The Brussels Post, 1897-5-14, Page 2• A I s ._, `T �- 11, ATAY 14, 1897 i - r. 2 - - was said to be ono of the best 'matbe- em�n matiOttps ill t.bee tvarld. vtenL oro D1Oton oc-lock >aYa+ncic -bort 1Vt11t1iartr unci. gyp,` (�E"� 1,1re pt Netvltart Navvs hurprrl four BY HIMSE wror0 tUe wrly two a'tvake tla tha4 large 9 rQ �j� ��jFOILED ''��(� � I house. Air. Barnett waa the tlrnt to rs•hat n )eon 01d Wheel lrevrlvva or the [ tlL. 11 LLAA6llll 99 ii®® GG 77 vessels nC raw dock and ctreverert stili- } Oq 1 tit I Use of Urs 1,09K. 500,000 worth of pa opo I } , Several sail - 1 J.J JJJVVV t nk lliii l3eY,ry 11SankCpn tall )ou that ors ,veto terribly burned, his Urother a;ud lit w'aro ala friendh• There are bravo vutn averynvilbat 9Tt1 . VERX LATCST FROM ALL THE 11¢11u'Ie, U.klahotua, was flooded in terms before the death haPlenadlt' among all r..in.Ges Of huraitnity, but WORLD OVER. Ill.". 'uP Ic I,t eras of ,vast housm 1'T \UL*'D. 'first plata" th0trght ba. "T ox a't un- he enqulr . ' Ho says he mat haw last the Mala tvalb ]las the ccnrrage to fight by the sudden rising of the C.'otton- ' CIdAT'T'It I -CON and derstaad Henry Mainktali's bebava0ur woad ltiver. The number uC drowned up the stairs at 011, 9a clitfe suC Crean bus usual style, luerxla in i'ovt n, and thin they srit- a hJtc,oating items About Our Aa'n Country, Be went s10wlY o td thank that be already has to each Other; but J first time an'.t've�heardLO' vvalk1011't}ai0fnture:himselff nt wb'atlJavonld Great Britain, the United States, and IOU• Hong the corridor towards the r o I One would "This sAll Ports of the Globe, Condensed and A numbeF of British d¢l.e�cites to lila eating diffore tan lie -be that; but I've stroked to HenryMntale- seem to bo tbo aofms Of a sbattared Universal. Postal Congress un Washing - lye was want to occupy on the °°eas^lo%v `aquiidealh °w• the lfo stands, or must life, is not the least or th'e world`s Aeaortiod for ll Reading. ton arrived at New y°rk on 11'ecluesday- nE his visits to Moredun 11°use. !bave com?e doara lucre simp'1Y, to ita. fit ta"IesskidlAa55 Ashley'2t Mr, AI'opir- smelt a mar' l PANA�. c night as board the Majestic, 13 passed the door of the room where I at bravado, and ,vwith the antantton, tj,a bad mentioned it to bar, andSht heroes ]arty )'cars ago lorederlck Crowberger, a, Courleen- dead body of his frlvact so i perhaps of deceiving the Peonlearound said he hail uat, lie would sureiY mot fn tet ,tool non(tuered, and in the lay file in at ; BY a Pretem(e of regret for the b row. bave told l er if i t had been the case.' 1 canquoring laid the, foundation oC ,in gr Saturday in elan ie" foreAp ill iptmi- Year-old bay, of 13aspetli, T ,1„ died ort Safely instinct With life, a feelingmail, ritica0. talk. I ",Lt's as likely to be a Lie as rt°' Saturday frim a hbaw with n ruler surd crept over him. A stLll:pess as of, hrnQrever, gt s hSpO p t, about frog aadna trust that Henry Mankton neo indaistry tlaett had before existed only Mr. Rant of the Grancl Opera HOuse' to have been Inflicted h)' his tsacber> true crai ver in. the Air' cartel: it he knew that the tt l , farer than I could sea ]riot••- 33ut art an adjunct to another calling. Landon, is lyn21ding a theatre at8Pring- Miss Johanna. B. Scouter, the grave seemed to 3to what's this !inside 0' thts „big bookl The making oC moeleaa at naavly-pat- b�, - Ilse nochester Conference of Lite 11'es- What estrange thiuB was this Which I thhis oughtbI had it'i-geeis Possession, bundle sof IL;s the avid, I olio believe. exited mitobiaw% In,odals that ems ody an IA, freshet !a the Restigolache, in the loran Methodist Church has found tile, men ca11 death- solicitor! titles; the Will ntay be amongst Chem, D]r. Barnett drtOP. the bob k de yy Rev, it. C, Horner guilt) Of avtong act- men have seen %onkton take it out bald and cuocsed the coeur to the side inv'entor's idea, and Yet are so swap- mmoh clam- gem -ton. N. J3., taus cions Ing, and has expelled him froal the con-. Next woonal when , from one of these drawers before, l that, t'ltay onto conveniently', Uo ex drnvw-.stairs, he found DZtss �s think. This ono is half e¢nitty SomQ of 1\llts Crativfolyd. xt is th'e wLLI, he 5eedi,Ar�g in .'Nianitoba, except in,-iecl fent¢ and the function of th¢ min - o breakfast-rocim. Sia n papen an the desk pBoita^ cried joyfully,-"Th:uI Prorvrdencel � a•!ad i,n the packet ar in a liancirUag, River vielle)', is expected to bei finis2tad istry. Gey in the 2r1 with a very of these p P was afi•atd it Ives fust alt) ,atltor. I is nm industry very, useful, and in- !n ten clays. There is m large tncreasa ,Che lone of the grin<ipml c0mmerrial. a slight fair -hailed g dark -blue bly have been kept ill it." au ht to have bed you help erre soonts, She wars a He sat down and unloosed the iece T boa• 1 au hove baeA more fortunate deed essential, in this tugs at invention, in, the aoreag¢ this Year. agencies in sew Merl: speaking. °f pretty face, s looked ]teary of pink tape with avhrah rho do tliim I.' ore lllttlrout it the ioveritm could not well General Dian er Hays of the Grand a our e, to reference to the business IO morning gown. Her eye" tears, She frets tied together and scrutintsed ,1st �viLt and Testament afGeTrl roll his go a customer oatanot '.Prlank teas in llpmliltan and denied the llniLect SCaCes-is more wirectio is and, hero the traces of recent ch¢d each carefully. It is ,'not am'tngstt 1Pgiikton, itatacl 5th April -ASI, to statement that n o shags there aro I.han veme is ha. In soma , but arpett tvitU outstiet these at anyrate," ha said, laying Dix. BArne'tt dttont alta (rack, of the be imduatul to wade through a pn,mPh^ to moved to 'London. Improvements have occurred, but the g sated Mr. B h a relief to hays Weida and takim out another smaller a let of description, though he willlook Alt the meeting at the trustees of predomuuitlt fou° is a I onQ of disap- IlanFl- "Ob, it is ane g docum document. "lit mast Suva got ie there at a tnimiaCure tcoidcing model, and at ,ointment. The eerLmini,y of the trou- ust as I supposed." Ire ,open out QuaAns University Cham¢e1Cor1+'-ening ole lreltcern Greco and. Turkey bring rd was after glancing over this second to be will and glanced hurrrled,1Y over It i n.e see its adventuge , amatauncad his Intention, of giving four sPeeclily settled has not braugbC that roti here l" she said. "I did foC Lnoav1 bttmdla. Nlt bete either;' t. ddcte and as he dad so, fila extnession of wholaralalps 'to the Urniveasity tvltat to lie; and 1Trs. Crottle "After all, it miLy be that. old c boom to the grain marke.l'.s that Che pro hen T wrote you• She ,net or in itis desk; but I shauldthtnk his face chem ed. ""there is sono m:s The making of such models used t0 liability of serious trouble in EI1vOPei not here av 110nkton be Would not keep anything but. letters take here. iitts is not the ~rill d be lett solely to ledge, of practis. These The Government taking into eonsid- would tell You that Henry or things of that kznd In either °f meant. This ono vias revoked by au- mem bad no knowle 4go of practical en- oration thecomPlmfnts which have been would doubtless omni¢ t!'lads in ser- esterday afternoon? b these furs Plates:' other, executed some manttug ]ater;xn giriae'n2ng, and --.'I-- could not made respecting ammunition, haus ole Iously interfered with trade in souse came 9 co sea him aquarters. Tlio cantmerctinl failure in "Yes. I expected a He Happened to turn round after August instead of Apn-LI, maw Lb'at I follow the ialeu of the tal)Pinventor. at cudacl a key m cy a. Cat of an firm. ion the UniLcsd Sta.t.es for tie week ,just he ,not going to P closing the drawer, and the hundla remember, but in the same year. This to them be mms bo'umat to al>P1Y until manufactured by a Canadian has ended amounted to 3 1 S,reakfast. Is lying on the desk attracted his at- should have bean destroTed 101190;9°1 about forty years alio. Judge Sulcigat aC dealers has con- ; s as coo weed Pearl" I thou ht Mr. Mapkton -tad burnt.. rt. At that time a TAW, tuna, U¢Cedl a witted the clgau dealers charged with with 238, in Cite corresponding' week "I to not know. Be was up early. tention. He uutvround filo natt,sPapor g conductingaloLtery by selling tickets last year. ( tvinere, the which enveloped its contents and soot- ••Apel what s the difference between With t London nrute, war, intrusted far the Irramative of Arts Association GI,N.I., A L. nmd has Bons out some tered the papers loosely over the desk. that one and the other one?" asked wilt the most dalicnte work In It terga of . the PX 1, An appeal will be taken. says- lint ave will not A slight scruttny� aanvineed him that DGrs• Cratv9ord, oat a little dis piloint- engineering establishment. ire vias The Queen Regent or Spain is suffer house- housekeeper Crawford ' hay- they consisted clrustly of letters and ed ' hearing the will found was not attacked by partial Paralysis, ti"hich Tho \vanlatu's Council will ask the log fxrom nervous pvastriiLion. wait for him. Mrs- circulars of one kind and another, some the one sought far• deprived him at the Use tot his legs, hat Aiinister oC EcLucation to allow subserip- Earthquakes in the Leeward lslmind-s Breakfast in her ou-n room"' of them dated meat); Years back. These •••rhe legacies tin ray mind to the ser- left his ants uminjurr�ec. h .easy, tions to be taken upuanong the 500,000 have killed a number oC persolu and ld Ing 1lonkton tvoulcb va,nts are the same. The d.ifferanx:oJs mevc•.r again haps to leAVa Uis,chair' school ch,ldnaa of Om'tavio to, old the I expected Henry he paid -little attention to. Then came fund for foanding the Victoria, caused great destruction to property, been trying to act the master part of the 1loredum House titles, that LYliss Ashley, instead of Igatting' And his farmer Ivor ktyas naw•a;nlmPas- r'etorI Order Premier Dolyannis or Greece bas re- have the remainder, gets only one-third. Ills sibidrrity. of Nurses. ]tore," said Mr, Burnett; "but Alrs• ed the remainder f thedocuments be- brother succeeds to the other Live). This He ~vas, liowover, tea brave a man tot Simon Lorry of Havtillon was con- snew igned bi the Ring's request:, and a Crawford informs me he has shown no I fore him. He Soaked these over and vvi11 Was drawn out anal signed prior despair, Ills urine tt•are free, and 'he Ra1liCabiniet Inas been formed try M. to do SO-tbat lie has let then Itlaced them in the dravvor he rho to the quarrel between the brothers. detemmnmed to devote ha s U. to sada Palled i ; J lnie ohen for to inY dispositi°m a;' already examined. The rest ,of The one f want was exeautad after gnginearing work as 7vas still fwssilnla lierackot CanalstreetQCollisi°nearThe Pears are entertained that (be French everything for me to asrang to Iaim. Il'e t'ummeul his attention to ,, told me so tae. He seams to stia rues malmly taken up tton bust- that tune.' to Diarsetiles, has been lost, with thir- She Ire could cess books used by Mr. Monkton before I virould bet veil' silk sorry to see they mig t bec idled, inceiit models- ieunuinsaaf the giz enL'�tm with the steamer II creA bound ram ,van=ea, have altered for the better, his retirement from business as a hint get anything ave, much less intro- posy, might be called, since it ryas im- ty of her crtw. him even iC he did merchant. The safe avis not a large thirds, lva hoe Cand ae tvull at ony- possible to make out the parts with The Wholesale groceryVroiltause t. yatc¢ly Ulama house; ape, 'et it took e % Barnett soma Chir The other Wray not ba far off, coat a magnifier. To hills efforts It is H'. P. I c'kard0 and Co.,Ca., l rant fire On street, Princess Victoria Melita, the aeburg urns the mastership In the time to examine thoroughly all it con- we'll finish what ite're at, I reckon. dM1te that the mmst[n t Uranchcuofmin ThvTsday al avalholoss,glatter illbeintUs n¢itrh n.ndgG011taT refuses kt°0live, i With her ass near re ho is DIT, Break only tained, He bad just mads uP h s -1s that will Paz, mtue use at a'?' els is mono di bourbood of $75,000, with sufficient in- bust), d, causing great setndai. lotion." I mind that the document he sought for (m the avant oC vis not finding the cluswo l cover id he behave towards was not there, vvhen he was Summoned other, it will be. It contains, a pro - Two of his models vera masterpieces suRnh�ai n Canvoya�ho is confined in arehislsttvhomexploded it bombelit aLor- •'Yes; but holy d v2sion for Miss Ashley, avltieh Js Onwe of tvorlammmship. Oce urns a modal of ? Not as a brother should, cer- I to dinne dinner. DTiss Ashley, and ,lir. good tying• li there wkits no twill, she tare emgtmYes of tern i o da the Steam, Svoodst0 k jail awaltin!g trial. on the pus , h ave beenessin d Wed fat e th. -nim If flu¢ ot}rec rano and the other y charge of 'mturdering the lad, George sults, have been condemned t0 death. fainly. Had I been in Man kton's PlM1C¢ Moakton were all present, But nano would get nothing. borne with hLm of them> had dressed fox the occasion. fartlteuwin9, tyre mumt act on this one.' ship Great Briitaiin� � inn. . I airLulf Prost mt Prinu aeon, ,s failing in health The 7'reneh language is nets Penally I would never have I The meal passed very quiet-- ]title ,rte ye think tin rlankton wouldken The first ruts audit is dc4ibtful if he, will live until forbidden to,be user! in public speeches so long" gg o' that wall neper inside flus book? ,engines the vaaa•Ld had ever seen. They September, when his trial takes place, in Alsace-Lorraine, and several meet - "Uncle tvas very Patient with btm, caavttsuatlly garrulous lits. Cratvfart ThaSupireme Court rule Ottawa On Sat- iings have been dissolved of tltnc co- niwaps looked an him No; T don't Chink he tvauld, That sCood an a thfiroe trenny Pieta,, and Cha urda decided that a British subd'ecC, count. '1 believe he rim was silent, when the ladies left the book does not seem to have been lis- sameSea' � libalanced was there in the resident ci fed thi vvlto goes to another Ismail Pasba, Governor of 11,e ?,land a mere boy, avha vvauld grow tease • • I dining -room, Mr ,Barnett retired with tushed for along t;tme. He must have 1 eight yea these, and at once trent bock to the Draught be had destroyed it. But erect Proportion, and the eng2nesworI country to secure a divorce, remarries, of Crete, has Protested Itgn.inst. ahs le- tims. And he eras Only He library to rasumta hos search• yet--" The Belloitor stopped short im ed wuth ainvtzimg speed when simply i'n°t retrttrns to Canada, is guilt)' Of cision of. the Aiiruiials allowing too,, IO yOIIIIgQT than uncle. after all, 'Die had anticipated no difficulty In his speech as a sudden thaughtstritek blown Irl, the el Nv s � bigamy, Chief Jnptir:o Strong dissent- ba su.Ppl.iecl to irflaaa.bitunts in the in- 71 he somewhat about• forty-six:' finding his late friend's will; but the him. "If tt be tslue thnt his brother 'rhe other model wWma equally tion- ing L'srior, m tt ate Iris breakfast in finding for, it promised to be amore and he "rad become friendly again, he 'rho It,wros tits sInns eight mallest steamship Mr. Barno -tat- tedious business than he had es acted, ,lay have bunat the Cash will, intends aver fas)In:itsescrajt vropellet Was Mrs. Sola. Railway 1yfortda raged the A dltn.of cleric 1 oieltb priest urges comparative silence. He was de ,t although he Had no doubt of F,ienc B ling to make a incur one; or he nigh 7omg, an I T., H. & B. Itailvt^ay Sar damages for a.UoltCion of clerical ielib 4i le to he 3th himself as tc the advisability it ultimately. Hours passed, and still be aware of t'hia existence of this one, ly larger than a ,from. i Its nvhole the death of her hinImozi• and was believes to be i:ba chief. obstacle to the Ing w the search want 0m unsuccesclsCdels whish would do psrfently well," he weight, when reuudy far sen, teas an awarded $1,500, bar infant daughter retttrn of the Attglicau Church L° Cath - of imparting to Aiiss Ashley the terms s will at present. or By tem o'clock both cabinet used. un- Aid', "He marabou on�,vpt7ah he died ounce ne ghadnless giltpm half an emotengines LnTtoli dnaga9rust00 tL�lta same oactutornAn t! e otic unity. of Dir, Monkton will an, the e ; g The Queen of of �pn.in mr n -bras theca any apPoaranco, Mrs, WAS, a sight to sae the tiny ship Plow- death of bar hlusUtnd, vt^as awarded Calilnet meeting Thursday Signed a Ile - leaving it till later. She had said less there were sheaneosecret drawers $ tree providing for the application or Is - nothing on the subject, and, judging which he -tad failed to discover. There Ciytu*Dorsi of Jyls havimil ltlurnt any Ing its cony acres a batit�tmlt, 1,500 damages and $300 coots. the thought of the was no other place left an the room papars?" ' In Perbutry, 1305, George Billiard, the agreed upon Total for the ]s- hy appearances, c art id tie li oolJ' ( [ tw'8trd the, housekeeper say be THE OPIUM PIPE. son of School Inspector Ballard of land of Cuba. by or of bow .she herself might be tvhare d<ir, 17ia^kt.-r Bad Veen Uurntng gone papers; but _ Hamilton, kinked a boy namsd Richard „l Berlin patter states that the Am- will in it did not seem to lis Couldto it t by the cit ncetbeain li s room of tours¢ phos' milght be some Auld lot- Neville, who, with same other boys, +vas bassadors of Gre.a Britain, France a and troubling her. Had she shown any up -stairs? If it was Inot discovered ters or things o' no cconscoluence: ,taco tiro x:Il>•; Regulate ?nwacute or til teasing ca a m. tale ce•s father carried Russia at. Constantinople have asked' signs of anxiety with regard to what there, the canclusi0n seemed inevitable "Quirts ro silvle. eve will not assume i>rca, )tis°t caseto rt verdict of ,�25Uaanrl, cels the Turkish CrovernmenL Co grant that it is r Greece an arwistine, she should db, or where she 3S-4t?ld -that the will was lost, Um t Yet, till', see. -There p against Dir. Ballard, on the ground that The case against Lieut. xlo[f, file go after .Doe fttlpvral, 1Ir. BaruatL• I .. goes twelve (we, r. Alavefi twenty neighbors D bors ha`e A ho} or of opium smolt- his son is a cripple for life. --" minutes and we tv411 have Cmish'ed,- grandson of President Kruger, uho,vas eL would -lava f@lt it ll ditty to has tell CR'AtP'TvE13, H, Whta•t'sasthaat?Vise 15ke1 iiia faint creak- Ing• In JaPan it is a crLlnv punishable T1to Government relict stammer sent charged miss slandering tae d that the v riled for; but been dismissed on the ground that file iter she it us nssiP1S' 1SSO She "Bps DDrs. Clraw'Dord gone up-3ttdrs !ng if a door, distinctly heard through by a heavy fine and a long Lmprison- pee n thedflaRoided districts found evidence tuns conflicting. he thought it better to bar room yet?" It mos 1LT. Barnett the stillness of the house, seemingly ml,�t• It is a crime to sell opium or oneman and his famtily had lived fox Lieut. 1:1o[f, the grnndson of Irresi- as it was, Who spoke. coming' from one of the, rooms on the snvnklmg appat•alus, and the on.iyplaces lure days in that ane-sitthey house In dent Kruger, Who recently made in - should remain in ignorance in the I iY'0t }F L ttvsla 1100T Immediately aUav'e. Dir. Bar- families mg r0murks regarding tate Queen, lien - meantime. went "7ivi0uld l'ou teil:iaeltrltJease, n¢tt and Mrs. Cratwfbrd Doth strained where the drug in be purchased, ar two Peet Nv wales an Clue,flo�r. !n a has Deem reinstated enol Appointed lien - •After breakfast, D'liss Ashley to see 11,aT tin the Inbra Y their ears to Baton. For the space tvhero a person m'ay smoke, ars on the houreliving together asickneissthad bruk- temant 0t tete Pretoria cline, "Near well, ;lr• a! nearly a minute tli'cy hreard noth- foreign reservations, under the prates en out among' the children, and on P up -stairs. Left alone, Mr. I3arnstt cl¢- and in a �ig The °piety dens tided that he would vca4t until he had TheL�xneolATrs departed', Iwtfo d'mnde her ap ,,Perhaps A1iss Ash0.ep or the house- tion of a foreign flag• account aE their being; so many It is again rumoured fay, I ngla at en Henry a won d before beginning si�rt time Tt rums ,nrow Dlae& r an -Kobe, Nagasaki and otbor to feed Provisions bad ton short• lsIss ,rillcaitt'sonce roceedltto fortify ttifyl ln- lairs, cities are all found in the German, ; , GBBAT' BRITAIN', yak' Island, t° serve as abase of Sup his work un the library, and went Out Ing. and on tbie marrow the funeral keeper tilllookingt, eat to see if the hall ci yokoHuwa, He ryas Ln or it Avis, axe The Queen, on her arri,vai and depar- ply in the event of hostilities with tite into the garden to smake. of Mr. ManStton avottild take illace. As gh that U tnotttbier siav0.n(9' about los a tubal the Japanese Alava no jurisdiction. AN tures In jubbliee week, will be escaried by .Transvaal. the full gardeenjoYln of his ergot when Yet, t! a missing ingeveay 1'i�klzlynot been on- C a Bonnett saixi. tY About it lb not French and Lbuys h concessions, where colonial troops The Bexlim correspondent of The is Doming down true garden PaLh ins, mesa, which was cooled by China to Tap- s stop r likely PI>� fed been Uookcases in the be atitsWa t7tis door aIt the aagvo, to Cita Japanese toalk Possession of fey Lrnd SalisUurv,hds replied to the re- Daily Mail learms that the powers will caused hho to turn round. The coma the exception of tba of the an as a part of pr Pricy n peace, kton, who held out library, which Mr. Barnett was note• might bavre heard us talking Germany nre,t:ryinlg to induce the was bit. Hoary Man it u , eta ss ence of opium smelting among t.lra no- open the Bering San case, as retes toar,eI arty upon Greece, enol that Austria and •ith a stent friendliness. emgatzed in esmmining. Heaha✓1on tthe eertaimlyvamake again- Some gone one is found a sarcous problem in the preval- quest Cam��,o�ia all refusing Hxche¢usr,r, � �t consent to Ula�e levying o'tnrem- ,h,is band vt Pr -complexioned to this time memtoaed to ny they now heard rives and Cihinese residents, who aro port¢ to mortify Its demands. He vias a tell sallow -comp his recent, budget spec ;h, stat0d Llaatthe not had -looking, with a restless fact of thew^ill having disappeared. But Listerning intlen'tly, tours step ltY methods, the Government has finally cost of Cha monarchy ,s less now thanA talent bnttereceived hasl eeuttought nt man not . HA had m for Alarming truss Ashley, be would a slight sound, as of a footstep coin numerous. After the trial of venousthat loot in his black eyes•Tho it vvas sixty years agn. •velestino, between a Turkish force. of m oustache, but no beard. Saving in, }rave taken her into his Crawford," a . Jog slowly, foots p seemed ; o const press and regalaCv the vice, it requires Admiral $Lr G; ergo }villin 16Tatsan, 8,000 and Gen. Smolenski's brigade. 'Elie his complexion ani his restless looks, s addrit olown, asimg tbata lady. "CAS' the don Said, toabe that n�L�t� �e ex the ho eU everyv Ptmn• smoker t° purchase a he formerly comma•na}er t•E the British despatch status that the Turks were lie had A gi resemblance ° please; I do not ,wiant any one to hear keit rhaDits ]roll roll ansa tromt flu+ Govrernment b the pay repulsed with enormous losses, peed brother. n p North American fleet-, is dead He The solicitor took the offered hand• 'What I am going to say; d Mrs, Crawford in ¢new in tilts vitae within certain ]iuiits of twat seventy to patch to the Lon- During the recant Grip oEl mpero0 d bade him took -morning to as "Dear me, L'boijo there's nothing "They're tailing, MIT Craw time, meat of a fee, and ermirt i e mics g- willinmt to Dresden tib¢ Imperial train! am r haute got to the torte city, which twill result in the col Acrro, ug w•a,s stopped on route for fully ttya friendly a tone as , ho couldt marcor- o goigiag&to .my bed vvM` SS Ashley thinking 5 a et of the s' abler hours. The engineer discovered the "T have to apolaguse, for no lin, away my stairs to bars, and Henry Co°t °f the _Trim LoFd kre�rve us; .Ind drugg druggists alone pa mittedat0 C pe squaclrraa tv 11 Lemnn,n in I,�1 gam I at breakfast, said 11r. Alonkto Y gear'had been. tampered .with, enol that 1 had r headachy, and event out to DDant taz? Lo his. N'laat utas it Ye wore Ing 1tATnx binremJtton ihimnsel'I� buy and sell the drug and they are re- Bay until this muddle at Tune. f. I am Jetting in norou ire- wan cli'ract] .-Iles Miss The dear had o erred„ and a tall fig- gwired to take out licenses and Pay with reference to the Hundredth Re- there would have been m serious acci- walk it of Came last nilSbt?" "ei wall tell you y heavy fres for th'c privilege. Any via- gimeynt repatriation PrOP°sal, h is dout if It tinct passed umnotioed, Ielleve You i bed, I think, L Ashley sold any htn$ to You about AIT• moron vIvillit Orawf rod almost fain lotion of this,law is punishable Uy im, learned that the Queen favours the It is 6Lalucl in Berlet tUatGerma.ny, Yes, you were n idea of ,:bra carps Being sent Io Canada. rranoe, Russia, and Austria have enter - saw no one save Mrs, Crmwford." Mnmkton s Will?" and cu to tie tails aE the not exceeding 15 years or a fm¢ not ex- ed into an alliance to restore peace in cow "She would keep You Ln talk at any- Na; and I f lrld kani a11Obo eta t2 ' it tfvJ o terror p ret erect d u on eton Peed'img 5,000 Yen. Ill -the tdistrictseseett MT. TasaPh' Chamberlain oaalenCommit the Orient and maintain thestatus quo rats, lirnv her tongue does 9t t 1 t0 her, but yc impart art for indnilgenas in the vice o ium- testified Before the T 111 South, Afxina n other words, It is a; About it elhilo•, bas he?„ the o�,Pasite aide of able desk fhnoise P P coanbimtttikxit Having Ear its object flue never can make out half She says. Can- Henry A'la,nkton bas, ldnathaaltell'd aapperlciun,fwllvich coat with neige srnaking ,rouses inlay be opened for the si,co, ad stated that the Colonial Of- tbi&se peer relations, always alio accommodation of strangers or persons 5 hod no i,ntlanvttion of the Jameson checking by file ]iritLsh po9icy of ad- aroppipg up 1 -Have You assn bliss Nat Co tree; init I co Ta rOf bi them aibo CIO not care to smoke on their oven raid. vameement. Ashlyy this mprming 8 She ryas not a basYmentsa�ed itf Co Miss n Ashley, enol tlreroaotaedtgrae of t5ra room,Those �thv log of the Dixtyflott er fres for- vvell yesterday. has lie !s maybo feared Ito casa ble hears want;,{ ru afi�ht b m Bice along old something sLr isregulations,aud ea ery time they Melly handed over °n !1Tx. J.,t y by the I smw her at breakfast, SheOnto g{ harbor a twho does not have Bishop of London to ivTr• .l.,ryard, the , S'1'It17GO1.,TNG `YGAILIN gone to her roomy now. -you avoul be He'I1that lbesvvaant no ng too ke pfon hap ngn puit.aket. h7?s�B nstbod litbeavtLly fPaxa- a permit to smoke opium the PrOPrietor, recent United Statas Amlxi;sndoa Co sorry to bear of Your brother's dee A tang's he can"' Ing n is liable to a Tina of 8,000 yen and im- England. terror-stricken, Althou:ghton alarinWAS . "T have good reason to Us sorry., nrisonnvent for li Years. !Cha Grand Trunk rmilvvuy affteials sent out with reaso.naBle promptness. ter brother man never bard. 1 ain The c�tlthiis lastwsem em°e,att"I s will, felt -Ills hai nriso ° minute ctu l- -- Uet in London do not fear t'hAt the flail- fhr, whole vvcucleu structure cons hlaz- 1. afraid I vvas sora trouble to, dem. I am smile I Uvlisvad that the epildt o.f hisdeacl however that our ,last quarrel tell you v` sus a fya are MOtpari sy b of ,one that tc inion tariff by removing the bonding iltu bazaar, and when they were wand an tbe till - gam' up before lie died; I should titin oord. In ♦vas made 1 ^ ticula,r whether y'nu'9et to 'bed for art frten:ct sloOsl bvCofrs�a Then came � he reoog- CAVALRY AND ARTTT.LEIty, ed Strafes vvJ11 retaliate for L;Ia Dnm- is mfsbnrt islaneeioC if;tLho rtwJLasnd haver have forgiven myself Otherwise." a wild feeling -9f , Privilege. Inmost the whole building falling coin the ll t 1 ?" hour or two Yet?" vd tate a,Pantion. I.t vias not the Thromghaut the RtJssiam Ca Cavalry the h favorite navalists of the Queen, most imm¢ctiulrly fallin}t upon Lhe un- , -out ofitce• rte E2rst; but be be to me, Barnett' d statement very him so, He aul Ue a great cam things kava he Yes; it is a will •Yom be a look through; ,n was to Dm mal said: " a before and left ^e he e( e seen him to,c Y Oh, no. if ye're avanttng me, I can aIs I T. e :t in surprise, wh h dead main in the spirit, eruct his brother men atoms axmcd vviih a auric. to hide, bide uP brawlY•' a hand in }m the flesh, w'hant he behold. It was 341-2 inches long, and rifle and bayonet, according to a writer• u this Quarterly fortuaaLe people, many of ,vlrom are t "i walat you to gdve me su.PPosed to have. heen lirevinuely muf- tt•,he city, on TuesdAY, In the Cossacks the front rank carry a Ravievv, age0 na7taut,1Geo ge Eliot end w. He had been at l okeing through Chess, bok des. al Unt1> s Dfoniton in a fit of somnam lam In artillery the Rmssians are Brante•' Mr" P fncatacl io.clrath. .ln slnl.a of tile, at- looking ratchet stern ,at b JadnA Lyall, forts of the firemen sOmettm¢ elalised. s a warm side ready. ,Tb6 fact, is, Mrs. O:rawforr , T (To be Continued.) Particularly strong, and their swine- The bungalow fon i:ho accommodation before rho charred hotline could hg alavay oCtho Caatadran loam at 13isLeY }s Pulled. ,train Elie sinok,img aucL burning �„ cant fund Air, Monkton's will; mart and Irxajectileis are of the latest milted Mr. liIonkton's Dawe seardbod every place that I Ilan p wase of debris. TbQ 1'refeci DI. I..e- . B not tall have of, 1 know b's used to keep It in IT By WATER." and moist aPPxaved patterns. The dC• mletiou, and Wil be aadecided aarnmm nt pima, colts one of the Cia:st offloads to much, but'• R.JJN Live army and field reserve, troops zlons rho camp' remeh. the Yore, and he cheated the OP- remnrked; "It must this room• now ae 'Mercy On usl 'The idea o` that.ican- A' ,oing lumberman whose ltnbtt.s oC contti.in ulapvard of ElvO •ltun(]rod Uat- Jn Lio I for the recovery of the ll0dies. ort to you not find the welli wlaern can it bac , 3, -tad iven rho "blind slag- A mymher of a Irlotor2nn sealing coed:' drinking g. moot aJttlr. wt tortes, TO, over Cour thousand hp1lsa,,wt present in London, says CUs In Ilse ,neuuritvhiln lhr pumps (Als work played nn p t as ou say gn'ne, think ye? ,omfor r Y know. it 'sboultl be gers " to his business, oro While in rho , guns. General staff olti o nitefrom frons exLensuon of the close Season lot' seLjn'tl Progrihe essed and ,titre ttinqutiries became and anougtr to have T olnly wish T kne closed corps, and are re as pr°posed. by th Papers and pnodu°oct nmd read n!t t.Ue fnrneral to- Bas tiI1trio� ptapfjnat TO nn old. tltona tubo Pte, the General Staff AOA- fishing, t t the drn.lh rate tvouitl also be ybrothar:sPAPe marrow, if T dant tied. it, L coil; i sero ha theynaed arrmngilif f the rlit lint friend. de my. Tho da,CAes of the general ea Stam States, vvowldturn theCatnadaan ,alas= much lUghvr tlacLimarous n� lttrhtstStnstiwalndl d uch• thin s. Ito have 'to read it from broadly slloaking,, incluc g „ ISetlry ALnnktvn uviol- prOUabl , dctnnnd flaw are y� uthnnlcke Bou;mltu{, l: have h On the Behring '.l"hn Police ofru'lals (.his evening ma,y they you to dart, I know, u©tree, of t11v prior.,, illi, t trill Ua Vpo.tt.y 'el , meals and oparaLrans of rho army, in- Prof• :fhortnPson, the bn t,sh C°mmts believe iL to ba catlnire that Lhe attinl- wgh conscious that by prod P toiligelwo of the enemy, and recon- siowrar un• hi repos bre ol. dea,thN would nxcond 1tlD, rn- candon in the past a fort'axiato thing for ham it it cannot just sten a doctoir to have lam exam- neimmuo:o of the i:heatrQ oC war. Sea seal frsherY, says that; int the pies be get. inn my tha'oat• Balling the torrihle, fire at lite Opera all right Lo lntarfere T decoder- butt we mmunna lot what's tine natter? .It iii me any It is laid dowut that on marches, etitxato of slaughter there without ex - I affairs. `�y' - li. AsUl is left same- •'tve11, the doaCair coin g tvhQn al: a distance from the Ansley, at the herd Inareastn'd andsh', out 0x� Contique, Among the injured are I,ho alto h vvnualerlog' that happen. A '0Y e;n0auragornent. At lonst:, hs could tint ih Is of ilio firsC, imPortmn0e to study txvario °are it will diminish', •I7uch:ese ile la Torre, the Yrinc•ess ° ' ' Henr Lhi.ng iu u. T. bnpe?" Six M.iehoel -licks-13eacb, Chancellor 1<Oicinouhut, I.he irieont.essr tl Avenel ala postitvon Y „She is )oft ¢v'orlYthung,aviththa ex- find what I want to find, the cantfarl; lied canvanieuce of Lhe of the I schoquas, prasent¢rl another Itis up, wlsely retrain- n small, le3acies to rho 4V hat did you expect him t° filaroat tronlis by sepparating, arms, and sand.- nil liesdamns Dforomu, clu 13reu.il, iAlal, g tip' remark. Flo caption or Bantu t to cies toCthe 7 asked horn to look (Iowa coy ,nig IT, br110ti.ng parties and bakers to vary ,srttistactory budget to the ImPer- t ntnx, h,ugeno Challeniel, necainier, 'ing ) servants, and inn annul y i'al 1.&Tiled , , Trade -las Increased mal St, Didtote, ,vas just avnCting Co l liar this satvmSll a.nzt fares Haat hind Bona Provide for t'.he wnnta of tlrei troops lar.- - b an, -I Willi go in sufficient to kCeP,hima den want. You down thcrt in drink. fOreha.nd, lvhon near the enemy how- 5 pox cont., the na.i:Jonml debt ltas been ]: eg tandtng are remembered nn i:t also. Rut rf file reduce(-. reran n.nd a half millions, and Mr. Monk s will is not found, 1-1Anty Manlcton wi14 And did ha ave anything;, of them ? over, eine- on' a marOh that may lead take evsryLltim$, as his brother's rain No; huC he a.dvisad ma if aver I got to an encgmnter Ilio troop's advance Che surplus is anoas'ly Lvva anti a half SUIT A13L1 1011 A BOY OF TI, uld begin his warlc heilr." anoCher mt11 do run it by water, closed up as much as pnssilrlar in not- tn{IltOhts, Lady Ghapllrx-T want 'tn gQt same- lending documents, the ,ar "Will 1111, the vagaUomdl .T, orad ho almns, and atm mminly at swiftness and U NI'1`.1sD S ('A:Cl S, tlti vs suifn,b]ln for a boy of 10 Years. the funeral. requu'ecl seoreny, , ' ' t ' Salasmmn-SSippar counter dawn the vexed to seo't. Fall m° outlet to da S,bipinenle, or gd..cl from No, York to Ind the afternoon was and ave'lt Uegin at Au"," ,foil, T'Uyi liOiL lI3R BOY. Inropa hair, ettnmenced again, second, aisle; turn to your right. I meed also avhan ha rul� „`pall, we coli- truko,rlown tbasebonlcs down will, work will t tC twat will is not Ise Chat that have Tishin,g reels Cunxsa -You 'know ,loot the moon in- . 'Cllr, Des DCoincs river in Iowa, fs in- The GovernmentsOfChili And Brazil mall, d Ono by one, oe est of all opener- the b axscidont bttnveen the leaves of ono with Uiril Uarsan�inS�ba� only moans fur Ylticvnnres tht tide. nrtci ul:in9 tetany larvas alld vtilmges, have antcred into au Alliance with a tut, tbA papers which ho;; OI them, oh it may oven Uo at the Oh, ai course for the t.ety-hem I ur- Cmwkex T'esltaPs ]i thea, I've known R)ean I!rrlt°11„ vice-chart°nllor or. Syra- view t° guaranteeing the, maintenance k' p inndthepe aewAipa em the Ibacka t the b okcase."7t the rar'm far tber twiuth Pthe Ox -gad Polo tend benL it 'ta infl,uence•Ansrnptilrle youngg PaO�.ause 17niversit'.y, is dead aged 72, 1Ta1 of peace in Saut'h. America, to taidclI of isho floor.was Plt anti result to their getting tisd, V find Cho null- Cn fiat .a (winsideaablt time wlilt t}is search pian far a hOalt, .