HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-19, Page 1•7
Vol,24, No. 86. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO FRIDAY, MARCO 19, 1897 W, H. KERR, Prop,
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Carey 001111011 Meeting. Gray and Morrie, $3,00 ; W. 1I. Kerr,
Cloned' mel at the Township II
A[arch 318, 1807, parenant bo acljou
]Hent. Members wore all present, Ile
the chair, Miuutes of last meet
wero read and nonfirmed. The engine
report re eurvoy of side toad at lot
con. 1.3, was road. Moved by Bob
Livingston, seconded by James Linden
that the Clerk be instructed to notify t
engineer to continua the survey from t
blind line to the144h con. Carried. T
following tenders were opened for 1
township printing for 1887, viz
Pelton, Atwood Bee, $48 00 ; 1'12. Sarne
Brussels Herald, $16,00 ; W. H. K
Brussels POST 844.25 Movecl by Wtn
Brown, seooncled by Robb, Livinget
that the contract be granted to W.
Herr, his bonder being the lowest. Oa
ried, James Meanie applied for 40 ro
of gravelling to be done on the bouuda
Grey mud Elam, at cons. 13 and 1
Moved by Win. Brown, seconded by Rob
Livingston. that the application be gran
ed provided rho Elmo Counoil grant o
half. Contract to bo Fat MS soon
possible, Carried. The Auditors repo
was laid on tho table and was examined
and finally audited by the Conus
Moved by James Tomball, seconded b
Wm. P,rowo that the Auditors' export a
rend be adopted. Carried. Donal
Campbell applied for aid to build 46 rod
of wire foneo at lot 15, epn, 15. Move
by Bobt. Livingston seconded by Ja
Lindsay that the Couuoil pay for t8
wire used in said fence—Carried. In 18
matter of the petition of ,las. Jackson an
otleis for the formation of a new Schoo
Section ottt of parts of School Section
Nos 3, 4 and 0, referred to at last meet
ing of Council. Moved by Wm, Brown
seconded by James Turnbull that no
action be taken—Carried. Moved b
Wni. Brown, seconded by Jas. Turnbnl
that lot 21, eon. 10, remain in S. S. No
7—Carried. 1V[ovecl by Robb. Livingston
seconded by Jas. Lindsay, that lot 12
eon. 7, bo detached from S. S. No. 3 and
added to S. S No. 0—Carried, Moved
by Wm. Brown seconded by ,The. Liudcay
that lot 18, eon. 8 be detached from S. S.
No. (1 and added to 0. S. No 11-0arried,
Moved by Robb. Livingston, seconded by
Jae. Lindsay that the N4 of lot 95, con.
0, bo detached 'from S S. No, 10 and
added to S. S No. 11.—Moved iu amend.
meat by Jas. Turnbull, seconded by Wm.
Brown that the N 1 of lot 25, con, 10,
remain in 0. S. No. 10—Amendment car-
ried. David Clark applied to have lot
18, con, 14, detached from S. S. No. 8
and added to S. S. No. 2. Joseph Faulk.
nor applied to have the E* of lot 17 de-
tached fom S. S No. 0 and added to S.
41, No. 1,1. Alex and Donald Stewart ap-
plied to have lot con. 14, detached
from S. S. No, 1 and added to S. S. No.
2.—Donald Campbell applied to have lot
17, con. 14, detached from S S. No. 7 and
added to S. S. No. 8. Moved by Wm.
Brown, seconded by Robt. Livingston
that the Clerk bo instructed to notify all
parties interested in tho -above applioa-
tions to attend next meeting of Connell—
Carried. Petition of Goo. Clark and 42
others for a grant to open op bhebOnndery
between Grey and MoKillop. Moved by
Robb. Livingston, eeaonded by Win.
Brown thea the =liter be laid over for
farther consideration—Carried. Hugh
Lamont applied for aid to build e, wino
fenoe on side•road between lots 5 and 0,
CM 10. Moved by Wm. Brown, second.
od by James Lindsay that the Council
pay foe half the wire used in said fence—
°erried. The following Ponce Viewers,
Poundkeopes and Pabhmasters were ap-
pointed for the carrot -it year:—Peace
Viewers—Alex. Ruse, Duncan Taylor,
Hance Cumming, D. W. Duubar,
Malcolm Lamont, Robt. Bowen, George
Welsh, Jas. Ferguson, Peter Sinclair, jr.,
Wm. Fulton, Hartwell Speiran, John
Stewart, John Whitfield and John
Smillio. Pound !capers,—Thos. Mc.
Ewen, Chas. Seabofer, Joseph Querrin,
Jacob Long, Thomas Williamson, Edward
Collis, James Herds and Geo: AIoKiun.
Patnhneasters,-1st con„ boundary—Jas.
Parish, Geo. McDonald, henry Arnm-
strong, John Elliotb, fiance Cumming
and David Campbell. Cons. 1st and
enol—Wm. McKelvey, Robb. Rao, James
Lynn, Wm Mines, John McDonald. Geo.
Brown, Wtn. Saith and Dunk! Byers,
Cone Iled and 4b11 --Duncan Taylor,
Alex. McDonald, John Lake, Thos, H.
Savage, Ivie Campbell, Samuel Matthews,
Daniel Spillett and Robb. Pirie, Cons
5 and 0—John Oliver, Oliver SCOW'', Jno.
Lowe, John Bishop, Wm, Pollard, John
Kellner, Chas. nucleon, Ferris Boirnes
and Wm, An00tt, Cons. 7 and 8-131ar5•
Glen Smith, James 2Illiott, Hugh McKin-
non, Potoe Koffee, Ohristian Ecictnier,
Robb. McKelvey, John Gill, Edward
Collis Richard Rupp and David Milue,
Con, 0 and 10—Wm. Armste•ong, Jas,
Ferguson, Daniel McQuareio, Joseph
Oster, Johu Sanders, jr., :Daniel Cooper,
leclward Campbell and Hartwell Spsiran,
Cone. 11 and 19—John Davidson, John
Dark, Jae, Petrie, Wtn, Barrie, Jacob
Kraal toe, Geo. Whitfield, Jets. Col0lough,
and 3, W. Switzer. Cone. 18 and 14—
Aiidt:esv Hislop jr„ Andrew Meinnie,
Albert Whitfield, Joseph Whitfield, Jas.
Moonie aud Conrad Bugle, Cons. 15 and pe
IO—Arch, Hislop, Hugh Stewart, M. J. 8
Stewart, Jas. anthill, Dougal McTaggart, tb
Jas. Livingston and James Mann, Cone. tb
17 end 18—Andow Johnston, Thos. au
Williamson, Daniel McMillan, Duncan to
McKenzie, Jas. A. Smith, Debt. Meehan, bo
Jas. Kendall mal T.hoa, IYlcFaclzoan. ge
Graham's Survey—Wn1. Ellie. Walton Se
village —Mathew Moreleon. Gravel no
road—Goo.Oombos, ,Tas. Strachan, JOS, of
Parr, Wm. Work, John Oakley and Jas, pe
McDonald, Tho following amends were wa
prosentecl, viz 1—Wm. Spathe, registra• di
tion of births marriages and deaths, m0
$24 80 ; T. Williamtan, wood for Town- Th
ship Hall, $3.27 ;; H. F, M3Allister, coal all
oil for hall, fl00; Jas. Monne, gravol• 015
ling on con. 14, lob 35, $10.70 ; Wm, M
Peet, gravel, 48.20 ; Wm. Bray, rag bolbs ye
for cuvorbs, $1.80; Alex. Siewert
and woi
Jas. Livingston, each $10.00 as Auditors ; wi
John Cutt, error in dog tax, $1.00 ; ,,3040. gag
Elliott, dog wrongfully assessed, $1.00 ; of
Dr. Meneughton, amputating flegoes of ado
Mrs. Fox's child, charity, $10.00 ; Duncan pas
MaLaaohlin, breaking road on boundary Tt
printing ASeassar'e eahednies, $11.00 ;
all 3, d: P. Annont, plank for culvert, bound.
my Grey and Morrie, $1,80. Moved by
ru• Wm. Brown, seconded by James Lindsa •
eve that the above etc0onnbs he paid. Carried,
]ng Council thou adjourued to Meet again at
on the Township hall on Wednesday, the
25, 20th at May, 18117, as Court of Revision
ort of the Assessment Roll, W, Sres1OE,
11y Clerk,
be P12or1'is CouncilMeeting.
he The COtm0il met pursuant bo adjourn.
y m001 at the Towneltip Hall, Marsh 8th,
18117. Members all present, the Reeve in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting road
013 and passed. Tenders were received for
H, the building of Clegg's bridge and the
r, tender of Duff ce Stewart found to be the
cis lowest, Moved by W. Isbister, seconded
ry by Thos. Code that the toudor of Duff &
,C, Stewart for builuliug said bridge for the
b, sum of $1126 be accepted. Carried. Moved
by M. Cardiff, seconded by Geo. Kirkby
ne that the Reeve be appointer) inspector for
as the building of Clegg's bridge. Carried.
rb Moved by W. Isbistor, seconded by Geo.
Kirkby that wo expend $100 each on the
il, Beet aid West gravol roads and $50 on
y the North boundary, providing tho ad
s joining municipalities expend equivalent
d sums. Carried Moved by Al, Cardiff,
s seconded by Geo. Birkby that Chas.
e Wheeler bo paid $9 00 for repairing Bod-
s win bridge and R. Yonill $2.00 for work
e on sideline, carried• On motion of
e Thos. Code, seconded by M. Cardiff the
cl followiug patlunasters wore appointed,
• Orson, Win. Henderson, P. Fowler, Thos.
Jewitt, M. Robertson, 10. Shaw and A.
Alitler ; 1st hoe—Jos. Fyfo, R. Maguire,
Al. Spence, A. Hughes, S. Thornton, J.
y Sellars, W. J. Johnston, N. Thornton
l and D. Brookouridge ; 2ncl lino—Wm.
Caselnore, Jno. Casenore, Jno. Perdue,
Jabez Jermyn, 1. Ferraud, D. Ager, Geo.
Caldbick, Wins Forrest mod Jno. Boll ;
1 3r1 line—Wins Wray, Win. Hopper, T.
Proctor, Jno. Garners, Jas. Thyne, Jas.
Moffatt, J. 11. Sollars and Goo. Vender.
son ; 411( line—Jno. Proctor, E. Bryaus,
Geo. Proctor, M. Hughes, A. Speir, Jas.
Kearney, R. Carcliff, N. Blank, K. Ma•
Kenzie and Jas. Duncan ; Sbh line—H,
Johuston, A, Cloakoy, J. Clegg, A. Clark,
Won. Miller, T. Clark, D. Smnmerville,
Wm. Ames and Walter Innes ; 8111 liue—
J. Grasby, J. Kelly, Wm, Michie, J. Cook,
Jas, Thnell, J, SLn]t11, Wm, Smith and J.
Robb ; 7111 line—R. Nesbitt, Jno. Phelan,
Wm, Kelly, Wm, Cunuiughanl, Jas,
Kelly, R. MoCatoheon, Wm. MoGall, R,
Bewley and T. Smith ; 8th lino—Wen
Pollook, H. Richmond, Jas. Laidlaw,
1Vn3. Marshall, Wm. Phelan, Jno. Mc-
Caughey, Wm. Skelton, G. Mo0allnm,
H. Jaakaoa and Geo. McCall ; 9111 lite—
Jas. Snell, R. Cookorliue, Chas. Taylor,
Geo, Armstrong, Jas, Shortreocl, Jno.
Searle, Wm. Sholdioe, P. MaLtt11ur and
Jno. Roland ; 390st gravel road —J, Gol-
lsy, R, Sterling, T. Gosmau and Geo,
lerashling ; East gravol road—A. Bryaus,
A. Forsyth., Wm, Oakley and Jas. Bolger;
Walton villago—Wm. Smith ; Belgrave
village—Jno. L Geddes. On motion of
Thos. Code, esoondee by M. Cardiff the
Conned thon adjourned, to meet again on
the 81st May for Court of Revision aud
other business. W. Owns, Clerks
Provincial Auditor,
To the Editor 0f Tne POST :
As there is a Bill before the Legislature
now for the appointment of an officer to
be known as The Provincial Municipal
Auditor, whose duties shell be the audit
Municipal and School amounts, I tbiuk
now is the time to express our opinions
about the Act. While I think Auditors
who undertake and are appointed are not
in many oases capable of doing the work
or else do not do it properly, and the
many oases each year of Treasurers
moving to Uno1e Sam's domains leaving
sorrowing bandana and taxpayers as
well (the last ease in the County of Brant
where the lato Treasurer is nearly $25,1100
short in his accounts) may be good
reasons for taking some each motion, I
think the one for the Province would be
altogetber too expensive. Tho rate-
payers of MoKillop a few years ago re-
quested an investigation by a professional
auditor and it cost within a few conte of
$800, and the municipality gained nothing
by it. The only thing of impotnanoe it
did show was that the Auditors reported
for four years all the municipal fund
invested, while there was from $800 to
$2,000 not invested iu the Treasurer's
hands and the interest on this amount
was made up out of the goudal funds for
the schools, and another yea0 where the
Council borrowed $1,000 while there was
no need of it, This Auditor is to reoeivo
a large tallLry and devote hie whole time.
He is to direct the number aid kind of
booko all Treasurers are to keep. Mom.
bers should know enough with the num.
bsr of Lawyers and Editors in the House
to make a form at end of the Act, Sec-
tion 2 (d) Auditor ix to say whether no -
counts of munioipalities and soloals be
audited by Mnniaioipal Auditors or by
r0005 appointed by him or by himself.
action 8 provides these rules shall have
e force of law and provides penalties for
e same. Section 8 gives the Auditor
Charity at any time on 111s own motion
audit any municipalities a000nnts and
ols5. These era too many powers to
ant an auditor making a living by it.
otion 10 oompele all Treasurers to
tify suoh Auditor within five days
for his appointment. Many newly ap•
anted Treasurers would not there
a such an ant. Section 17 would in -
oats that Treasurers oonld deoosib
nova in Private Beaks 00 Ocmpanys,
is is a mistake. Section 18 aompele
mortgagee ore Perseus liable for pay.
nts of debts to notify the tread of the
unioipallty on the 31st Deo, in every
as of the belittle due by him. This
uld bo hard to do if the municipality
shed to keep money invested in mart.
es. As Counties have n largo amount
money and debentures to enchant for
6 year, and C0ttnby Treasm•ere in 1115
have been no better than Township
500urere, Thy Gdvernmeut might
appoint tee Auditors for each County twoutyone prisoners now in jail only two
and Dns of thee° with 000 appointed by are from the County of Huron, The
local mnnicipatiby audit all local mown ots others aro scattered all over the aonntry
and suhnnl boards, and make their front Ilallifax to Coiliugwood. The ones
00 ,3rie5 $8 a day for entity audit and $5 from aur' Coanby aro, insane one and the
par day for municipal audit, or to have 011e committed for seduction. The in -
the clerks of one numicipteliby the sane ono has been in jail since May last,
Auditors in another, 00 clerks are better and we wool' recommend hos o(1nn001510
posted in municipal affairs WWI any removal to the asylum ; we would also
other official. That is to say the cleric of recommend the removal of ono Wm,
Grey would be one of the Auditors in Mussell to the hospital,
Morris, and the clerk of Morrie be one of We would recommend the immediate
the Auditors in Grey, and I feel confident attention of the ctnthOritios to the out•
if some such System were adopted and 1(0(1855, as they are in an unfit and un•
Auditors liable to imprisonment for oare• healthy condition for use. Also the out.
leas audits, dellguenb Treasurers -would let of the lraivage,
be few and far between 0(331 cheaper than Ar,,'tlan T. Dnvrs, Foreman.
the proposed Bill. The business of the Court closed short.
Jens C. MORRISON. ly after two.
Usol rv▪ etve.
Robb. Ray is visiting John Wigbtman
for a few days.
Robb. Armstrong, J. P., left this week
for a trip to Mauitoba and Dnkoba.
Robert Armstrong, jr„ gave a party to
his Mends and neighbors one evening
last week, which 13005 very sueueesful.
W. Oarradice, macllinist,spent Sabbath
in town. He came from Kincardine and
reports tines there RS being very dull.
Owing to the storm the attendance at
t11e ahnrahes last Sabbath was very slim.
The Obrietian Endeavor dropped its
evening meeting.
Ilugh McLean leaven for the North.
west Tuesday and if the prospeots are
bright enough he will return and take
his wife and family with him in the
Leman» it,traEr.—'There will be a, union
of Epworth Leagues of Christian En-
deavor in the vicinity of Belereve held in
the Methodist church, Belgrays, on Mon-
day, Ainroll 22nd, ab 7.30 O'0loo8, D. W.
Greer, of Luokuow, Fpworth League
Secretary of the Wiogham District ; Rev,
'T. Hall and others will address the meet.
hag. A suitable program will be provided.
Collection 08 Diose. Every one invited,
TEL MEETING. --1,1113 tea meeting under
the anepiaes of the llletbodist ohuroh on
Thursday evening of last week was very
successful, J. Bengough made a fine
chairman. Short addresses were given
by the popular pastor. Rev. E. A. Shaw,
Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Wingham ; Rev. J.
S. Fisher, of Gerrie, and 4V. H. Kerr, of
TEM POST, Brussels. Excellent music
was rendered by Ebe Methodist choir, of
Wingham, in solos, quartettes and
anthems,Votes of thanks w, re passed
to the spsnkers, choir and ladies. The
spread in the Foresters' Hall was first-
ciaas. The proceeds were about $50,00.
$8.00 wee the result of the socia! for the
little folks the following evening:
1501103e10 8011001. ftanI',1.
Tho regular meeting of the Public
School Board was hold in the Council
Chamber ou Friday evening of last week.
All the members present
Tho minutes of the last regular meet-
ing wero read and passed.
An account of Wilton fi Tnrnbnll of
$20.40 for patting 0Olcl air pipes from twa
of the rooms to the femme was read, and
on motion of J. G. Simile and D. 0. Ross
was ordered to be paid.
Moved by D. 0. Ross, seconded by J.
G. Skene that the Board borrow the sum
of $900 from the Standard Bank for three
months, to pay teachers salaries for the
quarter. Carried.
Moved by W. le. Vausboue, seconded by
A. Cousley bloat in consideration of Wm.
Armstrong being a ratepayer in the
municipality he be allowed to send his
children to the school for the year 1897
for paying the sum of $8.00. Carried
Moved by 4. Oonslay, seconded by W.
F. Vansbone that the fees of non-residout
children attending the Brussels school be
40 cents, 56 cents, 70 cents and $1.00 per
pupil per tnoutll for the Primary, 2nd,
3rd and Principal's Departments, re-
speotiv0ly, those who are ratepayers to
attoud a regular meeting and make speci-
al arrangements with the Board in order
to got any reduction on account of taxes
paid, and thatauy former motion repeat-
ingthe attendance of non-residents or
their fees be and is hereby rescinded.
Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by Jas.
Turnbull that the Anatomical chart sent
by E. N. Moyer 0 Co., of Toronto, for
the inspection of the Board be purchased
at the price named iu their letter ($91.00)
and that the Secretary write the Com-
pany asking them to send a Geograpbical
chart, by express, subject to the approval
of the Board, to be purchased if satis-
factory. Carried.
Board then adjourned.
David Sanderson ie preparing to build Rev. 3, W, Pedley hue intimated hie fu_
a fine reaidonce on hie property, corner tention to resign the aharpe of the First
of Raglan and Bay streets, for whiah congregational church, Loudon, at the
stone and sand le now being delivered. end of the month.
Kee. Jeanee, wife of the rector of Commissioner Eva Booth, the head of
Christ church, was in London last week the Salvation Army in Canada, who has
attending the annual meeting of tate been lying at the Temple in a oritioel
Women's Auxiliary Mission Society of condition for the past three w,elce, was
the Diocese of Huron, reported to be much improved Thursday.
- 1tev. J. Walker, of Ethel, preaohed in
the Methodist ohuroh here last Sabbath
morning, He gave ft good discourse on
the "Love of God," Rev. Mr, Trimble,
who wee announced to supply, wits 0041152
to Eases, owing to the illness of bis
ilcaos PnEonrrtnv.—ThsPreebytory of
Huron met in Willis Church, Clinton, on
Tuesday, Reports upon the State et
Religion, Sundry $ohoofs and Young
Sneiebiea, were presented, die -
need and adopted. B. Presbyterial
Young Peoples' Society teas organized
with the following oSloers:—Honorary
President, the Moderator of Presbytery
pro tem ; President, Rev, C. Fletcher ;
let Vice.Presidrnt, Douglas McTavish;
2nd Vice-Preeldent, Miss Elle McGowan ;
Rea. -Secretary, Miss Grace Elder ; (lor,-
Secretary, Wm. Elder ; Treasurer, Thos.
Forsyth ; Committee—Rev. Neil Shaw,
Aliso Belle Wilson, Sumuel Puppleetone,
James Foote, John Fraser, John Lawson,
R. Pollock. The following Commission-
ars to the next General Assembly were
appointed :—Arch. AlcLesn, Samuel
Acheson, J. A. Anderson, Walter Muir,
Calvin Fletcher, ministers ; end elders
representing the sessions of Kippen, gen-
teel], Manchester, Seaforth and Bnylield
road. Dr. Moore, of Bank street church,
Ottawa, was nominated as Moderator of
the next General Assembly. Attention
having been called to the License Bill
now before the Legislature of Ontario,
the Presbytery, while gladly recognizing
some progress in the direction of greater
restriction of the liquor traffic, did not
regard it as fulfilling the expectations of
the people of the Province, and reoom•
mended several chances, having in view
severer reetriotion,
(1!11111C.'J1 CHIVE'S.
The National Be nie° Fund has now
reached $110,000.
Knox, church, Goderich mesas] $157 for
the Indian famine fund.
Barrister Blair is President of Melville
church. Endeavor Society for this term.
Rev, Mr. Anderson, of Alvinston, will
preach in Sb, John's church, next Sab.
The usual weekly meeting of the Ep•
worth League was withdrawn for this
Last Sabbath's storm militated against
large congregations at the various
Rey. Rural Dean Ilodgens has entered
on his 8th year ae rector of St. Thomas'
A new organ has been put into Knox
obuoh, Palmerston. The Reporter says
it has 5117 stops.
Prof. Chas, Kelly, Montreal, bas been
appointed choir leader of Knox church,
Guelph, at a salary of $400.
Itev. Jno. Ross, B. A„ and Elder Time.
Straollan attended the meeting of Melt -
laud Presbytery ab Ripley on Tuesday.
Rev. Dr, Potts, of Toronto, has been
elected Chairman of the International
Sunday School's Lessons Cocumittee.
Lecture in Melville church Thursday
evening of this weak by Rev, John Roes,
B. A., on "Oliften Springs and Watkins
Mrs, (Rev.) Ross represented Melville
church W. F. AI. S. at the Presbyterial
gathering of the Society in Ripley last
Next Wednesday evening Rev. R. Paul
and Reeve Stream will address a Bible
Society meeting at Ethel along with Rev.
J. Walker.
Rev, J. C. McOracken, of Ohestey, PERSONAL PAR,Wlt.l PI'S,
nephew of Mrs. T. Farrow, Brussels, The Missee Code have retuned to town.
book charge of the services in St. John's W. G. Collins and family may remove
obaroh last Sabbath. His discourses to Hamilton.
were listened to with pleasure and profit. Robb. Rosa is in Kincardine this week
Rev, John Ross, B. A., will preach in on a business trip.
the Methodist ohuroh on Sunday morn. Willie, son of Jas. Cooper, is on the
ing next, in exchange with Rev. S. J. sick list this week.
Allis. Evening service conducted by the Misses Florence and Ida Blaebill spent
pastor. Subject, The oandle of the last week in Blievate.
The. Bradwell, from near Clifford,
The noblest gift to foreign missions in was in town last week.
our century is tecorded in the presents. Watt. Cleghorn, of Binevale, spent
tion of ;112,000 to the Victorian General Sunday with friends in Brussels.
lelelliela. Aesembiy by Dr. John G. Paton, as the E. 0. Danford was in Toronto last
proceeds of his celebrated book, "Life in week ma a Spring purehasing trip,
Iig'le, Court Of .10,03108, Alydi'Tsase Lake has been quite ill with the Hebrides," Mrs. D. 0. Ross and children were
_ la grippe. Wednesday evening of next week Rev. visiting in Ethel this week for a day or
The Spring session of the High Court Rev. Mr. Walker preaohed at Brussels S. J. Agin, Barrister Blair and Rev. D. so.
of Justice opened at Goderich ongl[onda lost Sabbath morning. B. McRae will deliver addresses at the Editor Sarney and wile were at Elora
of last week at 1,45 m„ His Lordshipy Richard Lindsay left Ethel station on Presbyterian church, Cranbook, in con- for a few days attending the funeral of
P• Tueeda for lYianitnba,
Chief Justice Armour presiding. ueotion with the annual meeting of the Mrs. Sarney's aunt.
Over 400 cords of soft wood have been Bible Societies,
J. H. 13oultbee, Q. C., of Brantford, g Mrs. George Hogarth contemplates a
came with him, but as there was no basi- dalivnred ab the riot mill here, This year eleven Irish Presbyterian trip to Michigan and perhaps further
nese in his line Ws stn was ver brief. Owing to the continued serious illness congregations, thirteen Free Cherub of Westward this Spring.
y Y of his motiter,Mr. Trimble has gone home Scotland, five established Church of We are sorry to hear that Miss Josie
The Grand Jury was sworn in ms named to Essex Co. Scotland, seven United Presbyterian of Buchanan is
below, but their duties were confined toQua quite poorly, but we hope
am inspection of the comedy. jail ; what Cobert shop int the amarsiuftobmeeen eof games, isede in the l£50 each for and, end oworin in dbhe Nortbays hwest. she
InspootornLeaden be gpaid his semi -an -
they thought of it is stated m their pro- snob as Crokinele, Fort, do. Sarvoroos ARMY Heernsmxas,—Be sure Dual visit to the Standard Bank here on
elo seuMMorris
hoir osm0Burns, o Rio mal Be MaKeivey's sale on Wednesday of and remember that Saturday next is the Wednesday of this week,
Fulford, Colborne ; David Cantolou, taste week was > psaaosss. The crowd Lvae night for the Lemon Pie Social in the 9, Miss Mary MoLauahlin, of Stretford,
Clinton ; A, T. Davis, Seaforth ; Wun, lar a and good rices were received. A. barracks, also the exhilaration. Come is home for a holiday visit. She interns
Evans, Howbeit ; Thos. Eisly, Hullebt ; The afternoon service in the Presley- in crowds and enjoy the L. P. S. Tick- bo the Classie oily on Saturday.
George K. Holland, MoKilloy ; Thomas terian churob next Sabbath will be can. Ste only 10 cents, children 5 cents, --Sun. P. McMartin, Joe Hunter and Charlie
1 celled owing to the sacrament being ob. day all clay floods of salvation and bless. Meadows have gone to Shedden, Elgin
James, rry ; George Ttowe, Us- Geo. A. served at Oranbrook• ing from Him who promises and fulfills. Co., where they will work in ole etas mill
Forme, Grey
; Do'w
lmanSteait, Tarn uck o - D. Eckmare ier has rented his farm to All invited, Staff Capt. Turner will until the season is through.
smith, Jno. MoAilister, of the 2nd con, Grey, be in charge, Tom Bloomfield is bank from Old Lon -
Warren eb al vs. Jackson et al, was an for atercn of ears. Mr. Mo. will have Sunday, March 21st, is the day ap- don. The yarn about Tom having gone
motion relative to an illegal distress charge of the griet mill. pointed by the General Assembly of the to the bottom of the briny to make food
seizure. At the close of the case HisIt is saki Principal Dobson has invest. Presbyterian ohuroh for the annual col- for the fishes was evidently not teas,
Lordship reserved judgmout, intimating ed in s new horse that promises to do Motion for foreign missions. As the for. Mies Belle Irwinof Leen, formerly of
that he would render his decision in To well and will give the owner plenty of eign mission feud is in a very uneatisfac. Brussels, was visiting in town. She
o ab a future clay, L. E. Dailey, for exerai55 It's a saw horse.
mato tory condition (there will be a debt of came to attend the funeral of her in-
0PIC001 W. Prwadfoob for cleft, The abtendauae at the oburches last $80,500 on April 30), the weelc beginning Minato friend, the tate Lillian Ainley.
Steep vs, Seuttloworah we adjourned Sabbath was very small on 00oonnt of March 14 was set &pert for opeaial Mies Nellie Richardson arrived home
1 the severe storm, 'Rev. D. 13. Meliue prayer and special effort in behalf of from Toronto last Friday owing to the
to the June session of the High Court, presolle8 in both churches, foreign missions.
Messner vs. Wolf, an action for 002110-P illness are of her dieter, Mise Aggie, whom
tion, was tried byjury. At the oouoiue.
D. Eckmier bas leased his farm ad. An interesting program was added to eve are pleased to say is improving quite
fou of the evidene the jury retired, and joining this village to John &fodltieter, the lesson, "The Conversion of Saul," in nicely.
after en absence of Nfteen mouut5s r5- of Grey, for a term of years, The latter the TYlethodisb Sabbath eche! last Sun• W. Middleton, or Port Elgin, is taking
tarneu into coact with a eubiliverdict for the will shortly tabs poseeesion, day afternoon. Duott, "Dare to be a Station Agent Kendall's place at the
plaintiff and $700. His Lordship direct- The Methodist people of ,Ethel oiroait Paul," by Fred. Gilpin and Clove. Allis ; depot while he is laid np. Mr, Kendall
ad judgment for that amount and award- did themselves credit by contributing solo, "Paul and Silas," by Miss Ella is getting along Wooly and will soon re-
ed full costs. E. L. Dickenson for ff ; $20.00 to the Famine Feud of India. Funstou ; "Paul's missionary journeys sumo work.
the deft, was not represented. The money was paid over to the Shand• and inoideobs by the way," with outline Richard Roa011 wee summoned to Lon -
Elliott vs. Elliott, an action for the and Bank, Brussels, bo be forwarded by map on the blackboard, was presented by don Stet week owing to the serious illness
caE112o1 bion of a will. Alter evidence them. bliss Minnie Moore in a very instructive of his sister, Mrs, O'Mara. On Monday
had been given His will.
found and Wednesday evening of next week the manner ; solo, "Saul's journey to when he left for borne she was consider-
that the defendant Juo. enema meeting of the Blbie Soolety will Damascus," by Miss Maggie Beattie ; able improved,
is entitled to the moues of too estate Elliott11of be held in the Methodist ohuroh here. solo, "But the Lord is nnindful of His Miss Fannie Montgomery will leave
''dresses will be given byPresident own," Miss Norton. shortly for Winnipeg, G7 rfield Van -
Eleanor Taylor in the hands of her ox- Straahan, Itev. R. Paul and Bey, Mr, Rev. S. J. Allis preached last Sabbath stone, her nephew, will probably no -
paid s, The aceta of all parties to be Walker. Them should be s large attend- evening on "God's Providenoe,"taking as company her wlibh a view of benefitting
paid out of the said monies, P. ITolb for auoe as Ethel always sloes well for the lois text Psalm 40 and 17th verse. (1)It hie health, whioh has not been
pill, ; W. rt audfoot for cleft. Bible Society, is a minute Providence ; (2) It is se- some time, good for
Tho court adjourned at 7.30 p. m, times causative Rod sometimes permis• George Crooks, who has bean in the
Court opened at it a. m., Tuesday, pus`
asive ; (8) Sometimes understood and employ of R. Leatherdale, furniture
nent bo adjournment. 1[.ii,wt.c, so'snl. p
Busch vs. Bengough, au motion for so. John Burton is able to be around again noticed and sometimes unmanates otherwise ; observed u (0 yearstimes , left Thursdayltrfor the past 8}
cluotion, was the first aaae called. At the after his severe illness, () for 1 ortage•la-
oonalusiou of the evidaud0 the naso was There was a largo 1003 out of conic ou God's Providence works through various Prairie, Manitoba, where a situation is
given bo lho jury, and after 30 etas e w of Friday, monthly Fair clay, p agencies. Special referenes was made to awaiting him, lie is a skillful meohanio
the decease of Mise Lillian Ainley, Toe- and will be a valuable hand to his am.
1one hour ancl fifty minutes, a vetdieb for Listowel hockey team mime out second rington's beautiful solo, "Abide with ployer. Tun POST wishes him slimes.
lff0; lDiukaoo was rendered. Collins for best 1(n the match with Seaforth, me," was sung by Miss Lizzie Sample, A. Reid left Brussels last Saturday for
1 ltev, J. W, 13511, a former pastor of and the ohoir rendered "Thou bhinlcest Langdon, Dakota, on a burliness and
Nalco et al `vs, Jarvis et al, an adieu Knox ohuroh, we in town last weep and Lord of mo," Miss Ella Ainley and Miss pleaeur5 trip, Mr. Reid is an old and
for possession of laud, wee tried without called upon a few of his old friends. blInnie Moore taking the versos as a highlyesteemed resident of
0 jury, end lasted bill the court closed, Rev, Do. Williams delivered a lecture duebb, Brussels and
After hearing oonsiderable evidence His on "St.Patrick" in the schoolroom of No»Cosu2 .--TbeAIvinohomFreePress SchoolBo rdandir.e iey deep interest e
Lordship reserved judgment. Prouclloob 111e Methodist 011ar01], On Wednesday, of last week eye ;—A delegation from are sorry to lose nit, from fftown and
and Holt for plff, ; Campion for deft.. March 17th, the eongre90tl055 of Sb. John's obaroh, Pose wishes Win success in the West.
Dn1•]ng themorning the G•raucl jury Mrs, Rae, who removed to town from Alvinston, and St. Mary's church, Napier, Mrs. Reid will go to Toronto an
made the following predontneub :— Elma last Fall, has puoebased the hw¢s5 waited upon His Lordship, tho Bishop of cataracts remoed fromm her eye befora
"Wo, your Graud Jury, beg to report and lot on letterman street East, owned Huron, at London, on Tuesday, to prose she leaves for Dakota. W. 13.Diatcsou
that w0 have examined the aottuty jail by Do. Downey, of Chicago. the Moline of the parish against the re- formerly of Bp
Brussels, is ea06isin la at
and find that at prespnb utero aro twenty- Mrs, Wm. Stevenson was called to mond of their pastor, the Rov. C. A. Langdon. Mrs. Dickson vs a 'aught w
ono prisoneee in custody—three females Toledo last week by a telegram immune. Anderson from this pariah to Brussels, Mrs, Reids. 8 or of
and eighteen males. Of the males one is Eng tho geeing illness of )net son, John It is with pleasure that the Free Press Among those present at the fn mer
insane and awaiting removal to the G. Stevenson, who hes been employed on makes the ann0n,loemelt that the Bishop, the late Miss Aisle lastSaturdayt al rof
asylum. Two. are awaiting Mod, ouofor the eleotrio street railway in that oit7 after lemming to tho claims as set forth noticed:—S. Y ;J were
forgery, and one foe soth,otiou ; fifteen for several paste. We understand that by the representatives, needed to the Ainley and W. Laird, T Legation,A; ,Listo.
are committed as vagrants ; mu) ism be lie down with typhoid fever. Y w 0, and Thos, and Is, . Toe -
Yl segnen e, the parish, and, as a own• Wel; Mrs. shoo .111. and and
feeble 010 eau, totally unfit to caro t4 Work is being resumed on the new aegnenhe, the Rev. O. A. Anderson will runes, I•Iarriston • S, H. Lain
living, and one is suffering fom an in. Christ church, Time plastering will be continue to minister to the eon r d sad wt es
curable clisoaso. Three ere children, proceeded with et once; and it is ex cot. g dsoisi n Constables ; John Third and wife, James
aged 11, 4 and 2 oars reepeotively, The ed that the ohuroh will bo ready for will °twee Sand Napier," 53. deorge's and b Mrs.
and wife, MiGs fora Bonnee
remei(al010 a•o all able-bodied inen fit for ensuing about tho beginning y ehese St. John's and W ton, re. and ek[L, H, 4, Mays, 0) Seaforth Davis ; Mtge
R g ro May. oha•ovel , t Brussels and Welton, ie- Miss
Laird, hamburg;Mr, Diand
any kind of tvorlc, These mus all nun- His Lordship the Bishop of Huron, will evocatively, to look elsetvheio tor an in. klies TIattie Roderae 6Via ham •
mftt00 foe terms of six months down to oonduot the opening 00(131005, and will °unbent. They aro expecting Ear, Davis, Mitchell ' Mr., Mee. MHe
ono week. The three females aro all also held 9, oou2rma'tion at the 5an5 Mr. Anderson here for next Sabbath Milia rl ' ra rand Mto.
vagrants, aotnmitmeuts hot yet made out, time, f0r'Whioh a class le now being havingres r Fra Menzies,
GeMiss and .lbws, Filo.
it m5 a faot evorthy of note that of the prepared by the Teeter, Rey. Mr, Jenne.. liitn, received MI intimation from Kea, 1, o. M0os,vo MoI{t0 and L.
Belden, of tiolos,voth.