The Brussels Post, 1897-4-9, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Coming—Jas, Fox.
Seed Oets—Joe. Stafford.
Loon1—W. 7, Itle0rasItan.
Pink Pills—Dr. Williams.
Easter Holidays—G. T. R.
Seed for Sale—Dr. McKelvey.
A Reduotlon—G, A. Deadman,
For Sale in Ethel—Dr. Melielvey.
Do Some Figurine--l'ioi1innotl rt 00,'
The Great Offer—London Free Press,
Clothing Diepiay—Smith & MoLareu,
Ready for Business—MoCraokon ds
(i;b:e Nntssei$ ir5t,
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1897.
A4eatto r l.It.
The Collegiate iosbitote Football Olub
re -organized hast teeth, They have a
strong team to defend the Bough Cup,
which they hove held for a number of
The students from here attending the
Medical College in Toronto have return.
ed home. They have been very suceees•
ful in passing their exams. This adds
two more full-fiedged llf. D's. to our
town, in the persons of Messrs. Living•
Eton and Bethune.
FrnR,-0n Sunday morning, about 7
o'clock, the bookstore owned by C. W.
Papst was discovered to be on fire. The
firemen were quickly on hand and soon
had the Ore under control, but not before
it had done considerable damage both to
the building and the contents. The loss
is supposed to he very heavy, although
there is an insurance of $0,000 on the
building and $2,500 on the contents.
The adjoining stores also suffered from
the smoke end water, but of these J. L.
Smith's Dry -goods atom is the most
damaged. The fire has omitted consider-
able loss and iueonvenience to the town,
owing tothe fact that the neutral tele-
phone office was located in the burnt
building. The cause of the fire is un•
LECTURE.—On Tuesday evening of last
week the pworth League varied the pro-
gram by having a lecture on "Atmenia,"
wbioh wits delivered by the pastor, Rev.
A. McI{ibbin, B. A. The lecture was a
carefully prepared effort and was thero•
uglily enjoyed by all who were present,
several being heard to say that it wits
the best presentation of the whole matter
they had ever heard. Mr. Mol1ibbin gave
a historical sketch of the Armenian peo-
ple ; outlined the chief features of the
Armenian (thumb, showing why they,
though Christian, were considered proper
subjects for mission work. He also gave
an outline of the Red Cross Sooiety work
in Armenia and other pieces, giving in
connection with this excellent biographic-
al sketches of :flies Clara Barton and
Jean Henri benefit. The past sufferings
and present awful condition of the Ar-
menians was set forth in plain, dispae•
sionate language, but the speaker's de•
nunciation of the Sultan was scathing.
The lecture throughout showed careful
preparation and was well delivered to the
appreei.etive audience who had Fathered
to hear it, notwithstanding, the very
broken condition of the roads.
25l;lo Annual Report
Confederation Life Association.
Gratifying Indications of Progress.
Decrease(' Matto of Expenses to income.—
Large increase in Assets.
The annual meeting of the Confeder.
Mimi Life Association was held at the
head office of the Company, Yonge,
Richmond and Victoria Streets, Toronto,
on Tuesday, March 10th, at the Hour of
2 p. m.
There was a large attendance of policy-
olicyholders, shareholders and members of
the agency staff.
On motion, the Hon. Sir W. P. How-
land, 0. B.,113. 0. M. G., was called to
the choir, and J. K. Macdonald, Manag-
ing Director, was appointed Secretary of
the meeting.
2110 report and fivauoial statements re-
lating to the business of the Association
for the year 1890 were submitted as fol.
lows :
The Directors are pleased to meat the
policyholders and shareholders in the
twenty-fifth annual meeting and to lay
before them the report for the year 1890.
It is namely necessary to soy that the
year was one of eoutinned and widespread
depression, causing au accentuation of
the flnauoinl stringency which has existed
for some years past and rendering it diffi•
cult to obtain a large volume of new busi-
ness by legitimate means. Your Di -
rectors, however, have not been tempted
to depart from the policy which has
marked the post mnungomsnt. It will,
therefore, bo all the more pleasing to note
the large amount of now briefness secured,
as well as the gratifying indicabiaus of
progress whioh a perusal of the state-
ments will afford, the more so that this
has boon done 10)111 a deareneal ratio of
expenses t0 income.
Including a few deferred cases at the
clone of 1896, we 11avo had 2,058 applica-
tions for assurances amounting to 33,•
288,900 ; of those 1,032 for 33,11.1,040
ware approved and 100 for $175,030 were
declined. Including bonus additions, the
total new business written for 1800 was
1,901 policies for $0,131,050. The total
business on the books on Deeembee 31st
was 18,253 policies for 3.27,560,423 en 15,-
978 lives,
The claims by death, while lass in
number than iu the previous year, palled
for a larger amount, 0011 happened that
several largo pnliciee beam() oioitns.
There were ninety-niva deaths, oalling
for 3223,487 milder 114polioion, Of those,
111110 300111E, calling far $41,000, were en•
cidental.',There worn re nasnranoes to the
ammonia of 323,328, which reduced the
not dolma to 3200,159. The foregoing
will chow that the Directors continue to
exercise the greatest care in admitting
only good lives.
The usual financial statements accord.
pant the report, and will be found to
exhibit the condition of the association at
the close of oho year.
The Auditors hove continued to give
strict attention to the duties of their de-
partment, making their audit from month
to month a8 formerly, Their report will
mr^Tunar a eoste tits ssrsrou s,n ^n
be found appended to the fivauciel state.
A perusal of the report and statements
will show the following satisiaotory ovi•
deuces of progress
(1) A satisfactory volume of new bus].
ne0s secured by purely business methods
and at a fair cost.
(2) A satisfactory increase iu the total
insurance in force.
(3) A satisfactory increase in income
both from premiums and interest.
4) A large increase in the assets.
(5) A gratifying increase in surplus,
notwithstanding the payment out to
policyholders during the year of the largo
sem of over $82,000 for profits.
(0) A decreased ratio of expenses to
The Directors, realizing that the rate of
interest obtainable on good iuvesbmenbs
may be cousidere] as permanently lower-
ed, gave careful consideration to the rate
of interest to be employed in_ calculating
the policy and anuiuty obligations of the
Association, and as a result decided to
use a rote of 34 per Dent. for all the bus).
ness written subsequent to December 31,
1803, instead of q, as formerly. This
will hove the effect of strengthoniug the
position of the company ami affording
greater security toite policyholders.
The Directors are pleased to call at-
tontiau to the foot that the head office
building is gradually filliug up, and that
there is every prospect that in the near
future, with a revival in business, it will
be fully oceapied. In the meantime, fn
view of the iucorreot impression occasion-
ally sought to be made, we aro not sayiug
too much when we state that the build.
ing is paying fully as well as any similar
building in Canada.
The Directors have had under con.
sidoratiou the question of going outside
of Canada for business, and, while it has
not been definitely deoided, it is quite
probable that, subject to the approval of
this meeting, the right to do business in
some parts of the United States of Ameri-
ca may be sought for at Ell early date.
The Directors aro also pleased to re-
port that the field and office staffs con-
tinue to discharge their ditties with otli.
cieney mud faithfulness.
All the Directors satire, but are eligible
for re-election.
W. P IlownnsD, President,
3. K. Mnceo,'.ua, Managing Dir.
Premiums $876,210 20 -
Annuities 36,706 SO
$919,017 05
Less Re Aesuran-
cePromiums13,590 36
$907,321 Oil
Interest Le Rents
(net)... 225,295 97
$1,132,617 66
IIE11U3i0Eprr.\ r6.
To Policyholders :—
Death Claims 0203,797 34
Endowments 103,130 00
Annuities 11,260 21
Surrendered Poli-
cies 50,'3'3710
Cash Profits82,090 25
$451,110 90
Expenses, Salaries, Commis-
sions, etc 200,685 00
Dividends to Stockholders 15,000 00
Balance 459,891 70
31,132,017 00
Total Assets 33,770,210 03
Total Liabilities 35,407,280 11
Cash Surplus above all Lia-
bilities $371,930 84
Capital Stock Paid Up as
above 100,000 00
Capital Stock Subscribed,
uncalled 900,000 00
Total Surplus Seourity for
Polioyholders 31,371,030 84
We beg to report that we have com-
pleted the audit of the books of the As-
sociation for the year ending December
31, 1806, and have examined the vouchers
connected therewith, and certify that the
financial statements agree with the books
and are correct.
The securities represented in_ the as-
sets (with the exception of those lodged
with the Dominion Government, amount
ing to $84,500, and those deposited with
the Government of Newfoundland,
amounting to 325,000) have been examin-
ed and compared with the books of the
Association, and are correct and corres-
pond with the schedules and lodgers.
The bank balances and the cash are
certified as correct. W. R H.uitns,
JAS WATSON,Aoclitore.
Toronto, March 4,'07.
The President, Sit' W. P. Hlowland,
moved the adoption of the report, and in
doing so referred to the gratifying increas.
es that had been made in the business of
the association for the past year, empha-
sizing the following points :—Increase in
premium income of over 355,267 ; in-
crease in interest income, $15,528 • in
cash surplus, after the payment to poi0y.
holders of over 382,000 in cash profits,
of 387,776, and in assets of 3404,772.
The insurance et risk at the close of the
year amounted to 327,500,000, mod repre•
aeutecl a gain for the year of nearly one
million dollars, and, continuing. said :
"While wo have reason to bo gratified at
these results of the year's business, et the
stone time it itfferds importout evidence
to us of the favorable omelet) that is en-
tertained by the public geneeelly of mak.
ing investments 111 life in510011ce, and
their full measure of confidence in the
company which we represent."
III referred in conclusion to the im-
portant change whioh lend been made in
the basis of the valuation of the coin.
pauy's 0.es11fancos. and which would have
tato effect of affording fuller protection to
its policyholders and of strengthening the
financial position of the company in the
W. lI. Beatty, vino President, second -
oil the adoption of the report, which, after
a few remarks by the lfanagiugDirector
and by one or two of the policyholders
present, was carried unanimously.
7, A. Patterson, barrister, moved, sec-
onded by Mr. Swan, a resolution t1audc•.
lug the officers and directors of the as.
sortation for, their services and attention
to the affairs of the cnmpany during the
past year. Both these gentlemen refer.
red in complimentary berme to the very
exeelle111 report which had been presented
to the meating.
The resolution, which was dilly ap-
proved, was acknowledged by the 'rosi.
dent on behalf of the Directors.
ori xr n'n T.TS"ELS PO9T
Atvmrssm»rer4sinm relramlallintateell
E have about every-
thing that men want
for Style or Comfort—Every-
thing new and up-to-date and
prices within easy reach of
modest means. Everybody
is invited to come. We want
you to see the Clothing De-
partment—if only to see how
the business is growing.
Every tan will be Interested in the
New Suits,
New Pants,
New Underwear
New Hosiery,
AbEl. c. 1s;i'i
Strictly One Price.
,Always the Lowest
We recognize this season the best chance for a bright
pushing, progressive store to win trade that anyone could
wish The old scale of Prices must be revised thorough-
ly. Customers know it and are alert, and the best store
will get fair play.
We turn into the work to win with the largest and
most complete stock ever shown by us in Brussels. We
are in a position to sell New, Perfect, Stylish Goods for the
least money you ever paid. We must go ahead of last
year's magnificent results.
15 pieces Fine trench Dress Serge, all pure wool and heavy
New Hats, in all shades and black, 42 inches wide, worth regular 85e. for 27o.
New eC%,"7ea l" 10 pieces 86 inch French Serge, all wool, worth regular 25c.,
f Special Price 210.
New Shirts,
Boots & Shoes
New Dress Goods.
E are doing a gond trade in Dress Goods. The
stock is in excellent shape. We are showing a
good range of stylish Fabrices including the well known
Priestley's makes, together with reliable Black Dress
Goods. The Values are far better than you would expect.
Produce Wanted., o oo»-
Resolutions of thanks were also passed
to the actuary, solicitors, ivedioal, agency
and official staffs, which were early aok-
nowledgod by the representatives of the
several bodies referred tit. ,
Ail the retiriug directors were re-elect-
ed, and a meeting of the new board held
immediately thereafter. Sir W. P. How-
land, 0. B., Ti. 0. 111. G., was re-elected
President and Edward Hooper and W.
7i. Benny, vice -Presidents.
11 10Asmervi,
Easter 1101!
General Public
Good be go April 15011 to April 1911) in -
elusive, valid for return not later than
April 201h, 1807.
School Vacation
Teachers and Pupils holding Standard
Certificates ; Tickets issued March 27th
to April 17th inclusive, valid for return_
not later than April 27113, 1897.
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
Are you going to require any
Paper .flanging this season 7 If
so the undersigned aro at your
call and guarantee a prompt, well
executed job at a LOW price. A
trial will convince you.
We also attend to Kalsomining
and Painting with Neatness and
House Painting well done at
Close Figures,
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
We aro here to do business so
make your wants lcilown and we
will lose no time in filling them.
,.MeC.R4 MEN '
2 pieces only 54 inch Black Sioillian, bright new goods, a
charming skirt material and correct style, worth 75c., Special 49c.
2 pieces only 54 inch pure Satin Damask Table Linen, worth
35o., for 25c.
Anticipate Your Wants
And come and see our styles
and prices as we have an enviable record of fulfilled prom-
ises and a well earned reputation as price -makers. We are
time tried and thoroughly tested and•you may be sure we
won't deceive yon.
1 FclhffIIsoil
Dry L..�i oc•d.s and Groceries.
In all our lines now, and ready
for a Big Spring Business,
Hats and
"Our Leaders"
They are world beaters, we have sold a
great deed of Clothing the last four
months hot we have never seen a time
before when the people in this seobion
had a chance to dross well for so little
Our r'Leadera" are sold for cash only --
Our margin is too small to credit these
lines, but yon will appreciate them all
the more when we tell you. that you are
saving money w1011 ,yen purohaso any
of them,
Men's Tweed and Serge Suits
Men's Pants -
Men's Overalls
Boys' Knee Pants
Boys' School Caps
Men's Braces
Boys' 2 piece suits, 22 to 28
$5, $7, $7,60
$l, $1.50 $2.00
50c, 75c
50c, 75c
Boys' 3 piece snits; 22 to 28........... $2, $2.50 $3,00
You Should see our den's $4,75 86 $5 Tweed Suits,
We have never had a better trade in this line then ,just at present but
no more than we expected as our stock of
Suitings, Worsteds and Pantings
aro up to date at prices that cannot bo beaten.
get ,Good (duality, Fit and Workmanship.
Leave us you measure and