HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-23, Page 5T
A PRI], 28, 1897
P 0 T
Ilistri.ct netos, W.K. Olinda left on a trip to the i boat& Tlia demand re.' Refla thia Beeson After the tablee had boon cleared, Rev.
Natio (toast in the intermit» of the Mount !of the year la in exoefte of the same period R. Tyke was filemee eltairman unit the
Forest Furls:km Co, He expoote to J)c 1lust year, alwaya a hopeful Bien, 8'. that , 10.00111111 we thee in order. In a brief
— gouts about two menthe. mu, it iss,,,sioen Rowan, we ansietpue a ! peoeli the ohairintim referred to the Ob•
IrrireVbIgtig.0. N. Krotz and IL Remit, of Wallace, auacesaful yeer for elm 1 thoompany. pot of the guttering and welcomed Mr. ioponding
Tim weather la very (fold for e semen. sawed 2 liend piled 7cords of
nod Mrs. Catneron to their new home,
Mimi Phothe Code s home
wood on the lith met., and on the follow.
easels, spt A-
flay is very low this Spring. Good WOOLL
ing day flawed 12 (turas of good bard W. A. Kerr, of MoKIllop, if 000 of the till: itrinl Pell! bre" wady Tee i°v7Ilegirin4tIttely" itfc't 'fit
Easter vacetion.
1 hay out be got for 68 per tom titutopritrsflotymillerie,,,(zintuttlici coeluteegatie.eatuzl r3eetiat fitted up the manim. He assured Mr.
1 and Mt. Cameron that the good wishes
1 The obeese factory wag started in this Ca rosy.
Mr, Kerr (tarried of,f all the high honors
le es year, and agent he M13 (Ile. I owfmtbistehrit,eyompleigwhberbeewlointlgi tolpirreaandtotrinsbtol!
village on Monday morning, the 10th,
Milligan is pretty good 10 our little Smith were visiting relatives at Clinton
Mee. W. A.. Killougb and Kiss Gauge
tinguielted himself by winning the first in the congregation and that there might
town. It would be better' however, if it this week, (silver model and certificate of honor in be moll good fruit an the rem& thereof.
tilti were not for the foot thatft number of Reeve Streahan attended the laud the sewed year.
riLvrantogy.—The standees of Rev. Mr. 1.111;igStveotra yaritmleuilivyi ,n the 1cl:re:mend thte
outsifiera from other towns SSG constant- of Rev. Mr. West et Bluevale on Tuesday
ly on the rends peddling from door to of thia week. Parke, of Clinton, „we nand into 001101. agjeaoke21:'11 Mrs. Cameron to aooept a silver
door. Why are theme men not compel/ad Mies K. Cowan, of the Seefoeth Public Raton on Wednesday afternoon last, wbon ooffee service, whioll was preeented by
to pay n license in Perth as is done in (memoj staff, is spending the Easter holt. bliss Ruth, the eetimable and only aaughs Miss Maggio Freeborn, as a memorial of
benefit to the pnblio whatever, giving no aro attending the Seaforth Collegiate
They pay no taxes in Perth and are no Misses B, Month and M. Calder, who of Tookeramith, joined hands and heerte
Huron and other well regulated oonntiee ? days with her sieter, Mrs. T. Calder, ter of Phomas donee, and Phillip Murray, etenoomoraicioan.foolininagfreewoyworodne libl0rh.affief:f.
better velue than home merchants. in n matrimonial alliance,
mony was performed at 2 o'clool'Ich,oin"trhee. 1Misiall;tily4nfower°thue mlianentehrunikned wthbleamh vtleievyy
had been breated. As for Mao. Cameron,
Institute, are holidaying at home.
Miss Lib. Mutsu:Alin and Mrs. liar. opfreteheenaberiodfeetsla Ipaarrgeenttnpvianisys, 4atnthies shouv,
he Gould 088008 them, that if the same
ing at Duncan MoLanoblin's this week. of Walton, played the wedding march as
ris and daughter, of Turnberry, aro visit.
kindnees ware shown her 08 hod hereto.
legiate for his Easter hotidays.
E, A.. Hill is home from Goderich Ool. Athgegiparli‘iimuirprea138 two:0k
to agree with him that their way would
Jae. Emigh 61). gthheoe801):mbratidTe:m.Luid:Itirniayd
be 0 pleaeant one. The abate/nem then
fore been Blown him, oho could not fail
beautiful wedding gifts attested the pope. Galled on D. Feline, who apoke very
laxity of the bride, A sumptuous wed. briefly. Mee. Cameron then slang a Nolo
cling repast wee served, to which ample entitled "The Holy City," which MR
jastioe was done. The evening was spent very well received. Mr. Hay wan the
in social chat, song and tripping the next speaker. He pointed out that Mr.
light fantastie. M. and MIT, Murray Cameron had acquitted himself well es a
sail out on the matrimonial see, acoom- missionary, as could be seen by the re.
partied by the good wishes of many, in one he had achieved in bringing to their
which Tue PORT heartily concurs. The midst Aire. Cameron, Jae. McCallum,
occasion was mode more memorable on in weloosning Mrs. Cameron, referred to
Wednesday afternoon by the double the example that Mr. Cameron had est
baptismal serviee, when the children of to the bachelors of the congregation and
Editor Bradwin and W. Binighi both of mborp.eltmliartotniirsyowitoeurlilt take advantage of
Blyth, received this rite G • d
j'Jr, Itilbates, formerly of this plus,
wee here for Good Friday.
J110. Hooey is off to Scotland with an•
other connigament of horses.
Went Heetewood was home from at-
tending the University for a Sew dye at
Rov. Anderson took part in the
nrdination of Rev. Ur. Weat, el Bluevale,
Tueaday 01 1)118 week,
Bliss Edith Gibson, attending Niagara
Palls Collegiate Inetitute, is spending the
li/nstve holidays under the parental roof.
Peter MeEtven, well .1[00WII as "big
Pete.," had the pointe ot two fingers
Amputated with turnip Nivel. one day
Thee. Gibson, kf. P. P., and Alex,
Monroe attended the East Huron Liberal
Convention at Brussele last Saturday
Rat. Thyone, Steve, Playford and
Goo, Muir left for Rat Portage on ItIon•
clay morning last, where they will look
for employment,
Two services on Sabbath day in the
Presbyterian church here line° again
been resumed, the mond service being
held at 3.30 p, m„ immediately following
the Sabbath school.
The literary entertainment given by
the Christian Endeavor Society of the
Presbyterian (shunts here, tut Friday
night, was an instructive and interesting
affair and was well attended. The sub-
ject for the evening was "Tounyson" and
many side lights were thrown on the life
of the famous poet by the chairman, Rev.
Mr. Andersou.
School re.opene next Monday.
AI hie Alice Sage epent the Easter holi•
days with relatives in Brantford.
The saw mill Waft 811111 down for a few
days this week for neoessary repairs.
The East Huron LioenseCommissioners
refused license to the Royal Hotel in this
Several from tide loottlity ettendea the
East Heron Liberal Convention at Brae -
eels, last Saturday.
Frank Neal and Jno. MoCavin will
return tm Seaford) Collegiate next Mon-
day to meanie their studies.
Walton (Meese famory will begin oper-
atious this season hlouday, May 10th.
Mr. Holland will be the nutker,
Last Sabbath Prof. Burgess and air.
Ahey, of Loudon, conduoted an appro-
priate Easter service In St. Ceorgeei
Rev. Mr. llortou, of Brussele, rendered
acceptable serviee at the Methodist church
last Sabbath afternoon in the aboeece of
Rev. Mr. Westruan.
flee. J. P. Wessman trots away at
Petrolea writing at, the examination for
probationers in attenuation with the
alethodiat ministry.
Several from this tonality attended the
wedding of Mies Ruth Jones, of Leadhury,
on Wednesday afternoon. Philip
Murray, of Tuolceesmith, was the groom.
Jonathan Moore has purohased the 42
acres belonging to the Hewitt estate, on
the 111oKillop side, and hie eon 18 )10)0
living on it. The price was said to be
about $1000. It is a nice property.
By vote of the session it was decided to
rule the organ in connection with the
Sabbath services in Duff's church on end
after the first Sunday of May. Miss
Annie Ferguson will be the orgessist.
Att the annual Vestry meeting of St.
George's church, held last Monday, W.
200. Smith was elected Minister's Warden
Jas, Bolger, Peoples' Warden ; and John
Searlett, Jas. Sholdiae, Geo, Christopher
and W. H. Sholdice Sidesmen,
David Sanclerson will begin tho area.
tion of his new brick residence on the
corner of Raglan and Bay streets,
Edgar Heyde's ie finishing up his new
house on Main street East,. ancl is having
lritehen built. He will have a line rest -
Ks: tat es I .
Miss Ada Imlay hae gone to Sunlit.
W, S. Bowden 10180 1» our midst this
Mrs, John Frazer and son are visiting
at Stratford.
11. Davidson spout a few clays with hie
family at Durham,
Rev. D. H. Trimble arrived this tvesk
from Toronto University,
Dan. Eakmier and Robt. McKelvey are
having their houses thoroughly repaired,
ales. Sellere, of Blnevale, spent a fey
days with Mex, Cameron and wife arid
other friends.
Robert Beatty, teacher of Varna, is
spending his holidays with his brother
and Bieber hero.
(Suite number of farmers in this
neighborhood have clommenced ploughing
but as yet very little need haft been sown.
Mrs. Hemsworth, of Listowel, who has
been visiting here for the past two weeks,
retnrned to her home on Wednesday of
this week.
Miss Crosthwaite lectured on China in
the Methodist ohurch lest Friday evening,
The andienee, not a very large one, lia•
trued very attentively to all intereating
and instrnotive addrese.
Alex. adoKny, ot Owen Sound aolleg.
late Inetitete ; Dwight Walker and Carl
Engler, of Clinton Collegiate ; and Miss
Linda Milne, of Listowel High School,
are spending the Easter vacation at their
homes in thie vioinity,
Adj. Taylor, from Palmerston, assisted
by Capte. Huntingtou and Collier also
Irma' comrades from Brussels, will non.
duct a special Salvation meeting, with
intermission of vocal musio and song, iu
the Ethel Methodist church on Tuesday
evening, April 27th. Meeting to nom.
mance at 8 °Week. All friends are heart-
ily invited to attend. Silver collection ab
the doot.
ETHEL CIIIMS0 FACTOSY.--1 take greet
pleasure in informing my patrons that I
have fitted up my factory with the very
latest improvements for handling milk to
make firstmlass cheese. I hove put in a
new vat ; Men an improved method of
heating the milk, and have put in the
latest Improved curd mill for grinding
the onrcl. I have also made 00010 IM•
provements on the miring room which no
doubt will have a tendenoy to improve
the quality of the cheese. I have secured
the assistance of Robert A. Murray, of
Brooksciale, as assistant cheese maker, so
that ant in a better shape than over to
handle your milk to the very best pos-
sible advantage. The factory will be
open for operation on Monday, May ara.
Trusting that the patrons will do their
part in sending good, clean, sweet, un-
tainted milk that will make a line article
of cheese. R. Bum,
A. syndicate of Elam farmers in the
neighborhood of Atwood have purchased
the imported Clydesdale etallion, Link-
woocl Lad, imported by Graham Bros.,
of Clermont, Ont.
Harold, the infant son of W. J. Marsh•
all, met with painful mishap the other
day. M. Klunsp's pug dog bit the little
fellow over the eye, making a nasty
wound, No Devious results are antioiptit•
W. T. Hollis left Monday morning of
last week for Wicklow, Northumberland
Co., where he assumes oharge of a (theme
factory for the ensuing year. Ib is the
eame factory he had charge of lest yemr.
Ws regret to report that our townsman
Z. Johnston, jeweller, is in financial
trouble, and will probably make an as.
sigutnent to satisfy seeend mortgege of
some 6800 held by a Peterbseo party
against his property.
John and Edmund Er &mien, who oon.
dilated a bakery end restaurant business
ea comp oted. here for some tinie, have left for their
The Summer schedule of the Public
orne at Dungannon,.prior to leaving for
i tary started Mondey, tho 10th inst., the Rat Portage distriet, whore they tvill
and during the Sununu mouths the li• take advimbage of the mining boom in
bray will he open only Tuesdays and Limb locielity and share in the general
Settirdays. prospeeity.
We have now foul: laundry agencies DIED. -41,6 her home oo the Bed can, of
and two local laundries in town, whioh Elma, Esther Forman, the fourth &ugh.
is au ovidenoe to show [hot tbe people of ter of the late Thos. Forman, after a
thie town aro bound to bo clean, as
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness." very short illneas, aloft on Friday, April Our school teechers will be back ready
The Trowbridge assault 0000 ended in Oth, aged '22 years, 10 months and 4 for business next likedify morning.
the police (tout 110r0 00 Monday of last daye. 'illio deceased had been ill only Those of our citizens who saw the
week, after about live daye' sitting. 113he sinee the previous Saturday vsheu she Temple of Fame at Brussels teat week
oontraatod an attack of pneumonia, say it was fine.
whit& will acme t iti ell to beeween 616
boys were fitted 62.60 each and mists, which rapidly developed into congestion Fang» LIATIL—The endersignecl has a
end 620 tiptoes. of the lunge and pleurisy, and in spite of quantity 02 208011 11018 on hand. 13 cents
the pest of care and atteution hor Innen per bushel. V. Gesso/,
position as teacher itt the .Ptiblie school,
Mier "%sic Martiu lime resigned her ended fatally on Friday. Iter mother 110V. D. B. Males was at Bluovala last
to take (Afoot tut the ond of the present has else boon ill and was confined to Tuesday attending a Bimetal meeting of
her bed during and slue her datighter'e Maitland Presbytery and elso the inclum
11)0,111, and the Board has appointed illnees and death. The demand was a Hon of Roy. Mn, West, He addressed
Miss Auuio Brooks, daughter of R. yonng lady of very amiable disposition the congregation 0) 11)0 afternoon service.
Brooks, to the yummy, and was moat beloved in bee tensity P12108ENTATIONS.—The following notice,
Cannum theafixo.--Tho date for the oirolo and among many friends. The having reference to Rev. R, 2', Cimarron
01300I014, of the new English church lute, funeral took place on Sunday and was and bride, will be read with interest by
we understand, been fixed for Sunday, largely attended.
May 1001) His Lordship the Bishop of Erste Co. Pertnarneo.— There was, tt huge man in this locelity •—The Stratford
the many friends of the reverend gentle.
/seven will conduct tho opening serviceli attendance et the animal meeting of Beacon, of Thurscley, A:pea let, says ts,—
fled ale° hold condenuttioe on the Mon. the Ontario Farwere' Flax illanufaotue. "A very pleasant event took tilace at 1110
day evening following. The plasterers Mg Company, Saturday afternoen, 10011 manse, North reuthope, on Friday even.
aro now almost through with thole work, inst. Secretery.Teeasurer S. W. alc. ing last, when a reoeption waa tendered
and the elsereli will he fieishea in time Bain read the mutual. statement, The to Roy, It. Land Mee, Canteron. Mr,
buildiug will be In keeping with the ex.
f or tho opening: Tho interior: of the returns were not aa nnaouraging as the Cameron had been &wary on ft very suo-
Previolig Your, pertly owing to the easeful miesion to& and returned with
Wipe and will homy handeome: inferiority 02 )110 flee grown and putty hie young bride, and hoW the manse,
A largo and enthusiastic mooting anise through ball handling ab the mill, too whit& has been smen) for over two
wheolmou was hold at )ho Queeu'e Hotel, much being ellowed to go behind the plays, resume its homelike appeavance.
when the MUM()) Bicycle 011th was re. kniees. Ineteed of four dere of tow The corning beteg fine end the roads
orgauized for the !season of 1807. The there should have been only three on wettish), a large flambee of the North
kollowing ere tho °Moore Cleated 3.--Ilon. thereabouts and five tetra of the dressed Earithope congregation tented out. Thou
Ewe, A. So. Goo. Hawkins ; President, artiole. The dieootors will be able to wore probably 76 or 80 persona present
" g, A. Hacking ; Viee•Prects R. Magehy ; pay abaft 60,00 per ton to the grower% and the evening wee very pleasantly
See.sTrenas W.IL Camio . Captain, Geo, The following: affectors Were elected foe spank While the yOung ladies were
Max, JO. ; lot Liontertaa, D. fie Livi the ensuing year (—President, James preparing supper, Densest Pyke, at the
bagatelle ; 2met Lieutenant, R. Smith ; Hanna ; Directore, jas. Hanna, John piano, Assisted by Ilev. It Pyko, on the
jangler, T, o, Boguets. The Treasures:Ye Graham John A. Tnenball, At. 310»na, lintel entertained the company very sties
On hand,
repoet Ras read, eltawiug a good balance , J. A. K 'limp. The See..Treaa, will elseeially. Mrs. Cameron, too, eang and
' be sleeted at the &at Meeting of the neve played severed selebtiOns very afaleptablY,
Emi(1)) is to be eouatulated, couple free. The other speakers were
Geo. McCellum and T. Stewart who ii•
short speeches welcomed 8110 3000(1 bride
on behalf of the young people of the con-
gregatiou. The evening wee brought to a
Mose by the °employ singing ',Prelim
God from Whom all Blessings Flow,"
and prayer by Rev. 31.Pyke." The same
paper, of April 8011, says ver
p cogent time was spent at the North
Easthope manse Friday evening. Some
A. good many have tendered on the fifty of the members and, adherents of the
school at S. S. No. 1, 8th line,
Hempstead congregation assembled to
J. Kelly has the inn route on the 5011 welcome Be,. R. F. Cameron's beide to
line, for Belgrave, thie season.
. their "
W. Michie has a boss flower garden.
Cattle .1.1.0 runelmg on the road alreedy.
Whet neat
Our teachers are leaving a week's holt-
days this week.
Geo, Kinney, of Winthrop, spent a few
clays at Browutown last week
MS, 0.110 has engaged with D.
Meiklejohn, 5th line, for 0 months.
Mies Maud Bent is spending her Easter
holidays with her parents on the 2nd.
Adam Halliday, jr., 5th line, is able to
go to work again after a severe illneas,
Wm. Thuell, 7th line, ie home now
from Toronto, =Inch 1011)0018(1 in health.
The contract foe the new brick 00)1001honse in S. S, No, 1, known as Gosman's,
will he let next Monday.
MOIldaY of this week ryes "gee.snort.
me' for wind and snow. It is thought a
good many little birds perished.
Misses Martha and Ida, Boman spent
the Easter heliaays at HarrIston with
theie sister, Mrs. R. G. Vincent.
Kenneth Manzi°, ath line, has gone
to Brussels to learn cabinet making, &c.,
in 11, Leatherdale's establishment. Vire
wish him sueoess.
Improvements will be in order in Mots
ris 012,0 year. Wm. Marshall, 8111 line,
intends raising hie barn and putting stone
stabling undorueath,
Miss Bella 111eKenaie and nephew
Novell MoKeueie, of Ripley, spent Ea.ster
with the Shurrie families. 4th line. They
returned on Monday.
. cliair was occupied by
Rev. R. Pyke, of Shakespeare, who per.
formed his duties to the satisfitetion of
everyone. After a solo had been render-
ed Alex. McDonald stepped forward and
read an address, which WAS accompanied
by a beautiful snit° of furniture, consist-
ing of five pieoes. Mr. Cameron thanked
the donors. Addresses were made be
Duncan Stewart, Atex. McDonald and
James Robertson. Recitations were giveu
by Jas. McDonald and Miss Teenie
Stewart. Boleti were sung by Mrs.
Cameron and E. Pyke. The evening
was brought to a dose by prayer by Rev.
R. F. Cameron.'
Ninetymue Chinamen have arrived in
Montreal by tbe 0. P, R. from China, via
Vancouver, to work on the sugar planta.
tions of Cuba.
The Tarte.Grenier libel case has been
set back to »ex) term, as Mr. Greater de-
clared he was unable to proceed without
Mr. Tarte, while the Minister of Public
Works is too busy to leave Ottawa at
J. and J. Kelly have leased the 50 sore
farm, loi, 10, on Oth line, neat: Sanshine,
at 650 a year. Gem Best has got the
North fifty acres at Sunshine for 0 term 7
not stated.
Fraser Elmhurst intends removing
from the 2ncl to tbe hone belonging to J.
Thyne, 011 the centre sideroacl. Perhaise
one of the young men on the 2nd will be
able to tell us why.
We are sorry to hear of the serious
nose of Mary, the 10.year•old daughter of
Robert kruCutcheon, 7th line. The
trouble is said to be disease of the bone,
coupled with pleuriay. We hope she
will soon be better.
Wm. Watson, of the Boundary of Hul•
lett and Morris, was taken to Guelph for
median! teentment. It ie a mental
trouble, which we hope will soon be over-
oorne, so that he may be restored to his
family and friends.
Last Sabbath Rev. W. Rigsby preach•
ed in Jackson's sterol], the first time
since his illness, and the congregation
was pleased to welcome him baolc. Rev.
R. Paul, of Brussels, will oonduat the
service next Sabbath afternoon.
At a recent meetiug of Court Princess
Alexandria, Brussels, O. 0. F., James
Sherrie, P. C. R., teas elected Court
Deputy as set:tomer to Adam Reid, re.
moved to Langdon, Dakota. Mr. Shur,
rie ie well posted on Forestry and will
make a good Deputy.
Wm. Brydon, who haa been here for
the past 4 months, loaves for the West
on Friday of this week. Ho purposes
going to Laugdon, Dakota, instead of
Morden, Manitoba, where bo spent sev-
eral yeaes. We tried our best to persuade
hint to get married before he retnrnea,
but he obdurately refuses to forsake
Whlb oneble 30(10 &filmmaker to fit you. :frees fee more perfectly than it
can he fitted over your old Coreet. SVo are reedy to tarnish the Corset in any
maga or style you desire, 11.1 a pries just as low les yon MO obtain it at tho
largeet pity store, Perhaps you are a bit particular about your corset —many
helms are, If so, we shall be Mauled to order just what you want if we cannot,
suit you from stock. These are a few of the popular styles we carry
A—la a line '08 are selling at 25e.
Ie a Drub Jean Corset, very well gotten up and a kind we eels a lot of, price 404.
Q --lo a wonderfully Perfeot Comet for the money. Long Witiet, nizes----18, 331, 21,
21, 22, 23 and up to 80, price 60o.
D —Is a, 1o01 -black Corset, perfect fitting and sure to please, long waist, fi5o.
E—A long waist Corset, perfect fitting, as good aa formerly sold at 51, for 83c.
dollar Comet, be one we pay special attention to. We have all the best waken
in stook in all sizes, Look through our range at
If you would like something that will give you perfeot satiefaction—A, model in every
respeat—See what we are offering at 62.25.
Probably you would like a Corset
If so we will take yonr measure and have same in
the shortest poseible time.
We not only sell Stylish Millinery, but Millinery that is becoming to the wearer.
M0E11717017 ez Co
WO can Suit You in"-
All Sizes, - Fine or Name,
Come in and see w7bat we
have and no harm done •
ifyou. don't /9 tcrchase.
Are as Low as the Lowest—Quality and Priae
Of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Grocer-
ies is up-to-date and well assorted,
Those New Spring Goods
that have just arrived.
• Call and see oSeres en1Vdhneurgwsadorstes.Tew-
est effects in English, Trish and Scotch Serges in the most
Fashionable Colors, The latest patterns in English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. We
have the finest display of Clay Twills and Venetian Worsteds ever shown in Brussels,
Also a select line of Trouserings and Fancy Vestings on hand.
did the young men of Brussels and surrounding country buy their
Spring Hats from us last season ?
it was an acknowledged fact by everybody that we had the
SIC Nicest Hats in town. This Season it is the same.
We have the latest styles in the Wilkinson and Wakefield hard and soft felt Hats.
and many other makes too numerous to mention. Also a largo assortment of
Special lila ®± Wheelmaaf$ Cain.
You only need to examme our stock of Shirts to bo con-
vinced that they are the Latest and Best for the money in
tho market, Wo have no old Shirts to offer to the Public,
our stock is new and up-to.date.
A Select Line of Neckwear
in Bows and Four-in-hand always in stock. Also a Fashion-
able line of Stispenders,
Solo agent for "Solid Comfort" Suspenders for Brussels.
Our Goods are NEW and we Guarantee Satisfaction.