HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-19, Page 5MAR 19, 1897
F;,la"afriCf "Ce1US,
K.t-n.ub r001e.
Vann, Perrin watt at Ooderiob last week
retrying big Queen as a juror.
Tneeday Rev. D. B. Malleo attended
Maitland Presbytery at Ripley,
I3ev. R. Ir. Cameron and bride spent a
portion of their bonsymoon with rola.
lives in this village,
Text Sabbath the communion will be
observed in Knox olmreh bora. Rev. Mr,
Muir, of Ripley, will pfeuoh at 2,80 on
Friday afternoon and at 10.30 a. m. on
Saburday. Tile pastor will preach on
/act rlei as.
Township Oonuoil minutes in auother
Mrs. Harry Robb leaves for ➢2anitoba
on Tuesday, 23rd.
Mies Martha Johnston is visiting eels•
tivev at the Nile this week,
The storm on Sunday last was the
worst oxporienoed Ibis Winter.
Miss Sarah J. Johnston spent Inst
week with relatives at Newbridge.
Wm, Miohie purohased 7 bead of young
cattle at D. Geddes' sale on Monday.
The auotiom sale of David Geddes,
3rd line, held on Monday lust was a grand
David Ramsay has scoured the servi-
ces of Blabaed Stevens for the coming
Summer menthe.
Miss Lottie Pollock, of Glemmis, is at
present visiting her grendpareute, Jared
King and wife, 1st con.
Mrs. Leonard Rattan tae returned
home after a month's visit with relabives
and friends at Newbridge.
John Little, of Manitoba, was the
guest of W..7, Johnston on Sunday, He
totems to Manitoba this week.
Mrs. John ideVety has been very sick
for some time past bob, we are pleased to
state, she is improving somewhat. '
Laughlin Fraser is in a vary lots con.
dition at present with p0eumonie. If
sincere wishes would aid him be has
bliss Maggie McCutoheon, of Brussels,
Was visiting under the parental roof on
Sunday last. Maggie is a general
Adam Halliday, jr., has been appointed
librarian for Knox church Sunday
school, Belgrave, as amasser to D. Al-
lison, resigned.
William Robb, having disposed of his
farm, purposes removing to Manitoba
with his wife and family. We wish Will.
God -speed in his new venture.
Miss Id. Thuell returned on Saturday
from a visit among relatives and friends
in the vicinity of Ifinoardine. Miss
Thuell was away about four weeks.
Some contemptible sneak removed a
a oross.uut saw from H. Itanna's bush.
The parties had better put it back in the
plaoo from whence it was taken, or a taw
suit may Drop up.
Will. Smith, who wee home on a visit
from Hartney, Manitoba, left for the
West on Tuesday of laot•'week. Ole has
been in Manitoba for theast seven
years. Elba father died the Thursday
after he left, -having taken a bad turn
after the son left.
It is with einoere regret we are called
upon to state that the silent reaper,
Death, bac out down another of our re-
spected citizens, in the person of Thomas
McKinney. Mr, McKinney was stricken
down about two weeks ago with that tell
disease pneumonia, and in spite of good
care and medical attendance he was
called away on Sunday, 14th. Mr. Mu•
Kinney leaves a tette and two children,
besides other relatives to mourn his de-
mise. They have the heartfelt sym-
pathy of the community.
013p.—As mentioned in last week's
Pose George Smith, 0th eon., passed
away to his reward on Thursday, 11th
inst. Deceased teas a native of Ireland
and came to Canada aboot 1880, locating
in Lanark County. In 1855 he was
united in m000103e to Mies Jauet Miller,
of the same Go., who pre -deceased him
last April. Mr. and Mre. Smith remov-
ed to Ueborne township, Huron Co.,
from Lanark, waste they resided for 20
yeare, and name to Morris in 1870, pur.
abasing lot 27, con. 0, from Mrs. M.
Dorsey, of Seaforth. Two daughters,
both dead, and six eoae, live of whom are
living, were born to them. The sons
are :—Alex., on the homestead ; Geo., of
Walton ; Will., in ]Sfartney, Manitoba ;
Jno., of Brussels ; and J. V., of Niagara
Falls. The subject of this nobles bed
been poorly all Winter but his death was
not expected. A cold developed into
Jung trouble, resulting in death. Mr.
Smith was a Ivletbodisl iu religion, a
Conservative in politics and was a kind-
hearted, honest going, unassuming man,
widely respeobed. Funeral took place on
Saburday afternoon, Reside. Meson.
Waltman and Forrest oonduoting 4he
ssrvioe, the interment being made at
Brunets oemotory. The pall bearers -
were J. Lawson, J. Puttee, Geo. and
Wm. Jaoksou, Jno. Mowbray and W.
Sholdioo. The sympathy of the nom-
munity is extended to tba bereaved.
A brood ROW was sold at D. Gadde
eels on Monday last for the hallclaon
sum of $81,00,
JO. Arnett was at Godorioh last woe
on the Grand Jury. Thele dutiee we
not burdenoome lhie time.
Jae. V. Smith, of Niagara Nelle, Ont
was home last week attending the fetter
of his father. lie returned to the tow
of the roaring catering Tuesday of 313
During the past weep Jas. Wilkinso
and eon, 4311 line, who have been iii, wet
not moll better but this week favorabl
progress to reported we are pleased b
Hugh alms has the ma'ortal reedy fo
the erection of a Ane bank barn pax
Summer. Geo. Haney has the contrite
for the frame work and Meseta. Shaw
Mustard & Forrest the mason work,
John Hayes, 7th lino, was taken to t1t
County House of Refuge, at Olinbon, o
Thursday of this week. Depuby•1Zeev
Kirkby and Donald McLean took him
Mre. Reyes, who is of unsound mind
tae been an inmate of the above insti
tution for the past year. Mr. Hayes i
between 05 and 70 years of age and i
quite disabled with something like par
Upsets and runaways or upsets with
out runaways have been quits the fashion
duriog the past week, owing to the ba
state of the roads. Joseph Clegg, wif
and daoghter, were quickly. deposited in
a pool of water one day last week while
en route to Brussels, by the overturning
of their' cutter. The Editor of TIM Poee
and his son, while on their way to Bel.
grave Thursday evening of last week,
were treated to a similar experience at
bhe same piece, barring the bath. Their
horse made a speedy journey, minus a
driver for over 2 miles, when it was
aanght and batten to A. Halliday's, wbare
the owner found ib a short time after
quietly eating bay in the stable. If
pathmaeters would see that the roads
tvere properly opened after snowstorms
these unpleneant experionoes would be
largely done away with.
young people of 5. S. No. 3, to the num-
ber of G0, assembled at the residence of
Thomas Miller, 5th line, on Friday even-
ing of lash week for the purpose of pre-
senting Mr. and Mrs. Miller with a neat.
ly worded address and a beautiful hang-
ing parlor lamp as 0 reoognitioo of vela•
able assistance rendered by the free ao•
oomodesion supplied to parties attending
the annual entertainments held under
the auspices of the school notion during
the past eight years. The address was
read in behalf of those assembled by
Ohms. Mollie and the presentation made
by Miss Mary Wilson. Mr. Miller made
a brief but appropriate reply, after which
an enjoyable time was spent in dancing
and other amueemeuts, social ohat,
besides the partaking of a sumptuous
?pest Of which it is unnecessary to say
fully sustained the reputation of the
young ladies' abilities m the line of
cookery. The following is the address
From bhe young people of Sohool Section
No. 8, Morrie, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Miller.— t'
D¢An Pn1¢ pe — 0 he young
people of School Section No. 3, Morris,
feel that the tinware] of our entertain.
meat, held on March 8rd of this year, as
well as those held on previous ocoesious,
wee in a large measure due to your
hospitality and good will toward us in
furnishing free aaoomodation for horses
belonging to those who have from time
to time attended our entertainments.
We now avail ourselves of the present
opportunity to express our gratitude and
allow our appreciation of the many kind
favors so geuerouely bestowed upon us
and the publio le general, and for the
untiring interest you have taken in our
well being on all email occasions as
above mentioned. We ask you to please
accept this address as a feeble expression
of our thanks for the many and often
repeated favors received ea your hands,
also this parlor lamp, not for its value
or to compensate you in any way for
your many benevolent aobs, but as aemall
token of our respect for you and as
something to recall the many pleasant
relations existing between yon and us.
Wishing you and your family many
years of health, usefulness and prosperity
and hoping that we each and all where-
ever oar lot is oast may become famous
for our consideration for the wellbeing of
others. Signed in behalf of School
Seabion No. 3, by M. Braox, Teacher.
Dated this 1233 day of March, 1807.
Munn Bros. have purohased lot 12, on
the 13th non., and are busily engaged
turning the timber on it into lumber.
Rev, J. P. Westman preached a sermon
against dancing and kindred evils in the
ohuroh in Walton circuit one Sabbath
Quite a number of horses have ohanged
hands in this section reoenbly, some el
them going West and Boma to the Old
The Fall wheat has come out beautiful
and groan from under its snowy covering.
It has a great deal to contend with yet,
all the same.
uta „ a mgmar :_
Mr. and Mrs. Gray attended a retails/tie The Township Council/ declining to
meeting in Ilibbert lest Sabbath, grant a now Helmet section, eotnpaoed of
The owampers have all returned to the 40 Irate in the 3rd told 4th cone., the pro -
settlement, this branch of business beteg /wawa intend appealing to the County
done for thio season, 0011041 next June,
Bell brobhere were out on Tuesday last A sleigh load of young people from the
hunting for a bear, Bruin, however, 10311 non, spent it very pleaennt time at
kept cub of the way, his trttoiO4 being all the reoilopoe of John Steise, 013 con.,
that wee discernable, last friday evening. All wont well until
John Muldoon and wife, Henry Gal. in the drive home the sleigh turned over,
brnith and the Muses Parish, who ware precipitating the oo0upante lu the snow
passing the Winter in Ontario, have re- A. few stiff nealco and sore name, acumen
turned to their home in Manitoba, after such aooaslone, are the only seriouo
Meld 1,noe Cot tcln,—Council met in remits.
Junes' hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, 15111 Leet 1i'rkley two young ladles, who
inst, ; members all present except Daniel live not far from Ethel, one to the Beet
Manley, who has been under the dootor'o and the other to the Wast, had quite an
oars for a few weeko, A by-law was experience while out driving. In going
passed appointing poondkoepers, fence. along a elderoad leading from the 7111 to
viewers and patbmaetere, whose duties the Oth oou., their horse came to a cud.
commence tile let of May. Armenia deu standstill and after spending some
were paid for shovelling anew on North time in vain attempte to get it to ad -
gravel road for $17.75, A reeolubion 0303 vanoe, they alighted from the cutter to
passed authorizing Treasurer to notify ascertain the cause of the stoppage,
all persona who are mortgagors to the The thaw of the previous few dayo had
m0uioipallty that their interest 3e re. caused a little stream to push its way
dead to 56% einoe the date of lash pay. across the road and over this the bores
ment of interest. A requisition from the refused to go, Not to bo baffled, one
trustees of School Section No, 0 for 0oun• young lady held the horeo wbile the other
oil bo borrow 6050 to erect a new school carried rails from the neighboring fence
Image was not granted as it had not the and oonstruated a temporary bridge,
030011on of the ratepayers of the seotion, The young gentleman who witnessed this
Oounail adjourned to meet in Jones' scene showed very little heroism, when
hotel, Leadbury, on Friday, 28th May at he never offered even a helping hand.
2 O'0loolc afternoon ae a Court of Revision BnouauroN ve. GneY Towxsutr.—This
and other bueiness. much talked of and often tried case name
Jona 0. Monnosme, Tp. Clerk. up before the Supreme Court at Ottawa
on Wednesday of lash week and continued
Crrt;x. until Court rose on Thursday. The fol.
A 5311 line gentleman makes frequent lowing is the official notion of the Uttar.
visits to Ethel now. tog e --The next case was Broughton v.
Miss Maggie Patterson, 3rd eon., who the Township of Grey and the Township
hes been ill, is now better.
Grey Council minutes may be reed in
another column of this issue.
High water caused a few washouts
and new tops to be placed on some of
our oulverte.
D. Tyerman hes moved from the Pot•
lord farm to the one recently meaapied
by Jacob Wolfe.
A number of young people spent a
pleasant evening at the residence of Mr.
Sinclair, 14th con., hast Thursday even-
There was an immense crowd at the
auction sale at Mrs, Robert Browu'e on
Wednesday. Good prioee. F. S. Sonat
was the auctioneer.
Grey township is to be congratulated
on its imams in. taking -enah good oere
of the pita] holes thio,Winter. No doubt
an axe and shovel migbb have done harm
to some of them.
It is reported that Teesdale Whitfield
met with an accident on Wednesday
evening by bbe unexpected discharge of a
rifle in the bands on another individual.
It is said the ball injured hie feet but
particulars are not to hand when we went
to press. We hope no serious oonsegaen-
oes will ensue.
Next Sabbath afternoon Mr. Wherry
will preach a memorial sermon at Bethel
ohuroh, 10011 con„ having referenoe to bbe
life and death of Father Tindall, an old
and well known pioneer local preaoher
who recently went home to enjoy the re-
ward of the faithful toiler in the Master's
vineyard. Rev. Mr. Walker will hold the
regular service Sabbath morning.
George Shiels, jr., while working in
Robert Shiels' bush, lot 25, con. 10, lasb
week, met with what might have been a
very serious it not fatal accident, by the
breaking of a small black Rah tree that
was streak by another they bad felled,
Mr. Bidets saved his life, probably, by
throwing up his right arm which received
nhe weight of the blow and caved the
caving in of the skull.
ANNreeasanr.—Leet Sabbath anuiver•
eery sermons were to have been preached
in Bethel (15th oon.,) ohuroh, bat owing
to bad roads, the storm, and an upset or
two Rev. bIr. Alain, of Brussels, did not
get there to fill the pulpit and consequent.
ly there was no preaching servioes.
Wednesday evening the annual tea -meet•
ing was held, A tiptop soppy was
held in the school house Lifter which an
adjournment was mads to the ohuroh in
the adjoining lot. Rev. Mr. Welker,
pastor, presided ae chairman. Level
heeded addresses were given by Mr.
Smith, of Monkton, on "Changes ;" Rev.
Mr. Westman, of Walton, on "Essentials
to a suocosefnl life ;" Iiev. Mr. Edmunds,
B. D., Monkton, on "Influence ;" and
Rev. R. Peat, Brussels, on "Building."
One of the most pleasing features of the
evening was Mies Barbie MoNabght's
Scotch recitation, "Saunders MoGlaeh-
an's." This young lady oompares most
favorably with the bust elooutioniets go.
ing and Agnes Knox or Jessie Alexander
wilt have to look after their laurels with
Miss MoNaught as a compsbitor for pub.
lio favor. Her nooent, gesture and nat.
teal style of rendering the selection was
first-olass. The young lady is a daughter
of Henry McNaught and deserves a term
or more at some good school of elocution,
Brussels Methodist choir rendered the
musical program, oonsisting of anthema,
quartettes and Bolos. The proceeds and Toronto, travelling from place to
amounted to over 620, to which would be . place alone. Mies Cameron has also
added the reoeipts of a 000ial on Thurs- made tripe to Monitoba. She will re -
day evening. For a jolly, good time burn to her home in the Prairie Province
Bethel is the place bo go to a tea meeting. with hiss. Lineham early next mouth.
IN A ---4647a1=---'
1141 hill03
An endless gathering of New Goods—Not out
of date --Not shelf -worn stuff—Not manufacturers
cast-asides—but new, choice, desirable goods, on.
sale at Prices guaranteed the Lowest Ever Known.
Specials in Dress Goods and Prints.
Specials in, Cottons, Cottonccdes and Shirtings,
Specials in Flannelettes., Table Linens and
Startling Values in Boots & Shoes,
This store has always been known to carry it big as-
sortment of Boots and Shoes. This season the stook is
heavier than at any other time in the history of the busi.
Prices will make it to the advantage
of Enna. The appellant is a ratepayer as.,
of Elam and Ills notion is to reetraio that t0 bily
township from passing a final by-law to
pay a part of the coat of a drain to be
constructed under a bylaw passed by
Grey. The notion is also to quash the
by-law passed by the Township of Grey,
The plaintiff claimed that the latter by,
law was bad in directing an assessment
on lands in Elma, all the works to be
done thereunder being in Grey, and that
Sae Elena by-law was also bad because
the initiating township had nob passed a
proper bylaw for the construction of tbo
works proposed to be made. A majority
of the Court of Appeal bell both of the
bylaws bad, bat one of their Lordships
decided against the appellant on the
ground that his proceedings were 00)18000•
sary, as the bylaws meld avail nothing,
being both illegal and void, It was also
held that the appellant had no locus
staodi 10 attack the Grey bylaw, and
consequently the judgment of the court
below which had dismissed the notion
was alarmed with costs. The arguments
were not completed when the court rose
at 4 o'clock, bVlr. Mabee appeared for
the appellant and 1PIr. Garrote, Q. C.,
for respondent, the Township of Grey ;
Mr. MoPbersee for the Township of
Erna. Judgment reserved.
Gattexadixt.aa Ne .
Roseland bus eight barber shops and
25 barbers,
There 15 a good demand for farm
laborers and domestic help in Manitoba.
The annual report of the 0. P. R. for
the year 1800 shows net earnings of $8,•
Hon. W. S. Fielding dismissed the opal
duties with a deputation of mining men
at Montreal.
South Huron conservative's will meet
at Heiman on March 28 to nominate a
candidate for the Legislature.
The next annual oonventiou of the
Western Dairymen will be held in Lon-
don on Jan. 10, 20 and 21, 1908.
The stamp mill in connection with the
Kingston Sohool of Mining is now orush•
ing ore from different places night and
four Wingbatn Whitecaps will be
released from the penitentiary in a few
days, baying been pardoned after having
served a year of their sentouce.
Neil Campbell and John Quayle drove
over a bank near Paisley. Mr. Camp-
bell was killed and his companion wee
imprisoned under the sleigh all night.
t+•A delegation from the parishes along
the south shore of the St. Lawrence wait.
ed apoo the Ministry at Obtawa to urge
the extension of the Intercoloniel railway
to NIontreal.
Miss Nora clench, the clever violinist,
continues her triumphant course through
the British Isles. She played at s eon.
oert in severely critical Glasgow recently,
and in a newspaper which, spoke rather
disparagingly of the other performere,
her playing met with much praise.
A WHY YOUNG Tnovorras.—Mice V.
Cameron, daughter of A. 0. Cameron,
Brandon, Man:, is in Oollingwood visit.
ing bar grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Burst. Miss Cameron, although nine
years old, is quite a traveller. During
the past few months she has visited
friends in Hamilton, London Brueefield
of everyone
New Carpets and. Curtains.
New Carpets just received. The Newest Patterns at
the Lowest Prices,
New Spring Eats and Caps,
Correct Styles ! - Right Prices !
bring Snits for lion and Boys !
Correctly made garments for men and boys who ap-
preciate good, stylish clothing at a most reasonable price.
Men's Serge Worsted and Tweed Suits, well made and per-
fect fitting, from $3.00 to $12.50.
S111r' P
Fi ° �)
. 1E
Produce Wanted.
Here should interest every woman in this vinini y. Where else eau s.
woman find the assortment or the values which our stook represents? Certainly
not outside the large city stores except here. All this means hard work, capital and
experience put into this stook on our part, to be drawn out by our customers on de-
mand in the shape of the very best dress goods values it has ever been our ability to
offer. We want your dress goods trade. If this ad. brings you to the store, we are
oertain to get it, if right goods at right prices bave any influence. Here are some
of the values which are making the department famo0e :—
Double -fold Dress Goods in small stripe, light oolors for spring, 14o. it yard.
42 inch. (double -fold) Dress Goode, good weight, a very special line in Spring,
shades, 20o.
Brocade Dress Goods in all shades, 42 tushes wide, shot offsets, very neat
designs and good quality, cloth as good as we have ever shown at 40o. for 25o.
A epeoial number is a small Tweed effect in fawn, grey and brown colorings.
Yon will require to see this Zine to fully appreciate the value. It is only 25o.
The range of Black Goode we are showing in low prices is of exceptional merit,
in plain and fancy weaving. The geode are Fast Acid Proof Black and the beet
value we bave shown at 25o. and 30e.
Plaid Dress Goode for waste will be in favor, some lines we have proonred at
greatly reduced prioee. They are elegant patterns and beautiful goods, price 30e.
Particular attention is paid to a line to sell at 50o. a yard. If yon would like a
fancy pattern in pretty weave and good colors, we have them. In Plain Goods the
range is most complete. This is a most popular price and very pretty goods may be
We eek epeoial attention to our showing of Dress Goods at 500.
A line we are willing to pin our reputation to is a Boucle abate in Blue and
Green shades. No. 2 is a Blue, Blaok and Fawn. No, 3 is a Garnet Black and
Green. The style and finish of these goods are perfeob and the pride is 300.
In high -plass Dress Goods we have some interesting linea. Never bave such
elegant' goods been shown at the prices. It's difficult to give you a oorreob idea of
the beauty of the goods we are showing at 75o,, 80o., 00o. and 41,00. Trimmings to
match all Dress Goods.
oICEi; 'Ora Co., BLITTI o
Returned by Justices of the Peace in enol for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending March 9111, A. D., 1897, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section 1.
Nemo of Prosecutor,
Name of Defendant.
Nature of Charge,
Date of
Name of Convicting Justice or
Pine or
Time token
to b0 paid to
said Joshes.
Time when
To Whom Paid over by said
Justice and When.
If not Paid, Why nob, and General
Observations, if any,
V. Vennorman
" ,,
" "
Obits. 113ntonl
Harriet Disney
Mathew Miner
Jahn Gill
Jas. Icing
J. Creech
Mrs. Stinson
Jas. Creech
W. Ballantyne
John Gill
John. Gin
W. Spahrs
John Wescott
Maracak floss
Peter Watson
John A. Millon
Harry 0. Bell
Robert Beatbie
Prank Oaosar
A. H. Carr
Thomas Grovoe
John O'Connor
]Boldo Disney
George Hill
Ann DoL3on
Daniel McLeod
H. Kinsman
Bare. Shnarb
Was, Heywood
Goo, Grafben
John. Farmer
If, Walters, T. Tapp
and T. Oarne
It Baker
William Soubhoott
A. M. Thomson
A, D. Cameron
Elam Livingston
fleeing a horse on otroot
" "
r1 41"
„ ,. ,.
Indecent export 00
Assault and battery
Aboponding from House of Rofage
To keep the P0000
Breach 0f Village Bylaw
" "
" "
Breach Liquor Lioouoe Late
Breach Garro Law
Disorderly condedt Village 13y -lata
Assault on Soo
Selling lignos' during Peobib'd lire.
Feb. 3
Feb, 18
Jan. 18
Jau. 5'
Feb, t
Aug. 15
Sept, 24
Oat. 17
" 81
Nov. 2
Tau. 7
Jan. 27
Feb. 2
Mao. 12
Jan. 12
Yob. 18 16
Feb: 26
Nov. 21
3, A. Morton, Mayor, Wingbeen
" „
If "
" .t
" "
Goo, Mediansie J. 1'., Wingham
Johu McGarva, J. P., Cliutou
II. Either & V, Rata, J. P's, Crediton
C. Snell & J. P, Clerk, 3, P.'s, Exeter
C. Snell, J, P, Exeter
" "
" "
" +'
" "
" "
" "
" "
W. Lewis & A. Q. Bobier, J. P.'s, Exeter
Jae. Burns, Reeve, t3 Robb. Holmes, 3, P.
Wen, Mallongh, J. P., Danganuon
Finlay Andereon, 3, P.
$ 1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
10 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
60 00
15 00
1 00
1 00
20 00
Peb'y 3
Fob'y 10
3an'y 7
Jan'y 20
Marclt 12
Nov. 80
Town Treasurer, Wingltam
" '•
„ . „
Clerk of the Peaco
Village Treasurer
Village Treasurer
Village Treasurer
Wm. Ballantyne, Lin. Iusp'r
Half to John Gill and half to
Village Treasitrar
County Treasurer
Clerk of the Peace
John 13,. Miller, Impeder
on 20 clays in jail. No goods.
Committed for trial,
Bound for 12 menthe.
Provincial Treasurer.
(C,tslt herewith,)
Seat for trial.
Dismissed, ease not proven an assault.
I hereby certify the above to be truly and correctly copied from the records filed in any office,
Office Of the 01 eek of the Peace,
Goleriob, 1aro3 12th, 16970
Ira Lewis, Clerk of the Peace and Crown Attorney, County of Huron.