HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-21, Page 5L,11,.1 rel, LN,/ 1m ea ee yy 1, ••••••••••r, PatattialagginarinAgliVIIC..4,.v{77412Xe^$:'Y'„',t,1' 1321 rlas,(in.`11iT S "SSatr_Y°,safe=,[stylMs?ld',tM24i:..tiSi.. .ANZOX,' ,,;tr,,�J.--•,,,...:au ]11'�1"I;.C�o�•4yC��1 I At the last meeting of the Council! the D. Stewart, ofa Stratford, general •ttown constable wee inst'•ructed to enforce agent for the Ontario Mutual, was baro ._—_ i the bylaw prohibiting bicycled horn be. I thie week in the interests of hie oompany, , [)L1.141"1:YIt- ing ridden on the sidewalks, i Donnan Stewart, General Agent for the The that obsess Fair end the ttnnnai.! Ontario Mutual Assurance 00 was ill ,—About 2 o'cleak Sunda meeting f • inc noon lire broke out in the Whitney block Board of Trade will be held in the town on Main street in the eboro 000apted by Harry Spears, merchant tailor and gentlemen's furnisher. The interior of the store was gutted and the stock dam, aged by smoke and weber, Mr, Hendsr. sone photograph gallery, noxb door was damaged by smoke and water, and the home of C. Welker, over Mr, Spear's store, woe also damaged by awoke. The cause of the ere is unknown. Tho lose is partly covered by insurance, Atwood. Y afbor• tees • ug o the Listowel Dairymen i town on Tuoaclay and Wednesda ' looking Alien Nesbitt has purohased a residence in town and will become e permanent citizen, All the fruit trees show every evidence of a big crop. They are coming tbrongh the Spring in fine shape. Geo. Anderson hae added a huge and complete stock of shelf and heavy hard. ware bo his binwar'e business, so that he can more fully meat the requirements of his customers. ' Elms Oonnoil meats on the 25th fneb., in the Hall. The Hanna chain Engineer's report will Dome up for discussion, so that all time interested are asked to be present at 4 o'clock on the above day, Dr, Thos. Douglas hes disposed of his praotioe here to Dr. Aston S. Langrin, of Caledonia, Haldimand Co., an honor graduate of Toronto University. It is Dr. Doughte' present intention to take a special oonrae in New York eity before again locating anywhere. Listowel I. 0. F. brethren want to join the Monkton and Atwood friends in the Union pio.nio on the 22nd of Jane. It is probable that the committee will ex- tend to them a formal invitation to join in the festivities. Could not all the I, 0. F. warts of North Perth be invited ? all rail b&•o OIC. R.•v. D. B. McRae attended Maitland Presbytery last Tuesday in Winghten, Jalre Long's pacing horse is a dandy and gets over the ground at a lively rate. Brussels will see a number of our pleasure seelrere on the Qneon,s Birthday. Harvey Gunter purchased a Brantford wheel this week from A. Cousiey, Brus• sets. Holiday in our school on Friday as the teachers will attend the Convention ab Wingham. J. T, Knight and J. J. Mitchell are at- tending district meeting of the Metho- dist ohnrah ab Wingham. A new verandah bas been put up at the residence of D. Zimmer which adds greatly to the appearance of the building. Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Kincardine, delivered an excellent disoouree in Knox church. Ile also addressed the C. E. in the evening. A contrast of levelling the school yard 'and putting n gravel walk from the rand to the porch of the Beim! was let by auction on Wednesday of this week by Council meeting next Wednesday• the trustees. Dr. Riven, of Woodburn, was visiting Several of our foot ball boys have join- in this locality for a, few days this week. ed Brussels team and will play their Jno. Glassier, llth con., is having his first match of the season next Monday barn split and increased in size. Jae. forenoon in Brusselm when Atwood and 111itohell is building stone stabling under Brussels kick shins. the barn, which will be 30x00 feet. Jno. Glassier, from Normanby, is the framer. Sl.t• Ela. — A Sabbath school has been orgaoized at Whitfield's ohuroh, 12th con., with Jas. Menzies as Sunerinbendeut. Scheele Maya also bean re -opened at Shine's school house, Peter Ritchie Superinten- dent, and at Roe's church, with Joseph Raynard in command. Last Tuesday T. A. Hawkins' concert was held in p'ulton's' aohool house and passed off very pleasantly. A varied and interesting program was well rendered in which Miss McNair and bir, Stoles also took part. Wednesday evening, accord. ing to announcement, Turnbull's school house was visited and another program presented. Messrs. Rae and MoXee, of McKillop, assisted Mr, Hawkins most satisfactorily, The Prof, is a whole team in himself and gives good value to everybody for the trifling admission fee. Ottrs. N. M. Rioherdson'e Higher Reli- gious Iustrnobion olessee won such prom- inent distinbtions at the recant examin- ations as to attest at ono° to that lady's superior skill as teacher, and no less to their own ability and pereeveranoe. Of the thirteen who wrote, in four eiffereub departments, all ware successful in scour- ing diplomas. In addition to tide, three ranked in the honorable list of prize winners, and upon two others—Miss Ella Smith and Miss 'Kate Lamont, of the Donbrinal Dept.—were conferred the highest honors of the General Assembly of Oanadaiu this eonneotion, these two oendidates having obtained over 00% of the maximum number of marks, and being the fortunate recipients of hand. some silver medals. hall, Lfatowol, at 2,80 O'olook on Thus. day, May 27th. There will likely be a considerable offering of fleet half of May cheese en that than. Toe, German, of Binh street, mot with an unfortunate accident on Tuesday of lust week. Ile was unloading harrows from a wagon on the Livingstone farm and by noon moans the teeth of one caught in his °lolhos, throwing him clown, breaking two of his ribs and nut- ting his face, while the point of one tooth penetrated into the brain. The oeremoniss in sonueotioa with the opening of the new Chrieb'e church took place last Sunday and were attended by groat orowds, hundreds being unable to gain admittance, Bishop Baldwin, of London, conduoled the services and preached in his usual able and eloquent manner. On Monday evening gohfirma, tion services were held, the building again being packed, when about thirty-five were confirmed. The new ohuroh is one of the handsomest in this section of the country, being built of grey atone, from rho famous Mono quarriee, near Owen Sound, according to plans furnished by Mr. Darling, of Toronto, the well known church architect, and is a great omedib to the oongregation and town. It is capable of Beating about 400 and with the present popular rector, Rev. Mr, Jeans, in charge, the congregation will no doubt continuo to grow and prosper. `eV tat Con. Quite a number in this vicinity are on the sick list. Geo. Candler is the happy possessor of a lovely boy and heir. The brick and tile yard hove nommen. sed work for the 8e05011. Why does Wm. Sholdiee wear such a smiling false ? 'Tie a girl. Mre, Sage has improved her premises, by replacing the old pump with a new one. A deaf and dumb man gave an enter- tainment iu the school house on Satur- day evening. air. and Mrs, lkliiler, of London, are visiting at R. Pollard's. Mrs. Miller is Mr. Pollard's daughter, The Epworth League have decided to hotel' Sunday evening prayer meetings, to oommenae Sunday evening next. Dr. Armstrong has commenced preper- ations for building his new bongs on the lot lately bought from Mr: Grigg, Rev. J. P, Weetman and Wm. Pollard represented Walton Methodist church at the District meeting held in Seaforth this week. The Lilies' Foreign Mission Society oh Duff's eberoh will hold their annual gar. den party during the sewed week of June on D. MoCueig's lawn. { ra-ea. Wettlaufer & Wilford intend starting bo make brick in a few daya. The Agricultural Society hese maobiue levelling oar new fair grounds. Mrs. Hayes, of Senfortb, was visiting relatives in town for a few days. Watson & Bmf h shipped four carloads of cattle to the old country on Monday, Our woollen milla,nndernew proprietor. ship, intend to start running this week. Mre. Lynn, of Goderich, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Heffron, Dinsley et., on Sunday. Saoramont of the Lord's Supper was administered 10 St. Andrew's Presbyter. Ian °beech on Sunday. A wedding took place in the Methodist ohuroh on Wednesday, Mr. Alexander and Miss Bentley being the contracting parties. Alex. McKeilar has a gang of men con. vetting the old public auburn building, which be purchased some time ago, into two dwelling houses. The editor of the Blyth Standard con- templates shortly to move his plant into the building formerly occupied by the Electric Light Co. on Dinsley et. A concert is to he given in Industry hall on the evening of the 28th insb., in aid of the India Relief fund, under the management of the different churches in town. Lietto ev ®1. Orders aro coming in so fast lately that the Piano factory has found it earn saeaty to inoreaso the number of hands. The Connell has accepted Jas, A. Tre. main's offer for the old agricultural ground, the offs)! being $10 for first year and $15 a year for four yours therenfber, and to plant 100 trees in the grounds each year during the lease. Owing to the crowded oondibion of the Lower forms in the Public sobool, the Inspeotor that a another room shond red it t ldbe formed, tn Met until the mid -Summer holidays, The teacher is Miss Goddard, Jas. A. Tremain, of this town, bas a snper.loyal bovine which celebrated Fier Majosby's Diamond Jubilee the other day by giving birth to two calves, both alive and doing well. He has christened one of them Albert Edward •and the other one victoria. John MoDonald, late of Bluevale, tools possession of the Station Hotel on Tnes. dahe lease frouh the propriof lest etor, vJae, vinMennen e 01 To- ronto, Chas. Wilson, who has oonduoted the business there for the past five years, left rho same day for Harwell and Exeter, and contemplates going into bnsinesa in that &lotion if he finds a suitable chance, DaATu oy Jorug Benrox,—After an rlI- negg of about four months, John Merton, bide mrohett, of this town, pegged away Thursday afternoon of laet week, at 1 o'• olook, in his G8rd year. Deceased load boon death suffering ernot alt getherttrouble and unsxpected, asl though it is a severe blow to his bereaved family. Ilfg eon, Soott Burton, was out of town at the time, looking after bis father'& beeinese. The deceased had been a resident of Listowel for nearly twenty years, and was cue of the tewn'e beet known and most respoobed citiesna, Ile wee member dieb o eret and slab belonged tohe ethe Annoient Order of United Workmen. The funeral took piece Saturday afternoon, Vitae to I . ROI.. Caber rejoices over a eon. Mr. Hoycl lost a valuable cow lust Sun• day. Ethel Methodist circuit was represent. ed at District meeting by Reeds. Messrs. Walker and Trimble and S. Chambers and J. I{. Baker. Wm. Simpson and wife contemplate taking a holiday trip to relatives in Michigan in the near future, Ws wish them a plangent time, Mrs. Geo. Imlay, who was visiting here left for her new home in Seaforth on Thursday. The Misses Simpson whom.paufed Mrs. Imlay tot a visit. The following from a Montreal paper will bo read with pleasure by a gooclly number in this locality ;—"A very pleasant little ceremony tools place at the Western Hospital on Saturday, when a presentation was made to Dr. George Hall, wll° fe retiring from the doges of house surgeon of that institution. A handsome tingeing naso wag proeented by Mrs. Borland on behalf of the staff of nurses of the institution, It was Aachen. ponied by many kindly words, testifying to the regret which was felt by all at his leaving, The general bongo committeealso drafted a spoolal ro8alution, in which Dr, Hall was complimented on his see - views to the hospital, which bad at all them been of the best.. Dr. Hall thank. ed the nurses in appropriate words for their bandeomo pigment, and the commit- tee for tbsit kindly sentiments. Dr. Hail, who ie a graduate of ohm'90 Of Bishop's University, leaves Shortly for an extended visit to Europe, when he will visit bhe principal hospitals of Eng. land and the abnbinent, Hie position in the Wesbcre de Intim surgeon, has been Ailed by Els, Mae,, Fortin, gold medalist bf 'tile year's class, Bishop a University. after the interests of the Co, in brie plane. John Slemmon has talose a position as Week in MoAllister'e store, The business training obtained by John at tits karat. ford Business College should enable him to thoronghly master the business, We are pleased to see that Robb. Mo. Kay has bean appointed heal agent for the Ontario Minaret Assurance Go. for Ethel and vicinity, The Company has clone well in securing Mr. iIolfay as he is n reliable gentleman. Maurine Walker, who has apont the past two years in MoArtbur ds Co's. private Bank in Hansell, is visiting his parents at the Parsonage. He purposes taking a course at a Business College. Mr. Welker is a bright young man, who ehoctld make his mark in the world. Ethel Pnblio library has just oloeed a very suceeseful year. The membership for the past 12 mouths was 178, and of this number 1130 actually took out books. There are now over 900 books in the library and 01 this number 102 were purchased during the year. The nem. bar of books issued during the year was 2,126 ae compared with 820 of the previous year. As the membership fee is very low and entitles all persons over 12 years of age to become members it ie expected the present year will still see an advancement, 13e1 at alto W. Ferguson is etill very poorly. D. Meiklejohn bas about reenacted om his reoeot illnese. Belgrave is one of the neatest villages of its size in Huron Co. Dr. MoAal, has pot up a' neat wire fence in front of his residence. The mill is shut down at present and a number are out of work in consequence. Sydney Farrier left last Tuesday for Northern Michigan where he will settle on a farm. Mr, and bars. Dr. Mo4eh attended the funeral of the latter'e father at Brimfield lash Wednesday. David and Walter Scott ware in Helton leer week attending the funeral of their brother•in-law, D, McCall. Rev, E. A. Shaw was at Wingham on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at- tending the Dietriot meeting. Two pare of fine export cattle were shipped from here on Monday by Messrs. Clegg ccs Dames. Walter Ooultea no- companied lbs shipment. John Boss left on Monday for Montana, where be has, we learn, sneered a good employment, his brother-in.lew being road commissioner for a county besides having large bneiness interests. A new horse shed is being put up in connection with the Methodist church here. The frame was raised last bion. day. The new shed will bo a great an. oommodatioa, as the old one was too small. 141.ora'lise. Trz POST gives the news. Township Council on Monday 31st. Mrs. J. Cloahey is ill at her home, Oth line. W.15. Cloakey balks of going to London to work. AIfso Nellie Wilkinson has gone to Rip. ley on a visit. Seeding is getbittgwell wound up except on low lying land. Go. Counoillor Mooney and wife spent last Sabbath in Blyth. Our learn towhees will attend the Con • vection ab Wingham ou Friday and Sat- arday of this week. We were glad to see Rev. Walter Rigsby in the pulpit at Juokson'o church lash Sabbath afternoon after aioug absenoe though illness. Work has begun o» the now brick school house at Gasman's. Will. Thuetl will do the mason work. The building will stand on the old site. Bluevale Epworth League is expo cited to visit Browatown on Wednesday even• ing of next week as the guests of the latter. A pleasant evening is expected, A horse belonging . to Geo. Porker, of Sunshine, came from Seaforth to fns hone, a distance of over 20 miles, in 1 hour and 80 minutes. Hurrah fur our village boys. Wo x WE MAT Exi' oT.—A big gather. ing on the 28th at Brunie, also on the lith.—A wedding near Belgrays early in Jane. No doubt the bells will ring far and near. ?bliss Maggie McCall will go to Chat. hem next Setnrclay where she will live with her brother A. I., druggist, and ab• tend sobool, Mr. MoOallt will uncom. puny his daughter and enjoy a holiday visit with hie son. Rumor says that the chin line will euro• ply the bride for a wedding to tulle place on the Qaoeu'e Birthday. Particulars, more than to say that the fortunate p:ospeetive groom comes from the Bast, are not yet public property. What is the greatest humbug to the travelling public at the present day ? Why live stook on the road. A good number of sheep have been rim over al. ready, The owners mush remember that the roads are for the people to drive on and not for si,eepd and cattle to lie on. It is rep ortethat Wm. Cornish and wife may remove to Mitchell before long so as to be near their eon, W. W. Bur- gess. Mr. Cornish's health has greatly improved but it is doubtful if he can un. dertalco mucic hard work this Summer. Sino,—Samuel Walker, Gbh line, has lob the contract to Hugh Iii. Elliott for'th° building of a silo in his barn. It will be 14 feet square and 22 feet high. In this oounection we might acid Mr. lyalker and Mr. Elliott visited the MoMillan farms in Mullett last week to see thole silos, They aro putting up two cement etrnoturee 20 feet equnre on inside. The walla are 18 inches tapering to 14 inobes and will be 80 feet high, Qusonsbou cement, which coats 21,10 per barrel, re being need it will require 90 barrels foe eaolt. Five mon built about 2 feet per day on the silo, They will each hold 800 tone, To supply floe necessary filling material the HoMillian'e ere putting in 14 acres of Weebera Yellow Dent oorn Jameg ablation, postmaeter of Bing' stun, remind word that he hag been superannuated. A. Gunn, ex.M,P,, is his successor. The Flamiiton Homestead Loan Ok Savings Sudety is ineolvont, and the in. vestigabion shows that Col. Stoddart, the late Seetetary, aysletnatfoally misrepre- sented the offals of the ootnpany, It is now said that MEI Colonel's death re. cantly WAS due to hie own set. WANTED The undersigned are pre- pared to pay the Highest Cash Price for any quantity of good fleece wool. Backer 8& Yanstone, BRUSSELS. All wool Serge Dress Goods, d ouble. fold, in blue, brown, black, garnet, a snap at 20o. Lace Tidy's, very pretty, worth 25e, each, bought to sell at two for 34•10. Are You a.r MILLINERY.—New linos of NLiilinery are arriving every day, Sailor Hate in 1 IS CHEAP THAT ISN'T GOOD. • lawny artfulo sold here has one guarantee with it, lis quitepoueible once in a while something will go contrary to expeutations, but let se know about it, we'll make it right. Mark Twain says "Difference of opinion makes a horse race." Quite true. If all thought alike everybody would trade here but as to matter of feet a good many people are changing their opinion, and buying at this store—doing businere on a Cash basis. One thing is certain the lion's share of the trade is doue here, and possibly is doe to offering reliable, sp•to•date goods at prices like tbeee Ladies' Cotton Bose, regular 10e. a pair, four pairs for 200c, Ladies Black Cotton Hose, very heavy, special, two pairs 25o. Corsets, sizes 10 to 24 Drab Jean, 25o, Corsets, sizes 10 to 80 Drab Jean, well finished, 40e. Special line Summer Corsets, worth O5e., for 50a. 20 dozen White Handkerchiefs, colored borders, 1o. each. Table Line, some more new fines at 25o F i , o b ualc oxcvbrte, 12,}a, ;Satr IIAternblack or{vhtte,20a.;Sailor Flats in black ar '+ jyy isT ! white, 90n; g the 'lrimmsIIatoatX1.00,$I.7Gand iF2.00,�J'f,i'� PAIZASUI S,—.New lines at papalar priose. "We always keep H�,ustling." PIN9 L}L .... If you require a Wheel you should call on the undersigned. As a proof of the faot that we do the business I we append the sales already made 1 this season Rev. J. Rose, J. T. Dodds, B. R D. Geo. Thomeon, Gouts' Ladies' J. H. Cameron' }NEW BARNES Jno. Smith, W, D, Cousley, A. Keifer, }BRANTFORD H. Hunter, Miss M. Meadows, J. A. Stewart, - CLEVELAND D. Straoban, J. Hamilton, J. Kellingtou, LSECOND A, McKey, HAND G. McKay, WHEELS L. Williamson, J. Brown, A. CCUSLEY, AIL NCI 1 G. Richardson Is prepared to clo all kinds of work in his line. Good Wgrkfnarship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. ►a"Slh,p over licllotwan's Store. seteuevistasiesaaaPIVrawaermeas 0'ue li! lase ,; ,t Colll y We have the following varieties of the choicest • and most reliable Turnip Seeds we can buy, viz Elephant, Bangholm., Hall's Westbury-, Sutton's Champion, East Lothian, Royal Norfolk., Skirving's Improved, Carter's Imperial, Sharp's Improved, Bruce's Selected East Lothian, Green Top and White Swede, Also G-rey Stone Turnip Seed. Give us a call for the Best. tr c ..a n Q ALL 0ll_11131111011011 fUt4 a so a"E don't care where you buy or how you buy. They are bought and sold in quantities. They are bought and sold for cash. They are the greatest value ever shown in this County. People are buying them and people are appreciating then. If it is hard times these are hard time prices. They are good goods and we know it, If there is anyone who reads our advertisements h: and has not seen them, we want to show .1 them, if they need any of them they will buy at sight. IN No. 1—Hen's all wool Tweed and Sorge Suits, 86 to dm?, single stitched edge, roll front, good lining, collar on vest, raised seam on pants, $1.50 and $7. No. 2—Boys' Three Piece, all wool Tweed Suits, 27 to 92, good pants, lined, collar on vest, $8. No. 8—Children's Two Piece Suits, 22 to 28, nice Patterns, well insole, $2. No. rt --Boy's Knee Pants, Tweed and Serge, well made, lined, two pockets, sizes 22 to 26, 40c. and 60o. ; sizes 27 to 82, GOe. to 75c. LIR "LEA BS." No. 5—Men's Tweed Pants, 86 to 42, dark rand light stripes and checks, 950., $1.00,; $1.25 and $1.50. No. 6 ---You should see our Laundried Shirts at 50e. No. 7—Call in and have a look at our Black and Brown Fedoras at 85c. and $1.00. No. 8-11ton's Braces at 15c. No. 0—Overalls, Blue, Grey, Double -Stitched Seams, with or without au Apron, 50e., 75e. and $1,00, E are aiming to make this store the Cheapest place to bay volar Ready-made and made-to.order Clothing and Furnishings, and we think we have accomplished the fact, as the way our business is forging ahead, is good evidence or how the people are appreciating Cllr efforts to give the very best possible value. l l THE MANIC)US CLOTHIERS&