The Brussels Post, 1897-3-26, Page 61.e (glr sst.Cs .vet ----ze 0t:nLr0110011.-- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING lin time for the curly meds) at "The Post', Mtcnln Publishing Meuse, TlniNl3ga0Y So., Ba088aLe, ONT, Tarsus or SUBsalhlpr1ON,-0110 dollar a year, iu advance. The Ante to which every eubserlptill is Paid i0 denoted by the date on the address label• ADVDIe t0010 RATos.—'rho following rates will bo charged to those who advertise by the year. =------r-tee C.); 1sli"113010 I omo one O01umu Beam II 005.00 80000 Salt """'I 2000 1000 8.00 Quarter " l •"10 800 6.00 Eight coats p er fine for first Insertion, and. three cents per line for each aubeoqueut tn- Barden. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -1s hues to the i moll. Business Carne, eight 11ues und under, 86 per annum, Advertisements without ep801110 d1Ku1 tions, will be 4usert8,1 until forbid, charged accordingly. Instructions to change or discontinue au advertisement must he loft at the counting 000131 of Tun POST not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative. I9:10ICrt. , Editor and Proprietor. "Is the Class Meeting still a Necessity ?r" The fo'lewns,; ,'aver was presented by IBev. 11, Pasl at the recent Class Leaders' Convention held in Gerrie "Is the Claw ?Ieeting still a Nsees. 1" ek id h This n an ou e , e tiara ca d 't n e st 7 Y answered with one word, the word ccs. Emphatically and indispensably ]'es. But it may be asked is the class meeting Scriptural ? If the question be oon3ned to the words "Class Meeting" we answer nn, there 1s eo such phrase in the Bible. If confined to the idea of en Ch a meeting we answer yes, in the most decided man- ner. We give three passages from the Divine Word. "Ye are lily witnesses, settle the Lord," Now, a witness fs a person who can and does bear testimony, and in this case the man bears testimony to God, His love, power to save, wisdom to guide, grace to sustain and of divine faithfulness. "Come and hear all ye that fear God, and I will declare what He bath done for my soul." Here we have a man who ba8 received good from the Lord and who is not only willing but anxious that others should know it, hence the invitation and the declaration. The next is Malachi, 3, 10—"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to an- other, and the Lord hearkened and heard 11 and a book of remembrance was writ- ten before Him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upoa His name." Those people feared the Lord, they ns- sembled together. and that often ; the Lord took note of it and heard whawas passing among them ; there was a record made of their sayings and doings and a blessed promise w00 made concerning them. Now I think we are safe fn say- ing that the Bible gives countenance to the fellowship and class meetings. Now to the question, "Is the Claes Meeting Still a Necessity ?" It appears to me that the word "still" ehonid have a passing notice as it implies that class meetings bave been a necessity, and if 90 in the past why not now ? Therefore we answer yes, because (I) The class meet- ing is a training school. A first-class training school is of the highest import. anoe to meatal culture, intellectual de. velopmeut and material prosperity. What would be thought of a man who would come forward and say there is no necessity for our Puddle schools, Normal schools, Colleges end Universities? Every man of good souse would pro• nounce the man off his bases and no friend to his country or race. Great as is the necessity for mental advancement and intellectual improvement, the educa- tion and improvement of man's spiritual being is higher beyond compare, as much as the soul is above the body in value. Here the question Domes in "How and where can the soul be best educated in all things pertaining to the higher life ?" Herein men may differ, and differ widely. I believe in private and family prayer, in the careful and constant reading and study of the word of God ; that the pub- lic services should have due attention, but the class meeting is as essential as any. I am alive to the fact that much depends upon the leader—his moral status, intellectuol power, hie knowledge of God, the Bible and human nature. How fearful hie responsibilities ! IIfe work is to instruct men and women in divine things, to lead them in the high- way of life, to feed them with the bread of heaven, to warn of the dangers of sin, the evils of the world, the devices of Satan and the deceitfulness of the human heart. Now, all these being as they should be, the cines meeting is the best training school of which tee have any knowledge. One reason for this is that you come lu personal coutact with each soul. Preaohing may be all right and good, but people aro very generous and give it away to other's. This cannot be in the class cervine. Bet further, mens. hers can be trained in the principles of Truth, the doctrines of the Bible, and what is right between man and maw, be- tween man and his Maker. Tho class meeting is still a necessity beoeuse, (2) The wants of the soul are ever the same. There 31)80 many ways in which it is pos. sible for man to cheep so that hie wants may not be the same. As a] illustration, hero is a ratan who is poor and has to labor hard with ilie hands for his daily bread, but through the change of circum• stances he becomes rich, therefore he has no need to labor as heretofore. It is pee• Bible in the spiritual life for man to im- prove, to grow, to bo strong in faith, but he will ever need the light of God to light tip his pathway, the wisdom of God that he may be more wise, the Spirit of God to grade him into all truth, the help of God in all the batlos of lite and the power of God to sustain him at all times and under all oireumetanoes, But it must never be forgotten that man is de- pendant on hie fellow, No man Heath unto himselt or for himself alone. Then knowing the wants of the soul and the need of hof , it ie reasonable to ask where can 3 obtain what I need and mese have to live and prosper ? What lanced. ed is power, the sunlight of heaven, the fulness of salvation, and the class meet. frig is ono means through which all can be obtained. "They that wait upon the Lord e hall retl0ly tbeir strength." Many say they can do without the oleos meet- ing and they do ; hot do they ()spend to the high altitude they might ? 1Tnve they the fulness of divine greae they should eujoy 0 Is their experience 80 rich, full and blessed as it might and would be were every opp0r8nnity need to Advantage ? eleriend, lin en higher," The olaee meeting is etill a neeesslty be. cause (3) It is a test of loyalty to the aborad and to God. Tbo ohuroh is an organization for man's good anti 813088 who uudertook the work did what Nese though best to a000mplieh the end in view—God's glory in man's salvation. The class meeting was one of the means established and the wisdom of the estab- lishment has beam proved by the amount of good that has beau accomplished. No one can fully estimate the good that has been done by the plass meeting. Persons on entering the Methodist church declare theirfaithin the doctrines held and preached by that ohuroh and n willing - nese 80 observe all the usages of the ohuroh and attend all the means of grace when practicable. Now, is the person 0 loyal member who departs from the church in any of Lha' -e respects '? We think such persons (menet be, and if not loyal to the ohurmb can they be loyal to Cod and truth ? The church is a divine organization, ostebliehed on principles that are right and just, pure and good, that will prove a blessing to man and the race. But some one may say, I don't believe in class meetiugs as they were nob appointed by God. But the Lord ap• proves of them, as is evident from Ilia presence with His people, in them, the manifestation of His grace, power and love, A person is loyal to his country and the rutin' when be observes the laws and does whet to right and just to pro- mote, in every way, the best interests of the same. And so it is with the °huralt of the Lord Jeune Christ. When I attend class in right spirit, with a pure motive 1 life t0 P0• am 1 8 an • 'warn Om, I t ty e to U 1, y, (sive good, while at the same time I will be a blessing to sense one else, and as a result I will honor God. Let a person give the (lase meeting a thorough trial by Constant attendance, promptitude a0 to time ; go in the spirit of Christ, testify of God's goodness, IIis power to save, and he will show his loyalty to the church and to his ;Maher. The class meeting is still a necessity because, (4) It is a teat of spiritual life in the soul. If there is anything in eonueeti0u with man's being that should be properly tested, clearly understood and fully known it is the Mete of his spiritual life, the nonditions of that life and his relation to God. The only standards by which all this can he found are the truth as we have it in the Bible, the Holy Spirit liv- ing in the heart, and meeting with others ou the way to the kingdom. We test the state of the atmosphere by the ther- mometer ; WO measure thine by the chronometer ; we test the state of the human body by the clinical thermometer; we test the state of our spirituel life by coming in contact with God, Ris word, His people and this in the class meeting. Here we meet a maw who has been living very, near to the Lord Jesus, feeding ab his Father's table, drinking from the liv- ing life•giving fountain and so is in a high state of grace, and as a consequence has power with God and man. Dere is a sister whom the Lord has blessed. Now she is living on a high plane of Christian experience, on the tnouutain where only few are found. lien we find out our standing, our real state end con• dition, what the are, what we might and should be. The leader can test the state of his own heart, his quelificatione for the work and the claims upon him from hie class. The class meeting is still a necessity because (5) It is the time and plane to feed the soul with the Bread of Life. Man is abeing who is much in need of food, food for the body, for the mind old for the soul, and without good, strong, wholesome, nourishing food he will die, This is true of the body, mind and soul. The Saviour knowing this, set an example by feeding the multitude ; He also said to Peter "Feed my sheep, feed my lambs." Now the leader Comes before us as a shepherd, and hence his quslifiaations, duties and responsibilities. To be fully qualified and equipped for this all.importent work he must know God, the holy soriptureo and the spiritual needs of the mentbere of his class. He wants a warm, tender, loving heart, lull of sympathy, all on fire with love to God and man. Then to do his duty as the steward of God be must be honest, true, earnest and faithful. He must feed his members with bread, true bread, the bread of life. FIe must give to every one a portion of meat in due season. Hence the time and place. How vast the re- sponsibility of the man filling this posi- tion, doing this work, discharging this duty, and for which he is accountable to Him who has said "For ail these things will I bring thee into judgment." There is no wonder that men should fear before God and ask "Who is sufficient for these things ?" The class meeting is still a necessity because, ((i) It is the time and plane to have fellowship with the Lord and with His people. To hold fellowship may be considered a duty and a privilege. We look upon it as a highly exalted priv- ilege to have cotnmenion with God and fellowship with the true nobility of earth. In the class meeting we have prayer, praise and testimony. This is surely a very great privilege and rich enjoyment to the man who is looping for and seeking after all the rich inheritance of the saints in light. That it is it privilege, a great privilege, will appear from some pass- ages of scripture, In John we have the following, "If the walk in the light es Ile is in the light we have fellowship one with another." David said "I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord." Aero- we meet with men and women--ohildron of the sante leather, united to the same Sevi• oar, walking in the same highway, ani- mated by the same spirit, whose aims etre the same --to glorify God on earth aid reach their eternal home in the land of the glorified above. "And if our fellowship belo:v In Jamie he eo sweet, Whet heights of rapture shall we know Whon round Iiia throne we meet ?" In Closing I have to say, (I) The clave meeting may bo abased, but that is no argument against Its neoeseity and use. (2) In building Mute01)00 in the future proper regard ebould be Gael to the class meeting and the Sabbath echool. (3) I hope the day will never come when the Methodiet chttroh will ignore the class meeting. Thomas Plummer, Manager of tho Bank of Montreal at Stratford, le dead. THE BRUSSELS POST MAR. 26, 1897 c: or-r-itat. L. L, Morrell flan 111)100; ill position a newly enlisted sign. A new floor is all improvement to the store of Nicholls cC Ferguson. Sea. lrostar and wife left an Tints lay morning of last week for Manitoba, Their destination is Nlaniiott, Hugh Carruthers and daughter, who have bean renewing old acquaintances in town and vio11131y for some tiille past, have returned to Portoge•la•I:'rairie, Man, Hormau O. ],vans, Seorotary of the Methodist Sabbath school, received It 0000151 on Saturday from the hoed ollioe of the Standard Bank, "Toronto, for the sum or 85. the contribution of the Gorrie Methodist Bethnal school to the Toilet remine Fund. 1'6x1-0,015Ger- F.\', Dickson has gone to Toronto. Our onrlers defeated \Vinghtun recent. ly by 15 shots. One gmusmibh, John Vogt, has in lois peeeessiou an old horse pistol which was used in the battle of Waterloo. The bioyole business is booming here. Between 15 and 20 wheels hev8 coma to town during the past couple of weeks. C. honahue, of Teeetveter, has been in town shipping a consignment of blooke from the Wrosetee mill to Liverpool. T. Hemphill purposes using the mil- linery shop, recently vacated by Misses Lang and Lennox, for a bioyole livery. Aire. Pomeroy and her nephew, E. Hazelwood, of Pottereburg, Ont,, visited friends and aegnninttm00s here hist week. The By -flew to matte the PoblioLibrary a free Library, which was voted on re- cently, was oarried almost unanimously, only two votes being oust against it. Before the departure of Wire. Weldon for Trehet'ne, Man., tho weathers of the Methodist church presented her with an address and a large photograph album as a token of their esteem for her. Gavin Davidson met with a pninful mishap. While shoeing a horse ho, in some way, slipped, and in endeavoring to set ftp, tee horse stepped on his baud, badly bruising his third finger. MCO n ra tots. Mr. Deftoti has decided to close up his business here and return to London. The jewellery business so long conduct• ed by the late Joseph Biddlecon}be has been sold by Mrs. Biddleoombe to Mr. Wilmot, of London, who was formerly connected with the business. D. Cantelon made a shipment of over 300 hogs, the largest ehipment of this nature that has left Isere for enlne time ; half of them went to Collingwood Pork Factory and the other half to Ingersoll Foatory ; the average price paid was 84.330 per hundred, end the total amount paid out was over 32500. Por sone time lt1r. Doherty has been intending to pull down the large smoke stacks on his factory, and replace them by new ones, and has been wondering what world bo the easiest way of getting them down. The heavy wind of Friday came to his assistance, and blew the stacks over. Hosea or Reruer.—The latest arrivals are Edith Barber, Tackeremith ; John Hayes, Morrie, and George Hall, of Stephen, the latter abseounded last July, and has josh been brought bank. A number are still on the sick list, includ- ing Manager French who has a touch of grip. Ltlr. Bone is able to be up and about. The teachers and 0filee ' „f Rattenbury street Methodist Snbbnth :,.'heel, with a few others, were invited I„ the home of, Mr. Foster, Superin'enn.-nt, where a pleasant social time was ..neut. In the course of the evening, IBev. air. Ifiilyard, addressing Mies Anna Holmes, presented Iter with a complete esti of Dickens' works, beautifully bound, as a r000gnition of the school's good will. She made a suitable reply in acknowledgment of the kind gift. She left Friday, for the home of her parents in St. Catharines. Tnr STAvler,y Coanrrrron.—The first meeting of the newlyappointed Stnvely committee was held Monday evening of Vast week, Mr. Molaggart being selected as chairman, and Mr. Coats, Secretary. The question of locating the intended Memorial Ball was first Under consider- etion, and after studying the circumstan- ces, and amount of money to be expended the committee unanimously decided to recommend its erection ou the north corner of the market square. The pro- posed building will have something like 26 or 30 feet front, with 40 or 60 feet in length, two stories ; the lower part to constitute a library and reading room ; the upper part to have a hall for the use of gatherings of any sorb not large enough for the town" hall. Air. Fowler submitted an ontline sltetah which ho had voluntar• ily prepared, but the committee did not approve of it, stud he was requested to prepare a couple of others. It wee un• officially stated the government intended to hand over the 310,000 to the credit of the town at once, and the Seacotary was requested to write and find out if this was the intention of the government. The committee thought the expenditure on building and equipment should not ex- ceed by one cent. $5000, bnitenee to be securely invested as the committee tbolght best. A. report accordingly will be submitted to the next Council meeting. Mr. Gauthier, Liberal M. P. for L'As- somption, was awarded 8800 end costs in his libel suit against Air. Jeannette, the Co1se'vative ex -member. With regard to the report that Ohms. Moss has been appointed Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeals, it ie stated that there is 110 variance/ in that court. The base of Ayer's Hair Vigor is a re- fined and delicate fluid, which iiora not moil or become ralloid by exposure to the air, and which is tis perfnet a- enbauituto lfor the oil supplied by natac0 in youth and h0tlth, ltd modern chemistry can ' pred000. I TAKE 8o -1E. ia,!31 ST 26 ote., 00 ole. and $1.00 Bottle. one cont a done. It It Inoipi nt guarantee all n" and e�the beet dough and arouse duo. Sold by .1.00, 8101X0 brngsisl, ltrissels. The Only One To Stand the Test. 1tev.'1William Copp, whose father \lite a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but sobse, gceutly entered the ministry of the It1. E. Church, writes; "I am glad to testify that I have 11aci analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepare - Ions known in the trade, but AYER'S +is the only one of them that I could 'recommend as a blood -peri flor, l have given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be tact."—'WPO. Corr, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. PRE 0111! V7031D'8 PATE Sarsaparilla When in doubt, ask forAyer's Pills Wanted -An idea Who rata think of some simple thins to patent? Protect our ideas; 1 pr 1y bring gyou wealth Write WEUDLDDUhPatent Atter. • ende..anetU. O., f00 their 51,81.0 oder end het or two hundred inventions warted. 'White Btu Line. ROYAL MAIL S'l'E, MI4IIIPN. Between New York and LIvernuol, via Queenstown, n0Ory \we"li,eeday. As the atoamors of this lino carry only a strictly liutitod number in the Fluoro and encion71 CABIN aaoontmoaathous, intending passengers are retniuded that an early ap- plication for berths is necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, a to., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. P10081 \71fI1 8119.38' a well mar% of YOU eI0081 y50817008 Toa 30001e = Sums IN Para =Lao. P30080 cures all Nervone Ul000noa, 8100031oaa• nese. Failing Memory, Nightly Emisslons, Sperms, lomhoea, koseto8,3', eco., Oaueed by post 00,3000' Given vigor and size to ehrhnlcea creams and. golalcly but surol r0et0n008000 MANta000 in old or young. Von P11008I sad you will grow strong and happy again. gent by mall In plain wrapper and securely soelod . from observation. ]cosily carried i . in mpocket,.neitherordinary or ro¢leter Druggagistt' W0000000—",a0 lettere for tb0 Do- minica of Canada. A. Real Estate 86 Loan Agent, • - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest hate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire ci Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. � e U L it 9 Office over Deadman & McOail's Store, BRUSSELS. Wanted—Afil idea Wfsome ho Oanpthint?nk oare lanae to wealth. patent? IVelteProtect. your [dens" they1� may bring yeti t Alter. Write JOHN gton. D, C., fo N .@ their Patent Alter. any( 01 01Waatwo hundred d d for ratio 0 w x1 prige olrnr and bet of two hunaeod faveuttone wanted. 0 9 THE O010INAL KIDNEY PILL CHASE'S 4 THE ONLY 1(IDNEY•LIVCIV PILLS t0 plus T. 15awons, M onager Standani 13,rnb, Itrnd- ford, Out., says, Cl nsee Kidney -Livor ('ills ars a grand med,cine for the. Kidneys. and Ltvse, W. C. CA00100 ns McCaul St Tense°, ra. praseuting Montreal Ste, says, Chars t'ilIS act like angio for the retie I' of hradmch b lions 01 teak and a0n,tipation. Sold every, h ro, no by mail on rvaaipt 01 prise, to 011)83131111 E.M1ICC ,R, 51, 45 LOMoflse 80. 1onow,1, 8Hi'l D 0ABi, FOB. 51111V107.,-•-`l'IIP 01,11;` Unftcrnignod s, 011 Itoep for eorvlou on Lot Ila, ('nu, 0, D 1110 Learn'. bred im' proved 108108 Yorkshire Near "lioleeto,l;' 830,1 Irmo S. I'1.73raLhntlT'e nweepstltkoe sow at t'Lioailo leuh'. vice no hh100 en bo paid a0 din Gime ee eo,'v10e with pr1v13050 of ro- rarldug 1f 11008ssllry. Pedigree may 110 80011 ou nPpi!uatiuu, 180131', 041018010. BRUSSELS Pll h,°4,:ORK$. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and enrrotmding district that I have pur. chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prio08, No better Pump in the mar9.tet. Order left at my shop or residence or at le. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. 3"Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Gree, 7 MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. FU8SELS Set' k RY E k 1\ 4' .n. I wish to acquaint the good people of Brussels and locality with the fact that I have opened up a Laundry in town, One Door West of Williams' Livery, Where I will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public in first-class style. Specialty load° of Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Ladies' 'Waists and Loco Curtains, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices Moderate. Your esteemed Patronage is solicited in supporting a local industry. r "Tail your Neighbor. SCOTT MANAGER. License 5. tr.ct 08' T(11; East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -keepers and Others- whom therfi\0110111 it may Concern. NOTICE 30 hereby given that Application for Licenses for the sale of liquor in the EAST REDING OF HURON Tor the 1,1001190 year 1807.08, welch oomme11- 000 0/1 th0 190 "hey of May tient, Will be re- ceived by the undersigned from Om present date up to Thursday, April let, 1897, inolusivo, Appltoaute Must fot'nieh the names of two good and eulrioleut sureties as bondsmen at the time oflnal1tug applica- tion. Any apltllloaut for a new lieeuso must furniolr a 000011100.00 signed by it majority of the elooters 80titled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly iu the Polling Sub- Uivf8to0 111 w1110h the premises e0uglt1 to bo licensed aro situated, and t110 said majority must include et louse 010 -third ofthe said eleetors, NV 110 are at the time of such aped. cation residents within 010 said Polling 8uh- l/1(11tml. JNO. R. MILLER, - INerac'rolt. Jamestown, Feb. 22nd, 1307. �3C�SIV:111i'�� Having purchased J. WYNN'S Blacksmith Shop and intending to make Brussels my home I feel satisfied I can give good satisfac- tion 1n Ilol'so-shoeing and all other branches -of the busines in the Blacksmithing line. I will be pleased to see all who will see fit to patronize ole with their work and will always try to be liberal and fair with my custom- ers. J. H. 'Tisrner Shop in connection with Jno. ynn's Carriage Works, Brussels iVe kee in stock and supply everything in Coal and Wood. Stoves, Either Parlor, Box or Cook First-class Furnaces From best Canadian Manufacturers, and Warranted to Work properly, TINWARE . OF ALL KINDS. Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c, Orders Taken for Coal. Shove and Furnace Men, Brussels. co Established The Polley Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to bo desired. hates and full infor- mation furnished on application. . 'int. 11. ZE11,11, Agent, Brussels.