HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-21, Page 1Vol.24. No. 46. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1 _...._..._. NWAPknv.' +ru,".+�+!„acvgtiu,pr! _aemr win .__.. Do You Want Good 80 A. W. t'nbtlpbell, luta ruder t Winds, Visits RMemels. THE BUDGET. DR. A1Avori.tL, l inseuSYUs P1115 11U1)GL1'. TUE Is liat[1'tt F1,t1Wt' tttrititY/.1VE IE IMO I) POINTE. S) a kov, in rising to make a few observations on the questions which have been disoaesed before this House for the last few days, .I wish at the outset to offer zny congratulations to the Goverumeat on the tariff they have brought down, It is not portend° for everybody to be satisfied with all the items of the tariff. Vory many of 0s view the tariff from 001. owe particular environment ; bub the Govern- ment numb take a higher position and judge what is best for tho whole country, for they do net govern for a locality, but for the whole country from the Atlantic, to tbo Pacific. Therefore they must take a wide, broad wud liberal view of all tho helnetries with which they bays to deal. Although I cannot agree with all the items in the tariff, I congratulate the Government ltpon accomplishing with snc11 success the difficult task they had before them. They hove preeonted to this country a tariff which I believe will be generally accepted by all the industries of this country, and people outside of the industries, with a degree of favor whioh has not been accorded to auy other tariff since Oeufederation, lion. genttemau of the Opposition at tinier Gly to make out that the Liberal party have stolen their clothes, It brings a smite across tho face of everybody who knows the Jtistory of the two parties to snppose for ono teemed that tho )!ethos of the Libeea1.Oouservative party are large enough for the Liberal party of this country, and more particularly so when they have worn those clothes for the last eighteen years, and now we Gad them out at the elbows, out at the knees, and out at every other place where you would expect to find them out if you understood the anatomy of the human frame, In fact, the clothes of tho Conservative party ore made up of shreds and patches. Patches have been put on them for eighteen years, Until they are speckled and spotted like the animals that Jacob agreed to take from Labatt 05 bis share of the herd. Alia it is absurd to suppose for a mo. melt that we aro going to accept gar. cents of anuli a °hare0ter--garments across which the electorate of this coun- try wrote du the 23rd of June last, "Menu, 221000, tekel npharsin." No,ibIr. Speaker, we have garments of our own. They are up-to-date, made after the latest fashion and they are of the colors, red, white and blue. Upon thsso garments aro buttons which are stamped alternately, the beaver and the maple leaf on one and the 3ion and the unicorn on another, said 'underneath tho whole is written "Dieu et mon droit"-•-.niy God and my country. Now, that means a great deal. When we say "My God," it 11150(15 purity with the Liberal party ; and when the say to has My eosetry,' it means patriotism Canada, for which the Liberal party long been noted. Sometimes hon, gentleman oppo will say we are drifting towerdsfreshet That was just the way England obtain free trade es she has it bo•day. Sho not take one big bold step towards 1 trade. Free trade went on. developi fron the year 1842, when the duties 50020 arbioles were reduced, until 18 . when she removed tho last vesbago of t fluty on sugar ; and if the Liberal par are retained in power, as I hope they w be, for the next forty years, and if I a living at that time I may be iu'a positi to tell hon. genttemen opposite that Have free trade as it is in England. `;Then, again, w5 are told that wo are going to destroy the industries of their 01,11 friends. A. nu- facturingindustnieslof this count yof the aare condooted by supporters of the Liberal party, and a majority of the workmen engaged in those industries ba day are Liberals, Therefore, while wo require a revalue tariff so high as we cls, it will give en }incidental protection which, is my opin- ion, will sustain and support mayinrlustr Y that is ndaphea to this country. The j bon. gentleman who preoedod me (Dir. Wallace) said that the Government made agreat blunder ill increasing the duty on rico, Maiming o mun,n that ab tit at was g detrimental L' melt , to the •i a ,)lacca outs of country. ntL ' , But, t Y Sir, tho plainest calculation, if he heti elude it, would show that tho Govern - anent realize about $50,000 exchequer by that simple change, tvibholit charging the iwople of this °ouutry one solitary cent n1 addition, but balling this conbribution sub of tho largo profits of the maeutac• hirers or cleaners of rico. Let 1130 give you a simple illustration which proves this to a demonstration- Last year we imported into this country 7,240,000 ]rounds of )leaned ries, invoiced ab $122,- 600, on which a duty 01$80,014 was paid, malting total coat of $2.11,800, which was equal to $2.02 per hundred pounds, 01 uncleaned 110e wo Imported 13,311,000 patinae, Allowing a loss of 20 per coot, for )leaning, which is a very large re- dudtioe, this topreoented 10,048,872 rads of cleaned rice, blow, how much that rice oosb the importers ? The invoioe price of it was $108,477, and the duty paid was $40,588, or a total cost of 11140,015. Tide made the cost to the Dimmers 0f ries 1¢1.80 per hundred pounds. Now, the differeuee between $1.80 and $2.92 per hundred is $1.58 per hundred, which went to the cleaners of Moo, Now, if you multiply the 10,648,872 pounds by $1.53, it will give you $162,087 which the idealises of rice in 00naaa made out of the transaction. Now there are only two rice mills in this country, 0110 in :British Columbia and ono in the WV of Montreal ; ahc1, according to the abate. menta made by the lat5Flnan05 Minister, they employ sevenby.live kande though others say not forty, lent taking she high. et', if trope/al $1,000 to ovary map on• ployed is the mills, it would leave §90,- 000 of clear profit to en eeteblishmbnt which employe aeventyfive mon, Wo °outdid in the past and the contend now, Chet those profits were far too large, and that there ellould be a r0duetion in them sits de. ea did res ug 0u either in the form of denreasrd prime of rico, or of au Marmite In the duty whicit would go into the exchequer of Gaudio. Now we shall have a (10W order of things, "dor am now ltoiicy, and that policy I shall oluistan the Liberal National Policy. By it the Government hav taken out of tho panels of tho manufacturers $50,000 of thele grant% by increasing the duty on uuoletansd rico from thres•tonths of a cent to three quarters of a cant, and have placed that sum of $50,000 into the ox - dormer of this country to be need to moot the general expanses of administration, Yet that is the very thing for doing which the hon. member for West York, (Air. Wallace) tried to condemn the Gov. ernu,ent, 11 by that change wo do not Wimp the priuo of rice, wo cot loasb ob- tain $50,000 of their profits for one ex. ohequor, and to that extent will require less revenue than in provide years, and thus lighten the burdens of the people. Now we are charged with not having fulfilled our provisos. I remember when I Bat on the other side of the Honk, we made many promises to Gita electorate, which WO said we would Carry out if re. turned to power, mud I think I can prove to yon before I sit down that wo have clou0 so to a very great extent, and that whore we have not carried out our prom- ises we mo going to do so ;Met as soon as the proper time arrives null is at our dis- posal. Now, what did we promise 7 Every hon. gentleman opposite remem- bers that wo promised to subtle the school question. livery one remembers how clay and night, we fought tate late Gov- ernment ember thlattwhoa the late question. Every Goono vern- ment n. ment was determined to coerce Illanitoba by forcing ou that Province a school sys- tem against which they rebelled, and sought to thrust upon then a Dominion education law, we, ms tbo Liberal party, while not denying to tho Catholics that whish they aro entitled to receive, main- tained that any legislation boreliove them from the grievances that they claimed the Manitoba b of 0 them, should memou fro the Manitoba o lba legislature. And wo promised that if we came into power, instead of settling that question by coercive moans we would settle it by conciliation. Dill we not o- omplish our objet ? To -day that ques- tion is settled amicably and satisfactorily and you will never hoar more of it Inside this chamber, lOor this thoLiberal party deserve ilio gratitude and eommeuclation, not only of the Liberals of this aouutry, bat of every free Ino, let his polities be what they may. Wo made another promise, and made it frequently. We made 11 by resolution, by voice and by vote. We declared in this (timelber repeatedly year in and year out, that if the Liberal patty cams veto power, the exbravagtnice then prevailing m the management of the Government departments would cease. We premised to reduce the expenditure es rapidly as we possibly could. Many of us said we could reduce ib by two millions, others more sangnine said we could save au ex- penditure of three millions in a year, and 012110s still more sanguine said :••.-Give us time and in a fete years wo will out dove the expenses of this country without s1%ating the efl[oieuoy of any department, to the extent of 84,000,000, What have we done in the space of ono short year ? Let me tell you. We have saved on the following items the following amounts :— Oharges on management of Pub - 86, lis Debt, Dearly 1 15,000 he Oe Civil Government 86,000 by Co Peuoboutieriee 07,000 ill On Legislation 93,000 ern On Quarantines 10,000 on On Militia 830,000 we On Railways and Canals, charge- able to income 140,000 Ov Publio Works, obargeable to income 176,000 On Ocean and River Service.,,48,000 Oa Lighthouse and Coast Service 40,000 On Fisheries 74,000 On Indians 40,477 Oa Northwest Mounted Paco 185,000 On Posioffioe 130,875 Wo 0we a debt of gratitude the hon. Postmaster -General, for the efficient and able manner f0 which he has administer- ed that deportment during the year. By withdrawing ooutraots which had been given extravagmubly by the Government to friends r oda of their s t ova and re -letting at wg theme saved 1 670,000 to the country, Mu. BENNETT• Is the. hon, gentleman referring to the estimates or to what has been parsed ? MR. M.1011011AD (Huron). Diy hon. friend will know that this is a out on last years estimates. The hot, gentleman may laugh, but men sometimes laugh who cannot argue, and I thinly that is the hoe, friend is. Ho position are only whichmy we office about a year. When WO 00111e 1n, there wore largo engagements entered into by the Goverumnt, which had to be carried out in good faith by the present Govern- ment, and when au hon. genblomau—an intelligent gentleman also—pretends that we should ant down in the first year of dr seemed, lie is begging the question out ras mud as wo could 11.1 e. ly. I might mention 80020 other items, but shall confine myself to saying that ou the whole two have timed $1,742,042 oil in obs neighborhood of $2,000,000, and by the bice lv5 reach tits nal of this Paula. moat I am sure the mot sanguine ex- psotetions will be nearly realized throagll the economyprsvailing nil the various de- parblmenbs 0£ the Goveremeub under the present Liberal administration, It is evident, therefore, dont bhe promised re• auctions have largely been made, and that we ate not open to the charge of having stolen ab Toast that part 0f Lib- eral -Conservative program, (CONTINUED NEST mum) It is ohdorstood that 0, 1H. Domvtlle, Meohanioal Superintendstrb of the Grand Trunk Iteilway, will shortly be hamster - red from IIam! ton. It ie not known where he will be placed. Mrs, Thomas Russell, of Brantford, at. tempted to drown her fivo young children by throwing them into the cistern. Neighbors rescued the little ones. The unferttmate wodnn 10 Memo, ads 11 Geed Thursday afternoon of last week A. W. Campbell, 0. 11,, Government In- structor in Good Roads, made m visit to Brussels and delivered a petunia,! ad- dress on this oubjsbt of min mon interest, Before going to the Town (fall Mr. Oampbsll was driven around town to ilea the etrssto and 1 miles North and South to aR°srbaiu the conclitin of the main road, Shortly after 3 00105k Reeve Strachan WAS sleeted ohairmau on motion of W. II, )'rare and W. M. Sinolair aid after e, brief introductory speech ha introduced the speaker of the day. lir. Campbell referred to tihe good made in I3uron Co. as compared with those dumpy other counties, yet ventured to make the 055arti0n that the made roads ware not lie good in !Huron ns they were 80 years ago, and yet the question of keeping them in first -)lase 0ondiiio,1 was not eo molt a question of increases expenditure, bet rather the utilization of the money spent and work done on a more approved system. Anybody with a Duel head Deli construct a good reed and the excellent work done by certain pati,. masters proves title clearly, 30 miles of ottd were graded by one road machine in Dumfries township last year. T'r,o- Igar took the hint and purchased fent machines and has quickly and splendid. y improved their roads. It oosb Huron Go, over 5400,000 to oedema her roadways and there 1108 00 moth money iuvestsd to allow them o rut doyen. A mile a dray Dan be raded by a good road machine, and in 3s way a lot of territory soon covered. 11 wet places should be thoroughly rained as itisouly throwing money away haul gravel on to undrained roadways far as perma0eney is concerned, erten township omm(ted their statute bor at 35 cents a day, but any amulet. lily who will thus give themselves at deserve to be Mutated at. Don't away with statute labor but r5•orgau. e and improve it. Boob reforms as )hanging the system me slowly and required thorough dis- ssion. He was pleased to notice that e question was a live 0318 at nomfua- ns arra other gatherings. Ho would not with to raise the ex• nditure and never had the least inion- n of foisting debt on the people. They d days to give, but not dollars. The act of hie department was to coon. ize. Neither was this a crusade ain51 etatete labor and pathm5aters, vernal by a different system it would useful yet. At present township nails are elected to govern affairs, but the have not the slightest minket of the d labor, the mast important work of ommu0ity. All they 000ld do was appoint patbmaeters. These are stly faithful and honest moo, but no [amity would be had owing to each ing a different theory. What one hmaeter does one year, the other' nges buck the next. r, 0ampbellsuggestod that the noun• pees a bylaw olaasifyiug the roads o three classes:—Fifty per cent. to main travelled roads, 25 per cent. hborhood roads, and 26 per cent. k concessions or merely private roads, first he would suggest have a road. 24 feet wide with n o•ovn of twelve es, the second 20 feet wide with ten es crown and the third 18 feet down. ight inches: Main roads should be adamized and mads substantial all the your, Neighbol'iog roads Id be well graded and grav011ed, e if the back roads were properly ed abat is all the people could ex. for the present. Theile rules, r ever the oounotl decide upon, should riotiy serried out. Then the ooun- ould get ready a large supply rial so that it will be on bend who the statute labor is being perform He recommended that the town. get the use of a stone °rusher in way. In other places a man with a hint ongioe would purchase a arush- d do work at oolveniont times for n moi u mhti a ' e in the 's •' di n tc t p a . It foe ste of time labor and mono t Y 0 r put on poor mtatet•ial or attempt b 1 a road that has not first bee rly crowned so as to drain readily would reaommend enlarging tit tender each pabhmaster, amain officers. There ehould be non er than 5 miles. This would plao teams and men at the pathmastor' al, and a larger work could b Wien. A man who has made s of 1,15 own Mildness, who h me0hanioal genius and experieno be selected and kept in office one yea a worthy 01805(1, capable o ng out work according to the conn o0ifiaations. He could not reaeou• e asked to work free, but bo given 1 salary in todditi)n to the lege' sassed( against him, All efforts a concentrated and each work to. with a hearty good will, and ha guarantee that good roads would The people m00t co-operate with 011at1 and the oouoeil with the fn 1 0 tit A d to as B le, pa a do 1z 0m OU t1 bio pe do Ila obj om ag Go be sou tb roa the to mo tai hay pat obs 31 oil hat be neig bao The ked inch Mob ed e MEW for shoe Whtl grad pilot what be et oil eh mate aver ed. ship some throe eras the t siva oithe grave props beat fewer abort more diopos under deed dome should he pro earryi oil's op ably b a coal work a meet b gather would follow. the co people. Mr, Campbell oloed with an appeal to farmers to use wide tires which will not make ruts. They might inoroase the draught at first, but if generally used would soon make a smooth, level troch. In reply to qu00tiono he favored plaiting a ootnpotent roan in [Marge of molt road mediae, that ruiforre results ,night be obtained. When grading it is sometimes better to turn the shoulder alongside the roadway outward instead of drawing it to the oontra. The brown is obtained 3n this tray. Tele applied chiefly to where rends hove bean gravelled and there is a solid bed, Make Huron the Wind Co. for good roads and let them he the Index of the progressive character of its people and an example fpr adjoining Coulee) to imitate, Good made inbreed. the vallis of year property, to say nothing of the comfort and saving in ueing them, Call puhlte meetings and dheoaes flubs interest. of 0- 0 n No. 1—James Turnbull, Lynn's school house ; e No.2—James Mitchell, Shine's school g house ; e No. 8—Jas. MaDotald, Turnbull's school o house; EE No. 4—John McTaggart, Spartan's school e house ; a No, 5-0ourad Bernath, Town Hall, ail Ethel ; 8 No. 0—William Brown, Duke's school 8 hones ; f No. 7—Malcolm Lamont, at Danlos' Hall, Craubrooll, Mg question tbronghly,Take °are in selecting material for roa Eng and don't allow rooks or 01 substituted for gravel, the ohne better, !Lep them) public impro moving and they will keep many on the form when he sews the style of the oommuuity. Rofore made to noticeable improvemen ))incl be made 0u the streets of B and also to the 5xteneiv8 field o ations in which Mr. Oampbslt w gaged. Before taking his seat the sr astced for a discussion by the men present. A01055 those who offered reinedconcurred in the addresses were Strachan, Reeve Kerr, Bev. Jno, B. A., liev. R. Paul, Deputy Reeve bull, Reeve Bowman, IOspeotor Geo. Ainrrav and others, A vote of tbnnlie was passed t Crampbell for. him adclr0,5, which fail to set in motion a movement bettering of the roads in tills see the County. After the meeting adjourned Campbell waa interviewed by me of the township Councils for Grey, rim and Brussels, to whom he gave able in fo'matiou and sug155tions J imnOrtant department of municipal friday morning Alr, Campbell le Rolcwood, whore he had meeting vsrtised, 1(('n&tala $('rood[ Itlntl'5, The regular monthly meeting o Public 8021001 Board was 11015 it Council Ohambor on May 14th, 18217 All members present. The minutes of the last regular Mg were teach and passed, The Auditors' statement was road it was moved by A. Oousley, seconcle J, G. Shone that it be posted up in a solecisms place is the Conon0ha Carried. Moved by W. F. Vansbons, secoade J. G. Skene that A. Konig be appoi to attend the next meeting of the Go eOounoiI at Goderiab, if necessary, in fforb to obtain a grant from the Co to assist in maiateining 0ontinna Masses in the public schools, Carried Board then adjourned. East Huron Liberals. greater d mak. Mit • to be ner the vementa a boy ,).ahem! nee Wail to OSA resale f oper- as en. speak.' gentle. is and Reeve Ross, Turn. miller, o Mr. can not for the bion of Mr, mbers Aloe. vale - • this work, ft for s ad. f the 1 the meat• and d by con• ober. a by nted uuty au un1y Mon The Nominating Convention to select a candidate to represent the LiboralParty iu the next election for the Ontario Legis. !dere will be held in the Town Ball, Broasels, ou Friday,•May 28th; at 1 p, en. Meetings to 015;12 delegates for above Convention will to held on Wednesday, 9tit11 inst., at 7 p. m„ when 6 delegates from each subdivision will be chosen. The Chairman of the respective divisions aua planes where mestiuga will bo held are as follows TIInpinEIlnr. No. 1—Gavin Wilson, Lower Wingham No, 2—Arch. Patterson, at John Burgess' residence, Blnevale ; No. 8—Thos. Aitkius, at Scott's school house ; No. 4—Wen, Gemini, at Wm. McPher- sou's residence. 110(12011(1. No. 1 --Jas. Ritchie, mooting at his red. deuce ; No. 2—John Scott, meeting at his resi- dence ; No. 8—Jas. McLaughlin, meeting at Wln. Irwin's office, Gorrie ; 170. 4—Alex. MoLaughlin, Albion hotel, Pordwiob ; No.5—Haglt Hutchinson, ab his rod. deuce ; wn01151ER, 4.1014, Mnuroo, at Joseph Cgwan'a office. OM ERia. No.l—Andrew B1o11u, Gosman's school house ; No. 2—Roby, Shortroed, Button's school house ; No. 8—C. Mlcbie, at Bolgrmvo hotel ; No, 4—Jas. Spoilt Town Hall ; No. 5—Wm. 'GV u. Eletou, Stone sell))! house ; No, 0—Joseph Smillie, at Wm. Eked' residence, 11005051t0. D pLS. G. F. i BIalai bis , OffIOE. OREY. Witmer, No. 1-701m Horan, Separate school house ; No. 2-701111 Malone, at his residono ; No. B—Goorge Murdie, at school house No. 4. No, 4—Alex. Gardiner, school house, Loadbury; No.5--John McDowell, school house, Boxb0row'; No, 0—Wne. Pollard, 8011001 house, Load - bury ; No. 7—Jamas Davidson, Grange Hall ; No. 8—Thos, Murray, Maaloy's sobooI house ; 11ULLETT, No, 1—George Stephenson, Milburn ; No. 2—Goo. Watt, Moloch school ]base ; No, 8—D. Shaneah(12 jr., Separate school ; 170. 4—Robb, Scott, at Loncle8boro, Joseph Ranine, at one titne a saloon. Iteepee in Monbrami, was arrested at Rome's Point on Saturday on a )barge of murdering Leon Maillonx near diet plasm last winter, Mr. Sutherland's bili to provide for the inspection by the Government of the boilers of stationary engines ted for the 53amimttibn of and granting Of oertiflontee to 5tatenery eaglnoero was rend a first tido in this 110u35. 97 Wingkafn Distriat Maeting. The annual Methodist du mbletriat was held 1e,In Wlrtgbdbrn on Tuesday nail Wednesday of this week. Ministerial session was held on the form• er day, all 111e ministers being in attend. twee excepting Rev, 5. J. Allis, of Brno• eels, who la on the eiek list, Rev, A, Malfibbon, B. A., of Wroxeter, waa elected Secretary. Two probationers, Messrs, Tiffin and Jones, passed antis• factory examinations, and two candidates ditto, Wednesday the full complement of ministers and laymen were present, Dr. Towler was voted aeeistont Secretary, fortortheviewarthes aohoduos following helecti ns tCOITES o Conference tools place :— To Stationing Committee, IRev. W. W. Le011 ; S. 8. Committee, Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., and B. Gerry •, Epworth League Committee, Bev, A. 11. Birks, B, A., and Dr. Towler ; Lay representative to MJ8510nary Com mitten, Jas. Bryan. The laymen oleoted to attend the an. nual Conference at London are .!ping. ham, Dr. Towler, Jno. Neelands ; Kin- cardine, J. A. Carrick, Robb. Madden ; Luoknow, Walter Treleaven, Jas. Bryan ; Brussels, B. Gerry, W. IT. Kerr, T. Tar• rote ; Toswater, J. H. MaIIardy, W. E. Orr ; Itsufeyn, J. 1i. Baker ; Oranbrook, J. J. Mitchel(; 1l'ordw(oh, Peter Hepin. stall ; Gorrie, John Evans ; Wroxeter, Wm. Lune • Blnevale, Thos. Jenkins, Jac,, Leech ; 'Salem, Wm. Taylor ; Bethel, Al. Dawson ; Ripley, Jno. Kennedy ; Bervie, H. Kaaks, Jno, Fair ; Tiverton, 11. foster. A resolution of sympathy to Rev. Mr. Allin was passed by the meeting mud the hope expressed for his speedy restoration to bealth. Another motion was recorded consenting the coming vote on the Do. minion P lebisoite. Rev, Dr, Gifford presided throughout the sessions with dispatob and great obit. ity and was well deserving of the hearty vote of thanks accorded him for the 00123. petent mennr in whittle he had served the District as Cbelrman and wisbiug him saeese. 1V011AN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The District Convention of the W. F. M. S. was held in Wingbam Methodist church on May 18th, 1807. The uftrnoon session opened at 3.80 o'olook, Mrs. Cunningham, of Kinoardine, in the )hate. Mrs. (Dr.) Towler presided at the organ. Hymn "Cast thy bread upon the waters" was suns, and airs. Kew and Mrs. Cllaningham prayed, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Guylor, le Matthew, 0th chapt., subject, "Laying up treasure," Airs. Gilpin, of Brussels, was elected Seoretary, on motion of Mrs, (Dr,) Towler and Mrs, Morton. The President called for representatives from the auxiliaries of the District and the following responded :--Einoardine, Mrs, Henry ; Teeswater, Mies Dever, Mrs, Brunton ; Brussels, Mrs, Stewart, Mrs, Gilpin ; Bluevsle, Mrs, (Rev.) Moss; Tiverton, Mrs. (Rev.) Jones ; White• ohurob, Mrs. Wellwood, Mrs, Ouyler. Luoknow and Gorrie were not represent. ed, Mrs. Cunningham desired to organize a baud of "Sosttered Helpers" in oon• motion with Wiughem Diebold, on cir- cuits where no auxiliary exists. Questions of any kind relative to W, Ai. S. worst were engaged in, eepeoiaily the "Watch Tower," and numbers asked to tell their experience in and methods of oonduoting it. Hymn 108 WAS sung mad hire. Tennant, of London, was introduced, who read 8 fine paper on "Women of India." Airs, Cunningham was appointed or. goofed, of Wingham District auxiliaries at the Boned meeting at London. She said there are 18 circuits in the District nod only 6 a0xiliarie5 and one Mission Band (at Teeswater.) Ethel wits organiz. ed lately,making m len 7 'ceche• la, 144 ;cad raised $402 this last year. Is it enough ? Meeting closed by singing hymn 171 and the Bonediotiou by Rev. Dr. Gifford, The evening meeting g was o eo g ed by Y singing lila 0 g 9 good old miseiou g ar band "From Greenlands Icy Mountains," after whioh Rev, N. S. Burwash engaged in prnyer. Rev. Dr. Gifford filled the posi. tion of chairman in a very happy man. nett He welcomed the delegates cordial• ly and made a neat and witty epoeob. Hymn "The Morning Light is Break - Mg," was sung and Mrs. (Rev.) Gunning. ham, of Kinoardino, gave a timely ad. dress on "The Needs and Aims and Mie• dons and Missionaries of the Wantons' Missionary Society," and closed with an ort of appeal muse from every woman,!rl old young, of the Methodist 0hur011. Hymn "There ie Work to do for Jesus," woe sung and Dr. Gifford intrsdeoed Mrs, Tennant, of London, and welcomed her heartily. IIr anbjeot wart "Syetematio Giving" and woe very eloquently present. ed in all its phases. It would be impos• sib's to give anything like a °erred eye• opal's of it. She 1108 kindly promised to show us the priVilogo of printing it in the columns of °Tea Pow in the near future. Aftat the 001105ti01, was taken up "On. ward Christian Soldiers" was sung and REV. Mr. Oooniugkam, of il;ineardine, dismissed by the Benediction, Wasstxte f. tar. Mr. McBride is Having bis honk re - shingled. W131. Muir and Jas. Ball are off to Mu0hoka, Some of the 1aw00 in town would do oredit to a city avenue, A lodge of the Royal Template of Tem- perance has been formed here again. The saw mill hero has started again, gutting out ousted logs and stock of elm, eta. Rev. Mr. Anderson is attending a meet. fug of the Forsige Mission Board in To. ronta. Mies Agnes Playford, oi' Leadvflle, Co1., with a married plater, are visiting Monde here at prudent. • W. H. KERR, Prop, Two 00r8 of UST stook and a oar of Hour wore among the ahipmeuts from this station so far Me weak. Adam McLean, our popular barber, has lately bid farewell to the light-hearted joys of single blessedness, The bride is Mise Louiea Playford of this plaoe. Bioyols races are among the pastimee of our youthful population. A certain young ooeutry ached teacher of the neighborhood is a "scorcher" on a ;wheel. People We Talk ,About. dos. O'Leary w118 in Petrolea last week, Mrs. G. I', 13I011 is visiting relatives at Goderfoh, B. Gerry and wife were visiting in Sea. forth last week, Mies Mary. 000t51on is hone from To- ronto on a visit, Aiise Aggis Herbert, of Bluorafe, was in town 0n Tuesday, Mica Annie Ttlson left for het hone in Glonooelast Monday. Master Stewart Btashill has been on the dolt list Ghia wooly. Mre, Geo. Ii5garth left for Detroit this week, where she intends to reside. Mies Lizzie Rolled is on the Molt list, but we hope she will soon be better, Miss Annie Budd, of Brawntown, was the guest of Mies B, Holmes this week. ParSOIand t' Blyth, visited D. Haydencl andwifeon Sunday m180 O'Leary is visiting at London and will go front there to Petrone, to visit another sister, Mrs, Wm. Gillespie and daughter, of Seafortb, were visiting at J. Donaldson's for a few days this week. Mrs. Jos. sit- ing at Victoria Cotta e,uevtheiof home of was cher father, Rev, R. Paul, last week, A. M. McKay teas in Whiteollarch this week melding D. R. Dobie, who is open- ing a stook of hardware in that village, Mr. Walker and daughter, of Gaderiuh, were visiting G. P. and Mrs. Blair last week, Mr. Walker le Mrs. Blair's fatber. Geo. Murray, wife and daughter, and Mise Maggie Murray, of Seafortb, were visiting at A. Uoasley's one day last week. Leon Jackson resited] his position last Monday on the teaching staff of our Pillubltoness, school after a brief lay-off through Mra. Shortreed and Airs. Laidlaw, froof airs. Davvinear id Moore this weekwere , en routhe e to Owen Sennd. E. C. and Mrs. Lowry have grins to London to visit relatives and friends and will go on to Port Huron from that city for a farther holiday. D. A. Lowry and Herbie, of London, were tenewiog old friendships in Brus- sels for a few days this week. He is well suited with the Forest Oity, Mrs. W. I'. Stewart and Mrs, J. J. Gilpin were in Wtnghane oe Tuesday, as representatives of the W. F. M. S. of the Methodist ohurob, at the District meet. ing, GLondon where ire will vorkat has aone his tter de 0 a bricklayer. Mrs. Lowry and daughter will continue to reside here in obs mean- time. Daniel Stewart, who has been in the employ of Mears. Smith Gey McLaren for the past couple of years, has gone to Ke. wabteu, where he purposes spending the Summer, Rev, R. Paul celebrated his 70th birth• day last Friday. He is a well preserved gentleman day's work to do yetgwe hopes before yhe leaves this terrestrial sphere, Leslie O'0onnor has been engaged as electrician by the Thorold town Conn. ell to manage their electric light system, at to good salary. Airs. O'Connor and children will leave foe Thorold shortly. Mrs. L. Af. Kay, of Stratford, sister -in• law to Mrs. W. H. Kerr, Brussels, i0 ill at tha d fever, which she oontr opital in that pted while nursing her brother at Goderfoh. We with her a speedy recovery. lieu. J. P. Rice, who supplied the Methodist church pulpit for the past five Sabbaths, in a most aeoeptable manner, left for his home in St. Thomas on Mon- de last. Y He ie a n estte110n tp r es finer Miss Fisher, i of Wn wn on `Thursday making hpreliminary tOar- rangements for the resuscitation of the W. U. T. U. in Brussels- The lady ie the Go. Superintendent and is en enthusiastic worker in the Temperances cause, Frank Stratton disposed of his watob and jewellery tidsiness in Gorrie to Man- aer Park, of Wiughanl, and bas come to Brussels to assist his brother James in the management of the (paen'e hotel. Frank was over 1 years in Gorrie and bade. 42(0218, lieu, Johngood1Fergasou and wife, of Dem ver, Colorado, are renewing old friend- ships in and around Brussels. The reverend gentleman waa the well !known pastor of Melville dumb in this plass for many years and will be warmly web coned by his former parishioners and other friends, 0. Guelph paper says :—E. B. Creigh- ton, formerly ambler at the G. T. It freight aloe, into joie the staff of the Manufacturers' Life District Agency here as County agent for Wellington. Mr, Creighton is a thoroughly competent )Gioiat and will do good service. He will live in Guelph. will be again brought befor00ae tariffhat the tate House Commons onAiay 25. The Premier of New Zealand is in Ottawa on his way to the jubilee wale- bration in London. He de0or'tbes wo- men's sufferage in his ))entry as working with satisfactory requite. The Governor•General has received a letter of thanks from the Viceroy of India, in which itis stated Canada stood next to Great Britain in her oontributiona to the India famine fund. The worst of the famine is pad, The trial of James Ballard, of Moltke,. then, for arisen, 0omcnenoed at Orange• villa, Jastiot) Forenoon reft8ing the m0 - time of counsel for the defence fur a new election and trial before the County Judge.