The Brussels Post, 1897-4-2, Page 7Oma,
'APltll. 42, 19:17
,A07'i$ 4l,.Yn °autlfJi rr•s
IL e.ny one suppasos that this Sttll,jeeL
is merely a whimeleal Amoy he will
bare to modify the opinion a little when
ho learns that a hospital is going up
in Munich for the systematic: treatment
of diseases l/y e diversified regimen of
music. Dr, 1tlyerra, a.0 aid physician
of that city; will be aL the heart of it,
ltut he desires It to be understood that
the idea is not modern. 'Litre teens of
hie argument 10 favor oC the music cure
is that it has tan affinity for the water
cure sad hypnotic forms oe treatment,
and that, from its offeotc, on the senses,
it may be classed with vapor ineehode,
such es laughing gas and chloroform.
1'be soothing effect of music is well
known, e, mother applying it when she
sings iter child to sleep. In general,
the timely of the /templet will be that
pain eau be subdued by the restful In-
feuemces of music. if the patient will
listen he will forget his twinges. As
the mind is tranquilized and gloom dis-
pelled his condition may be pronounc-
ed better, and even a temporary int-
provlvuent is something.
But it would not do to conduct a
hospital an a vague generality. The
head of the slew institution has differ-
ent musts for varying forms of dis-
ease. Otte ward will be especially far
pain patients, where the strains of har-
nrany will be sweet and subdued. What
the result would be on a sufferer from
pain as severe toothacbo is a matter
of doubt. i1 e. person of unehastened
spirit be might swear. There will be
s mtber ward for nervous patients, and
here the scores of Wagner will be the
main reliance, each preceded by alec-
ture describing the " plot" of the
star' to be rendered by the strings,
emeriti and horns. "For example," says
Dr. Riverre. of one of These late told
by the orchestra, " you see a mills: -
tumid letwo the house and go to the
lxirn with the pail in her hand. You
hear the first tinkle of the white drops
in the pail, with the maid crooning
her stung as she fills it," There is much
more of what a venni of neuralgia is
expected to see in the mind's eye, or
perhaps in tete musirai centers, when
tits lecturer gives place to the baton
of the conduelor, No provision is made
for the transfer. et his ow'n request,
of a patient tvitlt stomach aramp from
the net hing ward to the Wagner ward.
A dolor, of course.. is supreme in his
prescriptions. Tl'e loud, compelling
strains are reserved for the nerves.
tip:e statement ()f. tills enterprising
p ate tioner in a new field will be re-
ceived with particular interest. IIe as-
serts that indigestion has often been
cured by music. and that the same rem-
edy relieves norritnent of every kind,
precluding the possibility of nervous
dyepepsin. !t this is 'true, why not ap-
ply the cure in the farm of frequent
attendance at concerts and the culti•'
vntiun of good music et 'home? Darwin
has left on record an expression of re-
gret that he had passed his whole life
in a scientific grcwve, to the neglect
of some light and agu•eeahle form of
recreation, and he adds that, in his
case. a frequent enjoyment oC music
would have been refreshing and benefi-
cial, The Munich institution will hard-
ly revolutionize the treatment of dis-
ease, es its founder expects. but it can
hardily he the cause of anything worse
thou a rather pleasant form of disap-
'rho etefOt1 Condit/on et the German
5Oltperor Causes Ureal Alarm.
A despateh from Berlin, says :—In
a'egatld to the stories of Emperor Wil -
Deena insanity, it is stated privatety
by men who know him more or less
Intimately that his Majesty is very ner-
vous and irritable, his features twitch-
ing frequently. They admit that the
Emperor has certain eccentricities,
chiefly denoting inordinate vanity, con -
venting which many queer anecdotes
aro in cirenlation, but his behaviour
'Inas always been that of a sane per -
A letter to the London Daily Mail
reiterates the story of Emperor insanity W14-
tisane ea tc
s y with startling frank-
ness, mentioning his Majesty as being
Lhe sovereign previously referred to as
pinching his guests and trying to trip
with his sword. The writer
says the fact is
now that there is mo
doubt that the. Emperor, if not spe-
cifiailly insane, is liable to fits of ab-
errntion, which, while they last'are
indistinguishable from madness. Itis
local derangement behind the ear, and
almost in contact with the brain, has
hitherto, it is added, been kept in safe
limits by a treatment which provokes
a eminent discharge. While the dis-
charge lasts the pains is nett very great,
and the intlanunation and swelling of
theaffectod pares boing relieved, there
is Mellor intolerable or alarm-
ing. But, it appears, it has lately be-
00me itnereasingly dtflioult to maintain
the process, and the lesion 10 a oem-
bination of pain, excitability, depres-
sion and restlessness which has brought
the Ent/mane to a condition fearfully
alarming Continuing, the writer says
that no Hohenzollern is allowed to as-
cend the throne or keep it if he is
afflicted with nn incurable disease, and
that ib is obviates no madness can be
tolerated in the Emaperor, The know-
ledge of this is said to be disabling the
rale of his hoivo, and is doubtless in-
tensely aggravated by the symptoms of
disease. lIs is said that should things
get but little worse, Prince Henry of
Prussia, the Em'peror's brother, will be
ppreclaimed Regent, with an advisory
C t aseil, nn tv'3ieir the constituent soy-
o0eigns ole the Empire will be repre-
Here, shouted MoEiimsey, aif .7ageon
started upstairs backward, What aro
you doing,
TVta's or'righ', muttered J•agson, I
wester ter know bow to fin'—hlo--kee
way eicwul in'tr mornin',
E h�INS!� A ti'➢SNll.
vl•1E VE tY LA'1')rsT FROM ALL THE
Interesting neap) About Our Own Causttr's
Great Britain, the United States, and
An Parts of the Globe, Condensed and
(tweeted for Sas' Reeding.
Stratford City Council is considering
t curfew 1. y -law.
Mr' John Carnegie was alerted Pre-
eulenL of the Pet erboro' Board of Trade,
Mr. le. ,T. &nfurd, sun of Senator
Sanford of Ifamilton, died at Et Paso,
Te las,
Anti -toxins is being suetessfuily
used rot'3rockville £or the cure of diph-
Mr. Watson G osby, Patron member
ole the MnnLioba Legislatnnre fur Den-
nis. Is dead. •
Tbc London City Council has dtscided
to impose it license fee of $100 ou cigar-
ette vendors. , e
The Montreal rolling mills have clos-
ed down. throwing about 400 men out
o£ employment,
The Nova Scolia Legislature has twee
dissolved, and the general elections or-
dered for April 20.
Charcoal, or "Bad Young Man," the
radian mltrlerer, wets hanged at the
police barrack 1, MacLeod,
Rev, De. Potts of Toronto has been
elected Chairman of the International
Sunday School Lessons Committee.
A fortnightly steamship service be-
tween Montreal and Blanchester will
be inaugurated when navigation opens.
The Domini= Line has ordered a,
new steamship from Harland & Wolfe
ole Belfast for rho St, Lawrence trade.
Rev. Dr. Jackson, of Knox church,
(tsar, has accepted a call to Madison
avenue Presbyterian church, Cleve-
The St: Thomas Board oL Education
is taking steles to suppress the habit 01
cigarette-sancking amcug the school'
Joseph Freeborn died at the Hamil-
ton City TIospltal from the effoets of
a rib broken several years ago and
Two cases supposed to be leprosy are
ender the supervision of the Winnipeg
Health Department. Both are for-
eigners. •
An old lady named Mrs, Mary E.
Monteith, living in Stratford, Out„ was
killed on Saturday by a runaway horse
in that. city.
Nine of the marksmen eligible for
position on the Risley team have noti-
otefied the secretary of the 0. R. A. that
they will go.
?.''fere is every prespect ole a large
make of butter in Manitoba and the
Norttlt-West Territories during the tele
preaching season.
It is left to the discretion' of the Can-
adian lItliLiu Department as to what
troops shall ipe sent over Lo take part
in the dinenond jubilee.
Mr. Peter Mitchell has been ap-
pointed General Overseer ole .E'lsher(es
for Quobee and the Maritime Provinces,
with 'headquarters in Ottawa.
The Governor-General will shortly
announce a date for the closing of the
national India famine fund, which hue
now reached about $130,000.
Mr. George Mercier, governor of, the
county gnat at Guelph, died on .friday,
aped 79. He bad held the position of
governor of the gaol for 37 years.
Harry Ye1verton Goring, a tobacco-
nist of Tamworth, has succeeded to a
baronetcy by the death of Sir Craven
Goring, the tenth baronet of that name.
The Hon, T. Nasse, the Japanese Con-
sul -General at Vuneouver, T3.C., is in
Montreal to report on the advisability
of appointing a Japanese Consul in that
By the bursting of a watermain on
Atwater avenue at Montreal part of
the western end of the city was in-
undated and damaged to the extent
of over $5,000.
Bir. Nesse, Counsul-Geueral for ,7a.pan
at Vancouver B. 0., who is at present
in Ottawa, will shortly have a confer-
ence with the Toronto Board of Trade
on trade matters.
It is reported that Lieutenant -Gov-
ernor Mackintosh of the Northwest
Territories is about to resign his office
and move to Roseland to look after his
mining interests.
Minister Davies les pulplished
throuugh the High Commissioner's of-
fice to London, a cablegram denying
the statement that thorn is danger to
the use ole Canadian canned salmon.
Students of Laval University, Mont-
real, mobbed a French newspaper for
publishing a paragraph they thought
reflected on them. The police were
called and dispersed the students.
The Hull Electric Companybusserv-
ed the Ottawa Electric Company with
notice of a claim asking $20,000 dam-
ages of infringement upon Lhe terri-
tory and rights of the Bull company.
Sir Dosaald Smith, High Commission-
er for Canada inLondon, has arrived
at lelom,treal. Hs spoke encouragingly
on immigration prospects in England,
and also discussed the school settle-
The Rev. George If, Wells, whose
death by a railstew accident is report: -
0d from Milwaukee, was pastor of the
American Presbyterian church in &fon-
treal for twenty-two years. He was
fifty-eix years of age.
Ottawa is divided in opinion as to
whether the military celebration
should take place on May 24 or on July
21, the diamond jubilee. Sir Richard
Cartwright has promised to talk the
matter over with Major-General Gas-
Hort. Sidney Eisler': announces that
rho Government has made final ar-
rangements for elle cold storage ole but-
ter and other perishable food products
which will be shipped weekly on steam -
(ships running between Montreal and
Avonnlotetb, London and Liverpool,
Prof. James J. Sylvester, the noted
tnathematioian, is dead, at London,
Lord Salisbury is suffering from a
mild attack ole infinenza, and cannot,.
leave the house at present.
Sir Edward Ebenezer Key, Lord Jus-
tice ole Appeal, is dead. Ile was seven-
ty,-five years of age.
The President of the National Liber-
al A'etleration states that home rule is
nailed to the masthead of the riboral
l'he lookout in the engineering trade
of England began on Friday night, and
htds faitto paralyee the trade of the
Tate cases of smallpox have been die -
eoveri'.d in New Yoi'l:, and measlree arc
being taken to prevent the spread of
the disease.
The largest diamond 10 the world
hay arrived in London from Kbnt, elay.
lL is said to be tvurlh Iwo million and
a hale dollars uncut,
tan Maclaren (the Rev, Deefolm Wat-
son) is to be ;tiled before the Presby-
terian Synod, for alleg1,ed heterodox
Lu 111 ago in "Alred and the Master."
The Lord Mayor of Dublin 11as issued
invitations to a meeting at the Man-
sion house, to start a Parnell family
fund Mrs. Parnell and Mr. Jahn Par.
nett being both in needy eireumstances,
Complaints ?rave recently been made
in London that among; the Canadian
Munn imported during 1800 some were
ttifecLed with an infectious catarrhal
disease, which greatly lessened their
Another step in the direction of mu-
nicipal ownership bus been taken in
Liverpool, inhere the corporation ham
purchased the horses, vehicles and
good -will of the United Tramways &
Omnibus Co,
Secret and rapid preparations ere now
being made at Wahviuh and other mili-
tary establislunen s of Great Britain,
and war stores aro heing forwarded to
Gitpe Toss'v, as trouble is oxpeeteet in
South Africa,
Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick has
sufficiently recovered from the effects
of his recent operation to he enabled to
leave London for Brighton, where he
will 'remain a short time before return-
ing to Toronto.
Two cases of smallpox bate been dis-
covered in New York. 1
'Wild cats are reported to be killing
cattle in northern Bfichigau.
The loss caused by the big ;fire in
St, Louis, Mo„ on Monday well reach
'lihe new United States tariff, it is
expected, will increase rite revenue over
'llhe village ole Pigeon, Mich„ is
irimulated as a result of the Overflow -
Log of the river there.
A smother, father and child were
burned to death at Omaha, Neh., on
Tuesday by a gasoline explosion,
Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling
were executed at Newport, ICy„ on Sat-
urday for the murder of Pearl Bryan.
The floods in Tennessee are increas-
r r '• roc
repores from Memphis old
10of tiles and great destruction of
property, .
William T. Adam, better kanwn as
Olivier Optic, the writer of stories for
boys, is dying at ins' home in Dorchest-
er, Mass, ,
Frank Butler, alias Newman, the ac-
cused Australian murderer now in cus-
tody at San Francisco, will nut fight
The Tariff Committee Have agreed
to report an amendment to the Ding-
ley bill which will allow the import.
or fish canghe in the Canadian waters
of the great lakes free of duty.
The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, or
Brooklyn, will not be allowed to lee -
Lure in the Y,M.C,A. hall in Phila-
delphia, because he recently threw
ilauwhalbts on the story of Jonah and the
Commercial telegraphic advices from
the United States tell a story ole inter-
nees depression that even the facile
pencil of a commercial editor cannot
effectually- gainsay. Business is in-
creasing, but it is much below the av-
erage of previous years. There is, we
are told increased activity and neces-
sarily increased demand for labour,
but the value of labour does not appear
to rise. Collections are spoken of as
"more satisfactory" generally, through-
out this States. ?'here are more mills
at work, but tariff changes are serinue-
ly interfering With the possibilities of
Signor Grimaldi, the Italian states-
man and ex -Cabinet Minister, Is dead.
iEmperor Francis Joseph of Austria
will visit St. Petersburg next month.
td very serious wetter famine exists
in the central and southern portion of
the Island of Jamaica.
Despatches in the London Daily Mail
say that Emperor William is showing
marked signs of insanity,
It is rumored in Paris that Prince
Henry of Orleans will be offered the
position of Governor of Crete.
,According toe census just taken the
Japanese in Hawaiian Islands number
24,000 and the Hawailans 31,000.
Violent gales prevailed all Thursday
night througbout Germany, causing
some loss of life and great: 'destruction
of property.
The Dutch steamer Utrecht, which
is sletpposed to have founded at sea,
carried a crew of thirty-six men, but
no passengers.
At Cameo a gun exploded on board
the Russian turret ship Sisoi Veliky,
killing fifteen men and wounding an
officer and twenty seamen.
La Liberte, ole Paris, commenting up-
on President McKinley's tariff policy,
strongly recommends a European com-
bination against the United States.
President Kruger is very evasive itu
his reply to Mr. Chamberlain caenplain-
iag of Boer violation of the London
treaty, and there is fear of a Trans-
vaal wan
Twelve women charged with poison -
lag their husbands and other near re-
latives in order to obtain insurance
money, are. being tried at F1old Mezo-
Vesarhely, Hungary.
Despatehee from Cape ?'own an-
nounce that British troops have reooiv-
ed orders to hold themselves in readi-
ness for emergencies, nut that the
situations in the Transvaal is very
There is reason to fear that the
Dutelt maid steamer Utrecht, which
stated from Rotterdam on (February
2814) for ,7a,vn foundered ':
un to tbel vicin-
ity of Usha.nt, and that the hundred
persons she had on board tore lost.
The German emperor, daring his re-
cent stay in Diel, met with au amus -
Ing adventure,
Ile desired to pay an unceremonious
visit: to the empress's aunt and the sis-
ter of Prince Christian, the wife of the
famous surgeon, Professor Von Es-
niaroh. ire jaroceedecl on foot to the
modest dwelling, and rang the bell In
response to which a taw servant -girl
appeared, who had never soon him be-
fore, and asked what be wanted.
Announce me, please," seed leis ma-
jesty,, "I am the kaiser," and the girl
thinking she had a unsohnan to deal`.
with, shrieked and slammed the door
in his majesty's face. When present—
ly the frau came to the (loot her ire -
portal visitor was still on the door-
step, hugely enjoying the novel situa-
P C$'.
A 1•rrlaue Maws the (Ugh Seined ltelidlag
l0 reeves at 0II1nglen, Int. -Scenes of
A (lesprtelt fruru Atlanta, Ga., says:
—A (yelon11 struck this town on Mon-
daY, and has left behind 11 a ;rail of
(lea Lit and des( rue ion. The 11i0
School building was blown Ln pieces,
and free; the wreck nearly 100 dead,
dying and injured people )lave already
been Luken.
The following mime! pupils worm in-
stantly Millett:--011ie 1'urranture,('laude
Roberts, Alien Putnam, Albert Buller,
Willie MtMarra, Kenneth Boynton,
Maud Johnson, Mary 11-, littons. At
least ten cabers will die, according 10
the reptiles of the corps of emergency
physicians now (taring for the injur-
ed, Prof. Walker, it is feared, cannot
live, and Prof. Covington is badly in-
Nol, a single person in the big build-
ing esteped injury. About 1,30 o'clock
there was a lull in the high winds w•hiele
hull prevailed; giving sortie promise of
a clear day. Prof. Cuvington, going out
to look around, beheld a dark cloud,
well fringed with electricity, moving
rnpidly in the direction of the school.
Ills trained eye at onc0 told hint there
was danger, hurrying the children in-
to the building for safety, the roaring.
of the coating c'y'clone was upon these
before they had time to think. The
storm increased in strength and vel-
ocity and the building began to shako
and careen. The building was wrench-
ed into fragments, so that' the pieces
fell inward, and among the first struek
were Claude Roberts and Alice Putnam
who were Milled at the firer blow. Pro-
fessors Covington and Walker both
worked to succor the Children, notwith-
standing both had rec'eived serious
w ounds. The seem was soon surround-
ed by the parents of the children. The
sight of eight little Onos already dead
and of ten others crushed and bruised
and bleeding in all the )chases of tor-
ture was enough to wring the stout-
est heart. Among these wounded quite
an b
n m ar are not expected l0 leve, and
it i,,s moan than likely that the list. or
dead will be doubled before =ruing.
Blakeley was struck by a• severe
storm on AIonclay morning, and did en-
ormous damage and cost several lives.
The chaos Caused by the storm still ex-
ists, and during the confusion nothing
nen be definitely learned as to the
amount of harm done or the number
of, lives lost.
"Dawkins wears the best clothes or
any man in the club." "Yeas; he de-
serves great credit for his taste in
dress." "Well, he gees it—trona his
tailor." •
Dobson—"An unsigned poem is to me
n symbol of modesty." Hobson—
That's funny; it always strikes me as
an indication of cowardice."
Of tall the many gathered here
That band's by far the prclueest,
It didn't; play the best—that's clear,
03int then it played the loudest.
"Have you seen Redding's new book?"
"Heavens I Has he also turned author,"
"Oh, no. Better than that. He has
designed the cover) for somebody else's
Man may scorn the foolish hatpin,
Batt when wild edarch holds the bat
He will never see a woman
Chasing madly for her bar:.
Ryder—"Well, it's a. mournful Eater
that a good bicycle will wear out the
same as everything else," Wheeler, a
beginner, -"Yes ; f suppcee so. But,
yen a
between yomd me. I think I'll go
"That fellow—" The dark-browed
man's voice shook with emotion and
things—"would sink to any depths fon
the sake of wealth," It was true; the
chap he cursed was a diver by trade,
"It's a shame," cried the youngwife;
"not a thing in the house fit to eat.
I'm going right/ home to papa I" "1
you don't mind dear," said the hus-
band, reaching for his hat, "1'11 go with
First Newsboy—There goes a gent,
Chase him.
Second Newsboy—No use, Just saw
him cams out of a barber shop. Re's
heard all the news there is.
A Remedy Which is Instantaneous and
Permanent in Effect—A Calgary Re-
sident; Crippled for Three Years, Be-
comes Strong as an Athlete.
No subtle or mysterious force could
be mere miraculous in its effects than
Is South American Cure in all cases
of Rheumatism. James A. Anderson,
of Ca.igtery, N.\V.T., says that seven or
eight years ago lie became afflicted
with rbcumatism, and for three years
it mail him h m a cripple, so that he had
to use a stink to get about. In his
own words: "1 suffered untold mis-
ery, and though treated by the best
physicians in the country, and I spent
it term in the hospital, recovery seemed
us hopeless as ever. A friend reoom-
mendocl South American Rheumatic
Cure, It gave help immediately and
after the second bottle I threw away
my slick. To -day I eau as strong as an
athlete," Price 75 cents,
Sold by G. A. Deadnutn.
Minister --7, hope 000 began the new:
year well.
Sable, an undertaker—Fairly well. I
had two LuneraIIs,
Take Three and Go About; Your Busi-
nese-•They do Their Work While You
Are Doing yours,
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pella Are Purely
;Vegetable and Act Upon the
the Systeme, Diet ae Ocoupe.
tioo•. 20 Cents a Via),
Liver Without Disturbanc to
They are system renovators, blood
purifiers, mad builders; every gland and
tissue in the whale anatomy is benefited
and stimulated in the use; of there.
Sold by G, A. Deadman,
The Rlectxie Cab Company or London
will, withih a few weeks, put 280 horn-
less cabs on the atseots for hire,
Are Fixed 4011 South Ameri-
can{� tr� �vr �j r�J,�
can Titter vines
ileyohd Doubt the Greatest Medical Discovery'
of the Age.
A Discovery, Based on Scientific Principles. that,
Renders Failure impossible.
reen 1l•
{�� t
rn i';s matter of pond health temper -
Irl tr saures, while poeshly ruccess-
Co1 a'.r the moment, eon never be last-
ing, '1•t'-ru lo poor health soon know
whoth•ir the remedy t.hcy are using
lin Sint ;,10 a passing incident in their ex-
beri:'nee, bracing them up for the day,
or something fhaat is getting at the
seat of the disease and fa surely and
permanently restoring.
lee eyes nr the world are literally
C:ts tl nn South American \orvine, They
ate net viewing it as a nine -days' won -
Orr, but crltl^.al and experienced men
have been studying this medicine for
yva-s, n"th the one result—they have
fennel that its claim of perfect Mira -
qualities cannot be gainsaid.
Tim great discoverer of this medicine
was t"sseeti-^d of the knowledge that the
(eat of n11 disease is the nerve centres,
situated at the base of the brain. In
this belief he had the best scientists
and medical men of the world
001711pying exactly the sante pre.
mines, Indeed, the ordinary lay-
man recognizecn. this principle
Inig ago. Everyone knows that
1••t disease or injury affect this part of
the human eystam and death Is almost
evrtaln. Injure the cplral cord, which
18 the medium of these nerve cen-
tres. and rat•elyelo is sure to follow.
:Here Is the first principle. The trou-
11111. with medicaltreatment astt-
I ally, and with nearly all medicines, is
that they aim simply to treat the organ
j that may be diseased. South American,
Nervine passes by the organs, and im-
mediately applies its curative powers
to the nerve centres, from which the
organs of the body receive their supply
of nerve fluid. The nerve centres
healed, and of necessity the organ
which has shown the outward evidence
only ofderangement is healed. lndi-
gestlon, nervousness, impoverished,
1 blood, liver complaint, all owe their
'origin to a derangement of the nerve
centres. Thousands bear testimony
that they have been cured of those
troubles, even when they have become
so desperate as to baffle the skill of
the most eminent physicians, because
South American Nervine has gone to
headquarters and cured there.
The eyes of the world have not beery
disappointed In the inquiry into the suo-
cass of South American Nervine. P eo-
pie marvel, it Is true, at its wonderful
medical qualities. but they know be-
yond an question that it does'every-
thing that is claimed for it, It stands
alone as the one great certain curing
remedy of the nineteenth century. Why
should anyone suffer distress ancy sick-
ness while thls remedy is practically
at their hands 7
Sold by Deadniali & .McColl
;Death Charmed Away Under the Spell
of Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart
More Wonderful Than a Fairy
Tale is the Story of Mrs. Roadhouse,
ole Willscrolet, Ont.
Where disease has effected the heart
the remedy to be applied must be
speedy in its effects, or all mate. be
lost. Mrs. Roadhouse, of Willsoroft
Ont., says: "Cold sweat would stand
out in greet beads upon my face, be-
cause of the intense suffering from
heart disease. r oaten felt that the
death struggle was at hand. No medi-
cine gave me help until I used Dr, Ag-
new's Cure for the Heart. In thirty
tninutos the severe pain was removed,
and after taking little more than one
bottle the trouble hod vanished. I
know nothing of it to -day,"
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Are 'cat dieting for the sake of your
health, Dicer?
No; fur the sake of my pocketbook,
A Large Percentage ole Members in
the Commons Suffer From Catarrh—
The Rope of Fifty Found in Dr, Ag-
new's Catarrhal Powder -They Tell
Their Own Story of Snceessful Re-
covery Through This Remedy.
Mr. W. II. Bennett, Member for East
Siatcue, and forty-nine others of the
house ole Common, have, over their
own signatures, told of the good effects
of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.
1%'hat the remedy has done for these
Parliamentarians it is doing for thou-
sands of others in public and private
life the Dominion over. With cold in
the head it gives immediate relief in-
side of Half, all horn', and a litho per,
soverenoe quickly ride the head ole all
trouble. IL is (nay and pleasant to
use and produoes no hurtful atm ef-
Sold iii 0. A. Deadman.
Irragularil.y in stabling, feeding and
watering and milking has been the
cans of many dairy 1h,1iares.
1?mane•--"Iiow did not get along with
7y000 geography lesson to -day, Johnny?"
Pupil'—'Bully, The teacher was so Barnes seems to have lost his grip,
pleased that silo had mo stay after I wish I could loss mune, groaned
school and .repeat it all over again only Briggs, es he sneezed for the eighty -
just; to her." 1 , seventh time.
F01. TW-771N'TY-SEVBir•' A.7.ts.
That is your final answer, then? said
Wallingford J. Crackenjump.
It is, replied Theresa S. 1Vestering-
Then I have only to add that life
henceforth has no charms for me. I
will quit it. I will put an and to my-
in what way? asked the girl, appar-
ently touched by her lovers deep de-
I closet know, Poison myself—drown
myself—shoot myself. Any way—every
wily—so that I do but end this miser-
able existence. But what is it to you,
fair creature and false, which method
of death I choose?
Well, if you tore hound to commit
suicide, and aired to go by the pistol
route, I have a suggestion to make.
What is it ? he asked hoarsely.
That you purchase your pistol at my
father's hardware store. Here. Is his
business card.
Handing ]rim a piece of pasteboard
she left the room, and Wallingford J.
Crecken,lump groped his way to the
street. as 0110 t11 a dream.
Spirited Wmnan (to big Plug Ugly)
Oda, if I were only a man, wouldn't
I teach ;On enamners!
Celestial Voice—Your prayer is
granted. You shall be a anatl1 (Trans-
forms .bier,)
Big l.'9ug'-ergly—Wltht do ye soy?
Newlly-Made Alan'—Um---er—I was
merely remarking that it wars a very'
pleasant day.