HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-30, Page 5f f).PRLLail, 1897 THE BRUSSELS POST recrivatarcesetano rtbs6Ymh9Ymfl rrYf bIL^Tb'isux a '11,at11G jYl` ' Salaries of the different officers for th, i I 4 lb. t , , 1 anetting year wove fixed by motion, and then the following officers were elooted 1313 -aka. The free reading room in oonneotion with tate Public Library has alone for the aoueon, The Blyth Cheese and Butter Co. are malting prnperatinne to begin the mann. tacttn'e of aheose on Mouday, May 3rd. Mrs, Tanner, who spent the Winter with friends ie Strathroy, has returned to Blyth. She is very tenth improved in health. Mies Govenlook was in Gleosoe last week attending the wedding of her broth. er, Wm. Govenlook, B. A., of Ingersoll, to Mies Young, of Glenwoe. J. A, Tanner, who recently passed hie final examination as a medico, was in Blyth for the Laster holidays and re• turned to Toronto, where ho will spend the not five or six weeks attending the hospitals of that city. `4eti.lort es. Geo. McIntosh, formerly of this viol• nity, has passed hia final exatnination, and has graduated from Buffalo Medioal College, Arrangements are already began for celebrating the Queen's Jubilee in town and a oommittee have been appointed to prepare a program of sports. A big time is expected. Eggs seem to be a pimtifttl commodity in Mole vicinity owing to the foot that Wilson's egg•waggone are frequently seen with three horses and sometimes even four are seen attached to one wagon. The following pupils have returned to Seaforth after having open their Easter holidays in and around Walton and Brussels :—bIissea M. Calder, B. McNabb and M. 11oDonald, and Messrs. Duncan, Smith, Neal and MaGavio. The concert hold Monday evening in Cardno's Hall under the auspices of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society was a grand eaoaooe. The hall was crowded to the doors while the program was one of the best ever rendered in Seaforth. Virttlton. Annasss awn PnaesrxA'rroa.—A. short time ago Adam Varaoe, who had the leis. fortune to lose his left hand in a cutting box, was waited upon by the officers of the Debating Society hare when the fol- lowing address was presented a000mpan• ied by the son of $16.00 :— To .eldaat 1'arroe : DEAR Posse,—Whereas you have met with au irreparable loss, we, the members of Walton Debating Society, would take this opportunity of giving expression to oar sympathy for you and ask you to accept this resolution and the accompany- ing enclosure, wishing yon to consider it not for its intrinaio value bet merely as an expression of fellow foaling which ex• lets for you as a young man of the coni. mnnity and as (if we may so term you one of our number. Signed on behalf of Society. W. J. Serra, Pros. W. G. Noor, Seo, Mr. Varese expressed hia very best thanks to the boys for their practical sympathy and hoped they would he richly rewarded for their kinduoaa and generosity. His wrist has about healed but will of neces- sity require careful guarding for a good while. Mr. Varooe is lasting about before deoiding on some permanent mode of making a livelihood now that he is minus a hand. We will be pleased to boar of hia woos and bespeak the hearty ap- proval of the public if he engages in any pursuit in this section as he is worthy of the confidence of the people of this local- ity. .,iseIto tveT. Rev, G. Daohsel, Lutheran minister of this town, and hire. Dothan! and two children, left on Tuesday of lost week for Germany, their native land, where they purpose recnaining for some mouths before returning. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Main street, celebrated their golden wedding on April 15th, they having been mar- ried 00 years on that day. The rare ace onion was marked by a family gather- ing on Thursday evening, a feta intimate friends having also been invited. About thirty yours ago they removed to Listo- wel, and along with Geo. Towner, Mr, Campbell established a sole leather tan. nary hare, which developed into one of the leading sole leather tanneries of the provinoe. Some 15 or 10 years ago Mr. Campbell retired, his partner continuing the business np to a few years. ago when be sold out to the Breithaupt Leather Co. ' Tho annual Easter Vestry meeting of Christ nhuroh was held In the parish room, Rev. H. Jeans, rector, presiding. After having the finanoial statement of the Wardens, the following officers were eleoted for the emitting year :—Wardens, J. H, Gunther and R. C. Bamford • sidesmen, L. 0, Hunt, 0. Tabberner, H B. Morphy and A. St. Geo. Hawkins ; Vestry Clerk, 0. Tabberner ; lay dele- gates to Synod, L, S. Llunt and J. H, Stewart. The question of renting the pews in the new church was disarmed, and 11 was decided to adopt tho new rental system, Wi nee toaera. Cricket appears to have died a natural death in Wingliam. 3, E. Swart& horse, Springbok, enter. ed for the Queen's plate race at Toronto next month, is gaining in admirers. A. E. Thompson, who formerly lived in Wingham, and who has been teach. frig int Bayfield, has resigned and intends going into the minisbey. A. H. Musgrove, who was in attend. anoe ab the Provincial Teachers' Associ• Mien in Toronto last week, rend a pspor before the Public Sobool Deparbmout on Wednesday. The delivery horse of A. R. McDonald, while performing its daily duty, dropped dead on tate Diagonal road on Monday morning of last weals. Melvin Kerr Ivan driving it and the old horse fall so sudden• ly that ho was thrown from the wagon. The annual meeting of the Wiogham bioyole club was held in J. A. Morton's alio when the following offioere were elected for the ensuing ,year Pros„ J. A. Morton ; get,-treas., R. R, MaeLood ; opt., T, II, Dodds ; let lieut. II, 0, h all ; and Lieut., Wm. Webber ; bugler, M. W. Morton. The first and third Thursdays in each month have been fixed as the ditto of the regular meetings. The annual wary meeting of St. Patib'e church was held in the sabot room, with a good attendance, The meeting Opened, the wartime road the roport of business for the past y00r, —People's werdon, T. 1. Jobb ; re wardon, S. Kernaghau ; advisory 1 II, Kerr, W. Clorbould, hI, L. Diehl Thee. Bell, A. l'1, Smith ; auditors Oprbould, 3. I.1. itis000ks ; sides Thos. Bell, Freels Shoe, II. 0. Bell J. Plenty, L. 1lanaon, Thee. Moore, L, 11. Roderus ; veatry clerk, 3. It, Itis. cocks, Titan* Mem ONcs Mona,—The four men, Phippen, Manor, Itarrison, told Mout, watery, who worn sent to Kingston ler assault on J. G. Fields a year ago, ware released on Saturday, 17th, and arrived home Monday evening. Some two or three hundred people met them at the station and weloomed them book. Ib was a touohiug some to see the joy exhibited by the wives and ohildron. Ib has been a hard year for the different families and no person in town bat is gInd to sea the head of the Homos return. On their release each was given a suit of clothes throughout, a railway tioicet home and some money. It is to be hoped that no one will be so unwise as to bring np again the romembranes of this sad afair, by so doing adding to the bitterness which the past year has brought them. We feel confident that the lives of those four mon shall have an entire reverse for the better and we hope to see them prove to the world that a change Ilse taken piece. The people in town should remember Chet these men will need work and if it is in your way to help in this reepeob by all means do so, Jfs. Brown, Neil Mo'rttggert and I McNair, sr., who have been enkttg J. Bonnewels' mill in Loran, 11,w d, Next abbnth being quarterly meeting ed in Iwo' home e TRobinson ntbien rtyafter has raauvieit of 0 re. dealt It month with her sister on the 2nd, obot"a turned home an the atuuk 14 nil eawa ,onrd, Arnong thane who attended the fsuaral MOO, of the late Aire, Jno. ltoddiult were node. W. ed :—James Addie, Toronto ; Mr. and men, Mrs, Addle and son Lawruuee, of Strut. , W, ford ; Mrs, Jae, Addie and ohildren, nt !Wide Creek, lifiuh, ; ,Ino, Weir and 17. B, Wilson, of St. 111arv's ; Arch. Rod. link and Mrs. A. alorriaon, of Huron, Mich. ; and Jas. Roddick, of Woodetoolc. Josr rugs P. G.—The I3arristnn Tri. bone gives the following interesting ao. (cant of the Easter school entertainment in which a former teacher in this town - able, now Principal there, was a protein. ant factor:' -.Lha 0oncerb given by the teachers and pupils of the Publio School in the town hall on Thursday night last, was a grand sueoees,and must have been very gratifying to the principal, T, G. McDonald, and hia able staff of teaobera. Long before the hour of starting the hall was packed with a most interesting audience, nonny of the parents of the children who tools part being present. Wm, Pye occupied the chair and dia- obarged the duties to the entire sabiefac• tion of all present. Not a hitch °(carred daring tate performance of the long pro. gram, eoataluing 24 events. 008.131 the curtain went up when the sweet music of the orehoatra pealed forth to the delight of all present. The chairman's address being the first on the program was made short and to the point. Ile first thanked the large audionoe for their presence ab this the first oonoort given ander the new principal, and abated that as the children werepreparad to give them a ram treat, and that the program was along one, he would defer making a events until some other time. Ole then announced the first item on the program a (bourns, British Toast, "Queen, God Bless IIer," This thorns was sang by about fifty pupils with gen. nine British enthusiasm. J. DSoMnrehie replied to the toast in his usual happy and able manner. rte reviewed the his. tory of the Queen and the rise and ex- pansion of the British Empire during the past sixty years. 17e also referred to the rapid advances made in the way of ednoation and predicted a still further advancement in that Hue in Canada. He took his seat amidst groat applause. Much credit ie due to the principal for the very excellent-eeleutiou of choruses, etc. Miss Livingstone had charge of the "Little Skaking Quakers" and must have spent a great deal of time in bringing so many little ones to such a state of per. tootion in their drill. Miss Annie bad abarge of the Delsertean drill and club swinging and was highly complimented upon the proficiency to which she had brought her pupils up to. Miss Craig. mill had her 20 boys drilled as so many soldiers and the little fellows appeared to be quite proud of their proficiency. Miss Mabel Bartley, pianist, discharged her duties with precision and promptness seldom excelled in Harriston. Al- though still very young oho handled the piano with a profeeeor's skill. The orsheetra was simply grand and the boys received heaps of applause and praise for their great musical abilities. How so many children aould bo so thoroughly trained in w short a time was n surprise to all present. The program was not got through with until 11.30 o'clock, and then the people were loath to go away. Everybody was more than pleased. Godoriela. FAREwELL Again Escapes.—A spooial from Stratford on Friday last says :— fumes Farewell, who escaped from non. stable Gundry en route from the God°. rich gaol to the iiingaton penitentiary by it daring leap from an express train some. where between Tetrotus and Kington a short time age, turned up at St. Mary's on Wednesday night. It ap. pears that his wife has been living in the west for some time. Recently she re. coived a letter from him, informing her that the would come after her on Wednes- day night. She informed a friend of the fact, who gave the information to the police, and as a resalt Officer Wm. Gnudry, of Goderioh, County Constable Shand, and Special Oonatable Wm, Cope- land, of St. Marys, lay in ambush for him, keeping at the sena time a strict look- out at the housefor him, During the night Farewell drove up to the house with a horse and buggy, which he tired in the neighborhood. The officers started Inc the house, and had not gone far be. fora they canoe to a fence. Farewell rose ap on the opposite side of it. Constable Shand made a dive to catch his man, but wits struck in the abdomen by a heavy wrench, which laid him out. Constable Copeland, who saw the blow strut*, and fearing Shand had been killed, took to his heels, sheeting for help. In the dark. nese Farewell escaped, and has not been seen since. Constable Shand interviewed Chief of Police McCarthy, hie object being to seonre a bloodhound to track Farewell. Mies Jessie McNair baa returned home from Seaforth. Robb. Berry and family are talking of removing to Listowel. Mrs. Ray MoNaaehb spent last Sabbath with friends near Mitchell. Great prices were realized at Robt. Sbiels' enle on Friday last. Alex. Coultas has the contract of build- ing a new house on lot 22, eon. 10. Wm. McNeil and Walter McKay are gaged for the Summer near Lunn. David Holmes wears a smiling conn. lance these days. Its a boy, you know. Mr. Speiran's little girl who got her n broken is doing as well as can be ex. eted. A. W. Wynn, teacher, has returned m his Easter holidays and is making nge hunt in No. 8. fr. Forbes' new residenoo on the lath tweet completed and will be ready foe upation in a few days. russets cheese factory commenced rk last Monday with very favorable pro for the season. W. W. Harris, o is now sole proprietor, is directing manufacturing and is well pleased h the outlook. srx.—By notice in another column it 1 be observed that a former resident hie township iu the person of Mrs, . W. Avery, died at her home in iepoll, Montana, on the Oth of April, d 42 years, Deceased was a sister to or McNeil, 14th eon., and 18 oe 20 re ago removed with her husband stward. The cause of death was said o eongnmption from which she hadn 111 for some time, Her husband, is the eldest son of the late George ry, and 5 children survive. Their friends in this tonality tondee them r sympathy in the loss of wife and mot, NIMROOD INTO REM—Last Sabbath ing, about 0 o'oloak, the spirit of ella McArthur, beloved wife of John dick, Ian old and well known resident he 14th eon., tools its flight. Her ase wee not nn unexpected event as had boon hovering between two ds for several months, The aubjeot is notieo was a native of Hamilton, land, where alae was born on August 1813. She was married to her now It partner on March 30th, 1810, and g with her haebend oeino to Canada 00500 ago. They lived for a time nt trod and afterward at St. Mary's re coming to thin township in 1800. rel of their attacker' died in infancy, 0serviving are:—Arabia and hire. Morrison, who live at Heron, Igen ; jamas, of Wooclstoalt, Ont. ; Addie, of Stratford, and Mrs. Wm. onto, of Shia locality. Aire, Rod. was as moat indnetriona perean, Ip 'telethon,beloved by bee family, highly respected by all who knew She wee a member of the Trashy. n church and dearly loved anything reminded her of the land of het The cause of her death was a Fal wear out, she having attained her birthday. Wednesday afternoon mesal 10olo place and was largely dad, An appropriate service was noted by Rov. atm. Boas, of 13rue. after whiob interment was made in hearseels cemetery, The pall hearse jos. Mitchell, 0, Walker, P. and W. -r D, Grant and P. Ritchie. The ere of the family may rest nattered have the sympathy of the cowmen. thole bereavement and to no one this be mare alacarely meted out to Mr, Roddick who has parted with 00 tet ars Pe fro thi 10 a CVO B WO r wh the wit 0 wil of t Geo Kal age Pet yea We to b bee who Ave old thei mo , even 13 t dace she tverl of th Soot 23rd bore aloes 411y Mon befo Seth Thom A. Mich Mrs, Bella dick kind and her.. l orf a that hintsgen( 84th the ft atbon oondt Brass were .Blake Meth they ity in will than p non wag received, hie oompanion of the last 01 years, Fall wheat looks well on high land. Richard Armstrong, Ord line, is through seediug. Snow, rain and muddy roads are 01111 the order of the day. Miss Alice Paul is home from a visit to her grandparents in Brussels. Mrs. Jim. Bowman is not very well at present, being under medical care. Wm. Thuell has 17» contract for build- ing a barn wall for Mr. Skelton, 71b line. Mies Jennie Sellers, who has been on the sick list. is improving we are glad to hear. Spriug seeding has been considerably retarded by the frequent showers and cold weather, A oar of export cattle was sent from Brussels on Monday of this week by Messrs. Olegg &Dames. W. H. McOutoheon, 0th line, delivered three fine steers to W. Michie on Monday of this week, for grass feeding. Miss Sadie Faskin, of Palmerston, was visiting her cousin, Mies Marion Mo - Kenzie, for the Easter holidays. The framers are at work on the timber for Inspector Miller's new bank barn and the masons will be at work in about 10 days. The roads are in a bad state. The rain on Sunday was very refreshing to those who live in localities where they needed it. The contra's!' for the new brick school house, known as Gosman's, was awarded to George Jackson. Building will be 26x35 feet, with basement, Richard Armstrong, Ord line, is having bad look with his lambs this year, about a dozen !Having died, Cause unknown unless it is the feeding of mangels to the ewes. Messrs, Wilson aft Comm shipped a fine oar load of enable and one of hogs on Thursday of last week, from Belghave ab0ticn. Messrs. Otegg cS: Dames made a similar shipment on the bane day and pleas. RomeMra. Rome and daugbtee, 7110 line, Morris, left on Monday for Zorra, where, along with others, will, on Thursday of this week, celebrate the golden wedding 0f her parents. Mr. Eyane took the overland route, The annual vestry meeting of Trinity church, Belgrave, was held Tuesday even: ing of last weekf Rev. T. E. Higley, in. numbest, presiding, IZ, Corley and Wm, Johnston were elected Wardens, and Johnmtonlay delegate to the Synod forar. the ensuing pe Soma of our farmers are gutting the Need into the ground in a bad state, Some don't even wait for a dry day to sow. How foolish to tramp over laud in 011013a wet ootelition, bet they tell 05 'Ft's getting it done; What will the harvest be 7 We believe it will be thistles, W. 3. South, 3rd line, shot a mad dog iu Calvin Cttnnpbell's meadow the other day. The dog had been in the vicinity for several dive, noting in a very Dandiermanner, rasing bank and forth through the fields with apparently no partionlar objoeb in view. When Me, Sotnob allot him he was standing on slogan the bank of the creak and snapping at the water in a vicious manner, Since then the owner, hawFarrand, 2nd Beetlutaturned ftp and says he Will maize allege hat for Mr, Souoh. He wino the dog at 0100,,00 but under the cirottmetaneee will take $50,00 in settlement of all demands, at 131uevala, sarvioo will be held at Browntown ohurals at 7 o'olouk in the evening, IJnen,•-Loeb Sabbath Annie Myrtle, infant daughter of Geo. and Sarah J. Kerr, lot 30, eon. 5, died otter a brief ill- ness, aged 1 months and 27 daye, :rise funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon 1tav, Jna. Ross, B, A„ aondaabing the service. Mr, and Mrs, Kerr are deeply sympathized with in the death of their little daughter. L' Ld U., I us rR 'I'LWAY' —non— KOOTENAY DISTRICT, POINTS IN BRITI011 COLUMBIA, KAL5O, KOOTENAY CROSSING, MURPHY CREEK, N17LSON, PILOT BAY, ROBSON, 130SSLAND, Ebc. Tickets now on sale at Special i Low Bates! ,s The Grand Trunk Railway System vim. its Chicago lines gives you superior ao. commodation, lowest chargee and the quickest time to the above points. full information at 0. T•13. stations. J. N. KENbALL, G, 'I. R. Agent, Brussels. The track of the Driving Park is now fit to drive on and Season Tickets can bei procured from the Secretary as follows :— Horse and Rig, $2.00 Bicycle, gent, 1,00 Bicycle, lady, 50 Any one found on the track after tIlis date will be charged at those figures, so get your ticket or keep off, F. S. Scott, Secretary, Brussels, April 29, '97. Never have we been more busy in our Millinery Dapul'toent than at the present time. Millinery ie a moat important detail of a Lady's ontlt. Many women wbn aro good looking when their hat is off, look homely when seen with 't"-i.r Ilat on. The reason is they are not supplied tvitlt. Millinery that ba00m0es th,•n1. Whet is the nee of a Stylish Hat if it is unbenign hng. That's where we etr.p fu, wet no lady leaves this store with a Hat that is not suited to her in every respect. Its very annoying for a lady to feel that her lust detracts from her appearance, not only annoying to herself but also to her friends. It won't cost ,you any more to have a Hat that sults you than 000 that is otherwise. Prices are Lower than Ever Before. A. fine Black Sailor just to hand, as good as eold most places at 25e, nor pries 14e. Black and White Sailors, well made, good shapes, regular price 400., going off very lively at 25o. Laos effects in Bleak and White Flop Hata, very spode' at 21o. A new style in Sailors, Rustic) Brim, a beautiful hat, should be $1, for 750, A Jubilee Sailor is something new and nobby, eolore red, white and bltne, price OOc. The La Tour ie a very pretty hat, high crown, in brown, blue and black, price eboald be $1.25, but marked $1.00. Fancy Ribbons, very special value in Dresden effects, 5 inches wide, worth 35e,, but bought to sell at 20a. Fancy Watered Ribbon, all shades, S inohee wide, very special at 20e. You will find our Millinery and Dress Goods Departments Up-to-date. IIs LYTH, we can Suit YOU All sizes. - Fine or Nara Come in and see what we have and 720 har^m done • if you don't p16r^e7base. OUR PRIG'S Are as Low as the Lowest—Quality and Price , considered, Q U Teta Of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Grocer- ies is up -to -elate and well assorted. 1 a 1 Those New Spring Goods that have just arrived, • Call and see our Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds, The new- est effects in English, Irish and Scotch Serges in the most Fashionable Colors, The latest patterns in English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, We Have the finest display of Clay Twills and Venetian Worsteds ever shown in Brussels. Also a select line of Trouserings and Fancy V'estings on hand. 37 did the young men of Brussels and surrounding country bey their Spring Hats from us last season ? it was an acknowledged fact by everybody that we had the Nicest Hats in town. This Season it is the same. We have the latest styles in the Wilkinson aucl Wakefield hard and soft and many other makes too numerous to mention, Also a large assortment of SPRING AND ,SUMMER CAPS. Special ;line ®g 11 Theelmel ,'e Caps. IR ..6.. S . Yon only need to eXamule our stock. of Shirts to be con- vinced that they are the Latest and Best for the money in the market, We have no old Shirts^to offer to the Public, our stock is new and up-to.elate. A Select Line of Neckwear in Bows and Pour -in -hand always in stock, Also a Fashion- able line of Suspenders. Sole agent for "Solid Comfort" Suspenders for Brussels. Our Goods are NEW and we Guarantee Satisfaction, felt Hats