HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-23, Page 3APRIL 23, 1897 Town, Directory. a/asuman Onunoil.—Sabbath Servioes at 11 a m and 7:00 p, m, Sunday School at 2130 p m, Rev, John Rose, B A, Crisp and Casual. There about 1,500 theatres in Europe, Italy possessing more than any other pOUlltts , meta.. A man obtains his maximum height at B. JouN's Onanon,—Sabbath Services 40 yours of age, and a woman at fifty at 11 a m and 7 p m• Suncla Bohool YePes, YPeople who Ball newspapers in the streete of Moscow are oompelled to ap• pear in uniform, One in every ten Englishmen suffers with gout. and a dootar says it le because they eat too much meat, The Mammoth Cave in Kentucky has, end probably deserves the reputation of being the largest in the world. It ie eaid a man eau live oomfortubly in Japan on :07 a year; which will pay for board and lodging, and that many live on :,38, The swiftest bird known to naturalists is either the vulture, which ie said to make 150 milers en hour, or the English kestrel, which eau probably equal, if not expel tbie speed. The wearing qualities of Parisian drapery are tested with mud. Any new tint that cannot steed the influenoe of mud being thrown upon it, 1e immediate- ly thrown aside es useless. A society for the suppreesion of scandal has just been started at Ineterberg, in East Freesia. Every scandalous sbory epraed in the town will be traced, and the originator prosecuted by the eooieby, Ib'erthworme are said not to possess ears or any organs that can bo called such, find yet are peculiarly oeusitive to vibrations, both of the air and of any solid substattoe on which they may be placed. A talking watch was recently on exhi, bition at Paris. It has neither face nor hands, and when you want to learn the hour, you place the time -piece to your ear, and the exact minute is imparted to ,yon inn melodious whisper. "Corporations have no souls," is e intioh older expression than most people imagine. It originated with Sir Edward Coke, the great sixteenth century lawyer, who in one of his treatisee says :—"Cor• potations cannot commit trespass, nor be outlawed or excommunicated fur they have no souls." Owing to the demand for "pairs" Chet an well matched, the bleaching and dye- ing of horses bee become quite an art. The artifeial coloring, however, eoon shows itself, and frequently therefore the horses have bo be "toughed np." For. tunately the process is not in any way injurious to the animal. Among the numerous superstitions of the Coeeaoke there ie none stronger than the belief that they will enter heaven In e better state if they are personally clean at the time they are killed. Conse- quently before an expected battle they perform their toilets with scrupulous oars, dress themselves in Moen garments, and put on the bust they have. The Matabele, with whom we have been waging war in South Africa, are not exactly a race indigenous to thee part of the 0onnbry. Belonging to the Zulu stock, they are the descendants of a warrior race called the Zirnbas, who came down from the north in the early pact of the 17th century, after the Portugese had been for two generations in possession of the coast districts. Historians have called them the Huns of Bentham) Africa. It would be interesting to know who was the Brat person to keep an inn. Originally they were bub few in number. In the reign of Edward I. there were but three houses of oall in the whole of London. Even in 1562 no mere than , 40 were legally permitted in the metro- polis, now spreading oub its boundaries on every side. Half, a century labor there were four hundred inns in tbeb part of London known as the City. A certain London hotel twee a bushel of potatoes a year for ponwipors for use on the tables in the writing rooms. Every morning a largo potato is put in a compartment of bhe pen -box and after 24 hours the potato is remover!, and an- other put in. Pens in pen.11olders are steak into the potato, half n dozen at a time, giving it the appearance of a porous pine. It is claimed that a potato pen• wiper is the best preservative against rust and mildew that can be secured for the pens. at 2;80 p. m. Rev, A. K. Griffin, inoum. bent. Mttcrlontsl: Cnoaom.—Sabbath Servioos at 10:80 a m and 7:00 to m. Sunday School at 2;80 p in. Rev. 8, 1. ABM, pastor. BottAN OATuoLro Ouuaolt.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10;80 a no. Ileo .loeeph Kennedy, priest. Seavartos Alum—Service at 7 and 11 a m and a and 8p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks, ODD F1trsows' Lotion every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC Lonolt 'Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Logue on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Blas. hill's blook, 0 O F Lenon 2nd and lash Tuesday evenings of Daub month, in Blashill's black. I 0 F,'2ad•and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Limit. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall, SONS or ScoTLANn, let and 3rd Tues- days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T, M. Loran, 2nc1 and 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, lab and 8rd Mondays of each mouth in Blas - bill's Hall. A 0 F, let anti 3rd Mondays of each month in Odd Pellow'e Hall. HOME Cncoxnc, and and 4110 Friday even- ings in Blashill's Hall. POST 017I0E.-0111oe hours from 8 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. MEonanoos' INSTITUTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. tn. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mc- Naughton, Librarian. Town Ooouom.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Beaker, Goo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdale and It. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas !telly, Treasurer ; R. Hingstotr, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Sonoon BoAnD.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D. 0. Moss, J. G. Skene, Jae, Turnbull, A. Cousley and F. Van• stone. Seo.•Trsas., 11. I{, Ross. Meetings and Friday evening in each month. Pucnra Somme TEAnncne.—J, H. Cam- eron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Mien Downey and Miss Ritchie. Boum OF Hit n.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt, Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer, NO TIME FOR JESUS. "And they all with one consent began to make axone." "No time for Jesus," site lightly said ; "I've far too much to do ; My school and music I oau't neglect ; I'm totting painting, too. Our club meets oft,•and I have to go, And to parties, not a few— No, not tonight, I thank you, sir ; I have too muni to do." "No time for Jesus," the young man said ; "I'm seeking now for fame ; To gain a plane in our civil courts ; Must make myself a memo ; A.ud I must work to win snocess, It seems the only way ; But yet I hope to seek your Oheist Some more convenient day." "No time for Josue," the housewife said ; "141 plan this tea with care, I've guests to.day who have honored me, No time for thought or prayer. The housewife must attend her home, Must duet and bake and brew ; I+`o7rU�vIiClt. With days to sew, and calls to make, There's now ton much to do." A good butcher could do a first class business by locating in this village. "No time to think," said the business Divine serine was held in Trinity man, church on Good Fridtty, The pastor "0f the interests of my soul." preached. Almost persuaded, be coos had thought, D. G. Mahood, who is attending the But sought another goal. Collegiate Institute iu Owen Sound, is So earthly care and the pride of life • spending his holidays at his home here. ()emulated his better part ; Chas. McLaughlin, of Cartwright, who He heard no voice when the Saviour said, . has been visiting bis eieter, Mrs. 11. Gib - "My eon, give Me thine heart." eon, for some time, returned home last week. Fred. Braden left on Wednesday morn- ing of last week for Toronto, where be has secured a situation at his trade as plumber. The following were the officers eleotsd in connection with the Baseball Club :— Hon. Pres., A. McCurdy ; Pres., Dr, A, M. Spence ; Sec., Lew Mahood ; Treas., P. A. Donaghy ; Captain, H. Green ; The alphabet TOM What's the flatter. Managing Committee, Dr. d„ M. Spenao, Wm. Watters and Lew. Mahood. Anarchy lifting its horrid crest. The Book Committee ,of the Publio Pathless dishonesty galling some, Library has added $25 worth of books to Co tbending against) wholesome law. the library, which makss 8200 worth of Disregnrcl of vested human rights. books bought during this year. A aom- E,cotism too large in some people. tnibtee bas been appointed bo draft to Fomenting strife ; exciting crines. sobonie and rulee for a free militia library. Giving rein to paeaion and lusts. There aro about 800 volumes in the 11. Hypocrisy plainly teen in people, beery. Intemperance enrsing by its cups. At the reoent S. S. 0onvenbion held in Jealouey rampant in many persona. the Methodist church hers, the Sco,- Kioking, kiokiug, kicking, kiolcings. Tends. was footnoted, after paying ex• Lawlessness ; rioting by criminals. pensee of the Convention and retaining e 14lleerliness aillialing very many, auiiiaienb sum on band, to send the bah. Narrowness in thought end speech. onoo to the Standard Banta Tlareiatan, Opinlonated stubbornness in many. for the India famine fund. This bus Prodigality ruining some persona. been done and he received a receipt for Quarrelsomeness, always, everywhere. eleven dollars. dittoing, racing, racing, and raeings. We an cony to learn that Messrs. Sellishccess, a murderer enthroned. Gibeon tD Sanders, our popular millers. Tiino•s0rving ; time serving people, heve daoided to withdraw from business Tlulaithfulnoes to snared pledges, here. ']'hese young men htuve been here Vice, a despoiler in horrid forms, the peat year and during that time have War, the great deetroyoo of lives. been held in the highest esteem by the Bentss ie hurting man and women, publio with wbom they heve been deal. Yeomanry life so little regarded. ing. We nnderetand it is the intention Zion's gates too often neglected, of the partnere to vaeate the mill the last of May, and until that time they will be The <Ideation of military represents, found at the old stand. I$. S. Gibson Non at tbo diamond jubilee celebration in bas bandit the oatreetel mill in Wroxeter London was discussed in the House of and will nummenoo business immediate. Oommoos, end Sir Richard Cartwright ly on his removal from hart. intimated that the Government would Whet might nave been a fatal aaeidont provide for 1suitable force being sant hopppenod to I'Jatthew Wilson on Wed. over. Until the negotiations with the uoeday of last week, while working 0b the Imperial authoritise aro oorrlpfeted it is dam. It seems that he was cutting at a imposeiblo to say what number of mon root which was blocking up bba passage will be sent, of the water at ono of the gates, when So Jens waits, and we bear Him say, "Why sinner, will ye die 2" "Come unto Me, 1'll give you rest, And all your needs supply." But still the world keeps beolconing on, Down to the depths al gloom ; No time for Jesus I No time for prayer I Bub time fur the sinner's doom 1 TUE BRUSSELS POST hie axe got caught, and he trying to wrench it loose received a sudden jeris witioh sent him over into the water and he woe carried down the slides into the whirlpool below, where he was lost from view for a few aeoonda, but be woo re-ap- peered and being a good swimmer strut* oat manfully for the shore, whleh to all appearances he would have molted with. out ani, but the current above the bridge being so strong it was currying him back by the Wooten abutment of the bridge when he was grabbed. by Ben. Gibson, who had run down to the edge, and as - Meted him ashore. He was at once taken home and had his clothes changed and is now none the worao for his cold bath. Weer •xcercar. Crosby Looltio has enured a position in the oat meal mill, Quite a number in this vicinity have caught the gold fever. Thos. Smith, er„ paid friends in Galt and Hamllton a visit recently. Sam. Mul1elvey, our popular woolen mill man, will erect a new house tine Sommer. Jas. Taal:wan, of Jamestown, ie run- ning the peddling wagon for W. 0. Hazle. wood this eeneon. Van Dtokeon is having his oottage on Howiok street remodelled and intends malting a Summer resident's out of it. It is reported here that Robb. S. Gib- son, of Fordwioh, has purchased the Oat• meal mill and will take possession about the fret of June. It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of an old and reapeoted oitizsn of this place, in the person of Miss Whit- worth, who died from the effects of e paralytic stroke iia the home of her eefce, Mrs, T, W. Gibson, of Toronto. Tbo remains were brought to Wroxeter and interred in the Presbyterian ceme- tery. A CRIPPLE FOR LIFE. SO DOCTORS SAID CONCERNING RICHARD B. COLLINS. Me Spent Mouths lu the Toronto Hospital Without any Ilenelit—I'init i'itls Cure Hint Aileron Other Treatnrot Fatted. From the Fabo, 'Marton, Ont, The Echo presents to its readers the following plain abatement of fact, with the simple comment that a medicine that can perform so remarkable a cure is simply invaluable, and it is no wonder Mutt the aggregate of its sales throughout the country is enormous. I, Richard B. Collins, hereby make the following statement, which can be con- firmed by any number of witnesses in this seotion of the country. I first began to complain about fire years ago. I had then been worlting in a fish shanty, and was wet almost all the time, Summer and Winter. I was then confined to the house for three months. This was my first attack and on getting better I com- menced work again, the Bret of the fol- lowing February, and confined at it until the next January when I took a much worse attack. The doctors pro• nounoed it eheonuttism, and after treat• ing me for that disease until about the first of May, they disoovored that my trouble was disease of the hip joint and advised me to go to au hospital. I went to Toronto and stayed iu the hospital live weeks and then returned home. I however, did not recover, and was com- pelled during the following summer to go bask to the hospital! where I remain- ed three months, getting worse all the time, I was told that I could not be cured and when I left was only able to walk by the aid of orutahee. I then came home and was not there long be• fore I was taken to my bed. i continued in this state until January following, when I was advised by several friends to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took their advice and before I had finished the fifth box I began to improve, and by the time I had completed a dozen boxes I was able to walk without crutches, and have never need them since. I was able to do light work in a short time, and i t Jaunary last (1897) I commenced working in the woods and have no trouble from the hip unless overexerted, Our. tog the last threw years I have spent 000.00 iu dootee'e bills enc! medicines, trying everything recommended, lint without any gond resulta nail I took De. Williamsfink fills, to which I owe my restored condition, as the doctors gave up all hopes of ever seeiug me out of bed alive and well. I may say that before X began baking Pink Pills during my last cutter, i put in many a night so bad that I never expected to bo alive in the morning." Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervous headache, nervous prostration, and diseases depending upon humors in uhe blood, auah as scrofula, ohronia erysipelas, oto., all disappear before a fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They give a healthy glow to pale and sallow oompleximis and build up and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers and poet paid at 50 cants a box by addressing the Br, Williams' Medi - eine Company, Brockville, Ont. Ds nob be persuaded to take tome substitute. Geo. Unmo's sofa WAS blown open by eraolcsmen at Milton and the night aatohtnan exchanged shote with ono of the unwelcome vialtors, ilir, Mollullen's bill to appoint a boned of three to inapeob the inside and out- side civil aerviao and dispense with all nnnocessnry offioare has been introdnoecl in the Hansa of Comment. "Half 0 span of angry steel" will pro. Mum no mora fatal resulta than n neglect- ed gold or cough. For all throat and lung diseases Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best remedy. It is invaluable in cases of croup, whooping Dough, bron- chitis and la grippe, Mk Headache Permanently Cared "I was troubled, a long time, with skit headache, It 'was usually ao- colnpauled with severe pains in the temples and Sickness at the stom- ach. I tried a good many remedies recommended for this complaint; but. it was not until I be- gan taking AVER'S Pills that I received anything like perma- nent benefit. .A. sin- gle box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now a well man." C. II. IIL'tcliIEos, East Auburn, Me. Per the rapid cure of Constipa- Lion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau- sea, and all disorders of Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take raFk. 9 Cathartic Ms Yodel and Diploma at World's Fair. Auk your druggist for flyer's Saraparilla, IL G. Richatrt son. Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Snits made for $4 and upwards. r"Sllop oyer Mcllo`vun's Store. BRLJS BELS PUMP ORBS. X viola to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have par - :Awed the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will Ito found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market, Order left at my shop or t'esidenae or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly Blokes! after. 1'Ordere talcen for the Digging of Wails and Cisterns, Gomer Green., 'RILL S'T'REET, - BRUSSELS, My Stock of Sp G- 0 ing Is now aemplete in Silks, Deese Goods, Dress Trimmings, Moline, Lawns, Art Mueline, Curtains, Laces, Ribbons, Prints, Ducks, Flannelettes, Cottons, Cottonades, Towelings and a special line of Ladies' and Children's Vests, I think I know something about and when I tell you that my 500. per lb. Dargeling Gem of the Lest Is the boat Black Tea in the market and that my 25o, Japan Tea is better than most of the Tea sold in this town for 350. and 40o. X always keep the best Teas and Coffees in the market so the publio say. E1 Agent for Parker's Dye Wo,'L.s. E litdlier Shop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMALI SLQCKI �R�SSELSI where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. 'rV r LG6lTrEn. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro. perty at 6 & 6i .Per Cott., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court G')el'k, Brussels. ew Harness Shop. D. FRAIN has opened a Har- ness Shop in the building North of the Leckie Block, Brussels, where he is prepared to turn out Light and Heavy Harness and attend promptly to repairing. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips, &c., kept in stock. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. I nm prepared to attend to all orders for Carriage Trimming, Repairing, &c. Good work and Moderate charges. D, Praia, Brussels. McLEOD'S System renovator —AND 05110R— TESTED REII'iEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness,:Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY, OODERIGH, ONT. J. M. ItIcLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jos, lox, Druggist, Brussels. ewe 1170ST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain 10 Pe effects never blisters. I ENDALL9SSPAWIRERRE. Box lie, Cermnn Henderson Co., 01., Peb.ad,'15. Dr. Dear Blrs-Pleaa8 send ma ono or your notes Books cad oblige, I bavonsod a groat deal or your Kendall's Spavin Caro with good success • it Is a wou,lerful tombola°, I once end a tunro that had an Occult ep"vin and five bottles eared her. 1 keeps bottle Yours0all y, to�0050, Powireb. iflEt' DALL9St RPAHBN DORER Dr, D. T,1051mttu Co. "Dec n11rs liars ared scin, battles 1055, 5 thhtk it 110 host Liniment lige . 5,050. H000 eiesedaaa Curb, one Blood Spavin and lolls het, mono epn1,1m.. Have roeanmondod it to 5s -ural of frieade who axe usual pleased with mold my troopfa RasNoB Rtlidr, P. 0, Box us. Por Salo by all Druggists, or gild retie Dr. 73. Js. I0.17A7D$SXr 00125PAIN T, BNneanalH FALLS, VT. 0.1.11000,110„ Apr. 5,'50. SHNLE: British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND.— North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT 11010 :Brussels Planing IViilis Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order ab Short Nobioo. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Bnildinge. Workman. ebip and Material Guaranteed, J. & P. A1,YJ, E lY 1 , We are ready for it by the arrival of Seasonable Goods. '5 CHILDREN'S WAGONS. In wood BIBLES. We have had a Large Sale of Bibles during the or iron past month and have a fine new stock to !land, Base Balls, Rubber Balls, Base Ball Bate, Marbles, Alleys, &o., &o. Fix up a Lawn this year and buy a CROQUET SET We can supply you ROCKING- HORSES O CKINvvG- H O R S E S Afford plenty of Amusement to youngsters. *We 1lever sold them cheaper SCHOOL SUPPLIES Of all Kinds. New Stook of Stationery Including Note and Foolscap Paper, Envelopes, &c., &e. Great Value in -WRITING+ PDS, For 30 Days all Toys will be Sold at COST to make rooni for new goods Pose Book TORE.