HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-9, Page 66 THE BRUSSE
-. ._...
rtunt*Tan•tosn w0tmmF^.
Satisfied with
Ayer's lair Vigor.
(Ste N,russels ,a t
—10 Punlalan$D---•
an time for the early whilst at
"The Poeta Stotun Pnbllellin; 1lon8e,
TunittnonnT ST., BRUSSELS, OOT.
TEAMS er 517138000PTm11.-000 dollar a
year, in advance, Tha,date to which every
subsor1ption is vaid is denoted by the date
on the address label.
ADYEn'ausni0 RATES.—The following rates
win be charged to those who advertise by
the year:—
$race iYn.omo. 15mo
One Ool num $00.00 $35.00 820,00
Half • J2,00 20,00 12.00
Quarter " 20.00 12.00 8.00
F,ightb ' 12.20, --„8.00 5.00
'Might Dents per line for drat insertion, and
three cents per line for each subsequent in.
eertiou. All advertisements measured us
Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch,
Business Cards, eight 11nes and under, $5
per annum.
Advertisements without specific direc-
tions, will be inserted until forbid, cud
charged accordingly.
Instructions to change or discontinue an
advertisement must be left at the counting
room of TRE Pow not later than Tuesday
of each week Thls is imperattvo.
W. 11. TE1iIl.,
Editor and Proprietor.
Three thonaand women were last year
turned away from the industrial farm
home for women Inebriates, founded by
the British Woman's Temperance asso-
ciation, of whioh Lady Henry Somerset
is president.
The substantial city of Hickman, Ky.,
"went dry” by a majority of 183 votes.
The prohibition people worked hard all
day, rang church balls and sang religions
songs. A prayer.meeting was held in all
the churches during the day.
The chief causes of lunacy are two in
number—heredity and drink. Some
men and women are born to madness,
others drink themselves into it. If we
could eliminate these two causes, the
population of the mad world would soon
Referring to the new law prohibiting
the sale of liquor to natives in the
Transvaal, the South African Financial)
Record states that out of the 24,01e .
natives employed by the 44 mining Dom•
p80208, 12.3 per cent. of them were con-
stantly drunk. With this fact belaro
them, the Record says that "arguing
from the standpoint of pure expediency,
it would have been advantageous to this
(mining) industry to have paid the goy I
ernmeut a sum equivalent to the entire I
revenue derived from the canteen iiceosea
for the privilege of closing them."
The new archbishop of Canterbury,
Dr. Temple, is a total abstainer. and his
influence will no doubt be felt for total
abstinence in the Episcopal church.
Bishop Potter says : "We will rejoice
that at the head of the English church
is a man, who for the salla of his brother,
is willing to stand as a total abstainer.
There are many others. Dr. Lightfoot
was one. When asked why he never used
any stimnlaut he would simply say, "I
can do my work better without it," It
is all n qac tion of conviction. 11 sure
abstaining anyman can bring
that by a
a siva ti n andeducationn
the Anwar of c alt t o a
to bear upon a people who lire suffering
from indalenee in strong drink, it is
simply a ease of noblesse abiie thus to
translate the gospel to the world. It is
the same principle that lies at the heels
of arbitration, the principle of human
brotherhood, whioh finds its inspiration
in tha life of Jesus Christ."
.t 2r.ESENT PAY FARM/41.
"Ones on a time" a company of men
owned a Large number of mad dogs,
which were kept for pleasure and profit.
Ever and anon some person would be
bitten by them, and the victim would die
in awful atony from hydrophobia ; but
for long term of years this was regard-
ed as a very respectable way of dying,
and so of amuse the respectability of the
business of keeping such doge was never
By and by sone lceen•witted (1) poli-
tiottl economists discovered that by Som.
pelting the dog -owners to pay a license,
they could ratite a revenue for building
sidewalks, and thus evade the disagree-
able task of paying taxes. To this the
dog owners put in au earnest protest in
the form of a syllogism, that "keeping
mad dogs is either right or wrong. If it
is wrong, then we ought not to be oom.
pelted to pay a license, for this would
make the icorporations parties in the
wrong. If t is right, then we should not
be compelled to pay for a lioeuae any
mere than a merchant should be cone,
pelted to nay for a license for selling
sugar anti calico," But the political I
economists (?) carried their point and the
sidewalks went down, and were fastened
to the nmcl•sills with spikes made from
hydrophobia agony,
A new era at length dawned and a new
set of political economists came on the
stage who insisted lila to license mad
dogs wets jest as wicked in the sight of
God as to license murder, arson and
theft ; that God's plea would be to kill
the doge at once and stop lbs stream of
lipdrophobic death ; and they even in.
sistecl that this would be by far the
cheaper plan, for the money paid for
supporting hydrophobic patients in poor.
1100004 and hospitals, of trying them for
crimen committed while in hydrophobic
rage or lunacy, would build all the side.
wallas, alta( leave a lathe surplus in the
Banda of corpnratione for beuevo(ent
These reformer+ so frightened the dog
owners tint th, y turned square about
and said they were more than willing to
pay for a 110808e, and they even asked for
high license, if, in return for paying for
it, the legislatures would enact laws to
;meted them in their boelneee, This
was at once done, tend from Chet time en
State and Nation went into partnership
with dog•owners in the very respect.
able (0) business of disseminating hydro.
Gies of the legal etipaletions wag that
the dogs should bo muzzled, but the clog.
keepers managed to fix the muzzles so
that the tabid animals could get them off
whenever they wanted to bite, and tie
they wanted to bite the most of the time,
the muzzles were seldom on, and the
political parties applauded this trick of
the dog owners as Oomnthing smart, and
told them to go ahead, go long as they
would oonbinue tc vote right, ,and ahead
they went, 0,1011 300,000 pentane died
annually of hydrophobia.
The new eoat,a 11Ste kept 0n protesting,
bub for li time the ogee seamed hopeless,
and their protestations were met with
jeers and hisses, and they were every-
where called "pranks" and "fenatios,"
t their an
' ed flat g
they'u tat
baa e
children shold not become victims of
hydrophobia by National permission and
TLE ED8mi1.
The right grew, and at length victory
perched on the banners of the new ec0no-
miete. The dogs were killed and then it
was discovered that while eidesvalks were
better than ever before, taxes were great-
ly reduced, business flourished and the
consciences of voters ceased to twinge.
Then the politicol parties which had all
along befriended and abetted the dog•
owners whirled about and exclaimed,
"Ilaveu't we scored a great victory I"
Those who are read np on the liquor
question eau cipher out the import of
this parable.
Earl of Perth's Heiress.
Among the young women in the child.
rea'e hospital at. No. 280 Miele Street,
Brooklyn, studying to become trained
nurses, is one upon whom good fortune
1ceras abort to sable. She has been
known among her friends andteaehers ae
Blies lfary Drummond, but the New
York Tribune has learned that she is in
reality the Hon. Mary Harriet Geraldine
Drummond, only daughter of the late
Lard George Essex Montifer Drummond,
Viscount Forth, and great-granddaughter
of the old Earl of Perth, now almost
ninety years old, and to whose estates
she is in part heir,
Viscount Forth, or George Drummond,
s4 he woe known, died in New York in
1417, poverty stricken and a victim cf
drink. Fifteen years before he had elop-
ed from .England with a servant, whom
he married. At that time he was living
at Whitfield, Kent, '.vithLady Copal!, his
grandmother. IIe fell in love with Eliza
Harrison, his grandmother's waiting -
maid, although he was only fifteen years
old, and she some five or six years his
senior. Information of the infatuation
of kis grandson was carried to the Earl,
who resolved upon placing the lad in the
naval academy at Woolwich. But before
his removal could be effected, Lord
George and the young woman
M11111 were married. Calling himself plain
George Drummond, he was engaged mien
his arrival at Castle Gamlen by Theron
Loaso, a merchant of South Street, Now
York, to take charge of the latter's Sum-
mer hone at Brookhaven, Long Island.
While shooting ou Mr. Losea's groUnde,
Percival G. L'llmad, a lawyer of Hugue-
not, Long Island, met Drummond, and
subsequently learned his story. Mr.
Ullman says that at first be wee iecredu'
lous, but afterwards found that the young
man had spoken the truth as to
At Drnlnmond's request Mr. Ullman
wrote to the Earl of Perth, asking for a
email monthly allowance for Drummond.
Mouths elapsed without a reply being re-
ceived, but eventaa.11y Mr. Ullman was
informed that if the `Viscount would leave
his wile one of his relativeswoold present
him a plantation in Florida. Drummond
refused the offer. lir. Ullman succeeded
in obtaining a place a4 shipping clerk for
the young man in a largo clothing house.
For several yea"e he retained this place,
when he was discharged for drunkenness,
and before his death, despite Mr. UIl-
man's interest in him,
Lit was ?FTEs Is Anem:crn WAST.
For a time he wee ticket chopper on
the elevated railroad at South .Ferry.
Before hie death he made a will devising
t0 his daughter all the property to which
he was entitled. This will is now in the
possession of lir. Ullman, who is also
named as executor. Drummond was
buried, it is said, at the request of the
Earl, in the Ireland family vault in
Trinity oberohyard. Six months after
his death brummond's widow married
Henry Masters, an iron-naouldor, and
went to Connecticut to live, alias nary
Drummond went with her. For some
time, however, they have been living at
No. 108 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn. A
Tribune reporter found Mien Deummond's
mother and stepfather in their third floor
flat disouseiog with some callers
Her mother is a 0100 woman, with
rosy cheeks, bright eyes and a pleasant j
manner. She had just returned from a
visit to Mr. Ullman, to whom she had
gone for confirmation of the story that
agents of the girl's greet grandfather, the
Earl of Perth, were searching for the
child, "I learned that a woman named
Mrs. Ford," said the mother, "heel aim.
mmnicated to Mr, Ullman that the Earl
wee 811xi0110 to discover Mary's whom
abents, and I told him she could readily
be found. If elle is to 1ee0lve a fortune,
it will not go to an undeserving person.
She is fitted by natural qualifications and
education to occupy a higher station in
life than the one she now occupies." I
Miss Drummond is described aa being
well developed and re appearing fully ID
yens old, although Rite is only 17. She
weighs more than 150 lbs. A huge may.
on portrait in the parlor at her hone
thews her to be
A VERT 1L1s080 1E 0I12,
with renilar features, large brown oyes,
and luxuriant brown hair, If Hies
Drulmuond is taken maim' the patronage
of the Earl of Perth itis likely that alio
will Lot finish iter course of training Its 01
nurse. If she completes the course she
will be graduated and receive a gold
Medal in ,Jane. At present it ie part of
her daily melt to bathe seven babies.
She enjoys her positron in the Hospital
and talka enthusiastically of her work.
She taloa particular interest in one of
her young charges, an infeaut which
weighs lees than 3 lbs. Miss Drummond
formerly attended the Puhlio subool in
FortySeveuth Street,llroolclyu, mud was
for a time a student in the Brooklyn
high School.
Two spacial trains, having cm beard
over 500 new settlers for the Province
end Territories, arrived in Winnipeg
from the East last Friday.
As baldness mattes one look premature.
Iy old, so a full head of heir gives to
mature life the appearance of youth, To
ethers) this and prevent the former
Ayer'e lfair'Vigor is confidently teeom-
mended. Both ladies end genelemen
prefer it to any ether dressing.
Bite of l0elenee.
The air is 00 clear in the Arotio regions
that oonvereatiott 02111 easily bo carried
0n by persons two urtica apart,
As far as oaloulabion eau decide, the
temperature of comae is believed to bo
a that f •list
..,000 times fiercer than aG o rsd
It is calculated that the salt contained
in the ocean would cover an 0100 of 5,.
000,000 square milee with a layer a toile
People who keep their mouths closed,
except when they are talking, eating or
driukilag, aro said rarely to eontrrobcolde
or coughs.
A bee, with its industry, energy and
the innumerable journeys it hoe to per.
form, will not collect much more than a
teaspoonful of hooey in Benson.
A llfty.euo iu011 lens is planned for 0
telescope to be need at the Paris 085081•
tion of 1000, By the use oe this, it is
believed, the moon can be brought to ap.
peat, but one mild away.
Dr. Nausea, the Arotio explorer, is
planning a trip to the Sontn pole, to start
in about two years. It is believed that
thie is a much better field for exploration
than the Arotio circle,
Professor Behring has been awarded
the Rineeker prize, cooeleting of a gold
media and $250, by the University of
Wnraborg for hie discovery of the itntf-
toxine treatment of diphtheria.
With the assistance of the lateet ma-
chines a piece of leather cin be trans-
formed into a pair of boots in 8-1 min-
0t0e, in whioh time it passes through
the hands of 03 people, and through 15
In the Prussian estimates is a vote of
50,000 marks to the ministry of public
instruction for iovestigatiooe with the
Roentgen rays. The vote is justified by
reference to the importance which the
new dircovery has been shown to possess
in physics, anatomy, zoology, physiology.
botany and other ecienoee. The grant
will be used to enable institutes and
certain men to procure the necessary a.p.
pirates and to defray the expense of ex-
haustive experiments.
fiubbtes of Prominent Women.
A smart lady's paper recently printed
the following list of hobbies indulged in
by prominent women ;—
Queen Victoria—Whist playing.
Princess Beatrice—Conjuring.
Duchess of Fife—Fencing.
Duchess of Westminster—Cricket.
Lady Warwick—Book binding.
Countess Cowper—Organ playing.
Lady Zetlaud—Photography..
Madame Nordice—Boxing.
Mrs. Asquith—Visiting jails and
Laxly Henry Somerset—Driving and
Elen Terry—Photobrephy.
Olive Schreiner—The management of
the dairy.
To the above list might be added, says
Torch ;—
Princess of Wales—Pool playing.
Duke of Cobourg—Celle ung silver
Sarah Bernharclt--Costume designing.
Czar—Nursery games.
Queen of the Belgians—Doctoring
pear people.
Icing of the Belgians—C,ud playing.
I&tD3T1112,01F!t elleCtlet9 r+'12 Dar '1028
102;10.20 21:)11-..
The human body is an epitome
in Nature of all in. uhanics, all
architecture, all machinery of every kind.
There are more thea 310 mecbanioal
movements known to meohauios of to.
day, and all of these are but modifica-
tions of those found in the human body.
Here are found all the bars, joints,
pumps, pipes, wheels and axles, ball and
socket movements, beams, girders,
trusses, buffers, arches, columns, cables
and supports kuowu to science. At every
point man's best mechanical work can
lie shown but to be adaptions of processes
of the human body, a revelation of first
principles used in Nature.
Richard Birtnh, of Downie, Bold a pig
recently that weighed 280 pounds at 5
months old, gaining in the Inst two
month's 128 pouade.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20, Con. 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
broil from T. 10, Brotbour's swoop/Anion 0030
at clitae'o Fair. Terme $1.00 to be paid
at the ti mo of oerviee with privilege of re-
turning if necessary, Pedigree may be soon
of amtlicatioi,
WM make'
fl well man
3JdiK A k of YOU!
l'10051 rumens T118 AROca
ngentaO Ftt rope wra60.
7I005I guroo all 110000 n 13000000, 010opiavqn
0on+, raei0g11010007,N10,IIYRmlas100,e ma•
torrhus0; 0000tenay, ole„ caused by 8050 000000,
given vigor 11112 earn t0 nhrun1ten 002000, n d
atdckl11 hat muni$ ronteron LO0'r 1:0'0112?R In 0202
011000(5, 01..E.11001/80.1
ggd0 P 57300110nd you wlk srOw strong
10d oamanOily ieoale0 51 00 ebOcnrvaIlon wICmilq
aerial Is vont 000001. 001,2, 01 a M0lrnna, six
me001 In olthor ornennre or teetn10?'
Dd Latt.po•-,, Adar000011 Io1Wrn to u, 7, for to2.10 io.
olblioDrucktot 3000003001, DNT., Agent (or the 00'
101110001 C0,0a0.
Clia2Nrelfl'12'u7l£t'l'0220001.7Ai*.F.olut30Ti✓i 350El
50 oto. and
$1.00 Bottle.
Oat ?eat a d000.
2210 sold on h guarantee by all. drnssistn
78 ogres Incipient eloa0umptton and is the
bent Clough, and Croup Cure.
SOW by JAS. EON, Drusslet, lteuseciele),
"Nearly forty years ago, after
001110 weeks of slcicnose, my hair
turmoil gray. 1 begun using Ayer's
Hair V Igor, and was so well saris -
fled with the results that 1 have
never 1 l 1 ,1 any other kind o,f dress-
''ing. :It requires only
an occasional appli-
cation of
Hair 'Vigor to keep
my Bair of good
color, to remove
If;r ''ilk dandruff, to heal
itching 11111110rs, and prevent the
hair from ft lling out, 1 never hesi-
tate to recommend Ayer's medicines
to my friends."—Mrs. fir. M. ILUcOLT,
Prepared by Dr.5.0. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Masa.
fake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion.
Wanted—An Idea Win can think
thing patent?
Ening wealth?
Protect your ideas; EhOv may bring yona wealth
Write JOHN WRDDR11RtrRN & atent Atkon
APRIL 9, 1897
E�irJ,,;::A.Ak ,
110ilal �(�(emeuis �osdie Po
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we aro in a -
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that
it hats been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
In Dress Goods
and 'Trimmings wo show a range that will delight the hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until ,you see our stock, not that wo wish
to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spying.
ur Linens
wo imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EMBflOII)EP1IPS etre one of the leading features -
with us this season.
Ready-to.wear th ng
neve Wacblogtoa, D. C., rnr their CO.Qj,os, rizo Direr
and 1101 of two ltuudreet iuventlous wanted. w0 lead all competitors. Our Men's Suits at $8.00 must be seen
to be appreciated.
`white Star Line.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Qneeustown,'13el'3 '1Yohloeduy,
Al the steamers of this lino carry only a
strictly limited number in tbo 71100T nod
OECOND owrx accommodations, intending
passengers are reminded that nn 0, 113' "l1-
plicottrtn for berths is neeo,sevy at this aera-
son. Per plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brothels.
]idlidiwaiwetiii1iil iakuniidWa Blida
a d: fit:, , Z
Great Offer- J
The London!.
Free Press.
Tho Free Press, desiring to greatly g
inmeexc Its snbscriptir,o llsh makes tho
• folio wing great nll'er i o Lho farmers 010
stockmen of C'nnnda whereby sub. 5
scribers to Weekly 10ree Press will got M
One Year's Paper Free.
• The Free Press las made arrange- E
menta with the Veterinary Science G
al Publishing Co. fora number of copies or M
their book, The Veterinary Science," M
the price of which 1s $2.00, This hook
treats fully and in plain language the
Anatomy, Diseases and Treatment of
- I 1
c mostio Animals 11112 Yo s
Poultry, also
10 containing ilacen, ull 801.1 1 s'or'tion er memento
andb own
so Nutt every farmer can
4 be his own veterinary.
FSA OF -.11)
The Weekly Free Press and Farm
and home for one year (price 01,001 and
a copy of the Veterinary Science (price
82.00), Both will ho mailed to any tui-
dress upon rho receipt of TWO Dollars.
Do not miss this otnncne, we cannot '-
Aafford to continue th is oiler indefinitely, p
Our object to making i 1. now is to secure ,L
1 an immediate response 'which a less
liberal offer night fail to attract. Its.
1 member, by sending. $2.00 for the book
you get the Weekly Free Press and
Farm and Home ONE YEAR FREE.
Agents wanted everywhere. Address
all communications to tho
Free Press Printing Co., I
London, Out,
JIPPPFViPYff 1fPiYfiiFVYfY►917iPTYf517YPiVfPti4YtlP
Wanted—An Idea
Who can 01 Ink
or some simple
yy thing to putout?
Writood0100 WIDD!Nk111RN en (00 g14cnnt,LiDrl
nays.Washington. D. c'.,, for their 131,11D0111100 otrer
end ist of two hundred inventions wanted.
R. 01ASE9S
T. Dewsnv, Manager S n 1 rl 1" .Ir, Iirgii•
ford, DnL., any,, CI users R,.I v l n I'' ht orf 0
grand nindhIna for Ilia Kidneys end Liter,
W. i Ceaa101 . 112 14•C,n2 °,,, Toronto, r0.
prexneofi g Montreal inn, '.:,ys, t'6aads 1*dls net
like nrngle forth :al!. f. t L^. ,d•m ho, bilious attach
sed eenstientlee. e, or by midi o0
nrnipt or 00,00', to 05;202'5, i, ea,. &, 112,46 1000.000 gr. twfik10,.0110.
is to make this store to tho County of Huron what the T. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call we
I would like to specially invite them to clo so, and I think we will be
able to make them permanent customers.
Grocery Department.
Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas, Purcell,
and he will be pleased to show you through that deportment.
1'. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call on you in the course of a week or two with
Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully.
-We !Lee in stock and supply everything in
gra 5
Importer, Seaforth.
Goal and Wood Stoves,
1 iffier Parlor, Box or Cook
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and
Warranteclato work properly.
Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c.
Orders Taken for Coal.
Stove and EZL7"72aoe 0M'en, .BTUS,SelS•
Tho Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It loaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and fall infer-,
mation furnished on application.
W. E. ICBM, ,A.genti, Brussels.