HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-7, Page 7MAY 7, 137 xH4 BEUSSELS
-YOWL; AtVJ) 00AfAf 1sNTB.
An Australasian '▪ F▪ ederal Convention,
in wbSeii Taentuniu, as well as New
South Wales, Vletorin, Horth Austral-
ia and West Australia, is represented,
Jae been fur some Bute in session at
Adelaide Tee main lines of a eonfed-
oration have been formulated, and com-
mittees IIOve been appointed toprepare
the final <lrart of a Federal Canstitn-
tton for submission to the several col -
melee, This is the nearest upproaell yet
made to a union of Australasia, bat the
end in view seems still distant, far
neither Queensland nor New Zealand
hes taken part ie. the convention, and
ie is by no 01eans certain that Victor-
ia and West Australia will ratify the
scheme proposed.'Up to a compara-
tively recent period the tendency in
Australia was toward subdivision rath-
er than consoledaLion. As Sir' Julius
Vogel pointed out in the 'net number
of the Nineteenth Century, there are
t oueandls of people living who can re-
collect the wild rejoicings in Victoria
When that colony was carved out oe
New South Wales; and there was an
equally impressive munifestation of de-
light when. Queensland was set off front
the last. -named colony. There is at this
motnee a stn^uuous agitation for the
separation of south Queensland, which
is a :beep -raising country, from north
Queensland, which, lying as it does
amerce the equator, is well suited to
the eutlivation of the sugar cane and
other sublrnpkttl prodoets.-
The first impulse towards the onion
of Australasia, came from the mother
cautery, and for some time made but
1ilile betUway. Sante ten years ago an
act of the British Parliament was pass-
ed empowering the several Australas-
ian colonies to be represented in a fed -
ern] council endowed with authority to
make laws applicable to all the colon-
ies representecl. '.Chis act, however,was
simply permissive, and both 'Nee' South
Wales and New 'Zealand declined to
take advantage of it, We should note,
indeed, that the late Admiral Tyran
saceeeded in bringing the Australasian
.colonies to tenser a united contribution
to the cost of their eonmesa defence,
wait, although there were sharp flitter-
aness of opinion, as to how the aim
should be fulfilled, a scbemo was event-
ually hit upon at a conterenae which,
on being z'eterted to the colonies, was
approved. '''itis arrangeluet however,
wens in no sense a confederation, but
leesele' a coalition of independent States
for n single ptu'pos€.
I1, was about tour years ago that Sir
Henry Parkes, the veteran statesman
of New South Wales, revived the ques-
tion of tedeaatiou, and advocated with
such energy a union similar to that
exemplified in the Dominion of Can-
tuta that his views were accepted by
many of the calories, and the mascot
Federal Convention is the'revent. Pre-
(heely what kind of a federal organic,
Law will be proposed we cannot tell
'until the reports of the various com-
mittees have beoa read and adopted,
and the final draft of the instrument
Jvas been published. We know from
the experience of our Philadelphia Con
vention that the plan ultimately same -
timed may differ en many vital par-
tioulars from the resolutions passed at
any earlier stage of the soesion. Still
it is interesting to note whet the re-
solutions are. They begin, we observe,
with a precaution in favor of State
rights by providing teat the powers,
privileges, and territory of the sev-
eral colonies shall remain intact. This
general affirmation, however, is pre-
senhly qualified by a deolareution that
the exclusive power at imposing and
collecting customs and excise duties, to-
gether with the °eel/lsiva oontrol of
military and naval affairs, slap be
vested in the Federal ;Parliament,
whioh is to consist of a Senate and
Rouse of Represe'nta'tives. The Aus-
5ta'llasian exeeatiye is to consist of a
Governor-General appointed by Lee.
Queen, but es to whether he is to gov-
ern, through 1liinisters responsible to
the Reuse 01 Representatives, as its the
case of this cou,nery, we bane not yet
learned. Thea'e is to be, also, a Fed-
eral Supreme Court', which, besides
having cognizance of tedara1 and in-
terstate business and questions involv-
ing the cementation of the Constitit
tion, is to serve as a high coart• of ap-
peal from the colonial caurta in all
mebters. 1Vo remark; finally, that
trade intercourse between the several
colonies is to be absolutely free. The
last-named provision seems to be an
indispensable condition of any federa-
tion wordy of the name, yet it is neer-
twin to meet 'With violent opposition
from Viotoria, whose revenue to a eon-
siderablo extent emends on duties
levied on imports from hersistercol-
Joliet Snell, of Wiinglan0, Ont., was in
a Meelsttrom of Pain tattd Agony
from Diseased Iiiclneys-South Ameri-
can Kidney Caere was Use Welcome
" Lite Peieserver "e -It Relieves In -
Meekly amt' Cures Surely.
}rive years ago I had a severe at -
Leek of 11a Grippe which affected my
kidneys and. causied intense pins in
nay back and urinary organs. I suf-
fered 1ntold misery, at tunes I could
not walk, and any sLandtng positdon gal
Interesting items About Our Own Country,
(]reit Britain, the United Steles, anti
MI Parts of the ()lobe, Condsneed and
Aeeortal for Buy Reading.
Berlin is to have a bicycle factory.
London's tax rate ibis year will no
21 2.3 mine on the dollar,
Woodstock hats asked the Dominion
Government for a new publet building.
Mr. Charles Aiclss, Q.V., has been ale'
Pointed a Judge ut the Ontario Court
of }bang,
Sire Donald Smith, Chancellor of the
University of dleGil.l, has promised to
endow a Male in zoology.
Air. Dabell has retnrned to Ottawa
from )England, where ho was in con-
Aeotioa with the fast Atlantic service.
'Loudon, Ont„ will invite the inter-
aational convention of the Young
Me'a'l Orlaristiau Associations to meet
there in 1899.
Mr. Wm. Gibson, M.'P.., for Lincoln.
has the masonry contract for the Vic-
toria bridge enlargerneut at Ment -
Chs .}!arty -eighth IIlghltnders of To-
ronto have incepted the invitation to
visit Brantford. un the Queen's Birth-
Sir Henri Jo1y has effected a saving
in the Inland Revenue Department by
amalgamating igen districts ot Kings -
tun and Belleville.
Eruderiok 0. Morris, woi'dcn of the
Episcopal church, Ilalifax, has coerces -
ed to m.lsapproeriauing some 92,000 ot
the chard fundis.
A .steamer Lu relieve the settlers in
distress from floods along the Red
River 'las been sent out by (he Mani-
toba Government.
The fmnohise of the Lower Town
Street Railway of Quebeo has been
finally sold to the new electric rail-
way company for 920,000,
The Cabinet lees passed, an order-ln-
Caancil, making the 22nd of :lune the
clatofar t:hedisanoud jubilee celebration
all overt. the Dominion.
It is understood (hat the report of
the count of inquiry on the Queen's
Own troubles is not favorable to Col.
Samilton's reinstatement.
A petition has been presented to the
Donuaion 7'arliament, asking for the
prohibition of the pictorial reproduc-
tion of the great 'Corbett-I'eLzsim-
mons prize figln•t.
Proceedings are to be taken to ,an-
aeat a ltlautber of the councillors and
sebool trustees of Dundas feeoare said
to have been wanted (.ax exemptions
and given town contracts. -
Isidore Vaillencottnt of Montreal
swalleivecl a lunge dose of Paris green
and afUenwards wont to the river with
the intention of drowning bimself. Re
was reamed and token to the hospital,
The Dominion Government hos decide
ed to put an amount in the estimates
to pay this outstanding debts in con-
nection with the Regina Industrial Ex-
hibition. The indebtedness amounts
to fourteen. thousand dopers.
A Meese eynclicate has petitioned
the Government for incorporation as
the British Yukon Chartered. Company,
The Dudte of Tack and over 50 members
of the British House et Commons are
among the petitioners.
A woman named Mrs. Sutton, of
Hamilton, is in gaol in that city on
the charge of assault. She cut her hus-
band's throat with is knife ou Sunday
the doeatoaa had to put several
stitches in it to close the wound.
Mr, 11IeLeemeares hill to control rail-
-ay cosnponiee to sell second -elites
return tickets at Lhe wane proportion-
ate reduction al they now sell first -
elms return tickets mats defeated in
the Railway Commnittee at Ottawa.
Theworkshops of the Canadian Paci-
fic railway at Ilocheloga will be the
some of great activity for months
to mime on account of the extensive
locomotive and car -construction opera -
Clone which have been decided upon
by the raenagement.
The 48th Highlanders, of Toronto,
have entered a team of eight men in
various events in the Royal military
toornaanent at Islington, Eng„ which
begins an the 27111 prox, They aro
tee only representatives Canada will
have at the tom-nameut,
There is a, proposal to establish a
large Danish and Swecden colony on.the
Upper Gatineau, along the line of the
0. and G. and P. P. J'. railways. The
moving spirits in tee plan are the of
ficins ot these roads and the Danish
end Swedish Consuls in Ottawa and
The annual report of the Minister
of Militia tor. 1898 bite been published.
It contains a number of recommenda-
tions by Gen. uaseoi(gne regarding the
new arms for the militia, annual camps
of instruotioq and the necessity for
the thorough organization of the forces
of the Dominion.
The Militia Department inns sent out
instructions regarding the composition
of the jubilee contingent, Ali the rank
and file must; be non-commissioned
°f—vers possessing certificates, 'J.loranto
will furnish 17 men, tour each from
the Queen's Own Regiment, Grenadiers,
Governer -General's Bodyguard and
4811. Highlandel;s, and one dram the
Field Battery.
Most of the Londoh daily pnpers speak
approvingly of than new Dominion tariff.
The wea,teer no London and an the
Continent was cheerless and bitterly
oold last week.
A small torpedo boat, the T.'urbiaia,
en her speed trials at Newcastle, has
developed 32 3-4 'tincts.
Lord and Lady. Warwick will give a
jubilee garden party on June 3rd. More
then five thousand guests are to 1)0
Dr. Join Watson, len Ietaclaren, who
is Merged. with heresy, says he will
not recant but will fight the case to
the biller end.
The lfleekseell tunnel, whiell haps been
camapleted at the cost tit a ml11iom and
a quarter stealing, t ill be lnaugurat-
od by the Priatce of Wailes, on May
TOhc runeaur circulated iln Loudon; on
(mislay, that the Duchess of York
gems lar, intense pain. 1 became worse
so rapidly that my festally beeline al-
armed Just at this time I notiee1
South Amerism Kidney Cure advertis-
ed. 'Although 1: had little faith left in
any remedy -having trued so many 1 t
worthless ones -{but a drowning mar
will grasp at a straw, ane. Iprocured s
to bottle. In a few days It had worked
wonders, ands before half a battle was,
taken I was totally relieved of pain and
two bottles entirely cure(' roe," ,
Sole by G. A', beudIrean. , 1
ed during Ines centineanlent 'rums me-
relyunfounded. The Duchess is en-
yiug good health.
The Canadian Government officers in
ndon have had 015103rous enquiries'
ely from persons going out to work
the Yukon district. Mush interest
taken ab present hi England in the
reports from the Canadian gold fields,
The United States Senate has dead -
ed to vote on. the arbitration treaty on
M'ay 6111.
0Lr. Samuel Colgate, head of the great
soap and perfume 'louse of Samuel Col-
gate & Co., died at New Yolk.
An ordeailee introduction by the Jrin-
anoe ("manatee of the Norfolk, Va.,
Oily Cornell provides for the taxation
of city' newspapr&,
The 20(11 enema convention of the
National Fire Chiefs' Assooiutiun will be
held in New EIleven, Conn., during the
t'bl:rd week of August next.
The fleeted States Government will
not support the demand of Edward
Ivory for $100,000 from t'!ia British Gov-.
ernment Lor his imprisonment,
Edwats&ard Clayltnnicd, a linemantaforPthr
let NlcorLighnd ower
Company, St. Louis, was burned to
death by a live wire, His smoking body
hung in the air for at least 10 minutes,
President McKinsey has appointed
Gen. Jolie W. Foster, a special atnhas-
sador of the United States to negotiate
an agreement with Great Britain to se-
cure ,joint action for preventing; the de-
struction of seat 'nerds in Behring Sea.
1t is stated that tura 'Bewley Tariff
bill leis been so beaked to pieces by the
& sib -committee of the Senate, and the
duties so reduced, tent it is doubtful
if the Senate will puss the hill. 1't is
understood the, retractive clause has
been eliminated
later commercial advices from New
York as to the condition and p'rospeets
of fresco in the United States are on
the whole, encouraging. The improve-
me•nt from week to week is Might, but
ill is st0lulyily progressive, in several
lines a redaction of wages is threat-
ened, and es a result labour troubles
will probably follow. }Cool and dry
goods generally are quiet. newever,
same cities report a decided improve-
ment in trade. The commercial fail-
ures for the past week in the 'United
Stti4lre were 213, as compered with 238
for the corresponding week of last year.
Muzafer-ed-Din, the Shah of Persia,
is alarmingly hll.
PL:ehro Acci t,rito, tee mewl -wee at-
ternpteet to stab Kling Humbert on
leteuerlay, leas beam declared ;Tisane.
leveler: persons have been drowned
and 40100,000 damage dello to property
by floods in ];astern New Zealand.
A squadron of eight British war-
ships entered D,elagoa Bay on Wed-
nesday evening, and caused great ex-
An attempt has leen mane to as-
sassinates the President ot Uruguay.
Ile Stas slept «,t, lett the bullet missed
its merle. Thh President's assailant
wits Arres(e(1,
,T1t'e Sptunish pre revert:ad to be
carrying on 'a ruthless wens of exter-
mination in Cube. Oren. Wsyler has is-
sued orders to destroy all Cuban hos-
pitals teal kill their anisates.
Eloperor William does not believe
the TurkrGreek war will remain lo-
calized very long, and that the prin-
cipal(uropean powers wilt be involy-
Dr. Peters, the Geneman African' Ad-
ministrator, bus beau found guilty of
cruelty aand dismltssed fzrnn Lice 1m-
perio3 service and eandelmined to pay
the costs of the trial'.
Idl:hem Paella,, who oucr..eeded in car-
rying 11.11owna Bass, alas been recalled
by the Sebton, st.nd Oman Pnsbe, the
5000 of Pleven, will be given the com-
mand of the Turkish army on the
ince tion
(ft e* 1ea3Gned fleet the visit of the
eight British warships bo Dellugoa bay
was 'untended 1x1 tlitistaate the in -
trinities at Gemramny, Portugal}, and the
Ttonsvlaal, 5, change the status quo to
the dihtudvualtage of Grteat IHeiLain.
The French moat steamer Pro Pat-
alia ken St. Pierre ten days ago tor
the French shore of New•fQNtndeamxl.
No nt11t.1 hes been loaaetd of her and
it is foamed that elle is host with all
haled*. She teat a lenge number of
tsshetmte(n as passennlgters.
.The lighting IseO seen the Greeks
and Twigs is steel in /progress at Tyr-
ee:ea, where the Grdueeks have the
bast ((tositi0des. rthio Galeaks inane
won imlpart.ant victories on te.eThese
seletn dctonitier, and the Turks arecor-
reseeanclinlgly depressed. Fighting
oontinues In Onsets,
Car la the underground Ealeevn,v mown
to AionIA,
L deepotah from Llondon says:- A
tremendous explosion Queue -red on the
underground railway on Monday, as a
thtain dilled with men from the city
was making les usual stop at the 'Al-
d0t8go110 station, The glass root of the
station was blown out, and thie plat-
lattar= was strewn with debris. Many
of the gaslights in the waiting -rooms
and on the tdletlorm were extinguished,
anti the station was left la semi -dark-
ness. A general (panic ensued. When
comearative quint 'Ind been restored
it was found that a firist class ceaoh
had been completely wrecked, and that
its ocomments wane lying around Maim-
ed and bleeding. Ten of the injured
wore !Seamed to be in a ,precarious con-
dition, and were removed to hospitals.
A number of persons w(h•o were stand-
ing on the ,p tform were also hurt.
Muoh of the Wreckage was hurled
across the station, %he cause of the t
explosion is not known but is behoved
to have. been tato result of a collection
of gas whinh btucamm
e ignited in som
wa.y. Many parsons, however, believe
that the disaster was not due to eect-
dent, but was caused by tho explosion
of a bomb wlt;ech had been placed in
the station with t.bee ntention ofw,rork-
ung it.
TheCapital In it erm•ment .Ite1uevnl et onsttudllnmem rem the ll'ominnnd
in 1 eleteiy-lie W104 Algatyn ler:Taring
for Retreat,41 tleipa(Irh reeeiveri a1 one of the
laelirassirs in London, from Athens, says
11ni1 King ()mime of Greece may al.
any xnrnenen't; lie deposed or aresaslnal-
erl, and taxa the snob is likely to lake
pdession of the rily. The deviate!'
(lug th
aside e wore!. le feared,
HAP. I1I;,SIt1'NJ,J), ,
A spea'ial despatch rural :1t hells says
Ihat the (;reek RliMs( 50 of AJerine. has
ItEVOl,(:I'lONA1i)' hl:PLI\'ll.
The most. serious feature in the
Greco -Turkish ergency Is the revo-
lutionaryfeeling displayed al Allier's.
ids-efinLeeee Bulli, leader of -the prin-
eipui Oppecit ei group in theLegisla-
tive Assembly, threatened that vetoes
the military staff was changed
wouid.imile a proelaation 10 the peo-
ple. Insstateme1nt. acted like oil
upon five, and the popular exeitemenl.
his flared up, Cirowds tassr1n,hied in
the streets to di:ulass thein. and want-
ed to 2111100(1 to the place to rear'
them to King George. Fortin nal rly,
heavy ,.havers drove the people In -
door's, ,
'1'11111 PRINCE'St'I_AL'b' RECALLED. Delyannis, keenly alive to the
n;eressity elf Immediate action, had an
tuudie'n•:'o with the King, and after the.
interview 'announced. that. (he staff of
the Crews Prince would Le rgc0lled,
ad that ex -Minister Balli with three
of his nominees, General Smoleatz,
Genera( ill.u'vromlichuelis, and Col. De-
mrlpoulos, would be appointed to 18-
piney ilttynt. .
P111v5 PALACE PAR'l.'y,
The Daily 't'elegraph's Athens our-
reepondenrt says: -.".Alt AI, R,elli's
condition's have been accepted. Ten
King gives carte blanche to ;his n i nis-
tens. An She public begins to Learn bbe
trutlh, anger against the palace, party
increases, and a feeling ot 'hostility
egttirnst M. Dedyannis is steadily grow -
mg. Late last night, Monday, crowds
were purest/hagmenacingly in the vic-
inity of the palace.
"It. is Ireportecl (on good authority
that arrangements are 'being made to
enable the Royal, 'family to leave the
country Hastily in case of necessity.
People heel genereely credited the ru-
mourIi that the extern Prince would
be 'recalled, and ,beat elle Government
VMS -willingto consider .peace over-
turels, It is impossible to say etena1
wilt 'happen when it is known that the
war is to be continued' and'the 'Crown
Prince retained in cammantl,"
"A telegram :received here settles
metre of Vole, The Greek Troops have
that: the ',Menke are within an hour's
been withdrawn front the town, and
erre taking the wounded from the bos-
ples. Amongtlex-l istteel't lee Valli, leedearrivalsrr ofl
eargest Opposition group in tee Iloule.
Ile has been it the scene of war, and
was at Larissa 1asL A'riday evening, Hehes published hes views nn the 'Athens
newcIpaPers, and has already succeed-
ed in concentrating upon 'himself the
attention of the public
POSStl3LE. ADDICTION.Tt is stated preparations are being,inacle an King George's property, wt
Saneds(Lrup, Denmark, with it view to
having la ;r
the Castilla for its owner
in ansa of leis abdiction or deposition.
Eve'ryt'hing sent on from Athens by
special correspondents out 7hasizes the
increasing gravity of 1 the situation
there, and the rapid deve`tophnent of
revolutionary feeling. This condition
of thongs appears to have resulted
largely from the cessation of hostili-
ties bt Epirus. Williethere is no doubt
the Turks are templedin establishing
trines oe comumieation, it is equally
evident the Greek disaster .in Epirus
MuchiMuchmere serious than was at ,first
supposed, 51. now looks like a hope-
less teak to resiew^ the advance upon
Janina, es Tiaratey is in a position to
send ovea•wihelsndng reinforcements.
'11he ilregufnre e0 -operating with; lee
Greek forces sheer' up in a very bad
iighta as mere bandits, more intent on
cementer than fighttng.
Candidate -You are a workingman,
aro you not Z
Workingman -I am, sir.
Candidate --Well, I am a candidate
for a position of trust, and I wish to
say to the sons of toil—
Workingman (who is tired of taffy
and disgusted wilt its results) -1 am
very busy now, six.
Candidate -I was merely going to say
bet if elected I shan't do any more
for the workingmen than for anybody
Ise, because I don't care 1a continental
fat' one.
class more than another, and
I don't think thein should be any
leg101141lon, anyhow.
Workingman (grasping his hand) -
You'll get my vote.
Enfllaeninetery Rlvaumatism sn A.rute,
IIe Clow111 Not .Attend to lIls }sally
DscIies-Liivnd elhlree Sl setts in Ag
ganging Paint, when thee " Good Saar
mnitn,n" oC 01;11 Canna South; Amort -
cant Rheumatic gimes, Pnesod Hlits Way
--lit Bellied ied ilu at Kew Shcn'ree, and
(1 es dilly dolma -Coot '75 Ciente.
Mr. 1. A. Menton, 0, w•eill-,known
Rein of Grimsby, Opal„ teats severe-
rutte=kert with eillenuna teeny n1Yan-
tisin some 1911 veins ago after a
ars the redeye/reit, brut ,Give or six
colas agio the d•n0(ud disease returned
viol/q'ntly that he Merl to give sup
.rpt. :or ahenfrlly throe weeks he lay
bed mattering t'erribl'e agony, An -
her reestlaent of tele tawp1. who kraal
aetdll ctta'ee1 by So trlh Asn€.rtralty itheu-
murtto (Sere, ;peato141e(1 him to try it,
and, to 111)3 glnaal5 cywr111550 after using
1" in Oran wlaaIr hip 'aisso
tneeovnred es in go alien!: 109.11.
porn the f,Lo'd(1 dose. token ho fall:
nuked ien71't+ovem(ent a!n<t Leo -cony he i„
enthusiastic in singing its praises,
o case too severe far South Amari -
can Rihkluenatic Clue to ellerk In six
tare, and elide preeminently, ,
Is it Siok Ilea,dadlrl;s 1' -Is it Biliousness'
-Is tI Sluggish Liver 0 -Is Your Skin
Sallow 7-Dp you feel More Dead than
Your System Needs ''ening-Your Liv-
er lent Doling tits Work --Don't De-
eort to Strong Drags -Br. Agnew's t t
Liver Pills, 20 cents fon' 40 Doses. ly
Five rents a box saved on the IMI.' iia
chase and mono real worth for year
snoneey;. Moons Iilensauro in the taking w•
and, absolute snooty of quilck, relief at'o tM
pqip0vad iargtminari:s •why you shouldn't tithe any athisr kind than these little 1,
rabies, b
Sold by G. A, Deadman.
Dobson' -What has Russia. to do with I,
this Crete question, anyhow?
Beeeeeet-apes egging Greece on to In
oppose dile Delvers,
olso,n-'lilacs where sloes Turkey
normo i if a Ilio
Ii#1f41ion,w511ts :tuxtnedhes the eggs.
Saki by G, A. Da -adman.
0110 WOO
Are Fixed Upon South
can Nervine.
ileyonc1 Doubt the Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
A Di^covery, Based on Scientific Principles.
Renders Failure Impossible.
en the matter of ,gone health temper -
fettle ineesuree, while pn•sibly success -
tut fur the moment, Can never he last-
ing. Those 1n poor health soon know
'Whether the remedy they are using
is simply a passim Incident in their ex-
perlence, bracing thein up tor the day,
or something that is getting at the
Seat or tete disease and is surely and
permanen fly res toeing.
The eyes ar the world are literally
faxed on South American Nervine. Tbey
are not viewing it as a nine -days' Won-
der, but critical and experienced mem
have been studying this reedleine for
3+:ears. with the one result -they leve
found that its claim of perfect mare, -
tire quailtles cannot be gainsaid,
The gnat discovererof this medicine
was 'r ase:wedd of the knowledge that the
era.t of an disease is the nerve centres,
situated at the base of the brain. In
this belief he had rhe best scientists
and medical men or the world
oceupying exactly the same pre-
miset.indeed the ordinary 1a3' -
man reoognlsell this principle
long ane. }everyone knows that
let disease or inlury affect this part of
tate human system and death 1s almost
certain. Injure the spinal cord. whloh
Is the mecllunt of these nerve nen-
tree, and paralysis is sure to follow.
Here Is the first principle. The trou-
;Mr with medical treatment use-
; ally, and with nearly all medicines, is
that they aim simply to treat the organ
that may be diseased. South American
Nervine passes by the organs, and im-
medietely applies Its curative powers
to the nerve centres, from which the
organs of the body receive their supply
' of nerve fluid_ The nerve centres.
1 healed, and of necessity the organ
which has shown the outward evidence
only of derangement is healed. Indi-
estion, nervousness, impoverished
blood, liver complaint, alt owe their
Origin to a derangement of the nerve-
. centres. Thousands bear testimony
teat they have been cured of these
troubles, even wbon they have become .
so desperate as to baffle the skill of.
the most eminent physicians, because.
South American Nervine has gone to
headquarters and cured there.
The eyes of the world ease not beers
disappointed In the inquiry tato the sue -
cess of South American Nervine. Peo-
ple marvel, it is true, at its wonderful
medical qualities, but they know bee
yond all question that it does every-
thing that is claimed for it. It stands
Mote as the one great certain curing -
remedy of the nineteenth century. 'Why
should anyone suffer distress 000 stoke
nese while this remedy is practicatiT-
at their halide 7
Sold by Deadman &
Shattered Nerves Developed Nervous
Prostration -Nervous Prostration De-
veloped Total Paralysis of One Side
-Great South American Nervine in
t.ha Teeth of Most Adverse and Com-
plicated Circumstances, Overcomes
..11, and Restores Wife and Mother
in Good health to Her Family -These
are the Written Words of Edward
Pear, Surry Centre, B.C.
" 1)44- wife was taken bad last Aug-
ust with nervous prostration, which lat-
er 00 elmetoped into paraly'ele of one
side. We tried many remedies, but all
in vain. I thought I would try South
Anneriruau Nervine, having seen It ad-
eertiee.d in the New Westminster, B,C•,
papers tend I am glad to be table to
say that the result after taking threw
bottles was an astonishment to myself
and family. It worked wonders for her
end .We can not speak too IloRbly of
this great: remedy." No case too aoute
or of too long standing to defy its
won,cterred mer'his.
Sold by G. A.:Deadlinan.
Flood Situation In )10131/01)0 Iicreluas Akre
al dospatell from. Winnipeg, **ren"
:says: -Tile Red river continues to rise
and the flood situation is becoming
eerier's. The svlsi.er• is higher than in
thirty years. Morris, Emerson, St.
1alun, and other towns between Winni-
peg amid the Dakota boundary line aro
under water, and they are living In
bares or upper storeys of their hcusesl
150 railroads cannot run trains, and
ell rail conu.malicetious is shut off
from several points. Winnipeg will
have the high water in a dayor two.
The water here now is within a few
inches of the electric powerhouse, and
soon the city is likely to be in total
So you want to marry ]Fred, do yowl
saint the father.
Yes, papa, replied the daughter,witll
her arms MIME; his neck.
And Ito away and dcave mo all
Why, no, papal I know Pard will
be willing to leave mamma with you)
loch lower Hlhu's 11 CLntadllut Tt't•rttory..-
,\ Itndl Frntn 111e Stades, and 'A'ronbie
A despatch from Tacoma, Wash., says;
--Serious trouble is experteo[ on Rion -
dyke river, Alaska, over immensely;
rich places• mines no'ty being opened,
l londyke is on Canadian soil, and be-
cause of their value Inspector Constan-
tine, of the Mounted Police, has limited
Ole size of a claim to six acres. Circle
Cil' is on American soil, having no
Federal officers save a 'postmaster,
and it hes become infested with 588-
era1 hundred toughs, many, of them! be-
ing fugitives from ,justice in the Unit-
ed. States, u1, large number of these
toughs have gone to Kiondyko; and
finding the best gold claims, demanded
that the claims be divided with them.
The Canadian miners backed by the
Mounted Police, have refused. 13otie
sides are armed, and when the last
mall loft; lrlonilylce, en AIItrch, a cone
Vice was daily expected. ,
Lead yceuselt: in the
life -course and
you will load ot'her's.
'View not: the success of your neigh-'
ban with ondvy, but with resolution. 1
Disappointment is the lash to acccon-
pllahmonii.( r
Qle w•lllo dropshis pole Vo pick the
tempting berry catches no fish,
The peerless hags age of the Psalms
reveals the aol(Itality of the Being to
whom they are addressed.
Note a new thought at (nano; lineagel.,
it flees as a bird of 1118 air., 1 , ,