HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-19, Page 44
New Advertisements.
To Bent—Thee, Pepper.
Pink Pills—Dr. W idioms.
Print Opening --Ales. Straohau.
Sehednle of Coneietione—Ira Lewis,
Dress o.
The Story Goods
oiNob Shell- C
Dissolution a Partnership—Deadman
& McCall.
lzlsstis est,
FRIDAY, MAR. 19, 1897.
Tan Queen's Jubilee is to be brought
forcibly to the mind of the general public
by the issuance of a Dominion 8 cent
stamp for the onrrent postage on letters
commemorative of the great event. Cities
and towns in both the old and new world
are preparing elaborate programs for
celebrations they are arranging for, and
altogether the event promises to be one of
marked interest to every British subject.
1''xrzeryiicoxa knocked Dandy aim Cor-
bett out in a prize fight at Carson,
'Nevada, on Wednesday, in the 14th
round, and is now the heavy weight
champion of the world• righting may be
excused among doge, brit for any kind of
manly men to engage in such so•oalled
sport is a long way beneath the dignity
of manhood. The Legislature of Nevada
did themselves no credit when they pass-
ed en Act permitting pugs to carry out
their money grabs. If we had the mak-
ing of the law we would give every prize
fighter aterm in penitentiary and there
allow them an opportunity of working off
their surplus energy.
use of Dr. Williams/ Pink Pills, in the
ease of Miss O'Neil (move that they are
unegealled as It blood builder and nerve
bona, In the 04ee of young girls who
are pale or sallow, listless, troubled with
a fluttering or palpitation of the heart,
weak and easily tired, no time should be
lost in taking a course of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich
the blood and bring a rosy glow of health
to the °beaks. They aro a speeilio for
troubles peculiar to females, such as sup-
pressions, irregularities and all forme of
weakness. In men they effect a radical
pure in all oases arising from mental
worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold iu
boxes (never in loose form by the dozen
or hundred) at 50 cants it box, or six
boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all
druggists or direct by mail from Dr,
Wliilalll6' Medicine Company, Brook-
ville, Ont.
salve of their party making a useless
effort to ride into power. Whoever knew
the London Free Prase to aid the temper-
ance people in their fights for Probibl.
thin ? _ --
Rev, D, Forrest wee at Ripley last
Tuesday attending Maitland Presbytery,
Rev, Mr. Anderson, of Alvinston, will
preach in St. George's ehu0Oh next Sab-
bath afternoon. Rev. Mr, McCracken,
of Cheeley, preached last Sabbath,
The Walton Debating Society will hold
a grand coueert on Friday evening, March
25th. The committee are hard at work
preparing a good program. They have
immured Mr. Money, comic singer, Mitch•
ell, also local talent. This will be the
event or the season. Doors open at 7.80,
entertainment at 5 o'oloek, sharp.
%Vt think it is about time tho Govern-
ment called a halt on the coercive privil-
eges possessed by the Underwriters As-
sociation. Brussels has a first-class7ire
Engine and Brigade ; an abundant and
easily reached supply of water from
either tanks or river ; a fire limit By-
Iaw that has necessitated the erection of
brick blocks from the Town Hall to the
river on Main street, so that in that por-
tion mentioned there are but three frame
structures ; a new bell and alarm costing
over 5400, &o., dc. Yet in the face of all
this the Inspector comes along and cooly
remarks that unless we put down another
tank, employ a night watchman, have 2
firemen sleep at the Hall, and attend to
other minor matters he will be forced to
present such a report as will probably
place us m a lower class as far as our
grading is concerned, but in a higher
class for insurance rates. Is there only
one side to this question, or have towns
and villages meekly to put on the yoke
and add a large amount to taxes by need-
less expenditure ? We believe the time
for municipal co-operative insurance is
rapidly approaching and is being hasten•
ed by the overbearing dictation and de.
mends of the Underwriters Association.
If what we have beard is true, not a few
of the insurance companies are silent
partners in this little bulldozing business
that is in vogue. It looks as if it were a
case of "You scratch my back, Noddy,
and I'll scratch yours." What is required
at this juncture is for the respeotive
municipalities who are threatened with
increased insurance rates if they do nob
surrender to band together and have the
matter so brought to the notice of the
Government that the interests of more
than one class will be protected. Brus-
sels is not alone in this matter and if we
were we would consider the blame was
rightfully placed upon us, but other
places are similarly situated, hence the
neceeeity of curtailing the powers of an
organization too Czar -like to meet with
the approval of Canucks.
Tae Coneervative press and an occas-
ional Liberal organ, the Goderich Signal
for instaue8, are dubious as to the out.
came of the next Provincial election in
Ontario. We are not exercised over it at
all, es the past record of the Government
is impregnable and the little flatter being
kinked up by the Opposition is the nus
tomary warfare prior to a general elec-
tion. The Hardy Governmenb is assailed
on their Temperance legislation and a
great furore is earnestly sought after by
the euemiee of the above mentioned Ad.
miuisteatiou, but ae a temperance man,
whose record both in and ant of the
management of Tut POST an the question
of Prohibition is well known in Huron
County, wo have no fear of the ultimate
result of the action of the Government.
When such papers as the London Free
Press, Toronto World and others begin
shedding crocodile tears for the temper-
ance people of this country it is very
apparent what the weeping is for. If
half the delegatee who attend Conven-
tions and bore the respective Govern-
ments would get down to soma practical
week in seeing that the present license
law wee better administered in their own
localities and 'temperance oanclidatee
nominated and supported through oleo•
tion oontests for Parliamentary honore
greater advancement would be made.
We waue Prohibition in Canada hub 700
desire a stronger sentiment behind 11
when enacted than was found to exist
after the Scott Aot was carried. Tom.
The Elma Council, at its meeting on
Monday of last week, let the oontreat for
three new steel bridges in Elma to the
Stratford Bridge Co. The total amount
to be paid for the three bridges is $1,024.
The missionary meeting in oonneotion
with St. Athan'; church is postponed till
the 22nd inst., at 7:80 p. in. The service
in the Elma (Mural) will be held at 3 p.
m. on the same day.
Agent Knox ticketed the following
people to the West last week :—John S.
Jolly and wife, Vintoria, B. 0.; Mise
Duncan, Reston, Man. ; Mr. Love,
Reston, Man. ;• A. Williams, Dauphin ;
S. Doerr, Mrs. Smith and James Smith,
Virden, Man.
Among the Atwoodites w17o availed
themselves of the opportunity of hearing
Ron, John G. Woolley, the temperance
leobarer, at Mitchell on Monday night of
last week were the following : Rev. J.
Ball, J. A. and Albert MoBain, B. R.
Leake, H. Hoar, John Knox, Berman
Bali and Ernest Smith.
The Bale between Messrs. Hamlen and
Leake having fallen through,
the latter not being able to make eatis•
factory terms with J. G. Robertson,
owner of the Hamlen store, the Messrs.
Hamlen have since disposed of their
entire business, bakery and all to Joseph
McKey, of Atwood. MO. Molloy takes
possession at once.
Tnaninr,na Accrnnvr —Word reached
town Wednesday of a terrible accident
which happened to Miss Belle Header•
son, of Beryls, niece 05 Rev. A, Hender-
son, formerly of Atwood. The hangiug
lamp, under which Miee Henderson was
sitting, fell open her, and in en instant
her clothes were set on fire. The family
rolled her up fn blankets as quickly as
possible, as the best means of extinguish-
ing the flames, and succeeded, but the
unfortunate girl was badly burned about
the face, arms and hands, besides one of
her hands was terribly cut by the broken
lamp glass. The young lady has a num-
ber of friends here whom she visited last
Stratford City Council is considering
a curfew by-law.
The St. Thomas Board of Education
is taking steps to suppress the habit of
cigarette -smoking among the school
Poverty of the Blood.
MAIL 19, 1897
TOy' 5am1
1111 C. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guarantee
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
f Sinop oter 1TcGowau's Store.
Raving purchased
Blacksmith Shop and intending
to make Brussels my home I feel
satisfied I can give good satisfac-
tion in Horse -shoeing and all
other branches of the busines in
the Blacksmithing line. I will
be pleased to see all who will see
fit to patronize me with their
work and will always try to be
liberal and fair with my custom-
It Brivae In me Train, Norvolsneas, Pains
in 11111 INi01r and 51110, Headaches,
Heart I';Ilpilal 1 on and 10080118 fatally
Where Ialieacinlls TreaUllenl. l8 Not
Resorted to.
From the sesame N. 13., iteoord•
There are many ways in which people
inay prove benefactors of the immanence.
There are those who of their abundance
spend large sums in erecting public build-
ings and beautifying . public. parks.
Others spend their money in charitable
work and in alleviating the sufferings of
less fortunate fellows, and for these acts
these people are honored. The persons
who having obtained relief from sickness
and makes public the means by which
health was regained, is none the less a
public benefactor. Among these latter
ie Miss Elena O'Neil, daughter of Jas.
O'Neil, a well -to do farmer living near
Millstream, Kings Co., N. B. Miss O'-
Neil was attacked with encomia (poverty
of the blood) a trouble unfortunately too
common among the young girls off' the
present day, and one which is certain to
termivabe fatally if not promptly ehecked
and the blood enriched and renewed.
Having discovered a remedy that will
achieve this Happy result, Bliss O'Neil is
willing that lees fortunate sufferers may
reap the benefit of her experience, To a
correspondent of the Record, Miss O'-
Neil related the story of hor illness and
cure. She said :—"I believe that had 1
not begun the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills my trouble would have ended fatal-
ly. My illness Dame about so gradually
that I can scarcely say when it began.
The first symptoms were a loss of color,
and a feeling of tiredness following even
moderate exertion, Gradually I became
as pale as a corpse, and was extremely
nervous, Then I was attacked with a
pain in the aide, which daily grew more,
and more intense. I coughed a great
deal and finally grew so weak that if I
went upstairs I had to rest when I reaoli-
ed the top. My appetite forsook me, I
was subject to spells of dizziness, and
severe headaches anis was gradually
wasting away until I lost all interest in
life. 11rnd tried a number of medicines
but found no relief, In this apparently
hopeless condition, while reading a rows•
paper I saw a statement of a young lady
whose symptoms were almost identical
with my own, whose health had been re.
stored through the use of Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills. This statement was so en-
couraging that I determined that I would
try this medicine. In my case as in that
00 the young lady whom I macs read about,
the resulb was marvellous. The pain iu
my aide from which I had suffered so
much, disappeared, my nerves wore
strengthened, my appetite retnened and
my whole system seemed to be etrength-
ened and renewed. I am now ZS wolf as
any member in the £airily and have not
known what sickness was sines I dis-
continued the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
periods people who have the good cause My gratitude towards this grand medi-
ae heart would do wolf eo watch the tae,• eine IS unbounded and i hope my state
tins of certain wolves in steep's clothing
whose only object ie to cause diesontion
against the Liberal Government fee the
. Wismer
Shop in connectiml with Ino.
Wyun's Carriage Works, Brussels
mens may be the moans of bringing en•
oouragomont and health to sonic other
The gratifying results following tho
My Stock of - 4.,
Ie now complete in Silks, Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings, Muslims, Lawns, Art
Muslims, 00000lns, Laces, Ribbons,
Prints, Ducks, Flannelettes, Cottons,
Oottonades, Towelings and a special line
of Ladies' and Children's Vests.
t h ink I know something about
pAY less seems to be the whole stock of Clothing Wisdom of
some people, It lacks balance—It's heavy on the side of
Pay more, if you must, rather than pay for pool' goods of
— little value.
Il' ' There's lots of
We're not spending
Wisest—those who know good material,
shrewder the buyer the better we like it.
And not alone in the Clothing trade,
can judge qualities aright and understand
more such.
The best hint we can give you is to buy of a house that doesn't play tricks.
is such a store. .If things are not as represented here you get your money back.
you ask for any better guarantee ?
and when I tell you that my 50o. per Ib.
Dargeling Gem of the East is the beet
Blank Tea in the market and that my
25e. Japan Tea is better than moat of the
Tea sold in this town for 35o. and 40e.
I always keep the beet Teas and Coffees
iu the market so the public say.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
advertising done for know-nothing people.
a cent to catch such a trade. We're after the
good workmanship and good style. The
our best business lies with those people who
the real value of goods, We wish there were
Remember we keep a large assortment of Tweeds, Worsteds
and Trouserings in stock to make up for those who can't be suit-
ed from our Clothing Department,
New Hats, New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Gloves, Collars
and Cuffs. Don't forget we carry the Largest, Cheapest and Best
stock in Brussels, Call and look through our stock.
I wish to acquaint the good
people of Brussels and locality
with the fact that I have opened
up a Laundry in town,
One Door West of
Williams' Livery,
Where I will be pleased to attend
to the wants of the public in
first-class style.
Specialty made of Collars,
Cuffs, Shirts, Ladies' Waists and
Lace Curtains, and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Prices Moderate.
'Your esteemed Patronage is
solicited in supporting a local
'Toil your� NeighNeighbor.,p��\
la. 1M. al '
The success and approval that attended our Print Opening last
Season has prompted us to follow tho same plan this. Spring. Our
stock of Prints is large and for Quality and Patterns have only to be
soon to guarantee the admiration of the Ladies. Wo beg to an-
nounce our Print Opening for
Saturday March 20th
And following week, when we shall be pleased to have all the ladies
call and see our New Prints.
April Standard Patterns and fashion 'Sheets to hand. The
latter Free to all who call for them.
Mew Spring Goods of all Kinds.
.Don't forget that we can suit you in Boots, Shoes ox
Alex. Strachan.
i5 0f tI1i
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in fe
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that
it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
In Dress Goods
and Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until you see our stock, not that we wish
to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spring.
Our Linens
WO imported direct through Agents from. the Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EMBROIDERIES are one of the leading features
with us this season.
In Ready -to• wear Clothing
we lead all ompotitors. Our Men's Snits at ,,x,"3.00 must bo seen
to be appreciated.
is to make this store to the County of Huron what the T. Baton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us with a call wo
would like to specially invite them to do so, and I think ve will be
able to make them permanent customers.
Grocery Department.
Our Grocery Department is tinder the cliroction of Mr. rTas, Purcell,
anis he will be pleased to show you through that department.
P. S..—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call en you in the course of a week or two with
Literature which will pay you well to Mortise carefully.
Importer, Seaforth8