HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-26, Page 44 New Advertisements, Sale—B. L. Doyle, Late. --L 0, Richarde, MeNeugh ton. Pink PiIle—Dr. WaHama. Clearing Bale—John MoBain. March Seles—Mcitinnon dc Co. Bleyele Emporium—A. Consley. Cheaper Drugs—G. A. Deadmito, Cannot Be Beaten—E. 0. Dunford, Illttudechueri Barley—Peter Robertson. 2tbe Nruoti5 zzt. FRIDAY. ALM 96, 1897. We call the attention of our farmer readers to a, circular letter sent out to grain dealers through the country from Toronto on "The Export Barley Trade." It may be read on page 1 of One issue of TILE Pose. Experience has demonstrated the correctness of the matte): coutaiued in it. 13.1111n1 EMBER, the popularRoeve of Stephen, was the choice of South Huron Conservatives as their candidate for Pro- vincial parliamentary hollers, He is a clever, level headed man, a good speaker in either Euglish or German and will prove a strong Gera iu the contest. M. Y. McLean, the well known editor acid pro- prietor of the Huron Expositor, is the present M, P. P. Dm:leans Parlithmeut opened on Thurs- day of this week and promises to be a busy and eventful session. It is said by members of the Cabinet that iu addition to the Budget beiug brought down early, the Bill outliuing the proposed changes in the Tariff is well in hand, and pledges made the electorate will be faithfully carried out. Somebody says Sir Charles Tupper will make an effort to open hp the Mauitobe. School question but we hope he has bettor sense than attempt any such useless and strife stirring 1111(1140111"0. 5n100 the general Dominion election, held oe June 23rd, Ma, uiue contested elections have taken place and the Liberals have carried eight out of that number. Another election will be held on the 20th of uext mouth in Colchester, Nova Scotia, where the Conservative M. P. was recently unseated. Hon. Mr. Laurier will have pinny of backing in the ECouse. Sir Donald Smith, High Com- missioner iu London, Euglaud, is hero and will explain the British side of the Trade question to the Cabinet. The Premier will ;visit Loudon, England, iu June and be present at the Queen's Jubilee ceremonies. Ix the Supreme Court Weduesaay of this week the appeal in the Winnipeg election 0E100 was dismissed with costs. The effect of this is to unseat Hugh John, and opens the constitueucy. The Mac- donald election case WAS dismissed with costs. This unseats Boyd and opens the constituency. The West Prince, P. E. I., election ease appeal, which was tried on its merits, was dismissed with costs, This unseats Hackett (Conservative) on the charge of treating, and leaves in all three cases Conservatives unseated. The appeal against Roche (Conservative) Mar. quette, was quashed, unless further trial by the Manitoba coert, sustains him iti his seat. la the West Assinaboitteleotiou case the appeal agaiust Davin on prelimi- nary objections was dismissed. The case will now go to trial. Meantime, Davin takes his amt. In the Lunenburg and 33eauharnois election cases, preliminary objections were dismissed. The cases have not yet gone to trial, and Kaulbach and Bergeron will take their mats. All judgments carry coste, =OM SAYED II1R LIFE. T HE NARROW ESCAPE OF A FER- GUS MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER. — — Had Been weak 111141Sieicly 14•1111111llfillleY —Selmer Dueler Nor Friends Tkortzut She Would 5441 '0-440. 131111411410' Pink, P1115 Saved Her 104.,--AtIVIce 10 rartnis. From tiao Fergus Nows-It000ra. 0. M. Posts, fruit and confeetionery dealer, St. Andrew street, Fergus, last week related to a representative of the NoweReenyil the sad story of the terrible suffering and sickness 01 11110 little (laugh, ter Ella, his only child, now a strong and healthy little =Klee of ten years of age. At the time of the child's illness Mr. Post was a reeident of Hamilton. His story is substantially as follows :—"My daughter had been very delicate from childhooa until about three years ago, and the money it cost me for doctor bills made me poor, EIS it was 1101(101n she was without a doctor's care, and at times 000 have had as many as three doctors i1111 at- tendance, and hope of saving her despair- ed of. The doctors succeeded in keeping her alive, but she was gradually growing worse and we all thought she was going to die. Our regular physician had given up hope of saving her life and remarked that if it were only 117140111 weather (it WEIS thee 'Winter) there might be a chance. But seven Summers had passed since her birth and she had gradually become feebler, and my wife and I thought it was Met a matter of time until the child would be called to a better home. About this time Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were prominently brought to our notice through a mire they wrought in a neighbor's child. 1 thought I would give them a triol and so informed the doctor, but bo only lnughod at Toeu iglietaaol)2°2 Zill.;1120 .11110 and begun giving them to her, half E4 Jill at a time. After a short treatment there was such an improvement that neither 1;I:uinttontilsi:eiv• nor Ipcgsildwedineubtg that Dr. h ping her, and I decided to abandon the doctor's ; services altogether, The Piuk Pill treat- ! rent was continued and although the I progress towards health and strength was I necessarily slow, it was none the lees certain, and it was continued until she is as well and strong as you see her to.d.ay, and I am thankful to Bay she has had no occasion for medical treatment since. I am a strong believer in the efficacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for weak and delicate children, and I firmly believe it was this medicine that saved my child." De. Williams' Pink Pills are an all. sound-3,,ear medicine and are quite as efficacious in the cage of children as in adults. They restore to the blood its lacking constituents and make it rich, red and pure. In this way they strength. en the system and drive out disease. There are many cases like the above iu which this wonderful medicine hes re- stored health and strength after the best medical advice had failed. The genuine Pink Pills axe sold in boxes, the wrapper round which bears the full trade mark, "Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." There are other pills colored pink, but they are base imitations offered only because they give the dealer a greet. er profit. They should always be refused. TUESDAY, buns 22nd, is the day named in connection with the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee, We would like to see some notice of this very infrequent event taken by the people of Brussels and sus- romnlings and suggest that a, public gathering be held 011 the evening of that day at which addresses on "The Brittish Empire" ; "The Life of Queen Victoria," or kiudred subjects and in addition a pro- gram of National airs such as "God Savo the Quell," "Rule Brittannia," "The Maple Leaf," "Fair Canada," "Red, White and Blue," tea. by a chorus of at lout fifty voices. Wo require a little stir- ring %) now and then on National lines and June 22nd gives ns e gooll opportunity and at the same 1i.0105 is educative es- pecially as far es the youth is concerned. We would be glad to hear the opiuious of others on this subject no that the best plan could be decided upon and prelirein- ary vrangcmenti made. Brussels and locality is not Inking in either literary or musical talent and a fine entortaintneut could be arranged without proving burdensome to any individual by 00111' 1001101115 in good time, Clarenee Martin, a farm laborer, oom. rnitted suicide by hanging at Binbrook, A severe earthquake shock was felt at Montreal and at many other points in Quebec, Mrs, Louie Cyr, of Tronsides'put a leaf of tobaeoo on a cut hand and died of blood •poisoning, Hon, Charles Fitzpatrick explained the objeot of hie visit to EOM and his posi• Moo on the salient eettlement, to his eon. stituents at Loretto, Quebec, The veterans ot 18G0 of Perth county have formed themselves into an assoola- tion with Major 0, T. Cooke as president. The riseoeiatiori 110010 010 with a member- ship of 64, iiIGYOLE EMPORIUM! MAIN &T. BRUSSELS BED BIRD, BRANTFORD, {BLACK BIRD, RUBY RIM. WOODSTOCR —NEW BARNES, WINDSOR —E. & D. TORONTO —CLEVELAND, fEH/RON, I COMMON' SENSE. 1:''Repttirs and parts always on lattnd. Sick Wheels doctored and a cure guar- anteed. Call and see our line display of Wheels. GODERICR, A. COUSLEY. .17.1"....7.6.22119A19..AXIT THE BRUSSELS POST MAR, 26, 1897 0 F a Is WORSTEDS, SERG-1-1S, CHEVIOTS, IMPORTED and CAN- ADIAN TWIH1,EDS, and FANCY FANTING-S At Prices that were never El tUA__ILED in Brussels. THIS IS A GENUINE SALE AS I INTEND t f '9,10 .3? 11 ss ]Br sels and is a splendid chance to secure your Spring Suit. We have a large and well assorted stook of New and Tasty Goods to select from, and you can save $5 and $6 on every Suit by buying from me, as witness some of the Reductions : 1 I Black, Worsted &bits that were $18, now selliikg for Tweed Suits for 810, that formerly Sold for $15. Pants that were, $4, now $2.50, and everything else in proportion, Soao Commences March 27th, ana. i for Ca$1/ Orly. Every article made by us is Guaranteed. If it does not please you when finished we do not ask yon to take it. Am. • ,k,,.. 4T. A,?1 M 1-411R,C A.1',..Tri" Sosenemar pawl. mayors:room My Stock .1.241.121-4171.611,21.• TO 'Askalraleitv.—_ Is now complete in Silks, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Muslins, Lawns, Art Muslins, Curtains, Laces, Ribbons, Prints, Ducks, Flannelettes, Cottons, Cottonadee, Towelings and a Especial line of Ladies' and Ohildren's Vests. Ithink I know something about a and when I tell you that my 50o, per lb. Dargeling Gem of the East is the best Blank Tea in the market and that my 25o. Japan Tea is better than most of the Tea sold in this town for 35o. and 40o. I always keep the best Teas and Coffees in the market so the pnblio say. J. G. KE E Agent for Parker's Dye Works. The success and approval that attended our Print Openingilast Season has prompted us to follow the same plan this Spring. Our stock of Prints is large and for Quality and Patterns have only to be seen to guarantee the admiration of the Ladies. We beg to an- nounco our Print Opening for Saturday, March 20f And following week, when we shall be pleased to have all the ladies etill and 5(10 our Now Prints. April Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. Tho iattor Free to all who call for them. New Spring Goods of all Kinds. Don't forget that we can suit you in Boots, Shoes or Rubbers, Alex. Strachan. 11.0111:4•14•AMAerrlaii.AIMANIVAIMS• pAY less seems to be the whole stook of Clothing Wisdom of some people, It lacks balance—It's heavy on the side of folly. Pay more, if you must, rather than pay for poor goods of little value. Th.ere's lots of advertising done for know-nothing people. We're not spending a.cent to catch. such a trade. We're after the Wisest—those who know good material, good workmanship and good style. The shrewder the buyer the better we like it. And not alone in the Clothing trade, our best business lies with those people who can judge qualities aright and understand the real value of goods. We wish there were more such. The best hint we can give you is to buy of a hone that doesn't play tricks. This is such a store. If things are not as represented here you get your money back, Can you ask for any better guarantee ? TAILOM E T ° Remember we keep a largo assortment of Tweeds, Woisteds and Trouserings in stock to make up for those who can't be suit- ed from our Clothing Department, NEW HATS A D SHIRTSI WE ARE READY FOR YOU. New Hats, New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Gloves, Collars / and Cuffs, Don't forget we carry the Largest, Cheapest and. Best stock in Brussels. Call and look through our stook.