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TORNIM BY ST., Bnuss000, ONT,
TEOMs 0r S020050 0p20.—One dollar a
Year, lu advance. The;date to which every
eubseription is pa(10 is denoted by tlio date
on the addre$a latah
AnvEaTrerno B,A.TEs,—The following rates
will be cbaxgod to those who udvortiso by
the year:—
SPACE 11 Yir, 1 0 mo. I a No
One Columss 000,00 $35.00 1 1'020.00
$a1R 3.00
Quarter •20)4.0 13.00 0.00
95.00 20,00
ighth " ...,13,00 0,00 _40.00
Eight Dents per line for first insertion, and
three ciente per line for each subsequent in-
sertion. All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch,
Business Cai,ts, eight lines and under, ee
per annnm.
Advertisements without amigo three -
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly.
Instructions to change or discontinue an
advertisem0ut must be left at the eouuting
room o1 THE PotT 2201 later than Tuesday
o1 each week This la imperative.
W. $'1.V.11 R,
Editor and Proprietor.
The 138th annual meeting of the Grand
Orange Lodge of Ontario West was open-
ed in the Town ball, Woodstock, on
Tuesday, March 2nd. The attendance
was comparatively small, not more than
ilnlf of last year's number,
1h edge opened with 11 W. Grand
The l P
Master William Lockhart, of Alliston, in
the chair.
In his annual address the grand lnao.
ter referred to the fent that the Manitoba
school question has been submitted to the
people, with the result that an agreement
has been reached by which the question
will be settled on n basis fairly satisfact-
ory to all." Continuing, he said : ..Be.
Baying, as I do, in a national system of I
education for the Dominion, I cannot too f
strongly urge upon all Orangemen the 0
necessity of closely watching all edu.
oational laws which may be enacted, a0
as to have them lead in this direction."
The address also referred to the Queen's
jubilee, the India famine fund, the Ar-
menian and Cretan troubles, and. the
matter of insurance,
The grand secretary's report stated
that while, owing to incomplete returns,
it was impossible to state the exact in-
crea-e daring the year, yet 35 out of 44 i
noauty lodges showed 1,200 initiations,
477 joined by certificate and 214 rein-
ateted ; the la's by death was 10;3, and 1
by expulsions 07, Lehowing a net gain of o
about 1,700.
The moh•uing session of the Black c
Chapter was devoted chiefly to receiving b
reports of committees and the election of c
officers. Following were the officers tl
elected :-3. H. Scoot, G. 1I. ; J. S. Wil. o
liams, Deputy G.. 11. 1I. Thompson, tri
Associate Deputy G. 11, ; Rev. Mr. d
Walsh. G. 0. ; A. Sanson, Deputy G. C.; le
W. G. tic Andrew, Grand Registrar ; F. p
R. Parnell, Deputy R. ; Ed. Metcalf, fi
Grand Treasurer ; R. Gilles, Deputy th
Treasurer ; John Talk, Grand Leaturer ; el
W. J. Sanderson, Deputy G. L. ; G. n
Brown and S. Mahood, Grand Censors ; th
T. W. Robinson and Il. Grabam, Grand T
Staudard•bearere ; W. Forester, Grand th
Pursuivant. Grand Committee—I. F. w
Wilkins, Geo. St. John, 1f, Gill, John o'
Gunning, S. Clare, John Walker, T. 0. li
Johnson. Satisfactory reports were re- en
ceived from the grand secretary and T
grand treasurer. lig
Tuesday evening the delegates form- ag
ed in prooeesion at the Town Hall, and, 011
Leaded by the Woodstock brass band, E'
persuaded that the pretreat straggle in
sister previews ie the most hopeful
for the emancipation of Canada f
priestly rale that this country has e
We are glad to cote that the grand
Gallioan spirit still lives amongst
Roman Catholic follow-subjeote in
sister province.
"The words of the counsel and ad
to the lodges in the Grand Mesterei
drags meet with our entire approval.
"In ()losing with the Grand Master's
report, we hope that his reference to the
extension of oar noble cause will have
due weight with the brethren and result
iu 0moll good to the Order at large,
"The Grand Secretary's address we
carefully considered and find it up to
date, and we can only repeat the note of
commendation that has so often been
given by former committees of this
Grand Lodge, by saying that this officer
bas done his work carefully and well,
The oorrespondeuoe for the year has been
ooneiderabls, but is largely of a routine
character, and we find nothing in it that
requires special reference to the attention
of the Grand Lodge."
Ontario Legislature.
the SEEKING 11kft BOY.
A New York physioian relataes the fol-
lowing faot ;---
A few weeks ago he Wlte called to the
help of a man who wee mortally wounded
in one of the low dance hells or "dives"
of that oily. When he had attended hie
vice patient the doctor looked curiously about
ud• him, The wounded man lay before the
bar, agooilhet wheat lounged 00ine drunken
old sots. In the next roots a few young
men, limbed and brigh6•oyeel were play-
ing ;weds, while the getudily•dreseod bar
made married about the liquor. But
neither the gamblers, nor the women nor
the drunkards paid any attention to the
dying man on the floor. They squabbled
and laughed, deaf to the groans. The
proprietor of the dive, a burly fellow,
who had been a prize fighter in hie
younger days, having seen the polios
secure the murderer, had gone bunk quiet-
ly to hie work of mixing drinks, Death,
apparently, had no interest or terror for
these people.
Suddenly a little old woman with white
hair, a thin shawl about her, =me to cite
street door. Her appearance produced a
startling effect, The besotted old When at
the bar put down their glasses and looked
uneasy ; the oard players hastily shut the
door to keep out the sight of her ; the
bar -maids Huddled together in eilenee ;
bot the change in the brutal landlord was
21000 striking,
He rose :hastily and mime up to her, an
expression of somothiug like terror on his
"Ie James here ?" she asked gently.
"No, no ; he is not here. I do not
know where he is," he said hurriedly.
She looked around bewildered, and
said :—
"I was sure be was here. If he comes
will you tell him his mother wants hinh,
'Yes yes,"
be said—au' thatman
+y ,
urged cher out of the door. The physi-
o]an soon followed and saw her going into
another and another dive and grog shop
along the street.
"Who is sloe ?" he asked of apolioeman
outside. "Is she in no danger ?"
The man shook his head significantly.
"They will not harsh hoe sir. They've
done their worst to her. She is the
widow of a clergyman, and she had one
eon, a boy of sixteen years, They lived
happy and comfortable enough till he
took to going to pool rooms, and then to
variety tbeotree, and at ]est to these dives
here, He was hilted in one of them in a
fight three months ago, in that very one
you were just in now, and was carried
home to her, bloated from drink, covered
with blood and dead. She only remem-
bers that he came to these houses, and
she goes about them searohing for him
every day. They are afraid to see her.
They think she brings a curse on them.
But they won't harm her ; they've done
their worst to her."
This is a true story. How many sous
of loving mothers are going down like
this boy into these dark places to day ?
1.Ig0Olh LICENSE .0 0E\b)1EBT0.
On Thursday, Feb. 25111, 13ou, Rich.
and Harcourt moved the first reading of
hie new Liquor License Act. The Pro.
vinolal Treasurer said, in a brief explau•
atl00 of the proposed measure, that the
main provisions of the bill ware those
called for by a well-settled public opinion.
It was only in response to a well-defined
publio opinion that satiefaotory legisla•
tion wee secured. It would be remem-
bered that the Act of 1870 was passed in
response to the pnblio demand referred to
and under that Act the quit upon which
a license e wits erauted was a upopulation
'250. The Government did notintendto,
in this connection, disturb the logielation
affecting townships, the only changes
proposed being those that world affect
cities, towns and villages. The old Act
allowed for four licenses for iho first
thousand of population, and the Govern-
ment now asked that this number be res.
tricted to three, and that the additional
i0enee formerly allowed for the ' next
our hundred of population be now in•
teased to 000. The Governtnent was
not tatting from Municipal Councils 111e
power to further reduce the number of
licenses below the limit set by the Act,
but it did stipulate that if the Municipal
Connell did pass a by-law further limiting
the number of licenses that bylaw must
remain in force for three years. The
features of the bill, as had been said,
affected only cities, towns and villages,
and there were 288 of these municipal -
ties, of which only a small percentage
would be affected by the reduced limit.
The present law relating to druggists al.
owed them to Bell amounts up to six
anus of liquor without certificates ;
hould they sell over six ounces a medical
erlfficate was required. By the present
ill registration was required for all per.
bases, and a °artifice -to demanded upon
le purchase of any amount. The sale
f liquor by druggists would be limited to
x ounces. Section two of the bill would
eat with the hours of closing, a matter
ft by the previous Act to the muniei•
alities. The Government proposed to
x the hours of closing at ten o'clock for
e townships, towns and villages, and at
even o'clock for the cities. This would
of interfere With the laws relating, to
e Saturday night and Sunday closing.
here were 810 of these divisions, and by
e bill, in 700 of them the hour of closing
as fixed at 10 o'olock, and in 110 at 11
clock. The law relating to the eale of
quors to minors was amended, in defer-
ce to the advance in public, opinion.
be Aot of 1089 prohibited the sale of
nor to anyone apparently under the
e of sixteen. Six years later, in 1994,
e limit was extended to eighteen years.
ub(io opinion has grown considerably
marched to St. Paul's obureh, where a
very interesting sermon was preached by
Rev. Mr, Baldwin.
TBE eoirel0 WELCOME. be!'l
Wednesday morning the Grand Lodge
resumed at nine o'clock. Very encour-
aging reports were. presented by the
various committees.
His Worship Mayor McKay and mem-
bers of the Woodstock Town Council tb
presented the Grand Lodge with an ad -
dress of welcome. The Deputy.Reeve w0)
and Registrar Pattullc also addressed the til
Grand Lodge. The address was replied wh
to by Grand Master Lockhart and Hon. 0h
N. Clarke Wallace, G. M. of B, A. to
The County Lodge if Oxford also 0
presented an address of welcome, 010
FOR TIAs 00)100E FUND, No
A grant of $50 setts trade to the India ref
famine fund. Wo
The Committee on Correspondence, in in
reporting on the Grand Master's address, ref
reported themselves in general accord len
with the sent(ments therein expressed, dot
"We would emphasize the fact that the of
Manitoba school question has been settled wa
without coercion, and no metter what in
the defects of the eyetem may bo in its aha
worhine, iho fact that a settlement has On
been reached without interfering with the sig
autonomy of the province is a step in an
true legislative progress. be
THE DIAMOND .rr'laLl1E, tri
"We would heartily approve and en. 2011
dome the very ai:propriate reference of 200
the Grand Master to the diamond jubilee h'o
of our Moet Gracious Majesty. Indeed, re
no people in tide broad universe have res
more reason to approach the coming cele- me
bratioh with joy and gladness than the eon
Briti.:h P -ogle, and the know no class dei
of Iter Majr:sty's titbjeots Will cuter into Lie
the epirit of the elan acclaim mere en• i(uv
theme:iti';elly tl.an the nhenhbere of our tied
loyal asd r,vb:e Ordlr, tial
With Fir re regret that we ap. Prn
preach :1.01 p, t: .f rho address thatthr
refers to the 'i vieilatiee that has to s
blighted t per": en of our groat the
Empire, 113 . erre', that in this at
year , i knee ether p'.rtions of the ore
vest Empire etre- .;r, en Her Majesty of
reigns will tr ; 01)01 rN-';08 promptly 'ask
and mitigate thei e rings rf tier Indian
since that time, and the Government
asked the House to now fix the age and
limit at tWentyoae years. Mr. Harcourt
calculated• that by this measure over once
If of the population of the proviuoe
uld be under total prohibition. The
local option bylaws had been adopted in
seventeen or eighteen municipalities, but
great difficulty was experienced in their
enforcement. The only way in which
ey could be enforced was by fines, and
is well known that in many oases there
re no fines collected. The Govern-
eut proposed that in the municipalities
ere local option laws were in operation
a municipality should contribute a sum
the license fund of the district, the
Wer to regulate the amount being in
e hands of the License Board, The
st impo'tent part of the bill was that
erring to the abolition of saloons. The
rd "saloon" did not at present appear
the statutes, but, as was well known, it
erred to a place where liquor was sold,
t where the regular hotel ac0oremo•
ion was not afforded. There were 34
these in the province. Tho proposal
R to abolish them in inotalmente, hall
the license year of 1807 and the re.
finder in the license years of 1898.9,
e -half of these licenses were to he de•
anted by the License Board as wins
d beer licenses, under whioh baro would
forbidden, and the sale would be rea-
cted to that served at dining tables
11 meals. This wine and beer lioense
old only be continued in the oases of
Laments or large railway Wing -
11000. As to the granting of licensee in
bleatial portions of a city, the Govern-
nt would ask that where a petition
taining the names of 350 vo0ere, retri-
ve of the suction, was presented to the
erre Commissioners, power should be
en to that body to refuse to grant is
time The power to define a residen-
locality would be also left to the eom-
ssionera, In reply to a question the
yin vial Treasurer stied it would require
ee fifths of the electors of the dietrio6
top the, ileus of 'Menses. Then as to
cancellation of licenses. There were
present two ways to do thie—by the
or of a justice of the peace or the order
a county judge, The House would be
ed to widen that. It would he milted
ay that where throe breaches of the
were reported in two years the li•
fellow suteeete, ere) teat 01290 We will to R
hear no mere r sue.: •.', ,':. Ir. -10 , law
"We agree. a : r; trr;f';rr:nee of the 'r salt
Grand 310 t r u atrr,citiey of far
the Turk in Arne,- .... ,, eeretr, and we
hope that tee fi ,;,s eett',rnan s
power fillerf ,L 1 k'A,f, 'l,rne t7 i ant
an end.
8e shall be cancelled and the holder of
cense disqualified for holding a lioense
three yen.re. In 09.00 of the ineolv•
y of the holder of a limns, provision
ads for carrying on the business
it it is wound up.
1 Ii It It:,.0 ) , -
"Wo look vI ,r 14e +o. rna.4e by
the Grand Matter tee tee 0210121 new in
progress in the frvnir.,0 01 r,ls'ber, he. j
tweet, the people and (ho eeeleieutiieo fie
tweet timely and oj;Irttun. We are i
rrrlr „•o
nslt ifs .what
13 v. Father Holden is looking into the
Separate School taxes of Hamilton.
There is a falling off in the revenue, said
to be due to former Separate Soboot sup.
porters now assessed for the Public
Schools. -
tlIlrrlaltrs a. `�
—Ah. vett:
t) O„
9 ii fa - 1101 t.tc" vl 1
Plain Speaking.
Elizabeth Bay, Manitoulin Island,
Nov. 2nd, 1890.
J. M. McLeod, Godoriob
Dear S(r; I want to tell you and all
who may benefit from hay letter how I
suffered and how I was cured by your
medicine, I was hurt thee,oh straining
some time ago. Intlamme'fen set in and
for 18 months I never drew n breath free
from severe pain. lily heel; sot so weak
and painful that for 5 menthe before I
began your medicine I could not turn in
bed without assistance. 1 took all the
medioine prescribed by our local doctor
without any benefit. I was getting worse
and he said that he doubted very =oh
if I ever would or could be cured. When
sitting np I could not lean forward at all.
Pain and inflammation getting worse
confined me to bed. I used to lie and
scream for twelve hours at a time in
agony. The pain in my aide low down
seemed to be caused by some growth
there. I could never sit over ten minutes
in the chair at one time. Hearing of so
many around here that got mored by your
medicine my husband was pereoaded to
send for your System Renovator. Iain
thankful he did for quite a change in my
condition was the result, not only my
relief from pain but my strength Wee
mob restored by the time I bad half the
second bottle taken. I took the System
Renovator and Protem Boeurgam and
applied E. A. MoLannan'e liniment all
as directed till was cured. You know
that I was on a trip to Goderich visiting
some friends last Summer. This was a
surprise to those who never expected to
see me again. I am a well woman and
that I never expeoted to be. I thank you
kindly. Yours truly.
01111 b1' .Oas, pox, Druggist, Brussels,
A London speoial says : The famous
Duchess of Devonshire, who bought Par-
liamentary votes for hisses at a historic
election in the last oentary, has found an
imitator in a barmaid at Bexhill Arles,
Eastbourne, who has utilized a cupid's
bow mouth for a far worthier object,
She is very pretty and !las numerous ad-
mirers among the bar -frequenting teen of
the town. When lest week the Mayor
opened a fund for the Witt famine suff-
erers this young woman planed a money
box on the bar and iutimated that every-
one who put a shilling in it might have a
kiss. Within half an hour she was kiss-
ed by every man who entered the saloon,
accumulating twenty -throe shillings for
the fund• 13nt this novel mode of collec-
tion drew such a crowd to the bar that
the proper:teepee a step to the entertain-
ment, though not until the barmaid, as
the money box proved, had been kissed
eighty-seven times in lees than three
'V",•7ilA osoako3
a well uaal>;
of YOU f
10091 PROn0005 T110 Ae07n
Annus IR FOan wills[.
14r1008I auras all Nervous 010,00.00.Bloopl0m-
no9s, Pn11mg hiomory, Nightly Itmhwlon0, Booth on.
toerho0,, mpotonoy, oto„ 0nnsod by pant abuse.
02,0p vlaor and eIsO to ehrunlran elE0e0, ami
titlnlrly but iso Py110,00080 0Oex 011,rrroow la 010
tit *dung. ileo 000000 and you 1710 grow strong
and happy agalse eon[ by malt f0 plain manlier
000 aomuoly ,0010,1 Oom 000ervc res Badly
carrion In voot 000550 Prloo, 80 0 peafraaAA�, etlt
for eb, gond moray to eltbor 0,01narf.y m toltletar-
ed 0011,ar. 4.80,0,0 all ,o1er. W J, T. PEP
Dra step W665500011, 0(00, .00 00 for 01
0 DO. DO•
00100010 of 0021040.
SNc Dodoes
Permanently Cured
"I Was troubled, a long time, with
sick headache. It Was usually ac-
eompanied with set 000 pains In the
temples and sickness at the stom-
ach. 1 tri,t1 :t goad tunny remedies
41;t7-43,.. recommended for
(11is complaint; hat
10 was not until I he-
' gas taking
Pills that I received
anything like perma-
nent lament. A sin-
gle hos of these pills dia the work
for 1'11e, and I 00111 11017 a well than."
C. H. IIUTCUII, os, East Auburn, lie,
For the rapid cure of constipa-
tion, Dyspepsia, lilliousness, Nau.
sea, and all disorders of Stomach,
Liver, and Bowels, take
Cad`1tgeleaWt@E, PHis
Zedal and Diploma at World's Pair.
Ask your druggist for Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Wanted—An idea
Who con think
el agree stent?
Proteol yyear idem; thou slay bring you patent?
Write 10112 WEDDEEBIJRN 01 00. Pateat Attor-
ney8 Svaoh(egton, D, 0., for their 51,92 p0000 ober
and. list or 1200 hundred luvoutione wanted.
White atm, Line.
Ilea. Al HAIL STIIt3i81(11'N.
BOtwo.n Now York and Liverpool, via
ticeonstowu, every 1Sa;ocs,]uy,
As the ,,[annoys of this line carry only a
strictly limbed ,,amber is the St REIT and
5EC01113 0010100 neon n,nOdntinlle, intending
passengers aro remtnde,1 that au early up -
plication for berths to nocessu.ry at Mlle ma-
son. For plans, rates, oto., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or sent by Mae. 25o., 50o.,
and 91.00 per package. Samples free.
in ' i0l f0) th Teeth and Breath, 0080.
Sold by JAS. 01000, ttra5sint, it russets.
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Itloney to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned 011 Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire cf Life Insurance Written,
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman cC MaCall's Store,
antedanted—An Idea hoes think
—An gp of 90)210 staple
Protect our ideas; iho ma brluntngto patent,
sy y g you wen0W,
0yn, Wall In ton, D. 11., heir PO prize 6tor-
and list of two hundred Inretntioue wantedEo otter
N `.: L VR
T. Pawso,, M oo o, r Standard Hank, Hrnrb
ford, Onl., nnyn, 0I 1 Kidney -Liver fills are a
grand med(o(no for oho Kidneys and Liver.
20 11, C.AR,l,RR , 5 U C t( Sr., Toronto, re•
lirene0C ng Montreal Sir eye Chawl, ('Ills set
ke mngte for the rel. f 1 l I•a I ',Won/181100k
nod constipation. NOW carry,•, ht re, or by mall on
rlcelpt of price, to IOtIAI(slli, 'f1RTCS 4 00.
45 10703090 87, r.aoulo, our.
Lot 20 0 out 0,, 5100i•rIe,, ltheelthero bed im-
White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
,red bora 5.1.), Brothour's ervoe hstalres sow
at Mileage Pair, l'orlus 91.80 to bo pall
urmiug (2 0memeamry, Pedtigrprivilegeee seen
on appliention,
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding diatriet that I have par.
phased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either now work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looped after,
IteiteOrdere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns,
Gamer Green
MAR. 12, 1897
License 'District
OP 001110
East Riding of Huro11,
To tide Tavern -keepers and Others
whom it may Concern.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Appiioation for Lio eases
for the sale of liquor in the
for the Lioouso year 1807.08, which commen-
ces on the 1st day of May next, will be re -
calved by tbonudor0t0u0d from the prosect
duto op to
Thursday, April 1st, 1897,
illnlusive, Applloante roust furniab the
11110100 Of two good and sufficient sureties as
bondsmen at the time of making appilea-
tion, Any appplicant for a now 'Meuse must
foraish a oeret00ato signed by a majority of
the electors entitled to vote at elections for
the Legislative A3senb]y in the Polling Sub.
Division (011vh(011 the promisee sought to be
licensed aro situated, and the Bald majority
must iuelodo at least one-third of tb0 50111
option reeideuts00within t11a sai 10 Polling Sub-
3300. It. MILLER,
Jamestown, Feb. 22nd, 1807. IEaPECTon.
RI SVG° , nE 11. ion
We are showing a full line ofd
which we ale prepared to sell at prices that defy competition. In
Men's lines we have just received some exceptionally good value in.
Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bals., that we aro sure will suit the
''yo, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's
is up to date in Style and Quality. Call and see our Gents' Fancy
Slippers. Wo have a fow Boys' Long Boots that you can have at
00hl. 4 pm
00 ----®
We kee •in stock and supply everything in
Goal and Wood Stoves,
�Elther Parlor, Box or Cook
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and
Warranted to work properly.
Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c.
Orders Taken for Coal.
Stove and Fuz^nuke Men, Brussels
Established 1871.
I-1 20
rn p0)
tis �Y�frxNsr_t,"�l 'c,,
r Y Viva 131 �1 n y. nrvy�'lh p� m p 4
=Ltl �i ror9h(Ys1 ayli �i p p �fD
Tho Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves"nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application,
W. IL ZEES, Agent, Brussels,.