HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-16, Page 6ij,e Xlruss.els Void -10 I'0010eu8A--- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING time or (in • 2 the early mat]a)at "The Post" Stearal Publishing House, TDRNRooBY ST., BROSSR10, ONT. TIM Ms os SunsCnIrTlani,^One dollar a year, in advance. Tho.date to which every subscription is paid is denoted by the date on the address label ADvlulmi8IN1 EaT0se.—The following rates will bo charged to these who advertise by the year :— orh010 3.32.8. I O me, I s me One Qo7uwn I $00,00800.00 82_0.00 Half 00.00 I 20.00 12,00 Quarter " 20.001 12.00 8.00 Eighth " •..........12.00111 8,00 _.,.0.00 Eight center ex Nestor first insertion, and three cents per line for each subsequent lu- sertion. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch, Business Cards, eight lines end under, 85 per annum. Advertisements without 0p00100 direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to change or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting of each we00 ek P1318 1st imperative. 0 0130,11 Tuesday 1-1. Editor andProprictor. our Toronto Letter* The prize fight feature so prevalent in America to day is to be regretted, but after all when stripped of all sentiment, is it any worse than our presumably in• nooent game of lacrosse or football ? And are these exhibitions of our animal nature any more censurable than our em 000810011001 and political squabbles? If our promised fortb•oomiogCanadian Alien Labor Law does not do more than Mose the door against Arnerioan tramps it would be sufficient justification for its existence. Canada could wish for nothing ninth better in American legislation than that they ehould keep right on with their pro. tection fad for tweuty-five years longer. Our supremacy over them on the great lakes and the seas w0old by that time be so oompletely established that they would never overtake us. The large list of fast freighters being fitted out for service between Great Brit• cin and our maritime cities show clearly from what sonroe Canadian expansion may be expeoted. Nature clearly pointed oat this soorce of wealth through com. inexact seventeen years ago, but we foolish- ly adopted the protection humbug and have lost just seventeen years out of the last quarter of this marvellous century. What has become' of the Canadian exodus to the States ? By recent census it is shown that seventeen in every one thousand of our population were bora in the 'United States, hence the Canadian exodus must have been very largely off• set, if not balanced, by an equally as great moue from that country to this. Sir Charles Tupper's antiquated weep - ons of cane and creed which he has been braodisbiug again in the Commons at Ottawa, are feared more by his erstwhile friends than by his opponents. Those weapons which smell of blood would be more becoming to a Mohawk chief of the last century than to the Cumberland war- horse of this year of grace. Tell them quickly 1 Orangemen who read the newspapers and are thus posted in current events ought to make baste to tell some of their more benighted breth• ren who are still talking about the Mani• tuba school question that it ie dead ; that it died the same day last Summer that Sir Charles Tupper's Government did, and that the i11aoitoba Legislature the other day buried it. The funeral was private, only three mourners being pros. ent, and one of them so iunoxant that be couldn't read or write. Tell them that to keep on talking now about the thing will melte people suspicious that in the langue;:e of James Fax's immortal dog- gerel their ear's are longer than they really ought to be. "How are the nighty fallen" in the respect and reverence of their parishion- ers will apply forcibly to the Quebec Bishops who so offensively tried to gag and bind band and foot their Laymen in their choreic. The most of them have made the discovery that the day of eo- elesiastila I domination is past in Americo and most of Europe. Laymen are men and the peers of their clerical brothers, and are fully aware of the fact that 00- cleeiastical anathemas are as harmless as the ravings of anybody else who lacks the physical power to execute them. Much is being written and said about the papal abnegate now in Canada to un- ravel the tangled web into which the cathodic church has fallen in Quebec and Manitoba. The readers of tine journal, however, may rest assured that Leo XIII is no novice in Statecraft, and that the representative he has sent to study the question on Canadian soil is not 111e' ly to be a t'eeohorn (11 politics or reli- gion. Wll.n be gets through the bumptu- ous priest of St. Boniface will be a very =oh less important personage than be was a few mouths ago. The Americans are likely to copy the Canadian banking system. If they would also adopt the Canadian spirit of getter• osity and fair play it would improve their reputation among European nations and the depreaoed etate of their com- merce at home. Canadians could also import a large quantity of the American product called "bustle" to very great ad• vantage, and that other distinctly Amari• can oomrnndity °ailed "venture" would make a good mixture with our vast store of caution. Reciprocity would help both ways. Provident Kruger, the plain old Dnteh- 030.1 of the Transvaal, is daring as well as stubborn, but he will find that it will take more than main strength and awk- wardnoss to make the British lion lie down. Will they? Will tate ohummbes and temperance orders which have been urg- ing the Legislature to peso a more thorough License Bill unite heartily with the Government oflioials in enforcing the clause that provides total prohibition for young men under twenty -One years of ago? Will the Olorgynleu from their place in the pulpit eulogize that feature and urge young men to acusppt it 0 Thfs Will be a very good teat of what kind of a reception would he given et the preoent tirno to a stronger measure. It is said that the oliur0h nailed The Latter Day Saints le making oonsider• able headway in Canada. There is no mystery shout such a thing as that. The Latter Day Sainte have learned how to read the 131110 literally and to take Jehovah at hie word. If our more popu- lar churches would learn to d0 the same Christianity would beoome more real to men. It has rich blessings for its votaries ild tthis life and arth, but our aburehes te tryingaradtee t he eato transporb all the 011800Iug0 to heaven, sixteenth century. .1113300(01000)183)080)1" ons to tax the brains of modern readers With the abstruse oaleulatione by which the date of Baster is determined, bob a few general rules might be given for their enlightenment. The regulations of the Conned of Nice are four : first, Laster must be oelsbrat• ed on a Sunday ; se000d, this Sunday must follow the fourteenth of the patella! moon ; third, the pasted moon whose fourteenth day falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox ; fourth, the equinox ie fixed invariablin the calendar on the 'Met day of March. This Wander moon, it should be 110• membered, is not the moon of the bea- vene, nor yet the moon of the astrono- mers, but it ie an imaginary moon creat- ed for ecclesiastical 000081 ieuce. From these conditions it fellowe that Easter Sunday cannot happen earlier than the 22nd of March or later than the 25111 of April. TEE BRUSSELS POST THE !DATE OF EASTER. The date of Easter is determined by the eooleelestioat oaleudar,of the Catholio church. It is a very complicated and elaborate affair iuvented by Lilies, a Neapolitan aetrouomer and sage, under I cps Gregory y XII. I at the close of the o" where there etre already enough and to spare. The millions of earth rental) out empty hands and are given tarts instead of bread, told of blessings for the spirit instead of health and healing for the body, The Latter Day Sainte are mak- ing headway not beeae5e their theology is better or even as good as that of the ohurobee,but because they believe that God means what he Bays in the Bible and that the blessings which are said to be- long to men on earth they have on earth, and offer them to 111012 now. Our greater churches would honor God vastly more by doing the same. HAPPIEST B01 i?l P1111 1i1SGi)OIt. Once there was a king who had a little boy whom he loved, Ile gave him beauti• fel rooms to live in, and pictures and toys and books. Ile gave him a pony to ride, and a row.110at on a lake and serv- ants. Ile provided teachers who were to give him knowledge that would make him good and great. But for all this the young prince was not happy. He wore a frown wherever he went, and was always wishing for something he did not have. At length one day a magician came to court. He saw the boy and said to the king : "I can snake your son happy, but you m10t pity me a great price for telling you the secret." "Well," said the king, "what you ask I will give." So the price was paid. Then the magi- cian took the boots into a private room. 110 wrote something with a white sub- stance on a piece of paper. Next be gave the boy a candle and told him to light it and hold it under the paper, and then see what be could read. Then he went away. The boy did as he had been told, end the white lettere turned into a beautiful bine. They formed these words : "Do a kindness to some one every day." The prince made use of the secret and became the happiest boy in the kingdom. WAS SLOWLY DYING. TIIE RESULT OF AN ATTACH OF LA GRIPPE AND PNEUMONIA. The Strange Case or 111. dames Owen. of johaville—Doeters Toles noun 1111 7,ungs Were Affected and ire Could Not Recover—Now In Coed Health. From the Sherbrooke Gazette.; When a man faces what medics! authorities tell him is 0ertain death and regains health and strength, he is natural. ly grateful to the medicine that has re- stored him. Such a man is Mr. James Owen, one of the best known farmers in the vicinity of Johnville, Que. Dir. Owens tells his story of shattered health and renewed strength as follows :—"On the 17th of December, 1804, I was at. tacked with la grippe. A week later the trouble developed into pneumonia in its worst form, and I did not leave my bed until the first of March, 1895, and then I was so weak that I was unable to walk alone. A11 Whiter my life hung in the balance. Summer attune and I was still weak and feeble, though with the warm weather I gained a little strength. I had, however, but very little power in my legs, and I aould nob ride a mild in a General Naives. West Nissouri has decreased its popu- lation 300 in the last year. The management of the 0. P. 'R. have decided not to build a new station at Galt this year. A muattelunge weighing 07 pounds was caught a few days ago by Capt. Collett, of Port Rowan. The Long Company intend to plant a large section of their property with wal- nut and hickory. They intend to raise nuts and timber for the market, During the last fiscal year there wore 101 pereods killed on Canadian railways, of whom 11 were passengers, 49 em- ployees and 104 were neither. The water in Port Stanley harbor shows a greater depth than at any :imo during the past ten years. Soundings made recently by Captain Deming abowed from 11 to 14 feet. Tho statement is published that the powers have accepted a proposal made by the Sultan that King George of Greece shall occupy and administer the govern- ment of Creete, Tu"key reserving her imperial rights in the island. The drafts of the treaties between the Transvaal Hepublio end the Orange Free State give the burghers of each state the franchise in either republlo, and the two republios agree to support each other iu ease of attack. While the British steamer Temple - more was being towed by the Uletermore the hawser parted. The flying end swept the Templemore's .deck, killing Capt. Swoinsou and a seaman, and breaking the legs of four other men. The death of Dire. Thaddeus Smith, of Bay City Mich., last week recalls to mind a pretty little story oonoerning her honeymoon and subsequent marriage. Dirs. Smith before her marriage was Catherine Felton. Her parents lived directly across the street from the parents of Mr, Smith, her future hus- band, in York, Out. At her birth Smith was called in, and upon remarking what a pretty child she was, he was jokingly told if he waited for her be could have her for his wife. This 1•ervark was lateen in earnest by the shy, bas..1,4 boy of 19. As the girl ;few to nm,ide, 1 cod a strong bond of friendship sprat:, up between them, which later ripened into true love, and neither ever had armee to repent of the boy's determination on that day when ebe first saw the light, At the age of 10 she was led to the altar by the intim who hod waited 19 long years for her, and the union tosulted in four children, now grown up. Two weeks ago Mr. Smith died a4 the age of 85 years, Ile came to this city in 1804, and recouped, by judicious lumber investments a for - thus made dating the construction of the Welland Canal and shattered in the panic of 1857. At the funeral Mrs. Smith contracted et alight cold, which she could not throw off on account of her advanced ago, and it developed into pneumonia. Airs, Smith's remains were laid beside the man on whose strong arm she leaned from the cradle, The couple were universally beloved and respected. buggy owing to the pain they caused me. My lungs also troubled ins and I raised a great deal of matter. I than consulted the beet dootor we have in this section of the province. Ile told me candidly that I was past mediae] help. He said tbab my left lung was in a state of collapse and that my right lung was affected. This was in July, 1805. For the next three months every day seemed to draw me nearer and nearer the end. I was so pressed for breath at times that I could not walk any distance without stopping to regain it. In the month of November I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. It was certainly a forlorn hope and I admit I did nob aspect mnob benefit from them, but took them rather to please et friend who urged me to do so. I believe I was surprised when I found they were helping me, for I thought I was beyond the aid of medicine, but help nee they did, and I gladly oontinaed their use, The result ie they have made a well man of me. I have not a pain about me, my breath comes as freely as it ever did, and I am strong and vigorous. My case 0an be briefly eummod no in a few words, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have given mea new 10100 of life and I am glad to let everybody (snow it," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills greats new blood, build 0p the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hen• drede of oases they have oared after all other medicines had failed, thus estab- liahing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern merlicat 0ci0000. The genuine Pink Pille are sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mar(:, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not boar the registered trade mard around the box. Jas, Innoe, East Oxford, tapped 100 maple trace this Spring. Who can beat bie record ? No small objection whieb young folks had to the old-time spring -medicines was their nauoeoteneeo, in our day this objeotion ie removed and Ayer'e Saran• paridia,'the most powerful and popular of blood -purifiers, is as pleasant to the palate a0 a cordial, OAR 10011 SERVIOE.—THE Undersigned -will keep for service on Lob 20, Con, 0, Morris, the {hero bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J.10. lirelhour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms 21.00 to be paid at the time of seryiee with privilege o1 re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. It EMT, NIONOL, MOM Will 711aree a well man of YOU! 01eo0t raal00000 one mora nae0LTO 114 recta wow:a. 10102101 ration trees Llsoes0e, Sleeplee0- nope, 00 ma 1femory,t20Emlm10e%00y00rma- 101111'11008, Impet0007. 810., 000,011 ty 0001 600000 • yilinkly but serol•itlt00001,000 M0OHouo0in old or young. Uon ?�00RS and you win grow trrong 8001100117111010, nano by 012111 at 01010 wmpper any oeerrlr sealed. from olmorr01lon. Eoeay corded 1, vent p101100 Pr100, 0l. 0 2,00ktg0. alit 0011 go. Oond rnnnoy in rlthor or.10017 ;ant snar- ed letter. Addrse6 tall 1001008 10 31 11.., 11'3110102210, 221010ist W00000001 Our., dant for the Do• minto6 oI Ceaned0. ulin'm g arrlaa>,g+t'Jc' sive} I s YY, f F t'IH�,S t1�Wt1�r: ""ru6s5 pprr�� n 'R1Ff? LAR y ���� . SKIN . U s Cotv's'rlpn7(eN' INDYGTiN,P1 S0 : "tip19CjNktSA0N,THhIZEZINSKIN, „ BEAUTIFIEtxf CoMPLEXI.ON. I,I4tt An Agreeable 4exative and BERNE TCNIO. Eeld by I)rnggiet0 or sent by Mail, 25m, 5004 and $1.00 per package, Bamploe free, XO NOfor The Favorite TlbTH 8050Ee V fo he Pa nth and lOroath, ASa Sohl by JAS, LOX, Drt10S1st,Iltr11s0e19. The Only One To Stand the Test. Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of raedlcine, but subse, quently entered the ministry of the 111. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that' have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepare, tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is the only one of them that I could recommend dB. a blood-purifi or, I lnav e given away hundreds of bottles of 1t, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be hacl."—Won. Corr, I'ustor M. E. Church, Jackson,lllinn. THE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR Sa saparrna When in doubt, ask forAyer's P1119 Wanted—An Ida Who eau think of some simple thing to weaIOl T Wslts t yyour ideas; RBIJ may 111.6 you wealth neysaWnsding'tosD D O IR�th Ir $1,000 prze aper cad list of ttvo hun5red tuveotloue wanted. White Star Lite. i1OYA L MAIL S'1'EA1[S 1I IPS. Between Now York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers Of this line carry Only a strictly limited number in the 101061) and moon) 000117 a0aommodatious, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- pltoatlon for berths is necessary et this sea- son. For pians, rates, etc., apply to 'W-. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. tellutl llailelli u uedll� llcee+teal uedull� tti a 1 end 03 Great Offer a 1 Co-oF -410 1ppF The .iondoCi4 rl' Free Press1 E 4.The Free Press, desiring to gd,reatly Increase Ile 01111001t10.301111e1. makes the g< following great 011'0r In ll)" for/lows ttu'1 otuokmolt of Canada 331,11100(3 sub - 03 ,eribers to Woa;ly naso Pros; will get M One Year's Paper Free. The tars Press has made arrange- 21 3: meat v with the Vol ori entry Nrimnm g: 1'obit:ding in. fur n number of 000,0., 01' T.1 their book, "rhe Veterinary Helmer." T tan (mica of wI,1Oh Is $0,111). This book trent. folly 01110 in plain lan:;nngo the 02 VAnatomy, Diseases and t'realI hn,t of " Lon1011 to Annuals and Poultry, also it -°j uoutatuing a ft111 description of Medicine 6= and Receipts, so that every farmer can P p ba his own veterinary.7-1 1 ( 21 53 .00 9 oro .F V The Weekly Free Press and Farm and Iiomo for ono year (price 31.001 and a copy of the 'Veterinary Science (price- 02.00). Both will he mailed to any ad - Idress upon the receipt of Two Dollars. Do not miss this chance. We cannot Iafford to continue this oiler indefinitely. Our object in making Itnow 10 to secure an immediate response which a less p liberal oiler might tail to attract. Re - r.:2, 1y sending$2.00 for the book 'd you got the Weekty Free Press and Farm and Horne ONE YEAR FREE. agOnte wanCed everywohere. Address all Communications to rh Free Press Printing Co., London, Ont, WITIFT6TfTf 9in)'11f17i1i'TTPPI't77FY1n91% 9f4f70 CO- THE -45 APRIL i6, 1897 SOME coo, PLM kg Statcuent Tor ib, Prole We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and would lisle you to call tints inspect our stock and compare prices, We think we can Bay without any exaggeration that W0 are in a position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stooks that it has boon your privilege to sae within the COTJNTY. Wanted—An idea Who sen think of staple patent? thing to petont7 Protect your 150001 0110y may bring you Wealth. Write tyrlle JOHN WIIDDIOit13n11N 8t 00. Patent Atter• and list 00 0100 hundred tor wa n000. oaer D1lt 0 C ifSUS 6i THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL 00 KIDNEY 6 THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS LIVER PLL S In .x rens Goods and Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of' the Ladies. Please don't buy until you Soo our stock, not that we wish to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea of what is going to be worn this Spring. T. 130W8070, Mannpor Storms d Honk, Mad, ford, Ont„ says, Cl 2100 s 1iidnevI.ivrr Pills arc a grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver, W, F, Cenmm , , eg McCaul St,, Tomato, re - resenting 111ontrc, I Sem says. Chase's pills art like magic for the r tier of heal orbs, bilious attack and constipation. Sold VI orywhere, or by mail on rcc0lpt of 1)11100. 10 1510Ali05)1, Ern Ai 010, 46 10100080 sr. Tefi0Nl0. ONT. Our Linens WO imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co., Belfast, Ireland, Which enables us to sell them at prices much be- low regular prices. LACES and EMBROIDERIES aro one of the leading features with usthis season. i Ready -to. wear clothing we lead all Competitors. Our Men's Suits at $3.00 must be seen to be appreciated. OUR DESIRE is to:make this store to the County of Iluron what the T. Eaton Co. is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think we will be able to make them permanent customers. Grocery Department. Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Purcell, and he will be pleased to show you through that department. P. S. --Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle- man, will probably call on you in the course of a week or two with Literature `which will pay you well to peruse carefully. 9 Importer, Seaforth. We loee in stock and supply everything in Goal and Wood Stoves, • Either Parlor, Box or Cook First-class T furnaces Fret). best Canadian Manufacturers, and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OP ALL KINDS. Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c. .098.8 Orders Taken for Coal. u11 Stove and Furnace .M'en, Brussels. Established 1871. 1131' The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE', AND AUTOMATICALLY NON–FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor. oration furnished on application. " `. AgenT, Brussels.