HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-9, Page 3APRIL9, 1897 THE BRUSSELS POST
C-...,....'.'.,. .., •*' x'^"7'*""".*i�'ylSTS?AR`C8'^'"s'.'n'"Y"^.�.nrvm*1 ^�"L^Ar1°1!'ertererzemmF .1 merre!^eetretemonewenownwoii/tA'Je.uemeserp n
Town JAreeoxy. Ontario has tee most extensive system Tumbles resembling in shape and
0 ofFarmInst',t:tea inAmerioa, ditnnuRionethose employed today have EAST 1-1UR0N t rn
as been found in great m,mbors in 1'ompefi, (1��b�k,�CuredI��� (� LOAN.
11 m m ane heti Servraes i � 6 dairying, g ®
;use ..eery bettwun, from the time 1. 20005ISf� 1 �, t
Alimvrenet Cncnou.--Sob 1 l - •
ab l7:00 p.m, Sunday Sehool
at 2130 p m, Bev, John Ross, B A,
Ontario has aver a dozen special
goo a ions, live stook, airying, fruit
grate ng, eta,
Ontario haR available well•oguipped
farms, with all improvement8,
Se. JO11N'a Ctzunon.--Sabbath Services Ontario has available also free grant
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School lands,
et 2:90 p, m. Rev. A. K. Grill), inaum.
beton' onzsT Cnosau,—Sabbath Sory Cao A kt'i inner s 1YIP).
at 10:90 0 m and 7:00 p m. Sunday
School al 2:90 p m. Rev. S. J. ,A.ilin,
ROMAN OAT m m Cnaooir—ie'abbath
Servioe third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a nn. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Amur. Servioe at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week ab 8 o'olonk, a0
the barraake.
Ono PunLows' Donee every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
Mesoxro Lonali Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W Logan on the 3rd
Friday evening of each month, in Islas•
hill's block.
0 0 P Lenon 2nd nod last Tuesday
evenings of each month, in BIaohill's
I 0 P, '2nd and last friday" in Odd
Fellows' Mil.
L 0 L lab Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
Sorra or Scoeretern, lot and 3rd Tues.
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
I1, 0. T. M. LODGO, 2nd and 4th Tues.
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's 7dnll,
Canadian Order or Chosen Friends, lel
and 3rd Mondays of eaoh month in Bias -
hill's Hall.
A 0 P, let and 3rd Mondays of eaoh
month in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Boner, CIRCLE, 2nd and 401, Friday even-
ings in 131ashi11'e Hall.
Orrice.—Qflies hour's from 8 a,
en, to 0:30 p. m.
MEOWANI09' IusxrruTn.—Library in
Holmes' blook, will be open from G to 8
o'olook p. m. Wodnesdaye and 8:90 to 5
and G to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo•
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Coonnm.—W. H. herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Backer, Geo, Thomson, R. Lea•
therdale and 1t. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
P. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly,
Treasurer ; R. IIingeton, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, 0olleotor. Board meets the lee
Monday iu each month.
SOnooL BoAnn.—A. Koenig, (chair-
man,) D. 0. Roes, J. G. Skene, Jas.
Tnrabull, A, Cousloy and F. Van•
stone. Seo,.Teeas., R. K. Rose.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
POBLIO Scnnor, 'J'r•,Aonnss.—J. 31. Oam.
eron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Miss
Downey and Mitre Ritchie.
13aAP.n Or f3E.tLTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton, Mediae!
Health 000oer.
ifoltera 1>Ilrrly hulled to help nee anal
Morphine pits a ail:mall ' Resorted le
Ih,tuinta SO R'ottk RIM Could 9enreely
1'ut'rorm Jill,' Iletse1t0Ji1 iDtW es.
Prom the Deaver, Napauoo,
Mr, and Mrs. Robe, Stone hnvo been
residents of the township of Erneetown,
abont ten miles ease of Nepanso, far a
period of about three years, and in that
time have gained the esteem of all their
noigbbors. l'or six years previous to
Ulla time they had lived in Glenwood
Springs, Colorado, and it was dnriug
their resideuoe there that Airs. Stone
was attaolted with an ileuses that made
her life miserable for years. To a re.
porter who recently interviewed her she
told the following story ; —"Daring the
early part of our residence in Oolorado,
my illness fleet 0alne on, At the outset
every two no three weeps I would be at.
tanked with a pain in my stomach,
Later on 10 greatly increased in severity,
and at times was so bad that I would
scream aloud with the pain. A doctor
was called lo, but the only benefit I ever
received from his treatmnut wits through
n etL"il',
Int "Tha Lorgnette" of Saturday'e
Glaegow Evening News there appeared
the following clever skit on the Nauaen
boom :—
Perm oe P000012no.
(With Apologies to Brown, of Colorado)
If you cherieh the ambition
To devise au expedition
To penetrate the purlieus of the Pole ;
You must get the mob enraptured
And some sore subac:ibere captured
Who'll deal you one the necessary dole.
Yon must undergo privation
Passing all imagination,
As through the cold and cruel North you
Bn6 your wanderings ones over
Yon will find yourself in clover,
The same as I did on arriving home.
Ab—eta, ha 1
An Arotio millionaire,
I.te.eoraped and oofubbed with mars,
Triumphant over iee'flelds and tornado ;
with lots of yarns to spin,
I haul the shekels le—
I'm Fritz, the pioneer of Palarado.
Now, although there may be sailors
And some nasty Dundee whalers
Allege you've made your fortune by a
fluke ;
Still there never was a lubber
Who went out to look for blubber,
Could ever clear ten thousand of a book.
And suppose before yon started
To the papers you imparted
Your hope that soon the North Pole
would be seen ;
If you fail jest simply mention
That you changed—er—your inten-
And you merely meant the icebergs in
Ah—.73a, ala 1 da.
1!'.ters A1303J'd' O°Y'AIUI).
Ontario is the groat agricultural bell of
North America.
Ontario heath the heart of the Great
Lake region.
Ontario has a mild and healthful o1i-
Ontario has a initate! bearing belt l,-
000 miles long by 100 miles broad.
Ontario gold deposits aro of remarkable
Ontario has it ri0h, varied and product.
Live 0011.
Ontario is pro -eminently un agrioulr
tural Province,
eutonic Bae an average produclion of
crops greater than any State in the
Ontario has the best general oolleobion
of live stoek in America.
Ontario has the best Dairy system in
Ontario produces apples, poare, plums,
cherries, grapes 101,01 paaohos,
Ontario has a oomploto system of rail.
ways and canals,
Ontario has a 110w.abiding,' progressive
Ontario has a perfect system of public
Ontario has the largest population of
any Province In 0nnada.
Ontario hes the best Agricultural Col-
lege in A0100100,
Ontario alae vett timber resources.
Ontario has a Department of Agrfoul•
tune in tenth with the farmers.
They were made of gold silver,
marble, agate, and of more or
preel00e stones.
A enr1o09 ceremony, of rather
binalion took place in Paris not
singe whim M, Henry Riliob aid
Nolnville were married, The parent
both bride and bridegroom celebr
their silver wedding, and the gl
parents of M. ltibot celebrated t
golden wedding.
Some of the old houses in holland
two doore which are never used ox
for marriages or deathe, By one
the bride and groom enter, and thee
the other door the bodies of the dead
carried 001.
In one of the Canary Islands there le a
tree of the laurel family that 000aeioual-
ly thine down in the evening quite a
copious shower of water drops from its
Lofted foliage. The water comae out
through innumerable little pores situated
at the edge of the leaves.
Spain has seen the necessity for reef.
foreebing her mountains. In order to
foster Ereo.planting the young king
recently went to village a few miles
from Madricl and planted a sapling, after
which 8,000 Madrid school ohildren each
planted a tree. 310da10 were distributed
among them with the inscription "First
Arbor Day instituted in the reign of
Alfonso XII.I., 1500,"
lase, e
sties two years old, 1 antlered dread..
Com. fully from erysipelas, which kept
growing worse until any Bands were
s of 01111000 useless. The bones softened
abed 00 that they would bend, and several
and. of Illy fingers aro now croaked from
hair this Cause. On my
have Fes ' Land I Barry large
sept scars, which, but for
CoteeteQ1101te PYO
Over 100 buffalo have been seen in the
vioinity of Fort Smith, Athabasca, dur-
ing the past Winter.
George L. Gregory, of Ogdensburg, N.
V., encased to Prescott and hanged him-
self to a railway bridge.
The election of Joseph Lannon to the
Manitoba Legislature for St. Boniface
has been protested.
The Hamilton Public Library Boar.i
has refused a request to keep the reading
room open on holidays.
SEx•Meyor Jameson was nominated by
the Liberals of Winnipeg for the vacant
seat iu the House of Commons.
The 13-year.old daughter of J. .111.
Lieoum, Toronto Junotiou, was burned
to death white playing round a bush Bre.
Constable Watton states that Convey,
charged with murdering a young man
near Princeton, told him he had bought
the revolver for the purpose of shooting
Russell Grover.
J. R. MoDonald, of Lancaster Town•
ship, was hit in the temple by part of the
the injection of morpltiue into my arm, bursting flywheel of an engine cubits
as a result of which the pain would threshing, and fatally injured. Ilia
gradually pass away. The medicine brother tuns also seriously hurt.
which was given ms, however, had not School book publishers are bidding for
the slightest area, and the doctor ap• the right to publleh the new text books 1
peered to be greatly perplexed, and there. for Manitoba. Messrs. Gage and Com -
after continually resorted to injectioua pally offer to provide a completely new
of morphine whenever the attacks earth series and to supply every pupil in ,
on. These attacks continued at intervals Manitoba with a free copy.
until our return to Canada, when they The latest results of pharmaceutical
increased in frequency and intenseness. science and the best modern appliances
The result way that 1 grew very weak, are availed of in compouuding flyer's
unci my whole system appeared to be Sareaparilln. TIence, though half a
giving out. My complexion thread a century in existence es a medicine, it is
yellowish hue, and I had little or no ap. folly abreast of the age in 0,11 that goes to
petite. Lvtborly I would be attacked make it the standard blood -purifier.
with fainting spells preceded by snacks The second floor of the Walkerville
of dizziness. I became utterly unable brewery proved too weak to support three
to stand £atigee, and could with the fermenting vats containing 0,000 galions
greatest difficulty perform my household al water. At 10 o'olock Saturday night
duties. A doctor was coned in who the trues supporting the floor aollepaed
treated me for some time without,bone- in the center, and the floor with the three
fitting me any. 'Then he gave mewhat vats settled quietly Hewn into the flat
I 1105V know to be Dr, Williams' Pink below. In this flat were a number of
Pills, and after I had uses two boxes I melts, each of whish holds 100 berfels,
felt somewhat batter. I then purchased and the floor settlect down on top of them
the pills myself and continued the treat- so gently that the tube were net even
meet. I found that the pain was grain- upset.
ally decreasing. I could get rest and When the engine Wes started up in W.
sleep at night, whiob had hitherto been 8, Gl'eenside's now sawmill at Moot
almost impossible. I oontinued using Forest the other horning, a large iron
Dr. Williams' Pink Palle for several wheel, about seven feet in diameter, and
menthe, and the result is that they kava weighing possibly 1,200 lbs., flew from
effected a complete etre, and I am now the spindle, fell on the floor, and in re•
enjoying the best of health. I can as. bounding broke in three pieces. One of
sure you ib is a grape relief to be free the flying portione barely missed Chaee
from the trouble that mane my life Gerhardt, and another portion went
miserable for so many years end I have crashing through the side of the mill,
to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for flying over the head of Chas. Gresneidee,
eueoeeiling when dootors had failed, who won working with a team in the yard.
Do. Williams' Pink Pills eat directly The Manitoba Legislature prorogued
upon the blood and nerves, building then Tuesday, Governor Patterson giving his
anew and thus driving disease from the assent to numerous bilis, among then,
system. There is no trouble due to that oonbainiug amendments to the
either of these causes ,vhiob Pink Pills School Act, in a000rdanee with the
will not mire, and in hundreds of oases Laurier -Greenway settlement. In his
they have restored patients to health epeeeh assenting to this, Governor Pat -
after all other remedies had failed. Ask Orson said :—"The amendment to the
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and take Public Schools Act, embodying the set -
nothing else, The geunine are always Clement arrived at between the Dominion
enclosed in boxes the wrapper around and my edvisera, adopted during the
which bears the full trade mark "Dr. session, will, I am convinced, put at rest
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." a prolonged and vexing controversy. It
May be had of all dealers, or sent post now remains for the law at amended to
paid, on receipt of 50 cents a box, or six be so administered that the advantages
boxes for 92.50, by addressing the Dr. of the provincial education system may
Wilhelm' Medicine 0o., Brookville, Out. be freely enjoyed by all classes of the
community. I foes assured that this
Crisp and Casual. will be done, tend tient the most complete
, harmony will be re'eebablisbed between
etre con. a!i sections of our population.
Three times more herrings
sumer] than may other fish.
Leery person under 21 needs nine
hours rest out of the tsvonby-four.
The secret maree on Bank notes by
whit% forgeries are detected, are con-
ebaitly being changed.
The execution of some of the finest
French tapestry is so slow that en artist
cannot produce more ,been a quarter Of a
square yard in a year.
At Melbourne the cabmen have been
almost reined by omnibuses and street.
care, and hem sometimes been glad to
accept threepenny fares,
' An engaged couple recently ran a raw.
The young woman won, whereupon elle
immediately discarded her lover, saying
thee, she would never wed an infeeior.
A well-known 100ronant asserts that
the voice of a woman is audible in a
balloon at the height of about 110o miles,
whilo that of a man novae reaches higher
then to mile.
The longest lived people have gonetal-
ly been those who Made breakfast the
principal meta of the day. Tito stoluat,
has more vigour in the morning than at
any time,
Drowning is a q11l0lt01 death than
moat people elppose. Inseusibility is
said to begin in One minute, and fetal
uneoneci0usnoss in about ,eve. Even
practiced divore cannot regulon under
water more than a minute and a half,
and 10 is almost fatal to ramafn under
tete ourfaoe longer.
People who are s00oaptible to the oold
should make a point of wearing loose
clothing in oold weather. L ooeo gar-
ments are always warmer then tight
Sitting ones, not only because they allow
room for oiroule.iou, but also because
they peeml0 a layer of air between the
skin and the outside cold, MAA/AGER.
wish to acquaint the good
people of Brussels and locality
with the fact that I have opened
up a Laundry in town,
One Door West of
Williams' Livery,
Where I will be pleased to attend
to the wants of the public in.
first-class style,
Specialty made of Collar's,
Cuffs, Shirts, Ladies' Waists and
Lace Curtains, and Satisfaction
Guaralltoed. Prices Moderate.
Your esteemed Patronage is
solicited in supporting a local
1 '.Poll your Neighbor.
ra r !e s, SCOTT/
Sarsaparilla, would
bo sores, provided I
was alive and able
to Barry anything,
Eight bottles of
>, cr'n sarsaparilla cured ale, so
that 1 J11y0 had no -return of the
disease for more than twenty Spars.
The 0;:.t bottle seemed to reach 111e
:.,' 1 a persistent use of it has
1, ! .' t'- t 11. ' e::l'l.' —O, C, TAM,
i` aC'sapaf3°IJ is
dx xS:'.". PIlL I ; roniota Cood Digestion
II G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good fits Guaranteed.
Tito Bast Huron Liecnbbc Com-
. lnssioneTs will meet at the
Saturday .�.iiril 17, '97
To take into consideration the
Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1897-ci8. .
Tho number of hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Ruling
were 20.
The number of Applications
this year are 22, George 11lcKim,
Royal Hotel, Walton, and Rich-
ard Graham, Arlington Rouse,
Forclwich, being applicants for
houses not Licensed last year,
J.53rnt 7'ow•s, April 1, 18117.
siPclrer S1oH
The undersigned has open..
ed up a Butcher Shop in the --AND DTIIElt—
Ally Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Villa e 1'
party at
6 & 6, Per Cont,, l'raarly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required,
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
e WY HC.t1,L n es s
D. FRAIN has opened a Har•,
nese Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where be is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&e,, kept in stock.
I RM prepared to attend to all orders fcr
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, do.
Goodworkand Aloderete charger
D. ars ra,in5 Brussels.
yttem to 2 vbt y
Suits made for $1 and upwards. MA�1� ME, ���I�S�e�IA�, TESTED REMEDIES
where he will keep constant-
lySPECIFIC ANDANTIDOTE on hand a supply of the For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Best Meats Procurable, sold 1Bton of theeHeart,Liveii''Complaint,aNenr.
at reasonable prices. A share algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Can -
RI(j sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
of public pattouage solicited, and Urinary Direases, St, Vitus' Dance,
Female Irrlguloritiea aid General De-
":'sleep over Meihnr0O', Stole,
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
tet moderate prices.
No better Pump in the oterket.
Order left at my shop er residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
5'Orders taken for the Digging of
Wella and Cisterns.
Gomez Green,
Meat delivered to all DartsJ M. iIcLECD,
Of the town. I Prop- and Manufacturer.
001a by .IIas, Tot, iDrnggiol., Brussels.
Certain in its 00100ta and never blisters.
100081)00000 below: �(prtp®
nun rstCarman %endersou Co,, I10., 0,1.00,'N .
Dr, n, d. hnannrr, bo.
00,,'S0'a—Please send ma one of Ns torso
nooks end oblige, Iltavouae so Front deal 00700,'
Ooudnll'e epav,n Cars wlt1, 8004 alteel,0 it 1, 0,
won,torrul medlolne, I once Lod a mato that bad
all ase,tlt Fnavin µltd 111.0 LOttloa 5010d Ler, 1
keoP a bottle 0n .rst all the tLne,
Yottre truly, Un'.ts, Pow>v,L
Cee,Ton, 3.10,, atpl'.9, Poe.
near SN's—I Lnoo aseds0veral bottles e( Your
"IwP'1i'll's spnvin 0nro" ith , l,
Dr. D
. J, l{man
nun Co.
�s wt c sa)to,g I
m rate It too tont Lht10 ni a over used. Item rG
uwuedono Sptl Ono BOvo apnvin and kilted
,100 nun' , Wein. novo laUOnamndod 16 to
t •llteop10, tlitospmin,Uo must pleased lytta
and lceol> It liospc0.0.1
a, n alas P. O, ]loxsl9,
For Salo by all Drug'glats Or address
I),', 15, J', ILEI\D, LL OO.ItYd.;\ F 1
British Cel 16111 i➢i it ;
Reel Cedar Shingles
North. Shorn
Pine 11114 Cedar
Brussels Planing ills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notion,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Afmterial Guaranteed,
We are ready for it by the arrival
of Seasonable G-ood.s,
In 1V00(1
We have had a Large
or iron Sale of Bibles during the
past month and have a fine
11005 stock to hand,
Base Balls,
Rubber Balis,
Base Ball Bass,
Marbles, .Alleys,
&0., 8cc.
Fix up a Lawn this year
and buy a
We can supply, you
Afford plenty
Of all -Kiind '
New Stook of
Including Note and
Foolscap Paper, .Envelopes,
L&e., &o,
Great Value in
Amusement to youngsters.
'We Bever sold then, cheaper
For 30 Days all Toys will be Sold
at COST to make room LLor new goods.