HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-23, Page 88 SAV E • • Tour Money We allow you lc. per roll Alen we sell you Wall Paper Untrimmed, or we Trim it for you Free of Charge, The only exception is in case of Remnants sufficient for shall rooms, many of which we are selling at Half Price. We have some handsome 25c. Gilt Papers at from 10o, to 12e. per Boll and good Kitchen Papers at 1c. and 5c., and some as low as Sc. per roll. We have over 280 SAMPLES • to choose from at prices never so •low in Brussels. G. A. Deadman; Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Berri -Max x ExTEx8I0N W. e. ct 0. Trains Were Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOIN3 So ern, CoINo Nomil, Express...... 7;31 a.m. I Mixed 91.11 a.nt 91taa4......... rile yam/Mail 12:n pee arae Iletu5 Bins. A chief's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. `irnaw hats are in fashion. Nouse acanthi: is herein ell its %derv," SATCRn99 of next weelc will be May Day. Fern wheat is locking firs1.0111 s in this locality. Bret, the interesting District news on pages 3 and 0 of this issue. Oen FOLLOWS' At Home in their spacious Lodge room next Monday even - f og. yiow we square away for the n]n'vet • tsar of Her Most Graaiona Majesty men Y a 13 Q r' Iria on May .,•nth A Lamm number of entries have Leen -received for the horse races in Bre .sels on the Queen's Birthday. TEE Dry Goods stores new close at 7 p. m. except on Saturday. Cus1011.8s will do well to remember tins. Jono S:oiT has leased the residence meetly purchased by Thos. Pepper irons Walter Richardson. There is a flue lot of fruit trees in aonueotiou. Orn thanks are doe to an old Algoma subscriber who kindly remembered us with a 5 dollar "William" this week o0 Lis subscription to Tam POST. It was re- fre8hing. a. HALLIDAY, of Wingham, general agent of the Provident Insurance Co.,s in Gown this week. This is one of the Best Companies doing bnei0ee9 today and thosethiukiug of 1llaoinginsurance should consult hien or see the local agent. C. 0. F.—All members of Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, Be easels Canadian Order of Foresters, are request. ed to be preseet at next regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 27th. Busi• nese of importance, dealing with the Sick and Funeral Benefits will coma up for 080,91ou. ()siert meets at 8 o'olook, p. In. sharp. The contract for carrying the mail and express from Brussels to Wroxeter and return has been handed over to Geo, Ruble 'Brussels, as the late o,ntraotor, J. Potland intendsoing to B1 ev R u ale to en- gage in the hotel business. Mr, Robb is well located to look after his new work and can work it nicely in conneotion with hie dairy. DOES Tire APPLY TO You 7—We have ordered a new job press, a new paper ea- ting g machine end a new staple binder 1 z aid a d in the turning not ofnr w k from Tug POST Publishing house, All these new appliances cost money and must be paid for. We therefore ask all who are M. -deleted to us either for subscription, job work or advertising to kindly make a vigorous effort to let us have the cash just as s on as possible and thereby help us out of our indebtedness, We ask for a prompt reep0u88 to this cell, and if you are in arrears this item is personally for eon so don't pass It On t0 your neighbor please. CowanB 8Lns8one.-011 the evening of Good Friday Rev. Jno, Rees, B. A., per. formed the mandag8 ceremony between Rohr. H. Green of Omemee, Victoria Co., Ont., and Miss Mary A•, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs, Wm. Harris, Thomas street, :Brussels, About 85" guests assembled to witness the tying of the nuptial bow at the home of the bride, bliss xlnnie Stewart was the bridesmaid and Jno. Felton, groomsmen. A larse number of valmahle aid 08efnl presents were made rand many good wisuea were expressed for the future happiness of the contracting pn.r1ies. The sinew prepared 3va8 fat keepitlg with the 0I1 tomary ability of the hoeceee in this line, An enjoyable evening was spent by the company. On •Tuesday M'•. eat Airs. Green left for Omemee where the former will take charge of the (Meese factory. TM) PosT joins with their many friends in wish. .iag them health, wealth and prosperity, ADDR088 AND PoEsiNTATION,—Friday of last week Mrs, Koenig and Miss Cardiff waited on Mies O'Connor, the organist of St. John's church, and presented her with a well filled gorse as a recognition anf the good work done by her, The fol. .lowing is a copy of the address :— DEAR Mille O'Co9Non,—Ws, the mem• `here of St. John's antra], Brussels, desire to express our hear' v appreciation of your untiring interest .• ad zeal for the :welfare of our ohuroh ane •innday school, 'We have noticed, wibh great *antra and •admiration, tits kindly interest you have ..ever taken in the children also and the good resulting therefrom. We therefore ask you to aooept this small purse as a token of our esteem and gratitude. Wishing you continuer) success thud pros. verity with all the joys of this happy 'Heater season. Signed on behalf of eon. ({rogation, MRs. 1009NI(A, MI00 CARDIFF. I3rasoels April 1511), 1897, mtse O'Connor made an appropriate. ;xeply in accepting the purse, • GREAT growth may he expected front the warm 011nwe1'+ and sunshine, I). En AN'a biggioe are selling like bot capes. Three sales were made las) Saturday. W, G, C;nt.,.ixe, Grand Orgaeizer for the Chosen b'rronds, was at, work in Dur. ham last week, whore he secured 8.1 members, Ile is in Listowel this week 011 111e Paine bn81i10es. EAST Huron Liosnse Commissioners met in 13r'n88ele hast Saturday and grant• ed hotel licenses to all Manse holder's of last year, lint &ediered license to the Arlington House at Fordwieh and the Royal at Walton. 130erd will holt) Re next meeting on lloitd,ty, May 3rd, at the Reverellousc, I11'09eels, when licenses will bes411111,So. Trro3A9 Noon,—Business men will miler is great favor on 'inc Pose by got• ting their ohangest of advts, in by Tues. day moon of each week, otherwise we cannot always promise to have the nen' advertisements appear. This week a few name in on Thnrdeay morning, and of course too late to besot tide weep. We want to be obliging to our patrons but can't do impossibilities, hence we bore tufa time will here its desired effect. Geo, Ziaol1n, of Kilrauagtl, Mioh„ formerly of Brussels, in relnittiug his subscription to Tim Pose, writes :—This is a hard Spring on the wheat and some fields look very tough. Roads are almost impassable as there is no gravel, all clay. A great tunny people ere going in for Bax growing here and the resalta are good, A man by the •name of Rupert had 0d acres in flax Inst year and harvest• ed 3t' thus of No. 1 quality. That will try Canada fol' all 1 inn a Canadian yet. We hove the ]cud for it here. APPLIO.AT1°N hoe been made, says the Listowel Branner, by the executors of the Livingston estate to the cantle for an ar- rangement tinder which the Asx mills at that and other points may be operated this Sumtner, pending the final settle. ]Hent of the estate. It is expected that this orrangemont will be completed in a day or two and announcement made of the giving out of seed as neual. The industry is an important one to both country and town, and many people will be glad to learn that it is not likely to be idle for the Summer. 13es9 BALL.—At a meeting held in the Council Chamber, last Tuesday evening, N. P. Gerry in the ohair, a Base 33nll Club was organized for 1897 nuder the following ofiicinry :— Hon. President, Dr. McNanghtel ; Hon. Vice.•President, N. F. Gerry ; President, Jas, Fox ; Vice -President, l e t W. H, Kerr Seo..Treasn 'er 1 C.Urquhart , �• � Manager Len. Dou•uin g, Captain, Wm. Grewar. The necessary outfit will be procured and practice begun, so that the team noisy be in readiness to meet all comers. Brae• eels held the palm for many a day on the base hall diamond and there is no reason why they should not continue to do so. Some of the old timers will necessarily drop out, but there is a new gist of ball tossers Coming to the front to taste their planes. Boor BAIL LEa809 A meeting of Foot Ball enthusiasts was held in the Town Bali, Brussels on Wednesday evening and a local League organized with the follow- ing officers :— R. B, Hamilton, Hon. President, At- wood ; A. Bamford, Hon. Vine -President, Lis- towel ; A. Paulin, President, Wroxeter ; 0. Stuart, Vioe•President, Wingham; L. Jackson, Seo,-Treas., Brussels ; Geo. Anderson, Atwood ; J. Farrell, Wroxeter ; and L. Jackson, Brus- sels, Committee. Wingham, Listowel, Atwond, Wroxeter and Brussels are in the new organization to be known as "The Maitland Foot Ball League." A schedule of games was pre: sented to the meeting each team having eight matches away from home. A good time is expected this Summer at foot ball as there will be some lively competi- tions before the season is over and first. class ball. Deem or S. B. Monne.—Ou Monday, April 181h, at 11:57 a, m„ the spirit of Samuel B. Melees, of Wiugham, took its Bight. Last Fall deceased suffered what is now thought byhis Friends to have g been a veryslight s tr onto of paralysis, which] effected his left hand. On I.he afternoon of Saturday, April 3rd, after leaving been down town for a walk, he suffered a severe stroke, which paralyzed his left side. He was able to speak and remained oonaoious to the last, being able to 3180ognize his friends when they palled to see him, He lingered on, being pos- sessed of great vitality, until death en• seed as above stated. Deceased was a Canadian, having Brat seen the light of day at Ernestown, near Kingston, in 1813, and was of English parentage, He married first Mary Ann Bissell, by which union two daughters and one son were born, the son only surviving, and who now resides in Alameda, California, Hie wife died and he married a second time, the day before his death being the forty-eighth anniversary of This second wedding, which event occurred at Col. borne, Matilda H, Vitra was the bride, and the eeoond union was blessed with four children, three of whole are hvieg, namely, Benjamin, in Wisconsin, Mrs. R. J. Weltwood, at Nanaimo, 33. C., and Miss Mary dl., at home. There is oleo an adopted son, Samuel B„ a son of B. B. 1ralick, bot tubo has aiweye been known by the name of Morf80, These and the widow are left to month his demise, The f anvil removed B s to Brunie Y 1810, and aft ' era residence bare of twenty• three years teak up their reaictSnee fn Wingham. As a young man he was total of going out on the hunt and his prowess with the rifle was well known, in fact at the age of 70 year he could hold his own with the best of the younger generation. As a 13ritieh subject he wee loyal to the core, and as a man he was one of nature's gentlemen. Iie joined the Orange asso- ciation in 1851, and as an Orangeman it i8 only necessary to say that be was a frequent attendant at the lodge up to the last, notwithstanding his font seers years. I -Ie had been honored on several occasion% by being sleeted master of his lodge, and et the time of iia demieo he was an honorary member of Wingham lodge, No. 794, In politics he was a etannell Conservative and in religion e Methodist. The funeral on Tuesday afternoon, April 1411), was oonduated by the members of No, 704, and despite the downpour of rain the attendants was large, not only of membere of the Order, bat of oitizene generally, The widow and members' of the family have the sympathy cif it very wide civile of friende in thole time of sorrow, TRE .l E U iiIJa POST A. 15. Sco'rr, who established a laundry in Brussels a went( or so ago, has <lee k'. ed to remove to Wiughaul, where he will enter into partnership with G. P. Rob. bine, 19110 le condi-toting a elm ilex beef. noes 111 that tolyls, 1Vo are sorry to )Oso Mr. Scott, es be protnir891 to make want. e13188 01118011. T1t1w 0,E OF BASIL—The Remind evening this enterttaiuwent wee presented attract. ed a good audience 31R well ate the Wecb. ueedity evening previone. AU those Halt. 1118 pelt en the first evening were in their places excepting Aire. W. ill, Sin1leir, Miss Ami.e end Miss Stewart. The part0, if anything, were rendered better than on the former oceaslnn, the feeling of timidity havlt111 largely (Reappeared. "Tnpey" and "Ike" were the joy of the children present. Men. Willie sang "Daddy" with capital etfeet, and hiss Kate Wilson MS (elnalty at Immo in"Old Love Letters." Hearty implant° wits genern0 ly 001316 not by the audit -nee and to none more deserving than Miss Otrtis, of Blyth, who repreeeuted the Gnd3eee. She did her part to perfection. Many would have been delighted t0 Have heard :hiss Curtis on selected numbers of her Own but the length of the program and the heavy part aIle wag taking would tint permit. Wo hope to be favored with n visit from her again in the near fatnr„. Thursday evening's prooea(ls amounted to over 6128.00 at 10 and 15 cents admin sici. The net proceeds of the presenta- tion of the Temple of Fame wag over 59.2.00 which wile certainly a satisfaotory showing to the ladies of the Committee who did so n131011 hard svorlc to matte it a etlae808. 0srr ony,—Dttlllel 10110011101, 8r., whose death notice will be found in another column, was born in Bavaria, Germany, almost 78 years Jago. At the age of 10, he, with his parents, came to Ode 00113). try rind obtained employment at Preston, learning the coopering trade. After. wards be worked as journeyman in 311f• ferent cooper ehope and then settled down iu the township of Dumfries, Waterloo county, where, near the village of Rose. villi he opened shop. p up a cooper h p. Here at the age of 23 he mot end married Mies Annie E. Diebo'. Thirteen children were the issne of this II 111011, of which the following survive :—Daniel, Peter, Wil. Liam, Jacob, Solomon, Mrs. John Helwig, Mrs. Rev. Kroesoh, Mrs. Kreger and Miss Mary Koeehtol. In 1855 he moved to the township of Woolwich] and worked a farm until 1807 when he bought an- other farm in the township of 00rriok, near Neuetadt, which is still pointed out as tee pee elite! homestead. For a nem. 1 her i � 1 , ie Irlg I11 t t living ! in Han - ver and Lens well c l 511,1 bl know e. la u favorably kno He was a mant3 f strong n COn T011"10118 0011• viet 1L tone, to„I(a very sedans view of life, and had a stern and unyielding disponi. tion, but withal was generally liked and greatly respected, Since the death of Mre. Kneohtel hast Pall ho has been slowly declining and far a few days past it was not thought that be could recover. The funeral took place on Friday from the home of Jacob Kneohtel, Hanover. Business Locals. TnuNEn and Satchels, cheap. I. 0. Richards. ONE good second hand top be'0gy cheap. B. Gerry. Lara herrings fur sale at Jas. Ballon• tyne's grocery. GREAT heroine in Harness. Come and see. I. C. Richards. Sees money by baying year buggy at D. Ewao's Brussels. APPLETON'S world renowned Teas for sale at Tbomson's, SEE our 8tv11811 Shoes, to fit bo113 fent and purse. I. 0. Richards, Rooms or dwelling to rent over ivy store. I. 0. Richards. 1'1ANITooA patent dour, 1110 best Stet can be 'tad, at Rees' Bolt and feed mills. I 11.99E over 1,000 90010131 poles, all kinds. Pui0es t:way down. R. Leather. "Items in Harness and Collars done °beep and durable. I. C. Richards. TioE best way to find oat the better' prism of a buggy is to call at Ja8.'Walicer'e shop, Bruesels. CARPET Weaving neatly dole. Satiate°. tion guaranteed, by 1Irs. Macrae. Near. ly opposite l posit Dr. e . McKelvey's. SCALES.—Every Partner should weigh his stook. You can buy 2,000 pound scales for $27,00 from 13. Gerry. Dutoh Sete, fresh Gardens Seeds, lllani. moth Mengel and best Swede Turnip Seeds very cheap et McOraolcen's. DIE late improvements in Roes' Flour mill has placed their flour away ahead of all others. Everybody is delighted with it. IF yon want anything in my lino call and see whet I have. Prices the oheapeot and qualities the best iu the County. R. Leatherdale. New stock of envelopes to hand at Tire Po8T :?oblishing House. Got your bnai• noes card printed on 500 of them. Pride less than retail rete. WANTED.—Eggs, ten cents • the bal. 8nee of your Dried Apples, Weave hoed• quarters for Clover, Timothy, Leo. G. E. KING, '4Viughmn. R. LEATHERiALI) has the 3311(3est stook of window ehadsa this Spring that ever was in Brussels. Prices cheaper than ever. Put up free and springs warranted, 31131LOH's Cure, the great cough and croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty.Ave dosos ; only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Bruseels. Less of buggies ready for the road. It costs nothing to call, even if yan pnrolonse elsewhere. The prices were never lower nor the work ever better. Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels, Eons roe H,vrcniNo,—The undersigned can supply eggs for setting from pure White Leghorn or 13Iac1 Minorca. My Miming loon lib prize at Brussels Fall Fair in 1890. S. B. SoALtt, Brussels, Be Yoan Ower LAWYER.—Send for spedmen pages of this, 111e latest, best enol Oheapsst law hood for tine masses ever published in Canada. Write to -clay to W. H. Anger, 28 Mister Se, Tomtit°. 09 Puma Leteenese.—The undersigned cane the attention of tbo public to the fact that he has a fine (Replay of well - made buggies finished in A 1 style and to be sold et very oleo prices, at hie large show room o1 Market street, next done Plast to his blacksmith shop. All the latest improvements, such 138 steel dash, roller curtains, rho., rec., and every rig( warranted to Rive satiefaobion, Money saved by buying here and no doubt about it, A test of tide fad twill satisfy you. 0011 in and see the display. S inial attention p d on gswan to tepaintingri'gs. We're here to do business, Dr Ewto, ilrussele. APRIL 23, 1897 aqr..mumaaaara9utsatarmnlwmeaxulrr.samsmras,•Jm.asr+xt�agr ST. r1 XD.il RD 13 el XX o.! C4 X11)4 ' ° 111 aper 77F1'1:'A2017.+Zfxi3310 0.€7?,. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - e7,000,000 CA1ITAL (Anthorizsd) - . - (32,000,000 Aga stales in all principal paints in Ontario, Quebec,Afanftoba, United States 51011( A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts issued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed en deposits of 31.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPROIAL ATTENTION OIWEN TO Gent GOLL190TION OF FARttERe' BALE Nom. Every reality afforded Customers living at a dietau0e. 3, A, STEWART Menee911. neseesseeesessieweasseseeeecceeseeceeeeweeacceseeeeeesecewsneeseeessesseeseeaseeeseeeseeseeseesseeseseescsee PERSONAL PA RAOR.1PH13, Thos. Bird left for Dettoib last Mon. day. I{obs. Ross, of l0bnoardine, spent East. er in town. Mise Nellie Creighton wail quite sial( With bronchitis. Juo. Downing made a business trip to Toronto last week. Wm. Hall and wife, of Ethel, spent Sunday tit W, Jewitt's. Hiss Eliza Oliver is here on a visit to iter parents from Toronto. • Mrs. Dan, Eokmier, of Ethel, was visiting in Brussels this week. Miss Alice Paul, of Morrie, is elating her grandparents, Pa 113(185 street. Art. Wake has taken a situation with Sample Bros. as (ferriage painter. J. A. Stewart, of the Standard Bank, wee in Toronto on Laster Sunday. Will. Lowry, of Galt, vii.i18d his pa3ente during the Easter holidays. Mrs. Wm. Norton, of Listowel, was visiting in town daring the past week. Miss Ella Funston wits visiting for a week with Mrs, A. Prone, at Bluevale. Geo. Good, of Wingham, was in town this week pnehing Meantime busfnees, Miss Mary Roberton, of Seafsrth, is visiting her sister, dors. Jas. Ballantyne. Robs. Ferguson and Geo. Audet'set, of Atwood,8pent Easter Sunday in Bros• eels. Rev. S, J. Allis, wife and two daugh- ters, wont to London hast Friday after- noon. Mise Nellie Campbell wee holidaying with her relatives at Kincardine during Easter. Juo. Ferguson and Mies Lizzie Fergu. son spent Good Friday with relatives in Stratford. Miss Jennie Grieve and Miss Wa3ller, of Brussels, were visiting at Oranbrook last week. Mrs. Goebel, of Mitchell, was viaibiog her daughter, Mrs. Koenig, during the past week. Mrs. le. G. Wilson and Miss Frank Polios, of Brusselo,were visiting relatives in Atwood. Mrs. Roberts, of Harriston, was the Remit of Mrs. John Wynn during the Easter time, Miss Eva Simmons, of Wingham, spent the Easter holidays with Miss Winnie Maguire. Misses E. and B. Hewitt, of Palmers- ton, were visiting under the parental roof during r the past week. T. A. MCLaoohlin, who is attending Goderieb Collegiate, spent his Easter holidays with relatives in Brussels. Semnel Garter and wife have gone to Goderieb where the former will fill the position of moulder in the brick -yard. Thos. Thomsen and wife attended the wedding of Mise Ruth Jones and Philip Murray, ab Leadbury, an Wednesday aftornoon,i Misses Dora and Myrtle Nott are visit- ing their grandparents, Miss Myrtle Will return 10 Fergus, where she is at - tonsillar, the High School. Mrs. J. F, Stewart leaves on Friday morning on it trip to the Pacific coast. She has relatives there, We wish her n safeandpleaeanb journey. Dr. MoOrae, of Baltimore. V. S., was visiting his °11810, Ono. MoOrae, Last week. The Dr. is jest recovering from an attack of i h YI 1Mo d fever. The little Misses Jean, Grace cud. lea Austin, of Listowel, are enjoying a jolit. Boation during Easter holidays with their auntie, Mrs. &K. Ross, Alexander street, Brussels. Alex, Stewart, of Stratford, etudont of Knox College, visited friends here on Good Friday. Mr. Stewart supplied 1lolvilla church pulpit during thep13st0r'e absence last Summer. W. 15. Stratton, who for many years pulled the throttle on a 0. P. R. engine, is hero and i8 likely to remain and along with his brother James tanto the pro. prietorship of the Queen's Hotel. Ina. Gnawer will take a situation at Palmerston, where he will assist in a tonsorial parlor and play base ball on the side. Jack is quite it, baseball enthusiast, only surpassed by Leu. Downing. W. R. Little and wife and Miss Lizzie Ellis, of Ingersoll, were visiting Wm. Ellis and wife, Grahaioville, over Easter. Mr. Little reports that Ingersoll is mak. ing substantial progress, having nolo a population of over 5,000. 12u3nAY—Jorms,—In Lead bury, on April 21st, by Rev. Mr. Parke, of Clinton, Mr. Philip Murray, of Tuckoremith, 10 Miso 1 s Ruth, o sly daughter of Mr. Thos. Jones of Leadbury. GREEN —HAmtos,—At the reeidenoe of the bride's mother, Thomas street, Brussels, on April lath, by Rev. Ina. Boss, B. A., MYIe. Robs. He Green, of Omemee, Victoria County, Ont., formerly of Brussels, to Miss Mary A., 900094est) slaughter of dire. Wm. Harris, of this place. enoreze 13130 5l4,—In Attwood, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas Brown of a. daughter. EaeEIN9,•--In Atwood, on 6110 18th lust., the wife of Mr. W. R. Erskine of a sen, CLIn19, -In Lietowel, on the 1211) inst., the wife of Mr. W. J. Clfmie of a daughter. Corneae.—.In Elma, on the 9111 inst., the Wife of Mr. Robert Outliers of a son, Wttner,—At 'Trowbridge, on the 831) inet., Emma Louise, daughter of .Hermon Wendt, of Dakota, and granddaughter of William Wendt, Trowbridge, aged 11 years, 5 mouths and 15 days. .A.T.romzom' r ea a am_ FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd,—Farre stook and ilnplemsnte, lot 20, Con. 10, Grey, Salo unreserved, at 1 5 510018, Robt. Bidets, Prop. Geo, Kirkby, 13l10. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMRI. SEEI) PEAS ANI) BARLEY for sale at Lot 18, Con, 7, Grey, 10 5 AAT ANTED.—A MARRIED MAN n Y:0utl3 , to do Perm work dtu'iva Rummer 1110, OIrNLLVI:I, Bruenels. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Pirst mortgage, form security. Apply at. THE 0081' Publishing House, Bruesel0, (lnOFORTA]3LE IIOIJsE FOR istern furutino. teeewith y111 acre sold + atn (bargain. Apply to Tum PosT Publishing House. t 0AR FOR SERVICE.—THE nude•signe1 will keep a Chester White boar for service. Terms 21,130 to be paid at the time of sorvloe, with privilege of returning if 080nssar5', 20.1 JAUOls LONG, Cranbrook, fg]0 RENT.—A ]3I1I0X RLi'SI- 1 181580E on Queen street, with au Dore of laud attached, largely devoted to fruit cultma. Po8sessiou wee in, April 1st. Will rent by the year. Apply to THOS. PEPPER, lot 5, 800, 0, Gray, 16.11 14-1OR SALE 1N ETFIEL,—PRO• P8nT' 1ofJot abbe Elliot, deceased, o l con- sisting of good brickho0811ndwth ail ouvoniauoas, good stable ; fruit trees • half neve of land Well suited for retired farmer, Tor furtherto r apply A. \v, PATTPR3;oOIorsort; DR. e- IOLCEF, Brussels; or W81. SPENCO,Ethel, 001 EED OATS, SALGZ.GR, NOR– Minx grown oat, Oue weak earlier than most variett55, heavy yielder. Price 30 cents per bushel. Also "Lightuty Ex- press" Potato early and beat out of 1,000 kind?. Price 75 °eats per bushel. Hunger - inn Barley, hnlloRs, weigbe 55 pound8 to the bushel, Price 60 cents per bushel. Other early varieties et potatoes on Mimi. SRO. STAFFORD, Walton P. 0. BOA Residence Lot 21, Con. 18, McKillop. Anoint Order of United Workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Ageo0 atinn numbering 050,050 members are pre son ting to the public their popular and aoon- omioal rates to worthy m88,1111118 very low rate of about 68.00 per 81,000 per annum The Workmoo" Profanity t'a3' Deans Chins and expect 11 111rge immense to its member now that those American Line Companies don't semi eatiafactury to Can- adians. 190BT. ARMSTRONG, D•I, W. ; W. H. 14701)339 Rsoorcler ; J. A. O.1t191GHTON,FInaueler. REAL ESTATE. 1-41ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - 1. D79n Il 9 9 IN D has several v al good Faros for sale add to rout, easy terms, Townships of Morrie and Grey. F S. SOUTT.Bruseele 9 /6 ANITOBA LAND 1'011 SALE. lV.� —100 acme of good faftn land at S 11911 Il end 1.1111013 8 h•om t 1GV The o R1 g, is offer- ed for solo at a loci rano, The ) • , p property OO O, North East Sea.10 Tw Hauge premises cd 1 p Eliot, Thera isnhouse °11the ll particulars ni ' breaking douo. F'or frill parti0uluis some to pried, title, &a., write or apply to . f G,19.BLAI11 or W.13, REHHR, 3 0 t Brussels, 0111. ITIARM FOR SALE—THE UN– • m:n8ION8D (Irol'5 his eligible 04 acre farm fel* (ala, being South part of Lots Oon, 10, Grey. Alf under cultivation, welj watered and well 18130ed, 1h0r0 Is a g00(1 "Acme 1louee, hank barn, orchard, wells, &c„ of the premises. Also a splendid stole 0300119 irom which a good 1,890800 is realiz- ed. Only 21 miles from .Brussels, Terms reasonable. For further particulars as to price, &o., apply to 30 HN JIiI'JCJIIOLL, Proprioto• 11.13 Brussels P. 0. Ii-IARM B'OR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of tto 21°011P2,2 outh'2 31095 Benda ¢ of the Neth t of Lot e0, Co1 2, Eest , bein • nosh. T1,le is an excellent 810011 001'51,10105 wtuatedplio(1 with hood spring 10010)'. I118 sitnat0d about 8103180 0rou1 the thriving 'Vil- lage cf Blyth. A large part of It 1s under grass, Buildings and femme aero 1n it fair etato of repair. Easy terms of payment will bo given, For all iuiormation apply to 11.30 G. F. SLAM, Barrister, Brussels, Q't PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. Towlfehipof Grey, 100 neves, must be sold at 01100 in order to close estate of deceased owo- or, The lot is uenrly 3111 cleared, 101111 good buildings, hippie R , 8 wat0r supply, larges e goord, li mhos from a yore ok is under good oulttvatioa 1150 is a veru doRjrablo pro- t1pertyincleod, Apply to RICHARD MIT- CHELL, Delimits P. O. ; JOHN 301TON17LL. on the promises ' or .4.11CN 11413, Brussels. Dated Sept. Mt, 1606, AUCTIONEERS. (1110 ,GE tIRBBY, Llceneed Anobioueor, Sales (fondues o(1 on reasonable terms. Parols and fa1w 81ook0 enouiaity. Orders loft at (NIB POST Pobi' ebfug Not se, 13Pu asele,or scubto Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, 1- TP . S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • Ann, 19111 tell for bettor prices, to Lotter ale, In bee time and loss charges than any other Auetiooeor in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dittos and orders can always be arranged at this aide or by personalappflaation. (APT. J. STR3TI'ON, 'Who has bad 2V years experience 10 an Auotioneer, but who had to emit owing to I11 11001011, has swain tak8n out 1XSlid 000° cI8 prepared r0 combat Wee at reasonable teras, Sattefaotienguaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tin Pose Pubiiebinq Hoene, :As. $1030101010x, 18.11 Auntlrn,am,, Trinsmea Free lea With the new Trimming pleating That we have Ude season we Trim all our Wall Paper Free of Charge and not only do we do t lte witbout extra cost but by the use of it we remove the edge porfnrtty in a very few moneet8 and very much diner than it eau otherwise bo done. A11 our Customers who have wee our Machine working are more than pleased with the work we do for them. One thing we wish our Customers to be thoroughly teteut'ed of is that it does not add one 8ing10 cent to the oost oo rho paper, 138 it tastesbut a few moments to remove theodge we count nothing for the short time it telcos in doing it. As we have the only Trimming lfnchine in Brussels we are therefore in the bust position to attend to your wants at the shortest notice. We have Borders (and in nearly every case Ceilings also) to match every paper we have from 10. to 25o. per roll. Drop in and see our apere lanyway and be your own judge of the values we offer you at ''oz's Drug Store. VETERINARY. T D, WARWIOII, el • Honor Graduate the u of h Ontario Veterinary dCollege. rt prepared to treat g p out ell 1 diseases of dmmeetto t i M1 e 1 animals attention N npaid com- petent manner. Pnt'ttcaln • a e n tt o6ion patd to led to.a 0 tort weary. CallOmar —Pour d9 ars toud3d to. dge -and harry stry—four doors worth of bridge -rurnbarry at„ Bruesets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solicitor and Cony eye neer. Collec- tions made, 0111°0—Vanetoue'e 131o0K, Brus- sels. 21-11m NAT• M. SINCLAIR, • 3 Solicitor _Conveyancer,No airyPub- lic, &o. Oaioo—Vaustone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, not ds Cameron,) 13nrristor and Solicitor, Gcderioh, Out. Office—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne hotel. i_P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, ` �7f• Solicitor, 8.o. (late of Carrow & Proudfoot's Orrice, Goderioh.) Oilleo over Gillies & Smith's 13 ank, 33ru seek, Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. 1�• M. ARMSTRONG, 51. D. • Physician, Sergson, AOOo00her, et0, Graduate of Toronto U11ivereity Medical Faou]ty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, 011901os—Noxi door to McDonald & Go., Walton Ont, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D. 0. NX, Trinity t University, } v taw Fallow T lay - it Medical �College, e 1 Mom Yb Licenti a of the t e eialaue an 1. s d Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate t the Royal College Or Physicians c of .14, Residence, e, Mill Edinburgh. ees IalupJlone No.1i, Residence, 0)311Nt., 31-55880 Is, ®R. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PI0YSIOIAN, 801)00ON AND ACCOUCHEUR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Medlual College and m001100 of the College of Physielans aid Surgeons of Ontar- io. most Graduate Course in Detroit and Chiang°,1890, Speolal attention paid to dis- eanes of Eye, Bar,Nose and Throat, and die - (lanes; of Wo111011. ]�r•Oonenitatlon in Eng- lish and Gorman. T'elephohe at reeldeuoe. BUSINESS CARDS. , H. MoORAOICEN, , Iseurero'fMarriageLioonece, muse at hie Grocery, Tnrnborry street, Brussels, I�N. L'AREETT, sendsTonsorial Artist Shop—Next door of A. Me Moliay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' end obildrone hair cutting la ep8oialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank tastes Deposits from 91,00 to $1,000 and allows R d per cent. interest, 1'. FARROW, 87.310 Postmaster. ROBERT C.UNNINGHAM IN84RAN011, Ma AND MARINE, GUELPH, T. PLETCHER issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFFzon AT JEweLRY STORE. 10'110 Witness Required. T. FLET01110R, Brussels A LEX. HUNTER', 010rk of the Fourth Division deux Oo, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Lancs 00011 and Insttrnnoe Agent, F1und8 inveelod and to 1001), Oollootione made Moo 1n Graham's Bleck, Brussels MHOS. A, IIA.WKINS; Wilt give 9805008 30 pupils either oh piano or organ, at his Music Monte, op/sotto the poseenSe8, brussels, Vocal lesions also gluon. Ten years experience in teaohfng. OPmemod8rate, da so K Be 51 of cot the tit Bei pry ere tie legg 311: 130 up estI in( aha Be an age p1iE sin(cull au the Ells notl I es t the like bor bee. of 1 wit prof tart sen 5111, NOV' 1lerlll poli the led 1v11 its t her easy then pro reg onsi whip the 0011 less) the ill forti MOT A 1110 is a 3a0y hely cloai ]111)0 with epo) over cow• brin 0001 hog. pay .,1. Unit lvithl bles peat, 011.0131 190''3 Molt( prow Moroi torid TIM Ti "1' give hope ands, tip ot, noel it win