The Brussels Post, 1897-3-26, Page 8Cheaper Drugs. Wo are glad to 1nfollu our Customers that there has been drop in price of a few lines of Drugs. Little's Sheep Dip i5 reduce(' to 75c. PER CAN, Insect Powder so frequently used for lice and ticks, is low now, and so is Sulphur and Epson' Salts for stock use. Linseed Meal is away down and Cubet Berries only about one-fourth what they were. You can depend on our -prices being right ...I WO are al- ways careful to have the quality of the Drugs we sell to bo the best. 0. A. Deadman, Dragged, Optician and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 300TnERN ENTF,N5ION W. O. & R. Trains lease Brussels Station, North stud South, as follows: Gorse $au'r'a. GOING NORTn. $Xpre5S..... 7,0 a.m. I Mixed 9:44 a.m Aired .....,... u:a7 pea, , yladl 12:32 p.nl rptat 'Pews...11itcnt5. A ohiel'e among ye takiu' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. Goon Friday April 10`17. Tug POOT gives the news. HORSE. Fair next Thursday. 1110LIxsnr Openings come next. RENT Thursday will be April 1st. 'Watch out. THE number of fast horses fu Bru::.ele ie surprising, FOURTH Division Court will be held on Tuesday, April 0th. J. McBant talks of leaving Brussels and announces a clearing sale. MESSRS. SCOTT & JONES Shipped a au: of cattle Eastward on Thursday. Nnxr Thursday Messrs. Backer & Van - stone ship another oar of live hogs. I. 0. RICHARDS bas disposed of kis .tore in Auburn to E. L. Nnegle of that v11 age. "TE)IPLE 0f Fame," Town Hall, ]teens. eels, Wednesday and 'Thursday, April 14th and 15th. Tan Winter's socamulatinn of re'nae was swept up on Maio street last Friday and hauled away before the ice melted. READ the District news on the -in=ids pages. You may find Goderiob, Clinton, Walton, Wroxeter and Gerrie happeninge, Hunan Fair on Thursday of next week. 'Chia will be the closing Fair of the sea. eon. Come to it. A. number of buyers expected. A eaten number of cellars have been having the usual Spring watering owing to the thaw and snow and ioe retarding the getting away of the water. Ton pacing race, open to horses owned in Huron County,ie assured as one of the events of the Queen's Birthday in lime - eels, tt snfaient number of entries having been received. FIRE escapes, three in number, have been arranged in the Odd Fellows' Ball .eo that in ease of fire a speedy exit could be made from the third story even if the -stairway were not available. LAST Sabbath the Maitland river was the attraction to many nwing to the 0119- 3090533' Spring freshet. The water was high but little derange was done. The foot -bridge was made fast by a strong tope. AT the meeting of Brussels A. 0.17. W. Lodge last Friday evening the Recorder was instructed to prepare and forward a resolution of condolence to W. hI, Ainley and wife. Mr. Ainley is the Master Workman this term. RO5T. ARMSTRONG has purchased the amount lot West of and adjoining hie premises on Market street from Defies Fannie Montgomery and fenced it in this week. It will be a nice acquisition to Mr. Armstrong's property. Tae Stayner Watchman, of March 18tH, says of a former Bruseelite :-The many friends of Albert H. Fitzpatrick will be pleased to know that he has been successful iu securing a stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes in the town of Preston. A. H. is a hustling Dry Goods mat, and one who understands the beeinees thoroughly. We wish hint every suc3959. FOOT BALT, CLUE BE.onGtNIZND.-A meeting of those iuterosted in foul ball in this town wee held in the parlor of the Qneeli's Hotel, when the following of cera were eleoted for the en0uln3 year ;-Non.- Pret., G. F. Blair ; Hon. Vioe'Preo., Dr. lialblebsch ; President, Jae. Fou ; Vice - President, A. Coueley; Captain, W. Arm• etrcr)g; Soo -Treas., Leon Jaokson; Gom- mitten, Chas. Siders and Jas. Thomson. The Secretary WKS instructed to %elite to ncighhnring towns with reference to forming a lengue, Lew Jeoksen, the old time tack, will play with the team this 5ea5on. Benne SND Cnnwse.-The Culloden Cheese and Butter Fnatory, managed by W. A. Edgar, formerly of Brussels, is quite an iu<titution and the following figurce may show to some of our readers the hearty way in which the farmers of that locality support it :-Toted pounds of milk, 2,690,800 ; total pounds of oheeee, 288,508, or 119 tons and 503 pounds. Total pounds of butter fat, 146,838 ; average butter fat test plug 2%, 5,57 ; steerage price per pound for cheese, 8.188 Dents, The Creamery runs from December to April. 11 en are the etatis• ties for it taken from 1.1 last report pre- sented :--Pounds of milk, 680,820 ; pounds of bntter, 27,988 ; pounds of but. ter fat, 25,256. It took 28,82 lbs. of milk to melte a pound of butter and tbo aver. age pride received for the latter was 18.- 910 cents par pound, The average teat for year was 8.78, Almost ell the butter was exported, Six weeks matte of un• salted butter went to Jdngland to fill cue order, eold by sample, Butter and cheese manufacture appear to be so closely a5. s0clate(1 that the 5000500 of the one in- euree a good return for the other. The time is not far distant when the majority of. ohees0 factories will make butter in tho Winter. TAE BBUISS L POST ^t ewer ontyraRttela 4a&elnliUITHereanaa'i,U ite01a1rar.91R.4 Tout live hog trade is booming. Femme; are getting ready fur mettle sugar making. McKee lCa. Will 11113110tile "Stormer" blvyole this year. Nrahsh is eerely coming as (1001'ge, ,the IIatter hit the town this week, Some talk of to branch of the W, 0. T. IT, being reorganized in Brussels. Ger the snow off your there of the side. walk If you have not already done so, Meeeue, KEARNhtY.1) MCCRACKEN, growers, are opening up their new stock this week. Amur 0.008 shares ware sold in Brute sere and locality 111 the eilvor 01iue repro• rented by Colin McArthur, S, T. Pelee has disposed of his sorrel driver this week to 1'. DetVolf. It is a geed 'minted and only 5 year's old, Ott, thanks are due to a goodly num. ber of enbsaribers who have squared up to 1898 iu the past few weeks, Have you 1 BRosstn,e Laundry be turning ant first• 01115s wont and is 30 013ieg a largo stere of patronage, considering the season of the year. Nem: week we will give some Interest- ing point's about the State of eliseieeippi, gleaned from a hater written by George IIeapy, who recently removed from Broe. eels with his wife and family. 141Eeses, Chico & Woes shipped a double decked cur of hogs from Brueeela on Tuesday and a similar number from Belgrave. Ou Thuredoy this enterprise bng firm forwarded a car of fine cattle from this station. A NECESSARY muulelpai work will have to be done ere long in Brussels, viz., the reiewi05 of the sewers on Turnberry street. It is nearly 20 years sines they were put down and the lop planking is badly decayed in ntnneroue places. THE gravel road North and South is very bad 191 places since the thaw. Some- thing should oertainly be done by the "athmasters to plow out the snow banks. It will be cheaper than paying damages of somebody meets with an accident through their neglect. 600 a few days after the Fitzsimmons - Corbett fight there was quite a number of embryotie pugilists both in. Brussels and elsewhere donned the gloves and tried the "upper cut," "jab," ',knock. out,' &c. In a few cases we heard of an elevated probosois, a blank eve and other minor damages. It was all for fun. A. Co0sinY bas leased the store recent- ly vacated by D. C. Ross, for a 13icyale Wareroom, and has now on exhibition wheels manufactured by five of the lead - bug Canadian firms. He has a repairer engaged for a short time and any one desiring to get their wheels pat right should Beed them in at once. A TEAx to exemplify the Third Degree has been arranged in aonneetion with Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. le., Brussels. Arthur MoGuire is the captain. Thursday evening of last week was their initial work, two candidates receiving the degree. The initiatory and let and 29161 degrees have been given with the latest floor work for nearly 13 years. A soon was given to Spring millinery on Tuesday evening of this week in Brits• eels. Somebody says it would be no sin to worship some of the new creations as they were unlike anything in the heavens above, the earth beneath or the waters under the earth. The boys de. serve eucourauement, however, as it may materially aid the family purse in the time to come if they can suitably Dater to the wants of the home circle iu this very important item. - THE leclm'e given by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A„ Thursday evening of bast week was a very fine one and for abnut two hours the rev. leotnrr•r interested his audience ite sights and scenes at and aboub Clifton Springs and Watkins Glen. G. F. Blair occupied the chair. "Calm on the listen• lug air" wee the title of a well reudered quartette by Misses Kate Wilson and Mary Ross, and T. A. Hawkine and J. H, Cameron, Miss Lida Crooks stung "The song that reached my heart" with good ea.0C People We Talk About. Harry Crowe, of Toronto, is in town. W. J. McCracken was on the sick list. J. Watson, of Listowel, was in town on Tuesday. F. S. Scott was in London this week on a business trip. Mrs. Geo. Hogarth was visiting at Kin- cardine this week. W. 1. Stewart is in Toronto this week on a business trip. Mr. Johns, of Wingbam, is visiting his nephew, W. F. Vanstone. Frank Stratton, of Gerrie, spent Sun- day in town with relatives. Miss E. Whalen, of Durham, is visit- ing her cousin, Miss Norton. Walter Richardson will leave for Dan. phin, N. W. T. next Tuesday. Miss Crisp, of Londeeboro', is visiting Mrs. Geo. Cardiff, John easel. Miss Lizzie Leatherdale is visiting ber aunt, sirs, Londesboro', in Seofortb. Jon. Downing is off duty this week from an at1tt01t of erysipelas in the head. Dr. McDonald, M. P., has gone, to 06. taws to attend the sessions of the House of COmn101:9, S. Caldbiok, of lforrin, is studying for a veterinary surgeon with 111. 13. Moure, V. S., Brussels. Fred. Loth tris been quite ill during the past week with quinsy. Ho is board• fog ab the American Hotel. Rev. S, Jones' health is considerably improved and ho has been able to get about during the past week. Alex. McNeil had the misfortune to out the tendon of his left thumb last Setter. day while using his jack knife. Station Agent Kendall is still confined to the hones, although he is able to be out of bed and is improving nicely, tVe ars pleased to see our old friend, J. Y. S. Kirk, who has been laid aside so many months through illness, able to get about on the street again. It is esid that Will. Beaker, who went to Newark, N. J., last year, will take a position as butcher on a steamer plying between New York and Mexico. Jno. Hewitt, Colin McArthur and Dan, McDougall sported on a tour Weetward on Wednesday of this week, British Columbia is said to be the uhjeatiye point. We wish them semen, Wednesday of this week Charlie Kend- all, who has been in the tailoring depart - merit of 1). C. Roes' business for nearly three years, left for Toronto, where be has secured a situation as coat maker in the large shop of R. 3. Score it Son. The Methodist S. S, Orabas6ra will Mies Charlie, as he played the trombone in it, Ile is a steady going, industrious, gentle- manlyyouth and ebtuld get along all right in the world. Joseph Teielhop, who lute been blaolt- smithiug in 31. II, Jaolteon'e shop, has gone to Manitoba on a proepeoting tour. W. A. Edgar, wife aid children, of Culloden, were renewing old friendships in Brite=els and locality during the past week J. 1I Sparline has demon(' of his hard- ware business in Nenetarlt end will go Into the better lunging again this Spring. At present he is visiting his sieter, sirs, Watson Ainley, in town. Jas. Moore was visiting his brother and other old friends in Brussole this week, TIe goes to Jtanitoba whore he will spend 6 months before returning to Trinity, Toronto, to proceed with his medical course, Business Locals. TRUNIre and Satchels, cheap, T. 0. R iahards. LAKE herrings for Salo ab Sao. Bailee. tyne's grocery. No, 1 Clover and Timothy seed cheap at ItlaCraoken'e. Gm3x0 bargains, in IIarness. Come and see. 1. 0. Riolutrdo. APPLR'1.0.N'S world renowned Teas for sale at Thomeou'e. SEE our stylish Shoos, to fit both feet and parse, L O. Richards. Roams or dwelling to rent over my store. I. 0. Richards. SEED Peas for sale, warranted clean. Walter Yuill, gravel road. Repents in Harness and Collars done cheap and durable. I. 0. Richards. Nrow stook of envelopes to heed at Tug Pose Publishing House. Get your 110e1 - nese card printed on 500 of thein. Price less than retail rate. Kenz'e Clover Root, the great Blood- Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and ollres constipation. 25 ate, 50 ore and 91.00. Sold by James Fox; Druggist, Brussels. Sntnou'e aura is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient 0onenuhption. It is the best cough oure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ors., 50 ct5. and 81.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Breese's. C0M1'oBTA13tn brick residence with every convenience, furnace, &Co.,for sale or to rent. Immediate poeseeeion given. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Tnrnherry street, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, 17. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :-"Shilob's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 60 cents• Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, .Luna• sell. T L., u..,l•-wine fur 25e. each time after the first time if 910 one files between Hines, and I charge accordingly if saw gets damaged. Wood taken in payment if delivered nt the time the deal is made, Taos. Mee:Tenonat. Cenre'o.--Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 50n. to 91.00. Howls & Co. BAnsou; OFFERED. -That eligible half aero lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die' posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to Joan HARGREAVEs, 174 Queen at. West, Toronto. Tian hardest saws warranted full set without breaking, as I have a new, 51af0 and fast way of ee6ting saws. Sews that are in line order given in exchange for saws that are out of order by payiug the difference. T. McGregor, saw filer, Brus- sels, Queen St., East. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR --If 110 advises Ood Liver Oil we recommend Wompole's Tasteless Preparation. You can't taste the oil ; all yon taste is wild cherry, and that's good. What you get is flesh and strength. Cures coughs, colds and waetive diseases, Jas. Pox, 3.m Chemist and Druggist. SEO1019 OF THE Law ODrtoo.-The Dew law book entitled "Be Your Own Law. yer" gives in plain language what may justly be called secrets or treasures of the late office, worth to any intelligent bosi• nese or professional man too times the price of the work, For speoiunen pages and price, acldrees W. H. Anger, 28 Ulster Street, Toronto. 'There is room for a few more agents. NEw,BtuutnY,-Elaving purchased the business and good will of N. Blackmore, I am now in possession and prepared to attend to the wants of the public. We will have constantly on hand a first-class supply of bread, buns, aakee and poetry. Bread delivered daily to all parts of the town. Orders promptly attended to. The patronage of the people of Brussels and surrounding country solicited. Satis. faction guaranteed. W. A'. Ceicu. • Roan. -In Elma, on Merck 10th, the wife of Mr. Win. Robb of a son. H,1MIL1'ON.-In Eima, on Tarok 1811, the wife of 14Ir, Wm. Hamilton of a son. Hem'nv, In Norwioh, nn Feb, 20th, the wife of Dr. E. E. Harvey of a dangle. ter. S01:veoN -In Elma, on March 18111, the wife of Mr, Alex. Simpson of a eon. GemeoN-Boimon.-On the 28rd inst., at the reebcle7ce of the bride's mother, by Rev, S. J. Allis, of Breese's, as- eieted by Rev. 3. P. Weetman, of Welton, Mr. Samuel Glidden, of Clinton, to Mies Ellen Ourry Bolton, of the township of !Manion. Lyme;-lieetssoo.-At the resirlenne of the bride's father, on March 10th, by Rev, P. Mnegrove, Mr. George Little to Miss Emma Robinson, old• get daughter of Mr. Andrew Robin- son, of McKillop. MOKINNRV,-Iu Bluevale, on March 14th, Thos. J. McKinney, aged 88 years and 15 days. MaDoNAnn.--In Wingham, on March 141.11, Nancy, relict of the late Wil• Liam MoDmtald, DUNOAN,-In Bluevale, on nl1ltrub 14th, Norman Dunne, aged 21 years, Cohmuo,-Io Walla township, Algoma, on March 201911, Thos. Currie, formerly of Mortis township, lIurou Co., aged 56 years. W,trsoo.-In Hallett, on March 20th, Robert Watson, egad 86 years and 9 months. Roan. -In Elms, on 1,103011 1Gt7, the intent son of 976'. and Mrs, Wm, Robb. MI,Rny81EI,D.--In Monkton, 017 March 13611, the lofant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 11Torryfiold, FuATEElto''xoNR.-In Monkton, on the 11th March, llIre, Wm. Featherstone, aged 80, years, INTAll 26, 1897 ImilaraturrAlatinneersteriensinazsmanzemreibmemenersofinamoneavoneliderriarsmamenirtmer ST4XDeI R.D Br/4.NK OF 04tN,2D4. T.41.3=,IGS-xwD 0.E'72, HEAD OFFICE, ^ TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) . 97,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - . - 92,000,000 Agencies is all principal poi)1te in Ontario, Quebec, Mint tnlla, United States dt.Snplalld, W nUSv91'242'r,5' lfa. aPi'. c# General Banking Business Transacted. farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Iesued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to dello of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SenorAA ATTENTION GIVEN TO rm, 001,41IaT10N oe T1'Attbtltne' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe, T. A. STEWA.R7' MANAGER. ..e.v.,.a,nom�r,ma.!m.a'rwvc>�s>zru.�a.irtaeou., nm.....v.,>m,,,,as®.m,mm„m�mw.eaao,,.,., MB= ITSSM1S-IS 3v(C.6.M,=']O'x' 3, T1IRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. - Pipet nmrtenga, farm security. Apply at 1010 POST Publishing House, Brussels. Pa11 Wheat Spring wheat Barley, Peas Peas (large) Oats Butter, tube and rolls Eggs per :keen ......., Floor por barrel......., Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton Ilidee trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bbl......, IIogs, Live Dressed flogs 71 72 80 20 22 37 38 54 61 17 18 10 11 9 400 400 25 7 00 8 0n S 63 4 1 00 00 50 15 40 50 4 75 4 80 6 00 0 50 Dente MARKETS.- Liverpool - Choose firm ; demand moderate ; finest Allied - eau, white and colored, 57s. Od. ]3uttor- Finest 11. S., 90s, ; goad, 55s. New York -Butter firm ; State dairy, 30. to 18c. ; do. oreamory, 13e. to 184c; western creamery, 130. to 100. ; do factory, 70. to lee, ; Elgius, 100. Cheese firm ; State large, Oe. to 1240.; do. small, Do. 6o 12:1o. ; part shims, 60. to 73c. ; full skims, 340. to 4o. TORONTO, ONT., March 23rd. -Market quiet. Flour quiet ; prices unchanged and steady; straight roller nominal, at 93.05 to 93.70. Bran quiet ; offerings limited ; ton lots quoted at $11 to 912 west, and shorts at 910 to 511 for oar lots. Wheat -Moderate trade ; prices heavy; red winter sold at 733 roost, and white is quoted at 743o west ; No. 1 Man. hard sold at 83o midland, and it offers 87c west, with 86o bid ; No. 2 hard quoted at 81c midland. Buckwheat-Demaud lin' ited ; car lots quoted at 25e to 230, oast. Barley steady ; moderato demand ; No 1 quoted at illo ; No. 2 at 28e ; No. 3 extra at 24c to 25o, and No. 3 sold at 2193. Oats - Demaud fair ; prices firm ; sales of white at 180 west, and of mixed at 17c to 1780. Peas quiet ; sales at 390, north slid west. Corn -Moderato dammed ; holders asking 28c to 29c fnr new, but a sale of old reported at 270. Oatmeal quiet ; prices auohanged ; 006 lots, 9.1.80 to 99.90. Rye dull ; car sold at 89.0 middle freights. OTTAw•4, March 23. -The total export apples to Europe this season is very much in excess of that of last year. The total exports to Liverpool is 773 barrels ; total to other ports, 0,001, making a total export of 6,714 barrels, The largest ship- ment was made from Halifax of 28,398 barrels. Boston came next with 20,806 barrels. The total shipments so far have been 2,732,458 barrels, as compared with 701,870 in 1895 G. Of the total shipments from the continent of America t0 Europe more than one-half was grown upon Canadian soil, and shipped from Cantle Mau ports. London, England, is the purchaser, as 1.81,374' barrels were sent there last season, and 0(37,015 barrels have found a ready market there this season. Glasgow takes second place, having consumed 122,022 barrels Met sea. son and 400,117 this year. EAST RI:WALo, N. Y., March 23.- Cattle- 09113, a few head 0n sale, and trade of the deddliug sort ; closed steady, with fair prospects. Calves -Something stronger ; best vents, 95.60 to 90.75. Sheep and lambs -0 cars on ; choice lambs sold at $5.00 to 96.75 ; good handy sheep, 91.50 to 94.70 ; some heavy sheep unsold. IIogs-12 oars ; gniot ; a shade easier ; Yorkers, 94.20 to 9.1.20 ; mixed mediums and the few good heavy Bold at 94.25 ; a fete choice lot of pigs sold at 94 to 94.10. The MorcautilnReviow says to day :-"Twenty eight cars out of the thirty cars of Caua<las, stud the fifteen oars of Michigan and Ohio footling cattle, on cur 119061609 yesterday were purchased for and shipped to western points to food, the bulk of the consignment being Cana. diem. ]Evidently there is a steady nod growing demand for these cattle to eat up the chomp corn that tie wastern farmers have to dispose of," To11oN'ro, March 23r61, -The run of stuff at the western cattle yards was light to. clay, and the resnlb was that the market was firmer in nearly every lino. Thorn were 40 carloads, including 185 sheep and lambs, 850 flogs and 30 calves. There was a fair amount of buying for Montreal autl Buffalo, About ton carloads of butchers' oabtle `vont east. Export cattle iu good demand ; light 9300 ; quotations firmer slightly ; ruling lienees wore for best cattle for export, for 4o to 40o per lb.; poorer class went at 83o to 33c. Butchers' oetto-Good trades ; everything sold early, and soma (,f iho best cattle went very high in price. L'or ordinary to good carload lots pt.'iaes were llito to So. It 18 nob expected, however, that present Ilan. nese will be permanent. Bulls -Quota- tions for export bulls ruled from 83c to 4e por lb., and stook belle were in good do. mend at 23n to tela per lb. Stockers - Demand for Buffalo fear ; pricesrnifng at 82.70 to 92.90 per cwt. ; a free good ones touching So par lb. Feeders --Sono good feeders aro wanted to fill vacancies in byres. Those taken to -day brotaghtfrom 30. to 690 pot 1b, Slioopin better demand and firm ; btteks sold at 290 per lb., and good ewes at 8}0 per. lb, Lambs --Good grain -fed, weighing from 00 to tOOpoiuds, sold for 5o to 60 per lb. Hogs -Light run ; market firm and strong; choice sclootions of bacon hogs sold at Se. to 66c. - RE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. AND9CHEURI BARLEY Fon 5X08. -Tile barley yielded the most arum and straw at the 0. A. C. Guelph, 1t is clone. PETER ROBERTSON, 87.1 Lot 8, Cou, 0, dray. 0p0rDice wWil AboNpTEDfu—r SIA1loKr tTe cords 0f emit wood, 1, erI.1101' soft m' hard, to be delivered I1 4, , Bross mb rho EN'1110RP101814 SAI,'L' WORKS, Brussels. ant Estate of T. T. COLEMAN, ri0 BENT. -A BRICK RESI- ]IENCIt On Queen street, w151u an aor0 of land attached, largely devoted to fruit vulture, Possession given On April lab. Witt rent by the year. Apply to 'Tins, PEPPER, lot 5, eon. 0, Grey, 30.0 Notice of Dissolution, NOTION ie hereby given that tllopartner- ship hereto subsisting between us, the un- dersigned, as Druggist', Honk and Talley Goods merchants in the V1lhtge of Brussels, 1105 this day been dissolved by mutual con- stant. All debts on'ing to said partnership 000 10110 plod at 01100 t0 G, A. Deatlinlnt at Brussels, and all claims against the said G, A. Dea tlnnu by whoop the ato bepresenteto he aad be settled, Dated at Brussels this 8th day of 5larah, A. 11., 1697. WHtause, 30..A. DEADy3AN, U. 17,13LAIR, (A,1, in00ALL, REAL ESTATE. i"..1ARMS F011 SALE. -THE UN. Hfln19R0IGVIr.D Das e5veral good Farina for sale cod to rent, easy torula, in Townships of 30ou'is and Gray. F S. SOOTT•Bruesels �j ARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES in the Township of Howlett being lots 16 and 10 Coll. °, 80 acres are Olearsd, and 20 acmes in bush. Bank harm with stone stab- ling underneath, mid frame house with oelhu•, 0 good thriving orchard. Pahl iH situated 8 utiles from Wroxetor. Farfur- ther paltleulnrs apply to ALBS. HISLOP, 34-1 Wroxeter P. 0. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -I00 acres of good farm land at Springfield, 8 utiles frons Winnipeg, le offer- Otl for Bale at Glow price, Tim property is North East 1 Sec,10, Twp. 11, Range 1, East. There is a Mouse on the premises and some breaking done, For full particulars as to price, title. &c., write or appy to G. F,130A0t or W. H. HERR, 20-61 Brussels, 0,11. FARM FOR SALE -THE UN- nER9lOtirD offers his eligible 01 acre farm for tole, being South part of Lot 0, Col. 12, Groy. All under cultivation, wall watered mid well folioed. There Is a good steno house, bank barn, oralla'd, wells, &o„ on the promises- Also a splendid stone quarry from which a good revenue is realis- ed. Only It miles from Brueeels. Terme reasonable. -For Portlier particulars as to urine, &c., appy to JOHN MITCHELL, Propllete', 35-tf Brussels P. 0. TABM FOR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South k nod S0n6111 of iho North d of Lot 80, Con 2; East Wawn- noah. This is 190 excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. it is situated about 8 milaa from the thriving Vil- lage of 131ytb. A largo part 0f It Is `tender grass. Buildings and fences are in 11 fall' state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. Fur all information apply to 11.11 0.1'. BLAI11, Barrister, Brussels, Q PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. t.. ''bat excellent farm, Lob 15, Oen. 0, Township of Grey, 100 acres, must be sold a6 once iu o'de' to close estate of doceasedown- en'. '1'710 lot is nearly Ian' cleared, with gond buildings, ample water supply, large or- chard, 11 miles from Crnnbroolr is under good cultivation and is a vnry desirable pro- perty indeed. Apply to RICHARD ai11- C111,LL, 14i towels P. O.; JOHN MITCHELL, of lb0 promises ; or A. HUNTER, Mussels, Dated Sept, nth, 180.1. 'lE ICAL CADS. • 11. AR1I5'TRON(I, 11, 1). f 8 1'lu'sician, Surgeon, Acconobrr, oto. 030,10 ate of Toronto University luedieal Faculty. Member of College of n'bytiuiuve and Surgeons, Out, 09030e -Neat door to 11ot/wield ee Go., Walton Ont. J. A. M'IVAUGI-JTON, M.D., 0.ll., Trinity'Uniyersity, Fellow !rein - ity ➢lacunal Oollegs, Member College or Ploy slain us and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal College on Physicians and Lle ,ethos of llfidwiferv, Edlubnrgh, t.-3'1'uleehous 00,11. Residence, Hill $ 1., Brossu la 019. F. H. KALBF'L11SC1 1'11Y01GLIN, seueon034 ,6N1) .0100000 33, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, ^ ONTARIO. let el anti Honor Graduate of the Univarel- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trhoity medical Oollogo1 Follow of Trinity 3:10411001 Oollego and member of the College of Phyeloiaus and Surgeons of Outar• 10. 1 oat Graduate Course 1n Detroit and Ohlaage, 1800, Spoilt) attention paid to dis- eases of ]cyst, Eur, Nose and Throat,and dis- eesesof Woneu. l 0onsnitatot fu Eng - lith and German,- Telephone at residence. In the Nigh Court of Justice, SAMPLE vs. 11IOLAUGHLIN, (Mora will bo recaived - b- y flo undersigned at hie °Moe in 430 Court 130000, dodsrieh, no to and Inclusive of 1110 Oft 1 day of April, 1807, at the hoc' of the ea o'clock in the afternoon, for the purobase of the lauds and promisee Ill 01100to11 heroin, namely: Lot anchor Three in iho Sixth (bonoossiou 01 the Town. ship of Grey,eOutdning 0110 hundred acres. '1130 title is indisputable and immediate poo• session mot he giVon. TltnMs 011 SALE. -Tel per Cent, 0010 p111. Obese money upon the ttocop6au11 of the offer and the ketenes in thirty daysthere- after w11)10116 interest, Full verticalae may be obtained on ap plioatich to W. Ii, SINCLAIIR 01 G. F. BLAIR,Bruesels 1 M, Q. CAMERON., 00dO- r1eb, Or the undersigned. B, L, DOYL7 , Acting l,00el Master Godorioh, 4Vlybf, SINOLkII1, I?laintilf's Soho tau A. Dot 18Ja76 Bodoriee this turd day of7Maron, A MISTS UTA'T 1O is founded on the quality of the goods he sells and the accuracy with. Which they are dispensed, There is 110 doubt on these 114'O points When the pure].)ase is in tide from us, "Care is our Watchword" "Accuracy our infallible rule." "Quail t'y our leading feature " JAS. FOX DRUGGIST it: I300Ji:SELLER. HELLO Watch out for our Wall Paper advt. next week. VETERINARY. T• D. WARWICK, 3 Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all Wrangles of demesbioated animals In a o052- eeteut 11000010. Parkin -liar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. 011lce and Lha unary -Fe nr doors north of bridge •rurnborry at, Brussets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 11-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, J. e Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Oilino-Vanatone's Block, Brus- sels, 01.1m ��• lel. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, 0oovoyaucer ,Notary Pub- lic, &n. Oilioe-Vaostone's Block, 1 door nortb of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, . G;. CAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister hurl Solicitor, Gndorich, Out. Olace-Hamilton St., Opposite 001- borno Hotel, !^t F. 13LAIR, BARRISTER, �f• Solicitor, &a. nate of Darrow & Pro11dfooL'n Olnoe, 0odorich,) Office over Sillies & Smith's Bank, Breese's. Money to Lotto. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GiEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka specialty. Orders left at THE Pon Publishing Hoose, Brit seols, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ERB, will sell for better prides, to better men in Dee time and lege charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he 300n'6 charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this olllee or by personal applioatiou, ("APT. J. STRETTON, N.J Who lies had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing bo ill health, has again taken outlicense and is prepared to (waded sales at reasonable terms. S tosfaatiou ouaranteed. Dates unay be arranged at THE PosT Publishing House. JAS. STRETTON, 18.15 Auctioneer. ancient Order of United workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Asso c Mien numbering 050000 members are pre smiting t0 the public their popular and ncon- onli.0nl rates to worthynl en, at the very low rate of about $8.00 per $1,000 per ammm. The "Workmen" Promptly Pity Death Claims cad expect a largo Increase to ire ulemboro n01v that those American Lino Companies don't 50052 satisfactory to Can- adians. 14CBT. ARMSTRONG, M. W.1 W. H. 13131111 Recorder; J, A. CJtj]ieuros,Plnaunlor. BUSINESS CARAT. AAT H. MGCRAOKEN, Insurer °MMlarriage Lioouse5, Mee at his 0roo007, •Purnborry 56reob, Brussels. N. BARRETT, d). Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and o.hih'h'eus hair cutting is specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Batik tepee Deposita from $2.00 to $1,600 out] allows 81 per cent. interest. T, .GAIIROW, 07-8m Foatmastor. ROBERT OUNNINQHAM• I80D1t1Na0, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER !met of Marriage Licenses, OlrmIan AT Jew:tame STONE, t;3'No Witness Required. T, FLI;TOE1713, Brussels ALEX., HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Divleion Cour da. Enron. Couveyanoe,', Notary Public) Land, Loan and Theme nee Agent. Fuut15 invested and to loan, Oolleeti9u5 made Od1oo in Graham's Bleak, B305001s HOS, A. HAWEINS, Will give IoesOns to pupils either on maim eV orguan, ab hie Wale 1100111, opposite the poet•oIltee, lbruseels, coal loathes aloe given, `Con years exper10n8oh1 toauhiug. -Lerma moderate. 2 rl