HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-7, Page 44 a.mionaka New Advertisements, Local—waiter Innae, Local—Mrs Hingston. Locals—L 0 Rieharde. Locals—G. M. Mitchell. Public Sale—G. 1'. Blair. Looai--Madden Yeast Oo. Pink Pills—Dr. Williams. We Defy --hose & llalliday. Dry Goods—ltieJSinnon & Co, Yeast—The Madden Yeast Co. Boote & Shoes—I. C. Rioharde. Orme to rent—Thos, Newsome. Watch this Space—Jas. Walker. Milking a Cow—G. A. Deadman. Cottage for Sale—Mrs. Straohan. House Oleaniug-3. Ferguson & 00. Out of the ordinary—Smith & Mo. Laren. E ',43X115StIS Vff5t, FRIDA.I , MAY 7, 1897. Few Counties in the Dominion are represented by better men in the Com. mons than Huron. Dr. Macdonald, from the East Riding, with ;ria oleer beaded presentation of butts ; Jno. MoMillen, in the South, in his stalwart contending for the rights of the farmer ; and M. 0. Cameron, representing West Huron, the sharp, incisive lawyer, make a trio any County should be proud of. THE BRUSSELS POST Medicine seemed to have no affect upon me. 1 was getting weaker all the tine, and at last began to give np hope of re• °every, My parente were of course in great distress and I knew by the looks and actions of friends who called to see vi me that they thought I was doomed to an early death. Thee a dear lady friend died and I managed out of love for her to drag my self to the f ainoal. The sense• tion ofseeing her laid away, believing 1i1i f that I would soon follow her, wen strange one. Shortly after this an aunt of miue,Mre, Wm, Henderson, of Toronto, came to visit at our place, My condition troubled her very much and she insisted on my trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To please her I consented but with little hope of any good result. Tbe effect, how- ever, was wonderful and a pleasing sur- prise to me. I soon began to feel more cheerful and seemed to feel stronger. Then my appetite began to improve and the color return to my cheeks and lips. From that hour I atonally gained strength, and was soon enjoying my former excel• lent health, and I am sincere in express- ing my belief that to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do i owe my recovery." Enquiry among neighbors corroborated Mise Langford's story as to her illness and remarkable recovery. In her case at leaeb Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have given a striking proof that they possess wonder- ful merits. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aura by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving the disease from the system, Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enelosd in a wrapping bearing the full trees mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The Government have decided to in- oreaee the pay of civil servants by merit only and to abandon the statutory in• crease of 850 a year hitherto in force. Strathroy Commit, at the instance of the W. 0. T. U. and the National Oman ail of Women, has decided to impose a Lienee fee of 850 on the vendors of cigarettes. To the query elle you want good roads 1" everybody nearly answers in the affirmative and on ncoouut of the general interest manifested in the improvement of the highways of this Province, the Local Legislature appointed A. W. Camp. bell, a Civil Engineer, to take obarge of this giant undertaking as Instructor in Good Roads. Mr. Campbell has address• ed many gatherings and the conoensns of opi°ion is that be is the night man in the right piece. Thursday afternoon of next week be will address e public meet- ing in the Town Hull, Brussels, at 9.80, and everybody who has anythiug to do with road making should be present with- out fail. Thousands of dollars in cash and labor are spent every year in this de- partment of municipal service and a greet portion of it to very little effect, as far as permanent improvements are concerned. Hear what Mr. Campbell has to say. 131.. tit . Communion was administered on Sun- day morning in Trinity church. Rev. T. E. Higley returned from St. Thomas on Saturday where he had been visiting friends for It few days. The Blyth woollen mills have been started up for the season's trade by a new firm, Robinson & Henderson. On Monday evening a meeting of the m embers of the Mechanics' Institute was held in the library rooms at Mrs. Y oung'e. We regret to hear thnt councillor Mo- Nally's wife is not improving from her serene illness as fast as her many friends would wish. On Saturday Bailiff Somers took posseeeian of Franoes J. Mooaughey'e grocery store and intends disposing of the goods on Monday next. Our farmers ars beginning to think that we have had enough rain and that a little dry weather would be in order to get through with their seeding. On Monday evening the adjourned vestry meeting was held in Trinity chnroh for the purpo-e of receiving the auditor's report for the peat yam. Our townsman, Alex. McKellar, bas purchased the old s0hool buildings and grounds and intends converting the building into two dwelling houses. Tbe next Bitting of the 12111 Division Court is to be held in. Industry Hall on Saturday next, when several oases will be heard before his Honor Judge Doyle. AN AlUNVS ADVICE BRD'THE SHADOW OFA DY ODT OF DEATH. .0 lianhtrlsable ease That Vividly Shoes the 1YI,sUtarral llenlfivltestering rower or Ar. Williams' Plait rills. From the Orangeville Banner, There is no doubt at all that many people are prejudiced against proprietary medicines, and equally. no doubt many look upon the testimonials published as much In the nature of an exaggerated puff. If the Banner has been tinctured with the feeling it has, so far as one medicine is concerned, had its doubts re- moved, We refer to Dr. Williams' Pills, concerning the curative qualities of which strong claims have been made, and proofs advanced in their support which seem equally strong. But it is when one comes across ha their own locality a case almost rivalling any that have been made public, that doubt disappears and convic- tion onvicttion follows. Such a case the Banner came across and investigated and now gives the facie. The case is that of Mies Sarah Langford, an estimable young lady who resides in the neighborhood of Camilla. We were told she had been re. stored bo health through the agency of De. Williams' Pink Pills. We decided, however, to cast hearsay aside audinvosti- ge,te for ourselves. We fount Miss Langford the picture of health and good spirits, at her pleasant home in Camilla. In reponse to our in. clnirios as to her Mimes and the cause of her recovery, she expressed her willing• nese to satisfy our curiosity, and as she added, relate. hor experience for the good of others afflicted as she was. Her story very briefly was as follows ;-- 'I had la grippe in the spring of 1894, I did not seen; to get over the effects of the attack, and es the Summer progressed became weals and listlese. Any kind of wont became m burden to me. After pumping a pail of water from the well, I would have to stand and hold my hands over my heart for a moment or so, it would flutter s0 violently. I could not go upstairs withont difficulty, and towards the last would have to rest on the steps, and when I got to the top, lie down tntil I could recover my breath. I became a mere skeleton, my cheeks wore like wax end and my ttlsftenwent lailOst tun ym eestedt POPULAR SPALLICNS. 07' The following well known Stallions will travel during the season of 1897 as follows : 0 The track of the Driving Park is now fit to drive on and Season Tickets can be procured from the Secretary as follows :— Horse and Rig, $2.00 Bicycle, gent, 1,00 Bicycle, lady, 50 Any one found on the track after this date will be charged at those figures, so get your ticket or keep off. F. S. Scott, Secretary. Brussels, April 29, '97. CLENDRIE PRINCE. AL1301tT cAnren, pnOnATETOB. Monday, will leave his own stable, Lot 29, Con. 0, Morris, and proceed along the 16th Con. of Grey, then South to Dolmen McKenzie's, 17th Con., for noon ; thence West to John Shorbreed's, 9th Con., Morris, for night. Tuesday, will proceed South to Oarlock, to Harry Allan's for noon ; thence South to Juo. Staples', for night. Wednesday, Thos. Love's, llthCo will .,MoHlllop,for noon ; thence to McKim's Hotel, Walton, for night. Thursday, will proceed to his own stable 100 noon ; thence West to Robb. Blair's, 6th Con., Morris, for night. Friday, will proceed to Thomas Bradshaw's, 4th Oou., Morris, for noon ; therm to George Henderson's, Srd Con., Morris, for night. Saturday,, will proceed along gravel to Zilliax' Hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to his own stable where he will remain. until the following Monde}, morning. Bps" " ..i .fa'.. ess .Are you going to require any Paper Hanging this 500,8011 ? If so the undersigned are at your call and guarantee a prompt, well execntocl job at a LOW price. A trial will convince you. We also attend to Kaisomining and Painting with Neatness and Despatch. House Painting well done at Close Figures, Estimates cheerfully furnished, We are here to do business so make your wants known and we will lose no time in filling thele, .MCC.RACICEN GR1JIMULDBY. Less than, Wholesale Price. Having moved to Brussels the large stock of Boots and Shoes which we bought at Bankrupt Prices in St. Marys, we will have the same open to the inspection of the public on SIR WALTER. 7110)7Ae 3i'LAIICIII.IA', rnorureTon. Monday, will leave his own stable, Brussels, and proceed along 4111 line, Morris; to Robert Sheddan's for noon ; thence North by centre side -road, to Put - land's Hotel, 131usvale, for night. Tues- day, will proceed North to Robt. Harris', Turnberry, for noon.; thence via Wrox- eter, to yyRobb. Hamilton's, for night. Wednesdao james Cuts, 2nd 'Con1, Grey, fol proceed r noonh t; thence to his own stable for night. Thursday, will proceed South to the 16th Con. to John Buchanan's for noon ; thence by the 17111 Con. to MoKim's hotel, Walton, for night. Friday, will proceed to John Shortreed'e, 9th line, Morris, for noon ; thence North by centre side road to Alex. Nichol's, 6th line, Morrie, for night. Saturday, will proceed to Brussels, via 6th line, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. ATUl THIS SPAO1 THERE'S MONEY IN IT FOR YOU. . —0— SATURDAY, MAY ;TH, R4GR2rJN'aP.ifi�..'➢e°2 MAN 7. 1$ 97 when we invite you to call and see the same, and will offer them Lower than Wholesale prices for cash. The goods are all New, Fresh and Clean and as we bought them at a Low Rate on the Dollar we are able to sell them at the above stated Bargains. Come and share in the Bar• gains while they last as a chance may not soon occur again when you earl secure goods SO low. FOR SALE. A One-horse Wagon, suitable for milk hauling, nearly new. 2 Second -handl 2 seated Buggies, and a number of Second- hand) Single Buggies in good shape. JAS. WALKER Carriage Maker, Brussels. —00n— KOOTENAY DISTRICT, POINTS IN BRITXSH COLUMBIA, KAIAK), KOOTENAY MURPHY CREEK, NTL SON,ROSSING, PILOT BAY, ROBSON, ROSSLAND, Etc. — Tickets now on sale at 9n. e RICHAR `a n r 9 a,\ 1E G PLAIN, GOODS BOUGHT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICE. 100 pairs Ikon's Fancy Stripe Pants, four patterns, well made, r good trimmings, regular $1.75, special at ...$ 1 25 4 doz. Men's Merino Underclothing, regular price $1.25 a 75 suit, special at ... .•• •- 5 doz. Men's Balbriggan Underclothing, all sizes, regular price $1.50 a suit, special at ... ... 90 175 yards 28 inch Linen Towelling, red and blue borders, 10 regular price 127•c., special at '"'" 15 only Boys' Sorge Suits, strong Linings, well made, sizes for ages 4 to 10 years, regular price $2.00, special at ... 1 25 5 dozen Women's Seamless Cashmore Rose, regular price 20 25c., special at ... ••• 4 dozen Parasols, new goods, bought from the makers 20 per cent. less than regular prices to be sold at Wholesale Prices. Houesl S'taIe.!:1eu1 !or tile P;uple 5 pieces Grey Cotton, extra heavy, special at ... --------- through We have got nearly thlmarking our Spring Goods and would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices. We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in a position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY. Special Low Bates The Grand Trunk Railway System via its Chicago lines gives you superior a0. coremodation, lowest chargee and the quickest lima to the above points. Pull information at 11 5.91, stations, J. N, KE NDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels, In Dress Goods 44. 4 Closest to Style and Closest to Price. You'll get both in selecting your new Spring Hat here. Wo never had such values to show. We're in a position to give you the best for your money. Fedoras at 50c., 75c., $1.00 and $2.00. Stiff Hats in all the leading makes from 50c. to $2.25. and Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of the Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that we wish to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea of what is going to be worn this Spring. ur Linens we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co., Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be- low regular prices. LACES and EMBROIDERIES are one of the leading features with us this season. In Ready -to. wear Clothing STRAW HATS ALL KINDS. r ets This season's patterns direct from the makers. See them before you buy. we lead all Competitors. Our Men's Suits at $8.00 must bo seen to be appreciated. OUR IES RE is to make this store to the County of Huron what the T. Eaton Co. is to Toronto, Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think wo will be able to make them permanent customers. Grocery Department. SET & Produce Taken.-if3 ,ILaMv w =x,",Q .-,AMYMef Our Grocery Department is uncles the direction of Mr, Jas. Purcell, and he will be pleased to show yon through that department. P. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle- man, will probably call on you in the course of a week or two with Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully. GU 9 Importer, Seaforth. EY& RCKE 2 texemesseerbeemeemhunkmmt Kerney & McCracken. Don't Forget thatailir Eton — .—A tE HEADQUARTERS F0R— Dair9 � I?ase Faeto SUCH AS MDR Cans, Creamery Cans, Milk Pans and Pails, Etc. All °raced, wort promptly altten.d.e , to,. Castor Oil and the Best Machine Oils always in Stock. WILTON & TURNBULL 1