, S. H. Jackson Captain, Watson Ainley ; 101 Lieut., Kenzie Scott ; 2nd Lieut„ J. G. Skene ' Secretary Treasurer, F. 0. Scott. 1st Branch, L. Jackson and A. Mo. Neil ; 2ud Branch, Ino. Scott and Jim. Meadows ; Reel No. 1, J. T. T. Ross, D. C. Rose and N. Gerry ; No, 2, Jas. Jones, A. McKay and 5. Wilton ; No. 8, Will. Ainley, R. Williams and S. B. Smale ; Engineer, Harry James ; Asst„ Will. James ; Coal cart, Bert. Gerry, Wm. Thom- son ; BISLE SOCIETY.—The following are the amounts co110e1ed by the collectors for the Brussels Branch of the Upper Can- ada Bible Sooiety for the past year :— Collection at aunnal meeting ....$ 5 10 Brussels, West, Misses Pelton & MoLauablin 7 75 Brussels, East, Miss Kerr & Mrs. Donaldson 10 40 Brussels, North, Misses Menzies & MoNaugbton 6 74 Morris, Con. 7, Miss E. A. MoOall 1 55 ' 8, No returns ' 5, Maloolm Black 1 45 " 4, Misses Brook & Carrie 2 46 • 8, Misses Ireland re Armstrong 8 85 " 2, Colleuted by Blue - vale -collectors Grey, Cons. 3 & 2, Misses Rae & Simpson 2 05 • 8 &: 4, Thos. Strachan 8 50 " 6 & 6, Hisses MOArth• ur & Smith 2 95 " 7 & 8, Misses Cardiff & Smith 4 80 " 9 & 10, A. Stewart4 75 " 11 & 12, Mrs. & 1liss Davidson 10 10 c' 18 & 14, i5iisses'Ritohie McNabb 4 5n Ethel, Misses Spence & Ames 16 90 Depository sales 18 91 ST dZ>? ,fl 0 �p71r //�/, ND.f1 .D B N.FL' .�' C , 7•r�� n.1 ��x .tt.a5x,xnxxo*aZ, :o HEAD OFFICE, TO RONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) - • $2,000,000 Agencies in ail principltcl points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States di England. A Gaueral Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted. Drafts Issued and Colloobions made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards front dot of deposit to date of wrtbdrawel and oompounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO WE COLLeCTION °F FAno1ERe' SALE NOTE), Every faoility afforded Customers liviug at a distenoe, J. A. STEWART Mewsenn. We are pleased to hone that S. B. Wil- son, formerly of Brussels, is making him• self useful in church work at Brantford. He was recently sleeted President of the Wellington street Methodist Epworth League ; is President of the Local Union of Young Peoples' Societies in that oity ; is a member of the Y. M. C. A. finale quartette, besides attending to the per. formance of other duties in Sabbath school and choir. Not touch danger of Mr. Wilson rusting out. No CONVENTION TIT'S YEAH.—A meeting of the Executive of the Brussels District Sabbath School Association was held in G. F. Blair's office last Saturday after. none. It was decided to withdraw the tame' S. R. Convention for this year but to e;u•i) rets the ,'s; Hag program the same aS last year, among the various schools in the District. A DOW feature this year will be the drafting in of sev- eral ladies to aid in this work, more partioolarly on Primary lines. On motion, the sum of 015.00 was granted to the Provincial Assooiabion for Missionary purposes. Rev. R. Peel and G. P. Eleir were appointed a Committee to draft visiting program. At the meeting of the Official Board of Brussels Methodist ohurah, last Friday evening, Rev, Dr. Gifford, of Wingham, Chairman of the District, occupied the chair. The following resolution was unanitnously adopted, by standing vote, and a copy of the same ordered to be sent to Rev. S. J. Allin, to Battle Creek Sani. tarium :—"That we, as an Official Board, desire to express our deep sympathy with Itev, S. J. Allio, our beloved pastor, in hie illness and pray that his health may be speedily restored, so that he will be enabled to shortly resume his much loved work amongst us. We wish to assure him that his warm hearted, thoughbful discourses have been an inspiration to us and we•trust that the promises of bhe Good Book may prove refreshing and comforting to bio while temporarily laid aside from aotive work." On motion the pastor was granted leave of absence through the balance of May, June and July, in the hope that the vacation and freedom from anxiety over the work will tend to his complete convalescence. The Board is arranging a program of supplies, in which the ministers of the District are kindly undertaking to Ell without expense to Rev. 1tlr. Allin. A vote of thanks was passed by the Board to Rev. J. P. Rice for his efficient services while snpplying the pulpit. SncareoRD PRESBYTERY.—The rapider meeting of the Stratford Presbytery was held in Knox church, Stratford, on May 11th. A resolution was passed sympa- thizing with Rev. W. 131. McKibben, of Millbank, who, through physical infirm• ity, bas been rendered unable to perform the duties of his snored office. The vaoanoy occasioned by hie removal bas not yet been filled. A resolution was ale° passed sympathizing with those who are endeavoring to maintain the sanetiby of the Sabbath by opposing the introduction of a Sunday Ger eerviae in Toronto. The following report of statistics and finances was presented by Rev. Mr. Cameron :— There are 81 ohurohes within the bounds, containing sittings foe 11,000 persons. !'hese ehurohes are grouped in 19 charg- es. There are about 2,400 families En oonneotiou with them. The number of oommuuicanbs within the Presbytery is about 5,100, about 260 being added dun. ing the year on profession of faith. The number of iufnnb baptisms reported was 112, and adults 84. There were about 160 elders in the Presbytery, and 220 managers. There are ten missionary oseootatious, 292 W. F. M. S. and 30 Y. P. S„ under different names. The total stipends paid by the congregations was about $18,000, Arrears of stipends are reported from only two dhurohee, and they give good masons. A sum of over $5,000 has been paid during the year on accounts of °heroine and manses, while other incidental outlays approach $8,000. June 29—Listowel vs. Wingham, in The tote] sum appropriated for strfotly Wingham. June 22•-33russels vs. Atwood, in ,At- wood ; Wroxeter vs. Listowel, in Listowel. Jona 26—Wingham vs, Listowel, in Lista. Wel. July 1—Brussels vs. Wroxeter, in Wrox. star ; Wingham vs. Atwood, in At- wood, July 7—Broesels vs. Listowel, in Lista, wel. July 12—Wroxeter vs. Brussels, in Brus• eels. July 28—Brussels vs. Wingham, in Wing. ham. July 80—Wingham vs, Brussels, in Brue. 5019. July 81—Wroxeter ver Atwood, in At- wood. Tins second batob of this season's bug- gies is ready at D, Ewau'9 shop. IIs guarantees every rig, aa they are made with speoial care. Buy early and get the good of the rig, Total $115 76 MAITLAND POST BALL GEAGmr.—Follow• ing are the officers of the Maitland Foot ]3a11 League : Hon. Pres., R. B. Hamilton, Atwood ; Hon. Vide -Pres., A. Bamford, Liaj,owel ; President, A. Paulin, Wroxeter ; Vice•President, 0. Stuart, Wingham ; Seo,•Treas„ W.E. A'motroug, Brussels; Executive Committee—R. B. Hamid. ton, Atwood ; P. Wilson, Listowel ; R. Martin, Wroxeter ; L. B. Duff, Wiugbam ; W. E. Armstrong, Bras. eels. Following is the schedule of games to be played ; May 21—Atwood vs. Listowel, in Liebe- wel. May 22—Wroxeter vs. Wingham, in Wingbam, May 24—Atwood vs. Brussels, in Brus• sell. May 29—Atwood vs. Wingham, in Wing. ham ; Listowel vs. Wroxeter, in Wroxeter. June 5—Listowel vs. Brussels, in Brus• sels ; Atwood vs. Wroxeter, in Wrox. eter. June 12—Wingham ve. Wroxeter, in Wroxeter ; Listowel vs. Atwood, in Attwood. Business Locals. APS'LRTON'e world renowned Teas for sale at Thomsons, SCREENED doors complete for $1,00. McKay de Oo., Brussels. MANITOBA patent flour, the best that can be had, at Ross' flour and feed mills. EsiRY teener should see the new horse poke at McKay & Co's. Brussels. I HAVE over 1,000 curtain poles, all kinds. Pokes away down, R. Leather, dale. SEE our shoes ; never euah bargains offoved. Lees than wholesale prices. L 0. Richards. Gram mangle seeds, best kind of Swede seeds and A. 1 flour for sale et McOraolc• 50'5, Toe beet way to find out Ibe bottom price of a buggy is to call at Jas. Walker's shop, Brussels. OMIT= Weaving neatly done. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, by Mrs, MoOrae. Near. ly opposite Dr. McKelvey's. PASTURAGE can be supplied for cattle on Lot 24, Oon. 5, Morris. 100 acre run, with lots of water. WALTER INNEs. TEE late improvements in Ross' Flour mill has placed their flour away ahead of all others. Everybody i0 delighted with it. Ie you want anything in my line call and see what I have. Prices the cheapest and qualities the best in the County.. 11. Leatherdale. PASTURAGE,—The run of 45 acres, good grass anis never failing supply of water. Lot 25, 5110 line, Morrie. Information may be obtained at Tuis POST. R. LEATIIEen=LE has the largest stook of window shades this Spring that ever was in Brussels, Prioes obeaper than ever. Put up free and springs warranted. WAtoon —Eggs, 0 cents per doz. My contract demands 18,000 per week. We are now getting many peddlers' eggs. Why not save peddlers profits? G. E. KING, Wingham. Loos of buggies ready for the road. It oosts nothing to call, even if you purahnee elsewhere. The prices were never lower nor the work ever better. Jae. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. Elevate removed the large bankrupt stock of boots and shoes which we lately purchased in St. Marys to• Brussels, we now offer shoes at lees than wholesale Prioes, I. C. Richards. SEILon's euro is sold on a guarantee. It aures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 26 its., 50 as. and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Onaionn HMOs.—The Hair Business formerly done by Mrs. Hinds is now Dar• ried on by Mrs. Hingeton, Mill St., Brits. sols, who will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public. 48.2 WE offer and will have open for Bale an Saturday, the 8th of this month, the lunge bankrupt stook of boots and shoes all of which we offer at lees than whole- sale prices. I, 0. Richards. Omenn a Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says :"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first methane I have ever found that would do me any good." Prioe 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus• Bele. BARGAIN OFFERED.—That eligible half acre lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dis• posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to Anne H. 001011 os, 174 Queen st. West, Toronto. bLovs just received a oar of seed corn, Mammoth Southern sweet corn for enslige ; thorough bred Rural White Flint ; Sanford White Flint ; White Cap Dent ; Learning Yellow Dont and earliest maturing corn in onitivation, Baehr & Vanetono. Goon Rxoxono1Ein —The following Brus- selites will drive buggies manufactured by Jas. Walker, the well-known carriage builder of this pinoe :— S6AFdR2km9. Cunniros—Boge'roi,--In Wingham, on the 12110 inst., at the' residence of Mr, 11. Dr'eaver, brother•in-law of the bride, by the Rev, G. A. Gifford, Ph. D., Mr. Jas. 13. Cummings to Mies Martha Dunston. dongregational purposes was nearly 080,- 000. The oontrlbutions to ohurah sdliemes were not quite 05,000, The de- tails were :—Colleges 0400, Home Mis- sions $1,259, Augmsntition $279, Foreign Evangelization $474, Foreign Missions $1,142, and to Foreign Mission's by W. F, M. 8., $055. To aged and infirm ministers $181, widows and orphans $118, Aeeembly expenses, $8L Young Peopla's Sooioties contributed $8.18, of which $145 was given to home missions, and the eon• tributions to all other papoose amoentbd to nearly 91,060. The total outlay of the congregations was about $86,000. The Presbytery then went through the for: malities of licensing A. Stewart, a divin• ity student, to preach the Gospel. Mr. Stewart acquitted himself very satie• fa06orily, whereupon Dr. Hatnilbon in doe form gable bine his license, The Presbytery then adjourned, to meet et Knox chux chqt at ord, at 10 eat ord, at 10 e. 01. on the 18th of ,duly. F. S. Scott, Dr, Kalbfieisuh, Chas. Howlett, Walter Lowry, with more to follow. A, Currie, Brns• eels, has bought a dandy butcher delivery wagon from the same builder. These purchases by home men indicate clearly who leads the procession in the Carriage business. Call in ab Walker's and see for yourself, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. COTTAGE FOR SALE 011 TO hent. Alen rooms to let. Apply to i3• MRS, ST11A CHIAN, Brussels. -�-�ANTED —A MARRIED DIAN to do farm work daring Bummer months, DR. xIcRELVEY, Brussels. �RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Flrstmortgege, farm security. Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Bruesells, ,{ iOMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR '�••� Sulo Kith 1 cors lot, Good ofste ru, furneco, &r, Will be sold of abargain. Apply to Tun PosT Publishing House. Volunteer's Attention ! — The Brussels Volunteer Company will go into mum on Juno 20th next. All men,wisn- ing to join may do so by applying to (9.1'. BLAtit, Lieut„ :Brussels, or to R. S, HAYS, Captain. Seaforth. The prohibition plebiscite bill and the report of the penitentiary investigating was brought in in the House of Commons this week. The Liberate of Eastern Alpoma have decided to hold a convention at Sault Ste. Marie on Juno 18 for the purpose of nominating a candidate to contest the oonstituemey in the Liberal interest ab the next Provincial election. MEETING OP HURON COUNTY COUNOIL, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Coulon Chanibo', in the Town o- Goderlah, on MONDAY, the 1151 of May, at 8 o'clock p. m. W. LANE, Co. Clerk. Dated May 1701,1307. • MORN. CocEn.—In Ethel, on Thursday, May 6th, the wife of Mr. E. Cobor of a Don. LAiDEsnononou.—In Tuelceremith, on May 5th, the wife of Mr. Will. Lan. deeborough of a eon. FoanEs—In Elmo, on May 10110, the wife of Mr. Thos. Forbes, jr., of a son, READIta,—In Wingham, on Saturday, May 8111, the wife of Councillor Beading of a. dadghter. Nic,teLL.—In Wingham, on Sunday, May 2nd, the wife of Mr. A. Nicholl of a daughter. Balgrave, on May 6th the wile of Mr. Robt. Stonehenge of a son. anxana. BDRTos.—In Lietowai, on May 18th, John Iterate, aged 68 years, COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSIIIP OF GREY. Notion is hereby given that the Municipal haunch of the Corporation of the Township of Grey, County of Huron, will meet as Court of Revision at the TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL, ou 'WEDNESDAY, May 20111, nt 10 e. in. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. WM. SPENCE, Clerk. Ancient Order of United Workmen, MAY 21, 1897 NOT WORTH ONE CENT! This old end prosperous Fraternal Assoc ation numbering 350,000 members are pro smiting to the public their popular and aeon. omioal rates to worthy men, at the very low rate of about 83.00 per 81,000 per annum. The "Workmen" Promptly Pay Death C1,t100e and 0111901 a large Increase to its members now that those American Lite Companies don't seem satisfactory to Cau- adt0ns, ItOBT. ARMSTRONG, M. W. ; W. 1I. KERIR Recorder ; J. A. 0111:IGFITON,Finauaior• REAL ESTATE. No, its not worth lo. par roll to trim your Wall Paper. That's why we Make no charge for doing 50 and no difference in our prices and our customers get the benefit. Just think for a moment and see for yourself that what wo tell you is correct. With our machine we can trim 20 ROLLS IN 10 MINUTES which, if wo obarged you lo, per roll, would moan 20o, in 10 minutes or equal to $1,20 per hour. Wouldn't it be a snap? Bub we do urn figure on seeps of that !rind nor do we make any distinction with our customers—tai trim as cheerfully the papers purchased from us for 40. and 6o. per roll as we do our most expensive lines. Our Wall Paper trade this season has been very setiefsotory indeed. So much so in tacit that we have already had to re•order many of our more popular lines which we bad sold out at our regular prides. This we coneider is suliloiont to prove that our prices ere right from the sale of the first to the lust roll in a bun• die. Don't forget the plane. T'iARMS FOR SALE,—THE UN• DEnexGNED has several good Farms Inc sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SC OTT, Brussels ANITOJ3A LAND FJR SALE. .LV.. -• —100 acres of good farm land at Springfield, 3 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sole at clow price. The property is North 'last 1 Soo 10, Twp. 11 Range 4, )oast. There is a !louse on the promises aid some breaking clone, 1 O0 full particulars as to price, title, &o„ write 0r 011019 to 0.V. 13LAIR or W. H. KE1RB, 20-tf Brussels, Out. FARM FOR SALE—THE UN— n tosoxotOn offers his eligible 114 acre form for tale, being South part of Lots Cam 12, Grey. Ali under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is a good stone house, bank barn, orchard; wells, &0., ou the premises. Also a splendid steno quarry from which a good revenue is malls - ed. Only 21 milds from Brussels. Terme reasonable, For further purtioulars as to prion, &a., apply to JOHN MITCkHELL, Proprietor, 35.10 Brussels P. 0. 'RABBI FOR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South 1 and South 1 of the North 1 of Lob 00, Ootn 1, East Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stock farm, being well supplied with good sprig water, It ie situated about 8 miles from thio thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it Is wider gratis. Buildings and fences aro in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11•tf (#, F. BLAI1t, Barrister, Brussels, c PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. L) That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0, Township of Grey, 100 Bores, nnust be sold at once in order to close estate of deceased own - or, The lob is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supely, largo or- chard, 11 miles from Colnbrook Is under good cultivation amid is a very desirable pro- pertyindeed. Apply to RIOHA IRI) MIT- 0HELL, Brussels P.O. ; NUM MITC1;ELL, on the promisee ; or A. HUNTER, Brussels. Dated Sept. IOW, 1690, AUCTIONEERS. IrQm's Drag Store, Opposite Queen's Hotel. VETERINARY. T DWARWICK, e./• Sinner Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to tree& all (1ieeaeae of domesticated animals in a Dom - potent manner. Partto,lar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to, 01(05 and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •i'urnberry at•, Brumes. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor Sud Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. 001ce—Vanstone's Block, Brus- sels. 21-5m 'T M. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub- lio, &c, 0111oe—Vanstone'e Block, 1 door north of Central i000sl, Private Funds to Loan. 1%// • G. CAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, 13011 & Cameron,) 13arrie&er and Solicitor, Gederieb, Ont, Oillus—Hamilton St„ Opposite Col- borne Hotel. (t_F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • liJ��p• SolIeltor, &o. pate of Garner & Prouclioot's 011500, Goderioh,) Oiloo over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. �M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Physician, Surgeon, Aceoucber, etc, Graduate of Toronto 'University Machold Faoulty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, OFFroE—Next door to McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont. J. A. M' NAUGHTON, M.D., C. ]5L, Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Machina Oallege, Bomber College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College. of Phyetoines and Licentiate of Miclwtferyy, Edinburgh. 1. ,Pelephone No.14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels. DR. F. H. KALRWLEISCH, FIIYSICIAij, $01100101 AND A00009IIEUR, SUCCESSOR To DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. est Class Honor Graduate 0i the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity l ledioal College and msmber.of the College of Pllysieiaus and Surgeons of Ontar• in. Post Graduate Com•so in. Detroit and Mileage, 1806. Special attention paid to en- emas of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women. 1. --Consultation in Eng- lish and German, '!telephone at oeal6once. RIISIItiESS CARDS. 'UT H. MoCRACKEN, V r • IsourerofMarriageLieenees. Office at his Groery, Jhnrnborry street, Bruseols. -D N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Skop-Next door south of A, M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladlee'and ohildrens hair cutting a Bpeoialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank talces Deposita from 01,00 to $1,000 and allows 31 nor Dent. interest. 'T, FARROW, 37-8m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. (1 FORGE KIRKBY, ,.A Licensed Auctioneer. Sales oondnot, odon reasonable terms. Farms and farm steel aepecialty. (adore left at Tai, Poet Publishing Prouae,l3russelo,orsontto Walton P.O., will receive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• J.-' • ram, will sell for better prices, to butter noon, in ose time and lose charges than any other Auctioneer in Eaet Huron er he won't charge anything,Dates anti orders can always bo arrangeat 11110 cillos or by personal application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Wbo hat had 25 years exp50leOee ns an Anotionoer, bat who had to quit owiegto ill beeltb,has again talion out limn and i0 prepared to OOndu01 sales at reasonable loans, Satisfactionouarantood. Dates may be arranged ante Pose Publisbin Boise. JAS. 81'33ETTOI 18•tf Auot onoer, T. FL.ETCkr-R Issue; of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY 1300110. terNo Witness Required, T. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX,, HUNT.PR, . Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Ors. Huron. Couveyanoo', Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Fantle invested and to loan, Ooileetione made Oplee in Grtthant's Moak, Brussolo rrpH0S, A. ,IIAWHTNS, .L Will give loesOne to pupils either on pianooe organ, at hie Munn Room, oppoefte the post•:aioe, Biennia, Vocal leseone also given. Ten yoare oxpeeienoe10 teaching. Tering moderate,