HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-5-7, Page 3MAY 7, 1897 THE BRUSSELS Town Directory, I1lELvznLE Onnncn,—Sabbabh Serviooe at Il a m and 7:00 p, m. Sunday Sohooi qt 2:80 p m. Rev. John hose, 13 A, peter. ST, Jorro's Cnuoau,—Sabbath Servioee at 11 a m unci 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:00 p, en. Rev, A., S. Griffin, incum bent, Mrs'rnonese Onancs.-•-Sabbath Servieee at 10:80 a m and 7:00 p in. Sunday School at 2:30 p In, Rev, S. J, 411in, pastor. ROMAN CATnarzc Ottonca.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10;80 a m. Rev Joseph !Kennedy, priest, SALVATION AOIrY.—Sorvioe at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks, ODD FELLOWS' LOMB every Theraday evening, in Graham's block, MAeONIo LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 TJ W LonaE on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Bloc - hill's block, O 0 F LODml 2nd end last Tuesday evenings of °soh mouth, in Blaehill'e block. I 0 F,'2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Fall. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall, Sown ON,5"000/AND, let and 8rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M, Lenon, Ind and 4th Taee- days of each rnontb, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let and 8rd Mondays of each month in Bias - hill's Hall. A 0 F, let and 8rd Mondays of °soh month in Odd Fellow's Hall. Home Czso s, 2nd and 4811 Friday even- ings in Blashill's Hall, Pown Orrmu.-0M00 flours from 8 a. m. to 0:30 p. in. MnOnANlcs' INSTITOTo.—Library in Holmes' block, will he open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo - Naughton, Librarian. TowN Co0Norr.--W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdale and B, G. Wilson; Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasnree ; R. Megaton, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. &noon BOAnp.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D. C. Ross, J. G. Skene, Jas. Turnbull, A. Coueley and F, Van. stoma. See.-Treas., 14. K. Roes. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC Sewn TsAcnrns,--J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Mies Downey and Miss Ritchie. BOARD Oo froLTn: Reeve Kerr, Cleric Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. MoNaughton, Mediowl Health Officer, .oel% TILE REASON WILY. I know a little maiden who is always in a harry, She races through her breakfast to be in time for school ; She scribbles at her desk in a hasty sort of flurry, And 0om00 home in a breathless whirl that fills the vestibule. She hurries through her studying, elle hurries through her sewing, Like an engine at high preseure, as if leisure were a crime She always in a scramble, no matter where she's going, And yet—would you believe it—she nev- er is in time 1 It seams a contradiction, until you know the reason, Bat I'm sure you think it simple, as I do, when I state That she never has been known to begin a thing in Beason, And she's always in a hurry, because she starts too late. WOIOTEI WHILE. 'Tia easy enough to be pleasant When life Howe along like a song; But the man worth while is the one who will smile When everything goes dead wrong For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always mines with the years, And the smile that is worth the praise of earth Ie the smile that cameo through tears. It is easy enough to be prudent When nothing tempts you to stray ; When without or within u0 voice of sin Is Turing y of ' - 11 soul away ; But its only a negative virtue Until itis tried by faro, And the life tbat is worth the honor of earth Is the one that reeieta deafre. By the bynio, the sad, the fallen, Who had no strength for the strife, The world's highway is cumbered to -day ; They make up the item of life. But the virtue that conquers passion, And the sorrow that hides in a Smile— It is these that are worth the homage of earth For we find them but once in a while. "FOUR TO six." Candles dressed in tiny shirts Provo themselves the worst of flute ; Roses nod to violets near, And smilax Beeks the chandelier, When pretty little Mrs, Trix Is tet home from four to six. Fifty looks forty, and forty jest right, In the flattering glow of a rosy light ; And even a simple cap of tea A halo wears, it seeing to me, • When pretty little Mrs. Trix Is at home from four to six. My little lady with eyes of blue Is charmed to He you --"Just looking for you I" Anda tiny maiden emilee into your face And afore you ben bent with daintiest greet, When pretty little Mrs. Teix Ie at 110tne from four to six, Ladles trip ill by the swore ; Alen 7 011, well, just three or leer They tails of art, the latcet hook, The weather, the departing cools, When pretty little Airs. Trix Ie et holm frown Pour to eix, Cupid doesn't sono at all --- t30ves himself for the evening ball ; Still life BUMS Lilco a merry rhyme, You don't mise Oupid for a time, W11ee pretty little Mrs. Trix la at home from four to Aix, 11151Y BASEBALL RULES. Ho who hesitates le ont. A closed glove catches no !lies. Strike whits the pitober is hot. Where there's a hit there's a way. The early bird oatohes the pennant. A fool and his baso are soon parted. Good pitehiug in time saves the nine. It'e a short game that has no kicking. Novel' look a gift pitcher in the month. OE the making of errors there is no end. The race is not always to the base run- ner, Two strikes is company, three is a meet, A swift rolling grounder gabbers no ]n080. Xt's a poor hat that won't work both ways. If at first you don't euoneed try the out. field. Even the umpire will turn when trod- den upon, A reckless baso runner makes a fat score card. If wishes aver° home runs beggars would root. A Sly hall 1r1 the hand is worth two over the fence. There are no good umpires except dead umpires. Half a loaf on the bench is better than none at all. Abney makes the manager go and ex- change players, Where ignorance is bliss,'twerefolly to attract the umpire's attention. Don't match your catches before they are patched. There's many a elip'twixt the cup and the champions. It's a wise child that knows how to keep a score card. It's an ill wind that blows the ball into the bleaobere. The pltoher that goes to the races too often is sure to gat broke, He who hits and runs away will live to hit another day. It's a long game that isn't called on a0cennt of darlaness. Make fleet baso while the sun shines in the fielder's eyes. A bad beginning intakes a bad impres. cion on the grand stand. Outfielders, lilce infielders, come home to roost on the umpire's nook. HANDY FIGURES, Here are some handy figures and rules very handy to know and keep in mind and they may save tedious "figuring" and calculating if they are committed to memory. A rod is I01 feet or eel yards. A mile is 820 rods. A mile is 1,700 yards. A mile is 5,280 feat. A square foot Is 144 square inches. A square yard contains 9 square feet. A square rod is 272i square feet. An acre contains 49,500 square feet. An acre contains 4,480 square yards. An store contains 100 square rode, A section, or a square mile contains 040 acres. A quarter section contains 100 scree. An acro when 8 rods wide is 20 rods long. Crisp and Casual. Elephants are fond of gin, bub will not touch champagne. The average corn of a 0011111001 prosecu- tion in Britain is at present 9100. There are 8,000 weeds in the English language that are not iu the diotiouary. Every shilling turned out by the Eng- lish Mint shows a profit of nearly three- pence. The lustre of morocco tray he retained by applying the white of an egg with a sponge. The eat oan see well in the darts, and, fortunately for the cat, the man with the bootjeok can't. If a man could jump proportionally as far as a flee, he 5otlld jump in one leap from Laud's End to ;Edinburgh. During the last six years the legal ex- eoutions in the United States have num- bored 720, and the lyuehiage 1,118. The only sure way bo thoroughly cleanse a pipe of nicotine is to allow a jet of steam to paws through the stem for eeveral minutes. A yew -tree at Dover, over one thousand years old, which wag mentioned In the Doomsday Book, was recently transplant- ed successfully, Dot water taken freely half an hon: he. Toro bedtime le an excellent cathartic in the ease of couebipation, while 16 has soothing effect upon the stomach and boavele. There are 450,000 persons in England named Smith ; 800,000 named Jones ; 250,000 named Williams ; nearly 200,000 named Taylor, and 140,000 named Brown. Daring the laeb ten yeare England's in. 000050 in naval otrength wits 87 per sweet,, that of France 42 per cent., Russia 71 per cent., and Germany donbiod the number of her warships, If all the bioyolee in the world wore br0ugb6 to a aoutral point and reconotruot. ed into one giant machine, the result world he a bicycle ten miles long and over six miles high, avitb wheels about three miles in diameter. Women have a bettor perception of color than )nen. An etninonb authority on color blindneee asserts that under a very severe test the color vision of one loan in five ie defeatIvo, while in woman the average is one in thirty. A medical paper gays a sneeze is inatan. tatmously dispelled by pressing the finger apwa005 against the division of the nose at the point where the upper lip mode joins the goon, Another plan is to expire all the afr possible from the lunge the moment yon perceive indioatians of a sneeze. An athlete says that in walking the leg should be swung from the hip very 0111511 as the arm is swung from the shoulder, not the elbow. The hip musole0 are among the strongest in thebody,and mon Who nae them, and walls with the leg comparatively- stiff, tweet the ground 80 per cant, fitatee, with the same exertion, than these who walls from the knee. POST 1,414.11411 00 3'0101101180 1'70011 '1`1113 340111013 01' Ji10I'0I'tiJ{IF,\1'It, Satan's band im often gloved. If Satan Owl get broadcloth, he eau wind some one to wear. it, Love 1e stronger than Bone. A. oorrupb oburoh borne red lights to the world. Ib is often bettor to listee thea to be listened to. The man Ilio eliirke hie duty is in league with Satan. No boy wants to be a drunkard, yet drunkards are made out of boys. The man who respe010 the needs of his employees ie it man whom God will own. The devil's whip i0 often in the band of a man who calls himself your friend, It is bettor to be alone in right, than to be snpported by all the hoete of sin. The boy who does nob respect his par. ants will not respect God. Satan has a soft hand until he gets a man under his thumb. Wax Footing for the Greek s and Turks. The following is the present war foot - Mg of Turkey and Green :— Tonrlsa metre. Standing army Badge Mnotablix Hamidian cavalry Total 8.40,000 400,800 280,400 05,000 1 105,800 TD0xren NAVY. Armored battleships 15 Un rumored 8 Armored gunboats 3 Unarmored gunboats 20 Dispatch boats 27 Torpedo boats (No. 1) 37 Torpedo boats (No. 2) 5 GREEN ABIIY. Standing army Reserve force Territorial army Total 0105Eli NAVY. Armored battleships 5 Unarmored 4 Gunboats 2 Corvettes 2 24,877 104,500 148,000 275,377 There is this to bo said of the Turks— that their army is but poorly paid and not always easily haudled, while the Greek navy has the reputation of being euperior in efficiency to that of Turkey. Short siemens by 1)oaeoii Short. Too many 0linreh members want the little end of every church burden, if they lift et all. The man who does his whole duty in the church has little time left t000mplain about others. Many a man who refuses bis wife the real comforts of life, will put a costly stone over her grave. If pastors could declare cash dividends at every prayer -meeting, what orowds would be cm hand 1 The person to whom religion is sad and doleful, must have gotten it from some other book thou the Bible. Some people aro so satisfied that the pastor will may just the right thing that they sleep through most of the sermon. People whose lives are so busy that they cannot attend prayer -meeting, will ecarooly accumulate enough grace to buy a ticket through to glory. If you have ocen0 to theoonolueion that all your neighbors are had, itis time for you to keep a close watch over the fellow who wears your sheen. Sorrow ie but the blackboard upon which God writes bis moat precious pro. micas. Every temptation should remind you that the devil is your enemy and God your friend. The devil's service must have ovary• tiling favorable to produce happiueee. Ohriet'e service brings happiness despite circumstances. The heart that has been wounded and bruised by providential dealings will have the tenderest touch of a heavenly Father's hand in applying the healing balm. 110ARD1NO-1.i0USE tlll0,i11's'llty. DNBINI'tOONO AND Ax1OM0. A11 boarding-houses ere the same board- ing. ltonso. Boarders in the earns boarding-house and on the same flat are equal to one another. A single room is that which has no parts and no maguilude. The Landlady of a bonrding-house is a parallelogram—.that is, an oblong and angular tigers, which menet be described, but which is ?gent to anything. A wrangle as the disinclination of two boarders to oaoh other that meet together bet are not on the eamo flab. I All the other rooms being token, a single room is said to be a double 10000. rO8TDLAT105 AND 1ROrIFI OB bNa, A pie may be produoocl any number of times. The landlady oan be reduced to her lowest terms by a series of propositions. A boo line !nay be made from any hoarding -house to any other boarding - la once. The clothes of a boardinghouse bed, though produced ever so far both ways, will not meet. Any two m0010 et a boarding-house aro together leas than two eguare meals. If from the opposite ends of a board- ing-house a line be drawn passing through all the rooms in turn, then the stovepipe which warms the boarders will lie within that lino. On the salvo bill and on, the same side of it there should not bo two Changan for the same thing. If there be two hoarders on the eamo flab, and the amount of aide of the one be equal to the amount of side of the other, naafi to each, and the wrangle between one boarder wind the landlady be equal to tlwe wrangle between the landlady and the other, then stall the weekly bills of the two boarders be equal aleo, each to each, For if not, lot one bill be the greater. Then the other hill ie lege than it might bavo been --which ie abetted. A child was cured of group by a dose or, ttvo of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A neighbor's obild died of tie eama dread disease while the father wag getting ready to nail the doctor. This snows the necessity of hexing Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral always at band. T E 1i ` E 'T 1 MND l,,f ®1F,f Cough -cure, who moot prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. .As an emergency medi- cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever anti Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot ho equaled, E. Ili. B11A w r. l; y, D. D. Die. See. of "— the American Bap- tist Publishing Society. Petersburg. Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend R' Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles, a+v., IL RING I , Ga Richar son Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workfnanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits mado for $4 and upwards. -'Shop over 31c(.on'ah's Store. BRUSSELS UIP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have por- ohaaed the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate priaos. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at F. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. ea—Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Miner Green„ MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. 3 My:Stock ofd MONET TO LOAN, s ring o ds Is now complete in Sake, Drees Coeds, Deese Trimmings, 3luslius, Lawns, Art Mullins, Curtains, Lanes, Ribbons, Prints, Ducks, Flannelettes, Cottons, fJottonades, Towelinge and a special line of Ladies' and Children's Vests. I think I know something about Tea and when I toll you that my 500. per lb, Dargeling Gem of the East is the best Blank Tea in the market and that my 25e. Japan Tea le better than most of the Tea sold in this town for 350. and 40e. I always keep the beet Teas and Coffees in the market so the public say. J. :? f S8ENE Agent for Parker's Dye Works. 11t011611__Sliop! The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMALE BLOM BRUSM, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. VIALEER. Meat delivered to all -Darts of the town. Any Amount of Money to Loarl an Farm or Villas Pro. party at 6 & 6i Per Cent.. Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, B- russets, -ear Harness Shop. D. x'RAIN has opened a Har- ness Shop in the building North of the Leckie Block, Brussels, where he is prepared to turn out Light and Heavy harness and attend promptly to repairing, Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips, &c., kept in stock. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. I am prepared to attend to all orders for Carriage Trimming, Repairing, &c. Good work and Moderate charges. D rind; Brussels. 1NM CLEOD'S Systems, Renovator -AND 01'005 ---- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weals and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, tPalpita- tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Nour• algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dieeasea, St. Vitus' Dance, ,Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GOBERIGH, f» T. J. M. 111cLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by .Ars, Fmx, Drugglst, Brussels. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY' FOR MAO OR BEAST, Certain in its eg0ats and never blisters. Rend proofs below, KENDALL'SSPAVIN CARE. 1300t3,Carman )Iondereon Co., 111.,T,ob,.1,'td. Koomur. , bo. Rook, n,id oblige. I havenxed a gr,o. donlo florae Randall's Spavin Cure with good success • 1t is a woudorrul inedletno, I moo end n tnnro that Lad nn Oeanitannglu and avo botta!s cured her, 1 1seep n bottle on hand 0118100 thno. Yourstruly, 0030, Poway, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CARE. Dr. R. ,,0. Ratm.vs, Co. CANTON, No., Apr. l011. "IDeado a 01have han OOrro' svri11nmiictiles of you 1 0111,11 i0tbebe,OLaltmant I 0001' used..Irebe '0- 0011,10 Curb, ane ltlood Fiurvh, sad Att7�n3 0,00 hoar Bpavl, , who ar lveoulmendod it to 1 na:o,•alcr ray friends wl,oaro much pleased wiCt, ,010,0» 00, Rospectit. rall3)', e, RAY, P. O, nee 313, Ver Salo by all Druggists, or address Dat B..7..8EI77.4ZX 470.1[2441N'1, Yµ- ^-CNpe0Ue0H 1ALL8Yyi. lik 'LES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND.— Noi'th Shore Piffle and Cedar FOR SALE AT T1110 Brussels Planing His Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order et Short Notice. Estimates Furtliehod for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. y . & P. A.IL.I.JrEN.41 We are ready for it by the arrival of Seasonable Goods. CHILDREN'S BIBLES. WAGONS. We have hada Large Ill wood or iron Sale of Bibles during the past month and have a 'fine new stock to hand. Base Balls, Rubber Balls, Base Ball Bats, Marbles, Alleys, &o., &o. IFS up a Lawn this year CROQUET and 'buy a CRSET OQUE ..4: SE T We can supply you ROCKING HORSES Afford plenty of Amusement to youngsters. We never sold them cheaper SCHOOL SUPPLIE S Of all Kinds New Stook of Stationery Including Note and Foolscap Paper, Envelopes, tato., Sta. Great Value in WRITING- PADS. RITING-RADS. For 30 Days all Toys will be Sold at COST to make room for i1e1V' goods, POST ! 001( TORE.