The Brussels Post, 1897-4-2, Page 14
................111..iraomaVossaormEnEsEmauw.En.mennanst aymenailaINANIUMMIIIK/14.14MIXIMIZOWIMAN21.19.1., essuor4lMotrakwabt
Vol. 24 No. 38.
• .
SPeOL117 From the Throne,
Nihau !
MISS ItODDIC wl•hee le muumuu:*
that Elie lute Beetle° 1 the Neweet Elfoote
in Millinery for Bile ',woollen Oaths
all the New Shapes 1Ipe io l'Imoy
Straws ;aU the New Shades iu Green ;
also the Geranium.
APRIL. 9 &
In thanking my many customers for
past patronage, I again solicit their fav
ors feeling eottlident that I Moe the aor-
root stylefur this season.
Miss hample, tette of New York, has
been re -ed Cor this see:sop, (00 mil-
E3 (..)YrILE7
GOMM° it ,
"(CO SI3108i SENSE.
tEe'Repairs ancl parts uIwya on hand,
Sok Wheels doctored and a cure guar -
an teed.
Call and see our fine display of Moak+.
My Stockof
S *rm.
Is now cotoplete in Silks, Drees Goods,
Dress Trimmings, Muslins, Lawns, Art
einalins, Curtains, Laces, Ribbons,
Prints, Deoks, Flannelettes, Cotton,
Oottonades, Towelinga and a special line
of Ladies' and Uhilciren's Vests.
think I know eomething about
and when 1 toll you that my 900. per lb,
Dappling Gem or the East is the best
Blaelt Tea in the market and that my
2bo. japan Tea le better than most of the
Tea sold in this town for 35a. and 40a.
I always keep the best Teas and Coffees
in the market so the public any.
Agent fol' ParkeP's Dye Works.
Lima° Didriet !
The East Huron License Com-
missioners will meet at the
Saturday, Apri117, '071
AT 10 0'01.001f A. M.
To take into consideration the,
Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1897-98.
The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the lliding
were 20.
The number of Applications
this year are 22, Gem go Mann,
'loyal Hotel, Walton, and Lich-
ard Graham., Arlington Rouse,
Fordwich, being applicants for
houses not Licensed last year.
A1in10TOW8, April 1, 1807,
Boneral,10 (moth -mon of the &oink,
flame!' et tho Beim of Con/tun/01 :—
In welcoming yeti on your attendanoe
at this s000nd notation of 1110 moment
Parligmetit, I &etre to expregio tho grati
floatien I feel at the evidences whioh
prevail throughout llio Dominion nf the
loyalty and Minden entertained by the
Onoutilian people for ller Mejoety, the
Q(10.11 and tlie desire to join with their
fellow -subjects in all parte of the Empire
it) celebrating the diamond jubilee in e
manner worthy of the joyous event, and
I nan pleased to he able also to M100111100
that, In togionfarice (vitt' an invitation
from the Imperial Government, ,o'
ratigements are bel»g made for an ef-
feetive representntion of the Dominion
in oonnection with the commemoration
of tit ia historio 0001481011 at the 0e0p1 tat of
tlo empire.
TUE 81110001 sornmatiarr,
immediately after the last memion the
Government of Manitoba woo invited to
bold a conference with my Minisiers an
the eubject of the grievances arising out
of the am of that Province relating to
education posed in the year 1800. In
response to that invitation three mem,
bers of the Manitoba Government came
MI 0 L1ILW, and, &BM? many and protract-
ed diaoussione, a settlement was reached
between the two Gevernments, whioh
was the best arrangement obtainable
under the exleting conditions of this dis-
turbing queetion. I oonfidently hope
that this settlement will put an and to
the agitation which has marred the
harmony ancl impeded the development
of our oountry, and will prove the begin.
ning of a new era to be obaracterized by
generous treatment of one another,
mutual Oetleeeitiene ttnd reciprocal good
'alder 1101181010.
A measure will be submitted to yon for
the revision of the tariff, which it is be.
lieved will provide the neoessery revenue,
mud, while having due regard to bolus.
trial interests, will make one fiend
system more eatiefaatory to the masses
ef the people.
You will be lucked to give your support
to a bill abolishing, the present expensive
and uneatiefaotory Franchise act, and
adopting for the aloution of members of
the Gouge of Commons the franchises of
the several Provinose,
My Government 1108 determined that
the advantages to acorne both to onr
western produeers and the business
interests of the whole Dominion from
the completion of the works for the en.
largement of the St. Lawrence canals
abonld nob longer be deterred, and has,
su11je01 to the approval of Parliament,
taken the initial steps for a vigorons
prosecution of those works and for the
perfecting of the canal system by the
chum of the year 1808.
have meets satisfaction in informing
you that arrangements hove been con.
pleted, which, if you approve, will enable
the Interoolonial Railway system to
reach 31ontreal, and time share in the
large traffic centering in that city. The
many advantages which will flow frotn
this extension of that railway are ap•
permit, and 1 have no doubt you will
gladly approve of the proposal.
Appreoiating the difficulties encounter-
ed by our farmers in placing their
petit/liable food proditote on the English
market in good oonditiou, my Govern.
ment has arranged a complete system of
cold storage aecomodation at creameries,
on railwaye, at ports and on steamers, by
which Roos products can be preserved ab
the desired temperature during ihe whole
journey from the point of production to
Great Britain. The contracts mule for
11)18 purpose will be laid before the
It is deeirable that the mind of the
people of Canada should be olearly (19000'.
tained on the subject of prohibition, and
a. measure enabling the electorto vote
upon the question will be submitted for
your approval.
The Behring Sea Olalms Convention,
cionstinated during the past year 10 ad-
just the damages payable to the owners
of the British paling vessels seized by
the onagers of the Untied States on the
hieh seas, has completed Wilting the
evidenee submitted to it by the teepee.
live Governments of liar Majoety and
the United States, and los adjourned for
a time to hear the argutflonts thereon 011
behalf of both Governments, I indulge
the bop° that a final and satisfeetory
adjudiaation of thoee loug•delayed olajme
will now epeeciily be reaohed.
The calamity which has befallen our
fellow subjeate in India has evoked a
widespread sympathy in this country.
The generoue »metier in which the ap•
peal for practical tokens of this fooling
has 11000 responded to 11100 elioted warm
aseuranoes of grateful acknowledgment
from the Government of India, whiell
have oleo been epeoially and heartily en-
dorsocl by the 'imperial authorities.
/141301(110111111111 1111101050/11.
Gentlemen of tho Rouse of 001ie CMS I
The amounts 09 1)10 past year will be
laid before you. The estimates of the
001111)19 9001 will be Oreeented at an early
day. They have been framed wibb every
tegutcl for economy emoistent with the
offieienoy of the publio titmice.
I repot that the reeeipte from ordinary
setups continne to be inadequate to meet
the charges Realest the ooneolidated
revenue. The proposed reVision of the
tariff and the application 01 Minot
eoonoroy in the achninistration of the
tcovernment will, I Pruett restore the
win i I im bri u between mono and
non. Gentlemen 09 1)10 Senate ;
Gentleman 09 the Item of Cionomons 1
Among tho bille whieh have boon pre-
pared and will be eubmitted:lfor your
approval are bills amending the super,
emanation 1001 100(1 the civil earviee act.
Thetis sad other 1110I090000 I °milt/trend to
your 0011(1001 eonsideration and exprese
the hopp that your deliberations nnder
the Divine guidanee will tend to inorease
the happiness and prosperity of every
elites in the Dominion,
Title oacial tided the lit mid Ma
Itxualloncy and hie skiff retired hoinedt•
Moly. The loolieii who weito on the floor
of the Senate, ernongst whom mere a
numb •1; who were ;trammed et the
drawing•routn last Seto tolity night,
lingered a little longer, 0/1,1 they, MO Well
as tho 11193011 17 of the members, peid
their reepecite to the 8peater of the
Senate and Madame 1'131:1118t, and the,
Smother 09 1)10 Ilimee of Commons and
Aire, Rigor, both of whom gave the
mood receptlono,
WREN MIA, 11' ?
To 0110 thlitot of L'mi ether :
DelAR have been asked several
times white the anneal meeting or the
least 1111101, Reform AaHnekt1(111 0100 to
be held, aud 1101 1010E011 1101110 you as
1, with others, Stith it is time it 111110
held, The custom in the pm was to
have iu January, tinkles 11091 70101', when
it was delayed to suit Dr. itteltottalch I „
think it 111001(1 las hold at an early date Abartisseate M ASSISSippi,
ea there he evidently work on hand to be
(10110, Itfl we all [mow the next imal Leaving Brussels Tuesday noon wo got
elution will be fought on tho Rime of this to Chicago Wednesday lumping, at 0,30
yoor, 11 )0 imperetive 01)100 0)107 Ethonld be o'clook cool aftee malting Et tranefor to the
looked aflor ; also wo all know that this Illinois Control we retuoined 111 the city
lo 111.3 lam term ef Thing Gibson as 31, until 4 30 0110011 010 took a train called the
P., he having distinctly etated so at tho "Cannot, 1301," which nine front Chicago
last Con von Ginn , ae well 00 to several to New Orloaus, it diatomic of 1,008 mikes
loading Reformers 1 am told since. I in 94 hours which is lively hoetliog you
therefore think a Conventhin thould ho may intaglio WOSPOLI, our deetination,
is 875 milov from the Windy city and 125
North of Orleans, or the gulf coast, Ar
living 0.1 Weseon we pot up at the Palm
Hotel and soon made a•reaugements for
!settling down,
We found the Southern people very
friendly generally nod ready to show us
round and supply any information we re-
quired, so at the aloe° of the week we de -
dud to purchase 10 ploutation, which will
menu 660 acres, one and a half miles from
the city and a half mile from Beauregard.
This is the suburb of Wesson where train
loads of lumber are shipped and et oue
timo it was a, nice sized place but about
15 years ago was swept off the face of tho
earth by a cyclone. Wesson took the
trade from there. We have a 7 vootnecl
OUT Toronto Letterdwelling house, built of what they call
fat pine which thnber is said to Inst for
centuries. On our farm are 30 peach
trees, qiiite a few fig trees and they all
appear healthy. Along the front is it row
of Claim trees Which in Sommer aro
loaded with lovely scented flowers and in
the Winter are ootheed with rod lorries
Our freight Cattle through in 20 days in
good shape although our baggage was
somewhat shaken op, and some clishos
Part of this State is somewhat rough
mud hilly it places and a gooa deal of the
land very poor looking but I'm told 19 10
is fertilized 11 110111 prod tlee leen when crops
adapted aro grown. At Crystal Springs,
a town 06 milos North 09 11010, is it great
vegetable) centre mud largo sheds have
been built for packing in. Buyers come
from all pans 01 1118 11. S. to puroliage
mid hove them shipped direct to their
tespective °Woe or towns. Last year as
high as 40 oars of tomatoes per day were
shipped nod other vegetables in such
large quantities so that about
100 ears per day was said to be tho
average. Hammond is tho home of
strawberries and in that locality 1,700
acres of this lino fruit aro cultivated and
in oonsequenoe of its stoops there is
quite an immigration boom bo that place.
The pop le just starting to 001110 ou the
market. They are 2 weeks late on tte-
cortat of the cold Spring but as the crop
continues to the middle of May there is a,
good chanee yet.
Wo have mineral springs here too, one
11ei019 0 milds and auother 0 from Wesson.
These springs aro great Summar resorts
and people come from all parte 09 1110
world to thom, and are treated for kidney
trouble' Immo back, ;to, There is a fine
markethere for chickens on account of
the many 11)00911(19 01101) the proprietors of
those resorts make the patients pay well
for their board. Chickens the size of a
robin sell for from 03.00 to 94,00 per
A. few points on Wasson Mississippi
Mills may bo interesting. This nutunfac-
tory is a great boon hero and is the
largest cotton and woollen mill in the
United States. From 1,000 to 2,000
lamas aro employed every day working
from 3 le with of ati hour at noon.
Althongh the time is so short for dinner
some walk 0, milo for it and among of
1110111 got knocked over with the crowd as
they rush through the gate as everybody
appears to be in snob 10 hurry. This es,
tablieliment covers 12 acres of land and is
13 to 10 stories high, "Ma furnaces 000-
00)00 50 cords of 4 foot wood inch clay
and Oa 11 001180t1001100 there is au extra
good wood market here es thie firm aim
to keep 1,000 cords ahead. Wo
went through the works, going in
at noon and 11 was dark before wo got
through altheugh WO 1091 110 111110 in 001
looney. •
Tho poach trees aro in bloom, the grass
green and we have our potatoes planted.
Gardening is trump. 9101900 are of a
light geade here, prinnipally Texas poniem;
there are alio many oxen used and from 1
to 4 yoke may bo often seen hitched to a
wagon cold thoy ottll tremendous loade of
lumber, the long leaved pime being the
principal wood. 11 runs from 30 to 30
foot long, snotty good length to got on a
11T1101TlY a y lraftio booms hero endgame
idea of the business 111)07 110 (10811)110(1
when I say that 100 brains pass bero
every 24 houre, itotl 10 doublo track is pro.
posed botwoou Chicago and Now Orleans
owing bo the many 0011181000, One train
often follows another hardly 40 rods
apart. We have afaiely good viow of the
took from our tarin.
There its geont intrieby of timber hero,
the Magoolia has tho Most flowers grow.
Mg on any tree. Those flowers sell
readily on tho market and the school
ohildron make pooket money by gathering
mod selling them. The loaves are allont
the sizo of a Emmett and the now onee
posh the old ones off.
The feathered 8009040)8 nro well repro,
gontecl in this State and among the favor.
itoe aro the rod bird and the mocking
bird, You have hoard of °The Mocking
paid working people of Europe and Amin,
1V111 emigrate to our ;dentin. toot. inituy
reasinis Canada, will wciemno elicit an in.
ilea to fill Up ortr vast etrotoluta of rielt
land, over which nue people are thlitly
wintered between the two great oceans,
Wu nest lint, however, furgot that with
tide 110109 tido of foreigu 1,1111101 relation
11.1,011, sentiment,/ and morale will alee
001110, and that our healthful Canadian
mural sentiments and elevated National
honor and National vawiratione will large•
ly be ,,Evatimed 110 1110y /MVO boon in the.
American Republic. If wo have south
moots that ought to be crystalized into
logielation and incorporated into our 0100.
001111)1011 WO 110.00 not ono hum to hoin 111
liecuriog the saw/titan of Pitellarnent end
Council. What prohibitory legislation is
ant Ilona in the next three years will not
be done clueing the 1110 of the present or
next generations, and for this 1000011 0111
temperance people and rufornierit gen-
erally must he more cliplontatio,
arranged for by the Assoolation to put a
matt in the field et 0000, fle, no 0110 Will
10011 after the lists with the name interEgt
88 the paety who is to be the eandiante,
There is work for the candidate outside
of the lime As the same harmony does
not exist, I toil afraid, as has in
the past, eartain things having trenopired
planet; the last year that have mooed
some fiiation in some pule, ere tt ame
must be used and a loon brought out who
can alley this Motion. If 80 East Heron
will be safe for the Hardy Governinent,
11 000 there is danger, 80 I think the
;looney the candidate is ie. the Mild the
better, 1 mm, Yours,
We don't believe in prize fighting, but
the cities in steady -going Caudle wont
aborit ate wild over the Corbett -Fitzsim-
mons battle as they hem been accustom-
ed to do over an eleotion campaign.
Why should not our Court rules bo
further amencled so thet ie Division
Court eases the plaintiff could serve the
00111100110 111111801f and thos, in all petty
cases, save some or the costs where it 18
desired ?
British capital is apparently to be
10111101 1010 Ontario instead of tubo 13rit-
ish Columbia minee. The old banner
Province Is likely to still carry the flag,
even when Catiada nouthers her 20, 30 or
40 millions of pooplo.
The Ontario Oppoeition. vary muelo
resembles the month of March, whou the
weather always seems to lose its balance,
mod wind, tall, snow, thaw and shish fol-
low in quick succession thovarying moods
of the month. March being the refuse
part of the Winter has boon (pate re.
signeclly turned ow; to Lent and peni-
tence, and now the Belleville siotetli•
gencer," presided over by Sir Mackenzie
Bowel!, mots the Opposition at Toronto
to got on the penitent bench too.
There is some agitatioo going on in
favor of raising the rates of postage on
books and packages of morchauclise,
simply became some ostablielunonte like
1110 11. Eaton Go., of Toronto, abuse the
regulations by sending out ear loads of
goods in that way, But State -craft would
clictitte that such abuses be met in a
straight, business like wity and overcome,
instead of depriving the masses of it greitt
benefit in order to ohooknutte a few large
concerns. The Fixpress °ampoules hay°
monopoly °tough now without throtving
another sop in:their way at public ex-
Tho departmental stores are proving to
be o withering blight in bile commercial
world. The few people who strike them
on bargain day or happen to ran up
against their bargain emouters sometimes
get goods for lass them emit, lant the moss
of the pooplo pay about all the articles
aro worth. There ia no question but that
in soma reepoots they are initiating un•
tree methods for the distribution of
merchandise the Nation needs. Why,
should not the few destroying elements
snob establishments contain be elimin•
atod by the fostering mom 01 legislation ?
If they W0110 regaired to pay their clerks
honest) wages they could not sell their
geode at such ruinous prices for other
dealers as they now do. We prevent by
logielation factories from emphiyiugehild.
rou touter ort,tin egos, and we take from
the mechanic the legal right to sign. away
the protection tho law gives him eoucern•
lug wages under the Meollanicle' Liao Aot,
and Ivo certainly could also enact that no
0110 employed in office, moroantilo eget).
lishment or manufactory should be paid
less thon a Matter' sum, malicieut to main-
tain them in the community.
19 1110 Hardy Administration were not
proceeding with the legislation in regard
to tho liquor traftio, as with all other
publio affairs, from the standpoint of
poblio interest it woolcl doubtlese with -
demo the License Amendments Bill now
before the House, 5311 Oliver Mowat,
who so long ruled Ontario, tvos 11000 '1101)
the Minot of boiog a wiso and sagacious
stattesnott, never making mistakes, rant
moving too fast nor too slow, boll ever
ready to crystalize into legislation the
oleatly expreeeed sentiments of the poo.
plo. If the lion. A. S. Hardy is east 111
the some mould and fs bonding a simile);
001(100 we most not be too rowdy to 0011'
0(1)0 or boo glow to appreciate. The nil,
winced step outlined in the bill will
doubblees bo taken, notwithstanding tho
0111019 11)101 is being roised from both
siclas the prohibition fotoo.
The great mining clevalopmont likoly to
take place this Spring and foe many years
to come in difforett ports of tho Domini-
on, will utulotabtoclly ;so call the attention
09 0110 world to otir forthe eon, fine olio
mate and great tweets Of unotativated
land that void multitudes ot the ittidet•
Bird" sung but wo havii the real, live
fEivile, Is much t1,' game RA 11 IS With
yon 1111'1 111 thu 911'i'' -o 1 quete you will
see) the ionnparison : Flour, 95 to 95.S0 ;
theoeo, 15 to 20 motto ; coffee, 15 to 95
cents ; tea, 30 tu S1)00,110 ; begins 18 to 20
pounde for 91 ; print», 20. a yard and np-
ward ; meet potatoew NM. a bo 1,oI;
09190, 15a. per ;frool, beef 5 to 10
ciente per pound ; hone, 25o. each ; horses
are high 10ol110 eelling at lf150.
In 'Winton to my stook, horses, 01(190,
110g4,1 hiokono, Eta., !have 9 wiata. The
latter I keep for the purpose of bathing
my eyerc with their milk every night, and
I beliovo the remedy is going to greatly
11011001 toy coulee. IMy 019110 has im-
proved greatly Sly wife 0)090 when 0110
goes to milk her Jersey, and thinks of my
goat% olf I had a COW that gave such
For a Winter climate this is flue but
how the Sumner will suit I can't say yet,
but whether it is the climate, or thegriate'
milk or what oleo I know my eyesight is
greatly improved and of course I am very
thankfol for it. 'There aro drawbacks
OA there are everywhere tint 910(07
tell you more about it again.
• Yourate.,
Gnome Demos
February 28111, 1807.
D. Sproat is recievering from his repot
i [loess.
John Watson, 08000001 for Morris, is
going his rounds at present.
Robt. Ovens was visiting st Jas. Rath-
ery's, in East Witwanosh, during lee)
Mrs. Archibald, of Seaforth, was vieit-
ing at D, Sprout's duriug the past week,
returning home on Friday.
Wm. RicRae is dangerously ill. Ile
firer had on attack of la grippe, which
turned to inattromation of the lungs.
Owing to the change in the ticket cle.
partment 09 1119 G. T. R. most of the
studente remain over Sabbath in the
town where they attend school, instead
of coming home aa formerly.
001 .1,14 a zee-
WM, Groves has gone to Griswold,
Joeephine street has had a thorough
soraping and presents 11 mph more re -
spec table appearance.
Jos, Golley was in Hamilton (alt week
attending the annual meeting of the
Grand Council O. 0 0. P.
William Gifford left on Monday of
loot week for Forest, where he hae so -
cored a position as teacher.
Anniversary services of the Methodist
Sunday school will be bald io the church
on Sunday afternoon, April 410,.
Geo. Cline has in training between 110
and 75 voices on the mutate, "Dani)"
which be expeots to give in throe or four
R. J. Swan of Chesley, formerly of
Wingliam, has purchased the stools of A.
Robinson it Co. of that town, and is run-
ning it off.
G. a. Irvin hes ciispond of his tailor-
ing business to W. T. Sullivan, of
Flesherton, who will conduct it at, the
same old stitod.
Frank Hoag had the misfortune last
week to get his left digit iu the foot.
91.0101 0110(110 with the result of losing e.
poet of the finger.
D. J. Geddes, who has purchased D.
DiuDonald's butoheri»g business here,
lute moved into town and will oarry on
business in the old eland,
After all the excitenaent of petitions
for and against moving the posteffice
everything has cooled again. The peti-
tions have gone to Ottawa.
The shareholders of the proposed flax
mill met in the Couonit Chamber,
Amos. Tipling was appointed ohairman
and W. Robertaon, aeoretary. John
Hanna, made an offer of a building to the
Company in the met of their starting
11 mill here. The following provieional
directors were appointed :—W, Clegg,
A. Young, Wm, flenderaon, Richard
Henderson, and Amos TIpling.
+Ott stittliata Novs.,.
A Stretford sport who backed Corbett
haa to saw four cords of wood to pay hie
Harry Head split for 1, F. Irwin, or
Monkton, thirteen cards of wood in 12
It is stated that Rev. loIr laellibbin, of
Millbank is about to (8010100 10 Stratford
Dirs. Itionteith, an ofd lady of Strat-
ford, was run over by a runaway horse
and !tilled.
U. E. Seagram has sent 23 horses to
Toronto to commence traiiiing for the
Jockey Olub'e Spring mow.
11 18 said that at the epproaching put
venation of Queen's University Lady
Aberdeen will be made an L. L. D.
The Kirklion people are asking for the
oonetruction 09 00)1 eleotrio railway from
London via Bryauston and Granton.
Renneth MaKenziel sr., of Burnside, 10
10 thelield as an independent Liberal
candidate for Maodonald constitueney.
Two cases supposed to be leprosy are
under the supervision of the Winuipeg
Health Departmeo b. Both aro foreigners.
Tho Elton, Choose Co. will disoontinne
making butter on April 10th, and will
tiommenee making oheose on April 12011,
Samuel Moore was killed at a railway
messing near York Station. A Om.
onor's jury returned 10 verdict of am/.
dental death.
The 11090 stool rtrahes or the bridge
that will take the plena of the railway
stopeneion bridge at Niagara were placed
in position.
Jameo May, of 13arrie, watt pet to then
by a hypnotist at London neatly a week
ago, and now the professor ia unable to
wake him up.
'the, Matthew Snowdon, of Mitchell,
hncl the misfortune to break her left torn
at the mist Thursday evening ot ittat
week. Mr. and Mrs. Snowden intended
to go to hear Sergt•Mnjor &hoe 10 the
Methodist ohnrelt, and airs. Snowden
being 01)0010 reedy, started for the barn 10
see what was looping her husband, when
she fell, breaking her artn.
Mai. A. Corbett, of fit. Muey'tl, was
1.011 (11ree by a 0. T. R. eneine. Both
lege were severe,' from the body, She ie
not likely to rerrwer.
The Canadian Sooiety of New York
MLR loaned at t1 diluter in the Nobel
Majestiu Monday oight, the Rev. lir.
fil'ala having the chair.
The ;monitor fund for tho relief of
the India famine eulferere now reaohni
917,500.73, of whichhearty 99,1101) it,
from the 8011001 children,
Spider Cox moved the a,1.le,-o lo re.
ply to the speoub in the Semite, maltiog
11.13 interesting speenti on the queotions
uffeeting the progrees of the weary,
lion. Etiwerd State totened the debate
on the queetion of the finanoial Motions
between Ireland mid Great Britain by
introdueing a motion for the relief of the
taxpesters of Ireland in the British House
of COMO011a,
Oapt• Yates, of the Oregon AMMO°
Steamship Company is en route tit Ot-
tawa to submit a propoonioe to the Do.
minion Government for 1110 esmblish.
ment of a lin,' of steamer); between
&Mel) Colembie, ports and Central
M. A, Halliday, Of 01108/89, 1/108 (.000
appointed talent of the Twelfth Divieion
Conn of Brawl, in place of .theeph Law.
000, resigned. Sylvanue Gibson, Lnean,
b000mea bailiff of the Third P11038101)
Otturt of 'Middlesex, in place uf John S.
Atkieson, reeigned.
Tbio Stream d Ilerald taste :--Mrs,
Corbett, the woman who was injured at
St. Marys from Ming rue over by it G.
T. It englite, died the same evening,
Drs. Mathieson and Irvine found it
necessary to amputate both lege in an
effort to 01190 her life, but the linthe
were so badly crushed and the elinek to
her system. wee HO great that she did not
long survive the operation. The old
lady 10100 11) the mot of (lemming the track
Merle a public, highway near the down-
town etatien, when she was oaught by an
engine engaged in doing, some shunting
around the switch, The trainmen soy
the usual signals Were given, but the un-
fortunate woman denied this before she
died. Under the circumstances Coroner
Rankin, of this city was notified, and
baying viewed the body Monday night
decided to hold an inquest Tuesday.
T110 doctor was very busy when seen by
the Herald reverter, but stated that no
seesatioeal developments were antici-
p ,ted. Ile went over again by the nooti
train and will at once empanel a jury
and prooeed to investigate all the einem.
stances surrounding the sad affair. It is
understood the old lady lived with an
unmarried son in the southeast part of
the town. She was an old resident of
St. Mary's and was somewhat eceentrio
in her habits.
tors —
People We Know.
Angus Smith, of Wingthein, WU home
for Sunday.
Miss Angie Richardson is visiting rola.
tives at Walteli.
J. D. Ronald node a business trip to
Grand Valley 11100 190011.
°totems Collector Davis, of Wing.
ham, was in town on Wednesday.
Mies Maggie Miller, of Wroxeter, wns
visiting friends in town this week.
Station Agent Kendall is still off duty,
his foot troubling him considerably yet.
ilex. McKelvey went bo Toronto this
week for medical appliances for his dist
elated knee,
T. at Climie and wife, of Listowel,
visited their daughter, Mrs. R. E. Ross,
for several clays.
Mrs. Ino. Sweet, of Exeter, is the guest
of Mrs. W. G. Collins, Elisabeth street,
Brussels, this week.
Hotthie McMartin has gone to Doan
to help the 1111,3 mill folk through with
their wont in that town.
We are sorry to 1100.1 09 the contiened
illness of A. R. Smith, merchant, of the
firm of Smith ct McLaren.
Inspector Robb was in town this week
in his visitation of the schools adjacent
to Brussels, He's a No, 1 official.
Wm. Slashill 19(10 tie Hamilton last
weolc attending the Grand °outwit of
the Chosen Friends as the representative
of 13thesels Council,
Neil S. MeLauehlin, wife and daughter,
have moved 000 to Silver Corners, where
Mr. MaLatiohlin will manage the cheese
factory for this year.
Barrister Blair has leased the briok
residenee lately vacated by Rev. A. E.
Griffin from Mrs. Walker, and will move
to it in the comma of a, month
Blea Neil bleLatiohlin was called to
Oheeley to wait on her eon Tom, who is
employed there and is ill with soiatioa.
We hope he will soon be better,
Fred. Thomas, of Norwich, tins mine
to Brussels to learn to be a machinist in
the Ronald Fire Engine Works. De is
a Mother of Me. 'Photons, the new 910-
Hrs. Juo. Hayeroft has arrived home
from an extended visit with her daughter
at Toeswator. She was laid up part of
the time from an poident, but is TOM
'recovered now we are pleased bo etate.
1. Brydges, formerly of Brussela,
who has been with the Kennington Furni-
tem Competv, Goilerioh, has bought out
the mintage hnsinees of J. A. Walker of
that !own and will take poasession On
Apt -ll lst,
It it said that D. Stewart, °hark, of
Smith tt Moliaren's, intends /inking a
amuse in the Business College in Owen
Sound. He will take with him the
kindeet regards 01 1110 many friends, who
are learning by a seraisweekly absence to
sorely 10)00 001 Dan. Alre, Creighton and Miss
Nellie are enjoying a holiday visit in
Itrtumels. kir, Oreighton deserves 30 11011.
day, ait he has boon bard at work for tho
past It yenta. They expeot to retools to
the Royal aity 111 tha purse of a week or
Tho Winglutm Times says 1—lames
ItteAlpine entertained a number of the
Sone of Sootlesid nod theit when on
Thursday ovening laat. Pipers Gilchrist
and McDonald 09010protient and played a
number of soleatio»s while Mr. Fowler
eupplied 011 the violin. A moot
enjoyeble evening 01100 epent.