HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-23, Page 4AMINO
New Advertisements,
LOonl-J. IIalli lay.
Wanted -Dr, D'leKelvey.
Pink Pills -Dr. Williams.
Boota and Shoes --Alex. Straohan,
Save your Money -G, A. Deadman.
07 -be Nrusuis
FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1.897.
TKO prospects of brighter days are be.
coming a reality and the following item
concerning the Great West will be read
with satisfaction :-Lieul,•Governor
Mackintosh, of the Northwest Territories,
who was in Ottawa the other day, asserts
that since last harvest the farmers of
Manitoba and the Northwest have paid
off $8,600,000 of indebtedness, and start
out on the Summer with the strongest of
hopes for the near future. The boom in
mining and the contemplated early con-
struction of the Crow's Nest Pass Rail.
way will add much to the prosperity of
the Northwest settlers.
NEWER since. Confederation has there
been such a political overthrow in Can-
ada as occurred throughout Nova Sootia
Tuesday in the general elections for that
Province, The Conservative party was
mactically extinguished. The Conserve,.
tives did not oarry their full ticket in a
single 000nty of the eighteen comprising
the electoral district. In fact, they will
have but four members iu a house of
38. In the last Ifouse the eight mem-
bers from Cape Breton Island were tom•
prised of G Conservatives and two Libor.
Ms. In the now Assembly there will not
be n solitary Conservative, Cape Breton
seeding a solid phalanx of Liberals. The
Liberals carried 15 of the eighteen noun.
ties, ,lected two or three members in one
of the others and divided the represents•
tion in the remaining two.
.Tuners has declared war on Greece.
Fighting on the frontier has been vigor-
ously resumed. The Greeks have won
an important engagement at Reveui and
the Turkish army there was reported to
be retreating, but later dispatches show
that the Turks have had the best of it so
far. Both sides are fighting like demons
it is said. The Times in an editorial on
the war between Turkey and Greece
dwelle upon the provocation Turkey has
received by Greece invading Crete and
remaining there, and then invading
Macedonia. The paper asks :---"What
other power its Europe commanding a
Line army would have carried its patience
so far as Turkey has done ?" It adds :-
"0f course there are special reasons why
she has been slow to respond to the pro-
vocation. Turkey is well aware that in no
case will she be allowed togetherthe fruit
of victory over a Christian people. The
statement in her circular to the powers
declaring that she has no idea of conquest
and expressing willingness to withdraw
her troops if Greece withdraws hers from
the frontier and from Crete was wise, but
it was also a somewhat superfluous dis-
play of moderation. She prudently re-
nounces what she knows she will not be
permited to have," It is not considered
likely that the powers will interfere bet.
ween Greece and Turkey until one power
or the other is defeated. The proposals
will likely be made for a aonveution to
settle the terms of peace. The sympathy
of a, large portion of the civilized world is
with Greece.
Nova Scotia Elections.
TUI. autitsc.s a PAUTI ('ONTICIielle
)(N rowitit.
General Provincial elections took place
in Nova Scotia Tuesday. The result was
the success of the Liberal party. Every
member of the Provincial Government
who offered for re-election was returned.
The names of the successful candidates
are as follows :-
Annapolis - Langley and Bancroft
Attigoneh-11IcGillivery and Chisholm
Cape Bruton-Eendall and Johnston
Colchester -Laurance (Liberal), 11ic.
Minion (Conservative),
Cumberland -Black and Fraser (Lib-
Digby-Coneau mud Gidney (Liberals).
Geysboro-Sinclair and Ferguson (Lila.
Halifax - Mitchell, MaPhersou and
Wallace (Liberals).
Hunt's -Drysdale (Liberal), Wilcox
Inverness -McDonald and Doucett
I iberaly .
( )
fling's-WiekwirO and Dodge (Lib.
i,uuenberg--Church and Sperry (Lib.
Pirtnu-•-llebonald and 1leGroogor
(Liberals), Tanner (Conservative).
(,),peen's --Farrel (Liberal) ; second seat
in doubt between I(eill (Liberal) and Mil.
lard (Conservative).
Riclmtond--Joyce and Finlayson (Lib•
Shelburne. -Johnstone and Robertson
(Liberals), by acclamation.
Viots'ia-1?romier Murray and Mar,
Aeon (Liberate),
Yarmouth --Law and Leblanc (Lib -
The latest returns give 34 Liberals and
4 Cotservativee 0100ted in the Nova
Scotia Provincial elections, Me. Church,
Commissioner of Works and Mines wee
At St. John, N. 11., Rev. D. Corbett, a
Romer, Catholic, priest attaobed to the
caths mal parish, fell from the third
storey window of the Biehop'e residence
and was killed.
Farmers and the Duty.
To the l:dltor of Toa ;conn'
Dona Sia, -If farmers would examine
the effect the duties on food stuffs would
have cu themselves if these duties ever
bsoome effeotivo, they would be the first
to insist on their abolition. For many
years to 0o111e our principle exports will
neccasarily cuueist of food stuffs, con-
sequently these duties can be effective
only in ease of n serious failure of crops.
If such a calamity hofel us, the priori of
food stuffs would be exalted to the full
extent of the duty, plus theer tentage
of profit dealers charge on their outlay
for duty, 1t is estimated that for every
dollar the dealer pays in duty, the con-
sumer pays one dollar and fifty cents.
The speculators, millers and the few
farmers who {vera fortunate enough to
have good crops would under these con-
ditions realize abnormal profits, for the
farmers whose crops had failed would be
obliged to purchase food for their families
and live stook at the exalted prices from
these speculators, millers and lucky
Thus we see these duties on food stuffs
eau only be effective when the community
suffering raider the most awful visi-
tation that can atliiet the people of any
cuuutry, and whets in consequence thous-
ands of our wage earners would be out of
The inevitable effect of these duties on
food stuffs if ever they become operative
would therefore be to deepen the distress
amongst the farmers and wage earners
whose losses and enforced idleness and
consequent poverty compel them to bear
the full force of such a calamity as a
failure of crops, whilst they (the duties)
would at the expense of these suffering
millions enrich that portion of the coin-
nnnuity whose wealth and good crops,
even in the absence of these duties, would
enable them to protest themselves against
the consequences of such a visitation.
The imposition of such duties aro at
variance with the "golden ruled' the key
from which all our laws are supposed to
take their tone, and are a disgrace to the
Statutes of any Christian country.
Farmers ahonld insist on their aboli•
Mon, not only for the injury they roust
inflict on themselves if ever they became
effective, but because they furnish an
exouse for the perpetuation of duties on
other thiugs that are a daily loss to all
who pursue that honorable calling. It
should always be remembered that as 1
long as there is a surplus for export,
duties levied for protective purposes
afford no protection.
1i. W.emxrxox.
Ottawa, April 8,'07.
• 113 La. sirs.
J. W. Bell spent Sunday in the circular
Good Friday was observed here as a
general holiday.
Service was hold in Trinity church ou
Good Friday evening.
Thos. Joynt shipped from this aeration
six ear loads of ashes for Boston.
Several cars of logs from Kippen have
arrived at this station the past week for'
, E. Livingston,
Owing to the sienna valve bursting in
Livingston's factory the hands have been
laid off for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Emigb, of the Com -
mei aid, have returned from their Rueter
belidsyein Buffalo.
Monday was almnstas sold and stormy
as any day in the Winter. The citizens
seemed to feel it more s(.
Dr. J. Tanner, of London, is spending
a few days holidays with relatives in
town. We understand that lis contem.
plates practicing his profession in Strath.
There is not much prospect of our flax
mill requiring any flax this season. If
snob is the as -e, it will be a great loss
to some of our citizens who have large
families that bred to earn n good many
dollars during the season pulling it.
The sick are all improving,
Sidewalk repairs are badly needed.
Mies Cowan is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Miss Ella Funston, of Brussels, is visit•
ing Mrs. Bruce.
Report of Presbyterian induobion in
another column.
William Pugh intends going to Algoma
in the near future. •
Mr. Crawford has gone to Manitoba to
make his fortune.
Ed. Bailey is home from his school at
Hamburg for Easter.
Miss ()roes hoe returned to Bluevale
after a visit Eastward.
Mrs. White, of Glenallen, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. F. Scott.
Mrs. T. Farrow, of Brussels, was visit.
ing at John Farrotv's last week.
We were p'sased to shake hands with
the Editor of THE POST 011 Tuesday,
Mrs. Asher Farrow, of Goderiah, we''s
the guest of Mrs. Musgrove last week,
Ed. Couple, who is attending the Col.
logiate at Godorioh, is visiting his parents,
Jos. Puget has opened up a full line of
0110iee groceries and a full assortment of
Editor MaDonald was visiting at the
Parsonage during the past week. His
wife and children are here yet.
Rev. Dr, McDonald, of Kincardine,
who has been supplying the Presbyterian
church for the pact five weeks, returned
to his hone on Wednesday tailing with
him the kind wishes of all the village.
The Flax mill business in our village
is still booming. 1350 bushels of swells
bought and everything looks prnspornas,
The Directors are :-Thomas Straohan,
John Me.Craeken, jr., Mallard Johnston,
George survey and James Elliott,
d ariatilan Nowi'c.
Dr. Wm, McCargow, of Hamilton, is
Winnipeg's now opera house was open-
ed the other night,
London's tax rate this year will be
21 2 3 milia on the dollar,
Mr. Kennedy, proprietor of The Ilam-
flton :Crates, is serionsiy i11,
An attempt to baro the steamer Gar.
den City at fort Dalhousie was frnstrtt•
ed by a couple of Lieberman near by.
John Hines was arrested at Winona
and taken to Welland to be tried on a
Charge of killing George Potter's horse,
The Roxborough blook at Norwood
was deetroyed by lire and ebveral other
business establishments were swept
It is impeded that Alex. Gnnn ex.M.
has been appointed postmaster ofKing•
atop to ,noosed Jatnes Shannon,superan-
Bort Madole, of Dorchester, wee robbed
of $G6 by footpads in London.
St. Patrlolr's Boys' Sohool at Halifax
was seriously damaged be fire.
The Leaden Jubilee Committee lute
decided to erect a new hospital.
Cattle shipments from Manitoba to
the British I i m 'h enced
=whets have commenced.
John J. I'oote, proprietor of The
Morning Chronicle, of Quebec, is dead.
William, the fourteeu-yoar.old sot of
Wm. Davis, of Hamilton Township, was
killed in at runaway aeoident.
Miss Mary Maynard was burned near-
ly to death at Whitby by her olothing
Wahine fire from a lamp.
The split in the Conservative organi•
Y.abiun at Ottawa was closed Monday
night, when T. W. Currier was elected
The nomination in West Prince made
vacant by the unseating of the Tory
member took place Tuesday. The can-
didates are the Berne its at the general
election, S. F. Perry, Liberal, and 311.
Haoket, Conservative.
At Bergerville, Quebeo, as Mrs. Auguste
Lamontagne was going ]tomo across the
fields she attempted to (moss over n fence,
but her dress caught and she fell over on
her head. Her neok was broken and
death was iustantaneons,
kir. Lnunt, 131. P., has received a eat•
ter from Sir Oliver Mowat stating that
his appliaatiot for the suppression of the
license of the Massaobusetts Benefit In -
Emmett Association cannot be granted
under the law as it exists.
At the Owen Sound Assizes, Miss bIn-
Niven shed Rev, Mr. Ledinrdfor slander,
The minister had told the plaintiff's in-
tended husband something that caused
him to break the engagement, The
young lady finally consented to accept a
complete retraction and apology from the
minister, who will also psy all costs,
Wunns IT SPENT aloe WrrTrn,-A robin
was 0augbt by one of the High School
students of Waterford, with a piece of
paper tied to its leg, with the following
query :-"Where will this robin build its
neat in the coming Spring 7" The note
was signed N. Jnlos Ferdinand, box 415,
Tmnpa, Florida, The student immedi.
ately wrote to Florida aunnunoing the
capture of the bird.
A WOODSTOCK Bar's ADvaxxuen.-The
following despatch from Newton, West
Indies, refers to the eon of W. H. Van
Inman, oollectur of Customs, Woodslook :
-The British cruiser Partridge, Capt.
Van Ligon commanding, reports that On
Sunday, ltiaroh 28th, she fired on a
suspicions vessel that resembled the old
filibuster Bermuda. The Partridge start-
ed on a cruise ou March 25th, and early
on Sunday she sighted the steamship
which she at first thought was a West
India fruiter. The vessel refused to
show her colors and the Partridge fired
two blank shots and then solid shots at
the steamer. The range was too long
for the shots to be effective and the Part-
ridge started in pursuit. The cruiser
being the slower vessel, the suspicious
vessel escaped, The Partridge returned to
Watling's Island to look after a schooner
that was with the steamship, but she too
had escaped. It is supposed that the
vessels ware a part of a filibustering
expedition that started from Nassau for
Cuba. The Partridge will leave again
ou another search after them,
Fall Wheat
Spring wheat
Barley._ _ .......
Peas (large)
Butter, lilts and
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes (per bag)
Hay per ton.
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins eaob
Hogs, Live
Dressed Hoge
70 72
22 25
87 138
54 55
17 18
11 00
4 00 4 50
7 00 8 00
5 5i
8 7
1 00 00
40 GO
15 40
4 00 4 70
6 50 G 00
Now Yeast, April 20. -Butter. -Market
steady; creamery, 180 to 17a ; do. factory,
So to 11}o ; Elgins, 170 ; Irritations
steady at 10c bo 14io; State dairy, 180
to 16e ; do, creamery, 13o to 17c. Cheese
quiet ; largo state, 00 to 12e ; fancy, Oo to
12io ; part skims, 4o to 8ao ; full skims,
2}c to 80.
TORONTO, April 20. Market Quiet.
Wheat -Better demand and prisms about
2o higher for Ontario grades, at 770 for
reel and 78c for white, north and west ;
Manitoba lo to 2o higher ; sales of No.
1 hard, Midland, at 87o and No. 2 hard
at 85e. Flour -Demand firmer, at $8.86
to $3.70 for straight roller west. Barley
dull ; nominal at 300 to 810 for No, 1 ;
82o to 380 for No. 1 extra ; 20c for No.
2 ; 24 for No. 8 extra, and 210 for feed
outside. Corn is firmer, at 25o for yel-
low west, Oats in good demand ; mixed
sold uorth and west ab Iflee, and white
et 20o middle freights. Pons are in de,
mend and firmer ; oars sold, middle
freights, at 40o.
Moxraztn, April 19. -At the east end
cattle market blue morning the offerings
of live stock were 150 cattle, 15 sheep,
25 spring lambs, and 50 calves. The
weather was cold and wet and the at.
tent -lance of buyers was very small,
which, however, avis 110 surprise to the
few dealers who had cattle of the market
after the active buying of butchers last
week, and until tits bulk of their present
stock of beef is worked off-whichR 'ill
take at least the balance of this wools to
do -little activity is looked for its the
cattlo trade, On the whale the market
was very tame., and only for some buying
the part of one of our leading export.
ors very few, if any, cattle would ilava
changed hands. The supply, however,
was exceedingly small, and this fact,
coupled with the above demand, enabled
holders to maintain prices. Sales of
heifers and steers for export were made
at 4c to 4in, but 6e would have been paid
for really oheiee stock, which was soared
today, Choice cows sold at Ilio and
bulls at 110 to 30, A fav good butcher's
cattle wore disposed of at 4o to 45a, and
lower grades at 2io to 3:10 per pound,
The demand for Small meats was exooed-
ingly Blow, in foot, holders of ehoep forma
it impossible to effect sales, oonsognontly
it le difficult to quote prices. Spring
Iambic sold at $2 to 56 each, and calves
et $1 to $7 each, as to size and quality,
3i sr Berme, N. Y., April 20,-Cabtlo
Thorn were no fresh arrivals of sale
stook, all the receipts being through ;
the market is regarded as being steady,
with the former prices of the week, and
the outlook fair for desirable handy and
good fat epoch. Veale steady et 531.511 to
54 50 ; choice to extra, 54.75 to $5. hogs
--Receipts 70 mars ; the market 10110 very
dull and slow, and prices ruled a Melted
lower ; good to ohoioe Yot.lto's, $4.26 ;
mixed packet's' grades $lir, ; medium
weights 4 21 ; heavy hogs, 54.213 ' rough
1, ,$ Yl t„
53,50 to 513.011. Sheep mid lambs -The
supply was exceedingly light, only about
t dock of fresh sale stock opining in. but
abort seven ears hold over from pester.
day's trade. 'I'ko market was slow and
trading very limited, the prima mulled
here being generally considered too high
as compared with those of eastern mar-
kets, from the seller's standpoint ; native
lambs, choice to prime, $(1,10 to 50.25 ;
good to choices, $6 56 to 58 ; common to
good, do, $4.75 to 55.50 ; Dulls and com-
mon lambs, $3,60 to $4.60 ; fair to extra
ohoioe dipped, 54.50 to 55,30 ; fair to
choice mixed sheep, $4,10 to 54.90 ;
culls and common sheep, 513 to $3,75 ;
export sheep, 54 Iib to $4.90.
Tonorro, April 2011h. --Receipts at the
Toronto etoolc market to day worn light -
only 45 carloads at the western cattle
yards-ancl the result was that the alta'.
cots were cleared off early. Prices in all
lines held firm. There wore better re-
ports from Montreal, and the buying for
there was steady, about eight carloads
being taken. Buffalo buyers were pros.
eat its numbers, and quite a few butchers'
cattle and stockers were taken to go
across the lino. The offerings at the
yards here to -clay included 1,800 hogs,
100 sheep and yearlings, about two dozen
spring lambs, 15 mileh cows and 26
calvoe, Total receipts for last week at
the two yards wore :-Cattle, 1,116 ;
sheep and lambs, 588 ; hogs, 3,028 ;
weight foes, $0,050• Everything sold
early, with prices firm all round, and a
few Limos higher than they were last
week Shoop -Fair trade ; light offer-
ing, ; figures rule from 3Jo to 3ie per lb ;
choice sheep are in demand. Spring
lambs -Not vory many offered, and more
could have been sold. They aro quoted
at from 52.50 to $4 per head. They will
sell readily at those pricee. Calves -
Rather slow sale; really choice voids sell
well enough, but anything else is quiet.
Prices rule from 53 to 55.50 mostly, $0
being paid sometimes for choice voals.
Hogs steady. Choice selections of bacon
hogs were soon disposed of at 5o per lb.,
weighed off the cars. Thick fat hogs
were slightly firmer, at 4,}c to 410 per Ib.
Sows being 3c to 390 per Ib. Stags, 2o.
All kinds except stores are wanted.
Tickets now pts sale at
Special Low Rates
The Grand Trunk Railway System via
its Chicago lines gives you euporior ao•
,cnmmodation, lowest ohmges and the
quiekost time to the above points.
Tull information et G. T.311 stations.
G. 1'. 1l. Agent, Brussels.
I' Repairs and parts always on hand.
Stoic Wheels dootored and a Duro guar-
Hall and see our fine display of Wheels.
Are you going to require any
Paper Banging this season 2 If
so the undersigned ala0 at your
call and guarantee a prompt, well
merited Joh at a LOW price. A
trial will convince yeti.
Wo also attend to Tialsonlining
and Painting with Neatness and
House Painting well done at
Close Figures.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
We aro horn to clo business so
make your wants known and we
will lose no tilde in filling them.
.111 cCR4 CE.E.T '
APRIL 23, 1;,97
E have about every-
thing that mon want
for Style or Comfort—Every-
tiling now and up-to-date and
prices within easy reach of
modest means. Everybody
is invited to come. We want
you to see the Clothing De-
partment—if only to see how
`—. the business is growing.
Every Ian will be I7iterestec in the
New Sufis, New Hats,
New Pants, New Neckwear,
New Underwear New Shirts,
New Hosiery, Boots Sc Shoes
New Dress Goods.
E are doing a good trade in Dress Goods. The
stock is in excellent shape. We are showing a
good range of stylish Fabrices including the well known
Priestley's makes, together with reliable Black Dress
Goods. The 'Values are far better than you would expect.
Produce Wanted.
Chickens Roost High but they Nust come down
Try our Pure Loose Cream of Tarter l3aking Powder at
20 Cents per lb,
Gillet's Lye for making soap, is the best.
We handle the Best fic, Cigars on the market,
Choice Candies Always Fresh
We order our Goods often therefore the Goods aro Always Fresh.
Kerney & MCCr°ac Ken.
Don't Forget that
t (11:11 afi(,:,
Cm PaHiry Sil
SIJC.8 ,iS gym_
Milk Cans, Creamery Cans,
Mi1.1 Pans and Pails, Etc.
�i ordered. ward promptly attenae i to.
Castor Oil and the Best Machine
Oils always in Stack.