The Brussels Post, 1897-5-7, Page 1.mwr+�mm�e�,now..c.,..+m.b�rrM,w.mmx•,,�.,wr'�w�..sw,ue, _ _ _ Vol 24, No. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1897 OODER1011 POSTMASTER, Cornrnissionmt Seager, who rem:utly in- vestigated the chargesn•eferred against Postmaster Campbell, of Gotlerich, deliv- ered his Gudiug in Lho ease in the court roots Friday afternoon of last week, iu the presence of a largo number of epeete- k, tore, Following is a brief summery of the finning : Charge 1..-11 was charged that ,postmaster Campbell had acted iu3. properly toward Miss ::lays, of Soofort11, a Collegiate Institute student, ono evening and thereby insulted she and Mise Seekyl, who was with her oil the occasion. The ohnrge was held to be sustained, Charge 1 2—'Tho postmaster was charged with placing his hand upon the hand of Mts. )I Sarah MoJ3rion while she was passing in a letter at the wicket, and that be did so in a manner which she considered to bo insulting: The charge was hold to bo nob sustained, on the ground that the action might possibly have boon aooident• al. Charge 3—Tho postmaster had un. wartantedly taken hold of Mos, Inglis while she was coming through au inner door of the postolliao after he had asked her and a lady friend to visit Lho inside doper talent, held to be 8n0Lained. Charge 4—The postmaster was charged with assaulting Miss Danoey while she was engaged in writing a card in the pri- vato office by olaspiug her frog behind and patting his hands on her breast. Charge hell to bo sustained. Charge 5— T111e Was a charge of opening a letter ad- dressed to one 3. R. Merutosh, but al- though it wee clearly proven that the Ietter had been opened it was not shown by whom. Charge not sustained. Charge 6—It was charged that the North Ameri• tau Chemical Company wore compsllod to post their letters and rate earths at the railway station for a length of time, ow. ing to the fact that the postmaster was a sales agent for a rival Grtn. It was prov- ed that Mr. Campbell had acted in such a capacity for several years, but had now disooutinued his connection with the salt firm. Charge 7—A complaint was made by Robert Bell, a marble worksenau, that ho also had to post bis letters at the rail- way station, because Mr. Campbell was the Guancial manager of a rival marble works business. Tho evidence proved that this state of affairs had existed Charge 8—Mr. Vanstouo, of Wingham, another marble 10011(5 man, had sent a latter to.a customer named Johnston, Godetioh poetefi'ice, and, finding it had not reached its destination, called at the oMee to make inquiry, when ho was handed tho letter and told it had beau opened by mistake, the plea given by the attendant being that there were to many Jol1us1ons. Tho letter had been opened and closed up again with a margin of postage stumps, but no memorandum had been made that it bad been opened by mistake, nor by whoni it had been opon- en, contrary to the rales of the depart- ment. This charge was sustained. Charge 9—Tho postmaster was charged with boing offensive to persons going to the aka, fn that he hod entered into an altercation with W. L. 11011011 and had called the latter n liar, after which ho had come aronod from the inside office and clinched with Horton, until separated by others who wero present. Charge sustained, Brus8e1s Cour1ei1, A BUSY SE SSJON, Monday availing the members of the village Council assembled for their mont ly meetiog and after the approval of the minutes of the last Oounoil meet• ing the following accounts were present- ed :-- Thos. —Thos. Kelly, Treasurer's salary Rett postage $ 45 00 J. T. Ross, Oo.11ootor's salary and postage 45 00 3. Wright, mouth's salary 30 00 W. H. McCruokon, Auditor's sal- ary , 0 00 J. N, Kendall, Auditor's salary ,6 00 Zino, Scott, street improvements75 R. Deebow, " " 75 L. MoDonalcl & 00•, lumber.,,. 25 98 Smith of rho river and the 3rd division will include all North of the Maitland, Tho Reeve intimated that Mr, "Good Ronde" Campbell would he hero on Thurs. day, May 13th, and milted for the free 11140 of the Town Htall for the sleeting, which was granted!. Quito an animated discussion took place over the Assessment Roll Iu referencia to properties omitted and 088008ments of certain properties. Owing to numoroue omissions, it was decided to have a spooled nleotlug of the COnnoll next Monday evening, to arrange 1031 fur as possible for its rectification, Mr. Green, t•Opreeelting the Wingham Electric Light Co„ was melted to address the 00un0i1, which he did in a very free, pleasant and precti001 manner. Tho mambos of t110 Board questioned Mr, Green closely on th0 electric 1ig111 busi- ness and worn so well satisfied with the information received 1)3x1 ho was asked to present his offer to the Council at their meeting nest Monday evening, when it will bo considered, 1.f arrangements aro entered into with Mr. Creon to supply a plant, the work will be proceeded vies forthwith, so as to have both are and in- eandeacent systems iu operation by October next, 10 a'oloelt had arrived 80 the Council adjourned, after a busy session, GOOD ROADS. To the 11.11101- 01 Toa Poen: Dain Sm,—My attention was called to a circular sent out by yon, as the Reeve of Brussels, on the above subject, and the matter was more deeply.impreseedeu my mind by the thorough shaking up I re- ceived just before, while going to Wrox- eter and back by stags. Coed roads aro in every way desirable, and for many reasons. How molt better in appear- ance is the oouutry where the roads are well made 1Iow much bettor for horses and all kinds of conveyances that have to travel, to do so on good roads. Then a man's farm is worth more by two baud • rod dollars, with a good road, compared with ono whore, at any time, a team may stick fast in the mud. To have roads that can bo said to bo good, Choy should be well graded and rounded, so that the water would run off as it fell; but in many cases the middle of the road is low. et than the sides, and es a consequoneo souh places are worked into mud holes. I, for one, earnestly hope tho visit of Mr, Campbell to Brussels and his instruction will result in great goo:to this part of our county. I am of the opinion that every cilizou should try to slake Huron the Banner County of Ontario, and in order to do so we must have good roads. In this 11know Tim Pon Wi11 join. Yours truly, ZLkanalln PAUL. Dr. Macdonald on the Budget. Dr, Macdonald (.Last Huron) 0ongratul. Med the Government ou having plaood before the country a tariff which by both manufacturers and others would be re- ceived with snots favor as had not been accorded any other tariff since Ooafecler- 0tion. He renndiatod the assertion that the Liberal party had stolen the worn•ollt clothes of the discredited Oonset•vative party. England had obtained free trade gradually, and not at one sadden leap, and he hoped that within some years Oanode, might have it as they had in England. The plainest calculation would show that the change in the duty on nee would place about $59,000 in the treasury without taking a cent from the constituent. The Govorumont lied kept its pledges to the people. TheManitoba school question had been settled, the expenditure has been reduced, binder twine, barbed wire and cora have been put on the free list, the specific dutios had boon to a large ex- tent removed, a higher duty had been placed upon luxuries. The duty 0n 24 agricultural implements used largely by farmers had been reduced. The duty on coal oil had also boon reduced, and Dr. Macdonald pointed out that he had never advocated its being placed on the free list. Moves in the direction of obtaining Moved by Goo. Beaker, seconded by R. cheaper transportation rates had been G. Wilson that the above 00000ut8 be made in the proposed extension of the paid. Carried. Interoolomial Railway to Man Croat, in the A communication wes road from the deepening of the canals, and in the cold Wingham Electric Light Co. in reference storage system scheme. The Govern. to putting in a plant in Brussels, snout Was also carrying oat it8 pledges by Tenders for supplying gravel were bringing in a bill to repeal the expensive opened as follows :— franchise act, Which Weil conceived in in- iquity and begotten in sin, whilst what would in scab yoare bo a saving of 5200,- 000 was to be affected by the repeal of the superannuation act. Again the Govern. meet had also given a preferonoe to British goods, thus carryiugout the policy of the Liberal party, as enntloiated in a resolution moved by Mr, Davies in 1892. LI all, within the space of ten months the Government had fulfilled fifteen promises it had made to the Country. After refer- ring to the manner its which the Govern. moat had redeemed its pr0m100 regarding iron, De. Macdonald read the following interesting and instructive calculations The pig iron bounties and duties, rho in. creased prices by renews of the duties and the dealers' profits on the duties coat the Canadian people during the last live years also following amounts :—Bounty paid 5418,868 ; duty paid on 248,852 tons at 5d per ton, $098,406 ; 111000ase of prices on the home manufactured article, 222,352 Moved by R. Iheathorclalo, seconded by tons, say at toast $3 pot: ton, 5667,05(3; 11. G. Wilson that R. Hunter, Kinoar• dealers' and importor8' pro(18 an the cline, be seemed 10 test Fire Engine boil- duty, as 11 wag part of the original met to Or before anything further is done. Oar- thein, say 25 per Dent. profit, 5248,861 ; vial. total cost, $2,822,670. Canada had thus The Auditors' report and absbraot was ),paid $10.10 a ton to protect the pig iron pregenbecl, road and examined and on industry of the cotsubry. The following motion of Hoene, Thomson and Baehr comparison of the old duty and bounty was aeoopted : and adopted and the with the now duty and bounty, on the abstract ordered to bo published in the bade of the pig iron industry, ending Herald for ono week, June 30, 1806, Was given (—Pigg iron 3m - Moved by R. G. Wiisou, seconded by ported in 1896, 35,000 tons ; duty paid, Goo, Banker that the court of Revision $144,000. Pig iron manufaetgred fn 1896, bo held on Monday, rune 7th, at 7,80 0'- 68,000 tons ; bounty paid, $126,000. Iu- olook. Carried, matted prise upon the Boole 0rti018 by Bylaw No, 8, 1897, dividing Br•nosels reason of the duty, 003, $8 per ton, 5180,- 583ta three pollfbgsub•divisions 11181004 of 000, Total web, 5459,000. Under the two, owing to Ware/tee of voters, (as pot now tariff pig iron imported in 1800. 80,. Statute) wss oad three thous and passed, 000 tons, at $2,50 (duty), $00,000, Pig 'The d veldt g line will beTuruberry street iron, 133auulfectnr0d, 68,000 tons at $8, Wm. Denbow 40 omits Wm. Birt! 40 " ; Robt,Donbaw 84 Win. Riley 84 " OM motion of MossesBacker and Wil. son, the tender of Bobt, Denbow, who had the contract last year at 87c„ was 00• copied, The Lineation of meeting the demands of the Underwriters' Asscoiatfett was taken up, after being uudor consideration for the past 111011th. Estimates for tate necessary work for the improvement of the Bre apparatus wore presented from the Ronald Engine Works, and elicited considerable discnesion :— New boiler far Fire Engine, less the aoppor tithes iuold boiler, $500 00 Suotioh hose, pot. foot, 8 00 Couplers 10 00 Heater for boiler 50 00 Automatic flee alarm 5189,000, Managed prioe by reason of the duty, say, $2 on 011,000 tons, 5120,000, Total cost, 5405,000, showing that thenow duty and bounty would effect a saving of 554,000. Dr. Macdonald concluded his apeoolt with an enthueiastio eulogy of Mr. Laurier. '1'1111 A. 0. U. W. Grand Master Workman of A. 0. U. W. of Ontario has failed au official aircula1 to the brethren i11 the juriedic- tiun in regard to the now graded asooes. Mont softie adopted at the last Grand Lodge meeting in Toronto, and which goes into effect on July 1st, 1807. The scale is as follows Rabe per Rate per Ages, $1,000. 52,000, 18 to 24 00 1,20 15 to 20 70 1.40 30 to 34 75 1.60 35 to 3i1 80 1.00 40 to 41 00 1,80 45 and over 1,09 200 These rates are fixed upon the age of tho member at the time of joining the order, and are stationary ; for instance, any member who joins the order betweeu the ages of 25 and 30 would pay 70 cents per month for a beneficiary 0011iBOnt0 of $1,000, or $1,40 per month for It bone• fioiary certificate of 52,000. A reserve farad will be created. This will be deposited with the Government, and hien the order has accumulated n reserve of $500,000 the interest on Ibis will bo used to pay death claims. They do not expeot to have to intake any special aes0eement8 for reserve, but will have 0 sufficient surplus from the colteolione of twelve assessments of the beneficiary fund, at the end of every year ---atter pay. inn all death clause—to lay away from 580,000 to $90,000 toward reserve. There will be no more relief assessments. All that the members will have to pay will he the monthly assessment of the grade at the age they came iuto the order. Any member who creme iuto the oder late in life, feeling that the 52 per month will be burdensome, can have his bene- ficiary certificate reduced from $2,000 to 51,000, thereby reduoiag the cost one holt. New members are ooming into the order ab the rale of over 400 a month, BROUGH'TON' WINS, Tho Supreme Court Allows the A 0peal in Grouthlen 00. Grey, alter Three Ontario Courts Deckled the Other way—me Drainage lay^fags of Grey ane Glum 50e0fare0 '!'old and air, l;reagllten 11018 All !lis Casts. In the Supreme Oonrt at Ottawa on the 1st inst., judgment was given in probably the longest and roost. stubbornlyooutested drainage law suite that ever arose in the county, and, the result is that Albert Broughton, the plaintiff, is successful, Tbe plaintiff is the son of Edward Broughton, of Monition, cue of the oideet settlers in Elms. The litigation grew out of a by.law passed by the township of Grey under the following oiroumetanoes In August, 1898, the Grey council in- structed J. A. Bell, 0. E., of St, Thomas, to report upon the condition of Govern. ment Drain No. 1 in Grey township, tend in January, 1891, the engineer presented a lengthy report setting forth the condi- tion of the work and proposing 013 eaten. sive scheme for improving the original drain, and Beauchamp creek its outlet The cost of the work was estimated by Mr. Bell, at 513,210.33, and of this sum he assessed upon the lands and roads in Grey 59,678,33, upon the lands and roads in MoKillop $1,914.61, and upon the hands and roads in DIma 54,617.86• The Grey Council adopted the report, and, on March 24th, provisionally passed e, by- law for undertaking the wont and after. wards, on April 1001), finally passed this bylaw. Ooiee of the report, plans, es. tineatea, oto., were served upon hllma and McKillop, the latter township at once passed its by.law for raising its share of the oast of the work. The Elms oonncil on Jeno 181h, 1394, provisionally passed its by.law for raising its share, being the sum of $4,017.86 and 00seseing this sum against the lands in Firms, that had been covered by the report. The plaintiff pro. tested against bis lands, the east 5 of lot No. 11, con. 16, Elmo, being assessed ab all for the cost of the work and appealed to the Blinn Court of Revision against his assessment but the court confirmed it mud refused to interfere. The plaintiff then protested against Elisa passing any bylaw for raising the money, but the oounoil expressing its intention to proceed, Mr. Broughton, on August 28, 1894, iesoed a writ against both townships asking to have the Grey bylawe gnashed upon ground of irregtttarity and exoeas of atubhority, and to 11000 Elma perpetually 1eetrained from passing its by-law. The motion came on for trial upon the plead- ings upon a motion for injunction before cronies lvaloonbridge, on February 8, 1805, who, after reserving judgment, dia. mie8ed the plaiuliff's action without ooebs upon the ground that tho,Grey by. law having been registered it was not open to abtaok. The plaintiff appealed to Divisional 00010 and his appeal wile argued on May 81, 1800, before Sir Wil• liam Meredith and Ju0tiose Roseland Mc- Mahon, who, after reaming jodgmsnt, dismissed the appeel with costs. The plaintiff again appealed to the 0oue1 of Appeal for Ontario, where his case was argued on June 10th 1896, and jodgmont Was given on June 30, 1896. The Chief Juetico'and Justine Geier were if fano/ of allowing tho appeal Ju8tioos Barton and 1klotennan were in favor of dismissing the appeal, and the thumb being oqually dividod the original judgment stood, and the plaintiff's action stood dislniseed With costs, 131005111cm thereupon ap- pealed to the Supreme Court at Ottawa, where the appeal was heard on the 10th and 11th days of March, 1807, before the Chief Justice, Sir henry Strong and Justices Bedgewiek, Gwynn°, King and Girouard, and judgment was given on Saturday, the 1e0011 being that the 00011 unanimously allowed the 0130001 of the plaintiff with costs ; the by-law of Grey will therefore be 38olared illegal and in. Valid, and Etna le perpetually restrained from passing its by-law or imposing the tax for the drain upon the plaintiff's lands. The townships are ordered to pay the plaintiff's costs of the appeal, and fn all the Ontario Courts. T, P, Mabee representing the plaintiff Mr, 00rrow, Q. 0„ the township of Grey; and Mari sreon & Davidson, the town- ship of Lima. The ease was argued in all the aourts by Mr. Mabee for plaintiff, Mr. (.narrow for Grey, and Mr. MoPhet'- soe for Blnta. Pending the litigation the township of Grey had been proceed. ing with the worst and it is said had ex- pended upwards of $0;000; Blrna, had, however, made no expenditure, no part of the work being hi that township, (:11i11bCif (IHIMM�. Do you over go to prayer meeting 7 Rev, R, Paul preached at Fordwioll last Sshbsth, Maitland Presbytery 3vi11 meet in Wingham on Tuesday, 18th inst, Elder Stewart will attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian c1ureh in Winnipeg next month, St. John's church people held a bee on Monday afternoon to build a fence in the rear of 0b11reh and seed the ground. Mrs. B. Strachan has succeeded A. I. McCall, removed to Chatham, as teach- er in Melville Sabbath School. Miss teach Franker, Pelton wee also appointed as a Mr. Puttee preached two able sermons on Sunday last 111 St, John's &torah, His morning text was 'taken from Matt„ 28.5, and his evening text from 1 Cor., 10-31. The service in Melville church, next Sabbath morning will be eonduete5 by Rev. M. McKenzie. Mr, MoKenrie will give en a000ntnt of his seven years' mis. eion0ry worn in Henan, china, "The Westminster Aseembly" fe the topic at Melville Endeavor next Sabbath evening associated 3vit11 the names of Rev, ;No. Rose, 13, A„ and President Blair. Last Sabbath evening the inter- esting subjeob was "Christian Enter. prise." Annual Distriot meeting of Winghom District will he held in the Methodist oburoh, Wingham, on Tnwelay and Wed- nesday, 1811 and 10th insts„ to close up the business of the year preparatory to the coming Conference, which will be bald in London the first week in Jena. The Young Peoples' Chapter of St. John's Guild hold their meetings every Thursday evening. Renewed interest ie being taken in the Sooioty and it is stead- ily increasing in numbers and interest. The subjeot "God the Holy Ghost" was taken last Thom/day evening by Miss O'Connor, This Tb reday evening the subject was "Christ blessing little child- ren." Last Monday nicht Rev. tlr, Bios ad• dressed the Epworth League in pleas. ing and profitable manner. His tabjeat was "How to make a anoosos of life," and the divisions were :—(1) Give your heart to Christ ; (2) Have n fixed pnrpoee in life ; (3) Aim high ; (4) Energy rather then talent ; (5) Be thorough ; (6) Be unselfish, A new program has been is - mer] for the coning six montlhe- 4. bill incorporating the Methodist Trust Fire Insarancs Company was pass. ed by the private bills committee last Friday, in oonneobion with the Dominion Parliament, Tbe object is to entry on a general insuro3oe business within the Methodist churches, the capital being $5,000,000. The head office is to be in Toronto. There was objection as to the clause, by which the company may invest or deposit such sharps of its funds du foreign securities as is necessary ler the maintenance of any foreign branch, Dr. Antliffe said that they wished to cover Newfoundland, which came under the General Conference, S. A. Nares.—Capt. Collier, who ter the least Dix months has toiled faithfully in the interests of the S. A. local corps, hats reeeiv0(1 farewell orders and will say Good-bye to his many comrades and friends on Sunday next, May 9113, in the barracks. The meetings 3vi11 be as fol- lows :-7 a. 01., a surprise knee drill ; 11 a. m,, n holiness reading ; 3 p. m., ebem- ioal sermon, which will be illustrated with ohemioals ; 8 p. m„ farewell ad. dremoos.ning for LonCapdon,lwil here heuwi tave o tda ake part in the farewell meetings of Brigadier and Mrs, ee ea of fathfultoil In Owego ofatts, whoter the West Ou tario Province, go on a muo11 needed pnnint furlough before eforColonel Jaoobsr swill ext be welcomed as his 0nooe08or. The Capt, at the close of these meetings will receive his new appointment and itis successor will Dome dit•eot from London and will be weloolned bo Brussels on Thursday even• ing, May 13th. We wish both the old otliore nand also incoming ones meola enc• ease end happiness in their new ender. lettings. A letter from Rev. Dr. Hart, superin tendert of Oanadian 11Ietltodist n11801013 in China, to Dr. Withrow, contains the following interesting intelligence ;—"I nm glad to be in china again, and feel as ,young ae 91 years 0°0, when I landed at 8'naehow, What mighty changes since then 1 Shanghai has 1.1000n18 a mighty °enter for 0atmner00 and civilization. I am amazed at the strides the young giant has made in a short year ; Huge factories and godowns have arisen along the Unlike of the river .for n space of five miles, anti groat rows of Brink tenement houses have grown up like masbrooms all over the city. Rents are away up, and many forefgnnre are not able to rent lodgings. Business amine to be good, end the plexi- esu dollar worth merely 43 gold ciente, Kepone oome from all parts of tbsomphre of increased interest on the paar0 of ofii- oiale MApeople fn everything Western. Aritbmotios, geographies, aetronomics, histories of Weebern ooanteics, anything that touches the welfare of Western na• tions, are in demand, Wheronnto this Spirit of inquiry will grow the wisest darn not prophesy. The sowing time Inas come ; the ooirl Winter is pest ; Mover's have 0abse foe gratitude' God's long, patient welting is now being re warded. Seventy years of praying, fight. ing, working, watohfng against fearful opposition, aro u01v prevailing. China 1 the world's greatest mission Geld. Oa the altnreh rise to the present exigen Oita 0" The regular quarterly ammonia services will bo held next Sabbath morn fug in the Methodist ollureil, Rev, J. P Wee will have charge, Mrs. E. 13. Creighton sang a prett solo entitled "The Summer leen o Song" et the evening eervioo in the Metho dist thumb fust Sabbath, At the repent Higher Religions In• etruati„n ex3nlinati0n5 of the Preebytlr• fan ehurall, the candidates from ;Melville church gained the following distinctions : Essay on "Solomon and his Times," di lona, Mrs. A, Simpson ; Thomson's "Life of !)avid," diploma, M. A. Lamont; Senior Biblioal Department, prizes—Mrs, N, 103. Richardson, Peter MacArthur ; diploma, Maggie Yount. Intermediate Biblical Department, diplomas, Jennie MacArthur, Agnes Richardson, Senior Doctrinal Department, prize, Janet Mw Nair ; diplomas, Maggie MoNell, Aunie R. Watson. Intermediate Deanna] De. partrnent, medal, Helen J, Smith ; prize, Ellen Scott, Junior Doctrinal Depart- ment, prize, Marion Smith ; diplomas, Mary E. MacArthur, Ed. Tomlie, GnomeRiahardeon, Lyle Riehardaau, Anus Richardson, The Hamilton and London Presby- terian Synod, which met in Paris lust week, concluded its labors on Tuesday, Among matters that came up for consider- ation was the case of Mrs, Gavin Ross against the Presbytery of Huron, which bas been on the tattle for six years and is not ended yet. Mrs. Ross resides in Hen - sell, and in aeneequenoe of certain re- flections said to have been made by Rev, J. S. Henderson„eke applied for a dis- junaturs certificate. This was refused and the Prebbytery upheld Mr. 'lender - son. Protest followed protest, and at the last session of the Synod the Presbytery of Linton was instructed to cite the ses- sion ofHenall before it, and the deliver- ance was before the Synod Tuesday. Mr. Rankin, a lawyer of Chatham, ap- peared for Mrs. Ross, but the result was that the deliveranoe was laid on the table, Mrs. Ross will appeal to the General As. sembly in Winnipeg in June, end,'failing to obtain what she looks upon as her rights, she states her intention of enter- ing a civil notion for damage atgain51 Rev, Air. Henderson. n • n E People We FKuow. Mrs. Sarney is visiting at Elora. Harry Stevenson, of Forest, is in town. T. Fletcher and wife Sandayed in Luoknow. Will. Sample is visiting in Seaforth this week. A. 111. Moltay made a business trip to London this week. 11'Irs. R. Pox, of Wroxeter, is visiting Mrs. Jas. Fox, town. Mies Annie Douglas is visiting Miss Walker, Turuberry street. Bert. Johnston, of Setafortlt, has taken a position in the store of J. Ferguson & 00. Leon Jaekaon was off duty fora day this week. Mies Jo. Ross supplied his Department, Mrs. Ferguson is home from Stratford and has resumed housekeeping on Alex- ander street. Miss Lizzie Helmet ha8 not been hav- ing good health during the past Winter. We wieb her a speedy recuperation, Bobt. Henderson, drayman, has been temporarily laid up by 0 swelling on his left hand, oocaeioned by a bruise from a knotted rope. Mrs, Thos. Kelly is visiting her sitter, Mrs. Hutton, at Galt this week prior to the removal of the latter to Algoma to join her heel/and who is preaching there, Walter Richardson who along with his son Robert, recently welt to Dauphin, Man., bas bought a farm and the family will remove to the West in the near future. Time. 13IaLanohlin, who has heen laid up at Cheeley for several months, with sciatica, arrived home last week. He hoe not entirely recovered yet, but is pro. greasing favorably. W. It. StretLan left on Tuesday to re- sume his position as 0. P. R. engineer, after enjoying a holiday visit here for a few weeks. His vocation agrees with him all right, judging by appearances. W. F. and Mrs. Stewart eutertaiued a largo oompauy ab their residence last Monday evening, It was the birthday of the host and 11e was presented with an easy chair as a gentle reminder that he is not as 300335 as ho used to he. Mrs. Hindu, 0u old resident of Brno, sets, and family aspen to remove to White River this week whore they par. pose making their home. Mrs. Hindos has a son already a reeide31 of the looality where they intend removing to. Dr. and Mrs. Graham arrived in BrOs- sele lest Tuesday from New York. They intend making their home in Toronto, we understand, and will leave for the Queen's 010,y in a week, They take with them the good wishes of a large citrate of friends, By n letter received on Wednesday at 15rno0n from 15,31'. Mr. Allis, now at 73e00t18 Greek Sanitarium, the aro pleased to learn that he has oonsiderablyimprov- ed in health and he hopes, if progress continues, to get beck to Brussels by Jtine let, if not earlier. Miss Emma, Whelan, who has been visiting Mies 0. Norton, her cousin, for several weeks, left on Monday for Strat• lord, where she will spend a week before rettlrnf05 to her home at Durham. "We shall meet, but we than mise het” is said to be the language of a 13rneeelite, Robt, Rots had his household furniture removed to Kinetrdine this week where he luso Muorntive situation as cutter. Airs. Ross and son have gone to the lakeside town. We are sorry t0 lose them from Brunelle but 'wish them sue. one in their claw home, The Kincardine Review says :—On Monday Thee, Inglis took olsorge of Wat. eon & Maloohn's furniture waroroOme fn the plane of Robert Maloolnr who leaves shortly for Rat Portage, We regret that the change is eoneeq,,0,,0 upon Mr. Malcolin'e decision to 18avo town, W. H. K ERR, Prop. Mee Aggio Richardson has returned to Breesela from a visit of six weeks with friends in Sosforth. While coming down the stops of St. John's oburoh after 0ervi00, last Sunday darning, F, 0. I00gers made a fates step and in trying to save him Mrs. Rogers fell along with him, striking her head on the stone step. She wss taken to Dr, tfoKolvey's office and attended to. Na serious results are expected to follow. A band•railing would be an improvement on 1110 stairway. <5.rrj,v. Township Council and Court of Re. vision on Wednesday, 231111 inst. Alias Annie Douglas, of the 10tH eon., is visiting Mrs. nein, Walker, L'rnssels. Jolla Bidets, er. is ill with la grippe, His many friend hope to hear of his speedy r000vory. Alrs. Looking, I2th con., hoe been quite poorly this Spring. Mims Lizzie Mewl - dere is visiting her at present. Jas. Ferguson has been laid aside from work owing to a felon on the palm of hie left hand which was very painful. Neil MoNair, con. 14, has purchased a driver from 1. Al000k. It 080(04 to drive very gently o1 tate 4th eoneession. Whooping cough is buthoriug the 0hildren on the 16th and 1711i ooncos- sione, Some oases were considered quite dangerous for a 01m1. John MoIatoeh is building a new :kitchen to his house, and we think with the cage ready, Jock is likely to get the 01- ,Brook bird this fall, Mrs. A. Morrison, who was here at- 1e31d155 the funeral of her mother, Airs. 1100. Roddiok, left for Huron, Michigan, cu Wednesday morning of this week, Geo. McKay, 10th con., has purchased the 100 -acre farm, lot 26, eon, 16, from Angus Campbell. 51,200 was the price paid, There are 30 /scree cleared on the place. Attend the "Good Roads" meeting in Brussels Town Hall, Tbureday afternoo0 of next week. A. W. Campbell, Govern. meet inspector and instr0etor, will give an address. Oue day last week as D. ilfulnnes was engaged ploughing with a team of spirit- ed oohs the plough streak a stone amus- ing the handle to stripe 1031. McInnes in the side fracturing four of his ribs. Leet week Rohs. Douglas, 16th con., purchased a thoro'•bred Yorkshire bog from the welt known breeder, Robb. Nichol, 6th line, Morrie. Air. Douglas uow has a Chester White and Yorkshire, AccnzoT.—Mrs. Jas. Ilielop, 1601 con., fell one day re00ntly in the yard and streak her side on a block, injuring her lbs. She has been laid tip sinos. Mrs. Hislop has been poorly all Winter with rheumatism and Ode mattes her ease worse. We hope She will soon be better. The following particulars are taken rem the Assessment Roll of Grey for his year :—Total value of real property, 1,718,200 ; personal property, $5,000 ; otal assessment, $1,723,800 ; population, 487 ; number of dogs, 416 ; number of ante, 7124 ; number horses, 1,900 ; amber sheep, 8,417; number hogs, 871 ; steam boilers, 20. Sasoon REPORT,—Tbe following is a sport of the pupils of 9, S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of April, 1827 :—Primary, oral, 800—Peter McKenzie, 520. P. S - 12total, 700—J. Blake, 644 ; L. Bielby, . Entrance, total, 500-5. Crerar, 174 ; W. Armstrong, 487 ; M, Hoggard, 90 ; L. Blake, 362 ; A. MuNab, 419. th, total 875—A. Oehler, 818 ; A. Switz- , 238 ; J. Farquharson, 189 ; A. Me - ay, 141 ; E. Bedford, 221 ; 0. Arm - tong, 258 ; V, Armstrong, 233 ; A. edford, 1095rd, total, 375-0. Peper, 4 ; G. Rieke, 287 ; W. Switzer, 268 ; . Davidson, 443 ; M. Riley, 210 •, A. iokson, 193 ; M. Oakley, 190 ; G. iel- y, 184 ; W. Glassier, 107 ; M. Hollinger, Sr. 2nd, total, 825—E. Hollinger, 5 ; B. Blake, 258 ; F. Davidson, 235 ; Davidson, 228 ; 121. Bedford, 226 ; B. ode, 218 ; J. Hoggard, 212 ; A. Law- s, 178 ; M, Cardiff, 166. Jr. 2nd, total, 0—W. Stevenson, 267 ; W. Farquhar. o, 246 ; G. Dark, 223 ; M, Rands, 210 Riley, 207 ; T. Bielby, 200 ; J. Ren30, 7 ; L. Dioksoa, 182 ; M. Dark, 147. olees, total, 225—H, Bedford, 194 ; Dark, 185 ; Alf. Glassier, 150 ; Annie assier, 139 ; A. Gordon, 74 ; M. Hog - 11, 50. Honors—L. Bielby, J. Blake, Orerar, W. Armebrong, M. Beggars'', A. Calder, 0. Pepper, G. ke, E. Hollinger, E. Blake, W.Steven- W. Farquharson, G. Dark, H. Bed - 11, B. Dark. The number registered ing the month vies 65. The average minute for the month was 50. LY,,4'anwsoT, Teacher. r 5 3 n 1 L 6 S 4 e1- K st B 35 D D b, 65 29 13. SO 30 o 18 1st B. GI go A. Bia eon for dor alt The strike of the cotton operatives at , Cornwall is ended, the men 0o0eptiog the company's rates. 8. W. Jameson, the recently elsoted member for Winnipeg, teas introduced in the House of Dominoes Tuesday, One oflic8r and six Igen will be chosen from the volunteer militia of Manitoba to ao0ompany the Canadian military contingent to England in 3une. Capt. Larkin, of St. Catharines, has been awarded the oared for tine Iro- quois section of the St- Lswronoe Canal deepening. The amount involved is in the neighborhood of a million doliate. Mrs. Greaves, a colored woman of St. Catharines, was nearly burned to death. She was lifting a lamp from a shelf, when 10 339001 and broke and the oil poured over the upper part of her body. A. lir Benicia, station and express agent at St. Javite, Quebec, got up a aenentioned story of the robbing of the °sprees office. He afterwtarde 0onfeeeed that be had taken the money himself and hid it under the station platform. The money, $1,000, was found where 13e had put it. Benin is tow in jail on ollarges of theft and forgery. The Government relief steamer sent np ROd Rivet' to relieve the people in the flooded distriete found that one mum and his family had lived for two days in their orn0.st0ry house with two feet of water 00 the floor, Ina house in w13ie1n three to bye families were living together sioknose had broken out among the ehiidren, and on taeoonn1 o1 there being so many Menthe to feed provislon, bad run shot.