HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-26, Page 5•
••anstws opal% • IORIP,Y1'
4115-trict tieWs,
Brussels poroma lair Thursday of next
The Bible Society meeting, annonneed
for Wednesday eveninq, was eaucelled
owing to the bad eonditton of the roads,
Mrs. Forest Was remleoted president
of the Cranheook Epworth League. A.
new peograrn hi in 000800 of preparation
for the next 0 months' term
Rev. Mr. McLeod's sermons wore high.
ly appreolated in eonneetion with Knox
church Communion services, Sabbath
evening meeting was withdrawn.
Last Sabbath afternoon the Methodist
peewit failed to get to Cranbrook, as the
sideromie from Roe's to We village were
almost linpagemble. Rev, Mr. Trimble la
expeoted next Sabbath,
Wm. Perrie was not at Gorlerich as a
jnror, es hie health would nob permit.
Ile is improving, however, and is able to
get about outside again. Wo hope he
will soon be cronvalescent,
Tho °Moore &looted in eonneetion with
the Oranbrook Elpworbli League or the
next six months are :—Ilott. President,
Rev. kir. Walker ; President, Mrs. J.
Forrest ; Seorehary, 1fenry Simon ;
Treasurer, Miss Ida Raddatz ; Organist,
Mime Olitra Mitchell. Convenor of 0. E,
Dept„ Mies A. Hunter ; Missionary, Re-
lief and Tertmeranoe, Mies M. Knight ;
Literary and IVIneioal, Miss Aggie Ma -
Nair ; Social and Christian Weloorne,
Mies Maggie Switzer.
Sugaring -off parties come next,
Brussels 'Horse Fair Thursday of next
Miss klaggio bloNair has returned
from Driveler.
Alex. Ross, of MoKillop, spent Sunday
at Wm. MoNabb's.
At the social held in Bethel 'thumb
Thursday evening of last week $0,00 was
Miss Tilde, Montle, of Crembrook, spent
last week on the 15th non., the poet of
Mee, Jas. McNair.
Geo. Sparring lost a valuable horse
lust Sabbath. Inflammation is supposed
to have been the mimeo of its death.
Jno. Brown, eth eon„ has purchased a
fine young Durham ball from Amos
Smith, the well known breeder, 2nd eon.
Miss Annie Douglas, nth con., who
was ill with inflammation of the lungs,
fe improving nicely and will soon be able
to be about again.
Among those who are suffering from
la grippe aro :—Wm. Fulton and wife,
Jno. McNair and wife, Mrs. Geo. Don'
lop and Peter McNeil.
13ad eoatis. Piles of snow on some of
the sideroade and bare ground an the
concessions. In a good ninny places the
roads were under water from the Spring
There was no strvioe in Bethel church
last Sabbath in the tnorning. In the af-
ternoon Mr, Wherry held a memorial
service in connection with the death of
the late Father Tyndall.
Lest week Geo. Marty, leth con., had
a eatioeseful wood bee, about 00 oords of
wood being out. The young people claim
they were equally suocessful in having a
good time the same evening.
Twelve new members wore received
last Sabbath morning at Roe's church,
the first instalment of the gracious re.
viva' in progress on that line. Rev. Mr.
Welker spoke suitable words of encourage.
urea on the oeorteiou.
This week we are sorry to state Wtn.
Hogg was taken to London asylum for
treatment. He has been melancholy for
some time, unnecessarily ao, over the
purchase of it second farm, and on the
advice of the physician he was placed
tinder the care of a specialist, which we
hope will speedily have o, beneficial effeet,
so that he may be restored to his family
and many friends,
To Ton Eritrea ov TUE PosT,—Aaeord•
ing to the report of last meeting of Grey
Connell, Alex. end Donald Stewart have
applied to get lot No. 0, con. 14, daubed
from 0, S. No. 1 and added to No. 2.
This is gb fabrioation, as the Council
know well enough that tve made no Buell
application to them, nor did we make
it of any other individual.
DEATEr Or AN Orm•Trant PittaznonIST.—In
the death of good old Father Tyndall, as
he was familiarly known, on the 17th
inst., at bis dang,hter's home, the corn.
munity loses a mull respeoted citizen
and Methodiena one of its early pioneers.
liway back about 00 years ago the sub-
ject of this notion was born in 13ranoe•
botten, Yorkshire, England. He woe a
shepherd boy, and it was one day when
attending to his masteee flocks in his
Dative shire 5580.5 5580 light of God's truth
shone into his soul, and ho witnessed a
change of heart. When 21 years old he
married Miss Elizabeth Smith, to whom
were born nine children, only three of
whom are living :—William, of Utah ;
Robert, of Normanby township, Ont. ;
and Mee, Daniels, of Elmo,. Besides
these he has 18 grandchildren and 26
great goandebildren. Ile emigrated to
Canada with hie wife many years ago,
settling first in the township of Albion,
Ont., where he resided 11 years, and then
moved 50 Wallace township, and EOM -
fluently to Elmo, where he bought a farm
on the 12th concession, and spent the
better half of his life on it, Mrs. Tyndall
died about 11 years ago, and shies then
the old man hae resided with one or the
other of hie ohildren, excepting several
years spent ander the hospitable roofs of
Samuel Wherry and Joseph Blittoltford,
of the 12th oonoession of Elms, where he
felt Much at home. Converted when a
loci he joined the Primitive Alethodist
church, and aontinued a loyal and eon-
sistent member of the Methodist body for
about 76 years, and among his personal
effects 108 membership ticket dated 1820,
r re has been instrumental in leading hon.
deeds of smile to Christ. As au instanoe
of tho zeal of this good num it may be
abated 81,185 000 Many years he spent two
whole nights of eaoh and ovary week in
earnest prayer, and in latter years When
his physical health would nob permit of
snot' saorilioe, he continued to spend one
whole night Of every week in supplication
to God. 110 580,0 frequently walked 15
miles on Sunday, preached three timee,
conducted three olassmaeotings, and went
to work on Monday morning as usual,
Ile counted it a privilege to sib up whole
nighte with the elok that he might coon.
eel Willi them in the (fillip pertaining to
their everlasting pima, In (MUM and
out ef eeatiOn he pressed the claims 01 8110
Master upon thote about him, and he
lived One of the most exemplary lives we
Never at promise made
ill our Ads. which we cannot more than ful-
A few prices for winding up
zw.a.Extuila siAlwas.
10 pieeee Cottonacle, heavy Maher
worth Mc, for 20o.
4 pattemis Oottonade, very epoolal, at
2000 yairle Puotory Ootton, worth 4o,
but bought to sell at 2(3e.
Tweed Suiting, something that will
wear, good patterns at 2t10 and 30o,
Shirting in small neat patterns, fast
colors, blue and white oheeks, wirth tie
for die.
Flannelette—some Hues have been se•
cured lately, Innoh better than we have
ever damn yea at any previoue time.
We nett anthill,' attention to a number we
are selling at 6o. (3 epees of above kava
just bean opened up.)
Flannelette Shirts in Pink and Grey
Stripes, a wonderful Shirt, to be sold at
New asSorbment of Pound Print Patches
for 0111150, put up in half•pound packages,
has been reoeived.
Table Lieen-3f you have not Been the
Hue we are just now selling at Twenty.
five mints a, yard, it would pay you to do
so, We tortes value, price 25e.
Black ()nehmen, 45 inches wide, eplen.
did finish in Jet Slack or Blue Bleak.
We never could sell ae good for less than
00o, but mongerl to get 18 60 ran at 500,
Boy's Two -niece Sults 111 Grey shade,
worth $2.25, but we have 25 Suite that
W0 10E4 opened up of this line,and price
for balanoe of this month $1,05,
Woroeide Pebble Leather Boots, well
matte and very Oomfortable, and a good
Boot to wear, never sold before under
$1.25, but now we have thern at 080.
New linos of Oxford Shoes to hand.
0100000 Ooru, a reliable brand, regale,
lion size and everything 0.58005 55 correct,
price 5e, a clan.
Corn Starch, beet made. It won't oast
you much to try a paokage and test 15 100
yourself, it'e only do a package.
Next Monthly Fair in Blyth, Tuesday, March 80bh.
- ELT':
mahrrearomareastacemaannesmosemrsemassa• vowterammaneesarazawrtromaratemaavanneeamoassr
have any knowledge of. It is ead to
nem the snuffing out of these bee
lights of pioneer klethocliern, whom I
are the history of the church. It
Father Tyndall'e request that Sam
Wherry preach his funeral sermon Ir
the beautiful text foetid in the 5th ell
er of Job, 20th verse, viz,: ',Thou s
oome to thy grave in a WI age, like I
shook of corn cornett' in his setteon.
MAMIOTE 8.o.,—..The auction Bale
the Brown farm stook, implements,
on Wednesday of last week was at swe
er for crowd. It looked like n f
Good prices were realized and the to
footed np to about $2,000. A yoke
yearling steers sold for $02,00.
Basvtinheinier was the purchaser. T
oows ranged from $30 to $47. Oats
at in the granary ; peas 45c., a
barley 200. Sheep sold at $15 it pai
one ewe and lamb brought $8. The d
ner table was well used for about thr
hours and no less than 100 loaves
bread were dispatohed in the lunch se
ed. You never rum 80 hungrier orow
Tho sale began at 10.30 a, m. and w
over about 0 p. m. A good idea w
struok to keep the ring clear in selli
the stook, vie., 1080.0 on horse back ke
moving in a otrele and kept the oro
back. J. Kreuter was clerk and
0ousley, Brussels, made op the acoonn
and prepared the notes. F. S. Soot
Bruesels, was the auetioneer, The far
was not sold as the bids did 005 0015058 t
reserve. It is a fine 200 more lot.
week referred to the shooting actoide
that befell Teesdale Whitfield. Th
particulars are as follows :—Thersda
evening he hitched up his team to the
sleigh and taking his wife and children
proceeded Rastward along the 14th con.
to big brother josephis, intendingto go
from there to the tea -meeting being held
at Bethel church. Mrs. Whitfield and
children went into the house and Mr.
Whitfield was sitting in the sleigh hold.
Ing the horses when 0y000gmao in the
employ of Joeeph Whitfield came frotn
the barn, where he had been shooting
sparrows with a repeating, breech loading
rifle, On miming to the side of the
eloigh he was exhibiting the gen to Dlr.
Whitfield and opened the breech, toolt
008 100 empty shell, allowing a loaded one
to take its pinee. In some unamonutable
way this cartridge was exploded and in.
etantly the bullet sped through the side
of the Weigh box, buffalo robe and boots
into Mr. Whitfield's feet., cutting the top
of the right foot and going through the
sole of the left. The lead messenger
brought rip against the iron stay on the
sleigh, where it was afterward found. A,
physioian was speedily seoured and the
wounds dressed, and although it will be
some little time before the patient is able
to go to work no eerious apnea:00'10es are
likely to enthe as no bones were inter-
fered with. It was a close mill and
might have resulted in death, but 880 are
glad it wee no worse. The accident
should be taken as a warning to all who
oarry firearms, so that greeter care 1
woold be exercised in handling them.
The recent thaw has ocoasioned a big
overflow of water on the low lying land.
J. K. Baker has purchased an interest
in the well known imported Clydesdale
"Ayrehire Stamp." This horse
has proved himself a fiest.olass gook
getter and we wish Mr. Bakes 01100000 in
his enterprise, 55 10 said Wm. Cooper,
of Grey township, will handle the home
this Eamon,
1 yea
r ;
J3russels rforee Fair Thursday of next
Wm, Patton, who has been seriously
ill, is able to be out again,
Wm. Milne, of Muskoka, is spending a
few days with friends here.
Mrs. Wm. Spence, who has been 111
with pneumonia, is slowly reeovering.
Will. Greensides, Boos Gill and jas.
Stubbs have gone to seek their fortune in
Mrs. 5. 0, Heffernan, of Trout Greek,
o ailed on 8, few of her old friends here
thio week.
Aaron Gabor and Joe rieinswortii talk
of trying their fortune in Manitoba this
Spring. Good Molt,
Mrs, ano. Maxwell, of Crystal
Man., who spent the Winter: with friends
here, returned to tier home on Tuesday
of tide week.
The sudden thaw of last week banged
the breaking np of the hie on the river.
No damage tvas done exeept the (Hurrying
away of a few mile.
Rev. J, Walker has a record not easily
beaten, viz., of having spent over 00 358800
in the Methodist ministry and in that
time only lost one Sabbath through ill.
Dnan,—On Thursday of last week kfre.
Trimble, mother of the junior Methodist
pastor of Othol oiroeit, passed away to
her revearcl, aged 48. The husband, 2
sons and 2 daughters are lett to hold in
loving remembrance the Godly life of a
devoted wife and loving mother. Roller.
al took place on Saturday at Essex town ,
in Essex Country. Rev. Mr. Trimble was
home at the time of hie mother's decease,
being called from here owing to her seri-
ous illness, The many friends of the
young man will sympathies with him in
the lose of his best friend.
131.1. ch.
Mies MeConnel left here on Tuesday
to take a millinery position in Crediton.
Jas. Sims, who has beon in Detroit the
past three months, returned home on
Mrs. Miles Young has returned from
Markdale, where she has been spending
the Winter months with friends.
We are sorry to hear that the wife of
Councillor KoNally is seriously indispos-
ed at present. floc many friends wish to
hear of her speedy recovery.
On Tueoday evening the regular meet.
ing of the 0. 0, F. was held in Watson's
Hall, when another member was added
to their number and more to follow.
On Thursday morning the fire alarm
10180 0000404, but it was only a false one .
The fire insurance inspector had dropped
into town and wanted to 000 51080 our fire
company handled themselves.
On Monday afternoon the funeral of
the late Robert Watson, jr„ passed
through the village, the body being taken
into the Methodist ohucoli, where a
foneral service was held, the edifice being
filled with sympathizing friends, after
which the remains were taken to the
Union oemotery for interment.
A discovery of hard coal is reported on
the shore of lake Winnipeg.
h Those New Sfiring Goods
that have just arrived.
Call and Bee our Surges, Tweeds and Worsteds. The new-
. est effects in English, Irish and Scotch. Serges in the most
Fashionable Colors. The latest patterns in English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. We
have the finest display of Clay Twills and Venetian Worsteds ever shown in Brussels,
Also a select line of Trouserings and Fancy Vestings on hand,
did the young men of Brussels and surrounding country buy their
Spring Hats from us last season ?
seit was an acknowledged fact by everybody that we had the
Nicest Hats in town. This Season it is the same.
We have the latest styles in the Wilkinson and Wakefield hard and soft
and many other makes too numerous to mention. Also a large assortment of
Special line of ViTheelman's Caps. 'yr -
You only need to examine our stock of Shirts to be con-
vinced that -they are the Latest and Best for the money in
the mark:et. We have no old Shirts to offer to the Public,
our stock is new and up-to-date.
A Select Line of Neckwear
in Bows and Four-in-hand always in stock,
able line of Suspenders.
Sole agent for "Solid Comfort" Suspenders for Brussels.
Our Goods are NEW and we Guarantee Satisfaction.
Also a Fashion -
IN A—largaram---'
felt Hats
An endless gathering of New Goods—Not out
of date—Not shelf -worn stuff—Not manufacturers
cast -asides ----but new, choice, desirable goods, on
sale at Prices guaranteed the Lowest Ever Known.
'Specials in Dress Goods and Prints.
Specials in Cottons, Cottonades and Shirting's.
Specials in Flannelettes. Table Ei72671/3 and
Startling Va1ue ll Boots 86 Shoes,
This store has always been known to carry a big as-
sortment of Boots and Shoes. This season the stook is
heavier than at any other time in the history of the busi-
ness. Prices will make it to the advantage of everyone
to buy here.
New Carpets and Curtains.
New Carpets just received. The Newest Patterns at
the Lowest Prices.
New Spring Eate and. Caps.
Correct Styles I
Right Pies !
Spring Suits for den and Boys I
Correctly made garments for men and boys who ap-
preciate good, stylish clothing at a most reasonable price.
1VIen's Serge Worsted and Tweed Suits, welt made and per-
fect fitting, from $3.00 to $1 2.50.
S fill & MOAB
Produce Wanted
ei]e11t8 ler the Palk
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in a
position to show one of the Largest and Beat Assorted Stocks that
it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
In Dress Goods
and Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that we wish
to insist on yon buying from vs but our stock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spring.
Our Line -
we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at In -ices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EMBROIDERIES aro one of the leading features
with ns this season.
111 Ready -to. wear Clothing
WO lead all onapetitors. Oar Men's Suits at $3.00 must be seen
to bo appreciated.
is to make this store to tlao County of Mum what the T. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a 01111 WO
would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think we will bo
able to make them pornianent customers.
Grocery Department,
Otar Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. As. Purcell,
and he will bo pleased to show you through that department.
P. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof, Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call on you in the course of a week or two with
Literature width will pay you well to peruse carefully.
Importer, Seaforth.