HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-30, Page 3Ai'nu 30, 1897
Tow Directory.
Mel/cetera) 01101401L—Bhbliath Services
at 11 a rn and 7100 p, m. Sunday School
at 2:30 p nt, Rev, John Rose, B A,
ST. JonN'e OUUROU.--Babbea Sorviees
at 11 o m and 7 p m, Sunday School
at 2:30 p. n. Rev. A. K. Griffin, incum-
at 10:30 a m and 7:00 m, Sunday
Sobool A b 2:30 p m. Rev, 8, J. ABM,
ROALIN °mom Clouncia—Sabbath
Servioe third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Altera—Service nt 7 and 11
o in anti 3 andit p in on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at
the barracks,
Opp FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
llIesmoo Lenin Tuesday fit or before
fall moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0 U V/ Levan on the 3rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias.
hill's block.
C 0 I' LODE 2nci and lent Tuesday
evenings of each mouth, in Blashill'e
I 0 F, :21111 and last Friday in oas
Fellows' Hall.
L () L 1st Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
SONS ceSUMMAND, let and 3rd Tema
days of emelt mouth, is Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LODGE, 2ad and 4th Tues.
day a of each month, in Odd Fellow's Holl.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, tat
and 3rd Mondays of mob month in 131es-
hill's Hall.
A. 0 P, 1st and 3rd Mondays of each
month in Odd Yellow's Hall.
Bohn MULE, 2nd and 4411 Friday even,
jugs in Blashill's Hall.
FOOT OFFIBIL—Oflloo hones from 8 a.
314. to 11:30 p. m.
INSTITUTE.—Library in
Holmes' block, will bo open from (3 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5
and 4310 8 Saturdays. Miss Minato Ailo-
Naughton, Librarian.
Tows Coo:mire—W, IL Herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Beaker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdalo and fie G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; It, Hingston, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Oollenor. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
Sc000x, IIGARD.—A. Koenig, (chair-
man,) D. C. Rose, 0. G. Slone,
Taraball, A. Coulee, and P. Van.
stone. Bea.-Treas., 141. K. Ross.
hfeetinge and Friday evening in each
Portree Sensor Teeeuens.---3. 411. Cam-
eron, Prineipal, Leon Jackson, Miss
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
Beam) 00 firtetere—Reave Herr, Clerk
Soolt, A. Stewart, T. 'farrow and Wm.
jewitt. Dr. MoNanghton, Medical
Health Offioer.
There's something that I've thought
I wish you'd 'splain to me :
Why, when the weather's warm,
There's leaves on every tree,
And when they need thein moat
To keep them worm and nth,
They lose off all their olothas
A.nd look ao oold as lee.
Of course it's right for folks,
But I'm thinking 'bout the trees,
I'd like to wrap them np in shawls
For fear they're going to freeze.
Dear graudroother's pocket ! how well I
How useful it was, both oapaoions and
What good things, what odd things, ad
thinge without number
I saw in that pooket alt every sly peep.
If Tom, who loved whittling far better
than spelling,
E'er chanced with his jack-knife to
damage his thumb,
In less than a twinkling, and all without
From grandmother's pooket a plaster
would come I
If Fanny, or Letby, or &tory or Kitty,
1Vas mines a buttme on gown oe on
No need of te wearisome trip to the eity,
In grandmother's pocket the articles
grew 1
When Benjie, the pet, Inc his friend's
Hie ill shomen IciM from the wood -sheet
would being,
'Twos grotidatother offered the solo adn.
'Toms grandmother's pocket that
furnished the string 1
If any were dampish, oe any in troeble,
If playmates were peaty, or things
went awry,
If none to make peace in the household
were able,
Dear grandmothee's poulcd a balm
could eupply 1
0 hien is the house where o grandmother
d welleth,
Undaunted by ilia and unruffled by
noise !
In "Seventy Yeare of 'deli Lif
W. R. de Prom, it le asserted 11
giving answers the Iriol peasantry
rale have uo groat regard fur teal
reply as they think will be most
able to the questioner. An Italian
grinder, weary after ei long with, as
Petulant whom he met how far b
from Cork. "Jun forte short in
WAS the amen. "What do you m
said a priest who happened to p
the time, by deceiving the poor fe
Hon know well enough ilea eight
mike." •'Sure, your IN3verenne,"
the other, "I seen the poor boy was
and 1 wanteci to keep his courage
If he's hearcl your reverence -14n
planed to think that he didn't—It
downhearted entirely."
An Irish gentleman was shooting
an English friend, a Me. B. The
very little apon. So Mr. B. said
ask this countryman whether the
any birds about here."
"No use to attic him," said Ills oon
ion ; "he'll only tell you lies."
"I'll ask him itt all events," said M
"hly good man, aro there any birds a
"ri of birdie yor honor."
"Tell me what sorts of birds."
"Well, now, your honor, there's gro
and, woodcocks and snips and ducks
and all sorts of hircle."
"Ask him," whispered the Irish ge
men, "whether there aro any theretn
"Tell me," said C., "do you eve
any theremometers about here ?"
"Well now, your honor, if there w
nice frost, the place would be alive
Many years afterward, as 0138 00
drove with his wife from "Marne
Kenmare, he told hoc this story.
could hardly believe it. He said :
"I'll try with this boy, and yon'lI
that he'll saymuch tho same,"
So • he said to oho barelegged boy,
was ranning along the side of the
" \That is the name of the little ri
near ne ?"
"Tie 1140 Ifiantry, your honor."
"Are there any fish in it S"
"There is, your honor."
"What sort of fish 2"
"There do be throuts and eels."
"Any Holman ?"
"There do be aa odd one."
"Any white trout ?"
"There do be a good lot of them,"
"Any thermometers ?"
"There do be a good lot of them the
too, your honor, but they come ap la
in the season than the throute."
e,ii 1?),
151 in
AB 0.
'1, but
ass all
flow ?
o'd be
y had
re too
r see
0,9 0,
y to
car -
'Twill be Magniiieent.
The London Daily Graphic publish
the following plan of decorations for t
streets through which the Royal prone
eion will puss on the occasion of
'diamond Jubilee, June 22nd next :
The loading idea of tho plan is 10 111,1
trate the features that have made the et
pire what it is under Queen Victoria.
this, of course, a leading plane would
Assignei to the Servioes, and Apsle
House, where the deeorittiene would b
gin, they would partake of a militar
o keynoter, All along Piccadilly won
rnn moots and pennants, as web as ole
trio lights, and at the top of St. Jame
51. the Indian Empire would bo symbo
ized under abugs Dunbar canopy enrich
with Oriental hangings and device
Pall Mall the Union flag and all sort
small arms would be the leadingpoint
ut "Duited Service" arch, and on
rd to Trafalgar square there would b
flit of decorated pillars, with shields
which the names of those of the reigt
me heroic deeds are written le hie
y cvoulcl be inecribed.
indfar standards in the vicinity of th
v Courts would celebrate legal names
Fleet street they would be literary
famous preachers tond divines woult
place round St. Paul's. Canada,
10 be represented by an imtnense and
ig the whole Strand hetero St. Mary
brand Churoh. Tall fir masts wottld
ipped with glass for ice, and snow
would be pourtrayed. Hanging be
en 11100 4500101 be golden nets, em.
•ing the harvests of her seas, which
Id be brilliantly illuminated ea night,
belocv, °ern. maple and fruit would
greats trophies.
the entrance of tho city, W1101`0 the
en will halt to receive the "Pearl
rd" of Queen Elizabeth at the hands
e Lord Mayor,canopy 01
son and golcl
da would bo
ad. Already the design for this
10, into which is worked the National
leets of the Rose, Shunt:oak andIlo, tie, the Imperial Crown mid the
n's cypher, is upon the looms of
holfieldic, and the sills weavers are in
s of orders that will keep them going
ight and day, as a similar canopy
cl also be erected high above the
01 4131. Paul's. The drawings for
lave been submitted to the Dean
Monter and approved by them.
lily over the Queen's carriage the
ng would be of purest cloth of gold.
glib the auggestion le to throw the
gest Menne lights, by means of
eters, on to the Cathedral, thus
ng it in a flood of softest colored
ging lights.
40101) LOVE AND mem
ward to the South side the arch
he specially interediug, as it is
The most important obanges 0111410the License Lew by the A ot passed la le
recent seseion ot the Legislature a
those limiting the number of lioenees
be granted, the Bale of liquor by druggist
the hours of sale et hotels, the rho/1014in
of saloon licenses 0011 the ratiocination
licensee by the min, Under Oho ne
an, one Ileum will be granted for ti)f Int two Imedred and fifty population i
°Wee, town and incorporated village
but not more than three Amine for th
first 000 thousand population, and on
for each full six hundred over the fire
ono thousand population. The teVer
licensee in North Perth are for the mos
part already well within the limits of th
new law 0.5 to 11000500. In Liatowe
there are five tavern Booms, and Ave i
now the 1111414 under the statutes ; i
Stratford theren° setteen tavern licenses
and with a population of 0,500, as re
turned in the 1891 census it would b
entitled to 17 taverns ; in Milverton the
/twit is two and two !Menges are issued
In a pMes like Palmerston where ther
are sox or seven tavern lioenses, the new
aot will out off two or three hotels, and
the reduction throughout the province
will be on the whole oonsideroble, Drug-
gists eau only sell Inc strictly medical
purposes and on a bona fide prescription
of a medioal practitioner, and then in
quautities of not more than six ouneee
and a full record has to he kept of every
arde. No sale of liqnor can be made
under this ad in townships after 10
oarlock and in cities and towns after 11
o'clook until the next morning at 0 o'oloolc
throughout the week. The same hours
as before apply to Saturday night end
Sunday. No liquor nen be supplied to
any person under 21 years of age, under
a. penalty of from $10 to 550, nor men any
one under 21. be supplied in clubs with
liquor. And uo onn
e ot 21 years of age
eon loiter or linger around a bar -room or
hotel under a penalty of between 132 and
210 end both the hotel keeper and the
mitior so loitering are liable to the fine.
Provisions are made for having certain
districts clealttreci rosidental localities in
w ie no 11001100 rta be issued. If a
license holder 10a party to an offense
under the oat and is titres times convicted
in two 415005 and the fact certified to the
Dotted by the cella, the license is cancel-
led and the licensee is disqualified from
bolding tiny further license outlet the
act for three years. These are in out.
line some of the provisions of the act,
there being also a /ergo number of minor
changes to odd to the effineney of the
0.1000 are. I Suits made for $4 and upwardS.
cd Lile I My Stock of MONET TO LOAN.
in av
y e
'''Several years ago, while in Port
g Minn„ I caught a severe
cold, attended with a terrible cough,
that allowed. me no rest day or
night. The doetorri after exhaust -
big their
remedies, pronounced my
case hopeless, say-
ing they could do no
more for me. Ab
this time a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral was
sent to me by a
friend who urged
• me to take it, which
I did, and soon after I was greatly
relieved, and in a short time was
completely cured. I have never had
much of a cough since that time,
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my life," —W. I/.
117Ann,S Quimby AV, Lowell, Ifas(3,
Cherry Pectoral
Ifigheet Awards at World's Fair.
AYER'S PUS cure Indigestion and Headache
L Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds o
Work in 1)143Good Workmanship and
Good Fits uaranteed.
Crisp and CaSHal. ! oW'Sliop Meliowait's Store.
To restore the oxygen in canned frai
open it two hours before it (e used, an
be careful to empty its 001)111010 into
china meal immediately. If these tw
BB hints. are followed the flavor of all canned
he goods will be greatly improved.
e Amongst the smallest products
h' of 40240'500115101351100 talent must
0. now be numbered a teriekettle,
0. which has been hammered by an ingemi.
ma Birmingham enetal.worker out of
La farthing. This unique utensil is provicl-
be ed with a. swinging handle and tho usual
'' movable lid, and spout, and water can be
a- boiled in it.
During the last year 900,000 old.
Id fashioned swan.quill pens were supplied
a- for the Government service, and 00,000
work quilts were recut. !Phis is exclusive
of the °entracte for the Indian Govern.
ment, which sometimes orders a million
s• at a time, coed has been supplied with
° 2,201,000 in the eourse of a mole year.
s The fagged -out Cabinet Minister was
' catching It brief respite from the ragi»e,
° mob of importunate place hunters. A.
• card was brought in. Under the name
' was written :---"Don't want an appoint.
' Mena" "Show the gentleman up," said
the Cabinet Minister eagerly. Be enter.el'ity dear sir," siticl the official, I
am glad to eee you. Yon are the only
; num I've seen for weeks 101)0 did not
1 Want all appointment of some kind."
"Oh, no ; I 00100 to ask an appointment
I for a friend of mine."
The Bishop of Newcastle is a man of
vigorous personality and broad shoulders,
• though he bears traces of his missionary
' days in India and his arduous labors at
Portsea. He is an admirable 00(31402050,A powerful preacher and speaker, a total
abstainer, and has an outspoken and
foraible way of dealing with practical
0050111300.He 15 unmarried, and at
Ponsea has lived in a, clergy ionise with
some hale dozen of his curates, bet he is
101 10 believer ih celibate vowe. His
father, for fifty years a residentiary
501101 of Winchester, was a leader among
the Evongelleals, but the Bishop has at.
tutted himself to no party. 1110 meg.
nilicent 01)0101) alt 3?ot•tsea 4040 the
outcome of W. 11. Smith's mueitioenoe.
Benzene:is me A. Beconaort.—Loveis
like beefsteitk. 11 111041 not taste es good,
but it's best for the health to tare it
miderclone. A womon always has a. ten-
der feeling for a man who says she Isn't
looking well and he is afraid she is work-
ing too hard. When a baby ories in
street oar, if 010040111 is (tarrying it, all
the women around look mad ; if a man
has it, they are sorry and sympothizing,
A girl in bloomers looks 41001 00 funny as
0. MOM in n girl's nightgown. Men judge
other mania religion by their polities ;
women judge men's polities by their reli.
gion. Most men think they know some-
thing till they get married. Then they
find their wife does and they didn't,
When a girl walks with A mon she al-
ways pretends that she ean't keep nap
because he lakes such great big strides.
Life 10 A good deal like a, meal in tt
restamont the cliches you call Inc are
generally just the ones that aren't on the
bill of fare.
le -S
be t
of th
Q 11130
by n
this 1
At ni
With bountiful hands and a pocket that Queo
With balsam and chew for the girls
and the boys,
The bylaw granting $25,000 to aid the
0, T. It, in building a million -bushel
elevate): was passed all Micilaed by a
large majority,
The autograph letters testifying to
owes nutde by Ayeres Sarsaparilla and
other preporotione are kept on file at the
J. 0. Ayer Go's. office, Lowell, Mom
They are from all over the world and Are
cheerfully shown to any one desirous of
seeing them,
W. C. MoDonald, the Montreal tobacco
manuittottner, was condemned by Judge
Pagnuelo to pay the pimiento of the late
Alphonsiue Thibandeam 431,900, the
amount of the action for conponsation
for the death of their daughter, who wad
working in the MoDonald tobit000 faotory
when the Ate of April, 1805, marred,
and died froM injuries reeeived by jump.
ing from a window 041 1110 fourth atory.
led to associate the two event
n's. On the one aide, Allisabeth's
portrait, supported by Wisdom and Cour-
o(30, would have for back a 110100.
h540, with just a glimpse Of Arnaldo,
coming 1010 view. Qtroen Victoria stands
against the world, with Love and Truth
as her attributer'. The two remaining
arches would he Australia in Olioapsidei
Anel Afeicla (South, 1Veet and Equatorial)
with marine feathers, gold, and ivory to
signify the wealth of "OM bat and larg.
oat "Empire ; tho map that is half unroll.
The sky lino of all the houses in Cheap.
side, together with the Bow Church,
would have ft tracery of gns.jeto for il-
lumination after dark. The Benk has
prepared 0 ethome of d000ratioa of its
own, but one which &Ile in perfectly well
Willi all the foeegoing, and here the arms
and banners 231 1110 city companies would
have special prominence, Each street
will have its own color brought gently
into tone with that of the text, and
hottse.holdere upon the; routs will be
Raked to use natural flowers in pots AS
10,0151113, as they can.
For every variety and pima of the
many diseases which cittitalc the air pas-
sages 01 11)0 throat and longs, Ayerai
Cherry Pootoral will be found a speolfic,
Its onodyno and expeotorant qualities ore
promptly realized, and it is always
ready for use.
Telegraphic oommunioation with Ern-
Ota011 has been Ma off and further de-
tails of rhunagee mused by the high water
eannot be obtained, as railroad communi-
cation hes also been savored for four doys.
Two bridges at 111oreis were carried
away. The 4141.3 Rivee is slowly rising at
The annual report of Noe htinistee of
Militia for 1800 has been published, It
contains a limber of recommendations
by Gen, Gasooigno regarding the new
arms for the militia, annual eamps of
instruction and the necessity for the
thorough organisation of the forces 0( 1311.5
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
, and surrounding district that I have pur-
1 chased the Pato leheiness of 3.A.411E8
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work 00 00(40240
iAt moderato priees.
No better Pump in the tnerket.
Order left at my shop OV residence or
WI?. SOOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ra''Orders taken for the Digging of
W$11,3 and Cisterns.
Miner Green,
Th111417; 7-11'
Li now ocimplete in Since, Dress Goode,
Dress Trimmings, Musline, Lawns, Art
Muslins, Genuine, Laces, Ribbons,
Prints, Dacha, Flannelettes, Cottons,
Cottonacles, 'Powelings and a special lime
of Ladies' and Children's Vests,
I think I know something about
OfffIi. •
and when I tell you that my bOo. per lb.
Dargeling Gem of the East is the best
Blaelc Tea in the market and that
'25o. Japan Tea la better than roost of the
Tea sold in this town for 35e. and 40e.
I always keep the best Tema and Coffees
in the market so the public say.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Any Amount of 'Wiley to Loma
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 .Per Cent,. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Bru,sads.
ew Harness
D. FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where he is prepared to turn oat
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repafring.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I am prepared to attend to all orders far
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, .Oe.
Good work and Moderate charges.
I). Frain, Brusseis,
[du Sliep 1
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patzonage solicited,
Meat d s
J. M. McLEOLdeliveretoallpart
System Renovator
--AND 001111)—.
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpiect-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Kett -
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Coo-
aumption, Gall Stones, jaundice, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diseases. St. 'Vitus' Dame=
Female Irreguierities raid General Da-
of the to Wn. Prop. and Manufacturer..
I Seta by .148, 1000, litrussele.
Certain in its sweets and nom blisters,
Read proofs Below:
r,r,1101,Sigularteleiaderso'n Co, III„ Fob, 24, 'R.
ggaSIPLiigal f 000,1 Inc rgoraft 15;,7 ir?Zar"
RencialIM Slava, Oare with good sumMoo Clem a
wonderhd Wine, I <Mee WM a mare t at had
Iartirtitatietrliaiirdnial?0dOtige Qu'" "r.
Wars truly, 01010, PcAmt.
00., Apr. 0,').
Dr, tt. XIS:SATZ 00,
iiVteEIiroar iiiFtili$OintEiSig,91101krt 0110 iarth ,',,o 111011 8111111 and Mai
two ROSS Spartan, 01555 recolmnended It to
neural of my friends who 000045011 pleased With
and koop it, Respectechn
5.14, Ear, 1,0, Des 31,3,
ROr Salo by. an Dyuggists, or address
Dr. ICE.ArDALL 00.11C.P.A.Yr,
British Columbia
Heti Cedar Shiugles
AND. --
NOrt 11 Shore
aml Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workmen -
ship and Haterial Guaranteed,
S. & P. AMENT,
We are ready for it by the arrival
of Seasonable G-oods,
WAGONS. We have had a Large
Sale of Bibles during the
In wood 01' iron
past month. and have a fine,
new stock to hand.
Base Balls,
Rubber Balls,
Base Ball Bats,
Marbles, Alleys,
&o., &O.
Fix up a Lawn this year
and buy 11.
We can supply you
Afford plenty of
Amusement to youngsters.
We never sold them cheaper
Of all Kinds
New Stook of
Including Note aft&
Foolscap Paper, Envelopes,.
Ste,, Sto,
Great Value in
For 30 Days all Toys will be Sold
at COST to make room for new goods,