The Brussels Post, 1897-4-2, Page 8Wall Papers
Never so cheap in Brussels
as Ivo have thein now (not cheap
as to kind but in price) and the
assortment large and select. If
quantity, quality and price have
anything to do with it our trade
this Spring should be immense.
It is pretty well known now that
we are
Ballo Cheap
and' it is a joy to our Customers
• and a surprise to ourselves that
so large a bundle of Paper hang-
ing can be bought for so little
Money, or trade if you like. If
you want bargains iu Wall Paper
we have them. •
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller.
SourrinuN ESTENSION W. a. & B.
I! rains /care Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOING Sorra, Genre Nowa,
Express Tr2t a.m, I Mixed 0:4.4 am
Alma u: 7 p.m, Mail 1:.;5:. p.m
(41 Traf ‘41C11Ja jte1/1 ,
A chiel's amang ye taltin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent0.
eliemoune Openings.
Rennie moving fa at hand.
Reim every adrertiaement.
Bnussate market is on top.
Tag etreets are drying up fast.
"TEtlImit of Fame," 14th and 15th.
Awensoe are coming to the front as -in.
Founma Division Court will be held on
Tnnsday, April 0th.
Tan half mile trank will soon be in
shape for driving on it.
Beossexs market leads. Try it if you
doubt the correctness of the stateme. t..
"TEMPLE of Fame," Town Hall, lei ns.
cels, Wednesday and 1'hureduy, April
14th and 15th.
Owe ready for a visit from the Inspec-
tor of the Board of Health. 10 will son
begin his annual inspection.
W. F. STEWART received a ear of Mu'li•
toba No. 1 hard wheat this week for
gristing purposes at the National Roller
Mil l.
Jteces 'Mugge, carriage builder, made
a display of buggies, &c. on Fair day that
would be no discredit to a city establish-
ment. Did you see 0?
AseresGR HIxOsro:1 is nearly through
w ith his work. He has stirred up some
work for the Court of Revision by giving
e n elevation to real estate valnee.
Waer about the restoration of the noon
train South and the night train North ou
the W. G. & B. ? The Grand Trunk
should keep its promise now that Spriug
is at hand.
H. L. Jscnsox, Sir Knight Commander,
will represent Brussels Tent, No. 24, at
the Provinoial Tent meeting of the Mao-
cabee Order, to be held in
tenelph next ,tiny. Sir Knight J. J.
Gilpin is the alternate.
A (loosen handles wheels which are
made by reliable Canadian firms only.
et don't pay to handle cheap American
wheels, See setae below :- Rev. ftio,
Rose, B. A., E. & D. ; Jss. Dodds. E. &
D. ; Geo. Thomson, E. & D. ; D. Straoh-
an, 2nd band ; A, McKay 2nd band.
A Rum, who recently went to Langdon,
Dakota, has supplied us with sample bal-
lots similar to those used in the last
t,Ieotion in that State. Au eleotor would
require a good deal of drilling, we fancy,
before he would beanie proficient in
ballot merkiog, The ballots may be seen
in Tas Pose North window,
SArultnor, 17th inst., at 10 a. m„ the
License Board of East Hnror will meet
ae the American Hotel, Brussels, to deal
with the granting of hotel licenses for the
incoming year. There are 22 applicants,
Geo, MoKt e, of the Royal Hotel, Wal-
ton, and Richard Graham, of the Arling•
lou house, Fordwioh, being added to the
28 license holders of the year just°losing.
The new license year begins on May 1st.
No less than 066 different persons take
part in the presentation of 'The Temple
of Fame," repreeenting 00 different prnm-
inent characters notable in Bible story,
Nesin, Literature, Philanthropy, Social
Reform, &c. The dates are Wednesday
anti Thnreday, 14th and 15th instn. Plan
of Hall will be opened at lir. Fox's drug
slurs Jlonday, It is said tbe music, recd.
iatious, d'0,, will be flt'st•olass and no one
nboull mien this treat, that was so highly
appreciated in Listuwel, Wingham, Dote
etim told other pimoee. 1Vatoh out for
programs next week.
ErwoiTn LEAnt1E,-At the meeting of
the League last Monday evening the pro.
team wan of a social (Marmite': and was
as follows :-Instrumental, by Mise
Norton ; reading, "Step ladder," Miss
, tnnie Howe ; scriptural reading ; in.
sbrtunental by the Mieses Smith on
mandolin and guitars ; intermission,
daring which eminent were distributed to
511 present ; solo, N. 13. Gerry ; violin
sono, II. L. Jt,ok,on ; reading, a Scotch
selection, Wiese Minnie MoNanghtan ;
duets, by Miss Lizzie Sample end Reg.
Fletcher ; 'closing. The new President,
Eli Smith, occupied the chair in the
sbsonoe of Rev. Mr. Alliin, who was ill.
fin unj.,,yable time was spent by all,
1. 0, 0. F.• -According to a mentor
Ssened by J. B. King, Grind Secretary
of the I. 0. 0. F., the total invested
Bunds of lodges in the eine inc55 00 Deo,
.fist lest was 0810,500. or $40,84 per
member. There were 272 lodges having
a membership of 22,000, an inerea0o of
483 during the year. 3,118 members re•
esived sink benefits amounting to $49,•
993,06, There were paid for surgeon's
fees 00,024.03 ; foe nursing sok brothers,
$3,530.00 ; for relief of widows, $18.085..
61 ; for burying deceased brothers, $0,-
2$3.54 ; for special relief and charity,
$5;774,87, making a tetal of 082,480,85,
void in relief end charity. During the
.year se550 Rebekah lodges were insti.
toted and one lodge reinstated. Theta
'wore at the end of the year 47 lodges
sling 2,158 mom bets,
1)0 you observe "llalger'e" new moos. 1
Blcxcr,ns are In use this week, although
the streets are a 11)010 01 the r00g11 side
I1,:.\' tl'p interesting letter from Geo.
Realty, on Mississippi in this week's
Mnnvns, Of,a01 & Awns shipped a oar
of cirri,' front Unmade on Thuteday of
Wm week.
Two oars of life !togs wore chipped
from 3315510 o0 'Bhnrsday by Me•srs.
L'aelier 0 Vanstene.
lennseem Sumo; was rushing the 5011501
by dunning a straw hat. J. G, is bound
to head rho prpuesslon,
Tug Ronald Pbattdry is now running
10 hours a dav, with the expectation of
an increase in staff of workmen shortly.
J. .1. (iILn1N received tt oar of Coote.
shutt's plows and eteel land rollers from
Brantford this week for Spring delivery.
TRH door of the iron bridge ever the
Dinitlaud wee relieved of the Winter 0.5-
eamnlatlno this week at the hands of
Street Inspector Wright.
Baussees Connell next Monday evening
at 1:3 o'clock. The Hoard of Health will
convene at 7.130 p. m. for o•danieetiun.
All members are asked to be present
A icemen of 13ruseelites were guests at
the wedding of Samuel Love and Miss
Mary Wilson, Oth line, Morris, on Wed-
nesday evening and report a good time.
Tne House of Refuge Committee, of
which Co, Councillors Mooney and
Hislop, of this District are members, the
latter Chairman, will meet at Clinton an
Friday of this week at 10 a. m,
A tisnrrxe tar the purpose of organite-
fug Brues'is Lown Tennis CIO) for 1807
will be held in W. M. Sinclair's law office
next Monday evening at 8 o'clock sharp.
All interested are invited to be present.
A. Canoe », of London, was in town on
Tuesday lorrking after the probability of
this corporation doing something in the
line of granolithio walks. He bad a big
°entreat in Winghtttn lust year and ex-
pecte another job there this Spring.
Six more subscribers added to Tim
Posy subseiptiou list again this weep,
We have added another quire of paper to
our weekly ran. Advertisers should tabs
0.40 of this as it is to their interests to
have a large local circulation.
A VALUABLE Irish setter, belonging to
Peter Hogg• of Brussels Flax mill, was
poisoned thio week and turned up his
toe, on Tuesday. If the poisoner could
be treated to a small dose to illustrate
tite sufferings of the dumb animal 0
!night teach a useful lesson.
I. 0. 0. F. -The 79th anniversary of
Odd Fellowship will be observed by the
members of Western Star Lodge, No.
110, Brnosela, on Sabbath, 2511), by at.
tendance at morning service in the
Methodist chnroh when the pastor, Rev.
S. J. Allis, will preach the annual ser.-
mdn at 11 a. m.
Seance Millinery Openings are an-
nounced by Mrs. Rogers and Miss Rod-
dick to take place on Friday and Satur•
day of next week, Mb and 10th lusts.
The displays promise to be elegant end
every lady in and around Brussels should
make a very vigorous effort to see them,
Conten Honeno.N.-"Out of fourteen
trotting stallions shown for premiums
offered by the Vienna Trotting Associ-
ation, Austria, "Nominator" was chosen
by the Austrian Government to be placed
in the stud nu the farm owned by the
Vienna Club at Kagrans.nd" "Nomin-
ator" is a full brother in blood to the
Mallon "Costumer," owned by Soott &
Warwick of this town.
Weenrxo.-On Wednesday afternoon of
this week Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., tied the
matrimonial bow between Jas. Wilkin-
son, of Vancouver, B. C., and Miss Mag-
gie, daughter of Mrs. Robt. Welher,Turn-
berry street, Brussels, at the home of the
bride's mother and in the presence of
neer relatives. The wedding gifts were
of a valuable character. A snmptnous
repeat was served in first-olass style.
Mr. Wilkinson and bride left on the even.
Mg train on a bridal trip to Toronto and
locality and after a sojourn there the
groom will return to his employment as
a mining engineer and Mrs. Wilkinson
will follow later. Their many friends
wish the happy couple health, wealth and
prosperity. THE Posr throws an edi-
torial slipper after them,
POSToFFICH IxeonuATnoN.-0n and
after April 1st the commission on all
postofldce money orders issued by and
payable at any office in Canada will be
as follows
55.e0 and under 3o
2 50 up to 05 4
5.00 " " 10 0
10.00 " " 20 10
20.00 " " 30 12
90.00 " " 40 10
40.00 •' " 50 20
50,00 " 130 24
60.00 " " 70 28
70.00 ' 80 82
80 00 '1 " 00 86
90.00 " " 100 40
-A new branch of the Pastor/ice Depart -
meet known as the Railway @[ail Service
Branch, has been established by the
Postmaeter•Geno•al, All matters per-
tainine to the Railway Mail service will
be under the direction of the Superin•
tendents instead of the Inspectors, as
formerly. The headquarters of this
division will be at London with Mr. Mc-
Whinney as Superintendent, The new
arrangement took effect on April 1st,
Ac ENonetous Deravenr.-Goo, Wet.
tlitufer, Assistant local mannge' at Steete
ford of the Frost end Wuod blanufaotur-
intt Company, of Smith's Falls, had an•
other of hie enormous deliveries of bind•
ors, mowers, rakes cud ploughs at Strat•
ford, on Saturday, in consegnence Of
which there was an eno'mnns orowd of
people in that city. The procession
formed on the Market square, headed by
the 28th Battalion Band, preceded by
representatives of the firth in several
open bet'ouohes, They included Ih Horse•
man, manager, Frosb and Wood, E.
Horseman, Geo, Wettlauffer, assistant
local manager, and Mr, Walker, besides
Mess's. Wilson and Pigeon, local agents
of the Uompany. There were one hued -
red and sixty teams loaded at the old
Port Dover depot, and the procession as
it pissed through the principal streets
made a very imposing spectacle. On the
Market square speeches were made by H.
Horseman, who spoke of the superiority
of the farming land of Perth, of the
thorough knowledge possessed by the
farmers of the cultivation of the soil, anti
the excellent financial position the ma-
jority of them had obtained, lair. Wet.
tlanffer followed, and Me. Walker else
spoke, after which the prcoes5io0 reform
ed teed moved off. More than $20,000
was representee in this delivery aline,
and in the four diner: fee Me. Wettlanffee
has been instrumental 0 bringing to
maturity more than $100;000. A dinner
wee given at the Wiadsoe by the Frost
and Wood firm t0 those who parOlrt,sed
their machinery. 4, 4, Gilpin is the
agent at Brussels,
CHURCH t'111u.I'I•
Rev. W. T, Olnlf, of Tllorndiele, may
preach 0 St. Jo110'8 ehuralt next Sabbath,
Mr. ¢.boy took the 505viee in St, John's
cherub last Sabbath with great wept.
once to the nongregabions assembled.
Rev. J. Roes' discourse last Sabbath
meriting was on the Seventh saying on
the Oross, "It 0 finished." (1) Ilia
natural life ; (2) The peepholes eon.
(awning Him ; (3) His life work ; (4) Tho
work of Redemption. In the evening
"The monotony of Life" was the topic.
Owing to illness Rev. Mr, Arlin was
unable to babe the evening set•viee last
Sabbath. Rev. R. Paul 000upisd the
pulpit and gave a gni discourse. Mr.
Allin is still confined to bed, Itis trouble
is malaria. and a somewhat ran down
system that will require rest to build up.
We hope the will noon be fully restored to
his usual health.
Business Locals.
A 1 O'IANteon,t flour at IteCraolteu'e.
Tnuaxs and Satoliels, olleap, I, 0.
Laine herrings for sale at Jae. Dalian.
tyne's grocery.
No, 1 Clover and Timothy seed Cheap
nt Cl500raelcen's.
GREAT bargains in Harness. Come and
nee. L 0. Richards.
APrl,gmoa's world t'euownerl Teas for
sale at Thomson's.
See our stylish Shoes, to fit both feet
and purse. I. 0. Richards.
Tim Stormer is striatly high grade.
Gear from 70 to 80 and up.
McKay A Co.
Rooms or dwelling to rent over my
store. L 0. Richards.
SEED Peas for sale, warranted oleau.
Walter Yuill, gravel road,
Tau Stormer has all the modern im•
provements that are sound and up-to-
date. lifollay & Co.
Rumen in Harness and Dollars done
cheap and durable. I. 0. Richards.
CARPET Weaving neatly done. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed, by Mrs. MoOrae. Near-
ly opposite -Dr. McKelvey's.
IN buying a high grads Bicycle yon can
cave from $15.00 to $40 00 if you ride n
''Stormer." Mollis & Co.
Nnw stook of envelopes to hand at Tim
Posh Pui,li,:hinu HInnse, Get your busi-
ness uar.1 o: i'.ted o„ 150 of them. Price
less than retail rate.
Snmon'e Cure, the great cough and
croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size conthuns twentyfive doses ; only 20
cents, Children love it. Sold by Jtt5.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Cenrrces.-Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
price from 80e. to $1.00. Howtt & Co.
EArta's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your completion, regulate
your bowels and melte your head cleat' ae
a bell. 20 tits., 50 ots, and $100. Sold
by .las. Fox, druggieb, Brussels
BARGAIN OFFERED.-Thab eligible half
sore lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnbsrry street, Brussels, will be dis•
pased of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to JOHN BAuoaaAVEs,
174 Queen at. West, Toronto.
Mns. T. S. f1Awtasrs, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "anved
my life," I consider it the best remedy
fora debilitned system I ever used,"
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
exaoln. Price 75 obs. Sold by Jas. Fox.
Tim hardest saws warrented full set
without breaking, es I have n new, safe
anti fast way of setting sews. Saws that
are in fine order given in exchange for
saws that are mit of order by paying the
difference. T.,l1OGregor, slaw filer, IJrus-
eels, Queen St., Past.
Caesura Yotn Dom:DB,-If he advises
Cod Liver Cil we recommend Wompnle's
Tasteless Preparation. You oan't taste
the oil ; all you taste is wild cherry, and
that's good. What you get is flesh and
strength. Onres coughs, colds and
wastive diseases. Jos. Fox,
3-tn Chemist and Druggist.
"DE Youn Owa L ewrsn"-Flava you
seen it ? If not, scud for specimen pages.
It is the ehenpest law book iu Canada and
is written in plain language so that all
can understand it. It will keep you out
of law suits and save needless expense,
There is room for agents for farming
ocmtnitnities. Write to W. H. Auger, 28
Ulstee St., Toronto.
Sir William Vanlforne is in Ottawa
interviewing the members.
Milverton merchants are pleased with
the action of the G. T. R. in abolishing
Saturday market prices.
The Kincardine Review says :-r'Tlre
boiler, the explosion of whioh, on March
5011, ]tilled Kenneth McDiarmid, of
Bruce, was said to have beau repaired
only a few days before. The boiler was
repaired by Hunter Bros., of Kincardine,
and they found that in packing the safety
valve on the dome the' 'expert" had pat
on two plies of heavy rubber, leaving only
a 1}•inob dole, instead of u, 3 inch hole,
for the steam to escape. No min could
have prevented an explosion under the
Oircumstaomes whioll have just come to
James Farewell, formerly a reputable
resident of Goderioh, will don convict's
garments at Kingston penitentiary this
week. IIe was arrested in October last
on te charge of tittering Dominion Bank
bills rased from $2 to $5 and $10, nod
while being conveyed) to the lock tip broke
away and escaped. A short time ago
Bailiff Gundry ro-oaptured him at Oro,
County of Simooe, and on Saturday he
was broughb before Judge Mattson, aeked
for a sanmary trial and pleaded guilty
to boxing uttered two or three raised bine
in Kirltton, Ont, He also pleaded guilty
to two charges of false pretenoss and to
having escaped from custody, and was
sent to the penitentiary for throe years.
While Bailiff Gundry was taking him
from Goderich to the penitentiary les leap-
ed from the Midnight express one mile west
of Brighton. The exprese waS runniug
at the speed of 40 miles hour.
Reosoti,-In ,Lower Winghatn, on Marsh
22nd, Mrs. Ransom of a son,
STOW11-1.t010.-At the residence of the
bride'e mother, Blusvale, on Maroh
24th, 1807, Mies Stowe, to Mr. Robt.
0. King, both of Blnovale.
ST,4XD,flRD B.4XI' 0 ! CillX,IDill,
tree,,ezmaf3mm,9.'eie 5.072.
ASSETS,(Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • $2,000,000
Agcnoiosin all principal points itt (Mario, Q uebec, Manitoba, United States (0 Blielland.
egripo�.600a f nawour.
A General Banking Buslnees Tran5uoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits 01$1,00 and upwards from dat of doposib to date of
withdrawal and compounded L-tlf yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance,
u••w••w•mm esm•,,encl. .. ' .
Wnxnasow-Wajutslt.-In Brussels, et
the reeidenee of the bride's mother,
0n March Met, by Rev. Jno, Roes, B.
A., Mr. Jas. Wilkinson, of Victoria,
13.0„ to Miss Maggio, daughter of
Mrs. R. Walker, of Brussels,
Lova-•••Wmeme.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on March 31st, by
Rev. Ie. A, Shaw, of Belgrave, Mr.
Sannal Lova+ to Miss Mary, eldest
clenghter of Mr. W. 0. Wilson, all of
Wn,Lrs-Wlanrns.-At the resideuoo of
the bride's father on Wednesday,
March 37th, by the Rev. A. B.
Dobson, Forclwioh, Mr. Jos, Willis,
of leordwiob, to Rhes Esther Wie•
gine, eldest daughter of Mr. 4. T.
Wiggine, Orange Hill.
JonNsoN-LEsrr.-On Unroll 17t11, at the
Methodist pareonnge, Trowbridge, by
the P,ov. J. W. Robinson, Mr. Henry
Johnson, to Mise Alber'tine, Lenty,
both of Elma township,
Santis, -In Grey, on Sunday, March
28th, 1897, Leslie Alvin, eldest son of
Robert and Annie Shills, aged 2
years, 1 month and 12 days.
Moans, April 5th -Farm stook, &c,
Lot 18, Con. 8, Grey, Sale at 1 O'olo0k,
Alex. ltloKelvey, Prop., F. S. Soot¢, Anc.
Axa:rwwbzs 0.z.4s-Ea0i na'r, ,
Fall Wheat 71 72
Spring wheat 80
Barley. 20 22
Peas ., 37 38
Peas (large) 54 56
Oats ..., 17 18
Butter, tnha and rolls ... 10 11
Eggs per dozen ......... 8
Flour per hart's) 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 20
Hay per tun 7 00 8 00
Hides trimmed 5 51
Hides lough 4
Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00
Sheep skins, oath 50
Lamb chins eaoh 15 40
Apples per bbl 60
flogs, Live 4 80 4 35
Dressed Hogs 6 00 0 50
Livooa000L, March 80. -Butter. -Unit•
ed States, finest OOs ; good, 55s. -New
York. -Butter firmer ; State Dairy, 90
to 1Ose ; do. creamery, 14c to 20ic ;
western creamery 14e to 20e,o ; do factory
7o to 12e ; Elgins, 201o. Cheese firm ;
State largo, 90 to 12eo ; do, anal', 90 to
12jo ; part shims, 50 to 80 ; full skims,
2}o to 3c. Cheese has continued in good
demand and holders are firm at mu
quotations. We quote finest September.
Octobermake, Status and Canadian, 575
to 58s, both colored and white. Mediums
in small supply and sell as handed at 25s
up to 525 per cwt. Batter -Tho de.
nand has become quieter, but there is
no material alteration in the quotations.
We quote finest American and Canadian
Creamery in boxes and tubs from 82a to
92s per cwt. ; lower grades from 525 to
76e ; finest Vanish, 100s to 108s ;•
tralian, Ms to 114s ; Irish butter -Cork
firsts, none ; seconds, 91s ; thirds, 79s
per cwt.
Toao,r-a'o, March 80. -Market quiet.
Flour doing nothing ; prices• unchanged ;
straight rollors nominal, at $3 05 to $18.70.
Bran -Trade limited ; offerings small ;
ton Iota quoted ae $10 to $11 west, and
shorts, $10 to $11 for oar Lobs. Wheat -
Demand confined to small milling lots ;
red winter quoted at 78o to 74o, and
white sold at 76o on the Northern ; No.
1 Manitoba board quoted at 84o Midland,
and No, 2 hard quoted at 810 to 82c,
Midland ; No. 1 hard quoted at 72o to
73e Fort William. Bnekwheat.-De,
mond fair ; prices firm, at 200 to 27e,
west, Barley stendy ; moderate demand ;
No. 1 quoted at. 81e, No. 2 at 28o, No. 3
extra at 24e to 25e, and No. 8 at 21o,
Oats -Demand fair ; prices firm ; sales
of white at 100 west, and of mixed at
17d0 to 18o west. Peas quiet ; sales ab
80c north and west. Corn -Moderato
demand ; prices rule ab 28c to 20o, west ;
ear lots sold on track hero at 23o. Oat-
meal quieb ; prieos unchanged ; oar lots,
$2.80 to $2,1)0, Rye dull ; car lots being
quoted at 82o outside,
EAST Bus)nao, N. Y., March 80,-Cat-
tle.-Ouly one car on Salo ; 27 cars of
yesterday's sales of Cauadns went wosb
foe feeding purposes, and a couple of
oars to Pennsylvania. Shoop and lambs.
-Four ears ou sale; steady ; a few
good wool lambs sold at $0.10 to $6.15 ;
a load of 84 lb clipped, $5.20 ; fat State
ewes sold at 04.85. Hogs. -14 oars on
sale ; fair demand ; all sold early ; gener-
al run of good weight hogs at $4.00 ; a
few at $4,35 ; Yorkers, $4.20 to $4.25,
mostly $4.25 ; pipe $4 to 04.15 for choice;
domed firm.
Tonoa7•o, March 80, -Offerings at the
Toronto cattle market today were light
at tho western cattle yards brads was
motive. Good prices worn paid in all
lines. There was a good demand for
stockers for Buffalo, and tbo buying of
butchers' cattle for Montreal was fairly
brisk. . There wore 47 oar loads of stuff
on the hoards here, inelnding 78 sheep
and lambs, 1,700 11095, 120 rnilole cows
and springers and 67 oalv55. Sheep. -
The offerings wore light and rho market
wag firmer. Bucks sold at Ila to 6 a per
lb. and some at )l a. Good sheep are
wanted. Lambs -There were not noar.
ly sufficient offered for the demand and
the markee was firmer. Good graln.fed
lambs, weighing teem 00 to 110 pounds
sold at 5io to Ida pee Hou04, Hogs.-
71he offerings were a ltttio heavier but
bks market was firm, choice solecbione of
bacon hogs soiling 55 O a pee pound
saws ab ;l?o bo Sic per ; heavy SAM
_ . -.....nan,stanctslalt0
)iglu, 4eo to 4.1u ; stags at 2c to Sin, mid
boar's at 2a ; all kinds wanted except
Vivid mortgage, form security. Apply
at 'TSB PONT Pnlpliebine Reese,.Brussols,
�0 .RENT. -A 33RICIt RESi-
ngNon On queen street, with nu nom
of lend attached, largely devoted to fruit
Culture. Possession given 00 April 151.
Will rent by the year. Apply to TUGS.
lot 5, eon. 9, (:ray, 00-11
Anoint ardor of Unitod Workf zn
This old and pro5purau5 fraternal Assoc
atinn 00101ering 03.1:00 member's gra pre
senting to the pub lin their popular and econ-
omical rates to worthy men, at the very low
rote of about 08,00 per 01,000 per anuli,,
The "Worbmnu" P1'omtlily l'ql' Jetta It
Clatnts and expect a large increase to its
ment.ers 1100 Met those American Line
Companies don't bourn 6ati6f,LOto,y 50 Can-
RCPT. AliMST730N0,7rf.w. ; W, 1T, KKERlt
Recorder; J. A. ORPn4t4TON,11'fnaucier,
munsroorsn hits several good Terms for
sale width rout, easy norms, 1.0 Townships
of Morrle and Grey. 1? 8. SO OTT,Brussels
▪ in the Township of lIowick being lots
15 and 16 Oen. U. SO ours aro olenrod, and 20
acres lu bush, Bunk baro with stone stab-
ling underneath, and frame house with
5511x•, 0 good thriving orchard. Rum
is situated 3 miles iron \\'rnxete•. For fur-
ther papt)oubars apply to ALM(„ 1180,
81.4 TA'roxetar01'1'.O.
-160 acres of gond faros land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at alow price. The property is
North blast } See,10, Two. . 11, Range 4, Fast,
There is a house on the premises 5.113 50015
breaking done. Por full particulars es to
price, title, ite., write nr apply to
G. F. 13LAIR. or \V',11, RERR,
20.0 Brussels, Ont.
00119/001,1) sffors his eligible 64 acre
form for tile, being South part of Lot 5,
Con, 10, Grey, All under cultivation, well
w atered and well fenced. There is n good
stone house, bank barn,orchard, wells, Se„
on the premises. Also a splendid Mono
(litany from which a geed revenue is realis-
ed. Only 15 miles from Brussels. Terme
reasonable, E'er further particulars as to
Price, &c„apply to
JOHN IIITCIIFLL, Proprietor,80-tf Brussels P. 0.
Consisting "f the Sonib 0 and Smith 4
of the North d of Lot 86, Lion e, Last Wawa, -
nosh. This is an excellent stock farm , being
well eupptied with good spring water, Itis
situated about 11 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage 0 Blyth. A large pert of itis ender
grass. Buildings and falces aro in ,t fair
state of ren air. Bally terms of payment will
be given. lo' nil information apply to
Il•tf G. P. HLAIR, iiarristee, Brussels,
1 That exaeilert farm, Lot 15, Con, 0,
Tawnahip of (3rev,100 ogres, must be sold at
once in order to close estate of tlooeasodown-
er, The lot is newly all cleared, with good
buildhllrs, ample wither supply, large or-
chard, 14 n:fles from Cranbtnoh, is under
good cultivation awl is a very desirable 1pro-
pertyindeed, Apply to IMMOST,t RD 1111-
ORIILL, Brussels P. 1 .JOHN MP1Oh FILL,
or the premises ; or A. Ring CIi, Brussels,
Dated Sept..1111, 100.1,
M. ARM.STRON(.l, 'M. D.
EY • Physician, Surgeon, Aeooucher, 510,
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Vacuity, Member of (lnllege of Physivlans
and Surgeons, Out, OPPrort-Suit floor to
McDonald S 00,, Walton Out. --
111, le., O. M„ Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Metlivat College, Member Gel logo of Phy-
sicians 11(111Surgeons, Ona Liceubiaro of who
Noy al Collage et t'hysioiaas (Lid Lie. minds)
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. 1 '0'elephohe
No,14, Hasid once, Milld0., Brussels,
Dfl. F. 111.IAS 3FLEGSCH,
51115I0LI14, 00110E011 AND AtOOU4.OE01t,
let 0419s limier Elradent.)01 the Universa.,
ties of Trinity (Toronto, Q110611'9 (l5baegotos),
end of Trinity Medical Onlloger Fallow of
Trinity Medical OOIlsgs 1,0,1 mambos of the
College of Physicians nodi Surgeons of Online
in. 1"54 Graduate Co0110 Err Detroit and
Clpioego 1806. Special attention paid to dis-
eu5e5 011 Eye, Fur,Soso and Throat, and ills
memos of Wos sap koe'Oonsultation iu Eng-
lish Rod German. Telephone ab resideuoo.
In the High Court of Justice.
Offers will be received by the lmde'eigned
at hie Moe in rho Court Hunts°, Gudoriab,,tp
to and iuolnsive of the fifth day 01 April, 1807,
at the hour o1' the ee o'clock in the afternoon,
for the purchase of the lauds and premises
in question heroin namely:- Lob number
Three in the Sixth Concession or bus 'Thin -
fillip of Grey, °Detainhng one hundred an'0s.
Tho title ie iudi5pulable and immediate pos
Bengal sal be elven.
Tuners of Seio.-Tel per Dent, of the litre
abase money upon the aasoptanoo of the
offer and the helium in thirty days there•
after without interest.
Tull partioulare may be obtained on ap-
plication to W. NI, 101140L,t11 or G. 1.
13LAIR,Drussols) 101. (i, OAta1FRO14, etode.
rich, or the undereigasd.
B. L, DOYt,I".,
Attiui Loral Ntaster,Gadobtab,
W, M. SINOS,Atit Plaintiff's Solicitor,
Dated at Godcrloh this 28rd day of Mania,
A. 0.,1897. 87.2
OUP Wall Paper
Is all ready to hang. There is
no edge to tense troub'0 or take time in
the oohing. Every roll of paper sold by
us 0 carefully trimmed by our 110W trine.
ming wahine and ready for immediate
nee without charge. This makes it pos-
sible for ,'von the most Inexperienced to
suocasrfully paper a room in a very short
time, The line of new papers we ore (1[s.
playing are heautifnl in design, color and
finish and the prices are numb lower Than
such quality 000 usually be obtained for
elsewhere. We do not consider our Wall
Paper merely as a side line but some-
thing which requires careful attention
and the exercise of great e0.0 in the
selection of it. Our offerings are eneh as
to please all tastes, we have many dainty
patterns for the small rooms at 50, and
00. per roll. Then there are many rioh
dosigus for the hall, dining -room, library
and parley at from 7a to 25o. per roll
with bordsrs and calling to maloil. As
some of our best pattorne are already
selling rapidly we would suggest that
intending purchasers make their seleotiou
early anti we will he pleased to set it
apart until such time as ft may be re-
51 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of dnnlostioated animals le a com-
petent manner. Partioalar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Cans promptly at-
tended. to. Unice end Iolirmary-Tour tioors
north of bridige rurnherry et., Brussels.
e Solicitor end °envsyaneer, Colles.
tions made, OBico-Vanstouo's Block, Brus-
sels. 31.8hss
• Solicitor Oonvoyanoer ,No tory Pub -
(Io, 45. Cg)ee-Vaustoro's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to
rtg • G. CAMERON,
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt S
Carneroa,) Barrister and Solicitor, (Orderioh,
Out, 018ae-ilamilton St., Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Solid tor, d0 pate of Garrnw &
Proudfoot's Office, Godorlch.) 011160 over
Clinics d: Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money, to Loan. ,17
Licensed Auctioneer, Sales oonduor
o13on reasonable terns, rearms and farm
stocks specialty. Orders left at Tun Poem
Publishing iiouee,Brasseie, or sent to Walton
P, 0„ will receive prompt attention,
DER, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men,in ass time and 1058 charges
thou any other Auctioneer in Fast Raton
or he won't charge anything Dates mud
orders can always be arranged at this office
or by person al application,
Who has had 25 years experience as an
Auetioncor, but who had to quit .owing to 111
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to ooucluet Salus at r oasonable
terms. Satlsfaotioo guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at Talc POST Publishing House.
18.0 Auctioneer.
• Iseurer oferarriageLoenses. 011.108
ab his (1rocery,'lumnborry, etroob, lOrussols,
11• Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next floor
south of A, 112. Muttay & C o's hardware stare.
Ladies'and ehildrons hair (tutting a 6p ooialty
Savings ]lank takes Deposita from
01.00 to 51,000 and allows 04 per cent,
interest. T. FARROW,
07.3m Postmaster,
Issue! of' Marriage Licenses,
OrFme Air JitwaLRS SToas,
' No Wibnees Required,
T. IFLET0HIIIR, Brussels
I t
LEX. IiT7NTTlli,,
elle9t of the Tourth Division Cour
do. Rum, Opnveyancer, Notary Public I!
Lard, Loan and 0nsnrluco AgainFundi
invested and to luau, coltootione made
Offloe ht tit'alrtun 's ll look, Bsnssole
(111105. A. HLWKINS,
Will give lenient to pupils either 0i1
piano or croft, at cis Mneio Room, opposite
the poet -Mime, Brussels. 505(1115550nealso
ulvon, 7,e1 y5ar5 exporionoe10 teaching,
Terme moderato.