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The Brussels Post, 1897-4-23, Page 7
APRIL 2:3, 19Si7 T11E BBu$$ELS Po8t. E NEWS IN A NIITSHELL TT,i.B VIiRY LATEST FROM ALL TliG 9VORLP OVgR. Ilaltereatin Items About Our Own Co t g 4 aR ry. Great Britain, the United Statex, and Alt Parte of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading, CANli1DA, Toronto Civic Ileliclay will be held August 2, Tale Sunday ear vote will lie taken in 1'orunto on Saturday, May 15, Hardt coal has been discovered on. the northern shores of Lake eVinntpcig• The. London ('au.nell has imposed a Breese fee of $500 en cigarette dual- ere. The rale of interest In Government Savings Banks is to he reduced to aper cent. Three hundred. members of tile Six Natimes Indians have lnitiliopeit Par- liament to cancel thea electoral fran- chise. EL xnill(en whitefish fry from the his - Sea: hatcltery have been placed in Lake Ontario, New York capitalists propose to build .an elecdric road between London anti Part Stanley. A contract for a new Public School sin Aileen street, Brantford, to cost eat, - 800, lits just been let. The vubsoriplions in the Bank of i83cmil•ton toward. the Indian famine re- lief fund have reached $4,210. About 8,000,000 bushel's of last sea- sons,'' Manitoba wheat crop are said to be still in the hands of Manitoba farm- ers. ".I'ihi lJtimtini%on Government boy Slop- ped the practice of giving prisoners in the penitentiaries tobacoo for good conduct. Three men are reported at Vaneotu- v« r, 13,C„ to Have been killed by a nnowslido at the Corinth mina, in the Sltrs n• '.I'be mileage of railways is operation in ('aunda at the end of the last fiscal year eros 30,070 miles, an increase of 1.707 miles. Mr. Casey has a bill before the 1)0 - minion 1 -louse or Commons compelling railway companies to carry bicycles free as baggage. Lieutenant -Governor Chepleau has ap- plied for and obtained leave of absence, anti Sar Alexander Lacoste has been ap- pointed Administrator. Taut regular chartered insurance com- p:mies hold $837,870,881 int fire risks is Canada there ere is $3_7,814,405 of 118' insurance in force. The, Doherty Process Company of Hamilton has sold the patent for man- ufacturing iron in Europe to an Eng- ]is4v company for :6100,000. During the last fiscal year there were 101 persons killed on Canadian railways, of whom 11 were passengers, 46 were emillcp'es, and 104 were neither. Mr. Lattr•ier will probably be acratn- panied by Chief Justice Strong on his visit to Enlanit. The Chief Justice goes to take his seat at the Imperial Privy Council. The Lumberman of the. Ottawa, Val- ley urge the Government to protect elle sewn huanber end pulpwood inter- ests o8 Canada against the discrimioa- tion of the Dingley bill. , The Dominion Government estimates oont:tin appropriations of $10,000 for statues of the Queen and Iron, Alex. Mackenzie, which are to be placed on the Parliament grounds. Mr, Geo. A. Donet, secretary of the Jamaica Agricultural Satiety, has writ - tee to the Canadian Trade and Com- r1eree Department:, pointing out apro- ba.ble market be Jamaica for cattle. The wife of Mr, James Laing of the Laing Packing t.ompan Montreal, cried in the dental office of Dr. Itondeau while under the influence of chloro- form. which had been administered by Dr. John Hutchison. In the Dominion Douse of Commons the other day Speaker Edgar gave an authoritative denial to the statement made in the Senate, that liquor is be- ing supplied within the precincts of the Rause of Commons. She Rev. J. Van Wyck, pastor of Gore street Methodist church, Ilamilton, and president of the Hamillen Conference died at his parsonage on Thursday night of brain trouble. He was 51 years of age, and was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1869. GREAT BRITAIN, The health of Lady Sento, wife of Sar Dono.ld Smith, is reported in Lon- don to be improving. The Landon Economist says that the mataon, of bhr. Schon -Karr for State granaries is only veiled protection, Mts. Orane:en Chant, the London so- cial reformer, and six nurses started for the Island of Crate on Wednesday, IS is rumoured inLondon that the Deka, of York, who is a captain in the royal navy, will shortly join the Chan- nel squadron. The Atrebbiahop of Canterbury will persiumlly deliver into the hands of ear. Bayard the log of the Mayflower upon Ons return to London, Lord Charles Beresford proposes to ro-erm seventeen obsolete warships which tare now in the reserve with modes%, heavy guns. Leiute0(ant-Governor Khkpatri'ek is report.ecl to be Much better, and steadily improving. 1•le will sail from lengland for Canada on the 21st; inet. Ma`. Richard Doball, before leaving England far Canada, said that a con- 'tenet to 1.tuild four fast steamers for the Atlantic service has been signed on romditior) that the imperial Govern - motet will share in the cost. A London jury awarded Miss Mare ion 1 c- ion 'ferry 4500 detmages in an aotion for libel whioh was brought against the St, James' Budget for stathng slue was to leave the stage to marry her brother -ix -law, Mr. 1oIo{•rts. The Lh'itish Haase of Commons on Theeteley passed the second reading of the Latr, of levidenae Bill, which en- ableta prisoners in criminal cases to testify to their o'war belrahf, es in Alis- tealia, Canada and the 'United States. t P• rliam to Before the a, ant ry South Af- eia'a Inquiry Committee letters wro read from Sir John Willoughby stat- ing that he understood the raid of the Terenevaal was wtvthoried by the Im- perial reuth;oritiee. When questioned on the subject Six abbe said he un- darstooil so from conversations with Dr, J'amesrorn. Although greased very hard he refused ho answer further. UN!'TED STATES, The floods in North Dakota ares doing much damage. The Poughkeepsie, N,'1'., glass works wore completely destroyed by lire Sate erday Morning. Col. Den Lamont', it is slated, is the newly-appottited president of the Northern Paolflo The Pennsylvania 1ta.lin•ay Company has agreed to carry bicycles free ever their entire system. The administration at Washington proposes to lose no time in taking up the fur seal controversy. Congress 1e' y 111.R adapted a rEAIX71in n appropriating- ^e00,001 for Um relief of Ibo sufferers by the floods, Tiles clyeenlite cruiser 1 estnvias be at ,7aoksonvlllo in /wand of reported fili- busters at the mouth of Lhe river, There are three thousand flood snt- ferers et Helena, Ark„ and the water is pots In every house faun Helena, to White river, Carter Henry Harrison, son of the late Mayor, bus beim elected Mayor of Chicago, and a greet Democratic: tri- umph was r ecarded. A Chicago two -year• -old boy, in the absence of his mother on "Wednesday, heated a poker and burned cut the eyes of hes infant brother. Among the Chinese arriving by the :Elnlpress or Japan is a 1bea(,retal com- pany, which will play et Nashville, Tenn., during the exposition there. Waiter Do:mrosch with C. A. Ellis will give grind opera next season in New York, in French, German and Italian, The new firm has secured ➢Taloa, No trains hare entered Yankton, S. D„ for nearly aweek, and E(1 will prob- ably boa month before railroad traffic/ is restored to its normal renditions. Miss Caroline 13, Neally, the fair gra- duate arrested for robbing the rooms of Smith College students at North- ampton, d'Iass., was unThursday bailed oat of jail. Miss Grace Dinsmore, at present 111 New lock, has sold her inithlle Linger to a.. wealthy 'Vexes lady for one thou- sand dollars, to he greeted on in place of one she ams lost. The strike at the factory of (he Uni- ted States Glass Company, at (las City, near lil:ar'iou, Ind„ has been declared off, after a struggle lasting time years -a victory for the company. Tames 131. Williamson, fifteen years old, was on 'Wednesday given an in- jection of anti-toxine at the Obristian Orphans' Iloane, in St. Louis, Mo„ and in forty ml3ate5 he was a corpse. By the will of the late Miss Winifred Martin, of Baltimore, nearly, if not quite halt a milliaa dollars is be- queathed to various Catholics churches and charities in Maryland and Cali- fornia. Tltere is no improvement in the trade situttiolr in the United States, accord- ing to reports finished by tbe com- mercial agencies of New York. heavy 5800.'14 ut spool; pun sono epee 'seta) districts liiavo seriously checked seriously. by rendering roads mpassable, and further and still more serious overflown are feared, with even more disastrous results. There has been a sharp ad- vance in most of the stocks of the New York Exchange, with considerable buy- iwg, Sugar and Ohicago Gas being tke feat urea, GENERAL. Zanzibar's Sultan bas issued a decree abolishing slavery. The Bing of Siam, has started on his visit to Europe and the United States. The insurgents in Brazil are report- ed to have gained some victories re- cently. The Captaitn-t;.enerel at Manilla has applied to the Spanish Government far 8,000 additional troops. The Czar is preparing for his visit to Paris: ICie wilt spendtwo weeks in the French capital encogoito. Twenty persons were kUled and many others were injured by an explosion in a. fireworks factory at Lisbon. Turkey has issued a circular to the power's to the area that it is getting weary of Che present condition of af- fairs. iflerr Integer, the anti-Semite leader in Vienna bas again been cleoted BO.t•- gomnster, this time by three-fourths majority, A bill will shortly be placed before the French Chamber of Deputies ask - Inge for two hundred million francs to build naval docks. Desgatches received from Manilla, capital of the Philippine Islands, say that the insurgents have killed sever- al monks, and hare burned the churches of Buena Vista, Guideva and Enclang. Banners are still persistent that England hes acquired an island in Delagoa Bay, and these are strength-, aned by the fact that Admiral Rawson will earl shortly Prom Cape Town with Keeled orders in thle direction of the bay. It is reported from. Gape Tern that the llritivh have secured l,nyaoh island, at talo entrant to Dsllagoa Bay, and that a squadron of warships tram Cape 'Doawm levo gone to take possession of tine island and declare et British ter- ritory, The Newfoundland sealing steamer Aurora has returned from the North Atlantic with a full cargo of 27,000 seals secured tafte tare most severe experi- ence of many years, Tine Aurora re- ports that the other Millie have had a most dsoouregiing expedition, POPULATION OF EGYPT. - Vrraler Now 'mane atAny Period o1' Jts Ealsrory-'Phu Beneficent Effect oi'Itrittsh Janie, Au int t' ares ing discovery is mach by means at the new census that:Cgypt to- day has probably the largest popula- tion It evof contained. Ancient writ-' ere put the maximum population tinder Raanese the Great. the most flourish- ing perinea of Old J!gyptian history, at less than eight millions. When Bona- parte went there a, century ago all Egypt had scarcely two .millions, and the next fifty years added only one million. No axaot figetres are ol>- tainablefor a later comparison, for the ce,n;las of 1882 was notoriously guees- wordc; lett it is a fact now that an actual count; shows about nine mil- lions. The ease and smoothness wuLlt which the village authorities took up and facilitated the work of the cen- sus surprised and gratified the British officials, wire are encouraged now to' believe that their recent reforms in the local system. have really Nikon root. There is still a certain amqunt of'uei$easauLness in dealing rvith the Khedive, who lends a furtive ear to a naw set of mischief -makers as fast, es tiro old ones aro cleared out, bit, officers now et hone on leave state ho dares atltorupt nothing overt; and that England is es sottuas on the Nile es oho is on the Ganges, : "Some mon," said Uncle Eben, "kin twin er clog ter do anything day tells 'im an' at do alae time rause do moa' disobejln osl hi lira in tie neighbor- hood.," About the House. rwwws�,r liOlTti CJ 1'lA1'1 dol. The mebanrholy days have reale, tha stuldeOL of the yi)r, Of ehniting pntl,bing fleet's and. ecowingaintafard eandroxacvu, Heaped in tht lerne)s of 1hr maul, the u)ent lilt lay quoet, Nur ipso up tai the fat )i'i s brad nor at the children's riot ; But now the carpets all are up, and from the stuirease top 7'he zuistresel netts to Plan and maid to lvield'ilra broom and leap. Wilm ar'e i.lu,.se moats, 'those quiet rooms, floe house but naw pre - Wherein rt a divert nor dreamed of dirt, so cozy and contented it Alas 1 they're all turcea upside down, that quiet suite of rooms, With slops and suds and soap and sand, and tubs and pails tied brooms; Chairs ):elites, stands are sirervil about at sixes and at sevens, While wife and housemaids fly around like meteors 1n the heavens. The parlor and the chamber floors were cleaned a week ago, Tho earpete4 shaken, windows washed {as all the neighbors know), But still table thepilseandctuwitmh hadbooks, escaped-t.le'. Pens, talc and paper al! ;Hent, peace Till fell the wolilaln o 1 theirs all a1 falls the laArid thenlitheyc v iisltnri all away - bo, laye, ll: to And nos' olcsrvbepn.cormesithe. maadsielien,rllume, 1)5 come he must 0' nights, To find all things are "set to wrongs" that they have "met to rights" When the sound of driving tacks is beard, the room etr:ttiga echoes 2)11, And the carpet wortian's on the stairs Ile lobs forat hpaperselro jos tile that all were there before, And sighs to find them on the desks and in the drawers no mnr•e. And then he grimly thinks of her who set this fuss afloat, And wishes she were out at sea in a vHe menta her tat the parlor door, with hair and cap awry, With sleeve lucked up and broom in hand, defiance. in her eye; He feels quite small, and. known full He holds h soeretoague atln to saide tea, and sneaks away to beet • , INFLUENCE. It has been slated by thinking men that there is .uo inherited tendency to wrong doing and thinking in children, but that promptings in this direction are due to the impressions which their consciences receive in an atmosphere of evil before they are seveu years old. This statement certainly has some foun- dation and affords fond for thought. Everyone knows that associations and surroundings influence even grown peo- ple, and why not more so the little ones with their plastic and flexible con- soiences? Every mother who feels that she is as responsible for the souls of her children as for their bodily health, would keep them pure and uncontamin- ated from contact with the world. 12-11 were only in her powerto do so, She realizes that often in one minute may be destroyed the patient teaching of years, and so watches with jealous care over her little ones, But such mothers are rare. No doubt every mother loves her children better than aught else, but too often she can- not send her little ones far enough out of her sight in order to he loft undis- turbed. How does she know what com- pany the children take tap with? In cities, where, unfortunately, so many families have to live pent up in houses with no yards or private inclosures, the children have no playground but the street .and must take up with all kinds of company. It is not long before the best trained child develops undesirable habits and shocking expressions. In small towns and villages this can to a c©pst hheeheankeberoildrnnarlrrmother . She can learn who and what their compan- aatond vile sowyscontrive little am musements they will not miss the orowd of wild urchins in the street. It is much a mat- ter of habit whether a child must al- ways have a number of 'noisy compan- ions about him. A child needs amuse- ment, and of course if it isnot afforded at home, he must seek elsewhere for it, and more often than not it Es to his detriment, 1 group of little fellows were sitting a street corner one evening when e of them took a piece of Chewing baece from his pocket, and, taking res to hb1solf, offered some to his oom- uions, Those who refused at first, ore jeered into yielding, and, so, per- ils, acquired that most filthy and auseating habit-ollewing tobacco. One not blame the little fellows, for they ow no bettor, but the habit once oed is not easily broken, and it ms a pity to have to sacrifice clean- ers and neatness for it. A tobacco ver is repulsive to everyone of re- ed sensibilities, ow often is nota child's wants re- nsihlo for the cruelty exhibited by o little ones to their pet animals, or other children$ How often is it not tither :s fault that his son uses vile guage, er ill-treats his 'nether? One d not stop to enumerate the many uennes waoieh make or hear a cher- m. bit a parent need be over wateh- at lessons In purity, truth, dearth - and goecin05S could be 11117nleated o the ohilclron's young minds, there d be but little Tatar that their lives I ever be anything but what they ht to lie. Cod made man after his 1 likeness, and blessed hits with intoes net possessed by any other live creature. It seems that for his own o and honor flan would want to p hhnself above the beast, If Et is e that there is no inherited tendency ricketiness, who is responsible for many miserable wretches who one our prisms and houses of eor. len 0 Truly fathers and mothers, it serious question. on n to bit res w ha n Oen 1rn for See lin cher fin tII spo tQ of lan nee i»fJ tact fol. less apo nee wit oug Owl foe Englt' sa 'tee tru few the thr root is a DOMESTIC R,ECiP.ES, Gluten Geme,-.Beat two eggs, yolks a0(1 whites separately and boar very light. Stir too yolks Mtn a elm of sweet milk, add a oup of gluten flour, sifted twice with a half tottspoo.gful of salt anti, a level teaspoonful of baking powder. lace) hard for one innate, whip in the frothed whites 1lghtlyand bake in het gem; pans in a quick oven, Buticrmillc Muffins, --Soft a teaspoon- ful of soda and only of salt into three (army of flour; beat two eggs light and stir 1ti n1 kiln three raps of but.tete milli. Beal, one minute, add the flew* beat hard for one minute after the Mew iv Mitred in, 0)1111. bake in xnuffnn ring ae ge,1n pans in a quirk oven. flour; one pull of rill), milk; one well - !x Wirtz egg; half teusyxxinful or salt; t:zbkvpeentful of melted butter, and a beeped 4.eavpoorefu:i of Inking powder. ,Bake in gem, papry, Ptek(',`uvl. 1?aur cups of flour; one inp of lard; one teaseex,nful of salt, and two-4ltir'tls rare of cold water. This will snake sufficient. crust for three pies, .11100n Foup.-Take four quart's of the. etorde in which mutton hay been belled, Free it from fat and strain 16, Cut into dire or fancy shapes one carrot and one small turnip and sl'ce one large onion. Pry a ctark brown in ewe tablespoonfuls of butter, then turn them into the steak and simmer slowly till done, 7?or each quart of soup use ane stunt lableepoonful of emit starch made Into a smooth paste with a little cold water or milk, for tliliekeeling. Ay ft: boils tap add the salt, a leaf of mins', and a dash of pep - Per, l'uree of Carrots. --Three large car- rels; two quarts of cold water ; two aunties of suet; one barge onion; two tableepecielfuls nf corn starch; QM cue rich caulk and salt and pepper to taste. Serape and elite, the carrots, and simmer teem forty-five minutes in 111e wnter. Fry the rm)ien E11 the suet un - GI brown whnlm throughla sieve+nf rots. PM theo the ret11111 to the fire 111d .511r i11 tine cornstarch. Stir till it 1 ,ole, aril ih•. lnilh, salt and pepper nand serve at once. Cream of Ce1er3' b'eu.p.-Ten• stalks of celery; ono quart of milk; one ln- bltspoontful onion juice; one table- apeunful butler 1 three tablespoonfuls (lour ; salt to taste, add one pint of boiling water. Cut the celery in inch Ifeelb5 and reek in the water until soft. Press it through a meander, add it and the onion juice to toe .milk, then the salt; crease the butter and flour, stir eok'it tuitisi loube bd oiler. 'This qnuty suf- ficient for six persons. I'T'CHING, BURNING S1A1N DISEASES CURED FOR 35 CEN'T'S, Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one clay and cures Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barbers' Itch, Ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. 11 is soothing and quietingg and arts like magic in the cure of all baby humors; 35 cents. Sold be G. A. Deadman. Sometimes a man gets credit for thoughtfulness and generosity by bringing his wife home a box of J?ronoh candy, and then eats four-fifths of it himself, i EIGHTY IN EMERY HUNDRED Suffer Mere or Less from That Most Offensive of Diseases Catarrh -That Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is a Wonderful Remedy is Testified to by Cur- ed Outright-MThousads r. Alex. Edmondson of Roseman, One. Says: "I have been troubled with catarrh for a great many years. Have suffer- dcl greatly vaehe so-ldures,but never received relief from them, Seeing Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder largely advertised, I determined to try it, although very sceptical about any relief, but I ryas greatly and agreeably disappointed, for from the first dose I received very great relief, and Lo -clay I an honestly say that it has cured. I keep it eon- stanely in the house, as we find it a quick cure for cold in the head. It gives almost instant relief. I have no hesitancy in proclaiming it the best care for catarrh, and I heartily recom- mend, it to all sufferers from this mal- ady.,' Sold by G. A, Deadman. A SOFT ANSWER. i Mr. Sureley (savagely) -That con- founded baby is always crying. What's wrong with him? Mrs. Surley (sweetly)-Ile's got your temper, love! FOURTEEN TEARS IN :TERROR. But Dr, Agnew's-Cure for the Heart Gave Relief in 30 Minutes and Three Bottles Effected a Cure Which Baffled to Bost or Physi- sicians. This is what Mrs. .7, Cockburn, of Waekworth, Ont„ says: " For fourteen years I have been a great sufferer from heart disease ; troubled very much with sharp, shooting pains constantly passing through my heart. Very often the spasms were so severe that 1 would become unconscious, Ily limbs would swell and become quite cold, For these fnucioeu yens I doctored with best physicians without relief. having seen De, Agnew's Cure for the Heart adve.r- lised, .1: determined to try it, and before 1 had taken ball a bottle I found great relief, .1 felt the beneficial effect's in- side of, thirty minutes. I have taken three bottles and it has done mo more good )ban any medicine or ane physi- cian ever did. 1: can eonseientruusly recommend tt to all sufferers from heart; trouble." Sold by G. A. Deadman. A STERN RACE. 1?ranees- Yes, lee is pursuing liter- ature. Gertrude -Indeed I And is be very successful0 Ifrances-No. It is still a long w•iay ahead of him, Hostess --Ah, M 1.,n Minister, sit down on this Ottoman." 1l,ussian diplomat--' ' Parblieul I would erazer stand, Ze vara thought en% eempossibleI" The llritivll stenlnishlp Creepien of the A1iam Line, arrived at 81, John's, Nelwfo relaand, after a severe passage of 16 days tram Glasgow, during whivh her wheelllonan and nil leer deck bear were :swept away, The gnartermeastei' was killed and two sea;rnlen seriously injured At. iku:etnos Ayres, ren Friday, n,n iauw manse amount of damage thus been caused by the expansion of a earl load Che fireworks. A' wiheula bleak Was de- etroyed. before. the tisanes were ander( control. Ten peaetns lost their lives tlsrnnlgfh the explosion or during the odndletgretionl. TEN YE LE With Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia ---Suffered, Greatly and Found No Relief in the Scores of Medicines Prescribed. •,)')Quill iCall Nor ViblO Iu000illt110lulittl, and BCfOTt3 half a Bottle Was Tttl:en I,e1icf Calve. clave Slueu Improved Rapidly, and AtnNow Completely Cared - tie 3 11,55 Alt. David i.eid, o11 Chesiey, Ont. Whot Ells eoree to humanity from a dl„ordered Mari Henry Ward Beecher has said that it was Impossible for 14 pian to hold cetera splrltual views if his liver was out of order. The liver Is so Important a part of the mechan- t::m or man that when it ceases to wort; with ease the whole man is unable to do his work aright. Can we not appeal to thousands, nay, tens of thousands, for a verification of this fact? Cer- tainly it Is, that Mr, David Reid, of Chesley, Ont., felt shat the enjoyment of hie had been taken from him. throughthe unhealthy condition of his liver. icor ten years he says he was troubled with liver complaint and dys- pepsia, 1bnploying his own language: "At times my laver was so tender I could not bear it pressed or touched from the outside. Had tried a great many remedies without any benefit. Was compelled to drop my work, and being worse than usual, I decided as a final resort to try South American Nervine, which had been recommended to me by friends who had been cured by It. 1 got a bottle from A. S. Good - eve, local druggist, and commenced taking according to directions. Before 1 had taken half a bottle 1 was able to go to work again, and I have im- proved steadily since. 1 can conseten- )louse,: recommend South American Nervine to any suffering from dyspep- sia or liver complaint,” This is blr- Retd's story as he tells It b1 his owns words. Were It thought necessary ib could be corroborated by a host of wit- nesses. .lir. Reid has lived a long timer in Clleeley, and los case was known to be a very bad one. But that makes no. difference to Nervine. This•great dis- covery rises equal to the most tryln0 oueasiohs. Let it be indigestion, the most ehronie liver trouble, as with Mn. Reid, nervous prostration, that makes life miserable with so many, etele headaches, that sap all the effort out of man gp woman, Nervine measures to the necessities of the case. It is w great medicine and thousands to -day is Canada are happier and healthier men and women, because or its discoverer There is no great secret about It, and; yet there is an important secret. I•t operates on the nerve centers of the, system from which emanate all life anct healthfulness, or if disordered, sootiness,, evert death. Nervine strikes promptly at the nerve centers, hence, as with Mee Reid, where ten years' use of other mo -s divines had dons ea good, lese than as bottle of Nervine brought about en- couraging reaults, and a Sew, bottles cured. .._.. _ . Sold by Deadman & MIlOoll THE DIAMOND JUBILEE. ENORMOUS PREPARATIONS FOR THE GREAT PAGEANT. 4:uahling 15 W111110074 :and Scats Frear Which to t•iew• the gteval Precessiou- pule1ng Trades Eaooaalhl;. A despatch trent Landon says; -The wild. speculation in seals from: evielc15 to view the Queen's jubilee procession has become a perfect craze in Lon- don, It requires little maculation to shorn that at the prevailing) prices the peying spectators 011 jubilee day are expected to expend in the aggregate about $50,000,000 for the privilege of seeing the shore. This is simply absurd, and points almost to an inevitable col- lapse of the insane gamble before the great day arrives. The wise ones who have premises along the route are pocketing the im- mense. .fees now offered by speculators. The highest peke paid thus far is9125,- 000 for a targe 'warehouse, with many window's overlooking St, Paul's Church- yard. This is literally more than the value of the building without the lanai. The two riebest hake% Wesl:minster and Devonshire, had offers of 930,000 apiece :for tate also of their town man- sions un ,jubilee day. The offers were not entertained. The same 500)1 wet accepted by a west. -end 'hotel from an American syndicate for possession from the evening before to the morning after the precession. 1Pla'en on these terms 1t is behoved. that the hotel will suffer by 11e; arrangement,. 1IVJI THOUSAND DOLLARS has bean paid for roams in, St, alums street., of which the annual rens: is only 91,000. Lord Glenesk let. the. upper dews of the Morning Post for $10,000. He laws handed the amount to the news- paper press fund. 1`our thousand del - tars has been paid for 1130 rooms in Piceadllly, and for a shop window hold- ing tett people, for w31oll 9.150 was pttid len years ego, 9450 bas now been oh. Mined, ,Aristocratic owners of proper- ly in 11)5 west end of London are be- glntntttg to o;enm and decorate their town ano.nslons in view of the. jubilee festivities, and they are already gru:erhl- F.O.11 T IPN)rT-sriivRvoygx 5. Y THE COOK'S BE$TE�!�y,JE LAsinOST.r`.aALB Ire CANADA, ing at the marked advance 1.0 the, value the British workman puts upon his labor. tIt is said abet this already, amounts to 15 per cent., w,loich is moderate compared with what it wail be ,before long. Every, trade in anyway connected with build- ing is booming, and as both masters and men propose to make hay while the sun shines, which will be fax quite two neat ho to come, huttseboldets wilt have to suffer in accordance with the eternal law of supply and demand. ea geed many lordly Englishmen have leased their town house's for the sea - 0011:: 'Among these frugal folks Is Earl Spencer, whose Inuagnifiient mansion, Spencer Ilouse, St, Jnenes street, hos been let to 1l1v Duke of Marlborough for u• figure said to be prodigious, but the amount s earofully concealed by the persons concerned, doubtless for fear that the world might consider too wealthy young American Duchess ex- travagant. Earl and Countess Spen- cer have just completed clearing out their personal belongings to make room for the new -comers, who want plenty ot time to get the place in order to their taste, fl'he Du1.ve. and Duchess mean to take a lead in loyal London. and it is said they will make m record er snper'b 2iospitelily, PITC-•A TT�p�1 .. EY .i-1 iM d .G7.i.11��d7. ,JE Or Philanthropy to Give you good Good Health for 10 Cents --The coy) of Dr, Agnew's Liver Pills, Sure, Safe, Quick and Pleasant to act. No Pain, no Griping. roc, a vial. For Sick Headache, for distress atter eating, for Biliousness, for coated Tongue, for Constipation. They work wonderful cures. All druggists Have them, 40 in a vial, 10e. gold. by 1t. Wood. Sold by 19. A. Ileoxttnttli.