HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-12, Page 5MAR 12. l S97 T rl 1}; ri n. lT S S lr L S POT e -,ma:._. rFeamgt.'tecn Youtacracrsataxmancom cepantstmattanaetlam •wa,2dt'aczatc441",jn..70" , ,,'Jturvr n etza taatet ,rLnpy a S• rdzazteara7SL' •cel•accazt”,,,,,mcay=taccut octanreveltsearetazofrrecamerotmictommtat W§ Mood deensbirn, Sontlund, in 1813. lie was a _. - p GREATEST ^ y ' l• Nukvod mn11Y years ONE '6,✓,S TFIE GREA d r T t as i it item Il15tr Ado, r1Ct ,x do, _...__.. lei. Cardiff's on Tuesday of tide week. J. A. M013a11 tyro in Toronto taut week. Miss Jessie Geiger, cif the Remit lTonne, had the ntlefortune to served her hand ysry Welly Monday evening. W. Alexander, Pabl le Sollool Inspnotor, wee in town paying his periodical visit to the junior department of oar prtblin sobool. John Pelton hes sold his beautiful farm on the 1451 non., Wawanosh, to Jas. AloClennghan, Of Whiteehurah, far the Duro of 99,000. He le a brother of our reinitiated townsman, Lemuel Pallor). One of the costliest and handsomeet eideboarde to be seen in this community was platted in the home of A'tr, end Mee. J. A. lielomp. It ie made of fine quarter. ed oak, riobly hand eorvsd trimmings, with a largo Bethel bevel plate mirror of artistic design. A wood bee was held at Connoillor AL Peter Sinclair had a 5coeesetul bee on efenclay eftcrnnon of this weal Wm. 1lialtie Ilan diapoand of a superior lour Dorrell»n,lent was mlet.,ker 5.year old general perpeee mare to the horse did nee ran away and ti David Dunbar, of hast \Vawauoeh, fur ' Mre, Jtob:)'tama oat of the cutter. tete cum of $80,00. This mare was sired 1 Word wag receives tile other day of the by the imported Olydesdule stallion j seriuna lllnose of Aire. G. W. Avery, of ".Eaeele•Ali," the property of A. F. 1 Iialiapefl, Montana, formerly of Grey. Emburv, of this township, harry Heart trouble Is the attune. Aire. Avery Richardson, of London, Lugland, while is 11 sister to Peter loNeil, 14th con. ;n Canada two yearn ago, said that the above mentioned mare, although only weighing 1,380 pouuda, was the beat quality of horse flesh that he had seen while travelling and buying horses here. Mr. Dunbar always has an eye for some. thing ohoiun. Safoot,l8ieonr.—The following is the oorreot standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Morris, for the month of February: —fourth olase, total 800.—Norah Maun- ders, 640 ; [inti Davis, 509 ; John Oloakey, 504 ; Ide Mooney, 478 ; Willie Oloakey, 885 ; Joeoph Petah, 457 ; ,las. Innes, 335 ; Soorge Innes, 820 ; Willie Johnston, 206 ; Susie Manning, 151. ---Parb subjeote, total 460.—Millard Car. diff, 885 ; James Donnelly, 201 ; George Cardiff, 108 ; John Petah, 165 ; Hagh Forsyth, 180 ; Sr. Sr, total 800,—Clara. Mooney, 400 ; Milton Sharpe 461 ; David MoOutoboon, 450 ; Robb. Mooney, 431 ; Richard Oardifb, 410 ; Mary Kernaghan, 5387 ; Bertha Sharp, 844 ; Bertha Nichol, 339 ; Mabel Nichol, 298. Jr. 81•d,—Nel- son Maunders, 838 ; Myrtle Nichol, 264 ; Geo. Davis, 210 ; Willie F latt, 136 ) David Walker, 120, Second class, total 450. --Minnie Mooney, 818 ; Currie Spite, 310 ; Lizzie Davis, 300 ; Willie Ames, 279 ; Minnie Walker, 210 ; Janis Greenslade, 176. Pt. 2nd, total 200.— Doneict Imine, 187: Eisen Cardiff, 181 ; Ada MoOu3cheon, 175 ; Laura Cloakey, 100 ; Tena Forsyth, 146 ; Lizzie Speir, 140 ; Annie Nichol, 120. Honor stand- ing for montb.—Norah Maunders, Mile lard Cardiff, Minnie Mooney, Donald ranee, ISison Cardiff', Ada MoUutohenn. Number enrolled during month, 65 ; average attendance, 45. J. D. E. Noom,, Teacher. a_ L. tear,cavvef. C7reesibrngfc. Mies Lib. MesLnohtan has taken a mil. linery situation in Orangeville, Mre. Samael Slammou, of Bruosels, is visiting old friends in our village this week, Wm. Cameron is away tills week to Whitby attending the nnptiale of his brother, Rev. R. P, Opener= and Mise Ketohen. The auction sale to be held ou Wednes. day of next week, 17th lust., of the estate of the late Robert Brown, will no doubt attract n very large attendance. In a note from Mies Ella esIot ohlau, who reoently went to Greoufell, Aseio• aboia, to teach sobool, she nays T want one of the Laurier Cabinets for my school room. I receive 940 a month although there is only an attendlauue of 12. We are allowed 14 hours at noon. That's better then Ontario close for its teachers. The weather here has been olear and cold sines I came. There le abundance of snow but they tell me it goes away in a very shorb time when Duce it starts. Ain delighted to get Tota Pear every Tnesday as reading is ono of the delights of prairie life where neigh- bors are 2 and 3 miles or farther ap tea 1PLn a•a•b se. Township Council last `Monday. D. Kelly, jr., Ts on the sick list bbl week. The auction sale fever hits street Morris. John Bewley, of Lockport, is visitin Oo the 751 line, La grippe has been very prevalent her daring the past month. The Crooks family have gone to th County House of Refuge. Mies B. Agin is elafting friends i East Wawauash this week. Joseph Smith intends going with th carpenters this coming Summer. Peter W. Scott left on Monday morn ing for Godericb where be went to serve as a jam. • David Hanna had the misfortune to fall from a load of lugs thereby dislocat- ing his shoulder. Thos. Bone, jr., left on Feeley of lasb week on an extended visit to friends in London and Woodetook. Robb, Miller has purobased a very fine S-yee.r-old mare from Samuel Love, pay- ing therefor the sum of 970. Win. Sellers, 3rd line, was laid op with grippe for a few days and kis partner, Win. Rutledge has the 'piney. Last Tuesday henry Bono, Sed line, had his left ankle injured by a bag of grain striking it while putting on a load at his barn. Mrs, Muldoon, formerly Mise Kelly, left tee her hone in the West last Tues. day after an enjoyable visit here with relatives and friends. The Methodists at Belgrave are making a largo addition to their S. S. Library, a large consignment of books having arriv- ed last week for the same. Thos. Russell, jr. has disposed of hie driving mare to Wee. Tbuell. This will be bad news for the young ladies, but Tom will no doubt make it all right. Geo. Smith, a well known rneldenb of the 8331 line, is very ill this week and his friends are quite anxious about his con- dition. We hope a favorable change will soon set in. We are pleased to hear that Wm. Cornish, who has been a prisoner in the house for so long, is able to get about the 1 yard note. We hope the improvement will bo permanent. Mies Maggie Hall has returned -tome from Toronto where she spent about Iwo months visiting friends and taking in the sights of the city. She !coke as if city life agrees with her. Samuel Walker has engaged Robt. s 0 0 u e tailor by trade and both In Scotland and in Canada in that business, In 1804 be married Annie 1'el uoner, who with nits children is left to mourn 11 sudden death. In 1894 he Dame to Canada, and having brothers in Huron, be same direct to \'Jingham, he afterwards lived in Gartered:, Cookstown and Toronto. In the latter piece he was in, the employ of W. A, Murray. Twenty-six years ago he returned to Wingham. Ile alwaye tools a lively Interest in the welfare of the town, and tar twelve year; eat at the Council board. Tavistock line organized an eetronomi. cal society, lata, Buller Howard, noting for an American oompany, has been instructed be lease 5,000 acres of oil lands in Kent and Elgin and is now operating near W al laoetow a. J. 3, Foster, L. D. S„ has purchased Airs. J. 11. Brook's residence on Dodd street, and rumor has it that he will 000npy lb in the near future bat not alone. A fire alarm was given on Saturday Feb. 20th, bot fortunately the brigade's services were not required, the cause of the alarm being a blitzing chimney oa Arnold leh's house, Main street, east, The officers and teachers of ,Knox church Sabbath School assembled ab the home of T. L. Hamilton ou the evening of March 2nd for the purpose of malting a presoobatioo to Robert Moore, before taking his departure far the west. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Short addresses were made by those present, and kind wishes expressed to Mr. eloore and family. The address was roar( by Mr. Fleming, Miss Ford snaking the presentation. Ci,r4Ca'. Miss Alice Cardiff was visiting at Clinton. Dr. Rivers, of Woodham, was here for r vieit for a few days. La grippe is on the rounds now. Take n dose before it is too late. Mrs. Nethercott, of St. Marv's, was visiting at her, father's, John Hill, 10th con. Grey township printing for 1807 was awarded to 'fun POST, it being do lowest bender. Whooping oongh is competing with la grippe for first place in some sections of the township. Neil McNair, of the 14th Don., now en- gaged at Benneweis' mill, Logan, spent Sunday at home. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery, Lamb week J. lllnDonelcl and Memel ifate and Mary McDonald were called to 1r"lalt'gr0ve, Mlobigan, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Duncan McGibbon, a sieter to the Misses Mul)onalri and a daughter of the late Areh, McDonald, formerly of Grey. Mrs. McGibbon loft two children, one a babe of two weeks. This mattes seven deaths In the eieDonald family in the past three years, The relatives are deeply sympathised with In their sorrow. Soumor. Riu'oitr,—.The following is the report of S. S. Nn. 8, Grey, for the month of Februavy, 1897, names in order of merit :-.Primary.—Edward Fulton. P. S. Leaving. --Alex. MoTaggarb, Sr, 4111• —John McNair and Jas. MaNsir, (equal), Maggie Cubbil!, Stella Strath, Dan, Mo. Neil, Bella MoTaggarb and Tillie MuTag. Bart (equal). Jr. 4th,—John Campbell, Donald MaPaggart, Arohie Barrow, Malcolm Mc:Taggnrt, Maud Adams, Amelia Whitfield, Sr, 8rd,—Wm. Campbell, Donald McNair, Aneim Dun- lop, Wm. Strath, John Brown. Jr. 8rd. —Jessie McNabb, 205 ala+e.—Jae. Brown, Beetle Campbell, Bella Cusin, Ed. MoNeil. Sr. Pt. 2nd.—Tillie Whit. Mamie ()Lisle. Jr. Pt, 2nd,—Geo. Bar- ron, Charlie Sbratb, Lena Korb. ler. 1st—Mary Fulton, Walter Brown, Wm. Ous)c, Jr. let.—Arthur Motgeil, Martha Holmes. A. W. WYNN, Teacher. On i.—At 1 o'alook last Sabbath morn. Mg Adam Douglas, - m well known resi- dent of the 16131 Don., was summoned from time. He had been poorly with a oold but nothing particular 10158 thought of it unbll Wednesday, when a doctor was summoned. The patient shortly after became delirious and never regained ooneoiousnese. Pneumonia was the oaueo of death. Mr. Douglas was born in the Province of Q tsbeo, and before coming to Grey township, 16 years ago, had been a resident of Miuto township and Elora. In 1862 deceased wee united in marriage to Mies Jane Reynolds, of ];lora, tubo with 6 eons and two (laugh. tem survive him. With the exception of Will., who is in California ; Harry, in Coloredo, and James, who lives on the 10th Don. of Grey, they reside at home, lot 5, con. 15. D'Ir. Douglas was a Presby- terian in religion, a Liberal in polities, and had a large °trole of friends. For eeveral yearn he was a trustee et Tarn. bull's school. The report of his decease was doubted at first, as be was a strong co"etitutioned man and but few had beard of his illnoes. A brother iu Minto and n sister in Toronto are the only relatives the subject of this noti0e had fu this country. The funeral tools plane on Tuesday, the remains being taken to Brussels, from whence the early train convoyed the same to Elora, where in. torment was made Tuesday. Mrs. Douglas nod fatuity are deeply sympa- thised with in their sudden bereavement. llopuarr,—The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1, Grey for the month of February, 1897: —Primary total 420 PtttlKOgLi e, 201. 1'. S. Leaving, total 435.—J, Blake, 881 ; L. Bielby, 811 ; 1). McCallum, 225 ; P, Ritchie, 224. Entrance, total 885,- 4. AfoNab, 947 ; J. Richardson, 287 ; J. Bedford, 283 ; J. Overate 275 ; L. Blake, 275 ; W. Armstrong, 315 ; M, Haggard, 290 ; 16. Cardiff, 220. Fourth, total 410.—G. Calder, 354 ; A. Calder, 347 ; O. Armstrong, 830 ; le. Bedford, 1320 ; J. Davidson, 208 ; M. Cardiff, 314 ; A. Motley, 235 ; A, Switzer, 231 ; J. Wm, Fulton, who had his arm awn.Fearquhmraon, 215. Third Deese, total toted above the elbow a few weeks ago, 402.—V. Armstrong, 357 ; 0. Pepper, is improving nicely. 210 ; G. Bielby, 228; M. Oakley, 290 ; It is said'Bob' is going into bnusekeep• A. Bedford, 209 ; F. Blake, 201 ; G. ing with a partner• as he elude living by Bioko, 108 ; W. Switzer, 187 ; W. Glatt, very lonesome. Bier, 04 ; D. Davidson, 170 ; R. Elliot, A revival service, being bald by the 65 ; J. Bielby, 157. Second Mass, total Methodists on the 4th line, is accomplish. 806•-13. Davidson, 260 ,• W. Farquhar• ing a great deal of good. son, 240 ; G. Dark, 210 ; M. Cardiff, 217 ; It is reported that Samuel Shine bee le. Davidson, 20f.; IDI. Bedford, 162 ; L. leased the farm of Thos. Heritage, lot 7, Diann, 1117; J. FIoggaed, 122; E. Blake, oon. 0, for the Doming year. 1e0 ; E. Hollinger, 258. Sr. 1st class, The roads have been badly out off by total 230,—W. Stephenson, 216 ; T. the thaw and have had to be plowed out Bielby, 177 ; A. Glassier, 107 ; W. Riley, in numerous places to make them at all passable. Time. Telfer, 1051 oon., 'who loot the this of t1ie first and second fingers of his ft Land in a Dotting box, le getting along all right. Dere. Addie, of Stratford, was visiting he r mother, Mrs. John Roddick, this Bak. The old lady is in a very low oa edition of health. A farewell party was tendered le tv Dark, 12th oon. of Grey, 1 assist iu the Mi rnanagemenb of hie farm on the 611 line. he Me. Walker's time is fully 000051 ed with 1b1 his butchering business in Bruaseis. 0. A. Howe has rented B. Taylor's tap Mem in Morrie for a term of years. Mr• see and Mes.'Taylor intend leaving for Port. abo age la Prairie, Man., the end of March. He Intends going into btlsiuose with his Be) brother, 3, M. Taylor. 51110 Honey Brandon narrowly escaped r2 S poisoning one day last week by taking a doge of horse liniment in mistake for Bo medicine. Medical aid was et once so- Jae oared and by the nee of the stomach pump Lis life was saved. On Tuesday night of this week a party was given ab Jas. Jaoksou'e, All scent 'au enjoyable evening tripping the light fantttetie toe to the wee ma' hears o' the morn. A sumptuous supper was provided by the ladies of the house. Tea meeting in the Methodist ohuroll, Beigrevo, on Thursday evening of Wile weak, Addresses by Royds, Dr. Gif. ford, J S. ]fisher and others. Music by Wingham Methodist choir. Proceeds go to new horse sheds for oburob. There were eight tenders for the build- ing of the new bridge known as Arm- strong's, 5th lino, The aontraot went to Messrs, Duff & Stewart, of Bluevale, for 9625 and from the reputation of thee° gentlemen a fireb•olaes lob is expected. The forepart of this week gave every indiontion of an early Spring. Besides hewing waren rains and a tory high tomperetare for this season of the year, wo had Visit from several well.lcnawn Spring birds, However, it would be just as well to hold on lib your Winter garments for a spell yet. RUNAWAY.—Tuesday of last week Bob iblo0utaheon's prancing ponies took fright at a windmill inn neighbor's lane and started for the woods. They wore stopped by wood nutters, and on bringing them book they met the owner in his shirt slooves. Whmt over you" do boys stay with your fur coats, saes Ells and Lizzie Ennis at their me on Friday evening. A very enjoy - e time was spent by all. Mrs. Oliver Harris, who hes been laid With inflammatory rheumatiem, has overed eudlaiently to be able to get ut again we are pleased to state. b le said it "reomeaonp" and "gelati- ne" factory is to be operated on 0 Iain farm on the 14th con, "Grunts notes" is the name of the new item. ret week Jas. Ferguson and bride, of ttinean, Dakota, were the guests oe . Ferguson and family, 0111 con. Tho groom is s nephew of Tile. Ferguson, work. They were on their wedding tour, going 1 Joe, Carruth has scoured m position in homeward. the Godericb organ faototy. The town Misses Elle and Lizzie, daughters of Thos. Ennis, left for Noepawa, Manitoba, on Tuesday of this week. The young ladies have two beethere residing at Neepawn. Tina POST wishes them a safe journey 150(1a pleasant stay. Revival meetings are still being oon. duals t da Bethel blo enact 16111 sone 0and moll (rood is being done, As the people of Cesium are noted for their ;rood order at their meetings eontsidsrs" tvill reniem- bor that they mast 50actice the same. Salmon Theon,,—Report of S. S. No, 0, Grey, for the month of February. Names in order of merit. Br. 4311— Bessie Oliver. dr. 4th—Lizzie Molray, Willie 1MloKay, George Hanley, Annie Bray, Hugh McKay, Willie Bray. Sr, 3ed=-Lawrence AloNaught, Verne Mo. Naught, Willie NloNanght, James Mann, John Molloy, Irene Forbes, Russel Mo. Naught, George Machan. Jr. 8rd--Ras- sal Robertson, Rennie Bray, Ella Mc. Naught, Hattie Fraser, George Fraser, ' 2nd class—Ellie! McNaught, Norms, Spariing, Willie Harrison. Sr. pars 2nd —Willie Mann, Frenit Harrison, Olive Oliver. Jr. part 2nd—Wilbur Bray, Henry MoKay, Wesisy Malay, Norman MoNangbt, Harry McNaught. Sr. 1st— Willie Hanley, Robbie McKay, George Mann, Willie Mann, John Patterson. Mese 13. J'measar3, Teaobe, 90. Jr. is class, total 150.—B. Bark. 134 ; A. Gluesier, 87. donors—J. Blake, A. MciNab, A, Calder, G. Calder, E. Bed- ford, 0. Armstrong, !v(,. Cardiff, V. Arm. sbroug, 13. Davidson, I]. Hollinger, W. Farquharson, W. Stephenson, B. Dark, T. Bielby. No. on register, 55. Average attendance, 40. W. 13. Srzw,nr, Teacher, Wien,:Ixam. A movement is on foot in Wingham for the formation of a Children's Aid So- ofe. Ttybe collection in the Methodist Suu• day eobool iu aid of the Indian sniferere amounted to 928. 4, E. Smith, private banker, has leased W. F. Brookonnbbre'e briolt pottage, an Victoria street end will move into it in April. Mr. Broolcoushire will go to Lon. don. J. 16. Sweets has entered his. running horse, Spring Book for the Queen'e plate in May moss, Spring Book le now in Goderioh training and is stowing good band will lose one of its most motive and efficient members, and one whose plena as a baritone player will be hard. to fill. A message was received here on Tues- day of last week 000000oing the death from asphyxiabion of Ohas, Lloyd, third son of Ohms. Lloyd, of little place. He wee in the 801ho ear y f his ago. Ib is about forte yams since he went west. 0, A. Campbell met with a painful ac- cident. As lee was Doming down the hill on John street, he slipped on the icy walk, wrenching his left leg and tltroty- ing the knee out of joint. It will be soma time before the injured member will be fully recovered. Thorn were two small blazes in town ]cot week. On Sunday evening about 0 cg Mock Hugh Johnston, of Bluevale, went into the stables of the blolieuzis hotel to get Isis horse when he noticed a blaze in the closet. A pail of water put it out. It was unmistakably the work of an ineendiary, On Monday evening the fire alarm sounded and the report quiok, ly spread that the Union Factory was on fire, The Are originated over the bolter in the engine house end burned several of the joists in the nailing before it was extinguished. Damage about 960. The death 000urred last week at Wingham of Alex. Dawson from an at. tack of quinsy. Re was born in Aber- HIOI-1087 PRICES FOR PRODUCE. MEDICAL CARDS. Jr A. AMONAUGIITON, M. D. 5, Ont nZ esidoboe mud oiil orin' Wilson's Beak, corner of Mil and 2'uru berry Ste, J . 311. ARKSTRONO, M. D. ofiglgneel4I Graduate ToroSurgeon, 00eaj Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Om'0xm0—Next door to McDonald & Lc., Waiter.; Out. DH. F, H. KALA?LFISCH, r11Y0IC[AN, 0111107:00 Aun Anconouxtnit, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Class Honor Graduate of the Universl- tiesof Trinity(l'ornutoi, Queen's (ISingston) and of'1'rinity Medical ()allege; Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member Ot the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Post Graduate Course 1n Detroit and Chicago, 1890. Special atteutlon paid to dis- eases of Itye, Isar, Noso and'rhrout, and dis- eases of Woman, 00 Comm sultatlou in lung- lieh and (i Drumm. Telephone ab residence, SETTLERS' TRAINS TORONTO EVERY TUESDAY Dm= es axoh and, April AT 9.110 P.m., (should sailiolent business Mier) To Manitoba and the Canadian Nortel -West 1 Colonist Slapper will lie attached to Pas- tae Itxui•ess due to leave Toronto at 1C::30 p. 01. (noon) ou those dates. For full tuforma tion apply to J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. IR, The people of Canada have received for it long time wee the Milere of the extensive wholesale Dry Goode firm of Ma3laster & Go., Toronto. Nn better ateeit of high Class Goods could be found in the Dominion, You are probably well aware that the above stook was platted on the market. We were 00 hand ready to „scam any genuine bargains that might be offered. During the balance of Marsh prices Will be out to the quiok. Of oaoese this hind of mercbandieiog cannot nontimle 3ndolbaitely. We are in bnsbnenn to make ,non, -.y and Cannot afford to offer moll iodeoements except on exceptional nenasl.,so like the present. Corsets sites 19 to 24, long waist, good fitting, made of Arab Jean, and as good 0 line as is usually sold at 50c, for Fancy Plaid Prieto, perfectly fast. oobore, very pretty efleete, and we think will give every ratiefaotion, price should be 9n, but during the McMlaster & Co. sale the price is .. Galatea Stripe. This is a meet useful and necessary kind of goods, It is made on purpose for Boys' Blouses, will wear well, and !Marna. teed not to fade, prices range lOo, to., 150. Lees Curtains, some very special Haws Lave been opened up, one in Factory Cotton, 86 inehee wide, a particular is 3 yards long, 631 new line, somewhat heavier than we inches wide, taped and elegant have ever shown before, very special pattern, really worth 91.60, Mo- at no, Master & On. sale pride 1 i31 00 Improve the 1Uoney•Saving opportani y which this este offers. 258. Master Sale, and now they're Parthian Prints. This is a new style of American Print in fancy 5o, Dresden effects in brown, bine end green shades. They Stave the ap- pearance and fboish of 160. goods, but sale prioe is •l Ladles' Wool Caehm:trs Ilene, a splendid Ribbed article in full woman's else, really cheap at Shu„ bet we bought them at the ale - 2.5c. 10c. MEdnrLnV'ic:1Q ®N &, Co., o BL7TI o Wo beg to sincerely thank our Many customers for the generous support they have given us in trying to establish the CASH SYSTEM of doing business. We Have found that it can be clone successfully even in these years of dull times and Will still continue to do busi- ness on that principle with the aid and good will of the buying pub- lic. It means no store bills that you can't pay ; no dunning ; no suing ; no notes with interest added to settle up, then probably renewals with more interest added ; then two years behind, &e. A good pull and s, strong pull and its done. Don't take credit from us or any person else and we will give you a written guarantee that you will never regret it. New Spring Goode Arriving Daily. Big Bargains in all lines of Winter Goods. Hearth Fashion Sheets and Patterns to band. Successful ,selling follows careful and keen buying. We wish to impress 00 you the fact that our New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Corsets, Gloves and Hosiery, New Flannelettes, Cot - ___.._i tons and Cottonades, New Towellings and Table Linens, were Bought Right. The Prices never were so much in your Favor. HOTS sf 5 ev j i qOES I 0 We show a very fine and. complete assortment of Boots & Shoes for, Men, Women, Misses, Youths and Children, HEADQUARTERS FOR R C or! iii , It's an acknowledged fact that we carry the largest stock of Readylnade Clothing, all kinds. This season the stock is Marge and prices Lower than over before, We will have the latest in ,Alen's .Tats rze;x;t week, Zook, at t7tcnz bef'or'e you Buy. ith