HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-12, Page 8fillearzfeeesePeasetas Na need to churn for two flours or more and then have Poo Batter. Ilse one of -our all glass dairy thermometers to find the right temperature and churning will be made easy. Before churning, however, add to the cream It small quantity of DeWI itt's Jersey batter Color Which will give the butter the color necessary hi order to get the highest price. It is sold in Brussels only by G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. nominee EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Sotern. GOING NonTII. Express ^r21 a.m. I Mixed 0:43 Dona tf:xed nel7 p.m.! Mail 12:52 p.m 1 --'focal tletus �tG111 . A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, ,9n faith he'll punt it. Reen the advereisenteuta, Roan Fair Thursday, April 1st, SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week, GET the 8nO1 off y oar share of the sidewal k. Us goes THE Posr circulation. Are you a subseriber ? Messes. CLEGG & Deems shipped a e tr of cattle and a oar of hogs. They u.so shipped a oar from Belgrave. A. LIVELY otter was chased at the river by the fax mill Last Saturday. IIe eluded his pursuers by taking a dive under the ice. Now is the time to arrange for the organization of the various athletic. or sporting clubs, so as to get in good form in the early Spring. TEE next and last Monthly Horse Fair for this season will be held in B. as• sele on Thursday, April 1st. It will be no April Fool of a Fair, however. OVER 1,000 cordo of heading bolts hive been delivered at Anent Bros. facto -y yard. The firm have a staff of 20 hands at work in the factory and mw mill. THE report of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge may be read on page 6 of this iseue. A synopsis of the proposed amendments to the Crook's Aot may also he fond. Len Saturday William Bird received a serious kick on the lega from one of the horses while passing behind the animal in the stable. No bones were broken but a severe bruise inflioted. MRs. E. Bones has secured the coo. patent services of Miss Dunbar, of Guelph, for another season. She has been at. tending the city Millinery Openings for the past three weeks and will be here next Monday to prepare for the Spring display, which will be ennonaced later in theca columns. LAST Friday evening the Town Band expected to give an elocutionary enter. tainment, Miss !Margaret Stuart Clark, of Philadelphia, being engaged for that occasion. Unfortunately the weather was unpropitioue and the attendance was meagre. Miss Clark, however, gave one Scotch bnmoroos selection entitled "Tak- ing a Photograph.' The Band contri- buted a fine selection made up of favorite Scotch airs, that will stand repeating. Miss Clark went to Ripley from Brussels. Iuroaree HORSE.—Last week Tbos. Mc• Lauohlin, the well known horseman, pur- chased "Sir Walter," it fine imported Clydesdale stallion from Adams Bros., of Drayton. They bought the horse from Robt. Beith, the well known importer, of Bowmanville. He has been a very suc- eessful Show horse, ns the many prizes taken at Toronto, Montreal, Loudon and other places will prove. Mr, MoLanehlin purposes placing hint on a route in this incility and all horsemen should see him and enquire fete his pedigree before breeding. Nonts MGSICreeis AND THEIR MMosre."-- The Literary Department of the Bp. worth League presented an interesting program on Monday evening all bearing on the above topic. LI. L. Jackson pre. sided. The following ie a sketch of the program rendered ;—"Jamee 141oGrana• han and Ira D. Sankey," by Mise Moore ; solo, "In memoriam," P. P. Bliss, by Mise Bessie Moore ; "Mozart," by llfiss Jennie Ewe ; "Beethoven, Fisher and Torrington," Mise Norton ; solo, arc ranged by Torrington, Mies Sample ; instrumental, "Blind Tom," Mies Norton ; Jennie Lind and Christina Neilsen," Mies Maggie P,enttie ; "Han del," by Rev. S. J. Allin ; violin solos, by Sousa, H. L. Jackson, bXirrTA.RY MEETING.—The annual meet• ing of bhp officers of the 33rd (flume) Battalion was held at the Rettenbnry Hoose, Clinton, last Friday afternoon. There ware present Lieat,•Cal, Wilson, Major Varoos, Oopts. Ileys, Wilson, Coelia, Shaw, Ranee Keine, Young, Lints. McTaggart, Johnson and Gold- thorpe, Surgeou.Major Holmes, Pay- master Major Jordan and Quartermaster Major Beek. It was decided to endeavor to have the next Camp of In+truciion at Gaderioh, and Al. 0. Cameron, 111, P., will be asked to use his influence in that direction. Committees were appointed to look after Battalion '-hatters as fol. lows :—Finance—Surges llolmee, Pay- master Jordan, Capt, Young, Major Versos. Mese-9argeon Holmes, Pay. muster Major Jordan, Qoartermestar )Stajor Beok, Band --Major Wilson, Caps. Wilson, Capt. [le.ye. Spanial— Liout.•OoLWilson, Major Becic, Surgeon Holmes, Capt. Combs, Cept. Flays. It VMS decided to hold the annual dinner in Godorich robabl in the month y ofJuna the commit oe to fix the date and make a'rangemenle. A resolution was mewed and eeended and unanimously onrriad thanking Capt. Combo for his able defence of the Militia, bheotrgh the local pans, when the meeting adjourned. emoorawm THE BRUSSELS POST .MAR 12, 1897 Da. 04VANAGII, of Owen Sound, has es- I MESSRS. Sent & JONES shipped 2 ears mired tanothee assistant. The young of export cattle from Brussale on There. gentleman is a near relative of the Dre. : day. They go via Boston. A testi upright piano, with maudolin Unite bo the nervous condition of Mies attachment, menufautnred by the Bow. Lillian Ainley the foundry whtbble was nutnville Pfann 010„ hue been purchased not blown for several &lye. by Jas. Jones from Scutt Brea., Seaforth. Tins residence of D, A. Lowry, corner Toet'trltns should make application to of Queen and Turnberry streets, tuts been the Inspectors, at once, for the necessary i leased to Thos, Thnnnpeon, proprietor of examination peyote for the Promotion the Bruseole and Seaforth stage. 1'lxaminations, whish will be held on the MRasss, lieeiten & VANe'roNE reamed a , h s e oar f atitoba' flour • 21 Lh and ., ,ln ui E , t u M t fl ut it oar of sed corn 0 1'nE Brnssele flax mill has fluished last from Belle River, Ont. ; and a ear of season's crop of flax. The proepaots seeds this week. linty shipped aear of of it large acreage being sown thio year wheat and 2 ours of mate, end next week are very favorable as far as application will forward a mar of live hogs. for seed is menthol. Ir is hinted that one of the attraatfone JAcaeeN has been re-engaged to for the Queen's Birthday in Brunets, it/ instruct th,' nein and Brum Bend so as connection with the noes, will be a to have the boys in tirst•elass shape for pacing race between Smith & IdeLareu's the monute' celebration to be hell in bay, of Braeeel+, and J. Soott's ohesinnt, Brussels on July 12th, of Listowel, The horses fire suppo•ed to MrsT vE CAsu.---Owing to the trouble be fairly evenly matched as to speed. keeping track of them and the frequent D. FnnIN has in his employ Mr. Win. loses, we have decided that email items ons, who wrote "The Spirit mephitis of for casual job worst and advertising meet Hon. Mackenzie Rowell' 'Sit' G'hnrlas be paid for whet/ the work to got. The poatage and stationery often used in sending out these small accounts egmale the amount due. TEE POST is always anxious to enure work, but we don't par. pose doing it at it direct loss, if we know it, and we have tried the credit plan long enough to be satisfied that it is uo good, hence the above decision where regular acconnts are not run, ON the '.PEs.—Before the gentle zephyrs from the Smith took away the ice and snow Brussels Junior Curling Club had a strong desire to try another bout with the young athletio men of Wroxeter. Monday evening was the time chosen and Wroxeter rink the place owing to our rink being a thing of the past. The Northerners weren t very badly in it all through and our stone twirlers bad their eye well on the tee and as a consequence Brussels won by 22 shots, and what is unusual each winning rink had 11 to the good. Score was as follows :— (' BROssELS. WROSETER. TUNE No. 1. Dr. Davidson, Robt Rae, James Fox, John Trooper, J. H. Cameron, Jno. McLeod, J.D. Warwick, viten R. Thynne, skip.. 8 RINE so. 2. 0. S. Sarney, Jno. Brawn, W. J. Stewart, 'R. Martin, Jno. MoBitin, J. McTavish, A. Cousley, sltip.,21 G. Paulin, akip..10 Tobal 40 Total 18 Our boys were hospitably entertained and enjoyed the outing tiptop. "It's wonderful bow we do it but we do." SAD ACCIDENT.—Shorbly before 12 o'• °look last Saturday night the fire bell rang out the alarm and out came the engine reed boas carts on the double quick. Before they had been taken very far they we're stopped on the intelligence that the fire, which was at Wm. Ainley's residence, was out. The fire apparatus was returned to the Fire Hall and not a feta people went home congratulating themselves that little or no damage was doge. But to the cad surprise of a large portion of Bresels, the terrible news was told on Sabbath morning that Miss Lillian Maley had been most seriously burned by the explosion of a hanging lamp, which she was in the act of blow- ing out before retiring to rest, and that her father was also a sufferer from burn- ed hands in his efforts to save his daugh• ter's life. The explosion sounded like the °rack of a rifle and when Willie Ainley saw his sister fall to the floor wreathed in flames he grabbed a quilt and blanket from his couch and attempt. ed to smother the fire, but in her deeper. anion Miss Ainley made a rush from the room, screaming that she was being roasted to death. Mr. and Mrs. Ainley sprang from their bed, and while the former was endeavoring to pull off the burning underclothing the mother seizecl a pail of water and threw it upon her frantio daughter, putting out the fire about her head and shoulders and the balance was soon mastered. Although all of this happened in a minute or two, the sufferer received a very severe scorch• in from the top of her head to her feet, her face, arms and hands being the worst. Willing hands and feet cane speedily to the aid of the parents and two physician were soon in attendance and the patient tenderly oared for. Since then she has been in s very low oondition owing to the mervous shook coupled with the buruiug. The gravity of the case is inoreasecl owing to the fait that Miss Ainley bas nob been in the best of health for several months. It is said that the lamp and obimoey were blown into a thousand pieces. One piece of glees was taken out of hiss Ainley'e wrist. If good wishes and sincere sym- pathy will have any effect on the recovery of the young body, her eouvalesoecse should be rapid, which we sincerely hope will be the one. Mr. Ainley is carrying his left arm in a sling and Ilia right hand is also badly disabled from the effects of the burning he received. No damage was dope to the hoose as the fire was speedily pet out by the aid of floor mats. No such aeoldent has occurred in Brussels for many a year, if ever. Since the above was in type we are called upon to record the deeth of the young lady mentioned above, the closing hour of life was 1 o'clock Thuraclay morning, four days from the time of the accident. The ter- rible burning of her neck, left hand and arm and left limb were of such a ehar- aeter that the possibility of her recovery was impossible, and after it short period of great suffering she quietly and peace- fully passed away from time. Deceased was the eldest ohild and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ainley and was born it/ Brussels. She was 20 years, 2 months and 24 daye old and was a general favor- ite with all, Possessed of a fine voice she wee welcomed to soolaf gatherings and at the time of the sod accident was preparing her part for a publio enter• tainmonb to be given shortly in Bruseete. She was a member of the olturtlt and Endeavor noire of Melville church for several years. Death had no terrors to the subject of thio notice as she told those who conversed with her that "All was well." There is no language adequate to express the deep and general sympathy felt and expressed for the parents and brothers in their heavy bereavement but they have the comforting assurance that "Ha death all tbinge well," and if the de- emed had to suffer forears from the result of the burning received a kind Providence took bar away from all pain and suffering, The funeral will take plane on Saturday afternoon ab 8,30 o'clock. Service at 8 p. ne. Interment at Broeeels cemetery. Tupper's appeal to his beloved Country" • "Sir Charles' appeal to his Son," and "I ken ower Country in near Sold Out," and others, before the overthrow of the Tupper Government, Socrem—Friday evening of next tvrek a sooiel will be held at the resident/ of W. H. Mo0utsbeot, 60h line, Morrie, under the auspices of the Fife and Deem Band. A. good program of music, readings, &e„ will be presented attd conveyances will be provided to take all desiring to go from Brunets, Rigs will leave Gerry Bros'. store at 7 o'clock, Heerssow.—Wednesday morning et 11 a, m. Rev. H. W. Jeans, of Listowel, tied the matrimonial bow at the residence of Alex. Ellis, Queen street, between Wm. Oakley, of Morris township, and Miss Charlotte Benner, adopted daughter of Mr. Ellis. Mr, and Mrs. Oakley left on the 1 o'clock train for a short wedding trip to London. May happiness and prosperity vetoed them. Seem or MAGAZINES.—The following magazines will be offered for sale by public emotion to all who are members of the Public Library ou Mouday evening, March 15th, at 8 o'clock :—Monsey ; Buffalo Express ; Ladies' Hama Journ• al ; Cosmopolitan ; MuClure'a ; Satur- day Night ; Boy's Own ; Girl's Own ; Sunday at IIome • Puck ; Massey's magazine ; Literary Digest • Canadian magazine ; Ram's Horn. The porcliaser may remove each number when new one is placed on Library table. G. F. Blair, Secy. Sore Tina sir."—Brussels Carling Club p,,,y'-.'t fri•e,d!v gauge with the inane and beset, the second of this sea- son, with Wroxeter last Monday ou the rink of the latter. Victory perched on the banner of the visitors and all enjoyed the game, although the ice was a little on the soft side. Following is the record :— WRosETr.R. BRUSSELS. nese NO. 1. 3. McTavish, J. Hewitt, J. Bray, F. S. Scott, Wm. Robison, Wm. Thomson, T. Rae, skip10 J. T. Ross, skip, .13 luxe No. 2. J. Brawn, J. 'Lay', R. Black, W. O 33', Seeobbr, A. Brown, D. C. Rose, 0. Black, skip -12 S. Laird, skip..23 Total 81 Total 36 (ADDITIONAL L0090 ON rams 1.) Business Locals. A 1 LAKE Boron herring cheap at Me- Craolten's. LAKE herrings for sale at Jae, Ballon. tyne's grocery. No. 1 Clover and Timothy Beed olheap at MoOraoken's. APPLETON'S world renowned Teas for sale at Tbomeon's. Rooms or dwelling to rent over my store. I. C. Richards. SEED Peas for sale, warranted clean. Walter Ynill, gravel road. Do not forget we repair rubbers, boots and shoes cheap and durably. I. 0. Richards. Some men's felt boots on hand yet which will be sold at a bargain. I. 0. liioberds. PAIR of new bob -sleighs to exchange for wood or lumber. Good chance. Jae. Walker, Carriage maker. Just received a oar Load of seeds, Clover, Timothy, Mengel and Turnip. BAExua & VANstosE, $20 AsternaN gold piece lost in or near Brussels. A. suitable reward will be paid by leaving it at TEE Poet at onoe. W. F. STEWAR'1' has now completed repairs at the National Roller Mills which will enable him to guarantee satisfaction. Manitoba flour always on hand. G ovr goat robe lost, small size, between Brussels and Blyth on the evening of March 6th. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at Beattie's Livery, Brussels. Ken's Glover Root, the great Blood• Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the oomplexiou and cures constipation, 26 ate, 60 Cts and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Sermon's cure is sold on a guarantee. It pores isoipient conniption. It is the bast cough sure. Only one Dont a dose. 26 ole., 60 its. and 01.00. Sold by Janes Fox, Druggist, Brussels. COMMUTABLE brick residenne with every cotventenoe, furnace, &c., for sale or to reit. Immediate p055555intl given. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Ternberry street, Brussels!. Carxare Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Gal„ ease :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the liret medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Primo 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brue. Bele, I Do saw -filing for 25o, each time after the first tlma if no one files between times, and I charge accordingly if saw gate damaged. Wood taken in payment if delivered at the time the deal is made, TEos. MCGREGOR, Tits hardest saws warrented full sot without breaking, as I have a new, safe and feet way of setting sows. Saws that are in line order given in exchange for saws that are out of order by paying the difference. T. MoGregor, saw filer, Brue- sels, Queen St., Bust. BE YouR OWN LAwyEIt."—This work is justly called "Secrets of the Law Office for it gives ten times more info(• /nation that intolligont people feel the need of knowing Aran any other wont published in Canada. Send to W. IL Anger, 28 Ulster St., Toronto, for sped - men pages and prioe. There is nothing like it in Canada, STIXDr LR.D BANI.E O.F Cr�1,N4D(4, T. HZcSBS11^•tD d.Ef7a, HEAD OFFICE( - TORONTO ASSP'r S, (Seven Million Dollars) 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • - $2,000,000 .Ipencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, illanitoba, United States d) England. A General Banking Business Tratsactad. Farmers' Notes Dieoomnted. Drafts Issued and Colleotions made oil all pointe. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded 111110 yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TitE COLLECTION 01' 'FARMERS' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living ata diatanoo. J. A. STEWART MANAGER. ,,. mamasasommaceu,:'t011.rs.•m.nosnc.,mrm.aormIMM,® Cenrees,--Any one desiring carpels will do well to Call at the Benne:Is Wool. en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of eatnplee ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 30e. to $1,00. llowir & Co, BAnaAIN Oyt'EREIL—That eligible half one lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die. posed of below oost. Very easy terms. Write for particulars to JoLE H.vumcevlls, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. CONSULT YOUR Doctose,--If 11e advises Ood Liver Oil are recommend Wompole's Tasteless Preparation. Yon court taste the oil l all you taste is wild cherry, and that's good. What you get is flesh end strength. Cures coughs, snide and wastive diseases. JAS. 1'0x, 3 m Chemist and Druggist. New BARIUM—Haying purchased the business and good will of N. Blackmer°, I am now in possession and prepared to attend to the wane of the public. We will have constantly on bund a first -Class supply of bread, buns, cakes and poetry. Bread delivered daily to all parts of the town. Orders promptly attended to. The patronage of the people of Brussels and surrounding country solicited. Sable. faotion guaranteed. W.A. CRICH. SCRML - MonaxeoN,—Tn Lima, on Feb. 2701, the wife of Mr. Joseph Morrison of a son. GILxrNsoN.—In Llma, on Murch tat, the wife of Mr. Joseph Gilleinson of a son. Cava/mem—In Owen Sound on Tuesday, March 911, the wife of Dr. Cavanagh, formerly of Brussels, of a eon. s,r�MEMIX.Ma, OARLEY—BENNRn,—In Brussels, on March 10th, by Rev. H. W. Jeans, of Listo- wel, at the residence of ttir. Alex. Ellis, Queen street, 11ir. William Oakley, of Morris, to Miss Charlotte Benner, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellie. Douoree.—In Grey, on March 7th, Adani Douglas, aged 58 years, 6 months and 17 days. Aneeny.—In Brussels, on March 11th, Lillian Laurette, only daughter of William and Samantha Ainley, aged 20 years, 2 months and 24 days. GILRINsoN.—In Elena, on Alaroll let, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilkinson, aged twenty mitluttes. ScIITH,—In Morrie, on March 11th, George Smith, aged 74 years, 8 months and 5 days. Fnnerai on Saturday at 2 p. m. from his regi• denote con, 0. .Ar.7e 'z0N oAmereee- Pstn ss, Marob 12th.—Lot 8, Can. 10, Grey. Farm stock, implements, &o. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. Peter Watson, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, An.TUESDAY, darn 10th —Farm stook, implements. East . lot 18, Con. 17, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Duncan Mo - Kenzie, Prop. lr. S. Scott, Auo. WEDNESDAY, March 17.—Lots 16 & 17, con. 10, Grey. Farm, farm stook, (l:e. Sale at 10 o'clock. Lunch ab 12. Mrs, R. Brown, Jas. and Jno. Brown, Esecu• tors, F. S. Scott, Auc. =RV-So=2+n3 1�¢AFv S-7'I'Eti. Fall Wheat Spring wheat Barley. Peas ., Peas (large) Oats Bettor, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel......, Potatoes (per bag) Hey per tot. Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep nine, eon Lamb skins eon Apples per bbl Hoge, Live Dressed Hoge 71 72 80 20 22 37 88 5.1 55 16 17 10 11 0 10 4 00 4 60 25 7 00 00 5 5i 4 1 00 00 50 15 40 50 460 4(10 5 00 6 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUIVI . tOBD 'WOOD WANTED, -100 �J colds, 4 feet loon, eat or hard, for nosh. 1tONALD PIRA 10NG11115 WORKS, my BENT..—LOT 10, IN THE J. Gth Couoeasion of Township of Grey, 100 acres 80 mum( cleared ; good buildings ; good orchard anti well wateicti. Will be rout- ed tor a terns of years, Apply to 32.4 WILLIAM POLLARD, EtbelP.O 0 OD WANTED.—MAR1t T pile° will be paid ter 9,000 en 4,000 cords of cord wood, either sort or bard, to bo delivered this Winter at the EIVT117RPRI570 SALT WOI3ICS,Brussels. 20tf 15state of T. T. COLIIMAN, ''ARM FOR BALE,-100AORES in the Township of Howlett being lots 15 and 111 Oan, 0. 80 mores aro cleared, and 20 Iterea in bash, Balli( barn with atone stab- ling underneath, and frame house with eallat', n good thriving orchard, norm fa eituabed 3milea frau Wrexeteh•. ler fur• Gm particulars apply to ALEX, HISLOT', 34.4 Wro5oter P, 0. 1 .�1A.R1I FOR SALE.—THE UN. i 1 0 air farm f ,na o bn b a o t I NRD a ry l r ANo a Bast ti avannsh 12th sop. 2 miles rent W 1 ugh ton. Good b8011 barn, SOxeb foot, good fined house, orchard, funo0e, &0, 8ohool house on corner ofleb, PoesOssiol at oven, W 1C be sold *heap If sold seen, Terms reasonable, Apply for nutlet/Ian to WM, 011011 G Wingbam • .308. 01105(3, Bruesels, or 0, t',, nioz1NsbN, Wieghatn. %.UOT10N SALE 010 FARA?, FARi1I 1. STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c, Mr. F. 14, Scott, Auctioneer, has received in- structions from the undersigned to sell by public 'motions at Lots Bi and. 17, 000.10, Grey, on WEDNNSUAV, alABOil 17Th, 1627 oOm ntenming at 10 a.511, sharp. Lintel] served at noon. The following valuable property, viz.: -1 imported stallion ; 1 heavy draught mare, 0 years old . 1 heavy draught mare ; 1 aged mare; 1 driving horse 4 years old; 1 driving horse 3 years old ; 1 driving horse 8 veers old ; 8 tont& cows supposed In calf ; 4 heifers rising 3 years, supposed Is eon ; 1 honer rising'2 years; 0 steers rising 2 years ; 0 valves ; 1 thorn' -bred Durham bird 2 years olct with pedigree; 13 leleesterr Sheep; 1 ram ; 7 pigs .1 mouths Old ; 1 sow with pig-; host,, her 01 hells; 1 Massey -Harris binder; 1 Patterson mower; 1Lyon reaper ; 1 op 50 cylinder pea thresher, 1 Imp straw eutber 2 fanning mills; 2 threshing machines; 1 jack ; 2 lumber wagons ; 2 truck wagons ; 1 seed drat ; 1 land roller ; 3 seta iron Intr. rows4 general purpose plows; 2 gang 1 2 Peppers ; 2. top baggies ; 1 milk wagon ; 1 roil cart • 1 cutter ; 4 sets bob- sleighs; 2 ,and earls 1 domoe'at: 1 ctreuler BIM; .1 horse rake 1 hay fork, ropes and Pulleys ; 2 hay racks 1 sheaf lifter, 2 sots of ropes; 1 set sealos (0,000 lbs.); 2 sots team harness ; 2 sots plow tarnese ; 1 eat double light harness ; 2 sets angle harness ; 2 wheelbarrows; 1 riding saddle; 1 grind- stouo; 3 sets wbialotreee ; 4 nest( yokes ; 2 turnip snufflers; 2 nost-hole Spoons 2 grain era0lea ; A good sot of trainer's pike poles 1 1 good water trough ; 1 stump inaohcne ; 2 sugar kettles ; a Quantity of houeeholdfur- niture ; a large quantity of hay ; 600 bushels of oats; 1110 bushels good coed barley ; 100 bushels good seed pans; seythos, forts. chains, shovels and other articles to 000100- 005 to mention. Sole without reserve to close up the estate. The sploudut O00 acre farut, being lots le and 17, (ion. I0, 11111 be offered for solo an the same day. 140 acres cleared, balmier, well timbered. Stone house, baule borne, driving shed and other necessary outbuildings. Large orchard About G0 auras Mowed ready for crop, and balance seeded (town. If farm is not sold 1t will be leased. Possession given at once. TERRIS—All small of 85 and under cash; over that amount 0 months credit will be given on lurid -Mug approved )clot notes. 8 per Ooot, per annum off for cash on credit anonnts. Hay and gram Ie b0 cash, Terms for farm made ken= on day of sale, 1. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. AGNES BROWN, 130UE2 BROWN, JOHN 101(015N, Execu- tors. REAL ESTATE. IIARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- aEnetanna has several good Farms for sale and to rout, allay terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey, F S. SOOTT, Brussels (t00D FARM TO RENT A near Brussels, 100 nares being Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and molter d, well watered, suitable for mixed or (Miry farming. Possessiongiven u ort Marsh. Apply to W. H. HERR,PORT. Publishing House, Brussels, or to Tia MAS HEIIITAGE, Loudon West. 1AR0IS FOR SALE. — 200 acres—Consisting of Lots 18 ou the 7bh and 8t13 concessions, Township of Grey, Mk lug 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 5i miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat sdwe and about 80 aures under grass ; 00 acres cleared on each. Perms of payment easy, A, MC$ELVEN', M, D., 94• Brussels. MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acres of geed farm hand at Springfield, 8 allies from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sato at n. low min. The property is North Last 4 Ssa,10, Twp. 11,1 -image 4, hast. Thee is it bonne on the promises and some breaking sous. For full parttoulare as to price, title, Sm., write or apply to G, F. BLAIR or W. H. 00101RR, 20.10 Brussels, Ont. T. ARbI FOR SALE—THE UN– DltlteIGNED offers his eligible 54 acme farm for cul e, beteg South part of Lot F, Con. 12, Cir ay, All tinder oultivation, well and well feinted. Thor a is a gond ou alto p00uhtseO k bars, a splendid tone tlnat'ry irom which a good revenue is realiz- ed. Only 2) minae from Brussels. Terme reasoable. For farther particulars as to price,&c., apply to JOHN IMIITCIIELL, P •usi ieto — 35•EY Brnele P. 0. T..TI AB11I FOR SALE. -160 ACRES Connistleg of the South d and South of the North l of Lob 38, Oou 2, least Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stack farm, being well supplied with good gyring water, It Is situated about 9 miles from the thriving 1,11 - lege cf Blyth, A Large part of itis under grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of mai(. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, i3r'usaols, 'I PLENDID FAR11I FOR SALE. i. That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0, Towesbin of Grey, 100 acres, must be sold at 0+toe in order to close estate of deceased own - es, The lob is nearly all cleared, with gond buildings, ample water supply, largo or- ation -1, 14 miles from Ce'anbrook 10 under good o,ltivaton and is a veru desirable pro- e•tyiucleed, Apply to ItIOHA RD MIT. Ctp14ELL, Brussels P. 0.;,7014l4 MITCHELL, on the protnisos ; or A. BUNTER, Brasaole, Dated Sept. 1)11,, 1801, G00]) FARM POD SALE IN the Township of Grey. In order to close an estate the Weat half of Lot 24, Ooh. 7, Towneblp of Grey, 50 aoroe, is offered for immediate sale, Oh the premises are a good frame dwelling with kitchen, 18,, also two frame barns, good water, orchard, be, cud is close to the Village of Nikon. Soil It of the best and term is well fended. ApplyALEto ILVYa'orleWMoOL,, Jvestevu;eNTII, Brussels. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligibly) 200 001.0 farm, aamposed of lots 10 and 17 in the 1011 oat., Grey towndbip, Huron Co., and 50 acts, part of lots 15 and 17, 1111 coo.. belonging to the Robert Brown estate, 15 offered for ante to wird tip estate. On the first farm 10 a good stone house and largo bents barn, necessary olabbuildin a, or- chard, &o, Perm well watered, well Mcleod and in gond state of cultivation, About 00 acres 011)11817, 42 of which is hardwood. Ou the 50 antra farm there is a house and barn, unbars, and about a throe of bush, Farms Bold jointly or separately to suit purchaser. Possession glvanin the Vail, Parma aro on. lY a mile from the vilbago 01 Oraubroolt, wbero aro school, ohuv'oltoe, poet-ofdoe, stores, &c., and 0.0 ,Hiles to the thriving mar- ket town Brussels, For further perbio1Eler5 as to nein, terms, &o., apply to AG1O1Ii18 BROWN, 7A3I108 30110WN, Hes:titol's. 701130 DROWN j1 , 1 Ooanbte ok 1', 0, • MISTS REPTAT 1O is founded all the quality of the goods he sells and the accuracy with which they are dispensed, There is no doubt on these two points when the purchase is made from u5, "Care is our WatCI1WOrC1" "Accuracy Our rule." "Quality our leading feature " infallible JAS. FOX, DRUGGIST & 1BOOKSELLER, Wo aro still selling the best Bolling Powder at 15c. a pound. Better than other kinds at 40o. and 50o. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, e • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diaoasee of demeatioated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptl at- tended to. 011100 and Umfirmary—tom' doors north of bridge yurnberry ab„ Braman). LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solt*ltor and conveyancer. Collet). Mous made. 011lce—Vanatoue's Block, Bus• sole. 21-8m 1, M. SINCLAIR, � • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,No tory Pub- tio, R;m, OOloe—Vaustone's 133oels, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loam. • G. ()AILERON, �/ to (Formerly of Cameron, Holt C Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godorich, Ont. 011lce—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Rotolo G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. (tato of Garrow & Promdfsot's 011100, Godorich.) 011loe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussets. Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduit ed on reasonable terms, Tarots and fain stock a specialty. Orders Taft at TSE Po00 P ablishing House, nitro seals, or seutto Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attention, .l S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - mu, wi11 sell- for bettor prtees, to better men, in ase that) and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Enron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this °Rboe or by personal application, CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has bad 25 yearn experience as au Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill health, has again talion out license and is prepared to conduct sales at treasonable term 0. Sattafaoticn guava') toed. Dates may be arranged at Tau Poste Publishing House . JAS. STRETTON, 19.10 Auctioneer. Anoint Order of lid Warkmanl Tbis old and pro Hp 01.0110 Fraternal Assoc) notion numbering 860,000 inanition are pro senting to the public their popular and econ- omical rates to worthy met, at the very low rate 0f about $8.00 per $1,000 per annum. The 'Workmen" Promptly Pay heath Claims and expect a levee iaorettse to its members now that those Ameriel.n Liuo 0ompaniee don't seam satisfactory to Oau- adiaue. 1tOBT. ARMSTRONG, I0I,W. ; W, 11. 011115 Beeman; J.21. 01(I0IG11TON,lioanoisr, BUSINESS CARDS. ��H. MoCRACKEN, • IesurerofafarriageLlaonses. Oftlee at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, • Toneorial Artist. Shop—Next door ambit of A. M.11lo2Cay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrees hair gutting n specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Banti talon Deposita from 81.05 to 81,000 and allows 11 per sent, Interest, T.1ABIIOW, 37.0m Poetmaator, ROBERT 0,UNNINGHAM 141601nANOs, • FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. FI ETCHER lesc el of Marriage Licenses, 01,1610E AT JEWELRY STORE, INo Witness Required, T. FLETC111:1R, Bxundo A HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. oenvoyaesei, llotery Poblie Land, Loan andLemnos Agent. ut. lu e lav00 1 and to loan. Blea 13ieesele made Wilde to Graham's Bleak, I3 roseola f .,Tics. A. HHAWKINS, -I.•. 'Winton lessens to pun ils either on plane or organ, at hie Maxie ltoom, opposite the post -Mike, Btvesole. Vocal Ireton also given m eeryears o rs expe'ienoo In teaolthng.