The Brussels Post, 1897-4-23, Page 66
—za Pu0LIEMED—
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Anvan'rrstso Re2ss,—Tho following ratoe
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lbotructionsto change or discontinue an
advertisement must be left at the counting
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Editor and Proprietor.
The New T ariff.
"A demonstrated wrong is always defended
plea (that toi 00 boeticep to theotmany
would iaPtet a loss on the few."
One feature of the tariff enquiry should
be noted by our wage earners and farm-
ers, viz : That the manufacturers with
one or two honorable exceptions, urged
that the duty on their raw materials be
removed or reduced, and that on their
finished produot increased, or the present
duty maintained.
.9. moments' tbought will convince any-
one that the finished produot of every
producer is the raw material of some
other producer. The skill of the mech-
anic for instance is his finished product,
which he sells to the manufacturer, to
whom it is the most important raw
material. On the other hand the finish-
ed produot of the manufaoturer is the
raw material of the workmen.
These obvious facts illustrate the in•
justine of the manufacturers demand for
free raw material, the most important
being labor, which cannot be protected,
(people with money or hoods to exchange
for wbat they demand.) The curtail-
ment in demand that proteotion entails
probably explains why it is that the trade
depressions that have swept the world
during the last twenty odd years have
invariably developed first in, and endured
longest in, the moot highly pe
countries. It ie during these periods of
depression that the combine is ueually
formed, which, if successful, saves the
mauufa0turer for a time by further dis-
tressing their suffering fellow oounbry
men in again exalting prices, the objeot
of all combines. The longer the menu-
faoturere bolster themselves up by such
schemes the higher must go the price, the
smaller will be the demand, the greater
the number of the unemployed, the wider
and keener the distrese throughout the
community and consequently the more
disastrous the inevitable orasb.
We, in Canada, are not very deeply in
the mire yob ; now that we have the np.
portunity let us give our vigorous young
country a chanes and abolish this bob•
rible aggression which tbo enemies of
liberty have caused to be palled probed•
tion, which in a thousand ways mush
undermine the moral fibre of our people
and inevitably bring ruin to many of
those for whose eupposed benefit it is
proposed to perpetuate it, viz., the mauu•
If this incentive is not strong enough
let us abolish it -for the poverty and suf-
fering it necessarily entails on the wage
earners and farmers and the orime lb
must induce amonget those who consti•
tuts the fringe of the skirts of our civili-
zation, who have not inaptly been. called
"the submerged tenth," and whose num-
bers by the way are increasing at a great-
er ratio than population in all protection-
ists countries, and decreasing in free
trade countries.
It should always be remembered theb
to many of these poor people of the "sub-
merged tenth" a alight rise in the cost of
living means famine, crime or death.
It is only when we see men of wealth
with eunningly laid schemes to exalt
prices urging their case before the tariff
commission—aehemee, that if eucoessful,
must inevitably take the last pent from
many of the poor people of the "sub-
merged tenth,' thus driving them to
famine, crime or death, that the depth of
degradation to which protection leads
those who imagine themselvee financially
benefitted by its continuance, may be
fathomed. H. WessmoOTON.
Ottawa, April 7,'97.
whilst they want the raw material of the
wage earners, viz., his house or all that
enters into its construction, his clothes,
bis food, his furniture, &o., highly pro-
tected, these things being the finished
produot of the manufacturer.
In countries where Governments act
on the advice of their manufacturers in
this regard, (protectionist countries) we
find distress amongst the wage earners
deepening, and in those oountries where
the raw material of the wage earners and
farmers is untaxed (free trade oouutries)
their material condition is improving.
This distress that invariably overtakes
the wage earners after the introduction
of proteotion In any country, arises from
the fact that such a system exalts latices
and lowers wages, for contrary to the
popular notion wages rise as prices fall,
wages fall as pens
In apan
since 1800, the yearahe aUolish•
ed protection, prices have steadily fallen
and wages have as steadily risen. The
same is true of Great Britain and other
free trade countries where the full force
of the cheapening effects of modern im-
provements ie felt.
In Canada and the U. S. on the other
hand under protection prices have in a
measure been maintained and wages bave
fallen, or to pint it in another farm, the
benefits that under natural oouditions
sbould accrue to the marl= of the people,
from the cheapening effect of modern
improvements, have ho a great measure
been nullified by high protective duties
and the combine proteotion forces into
This seeming anomaly of ri,ing wages
as a result of lowering prices admits of
an easy explanation. Our daily experi-
ence teaches that a rise in the price of
any article checks consumption. This
check to consumption or demand will be
very marked if the rise in pries is artiti•
oia1, as wben it is obtained through the
intiuenoe of a combine, for such schemes
breed antagonism amonget consumers,
causing them to economise to the utmost
The deoreased quantity demanded re-
duces the number of men required to
produce and distribute it. This neces-
eerily checks the demand for laborers
all along the lino of production, con-
struction and distribution from the farm,
forest, mine, factory, warehouse and
store to the door of the consumer. There-
fore as a necessary reselt of et rise hi
prices many men are thrownoutof em-
ployment, to compete with their fellow
workmen orflse the country.
The lest census returns shote that
hundred,' of thousands of our people Left
Canada during the first ten years of pro-
te0ti0o and no one will deny that pro-
tection and the combines exalted prices
during that period. This competition
amonget the workmen reduces wages, for
wages do not depend on prices but upon
the competition amongst the employers
for the services of the unemployed, eon.
sequently the greater the cumber et the
unemployed the lower will fall the wagse.
Now whilst admitting that protection
for it short time after its introduction
gives the tnsnnfaoturers who clamour for
it high prices and low wages, this seem•
ing advantage is but a boomerang which
ultimately tanks destruction to them•
selves, for it is obtained only by rednoing
the pnrellaeing power of their mast ex•
iensive and valuable customers, namely,
the farmers and the wags earners•—these
two classes forming as they do the vast
mnjm:ity of every rommtlnity, the de-
crease in their purchasing powers (that
the impeeition of protective duties nem -
sexily entails) must anon involve the
manufatburere n1 flnen01a1 distrose,
As these periods of fieanoial distress
(or what is known as a trade depression)
miter in proteotod oouutries in the ab -
Benue of all known causes such es war,
pestilence ora failure of crops, there is
strong grounds for believing that it is
the shrinkage in demand which protec-
tion involves ereatee the trouble. Pro'
tective dutise certainly exalt price's,
Which as certainly cheeks demand.
Now whatever may be the tense of a
trade depression there la but one way in
Which it can manifest itself, and that fa ecu for 68 years upon the present home -
hi a partial cessation of effeet160 demand, stead, within live miles of Toronto. The
new Sheriff is a prominent member of a
11amber of 800581les, and in addition to
Mutt has taken an active interest in the
various athletic olrolee, He is a devoted
adherent of the Episcopaiian ohureh and
a good type of upright Canadian citizen-
Ira to 81,10 r 191.
Dr, Sloan and family have now got
comfortably located in their uew home
on Market street,
Robert Livingsboue, a former Seaforth
boy, has just graduated as a D. D. S.
from the Cbioago Dental College.
Chief Gillespie cleverly oapturod the
thief who broke into Papst'e etors and
stole therefrom a quantity of jewelry,
The goods were recovered,
0. W, Papst has now gob located in the
store recently vacated by Mr. Rutledge,
and will hold the fort there until he gate
his own store in shape for occupancy
Harry Town, after working a day and
a half in Buffalo, was notified that his
presence was required by the .9.1100
Labor Commissioner, Mr. DsBarry, who
at once had him deported to Canada.
The officers and members of the
Britannia Lodge A. F. & A. M. will
tender an informal At Home to their
gentleman friends, in their lodge rooms
on the evening of Friday, April 28rd,
The following shipments were made at
Seaforth during the past weep :—John
McIntyre, 25 cars of timber to Liver-
pool ; Jae. Archibald, 1 car horses to
Birmingham, England : Geo. Turnbull,
1 oar horses to Liverpool, Eng.
The Jnuior Beavers organized and the
following officers were elected :—Hon.
President, R. Wilson ; Hon. Vice -Pres.,
R. 0. Cheswright • Pres„ H. Jackson ;
Vice Pres., R. Andrews ; Seo.-Treas., A.
Hammett ; Capt., H. Broadfoot ; Com.,
G, Bell, J. Stephens, W. Cline, D. Mur-
ray, R. Davis.
William Ballantyne, the town assessor,
has handed in his roll and from it we
gather a few interesting Note. The total
assessed value of real property is 9578,•
240 ; personal property, $58,900 ; tax-
able income, 910,800. There are 498
children between the ages of 5 and 10,
179 between 7 and 12. and 200 between
the ages of 16 and 21. The total popu-
lation of the town is 2,412, an increase of
one over last year. A noteworthy fact
is, that every year since 1880 there has
been more or less of a decrease in popu-
lation until this your, when we seemed to
have rescued bottom and are now start-
ing on the upward journey. There are
181 horses, 40 catble, 120 dogs and 17
steam snginen. The birth's numbered 27
and the deaths 19.
J. G. Edgat left on Tuesday of last
week for Boissevain, Man.
Section men on the C. P. R. have late•
ly bad their wages raised 100. a day.
F. J. Grobb, of Regina, N. W. T., is
the guest of his father-in-law, Edward
Anson Spotton, of Toronto, is ependiog
his Easter holidays at his home neer
R. J. M. Perkins, of Wycliffe College,
Toronto, is spending the Easter holidays
at bis home in town.
Division Court was held in the Town
Hall here on Wednesday of last week,
His Honor Judge Doyle presiding.
3C+ xeter.
F. J. Knight, grocer, has a hen egg
that weighs ten ounces.
John Hawkshaw Bold a five months'
old calf to D. Davis last week which
weighed 000 pounds.
Sergi: Major Sohoof delivered his
famous leobnre entitled "Darkest Africa
Lighted Up" iu the Aalnee Street lt'Ietbo•
diet church.
Ford Bros. have ouch improved their
butcher shop by a liberal cont of paint,
and have also added a briok smoke bourse
to their already well equipped ehop.
Jas. O'Brien, of Hay township, deliv-
ered a mouater gobbler to D. Davis the
other day, weighing over 89 pounds.
The bird Wes far from being fat and
doubtless could have been made weigh
near 50 pounds.
Charles Perry Luxton, who left Exeter
a few months ago for Bay City, Mich.,
recently invented a device for lowering
caskets into the grave, for which be won
the silver medal offered by John Wed•
derburn & Co., patent attorneys, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Gr' oc1e rich.
The Mitchell Advocate has just ecin-
pleted its 07th year of pablieation.
Mr. Fielding announces that the new
tariff bili will be introduced on:Thursday,
April 22nd.
At Windsor Peter O'Neil was sentenced
to eight years in the Kingston Peniten•
tiary for highway robbery.
Arohbiohop Langevin has returned to
St. Boniface. Ile says no definite date
has been fixed for Mgr. Merry Delval's
visit to Manitoba.
J. Sears was sentenced to 25 months
in the Central Prison and J. Sickles to
three years in Kingston, at Brantford for
The Woodstock Fishing Club have pre.
Rented W. A. Kern, who lies been their
elioient seo.•treas. for a number of years,
with a handsome dinner r."dfish set.
Herbert Temple, ioenreen•o agent, who
was married three weeks hen at Smith's
Falls, shot himself at she Grosvenor
Hotel, Halifax. IIs is Lot expected to
The Parliamentary contest in Mao•
donald will be between lbtr. Rutherford,
Liberal, and Mr. Mclt;eneie, Patron, the
Conservatives deciding not to melte any
Sir Richard Cartwrigbb says that the
contract with the Petereons for the fast
Atlantic service has been signed by the
Dominion Government, and it is there.
fore a little late to discuss the Milford
ports proposed.
Spring is full of terrors to all whose
constitution is not able to resist the sud-
den changes of temperature and other
insalubrities of the season. To put the
system in condition to overoome these
evils, nothing is so effective as Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Take it now.
Some big strings of perch.
The Cambria and Cannella will run
here this season.
The manager of the Kensington Furuf-
ture 0o. says they are fairly busy.
As yet there are no signs of work being
commenced on the breakwater pier.
Contractor E. Sharman started the
extension to the power house last week.
Orders are coming in nicely and there
is a full employee list at the knitting
The large quantity of herring fry in the
harbor has brought us the annual influx
of sea pigeons,
The fishing tugs Cluoas, Sea Gull and
Sea Queen left Thursday of last week for
their stations on the Georgian Bay.
A carload of race horses ryas shipped
by G. T. R. last weep. The animals go
to take part at the Woodbine meet.
Tries, Gundry has sold his imported
shire stallion, "Morning Star" No. 11,-
890, to Wm. Porter, of Downie township.
M. 0. Johnston is putting a new front
in his store on Hamilton -et„ and so that
one may see 11 be bas pulled down the
Notwiths(anding the reports of aiok-
nese among the ohildren, the sobooi at.
tendance for March was 525, almost the
dermal average.
Tho contractors, McLaren and Gald•
tborpe, are pinning the material for the
Menesotung Park pier on tie beach and
in a couple of weeks they expect to begin
its erection.
Tho Or/Mellows of Ooderieli will ob-
serve the anniversary of their Order on
this °entinent by attending divine service
in 81. George's church on Sunday 'morn -
ins, the 25th inst.
Robert G. Reynolds, the new sheriff,
was born in Goderioh fortyone years ago,
his father, the late Robert, B. Reynolds,
having been a prominent buoiness man
and town olstk. He received his educa-
tion at the Publio and Grammar schools
and entered the Sheriff's office in 1878 as
junior bailiff, By 1882 he had gone
through the varieee stages of promotion
until he was installed ail Deptlby Sheriff,
a position which he has hold with credit
to himself and benefit to the county for
the past fifteen years. Mr. Reynolds is
married to the second daughter of Tbos.
Bond, one of the pioneers of East York,
who settled there in 1820, and bag reeid-
APRIL 23, 1897
"$ince childhood, 7 have been
afflicted with scrofulous boils and CC
sores, which cry inc terrible �' S
suffering. ,,7'hysicians were unable �UiJ 1J
to help me, and I only grew worse
under their care.
At length, I began
to take
Sarsaparilla, and
very soon grew bet-
ter. ,After using
half a dozen bottles
I was completely
cured, so that I have not had a boil
or pimple on any part of my body
for the last twelve years. I can
cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla as the very best blood -purifier
in existence." — G. T. REfNnAIT,
Myersville, Texas.
Sarni%pat Ula
Ayer'2 Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds
Wanted—An Ideas »snug
Protoot your 11102,' they_ may bring you wealth
Write JOHN WEDDEILEIIRo & CO., Patent Atter.
neve Washington, D. 0., toe their 81,800 prize offer
and flat of two hundred inventions wanted.
Undersigned will keep for service 011
Lot 20 Con. 0, Morrie, the thorn bred im-
proved White Yorlaebire Boar "Selected;'
bred from J. Lt. Brothour's swoepstttltes sow
at Chicago Pair. Terms, 81.00 to be paid
at the time of service with privilege of re•
turning if necessary. Pedigree may be soon
an applteatWt. R0131`. NIC100L.
will mals'
a well mark
of YOU!
MMe00t r5O5Vers TAM tauten
naeTLTe IN roan wedge,
810091 °urea all Nervous Dleseson, 0leaplees.
none. railing Memory, Nightly Rm1,,1on5, sperms•
torrbeea, Impotency, oto., caused 10 poet ebunea'
given vigor and euro to Shrunken 050805, 804
(11%107 butor lsy 0,10r°o L000 0,5 umssO la old
ory0550, PI008050I You wm grow strong
and happy 612510. eoatre mob W plain wEseilY
and e0inro y oeelod. From observation, seedy
250)01 18 vont p°oko5 Prboe, 91. a paoi:nsn, cls
for 26. 8°nd money fn either lnery or rrooaaa��r•
ad tatter, M000,0811 10812.0 fo 3. T. for tbo Do.
b)e,ltx0101 oeuvre t, 050, Aaont for ate Da
tendon of Caundn. Saawaeti1.39S.r0�3i1✓>2TN
�V2 UJDIGE$'f1ON, 0121
yi,, Eiiillp'TIOtJSON, THE., SK'f'AI;
66A1ti'YIFitS` i++'.COMPLEXION..
- Nor `• "l 1+ -,Nor sus.
'Mite Btu Line.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
An Agrooablo taxativo and 2611RVy1 11)NI0.
Sold ny Druggtets er tont by Mall, 9So„ Goo2
and 81.00 per package, eamplae free.
H® Tlio Favorite 700711 P.OWD0R
for tato 'Teeth and Britain, MN
801d by 3.1.8. LOX, Ora991st, 10tinsels,
As the steamers of this lino carry only a
strictly limited number in the .023056 and
0ac0N1 CABIN aeo01)1lnOdebions, intending
passengers are reminded that an early um-
plieaticn for berths i8 necessary at this sea,
eon. For plans, rated, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
',1d0ll ala,idl.',Ji46 .y6ds6d'.L'_.B84. /61dd,1ldldl.
B$+-TnG-aa �
Great Offer
The London,.
Free a ess
Tho Free Press desiring to grrnlly
Inrrcaso 11, subscription lief, a •ei the ee
following great nil'ur in the fnrtnu•s 0112
stockmen of Cnnuda whereby sub- E
scribers Lo Weekly Free 1'reSi a ill got
▪ One Year's Paper Free.
• The Free Press has made arrange- 00
moots whh the Veterinary Oslonen it
l'nblishinr Co. for it number of onpies of P
�( their book,I'he Vol rrinnr3' Nc10na+,"
• thu price or web Is This book
trouts fully unit in plain language the
• Anatomy, I)iacnses and l'roatnmut of E:
llotnentic Animals end Poultry, also
(moistning a full description of Medicine 6
and 115051pte, so that every farmer can
be his own cutcrh)ary.
153.00 FOR 52S
a Tin Weekly Free Prose and Farm
and Howie for ono year (prtoe 91.00) and
a coy of alto Veterinary Science (price 0=
- 02,17). Doth will be mailed to any ad-
dress upon the moor of Two Dollars.
Do nob miss this emanon. Vire 00.0 not
afford to oentinne thiaolter indefinitely.
▪ Our object in making it now is to secure
an Immediate response which a loss
= liberal offer might fail to attract. Re-
member, by sending 92.00 for the book
von got the Weekly Free Press and
lrarm and Home ONE YEAR FREE.
Agents wanted everywhere. .Address
all communications to the
Free Press Printing Co., E
London, Ont.
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods 'and
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say 'without any exaggeration that we are in a
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that
it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
In Dress Goods
and Trimmings[we show a range that will delight the hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that we wish
to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spring.
Our Linens
wo imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables ins to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EMBROIDERIES are one of the leading features
with us this season.
In. Ready -to. wear Ulothing •
we lead all Competitors. Our Men's Suits at $8.00 mustlbe seen
to be appreciated.
IAN anted—An Idea ERIE
Protect yyour kiss,' tboyymay bring you wealth.
write JOshi gton, Dsenu'ue & 00. Patent Atter•
anddIle or two hunnddred"inventions wante,1. 01808
T. Dawson, Wander Standard Rank, Brad-
ford, Out, says, Cl anus Kidney -Liver Pills are a
grand medicine for the kidneys and Liver.
W. P. CAR5r50, fry McCaul St Toronto, re-
presenting Montreal Ste r, says, CI s Pills act
like magic for era relief of hemi•aeh bila e. :meek
and eononpntion. Sold everywhere, or by marl on
Irete(ptef price, 20 tlMAl{SOM, BATES et 00.
1 40 1598880 01. 71110510. (MT.
is to'make this store to the County of Huron what the T. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a:call wo
would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think; we be
able to make them permanent customers.
Grocery Department.
Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Purcell,
and he will be pleased to show you through that department.
P. S.—Cur Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call ou you in the course of a week or two with
Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully.
importer, Seaforth.
1GiiT o,
'We invite the gentlemen to call and see our new
Spring Styles in Stiff and Soft Felt Hats. They are the
proper style and the prices are low. We can also supply
the Gents with a Suit, readymade or to order, Boots, Caps,
Shirts, Collars, Ties, Braces, Socks and Underclothing,
For anything you require give us a call.
LaES' swag
•This season we have added to our usual stock a range
of Shirt Waists and invite the Ladies to kindly favor us
with an inspection of same.
Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Kid Gloves, Corsets and
Hosiery. No Fancy Prices.
Established 1871.
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired, Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
rN a e
!• Agent, Brussels.