HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-30, Page 8m You? Was it you that bough Wall Paper from us in January, Febenary ter March of this year, before we began al- lowing '1c.per roll for Trimming. If so you .are entitled to this rebate and which we will be glad for you to cull for. All our Papers (except Remnants, many of which we are selling at half price) we trite ne of nage. We allow you le. per roll when you do this yourself. We aro selling one, two and three roll Ins of 25o. Papers for 5o. per roll and some es low as 30. per roll, It was only by bnying the stook of the Roddick estate that we can give such values now. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a. & H. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South. as follows: GOING SarTH, CoINc :Torah. Express...... 01 a.m.' Mixed 0:44 0.m Sexed ..,..... tete pen. , Mail CormattTOLA'1mete are extended to Mr. Thorne, of the Ronald fire Engine Werke, over the birth of a sou end heir, The lath of April was the eventful birth. day. A Nrrtorit of the members of St. John's Ledge, A. F. & A, M., Brussels, attended a Lodge of Inetruotion at Wingham an Tuesday of elate week and report a good time. Mn, ianl'TH, of Elora, the eye specialist, who visited Brnsults for a day lash week, making pie headquarters et Jas. Fox's Jrug store, did :pito a lively trade while in town. Ti::: License Cnnflniasioners meet here ou Saturday to arrang0 for two trttnefors of hotel lieellees, in connection with the Queen's in Bruesols and the hotel at Ultimate, A SPECIAL train went through here on Monday and Tuesday of this week, con. veying the officials over the road, The call at Brussels, on Tuesday, was of a very brief character. Is oonte0tion with the Maitland Foob Ball Le.tguo it was derided to play hone and home games, the first taking place on the nth of flay between Wingham end Listowel, on the tot'mer's grounds. Geo. MCLAREN, of the Firm of Smith & McLaren, is in Toronto this week attend• ing the great closing out sale of A1oM.aet• er's wholesale dry goods bankrupt stank. Look out for bargains at Smith & Ma. Laren's uext week, DON'T forget that your premiers is expected to be ready far inspection by THE BRUSSELb POST A. STttemes hoe had a new awning made for the front of hie dry goods store, Awnings ere unlike the British iia t' u that they won't brave a thousand years the battle and the breeze, Sample Bros, are well pleased that it is so told turn out a good job. • ('IIUIU'II CIIl1I14\, Thoe, Online is tilling a position in te store in Listowel, The Salvation Army had to good time at their Jubilee on Tuesday evening. Walter J. Wake, who has been at Penetangeishene for some time, bas taken 0 situation in Fingal, Elgin Co. Mr, Pullen, who officiated in St. Jolters church last Sabbath, will remain for the next eight weeks until Mr. Abey is or. deleted. Bev. II. D. Steele, of Weet Lorne, is visiting at J. M. O'Oouno:'s this week. The 1'everend gentleman expects to looats at Port Stanley next J'nne, Last S„hhath evening Rot'. Mr. Rico groaned a Line dimmest. ori ..The New Birth" in the Methodist church. lie will officiate again next Sabbath. Rev. John Rom' subject in Melville church last Sabbath morning was the Study of the Bib e. In the evening a fine discourse was preached on Christ's Sympathy, We neglected to chronicle the re• turn of Jas. Maxwell from Kentucky where he spent the Winter. He is neat- ly Ina 1 lector Wright on or before ly piomsed with the State and put in an enjoyable time with relatives. May 15th. He will visit you to see that Rev. S. J. Allin expected to leave you Have complied with the 105101 c- London on Ther'sday of this week for tions of the Health Act. Battle Creek, Moll, Sanitarium. Ile Trteper Messrs. Bael:er & Vitnsbone has not been making rapid progress 12:52 p.m g as shipped another car of live hogs from as he hoped bet we trust the improve- "i n � Q.('tli i l c1D 4f .eros. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, Au' faith he'll preen it. • Brussels. This 10 a very important ,.tont his many friends Bo much desire CATU11p.1Y is May Day. FALL wheat is doing fine. Couancx,. meeting next Monday event' e. Ricre in Brussels on the Queen's Birthday. Tnoua,>npe of suckers have bean cang'tt in the Maitland this Spring. Mesons. CLEGG & DAlme shipped a car of fine cattle Eastward on Monday. Iltes ANNIE SLEnaias purchased a "Stormer" bicycle from A. M. McKay & Co. THE school teaobers got book to work last Afonday the better f their Eeeter holiday. AN interesting article on the Kb'aof Greece may be read on page 0 of Itis igen. Read the inside pages of Ton Peso. R. Roach expecte to start fnnr or Ave horses at the Guelph races early in Jute. The half mile track is in good shape this week and Mr, Roach has taken his string there. A. Qoueoov disposed of an E. &C D. gent's bicycle to Councillor Thomson last week. We have not learned whether Mr. Thomson has taken out an accident policy of not. Flinn.—Last Friday Alex. Orr, of Fardwich, was fined $20.00 and costs for selling liquor after hours on Saturday night. R. F. White, of Wroxeter, was assessed a similar sum for having his bar open on Sunday. Inspeotoe Miller was the prosecutor. WALTER Low has leased the lathe otable an Mill street, East, from ItIre. W. R. Wilson, and intends converting it into a livery barn, whin will make three in the town• He has been engaged in the business for the past year on a small eagle, but purposes to branch out now a little more. IatPROMIENTS. \Ira. S. Slatnmon has had a neat portico erected at her resi- dence, Elizabeth street.—The residence of James Jones has been receiving some neo nary repairs.—Jas, Oliver has bad a new roof put on the house in the ad- joining lot to hie residence and made other improvements. H. D. STEELE, who was associated with Mr. MoGowau in the Garfield House, Brussels, a few yeare ago, bas gone to the Went Coast of Florida with a commis- sion from a gentleman in Chicago to put, chase lands for the cultivation of peach- es, oranges, &a., if suitable locations offer, Mr. Steele writes thee Land sells at from $2 to 510 per acre, Ton monthly meeting of the Hawick Fire Insurance Co. was held at Gerrie last Saturday. 52 applications were passed by the Board. John Knox, of Howiolt, was paid for a sheep killed by lightuiug, The resolution passed some time ago to nnl,y pay e of iusuranoe for °entente of buildings destroyed by fire was resatnded and the full claim will be paid as in former years from this. We noticed the other day that the dwelling belonging to John Shaw, now of Teeewater, which has been vaoant for several months has not been reoeiving fair treatment at the hands of some bays. No leer than 12 panes of glass on the North ails of the building have been broken. Constable Wright may land the youths yet and if he does they need not he surprised if they get a month or so in Godericlt jail. This wanton destruction of property ie a shame and if nabbed the oulprit t may depend on severe punish went, Dory THra APTLY ro You ?—We have ordered a new jab press, to nsw paper cut- ting machine and a new staple b indsr to aid in the turning on of worktfrom Ton POST Publishing House. All hese new appliances cost money and must be paid for. We therefore ask all who are in• debtor' to us either for sub+oription, job work or advertising to kindly make a vigorous effort to lot us have the cash just as aeon as possible and thereby help us on of nue indebtedness. We ask for a prompt respouse to Ghia cell, and if you ere in arrears this item is personally for you so don't pass it on to your neighbor 'please, Mneeiteors who grow eloquent in de. nouncing those who Detre. ize departmen- tal stores should set a : ori example by getting their dogs on or 1 :ttingths hoose to the pity printing fakirs who periodi Dally turn up in town and secure orders for printing of different kinds which meld be done better and more cheaply right here et home than in Toronto, Let us stick to mfr own town in every respect and matters will aeon go well. What does the city fakir pay in taxes to the town, or of what advantage is he to the man of baeiness here ? The merchants are not the only viotims of the pity mon. opoliee, but they will aid in effectually oruabing the latter by sternly practising What they preach. shipping point. The G. T. R. should will continue so that he may be speedily keep their promise and build the addle restored to his wont. tonal stook yard agreed upon. At the Synod of Toronto and Kingston, A nommen in Michigan enclosed us to be held in Lindsay of May 10th and $3 on eubsoriptica this week to help 05 llth, Rev. Dr. Maass, of Oollingwood, out in paying for our new manbinery son of Ono. McCrea, Brussels, is down for Ile has oar beet thanks. We look for an address on the topio "How to resole more from a large number whose address and hold the young men." Rev. W. G. label does not show Sao. 98, as it should, Hanna, formerly of Morris, is a member Ton National Roller 'Mill has been of the Committee arranging the program. undergoing a thorough overhauling. A The annual examinations of probation• Eureka smutting maohine of the latest ere and candidates for the ministry of the design has been put in, new bolting cloth Methodisb church, were held in Petrolea, placed and other improvements made to and olo•ed Friday evening, April 23rd. facilitate and aid in the production of A The following constitute the board of ex• 1flour. aminets:—Rave. Gen. Jookson, (press. R. J. WELLS, of Ilarriston, suffered a deut), C. T. Scott, B. A., (secretary), W. severe loss on Sunday morning of last Williams, D.D., J. W. Holmes, J. R. week by his imported standard bred mare Gundy,A. L. Remelt, M.A., 13.13„„ S. "Molly,” dying. Mr. Wella imported BondA. Cunningham,f'unningJ. Wilson, MA., the animal last Beaton from Missouri and W. J. lee !, L,L,B„ end J. Philip, B.A. she was very highly bred. Molly" Thirty y sung 41011 wrote al the examine leaves a foal, a handsome and vigorous atfons, and obtained certificates as fol. youngster, and it will be raised by hand. lows :—Probationers of three years—Six Fen OoLT.—Doo. Warwick has par- obtained first class certificates, and two chased a fine berse colt, 4 weeks old, from obtained s. cond•alass certificates. Pro. Reeve Strachan, of Grey, paying a baod• bationere of two yeare—Two obtained some prise for it. The sire of this colt fs first-class, nine second class, and four ob. the well bred stallion "Costumer," the tainsd third plass. Probationers for one property of Messrs. Scott & Warwick, year—two first ; two secood•clnes, and Brussels, purchased at New York a sou• ne third•olass. Oandidates—One first• plc of years since, and the dam is from class, and four second-class. Friday ',Lord Ferguson," a fleet footed horse own• a public meeting was held in the ed in Listowel. Dr. Warwick's new pur• mosso, which was completely tilled. chase should give the dust to the most of Rev. Geo. Jackson, of London, president them in a few years. of the conference, presided. Excellent RONALD FIRE ENGINE Womes We learn addresses were delivered by Rov. S. Bond, from Mr. Thomas, proprietor of the of Seafortb, on "The Aims nod Methods Ronald works, that they now bave plans of the Christian Ministry," and by the underweigh for the manufacture of all Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Mitchell, on "The kinds of fire appliances as outlined by Methodist Church ; Its Rules and the Fire Underwriters' Association, such Polity." After the addresses, Rev. 0. T. Rs automatic alarms, heaters, extinguish• Scott, secretary of the board, presenbed ere, &c., in addition to their well estab. the young men with their certificates. netted and unsurpassed fire and chemical The choir of the church Tendered appro- engines, hose carts, extension ladders and priate music, and Miss E. S. Case, for. the like. It is hinted that a new street ,Wetly of Loudon, who was visiting in sprinkler will also be built by them and a town, sang with very fins sffeab two general hustle got on in all these depart- beautiful solos. Owing to the very mems, TRE POST wisbes them every ' gracious revival that is now in progress, success in their enterprise. and which could not be closed, the ex. THE QuEEN's.—James and Frank Stret- aminations were held in the council ton have taken possession of the Queen's obambsr, Victoria Hall, which was kind - Hetet this week as successors to James ly granted for the purpose. The Rev. O'Leary who has been the leases for the Dr. Williams, of Listowel, preaebed at past 5 years. The furniture was valnated the revival services on Monday night, the on Tuesday by Messrs. Leatberdale, of Bay. Geo. Jackson on Tnesday evening, town, and Hamilton, of Atwood. W. R. and Rev. A. L. Russell on Wednesday Stratton, whom we elated would be as. avenfng. Rev. W. Smyth, formerly of scouted with "Jimmie," 55 he is familiar- Brussels, is the pastor. ly called, will ooutinne as engineer on the 0. P. 11., where he has spent the past 15 years. He expects to leave for Scbrieber next week. Mr. O'Leary will spend a portion of this season looking after his race horses, and he may take a trip to the gold fields unless he strikes te mine before the Summar circuit is over nearer than the Pacific coast. Ben ACCIDENT.—Monday afternoon as Thos. Williamson, 15th con., Grey, was driving up Tnrnberry street, Bruseels, with his teem attached to a lumber wagon, one of the horses, a colt, became unmanageable and with its companion made a dash for the sidewalk and quicker than you could say "Jack Robinson" crashed into the (arae plate glass front in Jae. Jones' Jewelery store. The tongue of the wagon struck the glass forst and the colt also book a header outtinghis head, shoulder and leg quite badly, The front pans and a side light were smashed to smithereens and a quantity of goads that was on exhibition in the window also came torief.We underet nh la g a dt ep to Masa is insured, A veterinary promptly sewed np the gashes reoefved by the horse. Mr. Williamson says the animal threw beck its head and although he pulled his beet was utterly unable to stop its mad plan; s. It had made en effott a few minutiae before to run but had been controlled by the driver. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE d1IEETING.-- The Institute meeting of the teaobers of East Huron will be held in the Public school, Wingham, on Friday and Saturday, May 2101 and 22nd, commencing on Friday at 10 a. M. Every teacher i1 the Inspector• ate is a member of the Assoniatioa, and is invited to go and tate part in the die• enseiong, On Friday evening au "At Home" Will be given by the Wingham teaobers end P. be Board in the Temper. ansa Hall. Principal Cameron, of Bros• sele, is the President, end A. H. Piton. mar, of Blyth, Seo,•Treae. Following is the program :—Opening exercises ; ap- pointment of committees ; President's address, J. II. Cameron 1 "Entrance Literature," J. T, Dodds ; "Through Parts 1 and 2 of 1st Book in 8 Months,' J. Dearness, I, P. Se East Middlesex; delellaba's report W, i5 Stewart i "Notes on Primary Arithmetic," Miss 0. Annie Taylor ; "Home Work," Wm. Watters ; "Nature Study in the pnblio Sohool;' J. Dearness ; Treasurer's report ; elootion of officera ; Discussion on Teaching of History—opened by 11, 0. Cheswrighb ; "Caliethenioe," Mies Hattie Reid ; "Arithmotio Jr. Ord (fleas," A, H. Mize. grove ; "Written Examinations, En. trance anti 1', 5, Le" T. 0. Shilliuglaw "Oompoeibion from 1st l0 5th Olessee," 5. Dearness. Business Locals. Tenons and Satchels, cheap. I. C. Bioharde. ONE good second hand top buggy oheap. 33. Gerry. Lan; herrings for sale at Jas, Ballan• tyne's grocery. GREAT barq,ains in Harness. Come and see. I. C. Rioharde. Sev» money by buying your buggy at D. Ewan's,Brussels. APPLETos'S world renowned Teas for sale at Tbomeon's, SEE our stylish Shoes, to fit both feet and purse. I. 0. Richards. Rooms or dwelliug to rent over my store, I. C. Richards. MANIro b patent flour, the best that can be had, at Rose' flour and feed mills. GOOD yonog oow for sale. Will calve in a few weeks. Jas. Walker, Brunets. 10100 over 1,000 curtain poles, all kinds. Poises away down. R. Leather. dale; Reran in Harness and Collars done cheap and durable. I, C. Richards. Tug hest way to find ont the bottom prion of a buggy is to call at Jae. Wallter'e thep, Bruseele. Co;PttT Weaving neatly done. Sabisfao- tion guaranteed, by Mrs. 14Io0rae, Near. ly opposite Dr. McKelvey'e. ScoLEe,—Every farmer should weigh his stook. You can buy 2,000 pound softies far $27.00 from B. Gerry. Dutoh Sets, froth Garden Seeds, &Lam. moth Mengel and best Swede Turnip Seeds very oheap 01 Ibin0raoken's. THE late improvements in Ross' Flom mill has placed their flour away ahead of all others, Everybody is delighted with it. It ,you want anything in my line call and see whet I have, Pelotas the eheapest and qualities the bob in the County. R. Leatberdalo, Naw stook of envelopes to band at THE POST Publishing House. Get your busi- uess card printed on 500 of them, Pries leas than retail rate. WANTED.—Eggs, Butter and Dried Apples. Why give them to pedlars for half pride 1 Bring thorn to G. n. I{ing, Wingham, and get full value fee them, R. Ln.THEunALE has the largeee stook of window shades this Spring that ever wail in Brussels, Prions oheaper than ever. Put up free and springs warranted. Lova of buggies ready for the road. It ousts nothing to call, even if you purobase elsewhere. The prices were never lower nor the work ever Netter. Jas, Walker, Carriage maker. Brussels. ST4 NDCI RD 134XIS OR CAMs Del , S-- m'S' ABS:TSui£ya 1E72. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO APRIL SO, 1.897 ° '21 ape ASSISTS, (Sayan Million Dollars) • 57,000,050 Tri eel, rte CAPITAL (Authorized) - - • 52,000,000 Agencies tint aZZ principal points in Ontario, Quebec,Manitoba, United States (.0 England. A General Banking Bneinese Traneeebed, Verniers' Notes Dieoonneed. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe, SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE OOLLEOrIoN Or FAnanite' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanc), J. A. STEWART Mermen. amstisturere031M111311WratISMONKININAMMONMLIMILMSVSYLMOMIPAVAremerrnamauspzenrampaerairresannmantinsoWel KARL'S 0lover Root, the grant Blood. Purifier gives freshness and olonrness to the complexion and cores constipation. 95 cls, 50 ole and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Snmon's Cure, the greab cough and croup ours, is in great demand. Packet Edge contains twenty -live doses ; only 25 Dents. Children love it. Sold by las, Fox, druggist, Brussels. Snroon's cure is sold on a gsaratltes. It cures incipient consumption, 1t is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ate., 50 cls. and $1.00. Sold by Jamoe Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Egos Fos Heecones.—The undersigned can supply eggs for Betting from pure White Leghorn or Blaolt Illinarca. My strains won let prize al Drussels Fall Fair in 1800, S. B. Sawn, Breesels. BE Yo11i 050E Lettre:R.—Semi for speci- men pages of this, the latest, best and cheapest law baod for the masses over published ill Canada, Write to -clay to W. H. Anger, 98 Ulster St., Toronto. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal.; says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the fireb medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Pelee 50 ciente. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus- sels, BARGAIN On'eoonD.—That eligible half acre lot situate nn the Southern portion of Tarnberry street, Brussels, will be die• pnsecl of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to JoON HA'tGHeAVEO, 174 Queen st. West, Toronto. Toe hardeet saws warranted full set without breaking, as I have a new, safe and fast way of Betting saws. Sawa that are in fine order given in exchange for saws that are ant of order by paying the difference. T. McGregor, Baty filer, Bros- - eels, Queen St., ISast. CONSULT YOUn Dacron.—If lie advises Cod Liver 011 we recommend Wompole's Tasteless Preparation. Yon can't taste the oil ; all you taste is wild cherry, and that's good. What you geb is flesh and strength. Osres coughs, colds and wastive diseases. JAE. Fox, 8.m Chemist and Druggist. Goon RHooatatEND.—Thefollowing Brut• sables will drive buggies manufactured by Jas. Walker, the well-known oarriags builder of this place ;— F. S. Soot., Dr. Kalbfleisolt, Chas. Howlett, Walter Lowry, with more to fallow. A. Cnrrie, Brns- enle, has bought a dandy butcher delivery wagon from the same builder. These purchases by home men ihdiest° clearly who leads the procession in the carriage business. Cull in at Walker's and see for yourself. OP Pusne° INrnnnsT.—The undersigned oalls the attention of the pnblio to the fast that he has a fine display of well- m'ade buggiesfinished in A 1 style and t0 be sold at very close prises, at his large show room ou Market etfeet, next door Easb to his blacksmith shop. All the latest improvements, euoh as steel dash, roller curtains, &o., &o., and every rig warranted to give satiefaobion. Money saved by baying here and no doubt about it. A test of this fact will satisfy you. Oall in and see the display. Speoiel attention given to repainting rige. We're here to do business. D. Ewm, Brussels. Lisut.•Col. Brown, commander of the 49th Hastings Rifles, was buried at Belle' ville•witb military honors. At Oornwatl R, E. Soheli was senten- ced to three yeare in .the penitentiary for forging a promissory note, Floods continue to do much damage in Quebec, many houses being inundated au Murray Bay, and 100,000 logs being sent adrift at River Ebohemin. Ephraim Convoy, who is confined in Woodetook jail awaiting trial on the eharge of murdering the lad Geo. Frost, at Princeton, is failing in health and it is doubtful if be will live until Septem. ber, when his trial takes place. THoaws.—At Norwich, on April 18th, the wife of Mr. E. H. Thomas of a son. Bn coon,—In Howiok on April 20t1, the wife of Mr. Bradley, of a daughter. Sta''H.—In Listowel, on April 15th, the wife of Mr, R. Smith of a daughter. OoanmL.—In Listowel, on April 1Sth, the wife of Me. James Coghill of a son. WILErvsoN.—In Morris, on April 20th, the wife of Mr. William Wilkinson of a daughter. WALKER,—In East Wawanosb, on April 194h, the wife of Mr. George Walker of a eon. HAASE.—On Saturday, 17th April, the wife of Mr. Henry Haase, con. 2, Howick, of a son. MOFARLANE—BoAG,—Ab the Manse, Ford• wioh, by the Rev. A. 33. Denote, on April 14th, Mr. John Moli'arlane, to Mies Jeseie Boag, all of Hoivick. RnsmnouoEu—Senmic.—At the TI. B. par. soilage, Listowel, on April 20th, by Rev. S. F. Durkee, Mr, Frederick Rentschler to Miss Sarah Smith, all of Listowel. Wenairo—Howenn,—At the residence of the bride's mother, on Anil 141h, by Bev, 7. S. Fisher, Mr. Geo. Warren, of Powassan, to Mies Elenora How. ard, daughter of the late H. H. How• ard, of Orange Hill; llowiok. =memo. OLow,—In East Wawanesh on April 17th James Olow, aged 85 yore.. GusEN,—In Ethel, on April 25th, Betsy, relict of the late Haney Green, ager 02 yeare and 8 mongol, Pearn.—In Listowel, on Friday, April 10111, Hannah Page, wife of the late Jobe Page, need 81 years, Avssr.—In Kalispell, Montana, on April 5th, Jessie, beloved wife of Geo. 'W. Avery, formerly of Grey township, aged 42 years. 7Ssltu.—In Morrie, of Sunday, April 95th, Annie Myrtle, youn,est daughter of George and Sarah J. Karr, aged 3 months and 27 days. Rommex.—In Grey, on Sunday, April 25111, Isabelle IINA.rehat', beloved wife of John Reddish, aged 84 years, 8 months and 2 days. DIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 'ANTED,—A MARRI.ED 1tIAN to do farm work luring Summar .83 n:onlha. 1)11, Mc1LVEY, Brussels, DIUVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. First nlurtp,go, farm security. Apply at T1111 POST Publishing Honse, Brussels. ,(COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR Sole with 1 acre let, Good dstime, faruaoo, &o, .Will be sold at a. bargain, Apply to Tan Posts Publishing noose, 1Q OAR 'FOR SERVICE.—THE A� uudersigued will keep a Chester white boar for service. Terns 51,00 co be paid et the time of service, with privilege of returning if ueoensary, 40.4 JA0013 LONG, Cranb000k. T4 -101-t SALE IN ETHEL,—PRO• Pnnmx of Jahn Elliot, deceased, con- silting of good brick house aotl ititoltsn, with all COHv()0l011008; - good stable; fruit trees' half acre of land. Well suited for retired farmer. For further particulars apply to A. W. PATT];1tiON„Molesworth ; D t, nuc. li.1rLVI1S, Lirossels; 00 WM. SPEINCE , Ethel, 00.4 GEED OATS, SALGZER, NO1i- 051311N grown oat, one weep earlier than 133091 variotloe, heavy yielder. Price 80 cents per bushel. Also "Lightning Ex- press” Potato early and best out of 1,050 kindr. Price 75 cents per bushel. Hangar. iaa Barley, hulloes, weighs 63 pounds to the bn libel. Price 110 cents per bushel. Other early varieties of potatoes on baud. 5150. STAFFORD, Walton P. 0, 60.4 Residence Lot 21,00u. 10, kiobtillop. Ancient Order of Vnited Workman. This old and pt'ospornus Fraternal Assoc alien numbering 050,000 members m•o pre smiting to the public their popular awl eonn• omioal nates to worthy men, at the very low rate of about 58.00 per 51,000 per annum. The 'Workmen" Promptly Pc0' Death Claims and expect o large inoreas0 to its members DOW that those American Line Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can- adian. 11015T. AIMSTB ONG,M,W.; W. H. KER]t Recorder; J, A. OREIGHI'ON,Ftnanotor. REAL ESTATE. 11AR1Iu FOR SALE.—THE UN- nitneioNEn has several good Sarins for Bale and to rani, easy terms in Townships of Morris and Grey, F S. SOOT0.Brussols MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —160 acres of good farm bed at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer - ad for Bale at low price, The property is North East 1 Soo.10, Two. 11, lunge 4 East. There le a house on the premises end Boma breaking done, I''or full partiohlars as to prion, title, 00., write or apply to G. F. BLAIR or W. H. KERR,. 20-tf Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE—THE UN— nEnsIONEn corers his eligible 04 acre farm for 1010, being South part of Lot 5, Oen, 12, Grey. Alt under cultivation,`vell watered and well fenced, There le a geed stole bonne, hank bit,, orotlatd, wells, 00,, et the premien. Also a splendid stone quarry Bow which a good revenue is realis- ed. Only 55 miles from Btitssele. Terms reasonable. Tor further partio'lars as to price, 00,, apply to JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor, 35.05 Brussels P. 0. T1A Ib[ I'OR SALE. -150 ACRES L, Consisting of the South i and Smith 3 of the North 4 of Lot 00, Con 2, ]rash Wawa - nosh. This is au exoallont etoolc iaem,boiug well supplied 'with good spring hater. Itis situated about S milesfrom the thriving Vil- lage cf Blyth. A large tart of it is under glees. Buildings and g fauces aro in a fair state of renal,'. Easy terms of payment will be givou. For all information apply to 11-tf G, F. BLAIR, Barrister, 13rnssols, PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. L That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con, p, Township of Elroy, 100 Hires, mast be sold ab 011419 ill order to close estate of deooasod own- er, The lot is nearly ell cleared, with gond buildings, nmpie water supply, largo m- onied, ]5 miles from Orinabrcok, is under gond ealtivatiou and is a veru desirable ppro- perty indeed, Apply to RICH RD AIIT- 011L1LL, Brussels P, 0. ; 5011N r,I1TOlr, liLL, on the promises; A. HUNTtIlt, Brussels, Dated Sept, nee, 1e00. AUCTIONEERS. (1 EORGE IKI1II5i3Y, A LioongedAuotionoee, Sales oondnot ()don r•meltable terms, Farina and farm atooltaspecialty, Orders left at TUE Poem Pubnlib ing Doe se,l1russole,or ssntto Walton 1'. 0„ will 1550ive prompt atten.filen, 41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • 2910, will soil for butter Woes, to better men, ill Dee .into and logs chargee than any other Auctioneer in Nast 1.10000 or he wort charge anything, Dates and ()MOM Dass always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ri APT. r, STEETTON, Who has had 25 years m4)00(0000 as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to, DDI health, has mit taken out license end 15 prepared 10 conduct sales at reasonable torics, I]ntfefaotfotguaranteed, Dittesmay be arranged at Tina Poem Publishing ,House. JAS. STRUTMON, 10.15 Auctioneer, With the new Trimming Moc'hine that we have this season we Trim all our Wall Paper Free of Charge minter only rho we do this wit out extra coat but by the use of it we remove the edge perfectly in a very few moments and very much nicer titan it can otherwise be done, All our Customers who have seen our Machine working ate more than planned with the work we do for them. Ono thing we wish our Customers to be thoroughly assured of is that it does not add one single nett to the cost of the paper, as it tastes but few momenta to remove the edge we count nothing for the short time it takes in doing it. As we have the only Trimming Machine in Brussels we are therefore in the best poeitiot to attend to your wants at the shortest notice. We have Borders (and in nearly every Daae Ceilings also) to match every paper we have from 4o. to 2W5e. per roll. Drop in and see our Papers itnytvap and be your own judge of the valves ws offer you at Pot's Drug 8%1to e. VETERINARY. D. WARWIOIf, tee • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vete•inaryCollege, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner. Parbtoaiar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at- tended to. OOlce and Infirmal•y—Four doors north of bridge i'urnbenry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, _LA • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oollec. Mous made, Ofloo—Vanstono's Bleck, Bros. eels. 21.8m '% T It. SINOLAIR, ,1 • Solicitor, anstimancer,NotttryPub- ile, &e. Office—Vaustone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. �/nyt'• G. CAMERON, 1T -1L a (formerly of Cameron, Holt & Camoron,I Barrister and Solicitor, Gadarioh, Out. Oilice—Hamilton St., Opposite 001 - borne Hotel. (Y_F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, a l• Solicitor, &o. (late o1 Gummy & Prenrlfoot'e Office, Goderfeh.) Office over GilIl es et Smith's Banti, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. TM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. 1./. � • Physician, Surgeon, Accouc]ter, etc.. Graduate of Termite University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Pbystcians and Surgeons, Ont. OoS,oia—Next door to McDonald As Co.. Watton Ont. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., 0. M., Trinity Uniyeretty, Follow Trin- ity Medical Ooliege, Member Oollege of Phy- etClans and Surgeons, Out Licentiate of the Royal. Ooilogo Ot Physicians and Licentiate of lvlidwifnry, Edinburgh. taleVelephone No.14, Residence. Mill 1., Bruesols. DR. Fm H. KALBRE18OH, PHYSICIAN, 5URO0.ON AND .t000unrIEMI, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Olnes Honor Graduate of the 'Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kin shoo), and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity isiodieal College and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Oom•so in Detroit and Chicago, WM, Special attention paid to dis- eases o o ar, Nose u eases o omen. rt" vast Pos aged roof the tore blas that I:110; a 0. and whc ells: 2—' lilac Sar ale 1110 thin nob roti al. cyst 0111 don hoe dsp Clu wit was vats and Ch1 Tlu clre tbo loth by' Dan 10 rail ing salt ern cep alis, Ibot by wa the wo the Cin auc lett Goy not oSi hat opt alt Jol an: pan bet Jed en, me Ch wit the alt cal liar b ani vii 1111 of 111' ed T1 J. J, 1V J. Je .x R. L, G pc to 0-. 1 SC hl ce 01 f, it 11 ti of a o 13 rl P 11 tl h fW ,s ,N a a dThttnn anddie i W Oounoatiis in Eng - Bela and Gofman, Telephone at residence. ' ) g e 8, Offio0 at his Grooary,'Purnbcn'p slyest, Bruesols. D , • Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Noxi door south of 0, 111, Matey & Oo's hardware store. Lad ee'andellildrnue hair cutting a spoafalty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE N. BARRETT Savings Bank takes Deposits from 511.00 to 51,000 nod aows 01 1'ar cent. int81'eet. T, llPIARROIV, 07--31111 Postlnaeber. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MOORAOEEN, • Limner ofltlarria eLioen o ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANOIO, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. PL,ETCHER Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STo10. • tt'No Wilneee Required. T. FLETCHER, Beussols ALEX. HUNTER, Glade Of the Fourth Division Com 05, Huron. Cettveyanoor, Notary Public Land Loan and 2nsttrnuco Agent. Puede nested and to 10an, Oollootions made Dffioe in Graham's Block, BrusaeIs TILOS. A. HAWKINS, L Wlinova gan,l at Me is peptic either to than00t•ofHao�Bruetole tVoaall sons also given, Ton goar0 experience in .tee teething, Terms moderate, 11