HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-14, Page 8THE BRO6S Ll6 PUNT iuo Bliutls We have then both in paper and slosh, colored and plain. A fete left of the Roddick estate and also new stook at prices away down. We are by no means through selling Wall Papers but must take a little time to wage a war of extermination against she arrar.t Worms. Don't forget to get 0 supply of our Hellebore or Paris Green—the /otter ie the cheapest and most effect• uai in destroying these worms and is claimed to be perfectly safe. We sin always to keep the best. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ExTENSION W. G. cC n. • Trains tease Brussels Station, North .anis South, as follows Bence sot rn, Go/NG NowTH. 4;xpre08 7:21 a.m, l Mixed 9:44 a m t4tsed...-.,... 6:s7 p,ea.. Mai] 12:5.2 pm ty�.cnl 'rev tuns. . ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Brame hats. MAT flowers. Sneer growth. PROSPECTS for a fruit orop are good. I•IasoeooTED boys are on the program. ScxooL Board Friday evening of this week. A. Connie has pot on a dandy new butcher van on the road. SINGLE fare on the G. T. R. for the queen's Birthday. See advt. in this S»sue. A NEW wire fence is being placed h fore -ads residence of Philip Amenb, '1 urn. „perry street. T. A. Hammes is arranging at series of emends in the neighboring townships. He gives a Sue program. Tan mortgage sale of the MoCraoken property takes place on Friday afternoon of thie week at the Queen's Hotel. Tan shipment of horses from Brussels will be made on Friday instead of Tues. tiny es expected as the boat was delayed Ly lee. EURON Go. Council will meeton'Mondev, May 3181, at Goderiob, a week earlier :•ban usual owing to the Co. Court meet. Log the following week. Pasrmveos.—The ran of 45 acres, good gorse and never failing supply of water. Lot 25, 5th fine, Morris. Information may be obtained at THE Posy. Rae. R. Parr- has an apricot tree in his garden and it is already in bloom. These Imes are very uncommon in tbia North- am section and the fruit bearing me ohs will be of interest. BBEx1 week the Sanitary Inspector begins his rounds to ascertain how well our residents have complied with the artier to "Cleau up." If yon have not dome Bo it is time you had. FRIDAY of this week Messrs. Clegg & Damee ship two Oars of live hogs, one from Braeeele and the other from Bel - grave. The hog "industry" is a thriving .,one and the supply always appears to e30al the demand. IIlss O'Common's concert will be held early in June and promises to be a first. oboe entertainment. Miss Edna Curtis, ad Blyth, so favorably known in Brussels, hes been engaged to aid in the elooution- nap department and an A 1 program will be presented. ACCIDENT.—Ono day last week as Wm. Wilton was driving Wilton di Turnbull's peddling wagon on the 12111 con. of Grey, ,the neokyoke slipped over the stop.blook. 'Dm team ran away throwing the driver off and draggers him for some distance on the ground quite seriously injuring him. Mr. Wilton is still laid up from the effects a the accident. BAND HURT.—Friday forenoon as Jae. Cooper was working in the Ronald Engine Work9, be hall his left band injured by the flying of a piece of steel whish was being cut from a bar on the auvid. The eatery was severed and the cords out so *nil a physician bad to be got to bind up the wound. Dir. Cooper will be laid up Bit' some time probably, MILITARY.—it is understood that Lon• alae will be treated to a month of camp Ibbs Summer, indeed will really be graded with two camps. The first clamp will 0etnmeaae ou June 141h, when the first Sonars. and the 26th, 27th and 28th Bat. +tagione will go under canvas. The damp will 'set two weeks, and then no the 28th ml Jona the artillery of the districts in- tending Guelph Field Battery, and the 29th, Stet and 83rd Battalions will move into the tents vacated by the other Bat. telions. The grounds on the hili are not horde enough to accommodate the entire &lunp atone time. 38rd Huron Battalion ----No, 3 Oompany—Proviaional Second 't'rientenant Robert Scarlett is permitted r10 retire. )hear==a LIGHT,—Arrangernente were ,swede last Monday evening at the Ooun. ssl by which Brussels will have an aro uaxd incandesoent plant running early .meat Fall. It will be operated by Brun. able Eleotrin Light Co., under the man• -w;;ement of W. H. Green, of Wiugham, a snap of practical experience in the basil. .oats and who bids fail to ran our light with the same satisfaction that he bas web with in Wingbam. A. building40x60 *till be emoted for the plant and the work ;,mill be started in a shot v time, so as to ave the lights ready to start in Septem• her'. To give fair play to all parts of the 'town, three additional lights will be plao. sal et•the places considered by the Ooun• it to render the beet service to all non. maned. The are lights will be 2,000 enandle power and will be run on a sew. gate circuit from the incandescent, so that the shutthlg off of one will not interfere tr/tb the other. Mr. Green is arranging ,fora new engine and boiler and le going about the work in a thoroughly business - Tate manner- We wish him mimes and Amggeatthe hearty cooperation of our ,421305ng in the matter. A ant0RY•e0-ROUND will he run in Brus' Bels on the Queen's Birthday. RAats on Brueeels Driving Park on May 21tb. A big crowd expected, Remo the inside pages of TRIO POST, A great deal of information may be found therein. Tan wool market will open next weep. Prices will be low probably opening about 16c, Lase Wednesday the eters door of Jas. Ballantyne's grocery blew shut and de. mollsbsd the large pane of glass in it, CAST, B'rourrroit baa purchased the Shannon tannery and will tear it down and utilize the timber for building par• poses. JOHN AREN'r intends enlarging and im- pr0v(ug his residence by putting on a cottage roof and veneering the building with brink. A NEw plate glass window was planed in Jas. Jonee' jewellery store last Saturday to replace the ons recently demolished by a runaway team. EMT Huron Teachers' Convention will be held in Wingbam on Friday and Sat. urday, May 21st and 225c1. Prinoipal Cameron is the President. LAs'r Monday severed clumps of small maples were set out in the unused corners of the Agrioultural Perk. The work was done by the Driving Park Association, Ono residents were glad to beer the friendly and musical notes of the town Band last Friday evening, thb commence• mens of the weekly Concerts during the Summer months. A PORTION of last Friday was spent in tidying up and improving the appearance of the Public School premises. Flowers, shrubs and trees were plated and a general improvement made: Finn:SEN.—A meeting of the Fire Brigade is called for Friday evening of this week at the Town Hall, commencing ,.t S o'clock. A large attendance of membere asked for. THE Maitland Foot Ball League has come to naught so it is said owing to the difficulty of seeming properly organized teams. An effort will be made at reor- ganization this week. Tan following shipments were made this week :-1 car of cattle to Toronto by Messrs. Wilson & Oasemore ; 1 car of peas and barley by R. Graham and 2 oars of oats by the same shipper ; 3 oars of salt, one to Stonewall, Manitoba, and the usual local freight. Tan Wiugham Advance says :—It is Ham the Government tools the Fire Underwriters' Association by the neck. Soon we won't be allowed to use a stove, for fear of the smoke setting fire to our neighbor's house, and the insurance busi• nesewill indeed be profitable, as there will be absolutely no rie% nor danger of fire. GANnrcATEs —The following are the numbers of enedidates who .have applied to write for Entranoe or Public School Leaving at the various examination centres in East Huron : MIMEOS P. B. L. Olintou Seaforih Brussels Blytb 118 47 122 21 79 21 85 14 Fordwich 80 16 Wingbam 73 48 Wroxeter 34 24 Total 491 191 Making in all 682 candidates writing on these two examinations. In 1895, 311 wrote on Entrance, and 168 on P. 8. L. ; a total of 474. In 1896, 286 wrote on Entrance, and 153 on P. S. L. ; a total of 490. This year the Seafortb Public School sends up 65 for Entrance, and 12 for P. S. L. VALUABLE OLD PAPERS. --The London Free Press says ;—W. A. B. Fiebleigh, of 417 Bathuret street, (formerly of Brussels, has in his possession a colied. Mon of old newspapers and faosimiles of important documents that is probably the rarest to be found on this continent, if not in Europe. It comprises among others a faosimile of the warrant to execute Mary, Queen of Soots, A, D. 1587, printed at the time ; a copy of the English Merourie, published at White. hall, July Bard, 1588 ; a facsimile of the warrant to execute King Charles L, printed at the time, with all the sig. natures of the Judicial Court ; a oopy of the Intelligenoer, a perfect Diurnal (journal) of some passages in Parliament, 1648 ; the Gazette of 1658, the sum of Foreign intelligence with the affairs now on foob in the three nations of Scotland, England and Ireland. Also several copies of the London Times from 1797 to 1806. The last mentioned issue con- tains an extended account of the funeral of Lord Nelson, and is dated Jan. 10th, 1806. The oolleobion is of great interest to the antiquarian, and is a singular testimony to the once with which the family of Mr. Fishleigb have guarded for so many years these literary treasures. All the papers are in an excellent state of preservation. Fats.—Last Friday morning about 6 o'aloak the fire bell wale rung and there was a hasty getting out of bed by many of our inhabitants. The fire was in the Garfield Block upstairs and was discover- ed by George MoKay in going to work at A. Currie's owing to smoke issuing from a window in M, Richardson's tailor shop. When Mr. Garvie got upstairs he found the floor and wall in the little jog in the hallway leading to the tailor shop on fire, but the incipient blaze was nipped in the brad and by the application of pails of water and the ripping off of a portion of the wainscotting, what threatened to endanger the whole block was got out. The fire engine was taken to the river and soon had water on the scene, but it was not necessary and the engine was returned to the Hall. 850 or thereabouts will cover the damage which consisted of burning two boles in the floor, a bad. ly charred door and the demolishing of a portion of two partitions. How the fire occurred at that time and in that place is wrapped in mystery, and to add to it was the finding of a portion of a coat saturated with coal Oil in the hall where the fire begun. Had the fire started an hour earlier it would likely have meant the wrecking of the block which is owned by R. 0. Struthers, London. The vacant store nyder when the fire was, reoeived a great baptism from the water poured on the burning floor. Prompt and energetic efforts on the part of those who were Surly on the scene 'laved a conflagration, At any and every fire similar nee should be made by the bucket brigade instead as is often the ease stand idly by waiting for the fire engine. Seconds are of wonderful importance in a ease of fire, An effort is being made to ferret out the lneendiary, and if nabbed the said party, will be gaged the trouble of fire building for a few years. A, W. Oneion ra O. E., Government Good Honda L a ec1 ot, came to Brussels on Thursday afternoon and addressed at meeting in the Town Hall on this Im. portant subjeot. PHa household goods of Walter Rich. ardeon were shipped to Dauphin, Man., this week, and the fancily, exoepting Mies Mary, who ie employed in A, Straohan's stare, will follow next weep. We wish them a safe and pleasant journey. Davi just reoeived a ear of seed oorn, Mammoth Southern sweet onrn for enslige ; thorough bred Rural White Flint ; Sanford White Flint ; White Cap Dent ; Leaning Yellow Dent end earliest maturing oorn in cultivation. Backer & Vanetone. Gorr ILtiu.--The new press, power paper molder, and binding machine ar- rived from Toronto last weep and have been placed in position in THE PORT Publishing house, These new machines pleas us in better shape than ever to tarn out work with neatness and dis- patch, Improvements of this character cannot be made however without a large outlay of cash, hence one urgent appeal to those who are indebted to ne. We aro very grateful to a goodly number who have promptly responded, but the neces- sary amount to meet our demands is a long pinto in arrears yet. \VIII you kindly take the hint so that we may keep our engagements. WEDDING AT Gosnm.—Tho comfortable and spacious reeldenoe of Edward James, Gerrie, was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, May 1211, the occasion being the marriage of his third daughter, Miss Addie, to T. R. Gilpin, of Orillia. The wedding march was played by Miss James, a cousin. The ceremony was performed at 11 o'clock a. m. on the lawn, iu the presence of 100 guests, by Rev. J, S. Fisher, Methodist minister. The company was served to a sumptuous repast Ro. The bride and groom lefb by the 2:10 train for a trip west before going to their home in Orillia. The bride was attired in oream brocade trimmed with cream ribbonand silk lane, bridal veil, orange.blossom wreath, and bouquet of cream roses, carnations and ferns. She was attended by her younger sister, Miss Annie, who wore a becoming gown of gray silk trimmed in lace and ribbon and carried a bouquet of cream roses and ferns. W. J. McLaughlin, of Gerrie, supported the grootn. The presents were useful and beautiful and testified some- what to the popularity of the bride. Mrs. Gilpin will be missed in social and ahnroh ciralee, especially the latter, as aha tank n prominent part in League wont, 1.3,1_0,1 u cb,as in the Sabbath School mud eau;; in the Mebbodiat choir for years. People We Know. STA.7 D4.RD B,%JV'LC 0]! G4N4'D4, }76'S.A.03S,SCS30:7a 1E73. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, • (Seven Million Donate) 87,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - 82,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec,Mae )soba, United States & England. Editor Sarney Sundayed at Elora. Mies Maggie Burgess is visiting in Brussels. Mies Annie MOEay has taken a situ- ation in Toronto. Miss Alice Davies, of Ethel, is visiting at Dr. McKelvey's, Barrister Blair attended the Division Court at Blyth last Saturday. Mies Maggie Backer is on the sink list but we hope she will soon be better. W. W. Burgess• wife and daughter, of Mitchell, are visiting at Wm. Cornish's. H. J. Morden, of the Standard Bank, Kingston, was holidaying in town during the past croak. Thos. Bradwell was in town on Mon- day. Time deals very kindly with our old townsman. Miss Lida Orooks and nephew are holi- daying at Ethel this week with Albert Crooks, of the G. T. R. section. Station agent Rendall continues to. improve and is now able to get about a little out doors by the aid of orutehes. J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin attended the Wedding of Ridge Gilpin and Miss Addie James, at Gerrie, on Wednesday of this "lite Blakeman has returned to Brus- sels, after an absence of over a year, and has taken up house in her residence on John street. J. D. and Mrs, Ronald were visiting at Ohatham where they own property, that city being their home previous to becom- ing residents of Brussels. A letter from Mise Florence Hunter says that she has found many kind friends in Clintonville, Wisconsin, whith- er she went a few weeks ago. Jno. Downing is enjoying a holiday for a week at Wm. Pollard's, McKillop, in health building, He had a hard pull of it during part of the past Winter. Miss Annie Bradwell, formerly of Brussels, now living near Olifford, is away to Toronto consulting a specialist about her eyes, which have been troubling her for some time. Dr. and Mrs. Graham left this week for Toronto where they intend making their home. They will reside on Gros. venor street, Many pood wishes will aonompany them to the Queen City, Mies Braden, a former teacher in Bruaeele Publio School, epant a few days in bowu this week renewing old friend- ships. Her health has greatly improved Blame deeisbing from wielding the rod of instruction. It ie currently rumoured that if Post- master Oampbell., of Goderioh,is removed that D, MoGilliouddy, of the Signal, for- merly of Brussels, will be his moaner. We second the motion and feel assured be would fill the bill splendidly. If hard work for the Liberal party counts for anything Mr. MoGilliouddy has a strong claim. We regret to bear that Leon Jackson is still on the sick list. His trouble is rheumatism in the muscle of hie Lungs, It is partioularly unfortunate at this sea. son of the year with promotion eXamina. tions, &o,, close at hand. lbtins Moss is beaching in Mr. Jaokson'e department of the Publio School, as supply, and doing good work. B. H. Pelton and wire, of Chiang°, are visiting at Councillor Wilson's Mill street. Mr, Pelton is taking a medical mission. ary's worm in an inetitution in Oblong° where be bas already pub in two terms. On its oompletion he purposes going to the foreign mission field. He gives a very interesting account of work among the poor of Chicago. We are pleased to hear that Dr. Knoell. 101, who wont to London, England, a few months ago, has been suoossefn] in peening his examinations before the Board there and now has the right to add L, R. 0. P. to hie nand, He has another examination in Jane in another department of meal. cine. We wish him continued eucceee which he well deserves, Er. and Mro. Kneshtel will return to Canada probably iu July, A General Banking Businese Transaotc Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Oolleations made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION erIEN TO THE OOLnECTIoN OF FARtrElie' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Cnetomere liviug ab a distance, 3, A. STEWART MANAsot. Business Locals. SAVE money by buying your baggy at D. Ewan's, Brussels. APPLETON'S world renowned Teas for sale at Thomson's. MANIT051 patent flour, the best that can be had, at Rose' Sour and feed mills. I Darn over 1,000 curtain poles, all kinds. Poicos away down. R. Leather - dale, SEE our shoes ; never such bargains offered. Less than wholesale prices. I. 0, Richards. GIANT mangle seeds, best kind of Swede seeds and A. 1 flour for sale at MaCraolc. en's. Tan best way to find out the bottom price of a buggy is to call ab Jas. Walker's shop, Brussels. CARPET Weaving neatly done. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, by Mrs. liloOrae. Near. ly opposite Dr. MnKelvey's. PAsausooE ata be supplied for cattle on Lot 24, Oou. 5, Morris. 100 acre run, with lots of water. WALTER INNEs. THE late improvements in Boss' Flour mill has placed their flour away ahead of all others. Everybody is delighted with it. In you want anything in my line call and see what I have. Prices the cheapest and qualities the best in the County. R. Leatherdale, 11. LE.trannnALn has the largest stook of window shades this Spring that ever was is Brussels. Prides cheaper than ever. Put up free and springs warranted. WANTED.—Eggs, 9 cents per doz. My contemn demands 18,000 per week. We are now getting many peddlers' eggs. Why not save peddlare profits ? G. E. Baso, Wiugham. Luxe of buggies ready for the road. It ooets nothing to call, even if yon parobase elsewhere. The prices were never lower nor the work eves better. Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. HAVING removed the large bankrupt stook of boots and shoes which we lately pnrahased in St. Marys to Brussels, we now offer shoes at less than wholesale prices. I. 0. Richarde. Sauna's ours is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 28 cats., 50 ots. and 81.00, Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. CHANGED HANDS.—The Hair Business formerly done by Mrs. Hinds is now car- ried on by Mrs. Hingeton, Mill St., Brus- sels, who will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public 48.9 WE offer and will have open for sale en Saturday, the 8th of this month, the large bankrupt stook of boots and shoes all of which we offer at less than whole- sale prices. I. 0. Richards. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medioine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price 50 Dents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus. eels, BARGAIN OccEsED.—That eligible half sore lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dis- posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for partirnlars to SOHN HARGREAVES, 174 Queen at. West, Toronto. Goon BEconalENn.—The following Brus- eelites will drive buggies manufactured by Jae. Walker, the well-known carriage builder of this place :— F. S. Scott, Dr. lSalbfleisoh, Ohas, Howlett, 'Walter Lowry, with more to follow. A. Currie, Brus- sels, has bought a dandy butcher delivery wagon from the same builder. These purchases by home men indicate clearly who leads the procession in the carriage business. Cell in at Walker's and see for yourself. SORN B muirr—In Brussels, on May 10th, the wife of Mr, R. N. Barrett ofa Baugh. ter. Soorx.—In Elma, on April 17111, the wife or Mr. Robs. Scott of a son. Leans.—In Elma, on May 5th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Looms ofa daughter. Pxottaniam,—Ab Silver Corners, on April 12th, the wife of Mr. J. W. Piokerell of a daughter. zrea.r> xita n. GILP[N—Jeorss,—In Gorrie, on May 12th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. 5. S. Fisher, Mr. T. R. Gilpin, of Orillia, to Mies Addie, third daughter of Mr, Edward James. MOB WEN Turnberry, on the 4th inst., James McEwen, aged 82 goat's and 9 mouths. Koros,—In Elmo, on April 250, Frederick Keyes, aged 69 years, 8 months and 15 clays. THE PEOPLE'S COLUil41N. COTTAGE FOR SALE OR TO Rent. Also rooms to bot, Appty to 48- 111058. STRAOHAN, llrusoale, O't7RT 01!REVISION. C TOWNSHIP OP ai:,iuy. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Connell of the Corporation of the Tewusbip of Grey,Oouuty of Huron, wilt moot as Ooint of ltovision at the TOWNSHIP HALL, TOTHIOL, ou 'WEDNESDAY, May 58111, at In a. )6. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. WM. SPH9011, (Hark, WANTED. --A MARRIED MAN to do farm wane divine Summer months. Dlt. MOISELVEY, brussels. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, fano eeouriG . Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels. COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR Sale with acre lot, Good cistern, funnies, &a, Wf 1 bo sold at a bargain. Apply to MIN POST Publishing House, COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Lob on John street to rout. Possosslon after May loth. A 4 care lob adjoioiug may be had if desired. Anp1v to TIIos, .NEWSOME or TICE POST, 43.bf Brussels. Ancient Order of United Workmen, This old and proene5505 Fraternal Assoc ntlou numbering 110,000 members mw pre soutiug to the public their popular andeoon• omioal rotes to worthy men, at the very low rate of about 38,00 per 81,000 per annum. The"Workmen" Promptly Puy Death Claims and expect a largo increase, to its members now that those American Line Companies don't seem eatisfaotcry to Can- adians. I1.013T. ARMSTRONG, M.W.; W. H, TKERII Recorder; J. A, OREIGHTON,Finanolor. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.=THE UN- n:ueraNEn Lae Sorrel good Sarins for solo and to root, easy corms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S, SOOTT,Brnesels MA'NITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acne of good farm land at Springtl old, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at a low price. The property is Nortel East i Sec.10, Two. 11, Range 4, East. Thera is a house o the premises and some breaking done. .For fall particular's as to Price, title. &o., write or apply to G, F. BLAIlt or W. HERR, 20.1f Brussels, Ont, FARM FOR SALE—THE UN— DEneIGNED offers his eligible 04 acre farm for sale, being South tart of Lot 0, Con. 11, Grey. All under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is a good atone house, bank barn, orchard, wells &e on the premises. Also a splendid atone quarry from which a good revenue is realiz- ed. Only 25 miles from Brussels, Torras reasonable. For farther particulars as to prloe, &c.. applJ, to JUStti MITCHELL, Pr0pc'tetor, 8,5.11 Bruaeele P. O, 'VAR M FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Oonsistiug of the South 5 mud South i of the North d of Lot 80, 000 2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent etosk farm, being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage cf Blyth. A largo part of It is under areas. Buildings and renes aro in afair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. Por all iu formation apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, B3•ussole. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. 1.3 That excellent farm, Lot I5, Con. 9, Township of Grey,100 acres, meet be 001d at once in order to close estate of deceased own- er. The lot Is nearly all cleared, 'with good buildings, ample water supply, large or- oLard, 14 miles from Cranbraok, is under good cultivation and 15 a very desirable pro- perty indeed. Apply to RICHARD 05507- CHIOLL,. Brussels P. 0. ; JOHN MITCHELL, on the premises ' or A. 010NT013, Brussels Dated Sept. loth, 1500. AUCTIONEERS. !`t EORGE KIRKBY, 'Vf _ Licensed Auctioneer. Sales oonduet ed ou reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka specialty. Orders left at Tan Poem Publishing Hou so, Bru asele, or eenbto Walton P. O., will rsoeive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- -L' • EER, will sell for better prices, to better men m ase time and less chargee than any other Anctiouoer in ]'last Iiuvon or Ise won't charge anything. Dates and orders can alwaye be arranged at this office cc 1y personal application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who bee had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to suit owing to ill health, has again taken out license find is prepared to oonduob soles at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at THE Boer Publishing House. JAB. ST11]0OtON, 18-tf Auotloueer. PUBLIC' SALE —os— ✓ aluable Village Property, Under and by virtue ofa power of Bale con- talnodin a mortgage dated the Bard day of October, 1800, made by W. H. Modraekon, as Mortgagor, to the baulting firm of Gillies & Smith, whiob will be produced at the tine of talo, there will be °fairedfor sale by public auction, by P. S. Scott, Auebioneer, at the. Queen's Hotel in the town of Brussels, on Friday, May 141h, 1897, at 30 minutes past one o'eloolt in the after- noon, Village Leta Throe Hundred and Elghty-seven, Alexander Street, and Thirty- one and Thirty-two, Eliaabsth Street and also that part of Lot Fourteen on the '(gest side of Turnberry Street on which is erected a good Brick Store, formerly occupied by W. 13. MoOraelien as a General Oroeor , This is a good bushman stand in good ronaivr and 15 1100 occupied as a Gr000ry Store. There is also aand Promo Stable on Lot Thirty -Two, about 1ea24 f£„ in good repair. The property will be cold on bloc+ or In senora to parcels. Lot Fourteen, on wbiah the Gr o0ory ie built will bo Bold subjeot t0 a First M or £gaga, full particulars of which will be given at bbe sale Or on application to the undersigned, Terms of Sale:—Ton not cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 89 days bt1nneafter, Further particulars and conditions of sale Will bo made known ou the day of Sale of tnaq bo had en application to the Vendors or their Solicitor. ti. F. 13LAIR Solicitor' for Vendetta' Brussels, GLOMS Jc SMITH, Vendors, this 80th dayof Apr1l, A. D,1397.' MAY 14, 1897 NOT woriTH ONE CENT! No, its not worth lo. per roll to brim your Wall Paper. That's why we make no charge for doing so and no difference in our prices and our oustomers get the benefit. Just think for a moment and see for yourself that what we tell you is correct, With our machine we can trim 20 ROLLS IN 10 MiNUTES which, if we charged you lo. per roll, would mean 20e. in 10 minutes or equal to $1.20 per boar. Wouldn't it bo asnap? But we do not figure on suapa of that kited nor do dye make any disbioution with our ouetomere—we trim as cheerfully the papers purchased from us for 4o. and 5o. per roll as we do our most expeusivs lines. Our Wall Paper trade this season has been very satisfactory indeed. So muoh so in foot that we have already had to reorder many of our mors popular lines which we had sold out at our regular prices. This we consider is sufhoient to prove that our prices are right from the sale of the first to the last roll in a bun. d le. Don't forget the place. Foz's Dr'u.g Stere, Opposite Queen's Hotel. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOIt, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterluary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of darnel/bleated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls prompt!y at- tended to. Officio and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •rurnberry st., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and oonveyanoor. Coiled. Hone made. Office—Vanatoue's Bloat, Bras - eels. 21-8m CAT M. SINOLAIR, 57 • Solicitor, 0onveyaneer,No taryPub- lie, &o. Office—Vanstoae's Brook 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, G. OAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Oameron J Barrister and Solicitor, Godoriell, Ont. Office—Hamilton St„ Opposite 001 - borne Rotel, I F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • llr• Solicitor, &o. (lata of Garrote & Prondfoot'e 010155 Goderloh.) Offloo over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money 10 Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Ph so/felon, Surgeon, Aocoucher, etc. Graduate of Toronto 'University Medical Faculty. Member of °ellego of Phyeloiana and Surgeons Ont. Omen—Next door to McDonald & Co,, Walton Out. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. M„ Trinity 'Oniyersity, Pelhow Trin- ity Medical College, Member Collage of Plly- elo]aos and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Phyeloians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ta-Telephone No.14. Resilience, Mill 1., Brussels. DR. F. H. FSA L Bi F L E I S G H, PHY5I01AN, SURGEON AND A020001EU10, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Oless Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (lila Ston) and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trloity Medical College anti member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Oourse in Detroit and .Chicago, 1800. Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear,Noso and Throat, and die- easesof Women. la—Consultation in Eng- lish and German. Telephone at residence. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORA0KEN, • Iusurero!MarriageLieensss, Moe at his Gr000ry, Turnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door smith of A. M. McNay& Co's hardware store. Ladies'andohiltb:ols Bair cutting a epesialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposits from 81.00 to 81,000 and a110ws 0t per cont. interest. T. FARROW, 27 -en Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INa01511105, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER Issue! of Marriage Licenses, OPPIOS AT JEWELRY STORE. i 'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brueselg A HUNTER, Olerlt of the Fourth Division .dour Go, Huron, Oeuveyaneer, 'Betsey Public? Land, Loan and Ioannina° Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collocations made Ottlee in Graham's Bleak, Bruesole mos. A. HAWKINS, J Will giye'lessons to pupils Dither on the poet.ofacts, Brussels. iano or organ, at histtde Weal Imamatepale° ggiven. Ten y re expelion e i to chig. I Terms moderate.