HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-19, Page 88 TIIE BRUSSELS POST
NO need to churn far two hours Dimwit are coming pratn(neubly to 1 MA'rutmoxrAL.-Ay notices elsewhere it ST7!LJV'DeIRD
OP more 111111 111011 have the m %iue of the puttee again, a sora ; will he observed that Mtge Lizzie, dangh•
evidenoe of Spring.
Poor Butter.
Use one of our all glass dairy
thermometers to Lind the right
temperature and churning will be
made easy. Before churning,
however, add to the cream a
small quantity of DeWitt's Jersey
Butter Color
ter of Thoe. Bradwell, of Howlett, former.
Recommnxe Ton Por to your neighbor ly a resident of I3luesels, and Wm.
if they went the local news every weep Angst, of the sent) township, Were joined
for the email auto of $1,00 a year in ltd. in nutrrinonty on the 21th nit„ by Rev.
vanes, ' Mr, Ileeeey, B. A„ of Olifford. Kay
THn Sobedule of 00 010tions, Huron prosperity attend them in their new re.
County, for the quarter ending March latiottahip,
Oth, 11407, may be reed on page 5 of Tsui
POST this 18808.
A air -Tor letter on "Sights its Old Business .Locals,
London" may he read on page 0 of this
ie8e0, head "Reverse the Present
Rolioy" ou page 8,
Tots week W, G. Collins oreanizod a
Commit of Chosen Friends at Hanover
with 80 members on the roll. Ila goes to
Paisley next Monday,
A =OAT u•aa received here of the
Corbett -Fitzsimmons pugilistic en•
counter on Wednesday in Nevada, by
Which Will give the butter the I wire, giving the rounds,
o,ltr necessary in Order to get 1 Tea store in the Stewart blook recently beam peas for sato, warranted °lean,
A. 1 LAtgi Huron herring °heap at Mc-
LANE herrings for gale at Jae. Ballon•
tyne's grocery,
No. 1 Clover and Timothy seed cheap
at MoCraoken'a.
Aporw'roN's world renowned Teas for
sale at Tbontson's.
Rooms or dwelliug to rant over my
store. 1, 0, Rloharde,
the highest price. It is Sold in vacated by W. H. Pelton, has been leltsod Waiter Yuill, gravel road,
by Messrs. Neeroey & &Wender), & ten, who Do not forget we repair rubbers, boots
Brussels Only by 1 wyni conduct a grocery, &o. and shoes cheap and durably.
I 1). D. G. U. Dn. TENNAN•r, of Luoknow, I. C. Richards,
paid an official visit to St. John's Lodge, Some plan's felt boobs on hand yet
Brussels, on Tuesday evening of this which will be hold at a bargain.
week. An enjoyable time Wile spent. I. 0. Rbthnrda.
A aenecaulr•,u in Miohieuo in remittingPAlli of new bob sleighs to exohango for
for Tun Poem for 1307, writes :-THE wood or lumber. Good chance. Jas,
SHAND TRUNK RAILWAY. POET is an ever welcome visitor every Wolper, carriage maker.
week., and we would nob do without it as JUST reoeived a oar load of seeds,
SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. it gives t15 all the news of Brussels and Clover, Timothy, Mengel and. Turnip.
-- vicinity. BAannit & VANSTONS,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North IT is said that Stratton Bros. (Wm. $20 Amgnretx gold pieue lost in or near
tend South, as follows: and jetties) nutty become the proprietors Brussels, A. suitable reward will be paid
Going SouTH, GOING etonrn. of the Queen's Hotel, Brussel., on the let by leaving it at THE PoaT at once.
Express 7.21 a.m.1 Mixed 9:44 a;m of Met, cvileu the lease of As. O'Leary, Naw stooks of envelopes to hand at Tun
.fixed 0;.7p.m.,Mall P2:0"0 P X., the present occupant, expires. Mr. .0'• PORT Pabliehing House. Get your busi-
_ _ -7-7-"-leen Leary talks a lite a of visiting Roseland• nese eard printed on 500 of them. Price
a,r j j Tett hold of the draw rope when you less than retail rate.
;.o tat. (41etus �'e11I5. ran it) response to the fire alarm and W F. B'r1IwART has now completed
don't lazily stand with your hands in repairs at the National Roller Mlle
— ' " your ookets while 15 or 20 men do their
share of the work, flus what on ought which will enable him to guarantee
A ohiel's among ye takiu' notes, 1 Y g setts&.orient Manitoba flour always on
An' faith he'll prem it. to do. Fair play is what the Brigade
sake. Gorr goat robe lost, small size, between
- hand,
THE J. & J. Livingston property, offer- Brussels nod Blyth on the evening of
WnnansnAT was St. Patrick's Day. ed for sae by Auctioneer McDougall, of Minch 5th. The finder will be suitably
REAL, the advertisements and sieve Seaforth, last Friday afternoon, was not rewarded by Leaving it at Beattie's Livery,
money thereby. sold. There were no bide on either the Brussels.
Tag Maitland river has been swollen to mill or farm and only two on bile house Eames Clover Root, the groat Blood -
quite a height by the recent thaw. and lob, but as neither of them reached Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
Srmetti is ie about dens, altbonglr the reserve hid there was no sale. the oomplexion and cures constipation.
there is plenty yet where the drifts were. Dorxo FAnuLr WILL. -Will. Ainley's 25 ate, 60 eta and $1.00. Sold by Jamas
A. coii of sugar calla to town on T"es• hands which were so severely burned in Pox, Druggist, Brussels.
day. We should be sweat for little the recent lamp explosion, resulting in Sumoa's Dore is sold on 8 guarantee.
while. the death of Mies Ainley, are gradually It cures incipient consumption. It is
A. Oousrsr has added the Barnes improving. The skin will all come off the beet cough ours. Only one cent a
bioyole to the list of wheels he willhaedle 1 but the finger nails are intact. Mr. dose. 25 ors., 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by
this year. Ainley will be laid aside for a good while Jatnos Pox. Druggist, Brnssela.
MoxmuL! Horse Fair in Brussels on yet owing to the ncoident. • C'o••'• ^^.RLs bit residence with every
Thursday, April 1st. This will be the "Tooteas or FADE." -Preparations for caneeu,eo, e, fnruc,:, ..to., for sale or to
last for this season. the presentation of than splendid program rent. immediate possession given.
THE sports were quite excited over the known as the "Temple of Fame" goes on For further partieulnrs apply to 31 re. R.
nstiouff encounter on Wednesday beta Den apace. The dates decided upon are Wad• Walker, Turnherl;y street, Brussels.
Fitzsimmons and Corbett. nesday and Thursday, April 14th and 0vi'mxx Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
LAST Sunday's blizzard was one of the 15112. Regular rehearsals are maintained
Cal., says ;-"Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy
wildest of the season, although the and all the pieta are well advaneed. is the first medicine I have ever Pound
weather was not extremely eeld. Miss Edna Curtis, a well known eloou- that would do me any good." Price 50
Wizens. BARRER & VANBTOxa shipped 2 tionist of merit, in Blyth, has kindly cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, liras•
oars of oats and a car of live bogs this consented to take the part of the Goddess eels.
week. The latter went on Thursday. and in addition to the best local talent of Ino saw -filing for 25c. atoll time after
WE have heard of an absent-minded Brussels and locality Mrs. W. H. Willie, the first time if no one files between
young lady in town who went to bed on of Seaforth, a former Brusselire, will times, and I obarge accordingly if saw
a recent evening witbont taking off her contribute a solo. The Town Hell should gets damaged, Wood taken in payment
shoes. be packed, as it no doubt will be, Xeep if delivered at the time the deal is roads.
Ax interesting report of the High Court the dates in mind, April 14612 and 15th. Trios. McGaneor,.
proceedings was given by Messrs. W. THE LATE LmrxAN AINLLl.--Tbe tuner. GAnPETS.^-Any one desiring anrpet8
Slashill and Ecenig at the last meeting al of the late Lillian Ainley took place on will do well to pall at the Brussels Wool.
of Court Princess Alexandra. Saturday afternoon and was very largely en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
Fire and Dram Band give a social at attended evidenoing the deep end wide. have the largest nssnrtment of samples
the residence of Frank and W. H. Ito- spread sympathy of people far and near
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
Ontcheon, Oth line, Morris, on Friday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ainley and family, cion from 30c. to 51.00. Hewn & Co.
evening of this week. Conveyances will A brief service was conduoted by Rev.
Orrgnnn.-That eligible half Brucaelibes there end back. Mr. Ross, assisted by Itevds. Messrs. airs lot situate on the Southern portion of
Fool BALL.-A.meeting of all interest- Allis and Paul. The floral offerings eon. Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die•
ed in the Ball team for 1807 willton of be held the
Foot sisted of aat the school, in n hich the deceased illow from Melville
was leader Writered of below poet. Very easy farms.
Queen's Hotel on Friday evening of this of the service of praise ; wreath of Lilies for partinnlars to Jot IIAuanEAvga,
'w g 174 Queen at. West, Toronto,
week at 7.30 o'clock. There is material by Mrs. Tufts, the only S. S. teacherdee• Tun hardest saws warranted full set
at hand for the beet club Brussels ever ceased had ; white star, Pers. Leather. without breaking, as I have a new, safe
pat in the field. There should be a large dale ; Lily Rua Primrose, Mrs. Andrews, and fast way of setting saws. Scows that
attendance at the meeting. Wroxeter ; IIyacianthe and Lily, Sirs. are in ane order given in exchange for
AN incipient fire was nipped at the Constable, Seefot'th ; and a beautiful eaves that are opt of order by paying, the
residence of D. 0. Ross on Wednesday. baguet !tout Miss Patterson, of St, difference. T. McGregor, saw filer, Bros -
Sone wearing apparel was hung too close Thomas. The pall bearers were :-John eels, Queen St„ East.
to the stovepipe upstairs and ou the fire Fergneou, D. Stewart, Dr. Davidson, CONSULT Youn Docxon.- I4 he advises
being started the clothing took Bre and at Alex. Ross, L. Belden and J. H. Cramer- Cod Liver Oil we recommend Wompole's
one time looked dangerous. A prompt o1. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. ]toss spoke I Tasteless Preparation. Yon aai't taele
applioation of water put a finish to the appropriate words to the members of the the ail ;all you taste is wild cherry, and
blaze with the lose of 55 or $10 worth of Sabbath School ansae to which Miss Lin. that's good. What you get is flesh and
clothes. ley belonged, and also briefly addressed strength. Onres coughs, colds and
THE morning aoaommodation from the the school on the sad event and the les. wastive diseases. JAS. Fox,
Past was delayed at Ethel on Tuesday sous to be taken frons ft. 3.m Clhomist and Druggist.
owing to the breaking of a coupling pin Fens APTororua INaPecoiox.-RObert «BO Toon Ottx LAwngn."-This work
between two flat ogre upon which was Howe, 0. E., inspector for the Canadian isust] called "Sucrets of tho Law
loaded an iron anperstruntnre for a bridge Underwriter's Association, made an all -
near for 11 gives ten times more infer.
lean Ripley, thereby allowing the load to sial visit to Brussels on Wednesday to oration that intelligent people feel the
be pulled off the second oar. Fortunately inspect the fire apparatus of this place. need of knowing than • any other wort.
the East end of the siding had been pas• On arrival be ascertained certain par- published in Canada. Send to W. II.
seri so the train was enabled to proceed tioulare from the Reeve es to bow tbs nger, 28 Ulster St., Toronto, for sped -
en its way by taking the oars behind instruotions given in Ms last report had mon pages and price. There is nothing
those with the bridge through the siding. been melded out. He learned that a new like it in Canada.
As Fred, Andereon, assistant to R. 1,200 pound bell had been purchased ; New BAEEnr.-Flaying purchased the
Roach in horse training, was exercising that the former Town Rail bell had been business and good will of N. Blaokmore,
ohs grey pacing stallion, "Steel Hal," last placed in the tower of the new eohool I am now in possession and prepared to
Saturday afternoon, the horse took ^siok building and the fire alarm onitratained, attend to the wants of the public. We
and bolting from the road ran against a so that a double alarm is available ; that will have constantly on band a flret-slues
telegraph poet at the corner of Turnberry a new water tank had been built and supply of bread, buns, cakes and pastry.
and William streets, and serionely in- other minor improvements made, Mr. Bread delivered daily to all parts of the
:cured one of his shoulders. 51 le to be Howe then asked the Reeve to ring the town. Orders promptly attended to.
hoped no permanent 1111t1ry will solus, alarm that be might see the Brigade at The patronage of the people of Brussels
as the horse is a valuable one. The own- work and report on the condition of the and sarronnding oountry eel ioited, Sethi.
sir lives in Michigan end brought the Fire Engine and hose. The following faction guaranteed. W. A. Cuicn,
horse here to be fitted by Mx. Reach for was his memoranda, :-Alarm rung ab
Abe oomieg season's races. Ilan a. m. ; engine out and fire started
Muse Tat CAUL -Owing to the trouble at 11.20 ; 20 men present ; pumping at
keeping track of them and the frequent 11.28, with 35 pounde of steam and 80
. Josses we hs.ve decided that - it weber • at 11.81,80 pounds of steam and
fee caaoel job work and advertising mt st 110 water, There wre 400 feet of hose
be paid for when the week is gob. The sbtaohsd to engine, the latter being plao-
postnge and stationery often used in ed at the mill dam and working in tip•
sending out these small acoo0nts equals top shape. The Inspector is very modest
the amount due. Tun Pose is always in hie requests, viz. :-A paid night
anxious to seance work, but we don't per. watchman or patrol ; a temple of firemen
pose doing it ata direct loss, if we know to seep in the Fire Hall ; en automatic)
it, and we have tried the credit plan long alarm ; a gunpowder and coal oil Bylaw ;
enough to bo initialled that it is no good, a heater on the engine ; and n tank at
hence the above decision where regular the intersection of Turnberry and King
accounts are not run, streets. IID says these are the require.
One ex TEE Vowoos' Ltox.-The muni- Insets of the Underwriters in add(tion to
civil assessment rolls, wbioh will form oar well equipped apparatus, end our n8.
the baste of the voters' list on which the glad to provide them may mean our
next Prot/Metal election will be fought being placed in a lower geed° as to in.
are about to be made up, Every one who sm10,105 rates and consequent higher
is entitled to have his name on that liar premiums. Before leaving this subject
ebould see that his rinbts are established we wish to call attention to one very
raow. The qualifieatlons for a vote are : noticeable feature at these testa and fires
To.. one shall be 21 years of age, a as well, 100 or more men will run to the
British subject, have resided in the pro. Hall, see the engine brought out and
vh1oe for nine months, and shall have started for the river or task, as the case
tenon a resident of tip municipality in may bo, and raver offer to lend a hand to
which he i8 to be reels. red on the 15th help. If they don't know it is time they
February. Temporary absence as a did that on Inspeotar Howe's report de•
lumberman, mariner, fisherman, or , pends the insurance rating of Brussels,
ebndent will not prevent any one from and oonsegnently dollars saved or ex•
being planed ou the roll. Personal np• pendad by every resident oarryiog fire
plioatioI ehonld be made to the assessor, insurance. The fire ergine is a heavy
Itiehard Ilingston, by any one who toed and as many hands always make
wishes hie name plloed upon the lint. light worlt, a little common settee should
);Hereafter the provincial Bets will be Mad be evidenced by the bystandere, ae the
Oto Dominion purposes oleo, so that any favorable report by thelnepentor Is worth
one placed on a provincial list will be no more to the Brigade then to any other
eligible for a vote in Dominion elections citizen, Prompb and willing help may
also. Every yenng man in town, no mean a saving of hundreds of dollar's.
matter whether he is a Reformer or Oo1- worth also at any fire wbioh, we are
servative, should et ono sae Aeaeesor thankful to sey, we have been happily
Idiogston and haus hie name oo the bet, free from for some time.
G A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller.
134X 0.2' IiJJ.rNrf�T�t�1,
ASSE7.'k3, (Seven Million Dollars) • 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • - - 52,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, UtliterZ States c0 Ell gland,
6-ava (z14, tl Deaurem.
A General Banning Business Transacted. Vermeil' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
SenoIAL ATTtig'roN 0I51114 To THE OoramOTIoN 0r Femme' SALE NOTES.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
1110D0N.ten.--Li Grey, on March 11112, the
wife of Mr. Donald McDonald of a
Gonnox.-Ln Atwood, on Match 4th, the
wife of Mt', George Gordon of a
MITCHELL. -111 Atwood, on 4!1110011 0th,
the wife of Bir. J. A. M(tobell of a
1IInn, In Grey, (at Silver Oorner's), on
March 10th, the wife of Mr. Alex,
Hied of a daughter.
Mr, Quite, the Liberal candidate, was
elected to the House of Commons in
Bonaveubure by over 000 majority,
L. N. Champagne, Liberal, and J. 111,
MoDougall, Conservative, were nomin.
Med for the Wright vaoanoy in the House
of Commons ab Hull. Mr. Laurier and
Mr. 7'aillon spoke, and then there was
some disorder and other Liberal spankers
were refused a hearing.
From the report of the Proviuoial
Searstary Davis which gives the an•
neat returns of births, marriages end
cleetbs, recorded in the Province of On.
baric during 1805, the following is learn•
t'0 1 -'rho total number of births record.
sd. In the year was 41,028, a rate of 10, 8
per. 1,000 of population, or a decrease of
428, ae compered with the previews year.
The number of illegitimate births was in
the ratio of 1 to every 71. births. There
were 255 oteen at twins and 12 cases of
triplets reported. The number of male
births was in the proportion of 108 to
100 female births. The Muskoka and
Parry Sound distriot beaded the list for
twine, reporting 10 pair, The total
number of marriages was 18,087. This
Is a rate of 0.8 per thousand of popnla.
tion, and a deorense of 854 marriages as
compered with rho prsvions year, The
total number of deaths reoordod was
22,401, being a decrease el 77 ae cern'
pared with 1894,or a rate of 10.1 per
thousand of population,
AtosT-BnADwELL.-In Clifford, on Feb.
roary 24th, by Rev. Mr. Harvey,
B. A., Mr. Wm, Angst to Miss
Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Thos. Brad.
well, formerly of Brussels, bout of
IIowieh township.
JOLLt-Bonn.-In Blinn,, on Mania 10th,
1807, by Rev. A. Henderson, at the
borne of the bride's parents, Mr,
John S. Jolly, of Beaver Creelc, B.
0., to Mise Marion, youngest dough.
ter of Mr, and Mrs. James Robb,
TsND,tLL.-In Elaine on March 7112,
Iiobert Tyodull, aged 05 years end 5
Gonnog.-In Atwood, on March 0112, the
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Gordon.
Winroi,-3n Brussels, 00 Match Ord, Die
wife of Mr. 13, Wilton of a eon.
'Bosom. -In Listowel, on lttaroll 7111, the
Wife of 101e, Alfred Wright of a son,
r -3r TT U.�2.S 11 0 T TS.
Fall Wheat
Spring wheat
Barley..... • .. .
Peas (large)
Butter, tubs and rolls ...
Eggs liar dozen
Flour per barrel.,4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 8 00
Hay per ton
Hides trimmed 4 5a
]irides rough
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skies, emelt . 50
Lamb skins earth 15 40
Apples per bbl 50
Hogs, Live 4 60 4 60
Dressed Hogs 0 50 5 00
4 00
7 00
25 oars of the Cattnoks being stookers
and feeders, and about 15 loads of natives
were here,' Good choice Yorkers, $4.15 ;
mixed imitate' gradee, 54.16 to 54.20 ;
medium weights, 54.15 ; heavy hags,
64.10 to 64.15 ; roughs, $3.25 to 53.75.
Sheep and lnlnbte Receipts 62 oars.
Good demand for both good handy mixed
sheep and good Lambe, as well as an
excellent oall for both bandy wsbhers And
yearlings, which were in light supply,
Native lambs, choice to prime, 56.50 to
$5.55 ; pood to oboice, 56.40 to $5.00 ;
fair to good, do., 54.75 to 05.35 ; culla
and common lambs, $3 to $4,55; fair to
ohoioe mixed sheep, 04 to 0.50 ; culls
and common sheep, $0,60 10 $11,00 ; ex-
port sheep, $4.25 to 54 10.
cords, 4 feet lou, soft en• bard, for sash.
Fist mortgage, feral security. Apply
at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels.'
price will be paid for 8,000 or 6,1100
cords of omit wood, either soft or bard, to be
delivered this Winter at the ENTERPRISE
SALT WORKS, Brussels.
001f Estate of T. T. OOLEWAN,
TDENa1; 05 Queen street, with au acre
71 of laud attached, largely devoted to fruit
cul tore. Possession given on April lst.
Will rout by the year. Apply to 'PHOS.
PEPPER, lot 5, eon, 0, Grey, 80.18
Notice of Dissolution.
According to the Trade Bulletin the
position of the cheese trade today is the
very opposite of that of a year ago, as
.sen there were 200,000 boxes in Canada,
or more than double the gaantity esti.
mated at the time, whereas it would be
diffioult now to find 10,000 boxes in the
whole Dominion.
TonoNro, March 13. -The offerings
yesterday were larger than usual. There
were 05 oar lands, including 250 sheep
and lambs and 1,800 hogs. The prioes
show little change. Choice export cattle
sold ab 4m to 45c per pound, and ordinary
at 0}o to 35o. Stoolters sold at 25c to
8u and there Was n good demand from
Buffalo. Bulla 3o to 55o per Ib. Butch.
ers' castle in good demand end firm, best
qualities selling as bigh as 310 ; good to
medium at 25o to ea, and inferior at 2o
to 25o per ib. Milch oows sell ab 525 to
585 each, and calves at 54 to e7 each.
Sheep and lambs steady. Choice sheep
sold at 8o to 35o per lb., and butcher's
at 25o to 25e. Lambe are firm, there
being sales at 5o 10 55o per Ib. Bogs aro
firm for ohoioe light qualities. The best
sold et $5 weighed off oars ; thick fate
at 410 to 4 2/8o; light weights at 45o ;
sows at 350 to 8}s, and stags at 25o per
MONTREEAL, March 15. --The otl'eringe at
the East Dnd abattoir wore 550 cattle and
150 calves, There was no material
change in the market, but the eupply was
in excess of the requirements, and some
were left over. Choice sold at 358 to 85o;
good at 3t to 310 ; fair, ab 25o to Seo ;
and 50lnmen at 2 to 210 per lb, live
weight. Sheep and Iambs were mood.
ingly scarce, there being none on the
market. The demand for calves was
native ab prices ranging from 53 to $10
each, as to size and quality.
Llvnsroot, Unroll 15. -Business was
slow today, chiefly on account of heavy
supplies of cattle. Staters cattle sold at
lid per lb, and Argentines ab 50. Sheep
fetched 051 to 051 per lb,
Latinos Exo•, March 15. -Complaints
have been made that among the numbers
of Canadian horsoe imported during
1800 some were ailliated with a disease
of an infections catarrhal description,
and consequently much injury has been
done to shippers through these reports.
The disease is rarely fatal, but the pope
laxity of Canadian cattle hes been affect•
ed, for, 08 is stated, one infected animal
shipped is liable to ailed an entire
cargo. Boyers here suggested that the
strictest scrutiny should be exorcised
prior to shipment. Another complaint
i8 that horses are shipped too young, and
in consequence are unable to perform the
work required of them. Horses under
5 years obowld nob be shipped. A lot,
consisting of 100 Canadian horses, was
sold 10.00y at the Elephant and Castle
Exchange and febohed good primes.
EAST BnrFALo, March 15. Receipts
140 cars, inohtding 08 oars of Canales,
Prices for all but the very best heavy
steers and prime smooth fat tote of cow
end heifer stook were lower, the fair to
medium kind of steer onttle being espooi•
ally Blow and generally 100 10 150 lower.
Choice, finished smooth fab steers, 55.10
to 55,15 ; octane rough seers, 58,76 to
54.85 ; choice smooth fat heifers, $3,85
to 54 ; good fat mixed butohers' stock,
$3,25 to $8 76 ; mixed lots, fait quality,
cows and heifere, $2.50 to 53.50 ; good
smooth, well -fattened °owe, $3.25 to 53,•
Steelton and feeders -The off'eringe
were nearly as heavy as a week age, fully
NOTICE is hereby given that the partner-
ship hereto subsisting between us, the nu•
dersigued, as Druggists, nook and O'auoy
Goods morohaubs iu the Village of Brussels,
has this day been dissolved by mutual con-
sent, All debts owing to mid partnership
tiro to be paid at Duos to G. A, Deadman, at
Brussels, and all claims against the said
partnership are to be presouted to the said
G. A, I)eadman,by whom the same will be
Dated al Brussels this 86b day of March
A, D., 1807.
Wituess, JJ G..A. DEADWAN,
G. P. BLAIR, i A. I. N cOALL,
.1. nnnsiaxoon bus 80110101 g000 Terme for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, Tr S. SOCTT.Brussols
in rho Township of Howiek being lots
15 and 10 Cor. O. 00 aore8 are cleared, and 110
acres in bush. 13 auk barn with steno stab-
ling underneath, and frame house with
cellar, a good thriving orchard. Farm
is situated Indus from Wrnxotor, Forfur-
thor particulars apply to ALES. H1SLOP,
00.4 Wxoxotsr P.O.
-100 nares of good farm land at
Springoeld, 8 milds from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sole at alow prion. The property le
North Mist i Stole, Twp, 11, Range 4, Emit.
There is a house o1 the premises and some
breaking done, Por full partioula's as to
price, title, &o„ write or apply to
804f Brussels, Ont.
mamma, Goers his eligible 04 o,or•e
farm for tale, being South part of Lot 5,
Con. 12, Grey. Alt under enllivanion, well
watered and well fenced. Thera is a good
stole house, hank barn, oro hard, wells, &o„
on the premises, Also a splendid stone
quarry from which a good revenue is realis-
ed, Only da miles from Brussels. Toros
reasonable. For further parlioulars as 10
prise, &o..apply to
JOHN 111ITOHELL, Proprietor,
e-tf Brussels P. 0.
Jh Consisting of the South a and South a
of the North i of Lot iii, Con 2, hast Wawa -
nosh. This is an exool'enb stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water, It le
situated] about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage cf Blyth. A largo part of it is under
grass. Buildings and Manes are iu a fair
state of repair. Betty terms of payment will
be given. 1300 all information apply to
11-t8 G. R. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
le That excellent farm, Lob 15, Cori. 0,
Township of Grey,100 nems, must bo 5011 ab
once in ardor to close ea tato or deceased own-
er, The lot is nearly all clearer], with good
builtliupe, mole water supply, large or.
chard, 35 miles from Cratbroofi, is under
good ouitivatiou and is a 0.0111 rlscirable 1100•
0140011,1 Brussels P.b,'HUNT
701914 lit8 ONOLL,
on the promises ; or A. HCNTLit,Brussels.
Dated Sept. 19M, 180e.
T A. 11dNAUGI3TON, M. D.
GI o 0.11„1..,3t,O.P„ Edinburgh,Al.0,P.
8.051. Bahia/me and ofilo° n Wilson's
iilooit, ooruor of 111111 and Turnberry Sts,
Cl • PllyOlolan, Bunnell,A000uohor, ebe,
Graduate of Reroute University Medical
Faculty. Member 00 College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out, Orrice -Next door to
MoDonid & Co., Walton Oet,
r101510IAN, seactuON Ann A°000OnEen,
lab Ol pas Honer Graduate of the Univers'•
tins of Trinity (T.: mute), Quosn'a 11530051051
and of Trinity Medleal College; •PolloW of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
Collage of Physicians and Surgeons of Outer.
i0, Poet Graduate 005190 111 Detroit and
Chicago,. 1801, Special attention pall to lite
oases of Bye, 2ar,Noso and Threat, and dia.
00000 of Wotton. f 'Oossnitation in Eng,
lisp and Gorman, Telopbono at residence,
MAR 19, 1897
is 'founded on the quality
of the goods lie sells and
the accuracy with which
they Itre dispensed.
There is no doubt on
these two points when
the purchase is made
from us.
"Care is our Watchword"
".A.ccuraoy our infallible
"duality our leading
feature "
Wo ars still Bolling the best Baiting
Powder at 15o. a pound, )Sutter than
other kinds at 40c. and 50o,
01 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
diseases of College,
mesticated prepared
istinta treat
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to, Office and Infirmary -Pour doors
north of bridge 'I'nruberry ea, brussels.
1.k Solio' tor mud Oooveyaneer. 00110o -
bions made. Odice-Vaustouo'e Bloat, Brus-
sels. 21-8m
1' 02 r Solleibor Oonveymueer,Notal•yPub-
lie, &0, Otllao-Vaustone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
rt;[ G. CAMERON,
117 (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Camorou,) barrister and Solicitor, Gnderieh,
Ont. Olhoo-Hamilton St., Opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
Solicitor, &a. (late of Garraw &
Prondloot'e Oliico, Goderiob.) Otlloe over
Gil lies & Smith's flunk, Brussels.
Money to Loan, 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Forms and farm
stock epeeialbv. Orders left a1 Tim Poem
Pabliehingiouse,Bru seals, or lien It to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
T' •
. Enn, will toll for hatter prlaes,to
better mon, in Des time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in ]]est Huron
or he won't °barge anything, hates and
orders eau 'always be arranged st this office
or by personal application.
Who has bed 25 years experience as au
Auctioneer, but who bad t0 quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out license and 15
San afaetiououarun teedt reasonable
. Dates may
Le arranged at Tiro Puss' Publishing House,
18.1E Auctioneer.
Anoint Order of Mid Wo111n1
This old end prosperous Fraternal Awe
ation cambering 1750,000 members aro pro
sooting to the public their popular and econ-
omical robs to woxtlly 0105, at the very low
fate of about 85.00 1101' 51,000 per annum.
The Workmen" Promptly I'ay Mulls
Claims and expect a large inoroase to its
members now that those American Line
Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can-
11013T. AIOM5TRONG bL W. ; W H, 1.53010.
Roeo1•der 1 J. A. OREIGhTON,Fivaucier,
02 02 • IssarerotisivaimgeLiaonsos, OSY3:o°
at his Croaory, '1'urnborl•y street. 19russels.
1-4 N. BARRETrT,
_tai• Tonsorial Artist Shop -Next door
south of A. W. MoiIwy & Oo'8 hardware atoxe.
Laclies'ancl °Ilildrans hair cutting tt epeofalty
Savings Bann. takes Deposita from
51.00 to 51,000 and allows 8 per omit.
interest, T. PARR W,
87.810 Postmaster,
/oaliei of Marriage Lioenses,
OrriOlo AT JEwemixaTone.
fiM'No Witnese Required.
T. FLETOH78R, ,Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Divsslon Cour
Co, Unroll. Oonvcyanoor, Notary Patello
Land Loan and Insara000 Agent. Funds
invested and to Loan. Collections made
()Mee In Graben'o Block, Bruseole
Tilos, A. HAWKINS,
Will give loesons to pupils either
ti °
r n
piano or organ, his Widelo, opposite
the eert,to , Vocal lssensi also
given, Tan Years experience in bonbing