HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-12, Page 3MAR, 12, 1897"
Town lirect0r9r.
Mimeo:es Cnouon,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7:00p.m. Sunday Suhooi
at 2;80 p re, Bon, Johan Rose, B A,
ST, JouN's Caution, --Sabbath Services J wtatat• over the earth's suttees is 5 fest,
et 11 a m and 7 p en, Sunday Solloel Elootricity bus lately been applied to
et 2;50 p. m, Rev. A, 1{, Griffin, Mount, itis erre of Stammering, with oonpioto
Mla'rnonIx'e'011enalt—Sabbath Sorvioes
at 10:80 e m and 7:00 t) m. Sunday
Sohool at 2:30 p an, Rev. S. J, Allin,
Rolex CAD'noilo 0rlonon,—SabbROI
Service third Sunday in every Inolltlt, at
10;80 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVA•rrox Antcr,—Servide at 7 and D.
a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week ate o'ciools, at
the barraoks,
Ono Fir own' leones every Thursday
evening, in Graham's bloats.
MASONIC Lanae Tuesday itt or before
tall moon, in Garfield blools.
A 0 U W Londe on the Srd
Friday evening of each month, in Blas•
bill's block.
0 0 F Levan 2nd end last Tuesday
evenings of earth month, in Blashill's
I 0 le, '.2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Ball.
L 0 L 1st Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
SONS oreScoreny, 1st and 3rd Tues-
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LODGE, 2nel and 4th Tues.
daya of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Ohoten Friends, tat furniture, organs, eta.
and Srd Mondays of enol mouth fu Bltts- I Preparations era being 'nada to develop
hill's Hall.. , Some 25,000 horse power from the St.
Lawrence River,
Turkey's warshipe comprise two or
three obsolete art
1isnrH and sever,ti tor-
pedo boats of ancient ditto.
The American shipping wave neat
artist: Britain's, but there is 0,000,000 tons
cueset t
b Huse ttic 1 two.
Yon never know a woman until t i your
child has f r name t
1 etl with here, ora fund
until yen have owed him money.
When exalted or frightened an elephant
can attain a speed of 20 milds an hour,
and can keep it up for half a day,
In British lumber yards only deals or
3 fine: pinnies aro carried in stools, and
linwean, the Inventor of 1lansorn 0ite
sold hie patent for $00,000.
Shark's line, no much relished by Ib
Obineso, Dome from the South Pacilio,
The duet of setting up In types new
edition of the Bible amounts to $6,000.
It is estimated that the annual mints!
, go bad that elle dill no/ care to livn
Why, elle got as yellow as HtafOron, am
e 10d1u0 ay if she would not live is week
Yon would hardly believe 13," said Mrs
Thompson, "but that girl wan the health
last and handsmnest girl in the neighbor
1 hood before three mouths had passed, au
all from taking 1'inlr Pills," ]lI
Thompson was called from the room a
this juncture to attend to Houle llotisehoid
ditties, and Mr, Thompson resumed- the
subject of his nnarvelinus envie "You
Dan ham no idea," said he, "wiutt it fg to
go through twonly.Ovo years without a
good eight's Bleep Without pail], I can
find no words to make plain to you the
contrast between the comforts I now en.
joy and the awful life I had for so long.
.3 had a big family of mouths to feed and
hall to work when at timers I felt more
like lying down to die. I would come in
at night completely tuckered out, but
even that was au guarantee of rest. There
was no rest for me. I sosmecl doomed to
torture and continual misery. When
my folks urged me to try D. Williams'
Pink Pills 1 thought it would be uselese,
but I had to do somothiog or slid soon,
and bere L' am as right as a Mlle." The
old gentlemen shook his bead to add
empltasle to his last senteuco, and looked
like a man who felt joyful. over a renewed
lease of life, with all his old miseries re.
After congratulating 0011 old friend on
his divorce from the hereditary destroyer
of his kindred, we cleave away. At many
places in the neighborhood we opened
discussions n)ytol the case aucl found that
all regarded It ae a marvellous 0000.
Where the tehompeon famijy aro known
no person would have believed for a
moment ttet anything bub death would
relieve hint from the grip of asthma.
Every word tont is written here can be
verified by Writing Salomon Thompson,
Dalrymple post0lliee, and an intimate
of twenty five yours enables
the writer to vouch for the facts narrated
above, and for the veracity ofi\fr, 2'homp.
son in any statement ho may make,
Dr. Williams' '
Pills W tis Pink
ldls aero
to tiw root c t of the '
They renew
o elv
and mild up the blood and etraugtllal
the nerves, thug driving disease from the
0y0tem. Avoid imitations by insisting
that every box you purchase is enclosed
in a wrapping bearing the full brado mark,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
The waives of the Teles of Man and
Borneo pre `aldose, (Thls refine to ante.)
Every peraal over five years of age in
Storhech, Auatrla, isaoh0Os•player. The
game is taught 10 the schools.
The area of the Tranevnulis 220,000 eq.
miles and the whole population numbers
lase than the population of Liverpool.
A repent rinse of 211u. a ton will 111000ase
the profits of the American coal oombiuo
in pix months $04,000,000,
The Trans•8iberian Railway will re•
duos the cost of a pa00age from London
to Pekin by over $100.
In Egypt oats were held tutored, and
their mummified remains are often found
iu the catacombs and pyramids.
Cork is the th1010 baric of trees wbicb
0000)0h in the remota of Spain, Portugal
and Algiers.
Only two total eollpsee of the gun have
been visible in Loudon daring the past
1,000 years.
During the past ton years the inerease
in the population of lerauos has been
very email.
One hundred end twenty firemen are
required to feed the furnaces of a arse.
class Atlantic steamer.
Lava Is powdered and imported Into
this oonntry to bo used for polishing
A 0 h', 1st and 3rd Mondays or each
month in Odd Fallow's hall,
Heats On1Orm 2nc1nl) hFriday G rfdn even-
ings in 13Ia
shill's LIall,
Pon Cedes.—ODloe hours from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p. m.
Mso . res' I1'sxlr0Ts,—Library in
Holmes' blues, will be open from D t '
p o A
m. Wednesda a and P y d8:3D to 5
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Mitlnie Md -
Naughton, Librarian.
Towx Ooowore.—W. 11. Herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Baelter, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdalo and 1t. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Cleric ; Thomas Belly,
Treasurer ; R. Ilingstol, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each n10031).
Sonoon BOARD..—A. Loenig, (chair-
man,) D. 0. Ross, J. G. Skene, Jas.
Turubull, A. Conslny and F. Van.
stone. Sao,-Treas., le. R. Boss.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
Panum Sclroor, 'Tsacnstle.-7. H. Cam.
eros, Principal, Leon Jaokson, Mies
Downey and Mies Ritchie.
BOARD or l7wALrr1.—Reeve Kerr, 'Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. farrow and Wm,
Dewitt. Dr. MoNaugbtou, Medical
Health 0ffhoer,
these are eat up as the lumber is wanted,
i4Ltny puhtio men in Britain wear coats
of snail all the tine. When worn several
weeks the increased weight isnot noticed.
Blasts Frunl The Ram's
A Asthma. It tabes religion with sunshine in it to
A. i 7j'ac.t LiI.fg a 1{.. I attract it child.
Some very large trees bear very little
Winking at sin will goon ruin the eye•
A wolf in sheep's ol0thin3 is none the
?eemed Doomed io Turf me and Van inn. I less a wolf.
al Lavery-0n117er, Grandfather and
Great Grandfather Had Died from the
Trouble—Release Velars 903 0/(0 i1an—
The ('urs Looked rpm/ as c: Miracle.
Prom the Whitby Chronicle.
3111_ For year's stories of famous euros
t '0 �. ,11 , wrought by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
d1 u
God bless our Canada 1 '
Glorious Canada 1
haud of our birth.
Proud tot our notion be,
Blessed in its liberty,
In praise we sing of thee,
Gent of the earth 1
Land rich in stream and lake,
Land of wild bush and brake,
Meadow and grove.
May God rich blessings pour
On thee, from shore to shorn,
Thou whom our hearts adore,
Land of our love.
!Key thy sons honored be,
Far over land and sea,
Where'er they roam ;
Tell by their bearing high,
'`'heir tone of chivalry,
Their love of parity,
Thou art their home.
Onr country's leaders bless !
'Gains` "greed of gold's" exoene,
Firkin let them stand.
Lear! them in paths aright 1
Resp them from sins' foul blight 1
Thou, the A)1.100inite 1
*cid bless our land.
eared in the Chronicle. During this
e we 'lave born elastiug about for a
c it nature as to loavo no
bt of the efficiency of these pills. lire
Little All.Aloney's feet
Pibtet••patter In the bell,
And his mother rine bo meat
And to kiss her toddling sweet
Ere perobanoe he fall.
He is, oh, so weak and small !
Yet what danger shell he fear
When his mother hovoreth near
And he hears her cheering oall
All•Aloney 1'
lig lege bend
with h thehi' ,
' Though his tent they seem so small
Thab you cannot help forebode
Some disastrous episode
Zn the noisy hall,
Neither threatening bump nor fail
Little A)l.Alonoy fears. •
But with sweet bravado steers
Whittler comes that chewy call
'All-Aloney' 1
Ab, that in years to curie,
When he shares of ,S'Otr0W't store,
When big feet are chill and numb,
When his cross is burdensome
And his heart is sore,
Would that bo could hear once more
The gentle voioo 130 used to hear—
Divine with mother lovo and ohser—
Culling from yonder spirit above
'A11, all alone 0
Crisp and Casual.
North Carolina has 1321 distilleries,
There aro fourteen separate bones in
the nose.
A railway engine is equal in strength
to 000 horses.
Bananas are easier to raise than any
ouitivated fruits,
The Falkland .Islands send many
bunched horses to Britain.
A railway engine is useless after it has
run 000,000 miles.
All the mtemmilied oats found in
Egyptian bombe have red hair.
A flower out in the morning will out.
Iivo flowere out in the evening.
The power of tho engines of the
Imeania aro equal to that of 28,000
have food several, but in each chase 11
proved to be a sensitive body who could
not bear to have his or her imam and dis-
ease mado public. Recently, however, a
most ebilIcing cage dame to our oars.
Solomon Thompson lives ou a beentifnl
farm on the `"Volt shore of Mad Lalco in
Carden township, North Victoria He
lhas resided there for forty years, be
the first settler around the lake, Ho
Reeve of Carden and Dalton townsh
thirty-five years ago, before the Conn
of Petorboro' and Victoria wore sopara
and he used to attend the County Cone
a3 Poterboro'. Mr. Thompson has b
a victim of asthma for forty years
more. However we will lot hitn to11
own story on that head.
On October 15011, 1800, Ivo tools a 3
to Mod Lake to visit the haunts to
familiar to us, aucl oracle it te duty a
forms it a pleasure to call ripen LII
Thompson and leave from seeing hint a
]rearing his account of it holy he had bo
cured. For twenty-five years we h
known hien a0 a gasping, suffering ash
uretic, the worst w0 over knew who ma
aged to live at all. Wo often wonder
how he lived from day to day. Ou ea
ing he mob es with a cheerful `aspect a
without displaying a trace of his
trouble. Bung at once ushered into 1
house, w0 nttt0rttlly made it our fir
blteinese to enquire if it were all trt the benefits he had received fro
using Dr, 'gratin -1s' Pink Pills. "Boyon
doubt," said he. "IIow long have yo
used 3110111, and how many boxes ha
you used ?" he was naked. "I started
year ago and toolt Dight boxes." Wo uo
asked him if ho felt that the etre we
permanent. "Well" said ho, "I have n
taken any of the pills for throe or fon
months 0
i s ti t 11 I
S amu t
0 ou • •-i
Y c
Yet. You a
1 es 017 father, grandfather at
groat grandfather dial of asthma. DI
people ell take it sooner or later and i
always ends their days. I have lost tiro
brothers from the fatal thiug. Ruowin
my family history 11 is (lard for mo t
gain faith, bub I can tell you for neer]
thirty yews I nova: alop3 in heel until
took Pink Pills. As yon must hay
known, I always slept setting in the cllal
you VOW occupy, I had a sling from bh
pools in the ceiling and always sat will
my head resting in it while Z slept.
now retire to my bed when the atbo
members: of 017 family do," "flow of
are you, Mr. Thompsou 7" "Seventy
six," rods the roply, "aid I feel y01ngo
than I olid thirty years Ago, Z was
troubled a groat deal with rheuniatinrn
and other miseries, probably nle0voltg
troubles noising 013001 want rte sloop, bub
nearly all the rheumatism is Bono with
the asthma."
Daring the cotiversabiou Mrs. Thomp-
son, a halo old lady, tho mother of blfr-
toon cltildron, oamo in, and after listening
to her lu0bancPs recital of those matters,
sho book me the theme. "I 11Over expect-
ed that anything could cure Solomon,"
said she "Wo wgr0 always trying to
find something which would give hies re•
so that hat ba would be ablo to sloop
nights, but nothing over seemed to make
lunch differenoo. A3 131.01 he tools oro of
the pi110 after moll meal, but atoll it bhn0
ho increased the dose to two, We noticed
he was gr'ently improved alter taking two
boxes and began to have hopes. .Later on
when we saw beyond doubt that ha was
mnoh better, I recommended the pills to
a niece of mine, Mies Day, whose blood
had apparently turned into water andwho lead run d' own in health and spirits
The rest of Christ is for all who will
give up Hin,
Every tempettion resisted is a trouble
Nothing is gained by starring the soul
to feed the body.
No than who truly follows Christ ever
has to stand alone.
The best plane for a Christian be where
God needs him most.
The best news ever told in this world
was that God is love.
When you pray dou'tforget those w
treat you despitefully.
Every lean helps the devil who tial
one way and lives another,
Too many start to follow Chilst w
stop as the first oroes-road.
The man who lives a lie has a pack
bloodhounds on his track.
Be careful whore you step and those
who follow you will sbumble less.
God has called many men to preach
the Gospel, but none to defend it.
There is snoh a thing es baying religion
in the head and not in the heart.
Sooner or later every great thought
will make its way around the world.
1'ry giving all your troubles to the
Lord and see how light they will become.
Improve your time and you Dan depend
upon it tbab time will improve you.
God is very close to the man who is
prayerfully trying to overcome himself.
God expects every Christian to try to
make the world better than he found R.
Every one who Dan say "The Lord is
my Shepherd," may also say, "I shall
not want,"
Before you put in a Drop of wild oats
remember that you will have to reap
what you sow.
The light shining out of a trite Chris-
tian life, is the beet answer that eau bo
given to aubelief.
Preeidenb Mallory has edggeeted a
change of name for the Patrons of In-
They think they have too many else•
Hong in Nova Scotia, and a bill has been
before the Legislature intended sed to
iu future prolong the life Assembly
from four years to live.
The oolleotiol of debts from civil
servants i0 it problem which has been
brought into prom]nenoe by the efforts of
tax oolleotore, These special exemptions
are wrong soul should be abolishecl.
At Portage la Prairie Renwick, a Mac-
donald deputy returning oflioer, was com-
mitted to stand his tt•inl at the Assizes.
This mime a round dozen of deputies in
Macdonald Ootllmibted for bellot-abuffng.
The Presbyterian, Methodist and
Episcopaloburobee of Mimioo, through
a deputation, asked the Government for
a grant to be divided among the reaped.
eve ebutohes for religious eecvices at the
Mimioo asylum for the Iasauo. 13 wag
stated that expense was ineerrod for con.
veynooee in going to the asylum and re-
The bill to amend the Manitoba Public
Schools Act wag introdnood iu the Login.
Were by Attorney.General Cameron. It
simply embodies tho prov101110 of the
school sebtlemee t arrived at hob Novon •
bol' between the Manitoba and Dominion
It in not to be wondered ab that Ayeeet
Pills arein
such universaldemand. e m
tho euro of bonatipation, biliousness or
any other oomplaint needing a laxative,
these pills nue unsurpaneed. They are
augar.00atod, easy to telt0, end every dose
is effective,
While no physician or pharmaoist Dan
oonsoiontiously warrant a oure,the J. C.
Ayer Co, guarantee the purity, strength
end medical vritues of Ayer's Sereapar.
ilia, It was the only blood purifier ed>
muted at the groat World's Fair in
Chicago in 1808.
nu•^...• .A.T:e-t'zl...='T')"avatTH0 T'^'r�'.-wai'rotticazg'aA'assn Pjr p r6WTQ31@.?
.i:: -;' co . a x1' rb ='`3 _ — =. ��z = nom.
'irzmara n+,yts�. tents -•sumtrne'a su,e ttnmgnx.fieri glagaren•aa
...�......,,....�. �mFla�.anval�rs:cvDrt',^'D.;.;TM°�uyf.�
FOR SC u Of'iL
"Since childhood, 1 have been
afflicted with scrofulous boils and
sores, which caused me terrible
suffering. Physicians were unable
to help me, and 1 only grew worse
tinder their care.
.At length, I began
to take
Sarsaparilla, an d
very soon grew bet-
1 ter. After using
half a dozen bottles
cured, so that I have not bac] a hof]
or pimple on any part of my body
for the last twelve years. S can
cordially recommend.
A er'
Y s Sarna.
Gas l
Itall tlo
very host blood -purifier
in existence," — G. T. BEINIAOT,
biyersville, Texas.
dyer's Lherry Pectoral cores Coughs and Colds
D. FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
whore prepared 1 7 '
e.al d
1 1 turn out
:eight and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I am prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, sto.
Good worst and Moderate charges.
33.ra1th,9 13rusee ls.
Cort. in in its streets 13nd never bliaters.
Read proofs below:
Box," Carmnn Iieedorsoa Os., 111,, Fob. 10,'04.
Dr. R.J. I'iapa1tt Co.
Deur 91,0—P1oe a Asad 1310 ono of our Frorso
Bool,A and obnee, tloweused u Great 11,13100 your
Irnd's5(0,t0i0000 0110045
lIt iean (Iseult hi Alla1%11 flVabotttles ouredh .1
]mop a bottle on haud all the time.
Yours tr111y, 01310. PowhT.t.
x, rho„ apr.9, iS9,
J)rnn 4 • -
atA 1
t 1rtv0 ns
Od AD,cY 1 �
a h tElo
A or ur
u0 1: evmOOb. l,',' I
tit to n t]tu brAE Linlm1 l, I ('1 11),, Era Ys rr•
7+e,rntara eerb ,0 Rio"d g0le0D and b7Rnt
su..0r131 Df my rrhendo v ill O.lp tnuoh 01000..0 with
: 0d keep lt. R0epe0e00lly,
S. R. li.tt, P. 0, nos sig,
.L'or sale by ail Druggists, 0r address.
low. :a. ,Y. Ii..r2v»4j:G 0021.2- .VY,
1500000014 ro LLS, VT
Dr. 8, J. 1PFgO 110 0 1
8uuls11 a 000,10 0,
Ilp,,o fl
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
FOB SALI3 Ax '11111
Brussels Planing bi'
Also Doors a ash of a
S ll Pat
`erne on hand or made to ardor
at Short Notion.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings, Workman- 1
ebip and Material Guaranteed, f
& P..A„1E N'',',
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro.
party at
6 & 64 Per Cent., Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege o
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. H u nt e r,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels. I
i�(�Ver Sh'.1
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public pathonage solicited.
lblt G. Richardson.
Is prepared to clo all kinds of
worn: in Ills line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits mado for $4 and upwards.
shop 0501• Mef,otydu'5 Store.
'6; "1
,, 8
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branches of Painting, including '
House, Sian, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, .Iialsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We masse a Speoiaity of Manufacturing.
and platting in position
First -Class Awnings_.
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
tC Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Banging Orders may be
left with Messrs,l)eadlnan & Mc-
Meat delivered to ail ltnrtsI a,s +tlr Z da a Eno • a
of the town.
P aY-L•..�U..:,C-..r.�.v^i=cvvv'lL.:_.
New Stock of,,
Fine Stocks
Bibles,Hynnn Books,
Photo, and Scrap Albums.
Special a Bamai in,
Comb & Brush Cases,
Shaving Sets, (Xp�iC.