HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-7, Page 5j 1 MAY 7. 1g97 • :rwrrr�0 rr,tpaz,==n^ :,7 r)iztrici 113 c37; rrtales e. Ab the reedit meeting of the Quarterly Offiolal Board of the l3elgrevo oircuit, Rev, B. A. Shaw was unanimously In• lilted by the Beard to remain fora fourth and fifth r as . Ho uo a rt c 0 01 subject Y ! � to the approval of the Stationing Committee, dVrt-o x site c• - Jae, Fox, of Bruesels, was In town reoently. Meters. Ilamiiton S Sanderson ship- ped a ear of hoge on Friday last. Mrs. Stephens, wife of J, J. Stephens, barrister of Teeswator, was visiting friends in town lately, A car of soft elm was shipped from here last week to New York by W. R. Thompeon, of Teeewater. John Morrison will shortly begin veneering his house, thus adding to the number of fine residences already on the Street, Rev, Murdoch MaKeuzie, of Hanan, China, will deliver en address in the Presbyterian church here on Friday night. Some fifty guests from here were in- vited to the wedding of Archie Moffat, blacksmith, of Wroxeter, which event took place rat Ayton on Wednesday even- ing last. The bride, Mies Sarah Thomp- son, ie well known here. The young couple have the beet wishes of many friends. 8"J:t1 to ne. Cheese factory is expected to start uext Mo nday. Rev. J. P. Weetman will preach at Goderielr next Sabbath. A new program for the next six months. has been Issued by the Endeavor Society of Duff's ohnroh. Mere. Dobson is visiting Friends in Sea - The Ladies' Aid spent an enjoyable forth, time et Dr, Armstrong's Wednesday at- The next meeting of Morris Connoil ternoon and evening, will be held on Monday, May 31st, Improvements are in progress in the D. Meilclejohn, 5th line, is on the Mak way of new fences at Geo. Christopher's, list this week. We hope to see him Mrs. Douglas' and Jno. Mowbray's, around again soon. Chao. MoDonnld, who has been laid ap, MYIr. Scott, lith line, is home from is improving nicely now and is able to get London gently improved in health, we about quite handily, We hope the im- are pleased to state. provement will be permanent. Who knows bet the wet weather is all Last Sabbath morning the organ was for the best as most likely the grass - used for the first in the congregational hopper plague will be destroyed. service in Duff's cburolr here. It promie- J. Cook has invested in a Hoosier grain es to be an aid to the service of praise. drill, and A. Nichol has purchased a Bills have been distributed here silver. Massey-f7arrie grain drill from Cardiff tieing a meeting in Bruesels next There- 8c Best, of Brussels. day afternoon to discuss the question of A letter from Will. Boyden says that Good Roads. This is a proper move and part of the country between Winnipeg we hope a uumber from this locality will and Horden is flooded for miles and go and hear Mr. Campbell and then put looked like agreat inland sea. his ideas into praotioe. . There was no service in Jackson's The regular quarterly sacramental ohnroh last Sabbath owing to thequarter. service will be hold next Sabbath in the ly religione services being held in Blyth. Methodist ohnroh, commencing at 10 0'• Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of London. preached. Moak 0. in. Epworth Leaguetinniest'. Last Monday morning Mrs. Miller, sary aervine in the evening at 7 o'olook, mother of Mrs, M. M, Cardiff, left for Rev. Joseph Edge, of Goderiob, Chair• her borne at Brookville, after a visit of man of the District, will conduct both several months with her daughter. The services, old lady is 84 years of age but gets about At the last regular meeting of the 0. quite lively and was in no way discon- 0. F. of Conrt Walton, No. 172, it was oerled about the journey before her. decided to ohmage the night of meeting to Seeding is still delayed by wet weather, the and and last Wednesdays of each The rain of Saturday last was the worst month, in place of second and last Satur• so far and the hind is thoroughly soaked day evenings, as fortnerly. Next meeting now, even the fish worms have to come therefore will be held Wednesday even- out on top for a change. One of our ing, 12th inst. All members are request- farmers sowed oats on Monday on swamp ed to be on hand, as there is important land and harrowed them in, and no business to be traneaoted. doubt they are 10 too. It won't work gentlemen. Remember the ground must be in a fit condition to produce a good crop. RreaonT.-The following ie the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8 for the month of April :-Sr. 4th, total 600 -Jas. Knox, 518; Lottie Errington, 440 ; Annie Knox, 305. Jr. 4113-Arletba Farrend, 898 ; G. Garnise, 180. Sr. 3rd -Lorna Knox, 412 ; Robb. McAllister, 881 ; Chas. Garnise, 277 ; Robt. Farrend, 273. Middle 8rd-. Gordon Embnry, 841 ; Pearl Embury, 822 ; Willie Thornton, 104. Junior3rel- Etta Agar, 878 ; Alioe Panl, 370 ; Vera Knox, 822 ; Martha Ingram, 290 ; Reby Forbes, 262. Sr. 2nd, total 600 -Eva. Sonoli, 800 ; Karifa Fraser, 840 ; John Gunnies, 323 ; Fred. Pugh, 258. Jr. 2nd, total 400 -Dora McAllister, 295 ; Olive Fibzsiremone, 215. Sr. pt. 2nd -Emma Jerymn, 296 ; May Thornton, 275; Annie Garnise, 261. Jr. pt. 2nd -Hazel Em. bury, 285. Sr. 1st -Harvey Knox, Thos. Jorymn, Willie Forbes. Average attend. anoe, 20. D. L. Den,toneg, Teooher. Messes A, MoDougall and A. McNair. 1 Mtge Aggio MoNair wee then requested to wine forward and received the follow. ing address, by Mise A. Hunter and Bible and hymn book from Mies Olara' Mibahel l :- To lutes Apish McNair, Orantroolc Dian I attivi,,..We learn with no small regret that we are about to Mee your in- totested and faithful sorvioe in one League, for a time at least As a Vice - President you have performed your pail with great medit to yourself and bo our pleasure and profit, and as leader of the League choir your services have often aheered and animated ue. We ask you to acoept this Bible and Hymn-boolt es a small indication of the high esteem is which you are held and we hope you will not only often pall to mind Oranbrook League as you nee the Book, but that the Lamp may always guide your feet into pasha of usefulness and happiness and that the hymns may point your'pthooghb to the Ohuroh Triumphant, where the praises never armee. We wish ,you an en• joyable time while away from Oranbrook end offer the'•Mieprth" benediction, "The Lord watch between thee and me while we are absent one from another." Oranbrook, May 6, '97. Miss McNair replied, expressing her sun, prise and also her thanks for the address and present. The program then pretested. ed :-Solo, Miss A, Hunter ; rsoitation, Mies J. McNair ; instrumental, Miss Good ; address, It 3. Oolgrove ; Matt, Misses Knight and MoDougall ; instrn• mental, Mies Good. The program was concluded by Geo. Coate thauking Mr. and Mrs. Forrest for their kindness fn entertaining the members in their home. Atter thin the ladise supplied supper, The gathering was ended by singing "God be with you till we meet again." Ales r :1`Ftitabx-ogle. Mrs, Zimmer is having a verandah plea ed in Front of bet dwelling. Mise Jennie McNair has purobased a bioyele from itloKay ft: Co„ Brussels. Henry Siemon leaves for Owen Sound on Saturday, to attend the Bnsiaaos Col. lege at that place. George Simon is putting a new fence in front of his residence. Wonder if George is tired of keeping batch? Who will be the lucky maid? Oranbroolc will probably send repre• sentatives to the Good Roads meeting in Brussels next Thursday. We world Bug. gest Bev. D. B. McRae, J. J. Mitchell, A. 0. Damee, A, Reymann, J. Long, Wm. Cameron and A. McNair. A debate will he held in the Epworth League on May 18th. Subjeob, "Resoly• ed that the Franahiee should be extended to women." The affirmative will be taken by Miss J. McNair, Mra. Forrest and Jos. Oster and the negative by Geo. Coates, Jas. Calder and Miss Annie Hunter, Following is the statement of Assess. mens. for Grey for 1897 :- No. of stores, 64,858,E ; No. of sores cleared, 48,457i ; Value of real estate, $1,718,200 ; Value of personal property, 05,800 ; Valne of real and personal property, $1,724,800 ; No. of male persons bebween 21 and 80 years of E'tlit a 1. Mrs. Sperms sr. has been quite 111. H. F. MoAlliater received a cat load of Manitoba wheat this week. L. Dobson has been on the sick list but is now somewhat unproved. Go to Geo, M. Mitchell, Ethel, for hand age, 894 ; Total population, 3,485 ; No. 1 alto poeee, from finest to heaviest, at cattle, 7,124 ; No. sheep, 3,417 ; No. hogs, I Repairing or boots, ohoee and harness 1,871 ; No. home, 1,000 ; No. dogs, 407 ; No, bitches, 9 ; Children between 5 and 10 years, 825 ; Between 7 and 18 years, 451 ; Between 16 and 21 years, 862 ; Oboharde, 548 ; Aores fall wheat amen, 8,408 ; Steam boilers, 28 ; Total acres of wood land, 6,788 ; Acres swamp or waste land, 15,008. A. Bantam, Assessor, Paotilari arorte.-A very pleasant even- ing was spent at the residence of Jno. Forrest on Wednesday of this week, when about 50 of the members of the Epworth League assembled together and after various games and amusements Jos. Oster was. galled to the chair and the following program given t-Ohortrs by members ; violin instrumental, H, Govsalibz and D. Stales ; solo, Miss E. McNair. Henry Simon was then re• guested to dome forward and the follow- ing address was read by Mrs. Forrest ono presentation made by bliss N. Mo. Nair ;-- To -2'o 6fr, Henry Stowe: - Doan FRIEND,-Underetanditig that ib is your intention to leave Oranbrook to purses a oonreo ab n Business College, we, the members of the Epworth League, think this a fitting (amnion to express our thanks to you for the regular and annpetent porformanoo of you duty as Seorebary during the pest 8 yeare, To give yon a more tangible evidences of our regard we peesent you with this copy of God's Word and the Methodist hymns, praying that the blessing of Him which maltetb rich and addeth Ino serraw may rest upon you wherever your lot may ho oast. We wish you abundant oaoaese in the pro0asution of your studies tend hope the goal you have in View may be reached, "In all thy ways aoknowiadge Aim and Ise shall direob thy paths." Mr. Siemon replied thanking the League and expressing good wishes for the proof purity of the Christian eooiebiee of the Village, This was followed by a duebt'b' neatly and promptly done ae Geo. 114. Mitoholl's, Ethel. Evangelist Booth held a Gospel moat. ing 10 MaAllister's Hall on Monday evening of this week. There should be a good Lamont from this Inutility bo bean Government Inetrua• for Campbell on "How to matzo and keep good roads," at Brussels next Thursday afternoon. 'Almost everybody is interested in this subject. Geo. Imlay and wife, formerly Miss Bertha Simpson, now of Pekin, Illinois, are coming baalc to Ontario we are pleas- ed to boat. Mr, Imlay has named a situation in Seaforth and they are ex - panted here this month. The annual meeting of the members of the Public Library was held ab Post. master Spenae'e on Monday evening Mat, The Secretary and Treasurer pre. rented their respective reports for the year and a Board .of Management wait elected. The Board will coneiet of Messrs, Speuoe, (labor, L. Dobson, Beer oath, J. Imlay, Ferguson, Siemmon, Mc- Allister and G. Dobson. It won deciclod to swept members on the same tome ne Wet year, Several seedy•looking inriividuate have been eee0 lir this vicinity recently mut on Monday one of thorn reached our village Boiling a snbstanne to prevent layette from exploding. When ba could not effect a sale be made threats of what he would do and this oaueecl so much nn. easiness among our residents that it wee deemed advisable to put hien in a safe plume for the night, Constable Lena ae. ratted him and be was taken to l3rus• sale "cooler," Chief should have a "black bolo" for such follower Salmon Rnvonr.-The following ie the report of Ethel Public School Tor the mouth of April ;- 1t0011 0. Fifth etas. -Maggie Davies, Willie THE BRUSSELS POST csrcrcaa• ...,.. ran+-s+xarr ,,,,,,atsmbfgaw ,/llways the Lowest. • -ow for- ,5'trictly One .Price. MID -SE &SON ds Sellin Is seam at its beet here and now. Every department in crowded with high-olass, seasonable dry goods, and every orients). svitlr rue. tamers. The people would ton came here if there wnre not goal reasons that they should. If you earns, the values you will find will convince you that this ie 00, We cat give you an idea, however, before you visit the store, of what we are doing to attract trade. Read thee° prides, and draw your own conclusions. Every article mentioned 10 reliable in quality, every price will be found exactly as quoted : Ladiaa' Spring Capes, in Blank, Brown and Fawn shades, correct length, with rutile around nook, worth 01.25 for 900. r�pj7 .Ladies' Capes in leading colors, very stylish, braided nicely, and a very pretty Onpe, 1011Ci.11.1111 and ifs feeds kVab etfor a1cf ll.�� Black Velvet for malting Copes, we have the correct thing, right width, and also the proper lining in Pink, Blue, Cream and Helitrope. The pries of the Velvet for Capes is 500. a yard, The price of the lining for above is 14c. Parasols -Special lines now on exhibition, prices 40, 50, 75o. and $1. A Beautiful Umbrella.Parasol, steel rod, good frame and oovsring at 01.20. Flannelette in Cheek Patterns, in Brown, Blue and Pink (hackle, very special fit 41o. Ws opened something interesting in Cottonade, it really wonderful lure worth 200., but we sell, it at 20o. We sell Groceries and Shoes as well as Dry Goods and Millinery, Have you tried our Special Canned Corn at 5c. This is a Cash Business run on Cash Basis all through. Its better fur you to pay Cash for what you buy. You certainly can buy Cheaper. Pay day comes some time. Its better to go slow and nay Cash. On Friday, May 7th, we will start our 6th annual sale of LACE CURTAINS when we will offer over 250 pairs at off regular prices, ranging from 25c. to $3.50 per pair. We could give a long list of quota- tions showing the reductions, only that a quotation on Curtains without seeing the goods has very little meaning. We will have them conveniently arranged that you can look them over in about 5 to 10 minutes, and we invite you to look and compare before you buy. Don't buy here, don't buy elsewhere before you compare, but be on hand Friday morning -it will pay you well, Carpels. This season we have also added a nice stock of Carpets which we will be pleased to show during our Curtain Sale. yet' r:i' DRY GOODS AND GROCER/ES, Spence, Lily Dobson, Geo. Greensides. Sr. 4th. -Cora Senders, John Lindsay, Oliver Querrio, Claude Walker, Edie Milne, Wilbur Lindsay, Ed. Pollard. Jr. 4th. -Annie Bateman, Ida Cole Carl MoAlliater, Mary MoBlain, Willie Lindsay, Howard McAllister, Geo. Sharpe, Emma Imlay, Edna Ranyard, Willie Dowdell. Sr, 3rd. -Mamie Hao• sold, Maud Bacigley, Ella Eoitmier, WillieRokmier, Jas, Richardson, Mary Kleinsobroth, Adam Fletcher, Garfield Dunbar, Helena Barr. Jr, 3rd.-Maudie Querrin, Percy Greensides, :Henry Quer. Fin, Eva Cole, Mabel Goatee, Oliver Liudeay, Tont Fogad, Sam Kleinscbroth, Robb, Kerr, Hattie Sharpe. Grto. DoueoN Teacher. noon tI. Sr. 2n1. -Stella Dunbar, Gordon Imlay, Eva McAllister, Walter Savage, Willie Coates, Bessie Wanner, Jas. Mo. Blain, Fred Dietnent. Jr. 2nd. -Ida Faulkner, George Balmier, Lily Situp. son, Mamie McAllister, Avon Elliott, Olive Baynard, Diok Davies, Eddie Mc- Callum. Sr. Pt. 2ad.-Maggie Osborne, Cecil Liudeay, Leslie Foga!, Charlie Cameron, Willie Badgley, Jr, Pt. 2nd. -Ella Hausnld, Eva Cober, Stanley Dunbar, Grover Gill, Willie Hemsworth, Millie Fogad, Lily Dowdell, Maudie Kleinsahroth, Emma Kerr, Netta Rich- ardson. Sr. Pb. 1. -Mina Elliott, Geo. Dunbar, Willie MoBlain, Lizzie McLeod, Mary Thomson, Geo. Wanner, Maggie Cameron, Bartle Eolcmier, Earl Balmier, Eddie 13atemae. Jr. Pt. 1. -Bezel Coates, Myrtle Imlay, Tom, McAllister, Nobba Simpson, Gilbert Beirnee, Charlie Comet. W. RAYNann, Teacher. BICYCLE EMPORIUM ! fro can Suit You ill All Sizos, - Flee or Coarse, 001720 in and see what we have and no harm done if' you don't purchase. OUR PR!CES _ -el Are as Low as the Lowest --Quality and Price considered. faun arte, ° ."A Of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Grocer- ies is up-to-date and well assorted. Def ALL 011 1111r e110 Lea( E don't care where you buy or how you buy. They are bought and sold in quantities. They are bought and sold for cash. They are the greatest value ever shown in this County. People are buying them and people are appreciating them. If it is hard tinges these are hard time prices, They are good goods and we know it, If there is anyone who reads our advertisements •'-'and has not seen them, we want to show them, if they need any of them they will buy at sight. USTE AG ' 1 , No. 1-1tron's all wool Tweed and Serge Suits, 36 to 42, single stitched edge, roll front, good lining, collar on vest, raised :seam on pants, $4,50 and $7. No. 2 -Boys' Three Piece, all wool Tweed Suits, 27 to 32, good pants, lined, collar on vest, $3. No. 3-Childron's Two Piece Suits,. 22 to 28, nice Patterns, woll made, b2. No. 4---13oy's Knee Pants, Tweed and Sorge, well made, lined, two pockets, sizes 22 to 26, 40c. and GOc. ; sizes 27 to 32, GOc. to 75e. MAIN ST'. BrLJSSELS "7+r are aiming to make this store the Cheapest place to buy your Beady -made and made-to,order Clothing and Furnishings and we think we have accomplished Furnishings, the fact, as the way our business is forging ahead, is good evidence of how the people are appreciating oar efforts to give the very best possible value. RED 131.111, BRANTFORD, BLACK BIRD, {1RU13Y RIM, WOODSTOCK --NEW BARNES, WINDSOR --E. di D. TORONTO-OLEVELAND. GUDERICII, HURON, OOMMCN SENSE,' f Repairs and parte 'dwarf on hand. Stoic Wheels deotored and it oars gnar- ntoed. Oe11 and see our flue display of Wheels, COUSLEY. R "LEA EFSO" No. 6 -Men's Tweet, Pants, 36 to 42, dark and light stripes and checks, 96e., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. No. 6 -You should see our Laundrietl Shirts at 50e. No, 7--Cft11 in and have a look M onr lThbck and Brown Fedoras at 85c. anti $1,00. No. S -I'con's Braces at 16c. No. 9 -Overalls, Blue, Grey, Double -Stitched Seams, with or without an Apron, 60c,, 75e. and $1.00. Ali stea THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. 11.