HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-4-9, Page 1Vol, 24, No. 39, MISS RODDIOK wishes to annnnnee that she has secured the Newest I:lfeete in Millinery for this Benson's Grade, in. eluding till the Now Shapes in Fancy Straws ; all the New Shades iu Groes ; also the Geranium. OPENING ON --- FRIDAY Axi) SATURDAY, APRIL S&10 In thanking g my many customers for past patronage, I again solicit their fay. ors feeling confident that I have the nor - root etylee for this season. Mise Sample, tate of New Yorlc, has hews re•engaged for this season, ae nail liner, :$S n®dcuc1, BRUSSELS. (CYCLE PORIUM 1 MAIN ST. BRUSSELS RED BIRD, BRANTFORD, BLACK BIRD, RUBY RIM. WOODSTOCK —NEW BARNES. WINDSOR —E. & D. TORONTO —CLEVELAND. GODERIC11(IIURON, ((COMMON SENSE. E +--Repairs and parts always on hand. Sick Wheels doctored and a cure guar- anteed. Oat! end see our fine display of Wheels. L� 9 '*a j,' '+ser' U 6.,1+ L der m My Stock ofd Is now complete in Silks, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Muslim, Lawns, Art Muslins, Curtains, Laces, Ribbons, Prints, Duolce, F lontelettes, Cottons, Oottonades, Towelingn and a special line. of Ladies' and Ohildren'e Vests, I think I know something about and when I tell you that my 60o. par !b. DargeIieg Gem of the East is the beat Blank Tea in the market and that my 25o. Japan Tea is better than most of the Tea sold in this town for 35e. and 40o. 1 always keep the best Team and Coffees in the market so the public: say, ® STE Ago t for Parker's Dye Works. COMINQ, COMINf91 GCMINCiI T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST Graduate Belt, York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services, opportunity to II l tested free . ALL are never Intl at private houses. as this is arare PP Y ave your eyes proper. Y of charge. No tress Yorkbatta Scientific certainty. Diff cult cases accurately fitted .STORK cWAa tNTrCan °o 'o Drug Store, •--•4ViLD 1310 A1' • — BRUSSELS, • R. 2 0 One Day Only, Alel• a r. 11 �ryry��es. J'! s BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, *•�¢ _ - 1897 W. H. KERB Prole BRUSSELS ELS PUBLIC SCHOOL L Tho following is rho report of I3ri enele Publio School fur the month of March. Attcndanoo on the part of some mem. bore of the various Manton has boon vory irregular, Only penile who are In their places regularly need expoet to bo par- nitted to write as the coming exeunt'. aliens, Classes for Primary work will be open. ed on Malloy, when t30 neatly aN ponnlble of the new Iotrols; eltortld be present. The 1111.11100 of pupils morked with a * were absent part of examination. noon 1. PfI3fART.--.Exautiued le Physics, Alg,, Eno., Gram, and Arith, Total, 500 : Bella Lamont ..335 K. Coneloy —.259 , .259 Allan Lamont,.334 F, Wilson ..951 J. MoOreeken ,.381 Georgie flows .,232 G. Buohanan ,.319 D. Mot n oltlin 230 Ira Gerry ,..... 315 It, Maunders „229 Geo, Watt ,.277 E, MoLauohlin 200 Fred, Gilpin „270 P. S. L.—Elmi. minod in Alg , Aritb., Phys., Grain. aucl J3ook.koeping Total, 509 : J, MoLanolxlin 414 111 Friendship• .271 H. Downing.,..350 I. Crooks 271 L. Pringle ....302 A. McKelvey , 157 W. Griever —.291 , .291 *L. Beaker —146 , 140 ra':rrfA10n,—Examined ill Lib., Arith., ];lays„ Dict. and Iliat. Total, 500 : K. Smith 350 G. McMillan . C. AllinJ. ll840 P. Mitchell , , . , 235 325 I. Zilliax 197 P. Watt 303 *G. hanker —.189 , .189 F. Roach 298 N. Davis 187 A. Putlancl ,,,,289 II, Mitchell ...,145 A. (Kendall —.283 *H, Reuter 144 M. StoGuiro....278 *L. Carty .,,,138 0. 0, MilIoyirtx 205 *M• Hayoroft „112 54 .111, Routh ..I10 *0. Vausteun 258 *G. lVloLauohlin 54 N. Smith 253 *B, Oliver 39 3. H, OAarerON, Principal, noon 2. Jo. Frex AND Sn, ann.—Examined in Comp., Hist„ Gram,, Lit., Writ. and Draw. Total, 500 : Lucy Sinclair ,.388 Maggie Scott „294 Russell Taylor 388 eine. Buchanan 279 Clarke Alhu „369 Fan. Thomson 278 Georgie Ross ..849 *N. Vanstoue ..275 John O usl o ey .-348 Brine BoobU ....254 ArthurAlliu ,,346 *LilyHindee ..248 11o, Armstrong 837 Mary Forbes ..246 David Watt .,..834 Edith 'Walker ..245 Milton MaArtor 326 *Goo. Green.. —176 Willie Good.. ,,312 *Annie Putland 161 Highest marks—Comp., Russell Taylor, 78 ; Hist., Clarke Allin and Russell Tay- lor, 81 ; Gram., Lucy Sinclair, 83 ; Lit„ Luoy Sinclair, 82. 3an Ase Jn. 900. --Examinee] in Grana., Comp., Lft„ Arith., Writ. and Draw, Total, 500 : Mary Forsyth ..356 Garble Melsorn 257 May Skene ....,344 R MoLauchlin 250 Cleve. Baekee..344 Frank Oliver ,•200 Ella Marlow —343 343 *N. McGuire —246 246 Fred. Colliae „328 *Jennie Doll ,.220 Aflame Taylor .-822 G. Thomson... —227 Leslie Kerr ..,.318 Willie Zilliax •,215 A. Riohnrdson„817 *Erna Avery —214 Ida Williams „308 *Robs, Wilber .,207 Barb. McKelvey 801 *Mary Hunter, ,199 Walter Roach .,299 *0 Edwards, ..176 Beatrice Howe 208 *Nina Blashill, ,157 Chas. Richarde 297 *Ella Kerr ....114 David Moore ..205 *Pearl McMillan 112 Percy Riobards 270 *Willie ilayaroft 92 Highest marks—Gram,, Ella MoArtor, 88 ; Coupe Cleve, Backer and Aimee Taylor, 82 ; Lit., Ida Williams, 80 ; A ith., Fred. Collies, 79, L, F Jetwteos, Teacher, ROODS 8. JIc. San.—Examined in Arith., Lit., Gram., Geog., Writ. and Draw. Total, 500 : J. Good ........840 3T, Watt ......194 W. Ameut 815 S. Forsyth ..,.190 E. MoOraoksn202 A. Smith 188 M. Howe 272 17, Ptauston ....170 S. Scott 206 E. Deubow —174 , ,174 N. Kendall —.234 , 234 R. MoKenzie —172 P, Birt 253 A, Crozier .,..109 A. Ross 252 Iil. Grower —.168 , .168 V. Cooper 246 M. Colvin 148 P. Wilson 242 F, Collies 144 L. Ross 288 G McKay 140 M. Mo(uteheeu 228 G. Meir 180 1M. Motauohlio 221. 2 R. Ainley ,127 1 H, Ainley ,,.,203 V. Danford L. Koenig 202 8 FI. Jones .. 05 M. Hunter ...,901 Sae 2sn.—Examined fa Arith., Geog., Spell., Writ. and Draw. Total, 500 : M. Scott 275 L. Colvin 188 S. Maxwell ,.,.268 M.Roes 178 0. McCreeken „248 11. Finn 178 18, Wilton .... , .240 J. Thomson „ „100 R. Plum 229 A. Forsyth —.184 ..184 R. Burgess —.220 , .220 M. Kerr 134 M. Muerte): .222 1 R. Pugh 109 3, Bargees . , , .21.7 1, P. Loabhorclale 111 J. Walker 214 1 J, Mil1or . , , , 70 A. Kerr ........195 7a. 2:1».—Examined in Arithe Goo., Coup., Spell., Writ, and Dxaw. Total, 500 : L. Colvin 290 I. Johnston ....307 A. Lott 286 B, Rioberdson..1330 11, Henderson „279 Grace Finn ....178 K. MoDougell , .206 C. Blashill , .. ,170 G. Finn 227 13., Snnolair ....lea E. Pugh 226 L, Edavards —.180 , .180 M, Amont 210 The figures before the names of the pupils show the number of papsre missed. Miss Doman, Teacher, Men 4. Crass IV,--Exatninod in Road,, Write Arith., Draw., Spoil. and daily Work. Total, 500 : II,Baelcer - 450 0, Wilbee,..«..850 A. Malntlau ,.450 W. McGniro ,.850 73. Ilingnton.,.,425 * C. Meaclowe —825 0. Mooney . , , • 425 H. ]trolands 33, Colvin :413 J Kerr .....,,.250 G. Ross 875 *Le 131ashi3l.,,.2113 A.1MoQuamrje .,1370 *L, Lindsay.., ,200 I. Platt .... ,.,,367 *P. L1ndeay.,..175 GLASS III.—llxantined in same eubjeots as Ones . v '1'oti a 500: JArm t *10, LidA. Walker . 95 . 258 t I I K o ndal i ....371 Lowry *It , To � 22 r Mooney 1 Y 93U *le. Lent/wattle 182 A Scott 2112 *L. Duefd.177 *N, Parboil ,316 CLASS II -Ixco1lpnU-1t, De E. Carry, L. Turnbull, E. Carrier Bose, W. Roach, 1', Scott, A. 13, Doll, J. Moore, M. IYIeKay, P, Mil Biontnfielci, le. Ailin, Good -1r, G• Ewan, G Finn, G. Base, V, 13 *W. Parker. Fair -1V. Ilondnrs Blashill, *L. Sinclair, CLAes L—Exoellcut—A. Thomson, B. Arnett”, W, McQnarrie, J. Wilton, J, Ibreythe, Good—E. :Owen, L. Amont, 0. Gerry, W, Itichitrdaan, fair—C. 13e11, II. Crozier, E. Finn, Mies Mecum, Teacher, f n LI G /tax 48 ill' e , , 0 1 .7hn nen adman,. on, 13. les, J. ler, 7. Avery, arrobt, o0, *V, Fourth Division Court, The usual sittings of the Fonrth Di- vision Oouft wvn held le the Town Hall, Bruesele, nu Tuesday of this week, Judge Doyle presiding. Following was the dooket:— I-Iamilton vs. Yuill.—Action for wages, [rind with a jury. Verdict for plaintiff for $10 and coals. Blair for plaintiff, defendant for himself, (3.atg vs, Young, et al --Action on promiaeory note. Verdict for plaintiff against maker bat endorser Young released 00 th, ground that endorsement was obtained by fraud and inisrepresen. ratios. \V. M. Sinnlair for plff., G. P. Blair for cleft. Young. Richards vs, Willtanne—Aotion on account. Verdict for plaintiff for $5.80 without costs. PIMM, for himself, G. F. Blair for deft. Dunbar. vs. Nichol—Action on promis- sory note. Verdict for p11f, by default. G. P. Blair for On Wood ve. Brewer,—,Aotion on account was adjourned to next Owlet its the Clerk had omitted to place same on Ilei, Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of Brus- sels Council was held lent ;Monday even. fug, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed, Thefolio viwi m, accounts were presented : Jno, Wright, salary $30 00 Thos. Snider, street improvement 73 Ptoses Doll 45 Ed. Lowry, "c 2 00 Wilton 5 Tutnbuil,coaland Coal oil 20 00 Mrs. Cooper, charity 1 15 Walter Lowry, taxes remitted,, ,1 00 0. Sarney, printing 2 50 73. James, engineer of Fire D ngin° 1 50 Moved by R. Leatherdalo, seconded by R. G. Wilson that the above moments be paid. Carried. The report of Inspeotor Howe, repre- senting the Underwriters' Aseoohttion, wan presented: The report pointed cue that the following ueoesearies were defi- cient in the fire preventive apparatus if Bruesele be maintained in class "D" :- 1. No by law for storage of coal oil, powder, etc. 2. No night patrol ; the Reeve thinks rot town so small in size and of such oonstruotlon does not need one. 3. Fire hall of Irame oonatreebiou, 4. Underground tank of standard capacity for inteeseotion of Turuberry and Xing etteets, to protect the business portion ; the river 750 ft, distant. 5. Two fire- men, one to be capable of operating the steamer, to sleep in fire hall ; none at present. O. No chemical fire extinguieh- ere. 7, No heater for 'steamer boiler. 8. Noe/pare 0 0110n for steamer. After ooneiderable discussion and some strong expressions of opinion an to the authority of the Underwriters to do es they do, the report was laid on the table until next meeting of Council. Ohief Gerry and Engineer• James were present relative to a new boiler for Fire Engine and the street graded to the river on the North side of river to permit of Engine being taken to the water. These ollnoere were in/demoted to give Engine a good beet and report, and the etreet grading wan referred to the Street Com - en tttee. Gordon Mooney, manager of the Enter. oteetavelIo Freder- ick the block.Left over until annual tour of iugpeotion is taken. Moved by Geo. Thomson, aeaonded by Geo. Banker that L. McDonald & Co.'s tender for pine plank at 818.00 per 11E, and 4x4 cedar at 812.50 be acoepted ; and that tenders he asked for gravel, the same to be opened at next meeting. Car- ried. An informal talk was indulged in over Brussels industries, Council declined bo Dot on applioation for reduction of Rev, S. Jones' tales, but remitted $1 00 to Walter Lowry. An adjournment was made and next meeting will be at the Bell of the Reeve to receive the Auditors' report. Wal eon. L. 11lsDoraald & 0o, seduced the eon- traat of supplying Brussels with the neoeeoary eidewelk lumber for 1897. Rev. W. T. Olntf, a former incumbent, is expected to 0018043 the eervioe fn Si', Geo'ge'e church next Sabbath. Walton xvill be represented al the Temple of Fame entertainment at Brus- eels next Wednesday evening if good weather prevails, Sctmon Rttronw,—The. following is the report of the standing of the pupils of Walton 0511001 for the month of March, heed on profleiooey, good oouduet and regular attondanoo '-531:1 Olaee•--Bessie Mo79onald ; Sr. 4th—Ida McDonald, Greco l3eDonald, Lewis MoDonald, Rosa Simpson ; 3m. 4th—Ella Ryan, Miry Getty, Jenule MoGevin, Lizzie MoGavin, .G'red, Niobol, Alex. Christopher, Maud Johnston - Sr, 8rd—Maud Ferguson, Robs. Humphries, Carrie JoIinnton, Wil. lie Bolger, Minnie Bennet, Carrie Berry, Ahn11 Gray, Jos. Carter. ; 3m, 3rd—Agin ilfaflonald, Vera IMaDonald, table Me. Arthur, Jae, Martin, Susie Prneer, Cecil I oma rd Sandy McAteer, , Willie Bennet, , Willi cine 0 W Bettie of o Johnston, 4Vi11' Humubrles, Got'tie Grigg, Violet lolhai ti, Jan, Rowlan , Se, 2nd—Pletehee Grim. eldby, Mamie Bennet Violet Carter, lit vrtle McLeod, od leen, N a II,o John aha ]tichie , .Lizzie Ryan Jr. and—Lila Johnetnn Pena Bennet, Willie Grimnitl• by, ltobt, Melead0een ; fart 2nd—dna, McDonald, I9arl McLeod, Maud Frasier, Richard (:;ray, Classol lenigltt ; Pert tat•— A1301e Martin, Geo. MoGavin, Fierbis Christopher, Dawaie Forrest, David Knight, Vine Buena, Thos. McDonald, JUL Johnntan, Miles Krnanx, 'Teaelier. 9t) Oil OZ. Inspector Robb paid an oflloial visit to our Publio eohool on Thursday of this week. At the eveming service in the Methodist °beec t last Sabbath two new members were welcomer] into ohureh fellowship. The Bible Souioty collectors, Mee Spence and Mies Ames, collected nearly $17.00 in thie loortlity for the spread of the Gospel. lifer. Trimble is away at Toronto writ- ing at the University examinations, Ile will be absent two weeks and his Sabbath work will be taken by Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, a former pastor, A number of people in this locality talk of going to lirassele next Wednesday evening to hear the "Temple of Fame" entertainment, Mies Melissa Anne, of Ethel, will be one of the vooaliete, repro. senting the celebrated Christine Nilsson. Mrs. Quintin Mal3lain received a tele. gram last Monday acgnaineiug her with the fact that her sent, IMms. Jas. David- son, of Manchester, Heron Co„ had died on the previous day. The only lady was 71 years of age and was buried on Wed• nesday, Mr. Davidson pre-deoeased her 19 years ago, They had 4 ohildren, only 1 of whom survives. In addition to Mr, and Mrs, MoBleio, Thos. Davidson and wife, of 12th con. Grey, also attended the funeral Mr. Davidson was a brother -in. law to deceased lady. SCHOOL REPORT.—Report of Ethel Publio school for the month of March :— noon I. Fifth clans.—Maggie Davies, Willie Spence, Geo, Greensicles, Lily Dobeon. 4th,—Cora Sanders, Wilbur Lindsay, Oliver Querein, Claude Lindea', Eddie Milne, 15(1, Pollard, Edith Walker. Sr. 3rd.—Annie Bate- man, Emma Imlay, Edna Raynard, Mary MoBlain, Ida (ale, Howard Mo. Allister, Willie Dowdell, Willie Lindsay, Carl McAllister, Geo, Sharpe, John Kerr. Jr. 3rd.—Mamie Harald, Maud Badgley, Helena Barr, Bernice Slemmon, Ella Eckmier, Jim, Richardson, Willie Eokmier, Mary l3leinechroth, Garfield Dunbar,nAdam Fletaber. 2nd claaw.— Maedie Querrin, Percy Greensides, Henry Querrin, Eva Cole, Oliver Lindsay, Tom. Foga], Mabel Coates, Sammie Klein. nohroth, Hattie Sharpe, Robb. Keit•. Gno. Doneox Teacher, nontr: II. Sr, 2nd.—Stella Dunbar, Bessie Wan- ner, Eva McAllister, Willie Coates, Jen. ole MaBltaita, Minnie Bateman, Gordon Imlay, Peed Diemen. Jr. 2nd.—Lily Simpson, Ida Faulkner, Georgie Balmier,Avon Elliott, Olive Raynard, Mamie Mc- Allister, Arthur Henry, Eddie Mo0al- lum, Dick Davies. Sr. Pt. 2nd.—Mag- gie ()thorns, Cecil Lindsay, Leslie Fogel, Charlie Cameron, Willie Badgely, Jr. Pt. 2nd.—Stanley Dunbar, Eva Cober, Grover Gill, Ellie Haneuld, Lily Dow. dell, Willie Hemewomth, Millie Fogel, Moodie Rleius0inroth. Sr, Pt. 1.—Mina Elliott, Geo. Dunbar, Willie 1MeBlain, Geo. Wanner, Beetle Eolctnier, Maggie Calneron, ]Mary Thompson, Earl Balmier, Eddie Bateman. Jr. Pt. 1.— Tommie iMnAllister, Myrtle Imlay, Hazel Coates, Hotta Simpson. W. RAMIRO, Teacher, (III UltUl1 11113301:4. Mr. Dobson, of Huron College,London, look the services in St. John's obnroh last Sabbath. Rev, W. T. Chaff, of Thorndale, will take the services in St. John's church, Brussels, on Sabbath, Rev, S. J. Allio is still on the Wok list and unable to take his work, but in im. proving we are pleased to state. Loeb Sabbath marling Rev. duo, Ross, B. A., preached on the 7th saying on the Cross. In the evening the topic) was "A tree hearted desire," 13. Staab, of Aylmer, an invalid for years, has been provided by friends with telephone oommnnioation with the Meth° - diet church, so that he may enjoy the eervises witboet leaving the homes. Rev, 1t. Paul occupied the pulpit Of the Methodieb church last Sabbath. In the morning hie text wee 83, John's Gospel tat chapter and let verse, and in the evening "Go work today in any vine. rewits the reverend dg tatleman goes ts oEttheltcirsulit for the next two Sabbaths, l on TI oaday last and oo uiuoted ai a epeo al meeting in the S, A, barracks, also or 300100d the Children's Band of Love,— On Gond Friday evening there will be given in the Army barraake a Hob Cense Bron social, also a Servioe of Song entitl. el "The American Link of the Sooial Chain." Admission d oeute,—Easter Sunday there will be apooial services all day at the barracks, the jnniore btcicisg an active part in the afternoon and night meetings.—Easter &Ionday the 3. S. annual and distribution of prizes to the soholare, also Anotion Sale of Children will take plane in S. A. burn -alto at 8 p. m. Ad,mieeion by tiokots, 5 oonts each. E0Oeses Fon Noe Goma eo Onunau.— Overslept myself ; ooulcl not drone in time ; too cold ; too bob ; too windy; too dusty; too wet; too damp ; too thinly ; tnooloudy ; don't fool disposed ; no oilier time to myself; put my papers to rights; lettere to write to city friends ; mean to bake a walls ; going to take a ride ; tied to bceinese eix days in the weak, no fresh air but on Sundaysmeq't breathe in (Murch, always so Cull ; feel a little fever. lob ; feel a little obilly ; feel very lazy ; expect company to dineee ; got a head. awl ae intend noising myself to•dity ; 'new bonnet not aomeh dee ova t , ertsM ; av• ed in time ; don't like an Organ ; don't like singing without music; makee me nervous—bbe spirit willing but tale leab Weal x dish ' ce an extemporary a Y sm nr r sermon, on itletoo 'frothy , a an'tboar a written set, Moo, too prosy ; nobody today but our minieter, Inlet always Helen to the name preacher ; don't like strangers ; can't keep awake when at ehorrlc-.-fell eelssp ]aero time I wise' there•—shan't risk it again, The Contemning' Presirleote of the Methorliet Church held a consultation on transfers In Toronto, on April let, Rev. Dr, Harman pre.ided, and the following transfers were mode :_Bev. E. J. Badg ely, D. D., from Bay of Quint° to Toren. In, Rev. 4.le, 31aWilliacaa, Japan, to Hamilton. Rev, W. 0. Beer, Bay of London to Landon.aQuints.9 E. Rev. W . 1B. Tucker, Bay of Quints, to Montreal. Rev. G• H. II. Davis, Montreal, to Bay of Quince. Rev. W. F, Wilson, Toronto, to Hamilton. Rev. G, K. Aflame, To- ronto, to Hamilton, Rev. I. Tovoll, Hamilton, to Toronto. ltev. J. Van• Wav r to tttClem, British Colunbia,o tl1 tlloba, Rev. G. P. Turk, Manitoba, to 'Toronto, Rev. J. O. Speer, Toronto, to British Columbia. Rev. G. E, Smith, Hamilton, to British Columbia. Rev. 0. W. Fol- lett, Newfoundland, to Toronto, Rev. Joseph Bawson, (superannuated) ]Mani. toba, to Loudon. The following supers; nnates were transferred :—Rev. George Hartley, Toronto, to Hamilton, Rev. D. Oattanach, Toronto, to IIamilton, Rev. Geo. Browne, Bay of Qninte, to Toronto, Rev. Wm. Beck, Montreal, to Hamilton. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Sam, Beattie, of Clinton, was in town last Monday. Misses Polly and Lizzie Sample Sun. dayod iu Seaforth, Peter tr1.'eQuarrie is laid up with an abseoes on his left hand, Mrs, Rowley, of Berlin, is visiting bee sister, iilrs. R. L. Taylor. Mies Lottie Manner is on the eiok list with an attack of pleurisy. Arthur Wake, of Palmerston, was in town for a few days this week. A. Hunter was in Stratford on a busi- ness trip on Thursday of this week. Dr. Gibson, of Sault Ste, Marie, was visiting at /lire. A. Reid's this week, Miss Minerva Ennio, of Oranbrocic, is visiting ]Hiss Mary Roan, John street. Barrister Blair attended Gerrie Divis- ion Court on Wednesday of this week. Mise Ida Blashill is taking inetre°. Eons in telegraphy under the direction of T. Pletcher. Mise Etta Jones ban gone to Brandon, Manitoba, leaving Bruesele Wednesday of this week, Joo. Carter and wife have gone to Goderioh, where they expoot to spend several meals, W. Lawrence, of Belgrave, has taken a position in Councillor Leatherdale's furniture store. Mrs. W. P. Stewart and Will. have gone on a holiday visit to relatives and friends at Woodatook, H. MoArter and little son, of Harris - ton, were visiting in Brussels and Morrie for a few days this emelt. John Jones has returned from Dun- gannon where he was attending the funeral of his brother•fn.1am, William Wilson. Mise EIIie Inman him taken a position as saleslady in the store of Smith & Mo. Laren, where aha spent several years previously. Fred. Hunter may now be well named the "flour" of A. Hunter'e family as be is apprenticed to the miller's trade at Wm. Rose' flouring mill, Mill street, Bruesele, Peter Wateon, a well.known farmer of the 10111 non. of Grey, having sold his rm has become a resident of Bruseele• e is entitled to a well earned rest. Cotaaoillor Wilson was in Chosley last eek on a business trip in oontieotion th the proposed new 10•room Publio hoof building, for w13i0b be is tendering. Miss Fannie Montgomery and Garfield natone expeot to leave for Winnipeg an Saturday. The latter goes out for o benefit of hie health. We wish them pleasant trip, Mise Maggie Sample, who has been Wing in Brussels and looallty for say. t months, returned to Brandon, Man,, s week, leaving Brussels on Wednes• ny morning, no, B. McNaughton, dental student, e borne for a holiday visit for a week, ile returning from the Ontario Dental lege, Toronto. He is studying with Antietam), of 8litahell. Mrs. Geo. Hogarth received a telegram Wednesday from Kiuoard]ne stating t Mrs. Wm. Itogartla, her mother -in. , had died suddenly tint morning r a brief illneat, La grippe was the mazy canoe. e are sorry to hear that the little son I. MaOall, druggist, Chatham, is up at Lambton Mills, wherohe went hie market to visit Mrs. T, Kneoh- with soarletione We hope he will POLIT/CAL. be batter, e regret to bear that S. B. Moties, 111r. Cowan, M, P, for South Essex, Wingham, formerly of Brussels, had a hes given notion of a bill respecting alien re shock of paralysis last Saturday labor. ing and now lies in rot precarious 0ou• The Conservative majority in Oham. n. ale. Morins is well advtutoed in plain is 143, with three polls to hear hitving passed his 80th birthday. from, ego O'Connor, 1lrs, O'Connor and Winnipeg Conservatives tally of nom - ren aro vinitieg in Brussels, They inatieg Hugh John Hfaodonald again for resided in Derham for several the Common, but Mr. O'Connor expeoto to take a The particle in the present Home el tion in Toronto in oanneotion with Commons stand as follows I—Liberals, Ieotrioal department of the city. 110 ; Ooneervatives, 80 ; Independent s. Nelson Bricker and children, who Ooueervetivee, 3 ; Patrons, 0 ; vacant, visiting at Mee. Robb, Walker's, 5 ; Speaker, 1 ; total, 214. eels, left on Thursday of this week Poi/owing trio preoedent set by Sir Bad Axe, Miebigan, where Mr, Brink. John Maodonnld and Sir John Thomp. e taken the manegennent of a farm. eon hi making speakers and ex,Speakere Walker is Mme. Bricker's mother, of the House of Oommonn members of Ws ltiehardoon'e family pooked a,p the Privy Council, Hon. Peter Whito and heutehold effects lase week and (don, J, D. Edgar were swore in an Privy ed their briok residence on Queen Oeutlelllore, After a few weeks' visit with The iron. Clifford Sifton was 80 yenta yes and old friends they, porpoise old on Wedneeday, lilaroia 10112. 13e iethe ving to the Dauphin Dietriot in the yabngest member, Mr. Disler is 47 ; Mr. Tartu, 48 ; Mr. Fielding, 49 ; Mr.Devies, Thomas. who recently purohaeed 52 ; Mr, Blair, 58 ; Mr. Mnlosk, 54 ; Me. onald Fire langine Werke, is a Gooffelon, 54; Dr, Borden, 50 ; Mr, tan, .Ile s end two wo do p s of each Y 1 Lemke, et G • 0 M. r Dobet i 10• ra Bra 0 seal r Srr R` sat h r loh• dtebia a toe of on and iuierebf 11; 02, Sin Ion, 8 Joty' de at'Norwaah wham lin has a broom Lotbiuiere, 08 ; Mt, Paterson, 58 t Mr. Walt manufactory. Wo hope 30 Pitzpatriok, 54 t bar, Scott, 79 ; Sir avo him permanently located hero, Oliver Mowat, 70. fa I1 w wi so Va ne Ih m vie era ala ci we wb Col Dr. on the law afte prW of A laid with tel, soon ofW 00ve SITE ditio life Le chit Mato yearn eitua the e 1Mt were Bens for et ha Mrs. Wt thole va eta etreet relati remo W eat. Mr. the 1i busy week week" and 10 0000 h It 'e reported [tot er t k1 hntIt abs. Reynolds mol ds hae Y been appointed Sheriff of Huron County. He lox boon Sheriff Gibbone' Deputy. Will, Ibrbos, who had hie tight eye injured by the flying of a limb while chopping In the Web of his mtole, Jas, Cardiff, Grey, le getting along tip-top. It was first feared that the sight of the eye was likely to be interfered with, but such is not the case we are pleased to tante. Hairy Stevenson, who hoe been Int. played at the Queen's lintel for the past two years, left for his old home at Forest, Lambton Go., on Wedneeday. In 2 yeare and 2 months employment here he only lost two days which is a good reword and one not often surpassed if equell01. Mrs. Laird, who hae been enjoying a vitae with rslativee in Brussels and lo• Cathy for several menthe, went back to Seaforth lase Sabbath. When it ie re- membered that Mee, Laird is over 100 years old, a drive of 10 miles is quite a. journey, but the old lady apparently suffered no bad effects from it, Mrs, J. S. Black and son will ao'snm- pany Mrs, A. Reid t0 Toronto next week, where the latter will have her eyes treae- ed by a epeoialiet. Mee, Black will re. main in the Queen's city until her mother is able to get about and then pursue her journey to her home in Labrador, where Mr. Black is employed by the Hudson Bay Company. Mrs. Reid intends tak- ing e trip to New York to visit her son Harry before going to Dakota, where Mr. Reid is now residing. Additional Local News. Sonic great sport was on hand during the past week fishing in the Maitland. Good hauls were made by a number of the anglers. GET a program of The Temple of Fame. No one should miss the enter- tainment as the various performers have their parts well in hand. In addition to local talent, &lies Edna Curtis, of Blyth ; Mise Enema Whelan, of Dnrbam ; Mies Ames, of Babel, and lire. W. H. Willis, of Seaforth, are lending their assistance in recitation and song on that occasion, 0oanzee.—This ie the season of the year when tons and tons of catalogues from the oily departmental stores are sent into the country. They want you to send them all the cash you have, and then when the time comes that you need something real bad and in a burry yon will have to go to your local store and ask: for "tick." What do these fellows Dare for only to get your money 7 Nothing. It is the local acorea that take an interest in your welfare, as all know. There is nothing to be gained by trading away from home. Patronize those who have been friends to you in time of need. Stand by your town and looal morahaats through thick and thio, the same as they have done by you. Do all this and you will not be a loser. A Weer, lifer Conn Coatrans,—The fol. lowing, taken from the Globe, will be of interest to the very Targe number of parties bore holding policies in the Con- federation Life Insurance Oampany, for which 1V. H. Herr, Bruseele, is agent for this district. The company is one of the leading financial institutions in the country, evidently managed by men thoroughly conversant with business, and in whom the community have every confidence : —Tbe Confederation Life Association has been in existence now for a quarter of a century, and its annual meeting, which took place at Toronto last Tuesday afternoon, revealed a thoroughly eatiefaotory state of affairs. The total assets are $5,779,210,96. The capital stook being 81,000,000, the total aurpins security for policy holders is 01,871,950,84. It also appears from the statements that during the year the as. sociation bad 2,058 applications for in- suranoe, amounting to 13,286,996, of which 1,052 for $3,111,046 were approved, 100 for $175,950 being declined. In. eluding bonus additions, the total new business written for 1898 wan 1,951 polleiee for 88,181,995. On the last day of 1896 there were In force 18,258 poli- cies on 15978 lives, for $27,500,423, In all 114 policies for 8223,487 became claims. An analysis of the work of the association through the year shows that, although the financial world was subject to great depression, there was a satis- factory volume of new business, secured by purely business methods and ata fair cost, The total insurance in fordo shows rot satisfactory increase. The income,- both from premiums and interest, shows a good ieoreas0, as also do the assets and the Burping, the latter, notwithstanding the large payments of praflts, 832,000, paid to policy holders. Incidentally, the ratio of expenses to income has (lemma. el, The wbole showing is most setis- factot_v, and reflects credit upon the management.