HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-14, Page 5r
MAY 14, 1897
f:Iis the I.411)z,
Bev, Mr. West has got things Wooly
settled in the Manse,
Harry Stowe, of Godorioh, is visiting
hie mother at present,
Communion service in the Presbyterian
Ohttt'all on the lard insb.
James Stewart, of Belmore, wee visit.
ing ble parents on Tuesday.
Hr. Walltwe, of Dundee, Scotland, ie
visiting hie uncle, Mr, MuUardy,
Business is going ahead in the flax
mill line. The Beed is nearly till Bold,
Geo, Leathern, barber, has moved his
shop from the hotel into Sanderson's
shoe shop.
William Pugb left for Algoma Tues-
day morning where he intends svorkiug
at lila trade
Rev. Mr. West was called to Toronto
Iasi week to the funeral of his slater, who
died very suddenly.
Who were the two young men from
Brunetti who were running a foot race
on Sunday in Bluevale
D, lr. Stewart bought for hie driving
purpose tt very fine driving mare,
Mrs. Spence, who has been ailing for
some time, is nob improving as rapidly
an we would Iilee to report, bat hopes are
at preseub entertained of her recovery..
Mr, Doing, wbo went some time ago to
try his chances in Kansas City, reporte
as having reached that destination in
John McKee, of Peterborough, has
been visiting at his brother's, W. J. Mo.
Keo. We aro pleased bo note that, judg.
ing from hie appearance the air of the
Eaebern town mama to agree with him.
The unmenally damp weather for this
season of the year has kept seeding oper.
ations at nlmoet a standstill. Some
farmers report a few acres sown. The
prospects for an ample crop of Fall wheel
are very encouraging.
Howe Bros. have purchased and !seep
at the old homestead, a very fine spool.
men of a thoro'-bred Durham bull. life
is bred from the Crerar Bros.', of
Shakespeare, femme herd. This is a fine
animal of large size, weighing over 1800
when 1.5 months old.
The Molesworth Cheese in Butter Co.
started operations for the season on
Monday of ]nab week. Mr. Patterson,
the oheesemaker for the season, has had
the usual neeesenry improvements in
oonneotiou with a factory all carefully
attended to during the past two weeks.
Wm. Woods has been appointed sales-
man for the season's make.
Geode rich..-
OntxoAur.—After a long and painful ill-
ness, Mrs. (Bev. Dr.) TJi'e, passed to her
rest in the great beyond on Saturday
night, 114ay let. Deceased was one of the
old residents of Goderioh, widely known
and highly esteemed. In herassociations
with the people of that town, and more
particularly with the cougregation of
Knox church, as the wife of its beloved
pastor, she was ever ready with a helping
and generous hand, and kindly Christian
sympathy and encouragement, and al-
though for some time the infirmities of
years have compelled her withdrawal
from active °Meech circles, she will long
be remembered with love and affection.
Ber bereaved partner has the most sin-
cere sympathy of the entire community
in his great sorrow. The funeral took
place from Knox ohurnh on Wednesday
afternoon, 6th inst., and was very largely
attended. The gallery, pulpit and plat.
form were heavily draped and the servic-
es most impressive. Rev. Dr. Hamilbon,
of Motherwell, offered up the prayer and
Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Seaforth, deliver-
ed a solemn end eloquent address. The
services being concluded, the large audi-
ence passed through the churoh to take a
last look at the remains, which were then
conveyed to beautiful Maitland cemetery
r�rr't&',Gatstilr`'?xa^..A,.%�+�iurx'ra - ...•• xcxrtlwatactommimisamanta
wr. Jr, part 2nd—Henry Maaay, Wilbur
pared to pane the High Sohoot Entrance
Examination --be le now a Matrietllent of
Victoria Utrivereiby and has also obtained
abanding in several extra sobjeota belong-
ing to the Theologloal course, When It
is remembered that the oourse of etedy
for Matrionletien includes Algebra,
Geometry, Fremob, Latin and Greek ell
of which (with the Thnelogioal subjects)
were enbiroly new to Mr, Knight when he
entered Alborb, we treed nob wonder that
his progress is regarded as unique in the
annals of the College, We congratulate
him on this eplendid amines mltiob proves
once more that the country boy, if en-
dowed with ambition, energy and in.
domftable pluck, may, in College halls,
more than hold his own against compel.
tors to whom priortraicfugand experience
have given an overwhelmingedvastege.
day, 619 ; M. AIlleon 401 ; G. La
Mies Alice Davies is visiting in
Some repairs are badly needed
House gleaning and gardening
the prooesalon.
Go to Geo. 114. Mitchell, Ethel, for
made boots, from finest bo heavies
city prices.
Repairing of boobs, oboes and ba
neatly and promptly done at Go
Mitchell's, Ethel
Township Council will meet be
Wednesday, 2001 lust, Court of Rev
opens at 10 a. ne. on the same day.
Mrs. Samuel Ames injured her kn
tripping an the sidewalk the other
and has been somewhat disabled ov
A very useful article is being man
Weed in Jno. Oobor's shop in the w
an oval wooden tub for placing milk
in water 10 keep 000l over night.
could also be utilized for butter to
other purposes,
Trow lrrzdg e.
Trowbridge is still without a shoe-
maker or doctor.
The Fall wheat and the grass never
ooked better at this date. The indica•
ions ere for good Grope and better prices.
The heavy raiue of the past two weeks
ave delayed the seeding, but it has so
nriohed the land that it is pubbieg
orth abundantly.
Wm. rnetney, of this place, shot
lack eagle on the Ale of May which
assured 6$ feet from tip to tip. The
ogle was looking after fish.
We are sorry to hear that the Rev. 3,
. Robinson expecte to move this coming
onferenoe,having spent three years in
ery successful work on the Trowbridge
snail. The rev. gentleman and family
ave the good wishes of all, both young
ud old that the stationing committee
ill give him a good field, and that his
fe will be long spared to lift up the.
ospel banner. The three years just
ming to a close have been moat
rmonioan. Brother Robinson is an
meat preaoher and a good pastor.
We are sorry to hear that Stephen
semi, of Grey, near Trowbridge, has
Id his beautiful farm and intends least.
g in the course of a year. Mr. Enema
11 be very moan missed in the neigh -
rimed as he has always been able to
!p along any good work. We wish
m nooses wherever he may go. His
other C. W., bought his place.
Bros -
to our
et, at
o. M.
re on
se by
er it.
urea -
ay of
be or i sir.
On Monday our bailiff disposed of the
grocery stools of F. J. Maoaogbey, which
he has had in possession for several days.
Will,,Drummored was the purchaser.
On Saturday the regular Bitting of bhe
12th Division Comb was held in Inclostr'v
Hall, before Judge Doyle, the principal
case being Barr and Colo for damages,
which was tried by jury. Lawyers
Proudfoob for plaintiff and Blair for de-
fendant, Alter hearing the ease the jury
retired. They brought in a verdict for
030 damages for plaintiff,
eon, 492 ; 114, Praetor, 408 ; +J, Mai:,
100 ; 'L. Nevins, 106, Standing
Manes according to marks, lenbrauee
M. Parker, M. Watson, fe, Prootor,
Lawronee, A. Wheeler, 14, Gettery, 1.
llaslam, R. Campbell ; Sr. Sed -73, W
eon, P, Praetor, M, Proctor, R. Clegg,
Prootor, S. Allison, C. Itoll, L. IbioRite, t
11. Watson, M. Bell P. Raseell, 7). Gal (I"
higher, II. Campbell ; Jr, 3rd --O. Rus 1
sell, 1'. Halliday, 0. Hobbs ; sus Man—
G. Parker, M. Prootor, J. Clegg, A, Cole,
E. Watson, G, Praetor and W. Watson,
(equal) M. Campbell. L. Prootor, 0.
Grledale, J, Oorbett, B. 117eOullough, W.
Oorbebb ; Sr, Farb 2nd.—M, Irvine, A.
Gallagher, E. Brandon, 111. Nevins, L.
Gallagher, E, Gallagher, L. Hobbs. Jr.
Part 2nd—W, England, G. Fergeson, F,
111, Bray, Darry NuNeught, Wesley Matey,
of Norma 11lcNanght, Natio Harbottle, Sr.
A. Willie epilMann, Robbie Moltay, Willie
4. Manley. Mese 13, Paeusog, Teacher.
Aim 0. A, HALF, mer, Teacher.
A31 v'eh.
Housecleaning is the ordoe of the clay.
Mrs, Emigh and Mies Aliso spent Sun-
day with friends in Leadbury.
Will. Mason, of the Central, joined the
largo army of benediatn one day lent week.
A Liberal-Oonsorvative Convention is
to be held ab Smith's Hill on Wednesday,
May 191h,
Our Band is soon to appear on the
square to enliven our citizens with a few
choice selections,
On Monday evening the regular met-
ing of the members of L. 0. L. No, 903
was held in the Orange hall.
On Monday evening Rev. Mr, McKen-
zie, a missionary from China, addressed
a meeting in S1. Andrew's church.
Mrs. Corbett and daughter, of Tees -
water, have been spending a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Heffrou, Diusloy
Richard Mitchell, Brd line, is laid up
Lb inflammation of the lunge,
hire. Tao. 13owman is slowly improving
t is still confined bo her room.
The woods are once more clothing
it naked limbs with foliage of the
rset green.
his week will wind up Spring seeding
h the majority of farmers. Wet
ether has been 0very serious draw-
n this season,
all wheat is not looking quite so well
t promised the fore part of the seer
The heavy mine seem to bo M-
ime to its health.
'Howe Farrow's team ran away
eday evening. Robbie had just
ughb them in from the plow hitched
he wagon and had unhitebed one
e in bhe yard when they:natio a jump
away they went, leaving the wagon
h a broken pole at once. On reaching
gate ab the road they cleared is,
king the top board, and started East,
y soon name in contact with a tele•
h pole and got separated from note
r. They continued me for half a
, when Oalvin Campbell stopped
ee he was coming home from Dries.
The horses are none the worse, but
harness is but a relic of the past.
Sanoon Rrusonr,—.The following is the
port of S. S. No. 9, Morris, foe the
oath of April.—Fifth °lase—Jas. Ma.
all. Sr. 4th—Gavin Bewley, Maggio
Innen, Ada Searle. Jr. Ob.—Lizzie
°Call, Maggie McCall May Taylor,
aura Fear, Resells Searle, Edith Jaok-
on, Willie Kelly. Sr, 8rd.—Willie Mo.
an, Mary McAI'tbnr, Emma MoOall,
ud Jackson, Ray fear, Joseph Bewley.
3rd—Lyle Jaokson, Lily Bewley,
lex. Tarqulaareon. 2nd class—George
on, Ftorenoe Button, Wesley Searle,
e Farquharson, Leslie Fear, Menne
son. Pt, 2nd --Pearl McArthur,
son Taylor, Carrie Jaaksoa, Eva
ay, John Watson, Carrie Sbortreed,
R, W. Iewu;s:, Teacher, t
as i
and interred. The pall-bearore were the Tne
following elclere of the chinch :—Capt, bre
Baxter, Jamas Buchanan, Capt. Gibson,
Peter Moilwao, Jamas Aikenhead and A. trap
Straiton. The Collegiabe Lestibu1e Boded and
showed 11401r sympathy for their bereaved th e
associate by attending in a body, and the the
beautiful floral tokens bore eloquent testi. She
molly to the love and respect of the don -
ore. They included a large wreath of ogbhe
roses and lilies from bhe W. F. M. S. ; a
buaoh of nada lilies from Mrs. McDonald mite
and Mrs. Brough ; a wreath from Mrs. teen'
John Sbewarb and family and a bouquet thee'
from Master fire Stewart ; a erose of
roses and daisies from the McGillivray re
Mission Band ; a owes of roses and lilies
of the valley, D. and Mrs. Taylor ; 0
anchor of roses and lilies, Mrs. and the 0
Misses Atbrill ; cross of roses and car- M
nations, Mr, and Mrs. Garrow ; bouquet, L
Mr. and Mrs. MoD. Allan ; wreath, Mrs.
Kay and family ; wreath, Mrs. Bean• s
wont ; roses and carnabione, Mrs, Chfl- O
ton ; wild ]lowers, Mr. and Mrs. Curzon ; Ma
begouias and lilies, Miss Cameron ; roses, A
Mre, Radcliffe, Skelt
e Wilh
C.r eenxteroolz, Jack
The tax mill expeote to complete the Man
work of last season's orop this week. Bewi
Brussels will bo the magneticpoint bo
a good many iu this locality on the
Queen's Birthday.
Ib is said a second blacksmith will open
tip business in Oranbrook, Mr. Clark,
formerly of Walton, being the gentleman's
name who propasee coming,
fast -class sclueing the parriwhose st Wintelth has r, ie
proving fairly well but has not yet re•
gained his netted strength. We hope the
fine weather will invigorate him,
jtsv. Mr. McKenzie gave a lengthy Ina
interesting account of Minipn week fel
Maimedlaalittle ebnnforteeth in ats thatzthe rain
storm prevented many from attending.
Over 800 buehele of flax seed have been
given out this Spring to the farmers of
this locality by Cameron Bros., and they
Scald have sent out a good deal more bad
it been poseible'to handle the orop, bub
they had to refuse seed to a number de.
be a loit. With atof work foe 00d 0ranbrookibesield there lanexb
Fall with the flax.
Menne. or zr.—John F, Knight, one of
Craebrook'e meet popular and promising
ciling men, ompleted bismbornee
aouroeat Albert this College,,
Belleville. The many Mende, whose
esteem and goal wishes followed "Jack"
as he entered the arena of etadent life,
Will be pleased to know that he has enc.
needed beyond their highest hopes. Mx
o rTto10igbrili
brilliant College
ne, Twenty-one mo018g4
an atter novice in severe et only—tarts.
SWWOOL Rmente.—The following it; the
report of S. S. No. 4, Morrie, for the
month of April :—Sr. 4th, total. 600—
Norah Maunders, 689 ; Willie Cloakey,
487 ; Ida Mooney, 428 ; Lulu Davis, 410;
Susie Manning, 878. Jr. 4th—Mary
Kernaghan, 621 ; Richard Cardiff, 478 ;
Jae, Innes, 409 ; Clara Mooney, 460 ;
Robert Mooney, 415 ; David Mo0uteheon,
410 ; Milton Sharp, 112 ; Fred, Nichol,
91. 3rd Mese—Bernie Nichol, 402 ;
Mabel Niebol, 806 ; Neleon Maunders,
877 ; Willie Fla1t, 848 ; Gso. Davie, 845 ;
(Jamie Speirs, 880 ; Minnie Mooney, 888 ;
Lizzie Davis, 827 ; Myrtle Nichol, 819 ;
David Walker, 242, 2nd class, total, 800
—Donald Innes, 269 ; Minnie Walker,
240 1 Elston Cardiff, 84 ; Jnseie Green.
Riede, 200 ; harry Finn, 102 ; Everett
Walker, 71 ; George Finn, 46. Part 2nd.,
total, 260—Lizzie Speirs, 171 ; Laura
0loakey, 102 ; Annie Nichol, 162, ; Ada
Modutabeon, 149 ; Martha Armstrong,
118 ; Pearl Sharp, 72, Honor standing
for the mouth• --Norah Menden, Willio
Oloakey, Ida Mooney, Mary Kernaghan,
Iiohard Cardiff, Santee lines, Clara
Mooney, Donald Innes, Minnie Walhee,
f8laten Cardiff.
J. D, E. Haavmr, Toeoher.
San00n Racroax.—The following is the
report of S. S. No. 5, Morrie, for the
month of April ;—P. S. L.-•-13xamined fn
Grammar, Algebra, History, Literature,
CoMpOeition, Phyoiolegy, Geograpby and
Euclid. Total, 700. Those marked with
a were Orient part of exam,—D, IIalli•
A now paokenam, being an Arab with a
glass eye, is the last arrival.
The Methodists of Walton circuit bad
their quarterly meeting laeb Sabbath.
James Wilted has left to put in the
Drop on hie father's farm down east of
Jacob Barrows is collecting material
with a view towards building a new reei-
dense this season,
Tin land is in poor condition for seed-
ing and a full average crop of epring
grains can hardly be expected.
Mr. Kelly, of the sawmill, after taking
everything fit for lumber, is selling the
remainder in plots to the farmers for fire-
0. Hoare, of Clinton, has disposed of a
few more of his piano dulcimers to parties
here. His instruments are good and have
given the best of satisfaction.
Prof. Hawkins, of Bruseele, has ar-
ranged to give a oonoert in the school
bowie in S. S. No. 9, McKillop, on Mon.
day evening next, 17th inst. A good pro-
gram is promised.
Revival meetings conducted by Rev. J.
T. Waste -nen bare been in progress for a
week or two at Bethel church. The
meetings were well attended, when we
consider the busy time of year.
Frances O'Hara one of the early settlers
on the 8th line, died on Monday of last
week. He had been poorly most of the
winter, but few expected the end was so
near. He was a civil and inoffensive
man and aRoman Cabholio. The funeral
on Wednesday to Irishtown cemetery
was largely attended.
Gat e:t-.
Molesworth oboes° faotory commenced
operations on the 3rd.
Geo. and Jennie McDonald attended a
wedding in Ayton last week.
E. A. Hill, • of Godorioh Collegiate,
spent Sunday ander the pareotal roof.
Court of Revision on Wednesday, May
26113, at 10 a, m., in the Township Hall,
Mine Minnie Hillier, of Goderioh, was
the guest of Miss Lottie Hili during the
past week.
The union Sabbath school, held in
Smith's school horse, hes re -opened for
the Summer season,
A breach of promise ease is looming up
in one of the neighboring townships.
The damages are heavy.
Thos. Smith has purchased the North
half of lot 13 from Jae. Perkins, Gerrie.
01,200 was the price paid.
The front of Phillip Botz' farm has
been improved by the setting out of a
number of young maple trees to replace
others that died.
With the line weather of the last few
days seeding tae taken quite a spurt,
Several farmers have finished, There is
quite a lot, however, to be done yet ou
low-lying lands.
Donald pope has purchased a wheel
from T. Hemphill, of Wroxeter, Look
out for a new reword, Donald has end-
ed rt hennery on the farm recently map
pied by J. Pollock, We wish hitn every
moose in hisuuberprie. A house -keeper
next, Donald,
Prof. T. A. Hawkins will give a series
of Gowning in this township. The one in
the school hone° in S. S. No. 8, will be
held on Tuesday evening of next week,
18th ]net, A fine program of music, elo-
cution, song, tbo,, will be given. Weduee-
day eveningfollowiug Mr. Hawking will
be at Turnbuu's school house, 10111 con.
Our attention has boon called to bhe
fact that the item concerning Mr. Mo.
Innesmeeting with an accident last week
was entirely without foundation, Teni
Pos.r is always well pleased to receive
newsy items from any quabter but we
just wish to sound anon of warning that
people who knowingly supply items en.
tirely inaorreot aro liable to get them-
salvee into trouble,
Sottoon Rioroar.—The following is the
report of S. S. No. 0, Grey, for the mouth
of April, based on Gonduot, attendance
stud general proficiency, llamas in other
of merit :--Sr. 41b—Lizzie Mo1Cay, Wm.
Moitay, Anile Bray, George Hanley,
Bella Mann, Bessie Oliver. Jr. 4th—Jno,
Mogay, Vobne McNaught, Riegel Mo.
Naught, James Mann, George Meehan,
Lawrence MoNaught, Willie MoNaughb.
Sr, Bed—Rennie Bray, Ella MtNauglt,
Hattie Fraser, Jr. 8rd—Russel Robert.
eons Willie MoKay, Sr, 2nd—Willie
Haerisom, Ethel McNaught, Norma
i$perling, Sr. part 2ud—Frank Harrison,
aa, ` � RA LWAY
noon's Birthday,
Tiay 24th, 1897,
22nd, 28rd, 24th May, valid to return
26th May, 1807, and
Single at fare and One-third
2151 May, valid to return on 26th
May, 1897.
Pull information at G. 1',10, station,
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
RI G.N1t C. Richarc son
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in bis line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
'Shop over Mc0nwitine Store.
A One-horse Wagon, suitable for
milk hauling, nearly new.
2 Second-hand 2 seated Buggies,
and a number of Second-
hand Single Buggies in good
Carriage Maker, Brussels.
Ab this season Carpets and Cartaine come to the front. We have been preparing.
for some time and are now in shape for showing some good values in the above.
HEMP CARPETS, ---We would like to show a line of hemp Carpets eb i2do;
another at 20o, ; and one at n5o., we feel confident it will give you satisfaction.
UNION OARPETS,—In Union Carpets we would like to show you what we can
do at 36o,, 40o. and 50e,
WOOL OARPETS,--We have an excellent line of Wool Oarpets at OOo•, 760..
and 911o.
two weeks weave opened up 260 pairs&pr ons rang ng fromof Lace r26e, a pair to During7 e pair.
The 26o, line is 24 yards long, the 50a. lion 8 yards long, the 7So, line 84 yards long
and good width, the 111 line 34 yards long and 60 inebee wide, Different penmen..
Speoial prices are also $1,85, $1.60, $1.76 and $2. You will find our Curtain steely
particularly DRESS Millinery and lrGoodepertinet have been busy.
Wewould rater mins a sale than give a ladyr
a hat or bonnet that does not become her. Millinery seems lower this Beason.
Competent judges tell us that the range of Drees Goods we are showing at 60c. ie
unsurpassed in the County.
Never bas oar trade been better than this eaeon and people keep on coming and
buying in a way that indicates they appreciate our values.
We Can Suit YOU in
All Sues.
Fine or Coarse,
Colne in and see what we
have and no harm done
if you don't purchase.
Are as Low as the Lowest—Quality and Price
_JAR -'
Of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Grocer–
ies is np-to-date and well assorted.
lex® Strachan.
Cop1!1Joii 011,,;r 111
E don't care where you buy or how
you buy. They are bought and sold
in quantities. They are bought and sold for
cash. They are the greatest value ever
shown in this County. People are buying
them and people are appreciating them. If
it is hard times these are hard time prices.
They are good goods and we know it. If
there is anyone who reads our advertisements
—and has not seen them, we want to show
H them, if they need any of them they will buy at sight.
No. 1—NIen's all wool Tweod and Serge Suits, 36
to 42, single stitched edge, roll front, good
lining, collar on vest, raised seam on pants,
$4.50 and $7.
No. 2—Boys' Three Piece, all wool Tweed Suits,
27 to 82, good pants, lined, collar on vest, $3.
No. 8—Childron's Two Piece Snits, 22 to 28, nice
Patterns, well made, $2.
No. 4 --Boy's Knee Pants, Tweed and Sorge, well
made, lined, two pockets, sues 22 to 26, 40c.
and 60c. ; sizes 27 to 82, 60c. to 75c.
No.' 5—Men's Tweed Pants, 86 to 42, dark lands
light stripes and checks, 05c., $1.00, $1,25
and $1.50,
No. 6—You should see our Laundried Shirts at 50e..
No. 7—Call in and have a look at onr Black mud
Brown Fedoras at 85c. and $1.00.
No. 8—Mon's Braces at 15e.
No. 0—Overalls, Blue, Grey, Double -Stitched
Seams, with or without an Apron, 50c., 76e.
and $1.00.
E are aiming to make this store the Cheapest place to buy your Ready-made and
made-to-order Clothing and Furnishings, and we think we have accomplished
the fact, as the way our business is forging ' ahead, is good evidence of how the
are appreciating our efforts to give the very best possible value, people
IR,OSS cgr