HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-12, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Looal—Beattie Bros.
Pink Pills—Dr. Williams,.
Lapel—Backer & Vanstone,
Surprises—McKinnon & Co,
Auction Sale—Brown Estate.
Farm for Sale—John llfitobeU.
Butter Color—G. A, Deadman,
Auditors' Report—Grey Township,.
A Druggists Reputation—James Fox,
Appealing to Intelligence — Rose &
Ebt N11tSSttS A'St,
FRIDAY, MAR. 12, 1897.
WE don't begrudge Hon. Hugh John
McDonald his job in becoming the leader
of the.Opposition iu the Manitoba Legis-
lature. He evidently believes it is bettor
to be a big fish iu a little puddle than a
little fish in a big puddle.
Gmvn•,rnrNr House ought to go as far
as its maintenance by Ontario is coo.
cerned. If the Lient.-Governor with
$10,000 a year, can't keep house on that
figure, he hall better quit and hoard out.
It is very nice to have a flue house kept
in up•to- date style for the entertainment
of a few nabobs but democratic Ontario
is out seeking for ruffles and frills but for
economic management of public affairs,
and if lopping off Government House
is a means to accomplish this end, eveu if
it has been an old custom, let us have it.
IT is said wotneu will be admitted to
the Corbett --Fitzsimmons prize fight at
Carson, Nevada, next week. Oue silly
critter has sent a "wish bone" to Fitz.
asking him to put it under his pillow as a
good luck harbinger for the slugging
mateh on the 17th. The womanhood of
that section of the United States must be
at low ebb, and the fine, sympathetic feel-
ings supposed to be possessed by thein
must be sadly blunted when they will
lend their presence to such an exhibition.
Iltindreds of special policemen are to be
sworn iu to look after blacklegs, and
here is where the daughters of Eve are to
be found. Shame ou them. The name
of every one who attends ehould be
published to the world.
Tuo Pear readers should peruse the
able speech of Thos. Gibson, the veteran
M. P. P. for East Huron, the first portion
of which appeared in last issue. We be-
lieve the supporters of the Government
are right when they demand at the hands
of the Opposition specific charges of ex-
travagance or mill -appropriation rather
than the generalities insinuated which
like the pot of gold and the rainbow or
the wicked flea, ere usually someplace else
when the place designated is searched.
It is to the great credit of the Govern-
ment that the administration of public
affairs for the past 24 years has been of
such a character that the politicians both
big and little on the Opposition beaches
are unable to find a dollar spent in any
crooked transaction.
PERDU/ENE CLEVELAND won the plaudits
of many people both iu Canada and the
United States, and deservedly so, when
he vetoed the =row -minded immigra-
tion bill presented to him for his official
signature. The people of the American
Republic may occasionally grow alarmed
at the prominence attained by Canadians
in the U. 5 , but the passing of any
such alien legislation would necessitate
the application of the same rule in this
Dominion and it is not asstuning too
much to affirm that the loss to the
United States would be more than the
gain. There would be a great "scatter-
meut of our American cousins from the
mines in British Columbia, as one in.
stance and numerous other instances
could be cited. Mr, Cleveland, your bead
is level on what constitutes 19th century
legislation betweeu civilized nations, and
any time you're out of a job drop us a
postal card and we'll see that your case
is attended to promptly.
.A. Cerin1e1ONDENT iu this issue unfairly,
we think, criticises the Dominion Govern.
snout for not having made tariff changes,
tee., before this. Ile must surely know
that in the short session held since Hon.
Wilfrid Laurier's elevation to the Promi.
ersltip the tariff was not one of the quell.
tions discussed ; ho must also be aware
that the Commiseionere appointed to
secure evidence on this matter have not
yet presented their report, and consults.
ently no person is in a position to state
what course may be taken by tho Govern-
ment at the coming session of the Com•
mons. We have it from the heads of
Departments that expenses aro being cot
down by the remodelling of their De-
partments outl until bolter proof is ad-
duced we are disposed to believo those
statements. The Laurier Government
has already settled cfuestione that the
late Government was dickering with for
years, All the Liberals ask is a fair field
and sufficient time to work out the plans
thoy have laid. If they don't fulfill their
pledges then 11 will be quite a proper
thing to pall them to account, as they are
our servants, nob our masters.
A 4.year-old son of William Bulmer,
of South Now Bridge, managed to climb
up into the atria, where eomo Paris green
was stored. The little fellow ate about a
teaspoonful of the poison and died from
the effeebe.
-__OF THE_
For the Year 1S96.
Balance on hand at audit $
Samuel McGeorge, part tastes
for 1805
Wm. Spence, rent for Hall
Jacob Kreuter, part taxes for
Jacob Kreuter, balance of time
1895 48 17
Samuel McGeorge, balance of
taxes 1895 426 22
Treasurer of Ont. Land Im
provemeut Fund 29 01
J. 11. Miller, License inspector 21 53
J. 11. Miller, colleotiug from
May 1st to May 1811GO p0
Wtn. Holmes, County Treas,
town lino grant 181 12
Wni, Holmes, Government 457 00
school grout
Rachel Spence, for note 3
months 1200 00
Rachel Spence, for note ``-i 8
months 00 00
Wm. Spence, rent for Hall.. , . 5 00
Moses Harvey, Treas. Elmo,
annual rent S. C. D119 81
Win. Spence, rent for Hall.,,10 00
Thos. Strachan, overcharge cul-
vert, lot 5, con. 8.. 25
Jas. Lindsay, for old timber of
old bridge, lot 25, Qom 8G 10
T. Strachan, refund of exp. on
McKillop Btly 20 05
Wtn, Brown, refttnd 3 loads
gravel charged too much 13
Wm. Sponse, rent for Hall8 00
Jacob Kreuter, collected up to
.Jan. 1st, 1897 5703 57
Samuel McGeorge, collected up
to Jan. 1st, 1897 4893 00
xrrrx:.stvia: �cvcsarsnicrslsca�zerur�muet
1 ccuff'a nirv.
FAeitsas' INTsriTv'ra.---At the supple•
nteutary meeting of hast 1-furon Fanners'
Institute, hold here recently, a good pro.
gram was presented. In the absence of
the President, George lllurdie was palled
to the chair, Interesting addresses were
given by Messrs. liinohley, ofCotlstanoe;
Smith, of Brampton, who came as it
substitute for Mr. Patton ; Burrill, of St.
Catharines ; and Melwing, of Drayton.
Theo TAKEN Cru.—Last Saturday fore•
-- = noon, about 11.15 oblock, as Adam
Vareoe was assisting in nutting clover
474 5;, at tvitbthe a fDaottingt'niof box,
Alex. rmsGbarydibner, orhis left
es power,
350 00 hand was caught between the knives and
5 00 before the machine was stopped it ryas
chopped off, piecemeal, nearly to the wrist,
200 00 Medical attendance was at mule secured
and the balance of the hand was removed
from the wrist joint and the patient is
getting along as well as could be expeabed.
No less than 20 pieces of the multllated
band were plotted up in the barn after
the unfortunate aecideut,
Total $15006 52
Roads and Bridges 1860 34
Gravel 701 00 92
Salaries of Officialsals
Selecting Jurors 470 12 00
Registering births, marriages
and demise
Board of Health
Care of J'p. Hall
Jno. Rodgers, Engineer'e exp.
D. & W. course Act
2..A.. Bell, bal. of survey of
Gov't. drain No. 1 &outlet
Drain and ditches
Municipal election
Dank of IIamilton,1 deb. & 3
coupons, tap drain
Bank of Commerce, for No. 4
deb. Silver Corner drain
Bank of Commerce, 17 coupons
and draft
Trustees U. S. S. No. 4, Grey
and Wallace, for 1895 ..,.
Equaliz. of U. S. S. No. 11 &
10, $4 50, U. S. S. No. 3
& 4 9 50
D. Robb, Grey share arb'n. 11.
S. S. No. 13, Grey &Maip
County school grant
Government school grant
Trustees school tax
Township school tax
Taxes remitted
Postage and stationary
Paid money borrowed
Interest ou the same
Standard Bank, inst. on note
Beaucamp creek 121 55
Treasurer Brussels, Hall rent
Division Court 12 00
Gov't. drain No. 1 & 2 annual
rental, 4i yrs. to run 507 34
Miscellaneous 28 00
Total $11542 50
Balance on band 4013 OG
12 00
30 00
15 00
179 45
480 41
132 09
62 15
115 00
156 10
100 00
239 05
15 00
440 00
457 00
3087 1)3
2117 35
22 75
30 00
27 54
130 00
2000 00
38 70
Total $15000 52
Balance on band $
Uncollected taxes for 1898
Bills receivable
Balance in County Treasurer's
hands for collection
Tp. Elmo, annual rent for Sil-
ver Cor'r drain, 16 pay'ts
Township Hall
453 96
2845 03
140 52
89 59
09 81
1000 00
54582 01
Statement showing what has
been paid out of Tp. funds
for Gov. drain No, 2 and
ontlet for survey, plans,
specifications and helpers
to engineer.
Paid to assist'ts to eng'er in '03 64 78
'04 37 80
W. II. Kerr pub. by-law No. 53
and printing debentures'94 53 00
Feb, 29, J, A. Bell p1, pay't for
survey gov. dram 1894100 00
Dec. 15, J. A, Bell pt. pay't far
survey gov.dram, 1894200 00
J. A. Bell bal. of eurvey&insp.
goy. drain, 18)16 480 41
Int, on money borrowed to pay
contractor, 1896 161 52
Int. on money borrowed, 1806, 120 06
Total expenditure of gov. drafts
No. 2, and nutlet $1218 49
4582 01
Total $5800 50
Gov. drain 1 & 2, 4i payments
5507.34 $ 2288 03
Sir C'r drain, 16pay.ts.5156.10 2497 60
Side drain, 2 pay`ts $100. '200 00
Duo Standard Bank, for money
bored on 13eaucamp oroalt 2576 80
Duo County rate 241)4 70
Collectors Salaries 80 00
$10072 13
WE, the tmdersignctl, Auditors of the
Township of Grey, certify that we have
examined the Treasurer's accounts for
the past year and the vouchers belonging
thereto and find the same correct for the
year 1806.
ALEN. FiVENVAbI, Auclftora.
211E10 Llvmmes:ON,
U'ebrilary Otlt, 1807,
I31.s til.
E. Livingston is shipping rollers from
this station these days.
A concert was held in Industry (tall
under the auspices of the Maccabee Tent
of this burg.
La grippe 11E5 still got possession of a
number of our citizens, but the attacks
are not severe.
Jabez Water, formerly of this town,
but now of Chicago, i8 visiting friends
and old acquaintances for a few days.
Elam Livingston is running his'fuctory
till 12 at night to fill orders on hand. It
is a busy place, over 20 hands being em.
Onr monthly horse and cattle fair held
on Tuesday last was well attended. The
buyers in attendance pur0baeed fifteen
Daring Lent Rev. T. E. Higley, incum-
bent of Trinity (Morels, intends holding
cottage meetings on Friday evenings at
the residences of some of the parishioners
in Blyth besides the u•nal Wednesday
evening services held in the church.
Dearu.--On Sunday morning Mrs.
Selina Poulton, another of our old resi•
denters, passed away to the great beyond.
She has been a great sufferer from rhea-
matism which had confined her to her
room for over 40 years. Being of a cheer-
ful disposition, with a strong constitation,
enabled her to bear tluougb the pain and
sufferings. She was only oonfined tether
bed abort one week. Her husband pre.
ceeded her about three years ago.. On
Monday the romaine were taken from
her eon-iu•law's (J. T. Carter) residence
and deposited in the English church yard
fur interment. The deceased leaves two
sons and a daughter to mourn her lose.
They have the sympathy of the coin-
Seventy-three private bills are entered
for the coming session of Parliament.
A Rockwood asylum patient named
Millard hanged Memoir with a towel.
Ottawa proposes to spend 0150,000 in
improving its fire system and watef.
The C. P. R. have sent a party of sur-
veyors out to Southern British Columbia
to survey a railway to the mining coun-
ItIr. Sifton has enrnpleted there-organi•
zation of the Department of Indian Af-
fairs and expects to save about $7,000 a
year by the changes mto''s.
A petition to Lord L;,erdeee for the
release of Mrs. bluybric6, who was found
guilty of polsouieo her husband, was
signed by Mayor Bir0ht„ti, of Ottawa.
Mrs. Tramper, an t•1d lady of St.
George, who is visiting in Brantford,
was knocked over by a runaway horse
and received injuries that it is feared
will prove fatal.
It is stated that H. S. Osler, repro.
senting a Toronto syndioate, has secured
options en a majority of the Hamilton
Street Railway stool, the H..0, D. stook,
and about 50 per (sent. of the Radial
Railway stock.
Systems, nonovator
—:AND 001100—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pelpita-
bion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Neur•
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufaotnrer.
Sold by dna, Fos, Druggist, Brussels.
My Stock of -
Is now complete in Silica, Dress Goode,
Dress Trimmings, Muslim, Lawns, Art
)1tusline, Curtains, Loose, Ribbone,
Prints, Ducks, Flannelettes, Cottons,
Clottonades, Towelings and a special line
of Ladies' and Ohildreu's Vesta.
I think I know something about
and when I tell you that my 500, per lb.
Dar cling Gem of the Last is the beat
Blaen Tea in the market and that my
25c. Japan Tea is better than most of the
Tea sold in this town for 85o. and 40o.
I always keep the best Teas and Coffees
in the market so the publics say.
Agent for Parker's Dye Woks.
MAR. 12 1s97
TO ° ___
p&Y less seems to be' the whole stock of Clothing Wisdom of
some people. It lacks balance—It's heavy on the side of
Pay more, if you ]Dust, rattler than pay for poor goods of
” little value.
There's lots of advertising done for know-nothing people.
Were not spending a cent to catch such a trade. We're after the
Wisest—those who know good material, good workmanship and good style. The
shrewder the buyer the better we liktr'it.
And not alone in the Clothing trade, our best business lies with those people who
can judge qualities aright and understand the real value of goods, We wish there were
more such. •
The best hint we can give you is to buy of a house that doesn't play tricks. This
is such a store. If things are not as represented here you get your money back, Can
you ask for any better guarantee ?
Remember we keep a large assortment of Tweeds. Worsteds
and Trouserings in stock to make up for those who can't be suit-
ed from our Clothing Department,
New hats, New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Gloves, Collars
and Cuff's. Don't forget we carry the Largest, Cheapest and Best
stock in Brussels, Call and look through our stock.
Having purchased
Blacksmith Shop and intending
to make Brussels my home I feel
satisfied I can give good satisfac-
tion in Horse -shoeing and all
other branches of the busines in
the Blaeksmithiug line. I will
be pleased to see all who will see
fit to patronize me with their
work and will always try to be
liberal and fair with my custom-
J. H. Wismer
Shop in connection with Jno.
Wynn's Carriage Works, Brussels
I wish to acquaint the good
people of Brussels and locality
with the fact that I have opened
up a Laundry i11 town,
One Door West of
Williams` Livery,
When I will be pleased to attend
to the wants of the public in
first-class style.
,Specialty made of Collars,
Cuffs, Shirts, Ladies' Waists and
Lace Curtains, and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Prices Moderato.
Your esteemed Patronage is
solicited in supporting a local
in lustry.
it'i'o11 your Neighbor,
Att. 3C. SOUTAR!
CS or I!iC �'C�llle
We have got nearly through marking our Spring Goods and
would like you to call and inspect our stock and compare prices.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in a
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks that
it has been your privilege to see within the COUNTY.
In Dress Goods
and Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of the
Ladies. Please don't buy until ,you see our stock, not that we wish
to insist on you buying from us but our stock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spring.
ur Linens
we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen do.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EMBROIDERIES are one of the leading features
with us this sea301.
Ill Ready -to• woar Clothing
we lead all Competitors. Our Men's wits at $3.00 must be seen
to be appreciated.
is to make this store to the County of Boron what the T. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto. Any who haven't as yet favored us 'with a call we
would like to specially invite thein to do so, and I think we will be
able to matte them permanent customers.
Grocery Department.
Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Ptlreeil,
and he will bo pleased to show you through that department.
P. S.—Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call on you 1n the course of a work or two with
Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully.
Importer, Seaforthh,