HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-9, Page 7Amu, 0, 1907
iH EY18 1
iaterest(ng Items About Our Own Country,
Greet Britain, the United states, end
alb Parti 01 the ))lobe. Condensed and
Asserted ter Peng Rse41113.
A third case of leprosy is rcporLed
to exist. in Manitoba,
Manitoba's leulle famine Lund
,mouths to 017,000.
'Ito building season is expected La bo
a very busy one in Ottawa.
A discovery of hard coal is reported
an the shore of Lake Winnipeg.
Brantford is to helve a free, p05151
detivery cut the close of the year, •
rt. police comma of Cho population of
Toronto will be taken up Sunday, April
Mr. Speaker Edgar and ex -Spieker
White have been: nada Privy Council-
Safe-crackers stole over 8240 from
dbi T. E. \Volker Company's iafe at
M. Daniel •tteLean, once a well-
known leather merchant of 'Toronto,
died tztsrday.
Tisa London Street hallway Company
propose extending their Sprlugbank
line cowards Byron.
Tlhc departmental stores or 14lontreal
are being prosecuted for selling drugs
without a license,
The )Hamilton Radial Railway Com-
pany will extend lts beach line to the
easterly limits of Burlington.
Lord and Lady Aberdeenhave ac-
cepted an invitation to attend the con-
vocation of Queen's University.
James Scott of Dundee hanged him-
self in the cells at the Brantford Pollee
Station, using his coat for a noose.
A Coroners jury at Ilaeilton decided
that Charles Curran same to his death
by has foot being caught in a frog not
properly packed.
;isir. Hugh A. Ailan! in an interview
at I+ientreal .said his company was still
ani the field to tender for the fast Al,
?antic steamship service.
Arlene Turbide, the only survivor of
a party of three last from the Bird.
Stocky, N,S., while seat hooting recent-
ly, died on Monday night.
News his been received that. the Do-
minion line. bas derided to build a new.
steamer, which will be the largest that
ever railed into the port of Montreal.
It is stated that the Furnace Line,
new running between hi:anohesLer and
Boston, will establish a route during
the coming season between Montreal
and Liverpool.
Ott 'Monday night Clarence Martin,
aged 21, employed on the farm of Mr.
William Freeman, 13inbrook, Ont., com-
mitted suicide by hanging himselt in
the barn,
A young,IiJbntreal girl named Greta
Taylor, tried to commit suicide by
swallowing Paris green on account of
disappointment in love. She will prob-
ably die.
Dr. Bourinot, of Ottawa, has been
appointed honorary fellow ot the Royal
Colonial Institute, in recognition of
lath usefulness as a writer on Canadian
and colonial subjects." '
The Tbosold Council has petitioned
the Government to protect the wood
Pulp manufacturers by an export duty
on the wood end Laking the duty off
their machinery.
11 bas been decided that the military
feature of the Queen's diamondubi-
lee In Montreal shall take the form
ot a churchparado on June 20th and
a grand review on Juno 22.
Dr. Smith, at the Tracadie, N. a,
lazaretto has been instructed to pro-
ceed to Winnipeg to investigate two
alleged carer of leprosy among lce-
lamdic immigrants hare.
Philippe Lacours was touud guilty of
manslaughter at father Point, he vic-
io-tiro being his brother, whom he stab-
bed with a pocket-knife. The sen-
tence was six years in penitentiary.
R. Beaubien, a stonecutter, of Ot-
tawa, has taken an notion for three
them:tad dollars against tile Rockland
branch of the Stoneoutters' Union for
alleged illegal suspension tvo years
1 O.Sir Donald Smith. proposes that Mont
real should celebrate the diamond jubi-
lee by erecting an establishment for
the training of nurses. Mayor Wilson
Smith favors the building of a vice-
regal residence
Everything points to the early open-
ing of navigation through the great
lakes and the St. Lawrence system. It
Is expected that vessels will be pass -
trig through from Lake Erie to Lake
Ontario by the middle of April.
.Andrew MoNeilledge, a married man,
50 years of age, attempted suicide on
Thursday at his residence, 01 Marl-
borough avenue,, '.Coronto, by. locking
Simself in a room and turning on the
gas. He was discovered in tins to,
save, his life
kir. ilourinot, honorary secretary of
the Royal Sootety of Canada, has re-
ceived a letter from the Mayor of
Bristol, Eng., stating that two mem-
bers of the City Connell will be pres-
ent at the Cabot celebration in Bali-
flax, N. S., next June.
A carefully prepared scheme for the
incorporation of the Drummond County
railway in the Lntercolonial system is
COW occupying the attention of the Do-
minion Government. It is proposed to
complete the necessary link to bring
the intereolonial trains into Montreal
over the Grand Trunk tracks.
General Manager Flays, in behalf of
'the Grand Trunk Railway, has lodged
a petition at Ottawa for permission to
capitalize the revenue overdraft and to
int:nesse the borrowing powers of the
company by an issue of a farther sum
of 4 pee cent, oonsaftdated debenture
stook, the interest on which shall not
exceed :250,000 yearly,
Lord Salisbury, who hes been suffer-
ing from influenza for the past law
days, bus almost entirely recovered.
Mr. Gladstone, who is sojourning in
the south of France, has just recovered
from a Mild attack of influenza,
April 18th (Good Friday), April 17th,
1atb and 20th, will be observed as hole-
daysim the Liverpool Cotten Exchange.
Mrs. Wedgewood, the Wester -in-law of po
Lord Farrier' of Abingen, has started in of
Piccadilly as a clairvoyant and psycho- j
A spatial loan exhibition of paietings bni
will soon be opened in London to illus- per
trate the progress of art, tinting the
Victorian reign. vent
It ie stated that the Atka of rife,
eon -in-law of the Priem of Wales, will mi
be made a Prince upon thin occasion of
tree jnbiltle oelobratices.
It is rumoured that Mi. Chamber-
lain has written a sharp litter to Pre-
sident ))ruga•, rebuking kiln for vio-
lating 11)0 Le11410n 5011V5n11an,
The London 'Cines, referring Is 1118
(ft o 1
g L h8 oltyulal log of elle Mayflower
to the Ladled States, a tys 1115 ao light
thing to pull edit a document of na-
tlana.l int.erasL
In London clilllmnsllc circles a war
with the Transvaal Republic 18 regard-
ed OS almost inevitable. but IL will be
delayer) if possibic until alter the juin
iJee cels brat tons,
1llr. Gladstone notwithstanding his
.great age, has joined the ranks of the
wheelmen. He hoe written to a friend
lel London, Haying Met ho has fairly
mastered the machine.
Sir William Harcourt' attack of in-
fluenza will prevent his partleipating
in the forthcoming debate on the, For-
eign Office estimates, when the Cretan
matter is likely to bo discussed,
It is understood tbat the official(
ganizers of the diamond jubilee celebr
tion will be instructed to give spec
di5l1ri tlon to ill's. Laurier, as the P
ruler of England's only confederated c
It is reported in London court circles
that the Queen on her return Lrom
the South of Front*, will pay a visit
to Mr. William Waldorf Astor, at
Clevedsn in recognition of his muni-
It is learned that the British Gov-
ernment propose to deal with the
question of contagious disease among
tbo British troops in India, by placing
the inspection at women in the hands o1
women doctors.
The annaltucemeat Lflat the United
States tariff, will not he retractive has
resulted ]n an inevitable rush of ex-
ports to Amore's from England, and for
the moment every industry is pushing
this work.
While the British steamer Tomple-
more was being towed by the Ulster -
more the hawser lmrtod. The flying
end swept the Templemore's deck,kill-
ing Capt. Swainson, and a seaman, and
breaking the legs of four other men.
The .English Radicals are heckling
Lord Salisbury for not keeping the'ne-
Lion informed. of the progress of the
Cretan negotiations, but it is pointed
out that while the game is being play-
s die would be contrary to all diplom-
aLie etiquette to proclaim the moves.
.The whipping past has been revived
in Missouri after four years of disuse.
United States Ambassador Hay will
leave New York for London Apri111.
There is at present before the New
York Senate a bill to prevent dishonest
and misleading advertising of goods.
Sylvester Scovel, the newspaper cor-
respondent who was imprisoned for 31
days in Cuba, has returned to New
T.'ighi: Cbimamen were captured on
Wednesday in Malone, N, Y„ charged
with illegally arousing the line. They
were remanded for a week.
Nothing is known, of the fate of the
100,000 poor people in the flooded low-
lands of the White, Arkansas . and
Black Rivers in Arkansas,
season and greet, diet rase is feared
during the coining summer,
A.: tencdi newspaper says the Gov-
ernment will ask a credit of 800,000,000
franks to build 45 large warships and
torpedo ),oats in the next eight
allege are soviet hundred men of the
13ral.isli fleet: now al Simonetown, Soul 14
Africa, sefferialg from malariai fever,
somItraotc'd during the recent expedLLieei
to Benin,
The Transvaal Government has sup-
pressed the publication of the Johan-
nesberg Star, the leading paper in the
)land, in consequence of Clint journal's
0510000u at. the Admin0stration.
It is slated that then ex -Queen of Mad-
agascar• oris banished from the island
by the Freaell an account of dlsuover-
iog a conspiracy, in which the ex -Queen
and the missionaries were implicated.
The drafts of the treaties between
the Transvaal Republic and the Orange
ar ifree Slate give the burghers at eget'
iul Siete Lhe franchise in either republics,
re- and the two rolnnbliee agree to sup-
ol- Port each other in case of attach.
Josephine De Rosay's suit against J.
1 . O'Brien at Boston for 0100,000 for
breach of promise of marriage, was on
Tuesday settled out of court rot 020,000.
The steamer Creole reported at New
York that she had picked up a boat
containing dead bodies, believed to be
victims of he St. Nazalre steamship
'The Colorado Stale Senate has pass-
ed the hill providing for the abolition
of t'tfpital punishment. The measure
now awaits the Governor's signature to
became taw,
It is the intention of President ilic-
?iindey not to recognize Cuba. The
policy of his Administration 15111 be to
let the Spaniards and the insurgents
fight it out between hem.
The United States Circuit Court of
Appeals in the case of he United States
v, the Biuffalo Natural Gas and Fuel
Company decided that, natural gas is a
article mineral, and exempt from duty.
Mr. Howe, of New York, has intro-
duced a resolution Ln the House of
Representatives providing that the
United States consllbution be so am-
ended that Congress shall have ex-
clusive power to regulate marriage and
Mr, Payne, of New, York, a member
of tha Senate Ways and Means Com-
mittee, says the Dingley bill is not
frame[, in a spirit' of hostility towards
Ca oda, Its provisions will undoutyted-
ed it would be contrary to ra11 diplom-
not be helped.
The Suprema Court of the United
States dec,ares that railway traffic as-
sociations are a peril to commerce and
a vimation of the anti-trust law. Rail-
road men everywhere are startled by
its force, and an entire change in the
methods of distributing freight traflia
may be caused by it. The Joint Traffics
Association will fight for its lite.
Commercial summaries by Messrs.
thin and Bradstreet telegraphed from
New York, are, on the %viloien of a re-
assuring. description. Considering the
antagonietio conditions existing both in
the United States and in Europe, the
venues of business is fair. The pol-
itical situation in Europe has of course
been an iunporlaat lector tor depres-
sion, while in the States, the legal de-
cision against railway combinations,
several serious floods, and the destruc-
tion of the Iron ore trust, have of course
caused hesitancy, if nothing more de-
trimental, in trade airdos, However,
all things considered, business is stead-
ily iunproving, and the number of work-
ers tending eanployment increases stead -
lay week by week, and prospects gen-
erally aro spoken of as good.
The stenaner Iceland arrived at St.
john's Nfld., with 22,000 prime seals.
It is reported from Bombay that the
plague isityiaakiug Europeans resitting
The Swiss Bundesrath has made a
proposal to purohase the prin,eipal rail-
ways in the country.
The Panama scandals have been thor-
oughly revived ice Paris, and startling
revelations are promised.
The Grand Molting Sophie, wits of
the reigningGrand Duke of Saxe-
's/fainter is dead at Bertin,
Thorn will be a congress of Greek
women in Athens in April to discuss
the reform of the Greek dress.
The German Ruiahstag on .0'rlclay, by,
vote of 170 to 49, adopted the pro -
eel for
body.1paymenit of the re mboril
he Japanese Gold Standard bill has
sled the )louse of Peers of Japan, and
y awaits the signature of the Vane
or to becalm law.
The Anetralia0 Confederation Con -
ion met in Adelaide last week,
rv1Wa a plan wire drawn UP to bo emb-
tlted to tins isovereli colonies.
The NewdauhlkileSad 4na1 fishing is re-
orted to be a ooln.Plote failure this
She Cretan chiefs have rejected the
schema for autonomy proposed by the
powers, declaring that nothing but an-
nexation to Greece will satisfy them.
It is said the powers are rapidly
drifting apart in their policies of deal-
ing with the question,
3. leselIHe Retort) Ernst ll55aurlee, )tun
gory - ('onresslell of )'rime ArYcufc
Poisoning u Common Practice.
A. despatch from London mays: -The
poisoning; trial which still continues at
Hodlnezoe, Hungary, has developed in-
to Lhe greatest criminal revelation of
modern times, It is beginning to ap-
pear that murder by poison is tt family
auetom in 'Lilac part of Hungary. The
victims are numbered almost by hun-
dreds, lb1ost at the itemised. persons
denied everything at first, but when.
the woman Csordas was driven into a
corner, and, seeing that elle could not
escape, began to reveal lresh facts
and to inculpate the accused midwife
Jager, the latter not only made a full
oaufession, but also referred to cases
which had not even been suspected.
She gave nems and facts in such de-
tail that the court was bound to order
fresh arrests, and the exhumation of
twelve more bodies.
The number has increased still fur-
ther, as all the accused are now vying
with each other in making startling
revelations. A pork butcher named
Horvath, nicknamed the Evangelist
because of his habit of quoting Scrip-
ture, now stands accuser) of having
poisoned his mother, fabler, parents-
in-law, and finally his wife. The wo-
men Csardas owns to having poisoned
bar sister and niece, in addition to the
crimes of which she was originally ac-
cused. She also informed the court
that the midwife Jager procured the
poison from a chemist's assistant, whose
arrest has been ordered.
11 aorrespondent says there is not a
house in Hodmezoe in which suspicion
does not exist that deaths dating hack
several years are the result of foul
play, and family ties in the town are
being tfhutft
nuran eor the am npf ordin-
ary burial expenses furnished the mo-
tive in nearly all cases. The insur-
ance societies ore in einth close com-
petition that they keep secret their
Lists of membeys alai it is possible
ghat these mem and women insure their
relatives in as many as seventeen so-
018tles at ama8. 1111 soma cases it was
an aged mother who was insured by
her son and daughter, or an ailing sis-
ter by herr brother, Sometimes it water
a Peer person who had nobody to ,are
for him, and lens thankful to be re-
ceived inti a house on any terms. A11
these were insured 110 moderate sums.
One man who Heed in extreme poverty
Oto( 0400 when his motlilee diet) having
insured her in five societies, `Midwife
Jager, it is said, always supplied ar-
senic, 1V111101 was ready when the in-
sured person become ill, and it could
be given with the medicine without
arousing suspicion. When death took
Alae the doctor exannined the body
and declared that everything seas in
order, and the midwife was handsomely
paid when the insurance money was
received. In some cases persons pre-
viously insured were asked to dinner
and a'ereived poisoned food,
To ask advice and then to aot upon
it promptly is considered a somewhat
rare achievement, but a foreign paper
tells of a venerable and benevolent
judge in Paris, who, at the moment
of passing sentence on a prisoher, con-
sults ins assessors on emelt side of hint
as to the proper penalty to be inflioted
and acts upon their advice,
What ought Ivo to Rive this rascal,
brother? he says, bending over to the
assessor on the right.
I s'hoould say three years.
What is your arAfnton, brother?
I s'honld give Mein four years,
The judge, with great benevolence:
Prisoner, not desiring to give you 51
long and severe talxa, of imprisonment
as I should have dons if left to anyeelf.
I have oowsulLed mv-learned brethren
and shall take their advice. Seven
years. ---
Many people who have to stamp their
own envelopes have often wished for a
simple mechanical device which would
save them the trohrble of doing so. A
small machine for this purpose has been
put on the market. Tide stamps aro
Lad into a instal case through a hole in
the top, or wound around a drum with-
in it. Near tbom is a sponge, or pad,
which, while it is in contract 1111111 a
supply of water, is prevented from
holding an excess of moisture, Tho
stamp aro held in position on the
drum by a spring guard, and the drum,
may be turned by a thumb wheel from
the exterior of the easing, on one
edge of which is the door through
which the stamps are introduced. Tho
letter to be stumped is placed on a lit -
fie plattor/a under the easing, and a
lever is actuated which moves up the
things pad to moisten the stamp, and
as the lover is forced down he stamp
is pressed ata the letter or package
A story is told of a ohald witness
in an lrlsh court who weei naked by
the judge: It you took a /oleo oath
What would, happen you 9" fin hesitat-
ed, and et fast read); "1 suppose 1
wouldn't get my cxpinsos•"
r_ -1
ehe Road 15(11 run 'rlsreis 1s ttielt yltsu't'al
land Allow the Pelle ay N•ould help
CMtarlo-:Alines 10 the )mule.
The projection of the Ontario and
Rainy River railway is now a live sub-
ject not only in Northern Ontario, but
throughout the whole province It is
P105104 d that the road shall have es
its starting point Kennobeka, situ-
ated about 'S5 miles from the town of
Port Arthur. From Kennebeka the
runs along the Mat:awe valley, skirts
Greenavater Lake, passes through Moss
Township to the Mattawe, River, and
follows down to Sturgeon Eales. Froin
the latter point: it runs to Rainy Lake,
thence along the Matlawa iron bolt,
along the Atilt-oken iron range, a
distance of scone, 20 miles.
The length of the road will ire about
150 miles. Fully 135 miles of this dis-
tance is over the geological coal range
laid down by the Dominion Govern-
ment. The charter of the railway pro-
vides for the extension as far as the
mouth 01 the Rainy River, but It is
not proposed to go beyond the 150 miles
stated. .
It will practically be a local 001001-
zation railway, It will throaty bene-
fit Ontario cities, which at present are
compelled to use American ore. Soft
ore is regained, and ibe region which
the Ontario and Rainy River Railway
is projected to develop would amply
suptlome thedemand.
oa the mineral country
through which the raiilway passes may.
be had from the number of mines with-
in a short distance of ice route. in
Moss township is a stamp mill com-
plete. Then there are Partridge Lake,
Sawbill, now working eight mines,
flalmmond Reie£, Hawk Bay, Golden
Fisher, Kabisitong, Wagnpum, MoPhi1-
ip's, Winnipeg's syndicate, thio latter
baing only some eight or ten miles tram
the line of the railway. Farther up
the route is the Lake Harald mine,
where is 550011d a fine stamp mill;
Calm Lake, where three prospects are
working; the Sturgeon Falls group, the
Foley, which has just produced a 03,000
brick; and the Ferguson, that in about
110 feet has produced some of the rich-
est gold ore ever seen in Canada. The
Weigankl, Olive and Lucky Caon are
also on the route of the proposed rail-
no projectors of the road ask 05,400
Per mile Prom the Domiheion Govern-
ment, and 05,000 per, mile from the On-
tario Government, 150 miles of the rail-
way to bo built within, 18 months. The
entire cost of construction trill be
010,000 per mile or about tivo and a
half million dollars to complete the
In support of their demand forGov-
ernlnmen Aid the projectors have ad-
vanced many arguments. The money
which now goes from this province to
British Columbia would find room for
investment in Ontario's mineral lands.
Such investments could thus be more
judicially placed. An investor would
be witb1n a comparatively short dis-
tenbe of the properties invested in and
risks would not be so great. Then is
to be considered he advantage of keep-
ing the young men of Ontario at home.
Dhe large number who are note mak-
ing their way to British Columbia
would find employment in their own
province. Towns would spring up
which must thrive by reason of the
industries mining operations make ne-
cessary to every district. It is a_guod
that the profits of land sales, the in -
creams in customs and excise by the
increase in population would be a
large return for the Government out-
The number of persons in the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire-
land who use Gaelic as heir native
language, though constantly decreas-
ing, is much larger than is common -
1y supposed. It includes 000,000 1n Ire-
land, 350,000 in Wales and 930,000 in
The Buddhist 14fonastery, of Heine,
in Tbibet, is the loftiest inhabited point
in the world. It is 17,000 feet above
sea level.
Of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills After Din-
ner it Will Promote Digestion and
Overcome Any Evil Efteets of Too
Hearty Eating.
Entirely Vegetable -Do Not Disturb
the System,
Safe, Prompt, Active, Painless and
This effective little pill is supplant-
ing all the old school nauseous purga-
,Lives. The demand is hard to keep up
with since placing it on the Canadian
market. Take na substitute. 40 doses,
20o., at all druggists.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Be year Own judge, Cbumpley, but
can you show hue one thing about Miss
Richly that makes her attractive?
No; it's in the bamki
Is Through the Rhino's -Like a Well
Planned Sanitary System They :Keep
the Human Body Healthy -Interest-
ing Story From Quebeo,
The kidneys have very appropriately
been doscrlbecl as the sanitary system
of the human body. Let then) become
inoperating and disease twill quickly
follow, and. ardent the obstructions are
removed, death will be the result, liar.
D. 2'. Locke, of Shorbrooko P.Q., suC-
tared for years train compheatcd kid-
ney trouble, and spent over 0100 in
efforts to secure relief; but no relief
name until he used South American
Kidney Cure. His statement is that
four bottles completely cured bin, and
to -day he is in the enjoyment of sound
health. In the most distressing cases
this remedy gives relief 111 six hours,
Sold by G, A. Deadman.
Etder--" \Vhy, "!jock, I heard that
yo were drowned, Jook--' Na; that
waste. me; it was Inn briLher." Wider
-"Eh, Eh, Mon,. what a pity; what a moat
awtu' pity!"
Yea, I3y the T Iundreds, 'Those Who Have.
Been Cured of Dire Disease By
South_ A.ni.crican Nervine.
O Dcgogi Wi[lvsprend aur ggitivorsa114 E $p IlGalia .
\ '1icre Other 'Medicines neve Failed and Doctors Nava
1.'rollouneecl the. (;vises I3ttvo ld (i`Llrl,, This
Cl rcpt I ]isan•ery lLlls Pro\ -en a
Genuine I:lisir ot Life.
Tho Same Verdict Comes From. Old and Young, Mato and Feiniiv*
)Lich and Poor. and from All Corners of the Dominion. ,
I5 1t is [l:: ease that he who makes betties of Nervine, and can truthe'ullee
tsvn blades or erase grow whc3•e only say the,t I am a new man."
one had grown before is a benefactor •A shrewd observer at human 5Ptnrt'
has said : " The hand that reeks the
05 the rat..', what 1s the Position to be
atebrded that man 15510 by his knew- cradle troves the world." Dow foe -
portant ft is, then, that health :and
strength should be mode the lot of
the mothers of thio country. The wo-
men of Canada are ready by 550118 to
not ha corn a public beneL'actor7 Ler. tell of the benefits that star,• route to
tt:, tn•
whe have been down and are them through the use of :ouch Imert-
1 z , through the use of South Ani- oars Nervine.4.rmanung,•. of
art z a Getviva give their oS rdiee on 0r1111a, wife: of the cultgsit'ur, of the
eubje,:t. John Boyer, hanker, of Berle Society of that ttwn, eufferea
Tilcr.a-dtra, (nit., land made hlmaxlf a for six years from nervous penetration.
rc t 'se.a fnv'alid tilrnugh years of over- Medical assistance did not ltrlp. •Xn
u ,rk. :+t least be telt his case wee alt" one say's, "7 have taken six bottles
l:c,heless, 1',;r the best phy'slclans had of Nervine, and cern truthfully say this-
relied to do hila goad. He tried )der- is the one reedielne that has effected
vine, and thrice are his words : " 0 glad- a cure in my ease." Mrs. John siSrl
ly nay it: Nervine cured me and T woody has been for 41 years a resident
I n to -day as strong and well. as ever.' of 1elesherten, and has rcaened the aa -
'lotted three -score years orad ten. Three
i:eurall. of thmallard,scrnwas nur3d ?.'years ago her system east fined =. see --
of the stomach and boio.ls (ere shock tluough the dearth of a.
r•y tlhree bottles of this medicine. Jas, (daughter. Nervine was recunamenled.
`Llerwood, of Windsor, at 70 years of She perseveringly took 12 betties of
age, suffered from en attach of paraly- medicine, with the result that she is to-
ots. lfIs lire, et that age, was ilanpair- day again strong and hearty. !inn..
ad of. Taut four bottles of Neteine dreds of women sutler from tmpov:rte h -
gave him back his natural strength. A ed blood and weakened ncrv,es, " All
%lctlm et indigestion, W. 2, L'aigee, of vitality," says Sirs. J, balite, of
Itetereve, says ; " Nervine cured me Brampton, "seemed to have forsaken
of my sufterlag, which :seemed incur- my system. X was unable 1e, get re -
able, and had baffled all fernier ale- lief from any source until I comntei:r•ed
flour, and efforts," Peter lesson, of taking South American Nervisie. The.
Pal:Ploy, lost flesh and rarely i.ad a results are most satisfnetnry...greater
lewd nt,ht's sleep, because 01 stomach far than T could have honed fan" It
trouble. He say's : " Nervine stopped came within the was of Mrs. 11. Stap-
the n.,-onleinl.; pales in my stomach the Teton, of Wingham, to treat. under the
first day I used it. I have. now taken best physicians, both in ,Canada and
ton bottles and Tfeel entirely relieved England, for heart disease end nerv-
'ar-d ran sleep like a top." A 1•epre- ons debility, but she failed to get any
eentattvo farmer, or Western Ontario, relief. "I R'as advised;' she says, "to
is ler, C. J. (Surds, residing near \Vied- take South American Neratne, and
s•.>r. Xdie health was seemingly cam- must say T do believe that if I had
pietely destroyed through is grippe. not done so I would not be alive to -
No niedleHae did him any good, "To day."
Olive bottles e,5 Nervine," he srya, '1 Newspaper snare is too valuable to
attribute 1n) restoration to Itealth and permit of further additionsto these
strength," Neither man or 11-0man earnest words of testimony from those
can enjoy life when troubled with liver who know just what they are talking
aomnlalnt. This was the sentiment about. In the common language of
"rice reefing 02 W. J. H111, aha well- the day, they have been there, and ars
known bailiff of 13racebridge, "T was speaking from the heart. The dozen
50 heal," rays 130, " that one of my or more witnesses that here speak have
me -)cal attendants sae@ that I (vas their counterparts by the hundreds,
dying, hut, thank God, X am not dead not only in the province or °Marie.
Yet, From tete era few doses T took but in every other section of the Donein-
of I;ersine I commenced to feel bet- ion, Scute American Nerving is based
ter, end amt to -day restored crrnpletely on a s,.,ent111c prineipie that makes
die t;ty natal health." A resident of a cure a Certainty, no matter scow dea-
th,' 7?1SlU r:e Provinces, In the person perate the ease may be. Xt a1Hkee
o' V. •Toe3ra, of Sussex, N,13„ says : "Fur at the nerve centers from which news
twelves years .I was a martyr to Bull- the life bleed of the whole system, re
) o tloii, ecnatapat:on and headache, is not a medicine 05 patobwork, but
"'be treatment of several physicians is eoaap)ete and comprehensive 151 Ito
eel not help roe. I have taken 6a few application.
Sold by Deadman rs ItEeCnil
leehee et cite larva of life and health
geve.4 ei,eree and strength where len-
saw., Yl 'ai.nt s and antlelpatien of an
s,r.lj death had before prevailed Is
Bilsl,in Soldiers Resort To Music To
Lighten their Dreary Journeys.
A correspondent from Russia writes:
"In no civilized army, I believe, is
the use of sang to enliven toil so pre-
valent as among the Russians.
"Shabbily and scantly attired, be-
grimed with dust and sweat in sum -
mea', bespattered and bedraggled with
mud in autumn, clotted with snow in
winter, with hided lips and beards;
at all times and in all weathers, along
Russia's wretched roads and ways, one
may meet her soldiers, briskly cover-
ing the ground, after long and forosd
marches • forlorn, and Iwsary-looking
objects, drab -colored spectacles, not at-
tractive to the eye, but ever with the
cheery song issuinler from throats which
swallow no better rood than a thin soup
cooked from refuse cabbage leaves, and
"chunks " of course blade bread.
And that almost oonseless song,
plaintive though the airs invariably are,
seems not only to buoy their spirits up,
but to raise heal in the eyes of the
spectator from overdriven hopeless
slaves of an autocratic military sys-
tem to cheery and willing endurers.
Hordes of Cos'saoks may be met,
too, who have not stirred time the sad-
dle for long, weary hours, and ie their
case, the never -flagging chorus is en-
livened by tambourine accompaniments
from perhaps one warrior out of each
P0011 MAN.
Mr Hanover Sgtteer-f see our friend
Morris Parke, poor fellow, is obliged to
get along with a second-hand type-
)Mir, Bleecker Street -Indeed, what
ItIr. Hanover Squeer-Widow,
1sIles Cttred in 3 to 8 Niglits-I'tching,
Burning Skin Diseases Relieved in
One Day.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment 95111 cure all
cases of ttehing piles in from three, to
six nights, One application, brings
comfort. Foe blind and bleeding piles
It is peerless, ,Also mires totter, salt
rheum, eczema, barber's itch, and all
ortiptions of the ekin, Relieee5 in a
del. 45 cents,
Sold be O. A. Deadlnau,
Ile you economize while you're so
hard pressed, D.ammio?
You lot. ; I've told my wife to cut
down all household and personal ex-
penses to the 101' Neaten mark, Come
and hs•ve a cigar, with mm, Will you l
Miss Annie Patterson, of Sackville, N-
33., is aha Victim ss
of Nervousne
and General Debility, Takes on the
Health of Early Years,
Some remedies are nothing more tbau
a temporary stimulant, and the reac-
tion aggravates the disease. Where
the system has become run clown, and
nervous debility in its worst forms
have shown themselves, South Ameri-
can Nervine will cure. 1t strikes at
the nerve centres and builds up the
system by removing the real cause of
trouble, Miss Annie Patterson, of
Sackville, NE., a lady well known in
the Maritime Provinces suffered ter-
ribly from indigestion and nervousness
and her case seemed incurable. She
accepted South American Nervine with-
out hope that It was any different to
other remedies, but her words are, L
had taken ohly ono bottle when .my
system began to (aka on the health of
earlier years, and after taking three
bottles .l was eomnletely cured.."
Sold by Gs A, Doadinan, 1
Die1 my pa'eriesessor reach; the hearts
at your peer asked the new mus•:
sionary of tine King at the Cannibals
He slid, sir, rel1eted the angry ,mon,-
arch. I: can, say tritely that ho dad. ,
T am Mad do Ire'sit' it
Yen Occidentals have a eayi , j
believe,, the potentate went an, tia4,ti
t:be way to a man' 3t(balj.'t i0 threug+itb
'1NI5 etornhelt. 1. 1. 1 ' i- I ,, l:l 'u I Y. _i ,.1