HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-19, Page 6jt Nrusstis Vat
.-•---•I9 1'Dist ISEIBD—
(in time for the early malls/at
/"Tire fest" Stearal Publishing ]louse,
Tuannn,any ST., Bnossxrs,
Tartars oto seem-mm=l=N.—one dollar a
Year, in advance. Tbeenee to which every
subscription is paid in denoted by the date
on the address label,
A1Vsncriene0 1t'Tns.—The following rates
tenni.) charged to these who edyertiae by
the year:—
$Pact; I xl:, MO. I Smo
One Column $60,00 $3600 $20.00
Half 110.00 20.00 12.00
Quarter " 30.00 3300 8.00
enghth " 12.10 B4O0 0.00
Eight Dents perhue for nest insertion, and
three cents per live for each subsequent in-
sertion. All advertisements measured ee
Nonpareil -12 lines to thetnolt,
Buoiuees Cartis,eight lines and unser, es
per avaum,
Advertisements without specifics direc-
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly,
instructions to ahauge or discontinue au
10ee0 11010 left later atthe
of eaelt week This ie imperative.
NV. _X. ki1:ui3$.,
Baiter and Proprietor.
the advertiser has been indulging in those to BOO some of this last I wont over to
dreodful puns, This one was pretty far where we found a man with what nilght
fotohed and ran something like thee, "The be termed "a good gift of the gab," 10'
butcher ; when his joints ache, his ohope etruoting his hearers in tato merite 01 Itis
look pale and his heart's ab steak, takes drugs fee applied to the healing art•
so end so's pills," Yat with such as that They were, he said, purely "herbs," and
on the back of the ticket ono alit] had to oaationed hie attentive audience not to
hold it, After we had been seated some have anything to do with mineral drugs,
time, watching people come and go, we because they were 0 lot of them rook
p eesently saw a women running t0 get On poleone, Some or hie audience seemed
the ear, Now it's not in good taste to to think that sound reasoning, condemn.
make remarks about ons'e fellow travel• ing the whole Incense of the few, forget•
lere, but as this woman's ran was not a ting, or being ignorant of the fact that
dlegreoe t0 her but just a noticeable po• there are as many or more rank poisons
auliarity, I may be exoused for telling in the "herb" kiugdom, as in the mineral,
about it. The streets were as I said, I became still more interested when he
very muddy, and this may have exalt• impressed his hearers with the vulue of
gerated any tendetoy to awkwardness in hie herbs by saying, that they had been
her run. As she ran site seemed to bo discovered in Ammon, it sort of eland of
careful t0 first bring down her heels on vegetation." Of course he told them how
the pavement and then ae a Bort of after- much geed it had atter done him and
thought aha would bring down her toes, then gave everyone an opportunity of
and as a result of this a shower of mud reaping a like benefit. As we diel not
wde sent iu advents and to eaoh side of feel finite ready to invest we moved on.
her. There was one advantage in this Then we came to a woman selling "cut
though, as it gave her plenty of room to meat." This is meat for feeding to oats,
run, as people kept as far from her as and is of horseflesh, and is quite tt flour -
possible. The next thing that attraoted itching "industry" in Loudon. There are
our atteutiet was the entrance of a man several shops in London with tt definite
past the prime of life, one of those fine- "oirouit" 01 customers, and in some oases
looking, Industrious and absentminded it is a very paying inteinees. Thus our
old gentlemen. bis had hardly been midnight howler besides catohing ]nice
seated when he pulled out a packet of and furnishing concerts in the baolc yard,
papers and began .reading them. The is useful also in furnishing quite a large
eonduetoe Dame along, took his fare and number of people with a livelihood.
gave hien a ticket. Thie he aboentmind- Then the pawed ou and were glad when
edly pushed np between his head and his we began to gat out of the orowd eucthave
silk bat, but leaving it half sticking out a little more breathing epees, for when
for the conductor to see. Tho last we one gets in a London crowd of that
saw of him was when he left the ear and kind the atmosphere is not what one
was solemnly walking away with bis lit- , would call either healthy or agree.
tie advertisement where be had first put able. When at last we got free of
it. Shortly after this we Dame to the end the crowd we took a general survey
of the tram line and had to dismount, but of ourselves add you may be sure that
as we had still a long distance to go we with tramping in the mud on the
hailed another "load of advertisements" street, people troadidg en our boots, and
going by the name of omnibus. Having the dirty, muddy people rubbing against
climbed up to the top of this we got a us, we were scarcely fit company for the
scab and were soon foto the heart of the drawing room. In fact we had grave
city. Going past the Bank of England doubts as to ear fitness for each other's
we came to the foot of Cheapside street, company, but ou second thought we re-
whioh is perhaps the busiest in London, membered what city we were in and
or at least one of tbo busiest. grew more satisfied with our lot. As we
Getting into the throng of the vehicles were then about five 01 six miles from
of every description, one was simply home, we thought it 'vas time to leave
amazed to see how alone the wheels would and get on our homeward way. We
come to other wheels and yet very seldom walked a short distttnue and took the
touch. And yet to look at the Dab driv• underground railway. On thie occaeiort
ere, etc., one would think they were the smoke, which is always very dense
hardly even paying attention to what down there" was even more dense than
they were doing. On looking down on novel, almost solid, and we were heartily
the living mass moving In every direction glad when we were out of it. We then
11 almost made yott giddy. Little street got a tram ear and climbing in among
sweeps with pen and brush lathering up our advertisements once more, we got a
all refuse off the street before it would seat and were soon well on out' way home.
be tramped in, were very interesting. The fog began to condense and seen we
They seemed at times to be almost under had a light drizzle, which ire we walked
the feet of the horses anti between the home a short way, was almost better
wheels, but always name out all righe than the fog as it began to wash off the
Bicycles are not often seen on theee very mud from the sidewalks and made walk•
busy streets, but orae in a while when ing more comfortable. We soon arrived
the street is a little more free than usual home, none the worse of our outing,
a rider may be seen coming along in the except for our being literally plastered
crowd very slowly and determined look- with "web earth," at which I was dis•
ing. At such thine the "set" expression, posed to grumble, bet my friend inform-
whiob some have styled the "bicycle ex• ed me that if I were living in Lonndon
pression" is intensified until it might al• all the time I would get used to it. I
most be sail to be "grim." After going replied "verily," but I nevertheless
away ep Cheapside and Holborn, with thought it was hard lines in the gettiug
numerous short stoppages at the orossinge need to it, especially if one comes in the
by policemen to let the erose streams of Winter, which is very mneh worse than
vehicles and paseeugere have an oppor. any other season of the year.
10011), we finally got dowu and walked
and soon arrived at the "market" street. cot rttuli nee IW e, wee.
There we found the whole street bar-
rioaded with atolls, vans and two wheeled
carts used by travelling fruit and vege-
table sellers. On the outskirts of the
crowd were scattered dozens of men and
women with small wares and each "worth
a penny." Earth person was loudly call•
fug his or her own particular article,
"only a penny." Then there were vege-
table and fruit sellers. The meat stalls
were, I think, the noisiest of all. It
seems a great custom with ell the Welt-
ers here in London to make as =oh
noise as possible. They seem to think it
e necessary part of the business and alt.
pear unable to make a living without
shouting and talking as loudly as they
can, It matters net what they say so
long as they say something, eometimee it
is intelligible but oftner it Is not. Some
persons make a living by their brains,
but these fellows seem to make it by their
lungs. These meat shops are often (to
use a slang expression) "rank." The
meat out in pieces of a pound or two in
weight are plead in the open window or
at the door for inspection within easy
reach of the people passing. Each purr
chaser or would-be purobaeer or indeed
even "inspectors," claims the right to
thoroughly examine each piece as one
might a piece of cloth before buying it,
The butcher himself is a great deal to
blame for this custom, for often you may
see an enthueiastio butcher piok up a
piece of meat, turn it over, give it a little
toss Stalking all the lima) and then would
give it to the one to whom lie was trying
to sell it, who turns it over and over be-
fore she finally decides that she will not
take that particular piece and goes on to
the next stall, where a similar process is
gone through, except thet she may take
a pieee there. When she leaves the stall
some one else stops up and steeps np the
handling. The result of ail This in.
enaction is that in a short time the meat
is simply unfit to eat. Thie is more es-
pecially true in these rnarkot strsete.
On this oaoaelon after watching a little
army of people with unwashed fingers
literally "'tattling" the meat aronrtd nn•
til it wee blackened and sudden, we
finally began to have a feeling of being
either sea elair or bilious and we had to
pate along. We passed people welling ell
some of artinlee, seam of which we tweet
for what they were intended and others
we did not. Then we 0am0 to a man
selling canaries. They were very valu-
able birds, be said, brit as he only had
tares left he was anxious to Get rid of
them, and was going to sell thorn for one
shilling and six pence each, Ile wits at
hist offering them for six pence welt,
Some one asked him if they were god
singers. IIs bell up one of them in a
little sago and said, "Don't 'es Isola lilts
a singer ? 'Eo's a lovely singer 'ea 10,
when 'ee's in proper sarroaudiege," I
hardly know what surroundtngeha would
require for I found Uut afterwards• that
the birds he was selling were painted
sparrews, and of lumen lovely eingere.
Then we passed on to the clothing de-
partment. I-lere was a man selling it
very valuable overooat, worth a guinea of
any man's money, but he was also anxi-
ous to sell and offered it for ten shillings.
Finding no ole jumping at the bargain
be gradually came down one shilling at a
time and when we left, lie was offering an
overnont for Three ehillinge. ?Sad we
stayed longer we might have seen him
paying some one to take it off big battle.
In crowd of this kind there was the
usual number selling mange, clement
and medicine. Being a little interested
The following letter, from London,
England, will be of interest to many :—
My visit to a "market street" in •Lon-
don was in January. My friend, who
was well acgmaitted with the oity, had
proposed that we would bake a run
through the city to what is called Chapel
street, which is known as a marketstreet.
There are several of these so-called
"market streets" in the city, and for the
time being they are wholly given up to
the buying and selling of many kinds of
articles, no vehicles being allowed along
during "marketing." They are generally
in the poorer parts of the city, We were
waiting very patiently for a dry day for
Der proposed visit, but each suceesdingg
day seemed to rival its predecessor in
disagreeableness. Not a heavy rain, hub
a drizzle one (ley and rain the next, with
a variation of fog which was very little
better. When one is waiting to go any
place, however insignificant the visit, one
soon gets veneer of such a state of things
and this wee the case with us, for after
waiting for five whole days for an inter•
ruption we decided to wait no longer and
go in a "wet" fog and take life as it was.
I might just here add that if we had
waited for the weather to clear np we
would have had to wait four Jays more,
for during nine days I never saw the sun,
and it was not because I was not up early
enough in the morning (or out of bed late
enough at ufgbb.) On this particular day
we had neither rain nor drizzle, but a
heavy fog, which was making, or retber
steeping, everything wet. When we set
out we found the etreets just as disagree-
able es the weather. The mod on the
sidewalks was just slippery enough to
make walking awkward and deep enough
to sadly soil one's bode. In a very short
time your boots become dirty looking, so
that in passing a boot black Of which
there are a great number) you are made
painfully aware GE their condition by
hearing "Shine ?" "Shine, sir ?" and if
you choose to look that way yon may see
e finger pointed in your direction to at-
tract the attention of your neighbors to
your dirty boots. The mud in London is
exceedingly difficult to remove either
from boots or clothing. It seems to form
a sort of paste and sticks so persistently
that one often wishes that it would be a
little less affectionate. The whole street
was covered with a thin, slimy mud of
about from one to two inohes in depth,
except in the centre of the street, where
the mad sweeper had gone along and
swept it to one side, where it formed a
pool of mud along the curb storm. Every-
thing seemed to he covered or daubed
with mud, so that one would wonder
where it all came from and also where it
oould all go to. But mud in London is
almost too common a topic to talk about
here and I often think it excites more
comment when we have dry streets in
Winter. On this occasion after we had
walked a couple of blocks we came to a
street along which the tram cars run.
The tram cars correspond to our horse
Cars at home, Or OUT street care minus
the electrical and plus the horses. The
car differs in several features. On the
top of each are seetssuficient to aceetn•
modete about thirty or more people.
These seats are reached by little winding
stairs at the front and at the back. The
top Beats are by far the best to see a city
while riding through it, and that may be
one reason why electricity is not used, as
by our method of running electric oars
the seats would of neoessity be done away
with. Each oar is also literally plastered
with advertisements of every description
and put on so that the ear looks almost
hideous, at least it is not ornamental,
Advertising would seen to be almost a
dieeane here, as every available patch is
utilized, It may not be worse than at
home, but one always manes allowannee
for home anetoms and when you see any.
thing done in a way different from that
to which you aro aoenetomed, it is more
noticeable and hence exaggerated by that
fast alone. Ilomeve•, advertising on the
street cars cannot full 10 attract the at•
tuition of the most indifferent. They do
not seem to be put on with any regard to
either mete or symmetry. In Fant one
would be inclined lu think that they were
put on in the most offensive positions.
Possibly with the idea that the more
otlarleivo the more Meting will be the um
pression, and so cin the most gond, It
ie nob neeersary to give many of the
varieties of the good thing to read about,
but some of them which amnk in my
memory (yes, I ooufess I have react them
several times) were "Somebody's Extraot
of Beef," "Somebody's Marmalade or
Jam," "Somebody else's Soap," "Corn
Cures or rifle," and in feet everybody's
everything, and all the very best. Well,
we finally dodder' to luta thie moving
mass of advertisements, It stopped and
we dilated Op on top and took a Beed.
The conductor acme along and we paid,
our little "tuppence" and received a ticket
in return whtah we were to show when
asked to do so. On the one side wee
printed the ticket inetructione and on the
ether was our old friend, an advertise.
rant. Now it bad enough having a
ti0lfet with one of these staring one in
the face, but what a feeling almost of
110rrer a0m05 Over One on learning that
An earthquake shook was felt at Ham•
Wnt, Smith, iate Dopa v Minister of
Merino end Fisheries, le ti,••,ti.
John McMullen, erreetel for drunken.
nese at Brantford, died in th"e Delle.
Tax -collector Little, of ]luntroon, was
robbed of $75 by highwaymen.
A new railway from \viunipeg to Pert
Arthur is prnjeoted iu Winnipeg.
Sir Donald Smith is retnrnhtg to Can.
oda. He left Liverpool on the Teutonic,
The total shortage in the accounts of
tits late Treasurer Campbell of Brant
County is nearly $26,000.
The various brotherhoods of railway
employees of the Grand Trunk met at
Hamilton and decided to federate,
The Government will send a. small ex.
hibit of Canadian cereals and wood pulp
to the International Exhibition at Stock-
Kingston & Pembroke Railway em-
ployees have been frightened by what
they believe ere the ghosts of men killed
on the railway.
At a Conservative meeting at Beaver-
ton it was decided to protest the election
of Mr. Graham in North Ontario to the
At Hanover a span of horses owned by
J. I. Millis ran away. The animals got
caught between oars of a moving train
and were killed.
Geo. Batley, of Brantford, has been
appointed Secretary of the Western On-
tario Dairymen's Association in plane of
Mr. Wheaton, resigned.
The money stolen from Mise Beck's
trunk at Anoaste•, amounting to $116,
was found tied to the door of Mr. Woods -
worth's house, where the young lady
Two 6fonnt Forest hotelksepere pati•
tions the oemoil at its teat meeting to
have a bylaw paused imposing a liaenee
on all vendors of cigars or cigarettes,
Premier ]Flynn, speaking at Sherbrooke,
announced that the Provinoial general
eleotious would take plane the beginning
of May, and a despatch front Quebec
gives the date an May 11t11.
The stoaeehip Canada has been with.
drawn front the Canadian route, and the
company luta also withdrawn any offetts
Made to the Canadian Gavo•umeld in
oonneotion with the fact lids myna,
Terve Asroietonruo.—Mien Annette N.
Moen, Fountain, Minn„ says ;--'Ayer.'s
Cherry pectoral has had a wonderful
effect in curing my brother's children or
a genie sad ddugeroue cold. It was truly
astonishing how speedily they found re.
lief after taking this preperali iti "
An Agreeable Laxative and N10IIVB TOMO.
an1d0raseefdO0penckg. Samplsree,,
t 9has
K0 NO The Tovorlto T00TII t i taT
tsr the Tooth and 13Ya0.tb, 2tO.
00151 by JAS. I:OX, frasslst,5lrnesels,
ifkl0 Satisfied With
Ay 's Hair ° rigor.
"Nealy forty years ago, after
801110 weeks of sickness, Say hair
turned gray. I began using Ayer's
Tinir Vigor, 111111 was so Well antis -
lit with the relents that ]: have
revel• bila] ally other kind of arose-
iug. It requires only
an occasional appli-
cation of
Hair Vigor to koop
my flair of good
color, to remove
dandruff, to heal
itching tumors, and prevent the
Lair from falling out, I never hesi-
tate to recommence Ayer's medicines
to my friends. "—Mrs. Po.11I. IIAIGfiT,
Avoca, llebr.
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer arc Ce. Lowell, Masa
rake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion.
Wanted—An idea Who con think
thing Bo mo stent?
thing to wealth?
Protect our Ideas; tbov may brag you wealth
oWaellnBton, DEC ,forrtheirr 51.tmo tp1100 Attor-
and 150 or two hundred luveatleee welded.
White Btu Line.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot iO, (Inc. d, Morris, the thane brat] lin.
]proved White Yortirlire Boar "Releebetl,"
Brod from J 11. Brnthour'n eweepataltne 6011
at Chicago Vale Terms$1.00 t0 be pail]
at the time of eorvlee with privilege of re-
turning if neooseary. Pedigree may be snort
Oct iteplioatlen,
I wish to inform the people of Brusesls
and surrounding dietriet that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
loolted after.
elrOrdere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns,
Gutter Green,
MAR. 19, 1897
Lioen15e Distriot
oar '1'1111
East Riding of Huron.
To the `T'averu.koeper'sand Others
whom it may Concern.
NOTICE is hereby given that
. .1)1]1ic ation for Lic eases
for the solo of liquor in the
for Otto License your 1807•lt8, thiel] onamtou-
0500u trite est day of May next, will bo 10-
esiv01i by the undersigned from the present
date up to
Thursday, April est, 1897,
ivalusive, Apphoaute must furnish the
1190100 of two good and suiflefent sureties as
bondsmen at the time of making applies. -
tion, Auy applicant for a new license must
furnish a uoniacab° Signed by a majority of
the oleobore entitled to vote at elections for
the Legislative Aesemhly In the Palling Sub -
Division In which the premises sought to be
licensed are situated, and the Bald tualority
must inelade at least one-third of the said
electors, who aro at tau limo of snull ample•
cation residents within the said Polling Subs
Jamestown, Feb, 22nd, I807.
(ROYAL i9ts.tE S'TL.tMSHIPs. 'We beg to sincerely thank our many customers for
Between New York and Liverpool, via generous support they have given us in trying to establish the
Queenstown, every Wotitnod,ty.
As the steamers of this line carry only a �fA S,.x_-a- S Y1 Ti
strictly limited nambor in the FInsT curt
0000150 aln110 accommodations, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths 10 unneesary at Ode sea-
son. Por plans, rates, eta, apply to
VV. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels,
Wl.0 mare
a, well 'tiara
of YiOIT1
most P1m00000 cOe ante n
neSOLre 1N Foos Waage.
PI0001 aurae all 1900,00n Dioocwe, eloopleee-
naae, Fatting 1llamor1,B tphtty Omission,ane ma.
mrrhoen, Impotency, etc., 01050011 poet entitles •
gives vigor and else to shrunken flume, arid
Qalalalt' betenralr,rmete u, Losr !?diff Coe 10 aid
or Young. Vee PI00BI and yen 1111 grow 511005
ane happy again. ed01 by moil is etote wmppor
clad 55an1017 009101. from obarrrnt{ne. Emily
orgod in vont poaSot Petro, 01 a y or re 0. els
tor e6. Band money In either ordinary or register.
0d letter. Address air 190150, 10 J.'1. POIP� A„
mistoe or
Dru gia0, W:000100000011,. 010, Agent for the Do.
Real Estate & Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire ce Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman & MoCall's Store
Wanted—An idea
igilo eat Llllnk
9lrUaUY CAY U6 a of Some simple
thing to wealth. wealth.
P1010 your mens; tl,oyy may brag yeti
Write WSDD1& 00.,Patent Atter.
eoye Washieptot. 0, 0„ for their $,800 prise clear
and list
eb two hundred luvantleee 'wanted.
R. all S ' S
6• LLS
T. b,:wsov Manager Stnnd,,rd 1l may Brad.
ford Ott, says Chaaa hidncy-Liver 1111, are A
grand owdieloo for Ilse kidneys and Liven
W P. CAitrena ng lieCnul St„ Toronto, re. •
pre anling \cot red 10110, 01 yC Chase's fills art
likr tingle for tho mile( of hen I art', bilious attack
and n nstipntinn Sold everlwh orby mail en
r.aefpt 01 prise, c11 EDSA4s074 tgtre0 & CO,
46 10111000 8 20. 1000510, 0110
of doing business. Wo have found that it can be done successfully
even in these years of du]1 times and will still continue to 110 busi-
ness on that principle with the aid and good will of the buying pub-
lic. It means no store bills that yon can't pay ; no dunning ; no
suing ; no notes with interest aciclocl to settle up, then probably
renewals with more interest added ; then two years behind, &c. • A
good pull and a strong pull and its done. Don't take credit from
us or any -person else and we will give you a written guarantee that
you will never regret it.
New Spring Goode Arriving Daily.
Big Bargains in all lines of Winter Goods. March Fashion
Sheets and Patterns to band.
TRa 00
We kee in stock and supp_y everything in
Coal and Wood Stoves,
Either Parlor, Box or Cook
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and.
Warranted to work properly.
Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &e,
Orders Taken for Goal.
Stove and Furnace Men, Brussels.
of Toronto,
01- 0111
0 0 a"
01 00
0 01
0 0�
0 0
perfection itself,
Established 1871.
Tho Policy Contract issued by this Association is
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infer -
relation furnished on application.
" '. , E'n f, Agent, Brussels.