HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-7, Page 8Elkina a COW T 11 .u; B 1't t.1 o.; ID T I Bonen races in. Brussels on Monday, May 24th. 0. ZtsLftx is giving the "Central" a thorough overhauling in the way a new paper paint &o B, Gerry, There are two things that can ha done better by hand than by muddle. et•y-one is milking a cow and the other fe trimming Wall Paper. We are prepared to prove this. We em- ploy only an experienced hand to trim our Wall Papers and which we da absolutely Free of Charge. Cas• iomere have the oheioe of doing this themselves and getting is, per roll ci'f. Dozens have tan advantace of this as they can get a l0, paper for 6c., a G). one for 50. and so on. An- other thing some people da not he, Sieve, that merchants sell ,goods less than cost. This is what we are do- ing now, better to do this than carry over a large stook. We are not only offering q-'alitiee of Wall Paper et less than cost but many at less than half cost, This is truth. G A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAELWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION 5. O. & B. Trains leers Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Genre SOr'rsi. Golxo Nonra, 8,xpress 7:01 rem, 1 Mixed seinen HtSed........, 11:57 p.m. , Mail 19:52 p.m , .Li�i _ l•y1 cin i1 em5. w� A alliePe amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Business Locals, ST4AI' a d RD TM.711 CIF C,4X4.D4, ONE good aecand hand top buggy cheap. HEAD OFFICE, - TO R O N T O IT le hinted that it Brussels young lady Save money by buying yang buggy at ASSETS,(Sewn Million Dollars) $2,7,OOQ000,000000 ( ) $ will grace a home on the chores of Lake D. Ewan's, Brenda, CAPITAL Authorized Erie in the aomiug Summer, APPLETON'e world renowned Tana los t ti t i Agencies i en Agcn all principal points n Ontario, Quebec, Nanftaba, United StatesteYIn A. M. McKee: & Co. disposed of a R Jland, a"a'tormer" bicycle to Mine amenia Mo. Nair, of Craobrook this week. leleen9. Clegg & Demos shipped a oar of export cstttle from Brussels on Mon. day and another oar from Belgrave on the sante day. A minion of improvetneots, both in- terior and exterior, are in progress or contemplated abed the Queen's hotel by Strottou Bros. ,liEssna, B.uoaan & VANsroNE shipped 700 live hogs in April, for which tbey paid over $5,000. Lest week's ship• sale at Thomson'a. lkiesetheA patent flour, the hest that cue be had, at Roes' flour trod feed mills. Goon y0uug cow for sale. Will calve in a few 'dile. Jae. Walker, Brussels. I neve; over 1,000 curtain poles, all kinds. Paden away down. B. Leather. dela. SEE our shone; never stmt] bargalne offered. Less than wboleeale prices. I, 0. Rioharde, Tire beat way to find oat the bottom price of a baggy le to call at Jas. Walker's p, Bi'usavle, B•IAT. Fnr'Ac to Arbor Day. Terser fishing is on band. TICE Poste gives the news. Blamed pie is on the program. Roue bills printed neatly and clteap'v. Burners Flex mill will not be run this year. COVET of Revision on Moudner evening, Jane 7th. Dm yon pity your subacriptioe to THE POST yet? CLEAN up and be ready for the Sani• cry Inspector, A new roof has been put on the resi- dence of Rev. J. L. Kerr this week. TBE frequent showers have greatly re- tarded farming and gardening operati"ne. Goon Roads public meeting next Tb ti's• day afternoon at 9.30 o'clock, Town hell, Brussels. Redman monthly meeting of B; us - eels Sobool Board on Friday evening of next week. A BRUSSE I1'E pledges his word that there will be no grasshoppers this year owing to the resent heavy Pains. A. HEwrTT and Thos. Bloomfield will take a shipment of horses to London, Eng., on Tuesday of next week, THE Poste eubsoription list continues to grow and advertisers reap corresponding advantages an accoaot of this fast. THE } mile track is in prime condition for driving or bicycling. A tariff for season tickets may be read in another eolmmn this week. I. C. RmiARos has moved the stook of Boots and Shoes recently purchased in St. Marys to hie store in Brussels, where he will dispose of them. TEE Stanched Bank will 5emo50 in the nurse of a few weeks from the Stretton block to the Leckie block, to the premises formerly occupied by Pees.n. Molntesh •.0 MoTaggart. Tee Orangemen are steadily planning for the immense celebration to be held in Brussels on the coining 12th of July. No stone will be left unturned to make it a bis rousing success. Fool Batt.—A foot ball match will be played bere on the Queen's Birthday between Atwood and Brussels team. Game celled at 10 a, m. on Victoria Park, A ohne and exciting contest is expeoted. It is hinted that the G. T. R. may re - wore the noon and night trains on this line. They promised to do ao after the dangler of snow blookadee was past. We hope their new time card will show their willingness to keep faith with the public. Bacx AGAIN.—A.. E. Stott, who resent. iv removed his laundry from Breseeie to Wingham, lute come baok to town and resumed business in the apartments in the Leckie Block, over A. Coueley'e Bicycle Emporium, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public. THE following Provincial appointment bee been made by the Administrator of the Government :—Barnard Louis Doyle, of Gode.rich, Junior Jud ;s of the County Court of the County of Huron, to be Lent Master of the Suprema Court of Judicature for Heron, in ooneegnenoe of the ahepooe on leave of Sutherland Mal• colmson, menta alone took $3,041. CARPET Weaving neatly done. Satisfea- cs W. G. Cowen has added another to tion guaranteed, by Mrs. Mu0rae. Near. the long list of Oooniils of Chosen ly opposite Dr. Mnl(ulvey'e, Frieudh by organizing one at Lietowel this week with 30 memhere. , Blesses, Johnston it Cochrane received a car of Ohio etoueteat week. They have a very fine exhibit of monuments at their premises on Turn berry street. PAsrunAOE.—The run of 45 00501, good grans and never failing supply of water. Lot 25, 5111 line, Morrie. Inforniaticn may be obtained at Tan POST. THIS (Friday) evening the town Band will begin their weekly outdoor concerts for the season if the weather ie favor- able. They intended playing last Friday evening, bat rain prevented. Taos. ,li'cLAI:mare has disposed of that woll.knnwn Clydesdale stallion, "Ayrshire teamp," this week to a gentleman at P,dmerstor, at a good figure. Bir. Mao. is still in the horse bnsine01 being the owner of "Sir Walter" a fine imported horse. PUBLIC HOLIDAY.—An extra of the Can. Ma Gazette was pnblished on Tuesday of last week, appointing Tuesday, June 22nd, to be observed througbout the Do- minion as a day of geuerel thanksgiving end rejoicing on the occasion of the Queen's diamond jubilee. "Gtar1ii ."—The first stook in this lo• oality from A. IImnig'e valuable stallion, "Gueteer," was foaled last week. One is owned by W, W. Hoy, 5th Cons, Grey, •and another is the property of Thos. Bone, 8rd line, Morrie. Both are said to be dandy foals and highly prized by their respective Owners. Moxnam afternoon Vera Aiuley, the 3• year.o'd daugl]ter of Watson Ainley, and Frank Gerry, a 4.year.old, who live near the river, were down at the river near the flax mill when; the swift cadent swept Vera off her feet and before she was rescued she had repeated bathe. Alex. McKay was fortunately near by and by Frank banging on to the little girl's clothing she was rescued from what threatened to be a watery grave. No serious consegnences followed. QUEEN'S BInTlinar.—The program of sport on the Queen's Birthday, on Brus- sels Driving Park, will consist of the following events :•-- 81.00 3 minute pacing stake, closed with 9 paid up entries. All will start ; $100, green trotters, a mile ; $150, 227 pace or trot ; Ladies novelty race, harness and hitch horse and pace or trot 7a mile, $4, $3,31; Old man's race, 52, 51 ; Boy's, over 12 years, $2, $1 ; Boy's, under 12 years, 52, 51 ; Girl's, under 14 years, 52, 51. Poste OFFICE RETuose.—The following post office statistics for the principal offices in Huron County are taken from the Auditor -General's report, which has been issued, for the year ending June 80th last :— THE License Commissioners for East; Boron met at the Revere House, Brus- Isle, on Monday, all the members present. Hotel license was granted to J. B. Steele tonfor tlr• Queen's Hotel, Brussels, and to John Puttand, Bluavale, Statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 were signed and forwarded to the proper authorities, Board ace menthe to meet et the call of the Score Lary. DON'T ANN )P Yore Nr-manons,--The garden and dooryard are now reoeiviug attention—and this is the eeason of the year when poultry breeders and dog fend- ers annoy their neighbors by allowing these animals to trespaae, Owners of fowl and dogs should not allow them to run at barge, to the damage and annoy. ante of people who would like to be odghboriy. GOOD Rotas.—Thureday afternoon of next week, 18th inst., at 2 30 o'clock, A. W. Campbell, O. E., Rae.; Instructor ander the appointment of the Ontario Legislature, will visit 13 ...smell and ad, dress a pnblio meeting it, one Town hfall. The schj051 will be the eery important one of "Flow to make eel keep good Folds." Mr. Campbell 1, is hada wile end praotioal experience end the infer• mutton he has to impart should prove very helpful to ell interested in this im• portant public work, A cordial invite,. Mon is extended to the On, Councillors, members of the neighboring Municipal Councils, pathmasters- and the public generally. We hope to see every path - /under in attendance, as- they are the parties who will soon have an opportunity of working out the fdeae advanced by Mr. Campbell. Come prepared to ask Ouee- tions. and Peet Offices. Post Onion Sal's Revenue. Allowaneos, 5 458 73 5 204 78 50e 25 319 44 414 40 197 09 1467 40 840 07 2348 41. 108523 4080 08 1702 00 093 61 320 50 522 93 200 05 2079 88 938 90 003 43 $80 83 Auburn Bayfield Rlneve-Le Blyth Brussels C11cton Crediton Dungannon Exeter Fordwinh Goderioh.......... 6068 90 1 59 09 Gerrie 1122 37 449 59 Hansell ...... 1179 85 612 78 Sealorth 4983 07 185125 425 57 158 70 4809 47 1019 89 88578 477 95 823 87 864 54 Va Winrnagham Wroxeter Zurioh MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.— The regular meeting of the above Aseooiation was held in the Reception room of the Minn of Refuge, Clinton, on Tuesday of last week, Dr. McKay, President, in the chair. The following members were present —Drs. Moray, McGinnis, Beth- nn0, Sloan and Burroughs, of Seaforth ; Taylor, of Goderioh ; Campbell, Zurmb ; Agnew, Londeeboro' ; Rose, Auburn ; Livingstone, Seaforth ; Shaw mai Turn- bull, Clinton. The meeting was one of the most interesting that has been held foe some yeare. A number of very in. teresting papers were read and pabisnts presented, and all the members entered heartily into the discussions following eaoh paper. The first paper was the re• port of a ease with operations, which bad been incidentally brought up at the last meeting at Sesiorth on account of a Simi• lar ease without operation being present- ed there. A very animated discussion followed the reading of this paper, and there ie a ebrong probability that the same subject will bo taken up again at the next meeting in June. Dr. Sloan, of Seaforth, read au interesting paper ou "Appendloibie," A number of patients in the House of Refuge, suffering from diff' erent maladies, were presented for opin• ions from the members. The committee having the matter in hand presented the address they hod propared to send to Dr. Graham, late of Brussels, who bee left the County and ie now studying in New York, and who always took a deep in.. tercet in the Association. On motion of Dr. Taylor, of Goderioh, it was decided to hold the Association meetings dentine, ouely in Clinton, instead of Clinton and Seaforth alternately, and to have them at the Ilouse of liefnge, A vote of thanks was tendered to the manage', Mr, Fronoh, and N(rs. French for their kindness and courtesy to the members end lot having everything nicely arranged for the meet,. ing, Meeting then adjourned, to meet again in June. Branttord City Council hue anthotized the purchase of a piooe of vacant ground upon the batiks of the Grand River ret the foot of Brant Avenno, as a public park hs commemoration of her Majesty's diamond jubilee. SCALEe.—Every farmer should weigh his stook, Yon one boy 3,000 pound reales for 527.00 from B, Gerry, P05008IGE can be supplied for oattle on Lot 24, Con. 5, Morris. 100 acre run, with lots of water. WAL•rsic INNES. TEE late improvements iu Ross' Flour mill has placed their flour away ahead of all others. Everybody is delighted with it. IF yon want anything Su my line call and see what I have. Prices the eheapost and qualities the best in the County, 1i. Leatbordale. WAwT'EI3.--Eggs, Butter and Dried Apples. Why give theta to pedlars for half price 7 Bring them to G. E. Bing, Wingham, and get full value for them. R. LnaTHNanALE has the largest stock of window shades this Spring that ever was in Brussels. Prices cheaper than ever. Put up free and springs warranted. Logs of baggies ready for the road. It outs nothing to call, even if you purchase elsewhere. The prices were never lower nor the work ever better. Jae. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. HATING removed the large bankrupt stook of boots and ehnes which we lately purchased in St. Marys to Brussels, we now offer shoes at less than wholesale prices. I. C. Richards. CHANGED HANDS.—T110 Hair Business formerly done by Mrs. Hinds is now Dar• ried on by lira. Ilingeton, Mill St., Brus- sels, who will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public. 43.2 KARL'S Clover Boot, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the e emetelon anti cures constipation. 25 o:e, fit ee. and „l.f,). Bald by James Fox, Droggiet, Brussels. Sateen's cure is sold on n guarantee. It cures incipient oonsumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ors., 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by James Pox, Druggist, Brussels. WE offer and will have open for sale on Saturday, the 8th of this month, the large bankrupt stook of boote and shoes all of which we offer at less than whole- sale prices. I. C. Richards. EGGS FOR RAToonso.—The undersigned can supply eggs for setting from pure White Leghorn or Black Minorca. illy strains won let prize at Brussels Fall Fair in 1890. S. B. Sa1ALN, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shilob'e Catarrh Remedy is the Ant medioine I have ever found Wait would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by Sas. Fox. druggist, Brus- sels. BARGAIN OFFanED.—Tbat eligible hall sere lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dis- posed of below net. Very easy terms. Write for partionlars to Sons Hnnoasevss, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. ADyearce xniT ie the order of the day. Almost every department of life has been revolutionised. Mts. Madden's Yeast bids feair to revolutionize the making of bread into light, white and sweet loaves. This Yeast should be used by every progressive housekeeper, and will be. For sale by all grooms. Goon REcouui:Nw.—"Thefollowing Brus• sallies will drive buggies manufactured by Jas. Walker, the well-known carriage builder of this place :— le. S. Seed, Dr.lialbfleisob, • Chas, BowLett, Walter Lowry, with more bo follow. A. Currie, Brus- sels, has bought a dandy bntoher delivery wagon from the same builder. These purchases by home men iodinate clearly who leade the procession in the oerriage business. Call in at Walker's and see for yourself. A General Banking Business Transaoted. Fermin' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPsoIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION OF FARMERS' BALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers livlug at a dietanoe, J. A. STEWART MANAGER. of the wheat crop in France, 37,500,000 quarters, has been made, It shows that the yield is likely to be the smallest since 1894. We must, therefore, be propared to find Franco a strongly competitive buyer from September, instead of, as in the past two years, a small buyer of Rue - eian and American wheat and nn exporter of flour to the United Kiugdom, Iu Cote many, Austria, Italy and Spain the agri- cultural outlook is satisfactory. Russia promises an average crop. Thole fall in the price of oats warns farmers that the acreage is overdone, and that the compo' therm between Russia and America will be formidable, with low freights. ToaosTo, May 4..—Market gpjot. Flour quiet ; offoriuge light ; prieoe unchanged ; straight roller gelid, at 58.70, middle freights. Bran quiet, at 58.00 West, and shorts, $9.50 to $10. Wheat quiet ; the general fueling unsettled ; reel intes quiet, at 770 West, and white at 700 ; No. 1 Manitoba hard quiet, at 730 to 740, Fort William, and at 70e to 80o Midland ; No 2 hard quoted at 770 to 78c Midland. Buckwheat—Moderate ; sales outside at 26o to 27c. Barley quiet ; a moderate demand ; No. 1 is quoted at 300 ; No. 2 at 260 to 27o, and No. 3 extra 01 210 ; feed barley, 210 to 22o West. Oats quiet ; no change in prices ; sales of white at 200 to 201.0 West ; mixed aro quoted at 19c to 19:p}o West ; white on Midland quoted et 23o. Peas unchanged ; sales West at 40e and at 410 middle freights. Oatmeal quiet ; prices steady, at 52.80 to 52.90. Corn quiet ; sales at 23o to 24c West. Rye quiet ; prices steady ; car lots quot• ed at 33o to 83c East. . Tone:eo,May 4.—The Toronto oattle market was firm to -day. Receipts were fairly largo, being 55 care, including 100 sheep and lambs, 1,200 hogs, 40 ceives and 10 milch cows and springers. Ex- port oattle—Markets aro blocked as a re- sult of the non -arrival of the boats at Montreal on which they have taken space. One dealer has 218 head waiting ; anoth- er 810 and another 160. Good cattle sold at 35o to 4ec per lb. Reports from the old country are encouraging, asides 50051 as steamers begin to arrive for freight there is expected to be an motive demand for cattle, In the meantime buyers would like to see the farmers holdiug their cattle. Sheep—The demand was slow, although the offerings were light. Prices were easy, at 3o to 3e0 per lb. Yearling lambs -There were not many offered, and more are wanted. Good grain -fed yearlings fetch $5.76 per cwt., and mediums, 5o per 11). Spring lambs steady, at 53 to 54 each. Choice lambs are in demand. Calves -Good calves aro wanted. Very few of good quality were offered, Prices ranged from 54 t0 $5 eaoh. Hogs—The offerings were heavy, but there was a good demand and the market was firm. Choice selection of bacon begs sold et bee pec lb., weighed off oars. Thick fat sold et 53.50 to $3.60 per owl. ; sows, 3c per 1b. ; light hogs, 81o. All kinds are wanted, except stores. BOLLaLo, May 4.—Spring wheab, fair inquiry ; limits steady ; No. 1 heed, old, 8150 ; new, 7750 ; No. 1 northern, 0151, 785o ; new, 765e.. Winter wheat—no de. mend. ; No, 2 rad, in store, 80eo ; No. 1 white, on traok, 92o. Corn steady ; No 2 yellow, 800 ; No. 5 yellow, 99ee ; No, 2 corn, 290 ; No. 3 earn, 281c to 285e, Oats firm ; No. 2 white, 245e ; No. 3 white, 235 ; No, 4, white, 2140 ; No. 2 mixed, 215c ; No. 8 mixed, 19e. Barley an - changed. Rye quint ; No. 2, in store, 890 Canal freights steady. Flom: quiet and steady. New Yeas --Butter quiet ; western creamery, 18c to 17o; factory, 850 to 10c; do., creansory, 13c to 170. Cheese quiet ; largo steady, at 95o to 1050 ; small fancy, 10ho to 115c ; part skims, 4o to 85e ; full skims, 25c to 3o. BL^LLEVILLE.—The Belleville Cheese As. sedation held its first session of the year Wednesday. The offerings were mall, there being bot 800 white end 18 colored boarded. Bids were made from 90 to 95o but only 55 white were sold at mice EAST BUFFALO, May 4.—Cattle—Re. cwipta, only one load ends few old bundles held over from yesterday's trade. These were sold at weak to a shade lower prines, and the yards were well cleared of sale stook ; reports from the west were stonily to firm and the outlook for desirable grades of cattle are oonsidered fair, Veals and calves—Receipts, only a few odd head ; market was quiet and uncliangeci and the outlook fair ; good to extra choice veale, 54.25 to $4,50 ; prime to extra weds, $4.50 to $4.75 ; heavy fed end buttermilk calves, $2.50 to 53.50. Hoge— Receipts, very 1rh+ht for light grades and Yorlcere higher prices obtained, while for medium and heavy grades no bettor va(aes were obtained than yeetorday ; good to choice Yorkers, $4.25 to $4,30 ; mixed packers' grades, $4.05 to 84.25 ; medium weights, 54.15 to $4.20 ; heavy hogs, 54,10 to 54.15 ; roughs, 53.50 to $3.75. Sheep and lambs—Receipte, 6 ears ; the market was fairly steady at yesterday's prices for the desirable and Mandy hind of etoolr of both kinds, bet very slow for heavy sheep and Iambs ; native Iambs, choice to »rime, 55 to $5.10 ; dills to 00500100 lambs, 52,75 to 54.85 ; fair to choice mixed sheep, 53.75 to $4,25; salla and oonllno0 sheep, 52 to 58.50 ; ex. port sheep, 54 to $4:,50. 801Z1V - DANE.—In Bowiok, on the 22nd nit., the wife of Mr. Thos. Dane of a son. DoanLEnEE.—In Howicil, on the 21st ult., the wife of Air. Geo, Doublodee of twin daughters. 9Z277]- WEnn —In Gerrie, on April 28th, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Horton, Alex. Webb, of Toronto, aged 29 years and 4 months, 3Te,T.7SM:12+6 MASv2Cr7'•1"S, Fall Wheat 70 72 Spring wheat80 Barley 20 22 Pose 38 38 Pens (large)54 65 Oats 19 60 Butter, mile and rolls ... 0 10 12gge per dozen .........7 Flour per barrel......... 4 00 4 50 Potatoes (per bag) 25 Hay per ton - - 7 00 8 0n Hides trimmed. - 5 57 Hides rough 6 7 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep ekiuc, eaoh 40 1317 Lamb skins eaoh 15 40 Hoge, Live 4 75 4 75 Dressed Hoge....,....,6 50 5 00 Limner., fifey 8,—The trade in oat. tie bete to -day is slow, but pr1058 are firm. Best States cattle sell ab 65d per pound ; Argentines at 552. States young sheep are worth 750 per pound ; Argen- tine slseep,80 ; sheep are steady in price. GDasoow, May 3,—Oettle market de• pressed by large arrivals. Best States, 10 to 100. LONDON, May 4th,—TheMeek Laue 7iix• press, it its weekly review of the grain situation to -day, says s ---Tho wheat in Greet Britain is irregular and off color, and le is not thought it can come tip to the evora5e trope oven with a floc Sum. mer. It is attain the barley orop le bo - low the average, but the weather has suited oats. Only a preliminary estimate 'WANTED.—A MA13IiIED MAN to eo farm worts divine Scanner unlike._ DR. MCKELVJSY, Brussels, �RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm security. Apply at 'PRE POST Publishing House, Brussels,. fIIOMFOR'TABLE HOUSE F011 Salo with }1 pore lot. Good cistern, furnace, da, Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to Tan Poste Publishing House. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will hoop a Chester White boar for servi00. Terme $1,00 to he Paid ut the time of service, with privilege of returning if 05000sa•v. 00-0 9A0011 LONG, Oranbroolc, IRE PEOPLE'S t O UII IN. Ancient Order of United Workmen, This old nud prosperous Fraternal Aasoo ation numbering 400,000 ulembere are pre minting to the public their popular and eoon• omical rales to worthy In en, at the very low rate of about 58.00 per 01,000 per annum. Tim - "Workmen" 1 remptly Puy Routh Collins and expect a largo morons° to its members now that those American 1,h,e Companies don't 900105 satisfactory 10 Cau- adietis, ROIOT, A13MSTRCNG,lrc,W.; W. 1-1, KKE1110 Recorder; J. A, 011EIGkiTON,T'luaucier. REAL ESTATE. ��T-,ARMS FOR S&LB.-THE UN- . DEEeioNI4D has oriental good Farms for sale motto rout, easy terms, in Townships of Mor'r'is and Grey. Ir S. BOOTT . Brussels TIOTTAGE FOR SALD OR TO )tent, Also 700010 00 lab. Mud y to 43• rilRe, STI5A0HA100, Brendle, '10VIPORTABLE HOUSE AND Let an Sohn street to Feat, 1'ne8005110 n after May 15th. A 7 novyvo lot adjoining um 9 be bedA.O8. BDWSOHL or Teill POST, 43.ti Brunets. /FANITOBA'LAND P'011 SALE, —160 acres of good farm Lund at Fpringaehi, 8 miles from Winnipeg, Is offer- ed for sale at alow pride. The property is North 1Eaat I Sec,10, Two. 11, 'tango 4, 15001, There is a honed on the premises and some breaking done. For full particulars as to price, title, do., write or apply to G. V, BLAIR or W A..R1411R, 20-tt Brussels, Ont. LIARbM P011 SALE—THE .6. nEpsroxxb offers his eligible 04 acre farm for tale, being South part of Lot 5 Con. 12, Grey. Ah under cultivation, well watered and well fenced. There is a good stone house, bank barn, ol:climd, wells, d0„ on the promises, Also a splendid stone quar'r'y 150111 which Is good revenue Is rooks. ed. Only Si miles from Brussels. Torres reasonable. For farther particulars as Is price, do,. app17 to 2OEM MITOIIULL, Proprietor, 35.tt Brussels P. 0. 1.71A11111I'OR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South } and South 4 of the North } of Lot 66, Con 2, East Wawa - nosh, This is an excellent stock farm, being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 81111108 from the thriving Vit. lase of 1319th. A large part of It is under grana. Buildings and fauns are in a rate state of repair. lend terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11 -bo G.P. 03Lsiele Barrister, 13rassels, MAY 7, 1897 Weaa,J. Fuer Tziarec nee P QPLENDID PARK FOR SALE. 3. That excellent farm, Lot 15, con. 6, Towosbii of t3 ray, 100 sores, /Duet be sold,tt 0000 in order to close estate of deceased own- er. The lot is nearly all (neare,t, with gond buildings, ample water supply, large- or- chard, 15 miles from Cronin colt is under good cultivation and is a 5055 desirable pro• party indeed. Apply to RIOHA RD MIT- CHELL, Brussels P, 0. ; JOHN 59131713 LLL, on the liromises ; or A. 71CNTiz14,13rnueole. Dated Sept. 13sb, 1806. AUCTIONEERS. With the new Trimming Michelle that we havo this eensan we Trim all our Wall Paper Free of Charge and nut pgiy cio the doI,1iiewitlout extra ooet bet by the use of it the remove the edge perfectly in a vary few moments and very mush nicer then 1t am11 nrherwiee be dobe. All our Customers who Bove seen our Machine working are more than pleased with the work we do for them. Cue thing we WW1) our Customers to bo thoroughly assured of le that it does not add one sinelo tient to the costof the paper, les it tales but n few moments to remove thoedge we meet nothing for the ehort time it takes in doing it. As we have the only Trimming Machine in Brussels we are therefore in the beet position to attend to your wants at the shortest notice. We havo Borders (and in nearly every one Ceilings also) to match every paper we have from 4o. to 25a. per roll. Drop in end see our Papers tinywety and be your awn judge of the values we offer you at if 11011011 K111EBY, "\...JO Lleonaed Anotinneer. P0103 ooitlluet eel ou roasomab)o befits. Penne and farm stooka specialty. Orders lett at Tan Poste Publishing haute, lire seek, or sent to Walton P. 0., wall receive prompt attention. S. SOOTT AS AN &COTTON- + mut, wi11 tell for better primes, to bettor men in 055 time and ICOR *barges than any other Auctioneer in Him Swan or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this otlloe or by personal application. (IAPT. J. STIIT'TON, Who has had 25 years 0xporionno as an Auetianeor, but who lead to quit owing to ill health, has ogatu oaken out Renee and 15 Prepared to conduct ado et reasouehle torus. Satiefantiou cuarantoerl. Dates may he arranged at Ten Poste Puhnaliin4 Untie, 151.9. STREu'T2ON, 13•tt Auctluncor, PUBLIC SALE Minable able Village Property, Fox's Drag Steres VETERINARY._.__-_ T D. WARWICK, re • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all dinned of tlon]esbteated animals in a com- ttaepetent o tom• Particular vrlary1aellr. 11promptly tended to. Moe and Iullrmary—Four doors north of bridge 'Purnberry el., Browse. Under and by Virtue of a power of sale en- trained tel a Wart g0,010 thane the 18c,11104 of October, 1805, made 6y W. H. MoOruoknu, as Mortgage',, to the banking firm of Gillies Smith, which will be procluded et the time of sale, t5ere will be Oared for sale by public euetloe, by F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, at the Qeeen's Hotel In the town of Brussels, on X''rtalal', May 1Hh, 11197, at 00 minutes past one o'elouk in the after- noon, Village Lots Three 73ttudred and Mighty -seven , Alexander Street, and Thirty- one and Thirty-two, 10lizabetll Steed, end also that pert 01 Lot lioueteeuon the Nest side of g7i'nborry Street on whioh is erected a good prick (tore, formerly occupied by W. ki, MoOrnakou as a General Gregory. This is it good burdens maul in good rennir and is now oconpiod es a Grooery Store, There is also a good Frame Stable ou Lot Thirty -Tam, about 111x22 ft., 1,, good repair. The property will be sold on bloc or In soPerl1to parcels. LOt1i'oarteon, on which the Gr oeery is built will b0 Sohl subject to it First 1,0 ortgage,fullpnrtieularo of which will he given at the sale or on implication to the tendeesigned. Terms of Bele :—Ten »Or oeiot. of the oorohase money oh the day of sale and the balance within 80 days thereafter, Further part(culare and 000dit(oue of Baia will be made known on the day of sale 05 may be bad on application to the Vendors or their Soliolter, G. IP. elan, 901100)00 for Venders' Brneeele. g1.LLIl'lS SE HMI111, Vendors, Taaewetee, Dated at l0oeeeole this 801h clay of April, A. D, 115H, LEGAL APiW CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .11. dna Solicitor and Conveys/leer. Collec- tions made. 01110e--Vanstone'e Blocs, Brae^ Bele. 21-301 'N M. SSINCLAIR, i' V • Solicitor, Oonveyauoer ,NotaryPub- lie, ate. 01Aeo—Vaustono'e Bloch, 1 door north of Central Rotel, Private Puede to Loan. T • G. CA.h11erlyRof ONC, (Forma/Deron, 11011 d m Oaeron,) Barrister 1,11,1 Soi1Oitm', site oh, Out. OAaoe—llamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, do. (late of Gnrrovv 45 Prondfoot's (Moe, Goclorieh.) Oillee over (althea ,t Smith's Bunk, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. 111. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Pbystolau, Surgeon Accommer, eta, Graduate of Toronto University hled10a1 Faculty, Member of College of Physicians anal Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Next door to McDonald it Go., Walton Out. _ J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., 0, M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College 01 PEy0ioiaus and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ii -"Telephone 210,14, Residence, Mill t., Drum is, DR. F. H. KALRFLE SCH, PHYSICIAN, SI MEON AND ACC000HEpn, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, let Claes Done' Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity ('Toronto), queen's (Kingston) and Whinny Medical Oollege; PeBuw oil Trinity Medical College and number of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Poet Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago, 90i8, Speefal attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and dis- eases of Women. 551—Consultation in Eng- lish and German. Telepbono at residence. I3USI(ESS CARDS. H. MoOIIAOKEN, • IsstuerofMarriageLlesnsea• 011lee athis Grocery, Turuboi'ry 8tr0ot, Brussels. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door eeuel OA. M. Mo1ay d Oo's hardware atom. L' adios'aud ahIklvene hair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST 0212110E Savings Bank takes Deposits from $1.00 to $1,000 and all0we 8,i per oout, interest. T. FARROW, 87-8m Postmaster, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I3008AN051, F1RLr AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCH.ER Issuer of Moria a Licenses, 1 OPPTOE AT JEwuLRY STORE. f 'No Witness Required, T. I?LETOEMU, Brussels LEX. HUNTER, Clorkof the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publie Lard, Loan and eneurnnoe Agent. Fonds Invested aid 00 loan, Collections matte 00100 in Graham' Diode Brussels 711150)3. A, IIAWI INS, Il 'Will give lemma to pnp110 either on Piano or organ, at his Music) Room, opposite thopoatofllco, Rrua0o10, Vooal lessons also given, Ten yeare neutrino le toaredug• 'arms moderato,