HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-16, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST Fsearorsseesisseassinserisiomme=ssannexammacsera , 5 IlEiauotio ,. 'We trite 9,11 Wall Papers for our Customers when desired, or When proferred allow lo. per roll and t11111 it yourself, Not much reiuetion but it not only enables you to get a better paper for your money but the trimming protects the sides until you aro ready to HANG IT. \Ve have a large variety to choose from and many lines we can give you handsome reductions in when required for small rooms. We have bargain in Wall Papers and are anxious that Son should know this. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S00TI1E8N EXTENSION W. 0. ai: a. -- Trains learc Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Gontoli00T1I. GOIN0NORTI8. ERarese tset coin, 121ix"d............ 1811 a.m litsud 0:.,7 pan, , A19111 12:32 pan Ppnr,m 1811oo18 reopen on Monday, 20th inst. Tilling or four weddings this weak within e radius of 10 miler; from 131'011ele, 00111WILLOR LI rn):uuALn has pgrohaeed a well•bred dereey sow from COunnillur Thomson. AN especially interesting letter Prom Niegans lvane, Ont„ Inny be read in next issue of Tilt: 1'0.1•. A BABE BALL (llnb le mooted anions the probable sports in 13russ010 for this season. There is material foe a good nine. TBxeree are being asked for the supply of gravel for Brussels streets fn' 1807. They will be opened at the Connell meet- ing 031 Monday, May 3rd, J. A. 81,1Y,RT, agent of the Standard Bank here, goo purchased a Cleveland bieyole from A. Ooueley, agent. This u)llkes 0 wheals sold already this season by him. Mnasns, limtNET AleCRAenI:N have a tiptop sock of evocative nod appear to be rapidly drawing a large shays of public patronage. Their stand to the one recently vacated by W. H. Pelton. Miss O'Coxxon io busy preparing for a anucert, to be given about the list of May. The pantonine, "Revering of a Bachelor;' 8313111 hes been given in Coboorg so 8110- ceesfully, will be produced, also the Score Drill, Tameourine Drill and other at- tractions. Date will be ,ulnonnood in due time. C. 0. F.—Ml members of Court Priuoess Alexandria, No. 24, Br vessels Canadian Order of Foresters, are request. ed to be present at next regular Meeting to be held o1 Tuesday, April 27th. Busi- ness of importance, dealing with rho Sick and rimmed Benefits will coma up for decision. Court 1ate015 at S o'clock, p.tn.aharp, '1n t AT Ho,na.—Bru,sels Odd Fellows , s Mill , .�i tto ,Qf t 111 P. purpose holding an At home in their lull o1 Monday evening, 20th lost., oom• — memoralive of the 75M anniversary of Odd Fellowship. Every member and his lady have been invited and are re. quested to bring a basket to supply the regnired refreshments. A cholas pro. g]am of vocal and instrnmental music, readings, and addresses will be given. Guests reoieved al 8 o'clock. Each Odd Fellow has the privilege of inviting a gentleman friend with his lady to enjoy the evening with the tbree.liuk brethren of Western Star No. 149, Brus- sels. A chiefs amau9 ye t:tlsin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. Goon FamA8. Aron, showers. Tag POST gives the news. L008 out f.'r s display of Spring herd - gear. Bison the new story in Tan Post•, 'Nor King Nor Country." I. 0. RIcnanns has invested in a blew awning for his store front. Easy Huron Liberals meet in Bobcats on Saturday afternoon of this week. M1:01110, BARKER 8k VANSToxlt ahipP"I a doable decked car of live hogs from 1:, us- sets last Tuesday. 13.8,1 Huron License 0,,mmissieeers gleet at the American Hotel, Bruo elii, Saturday of this week. Ox Good Friday the postofltce will he open from 0:30 to 10 a, m., nail from 1:30 to 2:80 and 0to0:130p.m. CorNCILLoR LEATIIERwALn'!' Jersey maw gave birth to two heifer ea:, es this geek but unfortunately both di, 0, JAB. BALL..NTTNE 11x8 the local age:cy for the Dayton, Tempest, Alert, Ohio, Capital and Geneva bioycles this seasmi. A BarssELI young lady will link fortunes with, a young gentleman, who was a former resident of this town, on Friday of this week. BAER BALL.—Next Tnesday evening a meeting tf all interested in the formation of a base ball club in town will be held in the Coellei1 Chamber commencing at 7:80 o'clock. A gcod attendance is ask- ed for. Wo are pleased to see that Wm. Cornish, who has been so long laid ep, is able to set about again, although still weak. We hope the Spring weather will aid in itis complete restoration to health. F3ANCIs Do WoLen is making a great improvement on his residence, Wil- liam street, tlli0 Spring. He 10 having the house raised up and a stone fnunda• Con placed under it, Alfred Lowry will do the work. EARLY CLOSING.—Commenaiug next Monday the gencers of. Bruseots purpose closing their respective places of business each evening. Saturdays ex3ept83, at 7 o'clock. This is a good move and will likely become the rule for the dry goods stores and other shops as well. LAo'r Satiirdoy Barrister Blair and W. E. Armstrong made a canvass of the town for aid for the Football tenni and suac:esde,l well, securing nearly 91(3. A loan' or Diarict League is being arrang• ed, to include Listowel, Atwood, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Wiugham, Blyth and Brussels. Enechtel received a tele - gran o11 Wednesday, from IIanover, in• tin -wing that hie elder brother, Daniel, had passed away, aged 75 years. The funeral will take place on Friday after- noon. Mr. Kuochtel left on the morning train Thursday for IIanover. He is the only eurvivor of a family of 10 abildren. C'13111U'il CHIMES. Business Locals, A 1 MANrron'tiour at Morraolcen's, `l'npxxs and Satellela, 011eap, 1, C. R inhard0, ONE good sewed hand top buggy elleap. B. Gerry. LASE herrings for sale at Jae. Bollen. tyne'0 grocery. Gunn batka3,ls In 1Iarue08. Corns and See. I, 0. Richards. SWWE money by buying your buggy at D. 1'.wan's, Brusselo ArrL1:ToN's World renowned Tens for sale et T11001Bn11'5. Sire our etylish Shone, to tit both feet and puree. I. C. Richards. TILE Stormer de strictly high grrde. Gear from 70 to 80 and up. 111cliay,C Co, Rooms or dwelling to rout over any store. I. 0. Richards. AL1Nrroal patent flour, the best tlatoan be had, at Ilueo' Ilo3r and feed mills. I11Av1. over 1,000 u1rtain poles, all hinds. Po1Oes away down. Ii. Loather. dale. This Stormer has all the modern im• ptat'enlente that are sound and np-to- d(te, 11IoICay F 00. 1tar.tlas fn harness and Collare done cheap and durable. I. 0. Richards. Tint beet way to find ant the bottom price of a buggy is to call at Jas. Wallser'e 0110p, Brussels. Marne Weaving neatly done. Satisfa0• tion guaranteed, by Mrs. McCrae. Near. ly oppoeite Dr. McKelvey's, I buying a high grade Bicycle you owl save from 915.00 to 940.00 if you ride e "Stormer," Melia) 4 Co. SCALES. --Every farmer should weigh hie stock Yon oan buy 2 000 pound Good Friday service will be held in St. John's church at 11 a. 81., Mr. Abey officiating, 11-'v. W. Norton preaches on the Walton circuit next Sabbath, taking Rev. J. Pr IPe•tman's wori:. Next Sabbath Rev. R. Paul preaches on Ethel circuit and the following Sun- day will go to Dungannon. On Easter Sundoy Rev. Prof. Burweeh, of Huron College, Loudon, will preach and administer the sacrament, assisted by Mr. Abey, in St. John's church. Rev. J. P. Rice, Ph. B., of Alma Col. lege, St. Thomas, will conduct both servioesin the Methodist cbnroh next Sabbath, owing to the illuess of the pastor. Mr. Rice is a first-class preach. or and avoids in the front rank in the London Conference. Rev. Mr. Cloff, of Thorndale, preached in St. John's church, Brussels, on San. day, April 11th, to large congregations. The rev. gentleman took for his text in the morning Eph., 1st and 21st, and in the evening Col., 4th and 18th. He spoke forcibly and lovingly on his subjects and was listened to attentively by many who wars glad to welcome bion back to Drus• eels for this visit, Rev. Wm. Norton occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sabbath morning and preached a good disoonrse from Epheeians 1st chapter and 7813 verse, In the evening flee. D. B. Mo. Rae, Paesbyterian minister of Cr38nbron3, preached a capital sermon from the text "Wait on the Lord," It was clear cut, praatical, pointed and full of warmth. Mr, MoRes will always be sure of a hearty welcome by the ''Methodist con• gregation of Brussels. S. A. NOTES•—Hello ! Good Friday you are the day for the Hot Cross Bun social and Servioe of Song entitled "The Ameri• ran link of the Social Chain," in the S. A. barracks. Only 5 Dents.—Four pretty little girls will be sold at the auction sale of ohildren in the S. A. barracks on Easter. Mondry, alio an excellent pro• gram consisting of dialogues, recitations, motto songs, solos, dustt0, &o. A great crowd expected. Admission by ticker, 5 Dents.—A great singing, aondnoted by 11rs. Adj. Taylor, alas Capt. Clarke and Lieut. Burton, with the Wiugham Brass Rand and soldiers, o0 Tuesday, April 27th. Tutt St. Thomas Daily Timms says :— One of the most interesting articles in the March Expositor, London, Eng , is by Prof. James Orr, of Edinburg, on the date of the exodus. In brief, Professor Orr believes and argues that the exodus tools place, not under Minepiab, nor in the 19111 Dynasty, but under Alneuaphis II. Prof, Orr Linda that to take 1Nineptab, or any other king of his dyneety, as the Phl3ranit of the exnduo, is to get hopeless• ly not 01 tomtit with the dotes in the Bible, 1'10r if we take the date of the fonndingof the temple at 007 13, C. (whish is the correct date according to the mounmente) and work backward, yeti are brought to 1115 or thereabouts as the date of the exodus. And if yon take the date of Cbedorlanmer at 2100 B. 0. (also monumentally coermot) and work forward ,you are brought to tannest exactly the same point. Professor Orr also ample Oolmlel Condor's identification of Abiri, whose arrival in Paleetine alarmed the then king of Jerusalem, With the IIebrews. We call attention to this contribution by Prof. Orr (which the religions prase is unanimously proclaiming "most vale. able") in ceder to claim for a minister of our own city the honor of Bret oontribut. ins this valuable data to the religious world. Last Fall Rev, 191 r, Salton, of the First Methodist chiral . (formerly of Brussels) from a. (toroth] e ally of the Tel- el•Anwxna Tablets, arrir • I at exactly the sumo remit by just the genie line of reasoning. Ile gave his views in a paper read before the Theological Convention at Victoria University,. Toronto, last November, width paper was afterwards published in the February and March numbers of the Canadian Methodist lllagozine and Review. Wo congratulate the Methodist Magazine on having a eon. tribe tor of enoh original rsseae211, and the think great oredit le due Rev, Nir. Salton ter being, able to forestall the opinion of even 8e0tlancl'e advanced theological toaohere. 181•801els School 130,trd. scales for 927.00 from 13. Gerry. Dutch Sets, fresh Garden Seeds, 151am• moth Mengel and best Swede Turnip Seeds very cheap at McCraclten's. Tun late improvements in Roos' Flour miff has placed their flour away ahead of Itll others. Everybody 10 delighted with it, Is you want anything in my line call and see whet I have. Prices the cheapest and qualities the best in the County. It. Leatherdale. Now stook of envelopes to hand at Tun Pos'r Publishing House. Get your bnsi• nese card printed on 500 of them. Price less than retail rate. WANTED.—Eggs, tan cents r the bal. ante of your Dried Apples. Weare head• quer•ters for Clover, Timothy, 1st•,. G. E. K180, Winghacn. 11 T:'•.n^r^nnnts bits the largest stook of ,e i, ,. .! mhos 3l+''1 Spring that ever was in 1,1•105,,h+. Prices cheaper than ever. Put up free and springs warranted. 8nrnon'o 0nre, the great cough and croup cure, is x33 great demand. Pocket sizesize oonunne twenty -Ove doses ; only 25 oaths. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. LOTS of baggies ready for the road. It oosts noshing to gall, even Hyatt purchase elsewhere. The pri0e5 were never lower nor the work ever better. Jus. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. Roos ROB HA'rcnING,—The undersigned can supply eggs for setting from pure White Leghorn or Black Minorca. My strains won let prize at Brussels Fall Fair in 1890. S. B. S21ALE, Brussels. KARL'S Clover hoot will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels end matte your head clear as a bell. 211 ore., 50 oto, and 9100. Sold by das.'C'ox, druggist, Bruseels. BR Yuen Own LAWTER.—Scud for speci- men pages of this, the 1181551, best and cheapest law hood for the masses ever published in Canada. Write today to W. Ii, Anger, 28 Ulster St., Toronto, BARGAIN OFFERED.—That eligible half Rare lot Situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die• posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for partirnlars to JOHN IiAucngavas, 174 Queen st. West, Toronto. 91Re. T. S. Efswan80, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life," I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 ate. Sold by Jas. Fox. TIE hardest saws warranted full sot without breaking, its I have a new, Safe and fast way of Setting saws, Saws that are in fine order giveu in exchange for eaves that are not of order by paying the difference. T. McGregor, saw filer, Brus- sels, Queen St., East. Or Pumee IN'rnnnsT.—,The undersigned calls this attention of the publio to the foot that he has a fine display of well - made buggies finished in A 1 style and to be sold at very close prices, at his large show room on Market street, next door East to his blacksmith shop. All the latest improvements, such as steel dash, roller curtains, 3330., &0., and every rig warranted to give satisfaction. Money saved by buying here and no doubt about it. A test of this fact will satisfy you. Cal( fn and 500 the display. Special attention given to repainting rigs. We're here to do buainese. D. Ewalt, Brussels. Regular meeting of the Publio Sabool Board was held in the Counoil Chamber o1 Friday, April 0th. All members present. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and passed. An 310001101 of Jas, Fox of 95.50 for supplies wee recd, and on motion 01 J. G. Skene and D. C. Ross was ordered to be paid, Inspector Robb's report was read and ordered to be filed. Moved by W. Ir. Venstene, seconded by J, (3, Skene that in onnsideration of part of Geo. Korr'a property being in the Bras• sole selloul section thee he be allowed to send big children to the echool for 25 ciente per pupil per month in the Primary Department, 40 Rents in the 231d Depart. Inert, 50 Dents in the 3rd, and 70 cents in the Prineipal'e Department—Carried. Board then adjourned. APRIL 10, 1897 ee�cenr5lnenstoonme5 eettrm,a ueooswstaan�ma=womsesso $T. LXD44RD BANE OF C,�lfn� 1D,fl. SItt,X.,P..292+Sf-r. S -X7.-. :. 5.072„ HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, -(Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . . 95,000,000 .4g moles in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, llfanttoba, United States 43 England. WRIARST1146 'Wawa. A General Banking Bneinoss Transaoted, Farmero' Notee Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards from slat of deposit to ditto of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIYEN 'r0 THE GOLLEOTIoN 01' FAIl'ul1¢5' HALE NOTE5, Every facility afforded Customers living at a 410tanee, J. A. STEWA1RT MANAGER. 153,8' Ole. Tho conning factory's name is "Dennis" for the meantime. There is acne doubt about our flax mill being operated this year. Miss Edna Coals is in Brussels this week whither she went to take the part of Goddoes in the "Temple of Fame." Motbodiet Sabbath School anniversary entertainment was held in Industry Hull last Monday evening and was a Buenas. Itov, Ibir. Wioltett, of London, aseioted Rev. Mr. Rigsby with big work last Sab. bath, The latter gentleman i5 rapidly regaining his health, E. L. Taylor 11115 been nominated to oonte01 Winnipeg for the Commons in the labor and Temperance interest, Maggio Adamson, a young woman employed in a store at Ottawa, died end. denly at her worts. Au inquest is being bald. Oman= A'1 C:'TO•2T s.A.2.f—rS- Hite) -, APRIL 23rd,—Farm stock and implements, lot 2(1, Com 10, Grey. Sale nnreeerved, et 1 o'clock. Robt, Shfcle, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, atio. 370.J'u,.:,222,0 MAF K=TO, Fall Wheat 68 70 Spring wheat 8U Barley........ 20 25 Peas 331 37 Peas (large) 54 55 Oats 17 18 Sutter, tabs and rolls 10 11. Eggs per dozen 8 Flour per barrel.....,4 00 4 50 Potatoes (per bag) 25 Hey per ton. 7 00 7 00 Hides trimmed .. 5 54 Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skiue,each 40 00 Lamb shins mash 15 40 Hogs, Live 4 60 4 65 Dressed Hogs 0 00 0 00 JBOTai7 TuTNxn-In - Morris, on April 5th, the wife of lir. JameeThynne of a eon, WnrrE,—In 3lorris, on April 0th, the wife of Mr. Robert White of a son (still born.) CAliennoLL.--111 Last Wawanosh, on April 3rd, the wife of Mr. Chas. Campbell of a daughter. Straw..—Iu Grey, on Apl'il 1313), the wife of Mr. Jaeoph Shaw, of a daughter (stili born.) LIVRRllloL, April 13.—Wheat—Spring, as 2d to Gs 8c1 ; red winter, no stock ; No. 1 Cal. 5s 10411 to 50 11d ; corn new, 2s 0r1; pens, 4s 2d ; pork, 50s ; lard, 225 ; tallow, 18s Od ; bacon heavy, 1. c., 29s lid ; do., light, 0. 0., 270 ; cheese, white, 56s Gd ; do., colored, 533e M. DAIRY MARKETS, April 15,—Neiv York— Butter steady ; western creamery, 1130 to 180 ; do., factory, 80 to 1240 ; Elaine, 180 ; imitation creamery, 110 to 153 ; state dairy, 13c to 17e; 00., creamery. 1.80 to 18c. Cheese quiet ; state large, 00 to 124o ; sma11, 90 to 1240 ; part slcims, 5c to 8o ; full skims, 24c to 3a. ToitONT0, April 13th.—Market quiet. Flour quiet ; prices steady ; no denneud ; straight rollers quoted at $3.50, Bran timet ; quoted at 98.50 in oar lots, and shorts, 99 to 910 Wheat stronger, owing to advances of l}c1 in Liverpool and 2c to 3c in Western States markets ; reel winter 1)dc1 at 72c, with 714c bid, and white quoted at 7240 to 780 ; No. 1 Manitoba hard quoted at 7So to 700 Midland, and 720 Fort William, May delivery ; No. 2 hard, 70e to 77e Midland. Barley dull ; little den3e al ; No. 1 quoted at Oc ; fNo.. 2 at 27c, and No. 3 extra at barley sold at Pile to 200 west. Oats dull; steady ; sales of white west at 184c to 19c, and of mixed at 1740. Peas steady ; quotations being 88o north x1117 west. Oatmeal quiet ; prices steady, at 92.75 to 92,80. TORONTO, April 12.—The receipts to. day were large and prices generally steady. There were 90 carloads, including 170 head of sheep mud lambs and 1800 slogs. The cattle market is somewhat weaker, especially the poorer grades. Choice shippers bring 4:1a to 44o, and ordinary, 87c to lc, Stockers sold at Sic to 50 per ib. Bulls for export, 540 to 3:10 per ib. Butchers' cattle were rather dull, owing to good supply ; the best qualities sold at 54c to 8;)o ; good to medium at 2 fa to So, and inferior at So to 24o per 1b. Mi1011 cows Bell at 920 to 935 each, and calves at 94 to 97 each Spring lambs are weaker, with sales at 98 to 94.50 each. Sheep and lambs steady, with receipts of 170 head. Choice sheep sold at 30 to 3:1ro per lb., and butchers' at 211c. Lambs aro firm, there being sales at 54c to ble per 900(1.. hogs unchanged, with receipts of 1800. The best soul at 50, weighed off cars, thick fate of 44o, light weights at 41c to ,4a, sows at 340 to 540, and stegs at 24c pet' pound. BAST BrrmALO, N. Y., April 13.—Cat- tie—Receipts all consigned throngli and there was nothing doing in the cattle yards ; about two lends of Canada stock- ers aro still unsold, for which there were n0 orders up to a Into hour, and the market for this class did not show the buoyancy that has characterized it for some time pest. Calves—Receipts very light, mud the market. remains nominally unchanged ; common to fair, $3.25 to 94,- 60 ; good to extra, choice, 94,75 to 95.50 ; heavy foci and buttermilk calves, 92 to $8. Ploge—Receipts, 5 loads ; with 41110 limit. ad supply prices ruled stronger ; good to choice Yorkers, 94,50 to 94.55 ; mixed packers' stades, $4 80 to $4.35 ; medium weights, 94.30 to 94 85 ; heavy hogs, $4,- 80 to $4.55 ; rough, 93.75 to 913.00. Sheep and Iambs—The flesh receipts were light —only one load, but 13in0 over ; the market railed at 18 light demand at boat, and for the two handy gristles on rade only about yesterday's prices obtained ; the bulk of the offerings that were held over were of the too heavy order, and inoluded some clipped lambs that averaged 110 hounds, or which there was no demand at all ; native kumb0, choice to prime, 96.- 85 to 90.50 ; good to choice, 95 00 to 911.• 50 ; common to good, do , $4 85 to 95 00; culls to mammon tombs, 98.75 to $4,315 ; fair to metra clipped, $4 50 to 94.00 ; fair to choice mixed sheep, 9410 to 95 ; Dills and common, 95 to 93.70 ; export sheep,. ewes to prime welshers, 94.75 to 95. Trot (Mann SITUATION, •— Montreal Trado Bulletin : ' Ab the commencement of the present week several lots of new cheese wore Gold for export account al 104o, oto small lot being placed at 100, Latest advices from Western points now indicate that the MAO of fodder thecae will not be as large 110 expeot031. A fee- terymltu in the Belleville section writes a0 follows t "'tiro cows in my section have not oalvocl as early as they did last year, and I shall bo very mach mistaken 0 we 80131 out many more fodder cheese this season,' The ohooso that arrived last week wore too green, 8113011 shows that f38ot0ryn1On have not proper facilities for oaring. Sales are reported for future delivery berme 1 new and May at 60s. '9..--71105. Soott Out Tarts Ann TTIMB P .5 roprosenting Thomas Robinson .2 Co., of West Tfartlopool, Eng , the egg importer, 19 in Lnndol, where the firm have estab- lished their Canadian headquarters. Mr. Scott says that Canadian eggs are fast displacing those of other countries in the Br111811 market, and that hie firm have deoided to buy them exclusively. 7V361r x12 the last two weeps he has purchased ten thousand dozens in the nelghbnrhnad of London. Mr. Scott says the outlook for Canadian prodnce 111 England is very bright, and the cold storago system will greatly facilitate exports. Honanss—B1eior.—Oa April 1531), et the Manse, Brussels, by Rev. 11. Paul, Mr. John 1lnlmes to Miss 011arity A. Biehoh, both of Grey. MC1561—libtreOT'r.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Ethel, on April 14311, by Rev. T). 33 kfoKae, Mr. 3. P. McKay to Miss Mary A., youngest daughter of Mr. William Elliott, all of Grey. fonlosolo --Wn1Tl3BLD.—A3 the residence of the bride's father, on April 14112, by ileo, James Walker, Mr. Wm. Robinson, of the State 01 Michigan U, S., to Miss Mary Whitfield, of Grey township`._..-__ nex>ra. LINIMATnn,—Th Turnberry, on Aprt 8t3, infant son of Mr. and 14Irs, 2. Linklator, need 4 weeks and 1 day, KN00arlr.--In IIanover, on April 14th, Daniel Tineohtel, brother of Wm. Kneohtel Brussels, aged 75 years. MORINS.—In '(Vingham, on April 121.11, 5, 13, Morias, formerly of Brussels, in hie 82nd year. TIRE PEOPLE'S C41I,t11Ii:. C'IEED PEAS ANI) 13ARLEY L., for pale 3(t Lot 18, Con. 7, Groy, 39 n PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm security. Apply at 111r POST publishing House, Brussels, OIIIFORTABLE HOUSE FOR vV sole 11(111 1 acre lot. Good cistern, furoaoe, &e, Will bn sold at barg.ti 0. Apply to TnE I'osT Publishing Homo. OAR FOR SERVICE.—THE unde'8(g11od will keep a Chester White briar for service. Terms :1,00 to be paid at the time of service, with privilege of returning 1f 80oe8anry. 40.1 JACOB LONG, C1'anbrook, mo RENT.—A BRICK rESI R DENCB On Queen street, with an Imre 011,104 attached, largely devoted to Fruit ¢uittirn. Posooesion given m, April ist. Win rent by the year, Apply to THOS. PEPPER, foto, eon. 0, Grey, 80.10 l�Olt SALE IN E'PIIEL.—PRO. 0E078 Of John 1411153., deceased, now slating of good brick house and 1cit81100, with an esnvenienoes ; gon0 stable; fruit trues' half aura of laud. Well suited for retired farmer. r0,' further particulars apply to A. W. PA'rTi4RiON„Molesworth ; DB. 18131. W .:IV147, Brussels; 01' \\M.. SI'18N(0E,Kthel, 30 4 (SEED OATS, SALGZI6R ANOR— _ Tm1R8 grown oat, 0110 week earlier 4111811 most varieties, heavy yielder. Price 30 cents per bushel. Also "Lightning 1,x - press” Potato early and beet out of 1,000 ktudr. Price 75 cents per bushel. Gauger - inn Barley, hatless, w'eigbs 08 pntuul5 to the bushel. Price 00 cents per bushel, Other early varieties of potatoes on hand. JNO. STAFFORD, \Vvlion P. 0, 39-4 Residence Lot 31,00n. 13, ill urinal). Ancient order of Nailed V ollInenl Wall :Papa Tzimraecl, F:e This old and preep evens Pro.tornal A8505 ¢tion numbering 33(1,000 members are pre seu ting t0 tllo public noir popular 0.11310000. Omleal raise to worthy men, at the very 1013 rate of 3about $8.00 per $1,100 per annum, Tim 'Workmen" Promptly Pray Death 4'laihne and expect a Three (=ease to lie Men11be11113013 that them American Line Companfse don't seem satisfactory 10 Can- adians. RU73T, ANMSTRONG,,1f,W, ; W. 17. 1i011,14 Recorder; J. A. ORE 1ti11TON,Einaseler. REAL ESTATE. With the new Trimming Machine that we have this season we Trim all our Wall Paper Free of Charge and 3(331 Oily do we dpthis witirout extra oust but by the use of it we remove the edge perfectly in a very few moments and very mnolt nicer than it can otherwise bo done. All our Customers t'ho have seen our Maclaine working are more than pleased with the worst we do for them. One thing we wish our Customers to be thoroughly assured of is that it does not add one single cent to the costof the paper, as It talteanub a few moments to remove the edge we count nothing for the short time it takes in doing it. As we have the only Trimming 'Machine in Brussels we are therefore in the beet position to attend to your wants at the shortest notice. We have Borders (and in nearly every case Ceilings; also) to match every paper we have from 4o. to 250. per roll. Drop in and see our Papers anyway and be your own judge of the valines we offer you at TilA'RMS 13'OP SALE.—THE UN• DERBIONL:O (las 58803,al good Farms 101 0810 and to front, easy terms i0 Townships of Morris and 8851', te S. SO OTT,Bruosers '1/[ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —ice nere5 of good farm laud 111 83 310005ld, 8 Milos 3303,1 Winnipeg, is 01.701- 00. for sale at s low p,'ine. - The p103,81ty is North East 1 Seo, 10, Two, 11, Hauge 4, Nast, There if. a house o11the promises And same breaking done. lour full particulars asto Price, title, 00„writ, or ripply to CC, F. BLAIR or \"V. IL MOBIL, 20.10 - Brussels, Ont, IARM FOR SALE—T1IE UN- 111:ne1011n) lflers his eligible at acre Lana for talo, being South part 0f Lot 5 Can. 13, Grey. All under cultivation, well watered and well famed. Thee is a good store Levee, bank bean, o,shara, wells, &c„ on 111e premises. Ans0 a splendid atone quarry from which a good revelIt1e is ranlis- 031, Only 21 miles Dann Blun5010. Terms reasonable. For further particulars a1 to Odes, 1330 ,apply to 2011E 112T011'1,L11, f: rnpllato', SLYBrussel P, 0, FARM 11'OR SALB.-360 ACRES Consisting of the Smith i and South 1 of the North ;; of Lot 80, Con 0, least Wawa - nosh. This is au excellent stock farm, being well 5811)3118/1 with good Spring hater. It is situated about 3 miles trona the thriving Vil- lage cf Blyth. A large part of itis 11130 80 grass. Buntlines and. renew, .aro is arab state of repair. Pasty tonne of payment will 1.10 givnll, Ter 301 iufo'mation apply to 11-tf 0.P. B011118, 11,1111519, 13rr105010, Q1'LENDID FARM FOR SALE. 1.J That 8500116110 farm, Lot 15, 0011. 0, Tolvnelilp of Grey, 100 01105, must he sold at 01105 in order to Close estate of deaoasedovu- 8r. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, large or- chard, 1} miles from C3'01,brn0lt is under goodcultivation and is a vary desirable 180 platy iud0ad. Apply to RICHARD 331T. 1214 DLL, 111)1000101', 0, • JOHN LUTON ELL, on the premises ; or A. 11UNT Sig, 111 steels, Dated Sept, iota, 18016 AUCTIONEERS. 'oz'S Di a, t'tio:'P, 6VETERIIlARY. 1pr- D. WARWICK, PT • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals 331 a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at. tended to. °Mee and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •i'urnberry 0t., Brussels. ,( _), EOIZGE Licensed Auctioneer. HMIOS 00101101 0(1 011 roa5opablo terms, Parma aid farm 8(001131 Specialty, Orches left at Tun Poem P ublishih g limo so, lira sack, 00 0011 110 Walton I?, 0., will receive prom],1 attention, `1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- .12 a NMI, Will sell for bettor prices, to batter mel, i8 505 time and loss 5111Lrg¢5 1111111 any other Auctioneer it East Huron or fro Wont Charge anything 181300 end o1'clore oan always be arranged at this otiioe or by perfumed applientiai. LEGAL MID CONVEYANCING. �yq�,, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, it,. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Colon—Vanston,; s 1315013, Bruo• sole. a_i-3m WhL SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub- lic, &o. Ofllce—Vaustooe's Block, 1 door north of Central hotel, Private Funds to Loan. 1‘..L G, CAMERON, 1 .. (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister find 80lfoito', Gcderioh, Out. O11la3-14amiltou St, Opposite Col- borne Hotel. ('1 P. 'BLAIR, BARRISTER, 'lJ1 • solicitor, ,00. (sato of Garrey @ Prondteol'e Oilloe, (loderich.) Office over Gill lee & Smith's Bank,13ruesele. Money to Loan. '(7 MEDICAL CARDS. ' TM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • EYrhysioiau, Surgeon Accouclor,etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Pbyeiolana and Surgeons, Ont, Orriem—Next door to Motomald & Co., Walton Ont. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 711.1)0.111„ Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, itteulbor College of Phy- sicians mud 8urgosus, Out. Licentiate of the Royal College or u'hyeictans au18 Licentiate of Midwifery, Edlnbnrgh, t3 -Telephone No.14, Residence, Still 00., Brous° ls. aifi. F. H. K, LBFLEISCH, PHYSIOLAN, sineaco AND ACa000I3000, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity ('Doronto),•Qusen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical 0 °liege ; Fallow of Trinity Madieal College find member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Come in Detroit unit Chicago, 1896, Special attention laid to 1118 - eases of Eye, 19ar,Noss and Throat, uud dis- eases of Womou. t.-Oononitation in 10ug- lish and Gormuu. Telephone at residence. BUSINESS CARDS. SAT H. MoORAOYEN, bearer of MarriIg0 Lieon008. Offloe, at hie Grim*, Turn berry street, Brussels. T) N. BARRETT, A, .�l a Tonsorial Artist' 8bop—Nest door south of A. df. MoRay & 00's ha (138020 store. Ladfes'aad obildrous hair eutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Saviuge Bank ta1100 Deposita from 331.00 to G1,000 tied allows 83 per omit, interest, T. 2'81413 W, 07-11m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM Ilveuau01E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. IAP'T. J. St1'RE'111'ON, �J Who MIS had 25 years experiences ea an Auctioneer, bat who had 30 quit owing to ill health,has again taken out Bonne awl is prepared to oondnot sales at reaennable terms. Sattsfaatlenetutrmntood. Dittos may Lo 38010310031 tit T111, POST Publishing hoose. JAS. 071114TTO8, 18.3E T. VL.EDCHEii issuer of Marriage Licenses, Orrin= AT JEWELRY ST0110. 10' No Witham Required, T. TLETCHISR, Brussels A LEX. I-IUN'TF,R, Clo19c of Mo 1'onrtbD1visior Conr 00, tem, Conveyancer, Notary Pubilo 08314, Loan and Inettrenee Agent. Funds invested and to 10380. Collections rondo OilOoo 311 Graham's BBleak,Brn0801e � I105, A. HAWKINS, Will giro loseols 10 pupils eithor o0 piano or oepau, at'hie Music, Boom, opposite the poet•odtee, Wessels. Voonl immerse also given. 'Pet yearn expollenoe in teaching. nhtotion0er, Torras 01031Ota t0, TO Inn V101 a ors p gbh 33 i Cal. '1,10 Fal rail ran call and cipi 7 foe Sue (Jo. Nie Iwc rep 2 bei Wo , M. So i nos i nig. has eti by log too des all 2 ]3ri 04 of i etec of 7 the rail ovo the boil 1031 hone ono w ar feet a of t over W ill step feet ) WOT Por t0,1, feel don sop War. tow will the deol Will low a(1r, earl feet MTh posl lieu coni is d anal t110 hes' 3,51 mild ar n381 wall twee atio 0 bed buil Can buil the buil side on 3 Jolly Can qual spat slim on 1 bricl the 1031 1 Hage the coni end: in o1 or it grog loft oom finis Pres one nap the Ulu toll 50( y0,0 y0,0 Julj aro)' in aver that bria the the tiro 8001' Cmtl ab0j 100.0 Wile I Go fora earl titre but cape turf alta 31011 i ]argj undi and'. pine clays