HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-12, Page 1aommeam Ct �w '^^, 4.vxnze.•,P.y,Mrvrv>#.m PeeaSamuxlwwAamY �-. Vol. 24 No BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1897 No eworlliy Comments. C un1 tpyN nt Senate. Ho did not =owed bntto• merltot of I',nglaml as we have � ~�� v P� �` " �"" `�°"f"`"""'"" _- m having meth valuable legielatu)n el- Peached in the Mimeo market, he thought Information Ar/1aatIon Wa,itec/ lfiss Mina Turnbull la home from M. acted dining hie brief aria divided reign the money would be well :mein, (Ap. wood to f1 visit, Additional Local News. S, "Twice .Jeal 1H he whose Gallic la Met" at the White house, tilt lie killed by his ['11YLtlie) There has been a 11'etnandoue -�_ 'f• U. Sperling, of Neustadt, i8 visiting is 1411 OND0110111 ]Slott°, but the Cretan vetoes at1e1 incomparable-nlesstlgee to wail on account, of til: timber policy of To the Bettor of lin; 1OHT: ill [insole and locality. A nCN1a horse OD Thursday after. Chi4sth4u evidently believe that "Thrice Confirm; and the American people a great the GOvm71n1e1t, bat 1110 1ir17he1 )olio Ii1;Alt tut, -Tito great change lvilleh has ltnbq, Graham was in Toronto this noon of last week stirred up considerable it bleat lo he who geto hie Mows in fust" to cutis of vicious, baneful legieletiou, while of the premed administration is theseinecome over the Reform patty Mucci the week for a few clays on ft t fined trip. exaitemo6 owing to the crowded state of be more practicable \Sllpll dealing wall Ile auocnosfniiy bold at bay 11 horde of no then of Sandfield Ma&domtld, .Ile Llltt 2did Jnnti ie v01 ;y ap @I'Oli t. J3efol'e trial !impactor Robb le flaying his sernietn- Mein NEI'ee1, No )anlage was 01? 1 how.the MolutrmnadanH, beget's, rings and cnmbinee, who hate him whorl', wee right ; ha sold timber bertha by date ill every dir°cluu wo c ttId hear Ileal visit to Brewers Public) school this ever, barring a little staking nip to the The success of Air. AIody's recant with t1 maiignity nothing short of in. aautimi, anti Ho has the present Govern- grumbling and discontent, but since that weals. Dotter annulled to the s loony, SltUdtmy eervieee ill Now York thews trial forted hCl!tnlsa ]10 !emended them to their n nl'tt, filtndhteltVt select twanged HMI dela tOntontloollt and sette£aotiom pro. AI!'s, �„' Reid haft improvedo 0t01 tt tb wi rat Boum Snpns•3•v,-Tile m[lnnal meeting when the Gospel of levo 1N intelligently nof(4l'Ions purposes Of public pltnit)tr• square miles per year, and talose of the veil. liven the great LC, Wethln'tonof o health and is able to sit Up for $ Nht]a of BrgasMla 13 11t/1011 Bible Society was pre oetltCd 111 the H1i11)11ictity of New Teeth- takes, IIULCle a couple of illtern:Ltion:el itlla• MalYllt GnVOr17113ant 176 square miles. Ottawa, (which is generally supplied 6 every day, held in Melville church on o':dneeda . meld language it stili drawn the world tortes, b It fired Britain forgave him, i o y opo) to W07, Taylor, general agent CouPedor• evening. After singing a Hymn Rev. and rifle men's hearts up towards Glto ! Bid the present administration lute been b° 14 1lvwt 1 nN name and rasiclouca) who aeton Lire &simulation, teas in taws fur a John Ross, 13, A„ read a portion of and le. U) l% PLllel�ll�La1 d1ap11Lypd in v$1.1ni1%11ntttor ln'i90s for ther more e eeefill ill recusing Roel had given his grievances a. pretty regular few der this we 1timber tion their predec0s• weekly airing in Tnl. Pose from the latter alt, soriptuta and Rev. S. J, Arlin offered It is a mystery 60 ordinary mortals hew international complications, which lifted sods. Contrast 6ioir notion with that of 0011 nL March down to the lama al the F. 0, Rogers is not enjoy ing that tobust prayer• President b brief n theta took itis that some folios get so religious dun. linin out of mediocrity and made him look the late (iovornntont at Ottueva, who Dominion Motion, and the still greater hada) that was his pardon for many the chair and gave a oriel introductory iog Lout. If sena of this pnuetilinus - and toot 1]k° >1 Beaton. - within three months Behr 112 berths of Allan Pringle, of Shelby,have Bottled Years' but we hope the mimic of Spring address, The annual report Wes re• regard for service, Chia domonetra6iv0 00 ayuar° miles =oh, or 0,000 ygltryl'e down without m whimper, app$rently will aid in his invigoration, g 1g stinted by the Secretary•Trdasurer show. religions solthueut and self denial were Tho . Gibson, M. P. P, Edit nitros in thedisputod territory, and never iaPPY and aoutonlad, FOL'' 1H A. J. rug store has taken n jne that this Branch had contributed spread out over the whole year it would i Y0a1'H thq i"1 the drug position $l'L4,711 last year. Rev. Dlr. Halt, of a "champ" from ono of the gentlemen op- Reform party have prootanned to the Call lea week in Chauhan . b SuoaessMto 1 1110ave, aget of the society, delivered make m rnepectmbl0 average and give Huron, Of} the Budget. lwsit°, neither from his friend fi'oln Lau- world that the Conservetive Government him is the wish of Trill Posr, g g Satan more concern than this alimne! alt, 11ie friend from Lennox nor his woe un good and very extravagant and a most Interesting address showing the revival dotes If the gens cheer, kindly FACTS FOR THE ELECTORS. friend from Balton, that they wore the stet! that was needed Jno. Hewitt, tomcod.) =Het, will try rise and progress of the Bible Society. feeling and generous regard for friends AIr. Kerne. I beg tit° hon. gentlemen's with their superior wisdom and economy, him hand at Roseland, B. U•, it is said. We should support this organization be. and everybody in general at Christmas pardon, I was not in the House then, For 18 years they have been clinging into b n thought he had reecho) hie treasure cease it is (1) Undano[nuuetloul ; (2) Its Limp were earned ou through the year, (coNrtodnsu mum utter n1:tnt• out 0111 that a tariff which rotoats per ere, lie ]las planed a man to his :atop close relationship to the missionary en. Air. iibsolt. Taro sin aro one ed toe dorm" nus absence ]n the ]Vest. torprisee of tbo church. Tim J31blo !g the problem the con th H aro trying r, Ila had the advantage °f much ]angor children, and you aro being punished for industries and ituriffa0a h pr teas is mole° of "Iiow to hoid our young people," colloctione thou, too, and =Rooted $440,- oho gins of your lorefabh°rs, (Laughter.) nothing less Chau legalized robboy, that Will. Megaton, Mies Emma 1dHingstore translated Into 330 different languages or "How to resell the classes" would soon 000 doming his four years, four•uiuths of 0,(100 Nunn miles were sola to members ft taring less tea of money .yearly milt of Lan Mrd IIieston tend do.y 141umd°°n left and )raises at the present time, s° am to solve itself. I1 the echoes of the Sunday which afterwards went to Quebec. Ile of Perlimnent and others for $5 per the people's pockets and drives them out far Manitoba test Tuesday by She 7.20 a. 1 10 mil nations w their metier tongue. anthem could bo distinguished among the collected $500,000 ou @c°°nnt of Mnuioi- 051are mile, or $28,000 in all. We have of tie country ;that the higt)commissiouer m• train from Breese's. Mr. Muldoon !ha Bible is the streamed =petted t for aiecorclaut =undo of the six toiling days pal Loan Fund, witch W�4 a trust fund, sold 4,234 egparo miles during the Mowat in London, with a to thousand nulled of stock. to the West last weak with a oar the Bible Society. Its influence is note• of the week Col. Ingoesoll would soon be and did not p@ a dollen of it out. He re one and the nvera "e sum of 1,300 per Y }vas nrysted ver and lost moue of etoelc, worthy that wherever the Bnble is known out of business. pay g ; $ salryl s a 00 Y ; Station Agent Bendall is laid n and loved we have civilization. A world /l If it is tette that Leo XIII has utamiv aoylo to have paid $100,Ufor Rockwood all. ]ilii° shows the aclvantry "'1of him m theethe that if trinate ce Conservatives aucl Costly a disabled foot, owing to blood mieoniu"h wide revival is or should be 0111' object, p as lain, which teas paid byhissn°°essors. ge of having y , G nservatives would by paring p ^' $6,420 was eontrth°6ed last y p ou the Quebec. ecclesiastics iu etagere to 'Those things show that 11001 Sandlield had our affairs looked after by Deform stop down ane/ out they world get into nail , ltin age anon o! the toe year b 1 the National schools, so thin they cryo do no clef rayed all his logitilnaie expenses as he [u]miuistratore. (Cheers.) Mr, Speaker, office, thou the Protective Tariff, tlt0 nails, A. relieving agent took his place spread (:nada Bible Society toward tt0 1001'° harm 10 that 11n0 sudor the glllae wont along, his surplus would 001 have these aro Looto plaint stated, and such High Commissioner and the Sauato would s nesdny aftercoon. We hope he will spread of the gospel in foreign lands, of religion, it will come like the irony of boon so large, and his successors' 180 ila things as these are what the people wens y goagriculturists would bon be able 6o attend to its accustomed They nae° gave $2„700 £M a°00 po urage serol ; that the ditties. work in Quebec Provlroe, 13 c 18011eure Leto to the two noble ltnights-Sir Mao- have boon ledger. The member fon South to know and can appreciate, pItpis such get more for the products of the soil and D. A, Lowry and two son konzie end Sir Charles-who will wonder Toronto (A21, Howland) says 1110 sins of feats as those that enema ice to believe boy thole: implements ranch cheaper D. Y s left for Lon- were in the field last year. Great work why the critters hadn't been oaeght bo. bio fathom ought not to bo visited upon that tate people are not goiu bo change that merchants, manufacturers and P alt donen Tuesday and Mrs. Lowryyand re. to be done yet as tiers are G70 languages fore they themselves had boon driven the children, but the operations oe this their masters for little while et. An- y and have mining day. Q it a family foot old teethed as far as the translated into the woods. others could melte more money on Thursdaery. Bible is aonaerned. The total of 300,• law are thephysical ,o the political d, and other item shows that our affairs are ad- the of •3000 last thevely time all electors tookofriends want to the depot tot seethemm off 000 0 O Bibles have been sold by the The host iasuo of the Dry Goons Be. as in oho physical and moral world, ministered with economy, Although the and wish them Go<f•spead in Heir now view, publjHHga at Montreal, condemns the present position m£ the Opposition is population b£ Ontario is 000,000 more them at their word, Thoy 110W are eight aoofety. If the niers ciroutation were the Ottawa Cabinet for not announcing a proof of it. They wore on the other Chau that of the Proyiuo of mentis iu oft oo aucl Aar. Editor iE g hone, equally divided among the world's pop - the date when the proposed tariff changes side of the House largely because of the Dost of 1 Queboo, the you A. I. A'Iaeall, druggist, left for Chat- will elation go into effect. This is indeed re. g YOgialatjai and are. 10Gothe mat-ernment will we will have 0.011 me freviewr a fpof dam on T°essay to take charge of his 6 people. Rev. Mr, Hall closed his ad• eters their predecessors had lalcou in the is less here Chau it is there. In the mat- dress V n stirring e p frothing, very sage, to be sees. A metier of the legislative and territorial for of public buildings the average ex- the result. In lho first place we tied the dre Sabusiness es{ Ce a peaearoain that city. d rail to the Life f appeal to all resent Cabinet 10 announce mouth% in advance rights of the Produce. It cost Reform p00010 t re of the present Government has Protective Tariff diel not go as pt00118ed,. great good in Chatham. h recommending " Y ° the society and send a date when ohangee will be pot la force Governments $100,000 to defend and been just about that of the Sanditoid 1 They to the good pn A of Uhat Mrs the Lamp of Life to the uttermost parte when the Cabinet docs not j but a ab was was Afewt]l to find wr andud Ilam e 0 e °Mizen, o for of the earth, The =nea ten me taken, yet know to would ha these rights, one this cion tion ie e friend from He wits astonished to hoar Ont what was wanted. A potvmouGis ago AIo0a11 son have gone to Toronto for which amounted t° $5.10 after which the be teethed or the si act o plot ttlof lyt)le had stood by othose en von ed lfhis laside aloft the tine Dew cParliam Soatlo lTo)o ill tl bias° The e knew oration ht meshing similar, ry visit with relatives before goingoftliters wore re-elected on motion of Alex. changes to be mode I It is evident that g le way Y g y 'mew, that ward. Stewart and T. Fletcher. They are as House, and resisted theaggression,at,n.he and h0 hall sono. In ventilation, wo comfort, it was right al oto velar with England,EvEt follows :-President, Thos, Strachan ; all the goslings are not 10 be fennel with bore-facet/ aggression at lltoi, On the pari lighting, beating. etc., they would 0010- f01 they did almost declare war, Even a the gc0x. of the Government of the Dominion, pard more than favorably with the Perlin. recruiting office was opened in Bei0higau, DI/ U1pCi1 CIIIJ[L Vice•Preaid reae, the resident ministers ; What good reason eon be advanced for (Hear, hear,) No one could properly ep- moot buildings at Ottawa, which have then Congress votoa 0120 hundred thous- G A Deadmaaenrer• W. H. Bern ; Aasns• talo continuance of the Count Court ? Rev. Mr. Arlin r taut Secretary, A. M. McKay ;Depositor, Y predate the vast amount of cher }vhimh 0001 three 0r four times as much. He and cellars to pay a Commission to find p en0ltes the an G. A, Deadman ;Committee-A. Stewart, Why not lot all the oaths that are now devolved upon their late leader in bring• had cover yet oonvelreed With a man ou what the trouble was about. And we sermons at Bethel, 16th cone Grey, next T, Fletcher and W. F. Vanatone, the dragged away to the County towns to be ing the several eases to safe fruition con- the subject who did not give it as his also find that the High Commissioner Sabbath. latter taking the preps of H. Dennis, re. tried by 100 County Court came before vectcd with the aispnted territory, and opinion that the buildings were admirable and the Senate aim not go And wo dm - the R. Paul and Thos. Curry attended moved. in vote of ei of was passed e. the Division Coonio at home ? The he certainly deserved the Omuta not Duly ones and a credit to the Province. And not find economy, for if I remember the Class Leaders' Convention at Gerrie the tecore for their valuable sereviote sum° Jndge presides at both Courts, why c this sine of the /louse, but of tato other tilers Wes this to be said about them, rightly ecrn the close of the last session last Tneaday and docent a good time, also to the Secretary. Rev. Mr. Holl was not permit him to hear the 011800 where Bice as well. In every instance he was that there hes 001 been a shadow of a the IID. Mr. Foster, in his Wanes, incl Waterloo atrove Methodist ab d i,y also thanked for hie able address. Meet• the litigants and witnesses all live ? Ask on the defensive, and in every iustauoo shade of a scandal iu commotion with figures t° prove that one revenue from all Stratford, nary° Supposed damaged by ing Wna brow^bt to a olpae by Rev. R. your local member and sea if he cannot he mune bot on top. (Cheers.) To all them. ((Cheore. The late Minister• of sources amounted t° over 87 million dot• PP o have caught Paul pronouncing the benediction. The help to hurry along the o niug reform, these soma should be added $200,000 Public Works-he aid not Hesitate to say fat's and the expenditure 45 millions,A from the furnace, exeoative }ell meet at 2 m, shad o as iso dao of trrcouceruedits 10 gone l for ing cashu l!elar then the sit on st it osteine. heAcid- 11ow that faithful end hewasgone-incl by his nationalpteight millions to be added to the ranched ialllybhntereatiug dietoures Wee Saturday at Tuz Pos0 Pab isTiug Hausa heavy failures, with the cense rout honest edminislrnttou, and debt, and another session to be p e Methodist church last for the appointment of collectors and at- heavy given and which ought Dither to have especially by the work whish he aid in Provided for inside of the twelve months. Sabbath morning, on e0hristian Citizen- tending to any other necessary business• ai80elor to =eliding depositors, aro 40 b0 been paid by the S$ntlfield Macdonald Oootieohion with theca buildings, added If that is economy we can't see it. Now ship," by the pastor. "CLIFTON SPRINGS 8 AND VY.ITRINe GLEN."- ship," but people who have money to Govorumomb of wore fairly and properly fresh Metro to that good old Ilighland the vows to that great aua useful army of Ripley t Presbytery will meet at gi ]e°ture on the above subject will be deposit or invest moat learn lbryt the chargeable to therm and m sum of $8,150,• name of Fraser, fomousiu story a8 i6 was, people whom the Reformers had greet P Y ee Tuesday. The annual meet- given fu eve bove s tb, 1397, be private Bank, ]however large and brilliant 000 ie obtained, which if deducted from incl his name and memory will live as sympathy for, viz„ the a�^+rioiltu't ists, ing of the Presbyterial W. I'. M. S. will Thursday evening, Mmrah 18th, Syllabus b • may be the gold lettering o the front surplus left only some $600,000. Sand- long as the btSldings 00ar11e. He would sometimes called farriers. We can't find also be held at the same time and place. Rev. John Rosa, B. A. Syllabus Df window, is only a speculative venture of • hold incl 00111.'e9 of ivaolno which were add to the remark iu closing that his tba6 promised huge wave of proapority, Rev. U. H. Trimble will preset in the lecture ;-Tie road of life ; On a sidingn some individual w[10 possibly cannot be now dried up, or nearly so. The cellae• friend beside him (Hou. Mr, Baxter and bat an the cookery money is scarce and Methodist church on Sunda morning ' tont ptecl too strongly with large sums of Mons on Recount of Crown lands ave hint himself were now the only two left in Sha products cheaper. The rice p Y g Story of bright days nod happy mam- mouey, Our chattered Banka with their form nmdnats still open P ucoaoi in thelevaningpv S. J. Arlin, will oriel ; How to advertise it ; A Luropeau }•$cions brae' Glia new CDVOl nearly the $1,600,000 all told, but now not more than ileus° who could say with reference to of grain in J3rnseels, =cording to last P 519108 1 2 80 P. lecturer's expblrleuees ; Ah ! ha ; Adl- Y $40,000 0n $50,000 a year to realized from the gallons rte had been speaking of, 'All week's POST, was wheat 7$0, to 7bc., aua for the Sunday SOhool aervi0e at 2,30 P. pose tisane ; How t0 introduce 1 i6 A }vivre grand and these offer ample this source. If this item is token into of this we saw, end part of it we were," very little'hervested ; pees, 380. to 39e. ; m. on Life of St. Pant. proper petition ; How 6o sell it ; Gem 50001 ty for the safety of funds deposited account bis surplus vanishes out/rely. (Loud applause.) barley, 20o• to 25o, ' ants, 15a, t° 170., Tuesday t Roes went to Bluevaie on Grant and mueio ; How to enjoy it ; The with them. But there is soother sum which is rightly At the oonolueiou of Mr. Gibson'° and apples 500. per barrel, 5Ve hove c y o preside in the moderation of "Do them or they'll do yon" Amu adage 1 . a cell bythe g lover and the pereats ; A boy's emntribn- g ohtirgeablo to the Saudfield Government, speech the Hoose rose and a number of t° ijna the person who saw the wane to 1 reeWeria J. coq reeedion of bion ; Ou the way ; Toronto ; College tlpat seems to have crawled op], out of the namely, the cost of teachers' snpeneenu• the members, both Opposition and Gov grain so cheap inside the last 20 years. that village, Rev. W. J, West, M. A„ of halls again ; From the for West, the gambling dens and got 11110 what no veli abione That system was iutnodoaad arumeut, gathered round his )silt and We also find by reading the general news Woodstock, Was the unanimous Presby. sunny Southland, the distant East A business to-clay, There isn't ntuoh of the during his regime, and to-ll that he ever warmly congratulated him upon his mem of the country that all departments of and on Tuesday of neat weak the soldier transformed 01131 into a mise "2 human in it and if it didn't pass tinnier paid. under it was $5,143, whereas there easeful effort. business are extremely dull. Lmporters tory will Boal with ib at Ripley, Mn, Sabbath in the city ; Hearing the "Tot other ualxios it would be cast out by has been paid since not loss that! $2,260,• -- - and mmunfeoturore ane in a dilemma on West is a clever young mon and the 51. Amaga of Ireland," now the pa0tor•elept of .veal 1110». Bub when tvo call it enter. 000. True, the eygtmu might have been Yolitioa], Pointers. account of the uncertainty of the Tariff 11 they ears 5 terinua will be fortunate St. Andrew's ; A Pft6abnng in prise or business tact we emu look with abolisiod and do eu es paid in returned enc meaieuica end labonrore are out of if tt)ey scours him. Erskine ohuroh ; Across the lake Nia- composut'o on the corpse we have helped to the teachers, but thin would have Guthrie is a great reading Provinoo, °(nplbyment, Well yes, the Pediment The Christian Guardian ann0 NNea germ, Lewiston, Buffalo, Rochester, Cian- to squeeze the life out of end say its too worked hardship to deserving mon and There are now 3113 public libraries in bbe Buildings at Ottawa will give some eel• that it is proposed to celebrate Har andeigna ; Clifton Springs-Tie village baa ho couldn't make it o, Sharon ba larnislioa oho goad faith by the Province. provinoo, au immense of 01 aver lest ploytneut. Now I will aoclnae by CMajesty's i"diamond" Jubilee, from a The Sanitarium ; Its founder, Dr. Poet. our assumed and pretended i normaae• Nevertheless the Seudfiold Government year. The Governtne°t gives a grant t° thanklug you, Mr. Editor, and if any erecting n Methodist point of view by er ; Its history ; Magnificent buildings • Wo know that many of the modern bnoo- imposed open the Produce the necessity each library to aid in its maintenance, sthtements ere nob cornet my naive is resting a Barbera Heok College and The Sanitarium proper ; The annex nese methods are nothing but piracy, not of paying out this large amount of monoy, Members of the Ontario Legislature llot Mexnonni, residence for women in connection with The Pierce pavilion ;I The tabernacle ; on tho high spas, but iu the orowdpll cities sufficient to have aid all tho lejltvny yid without regard to �politiaal prediliatimn3, Mardi 2, 197, ed, i bnbof thilvsersity. $,100,000 1s regain lite Springs ; A oountemwomon'o opin• and towns. "Live and let livenisphil0eo• certiflaatos which are now paid. There are oonbribubing liberally towards thecount $50,000 is already ion ;Tie parka, gardens and {arm ;Tie pbical and hurum), with none of the has been a good deal of unfair criticism Qoet of planing a life sized portrait of Sir f'1'sii$OylL PA1t.tlat.11?1IS. provided by the will of the late H. A. medical staff ; Principles upon which the seinen in lt, bob to "Jive and help live" of the liquor licensing eyatonl from the W m. Meredith in the Legislature, anon whoSanitarium is The tad The people le Christian, with some of the Divine in n. Hanna, street Mniored t 0lmeolt proper- who rimed to it 'Laotians The Canadian quartet• it, and title reeves no room for "b agda char for of the Hous°, IIe mould not side pf rheas of Sir Oliver Mowat, Ilan. 6 speak for others, but he wigbed to att bp, nt LItuniltoll eaifared from fire Sun. to ; Aieetinge ; 1 on Alaska, a soya.' that he defied the face of May to point to Edward Blibks and others. This is a Ed. Collins is on the si1lc list, day morning, to the extent of abed missionary tont around the world, eds. We import man titin "s for which e single individual. hotel keeper ne East occupied n 0o0tom orad able u of the the Mies Hate Madder is visiting at $2,000, the loss icing covered by lemur- sChrist life in Montana, tem °canoe thew would bo no occasion if the had }l;urou who had bequ mewed. (Hoax, P• P Y Politica by the Exeter• nuns, The Sohiol room adjoining the Christ in the sunk room, Obeid i the choapor shipping facilities between the heat', Ono of the most pranineut hotel. CTef Justice. Th be. Ainley, of Listowel, is in town 0harah Was badly damaged and the mission field, Dr. Crafts' Summar saiaol various Prbviaaoe, t,aeb ) 1 Tun Now bodIbataN AOT,-I1 is semi- this week. biuret proper was lightly searched, An of Christian Sociology year while keepers in the riding hall tblilhim person- officially stated that the new franchise Lawyer Sinclair Was in Toronto this overheated furnace Was the ori gioal R gY ; A ski in tie hundreds of thousmnde of benders of .op- ally that he had clone his hest to defeat ad to be inlroclnoed into Parliament is week on legal business, cause et the fire which made much hewn G o llnrium ; A Jon and a Turkish bath ; pies rotted in Ontario orchards the um him, and more than that had subscribed now ready, It is along the liose always 81.8. 5, Fraliok, of WVingham, is visit- way during the absence of the sad• eRe p as a and gold moo • The 'Sorted 2 87(1 .enrols away front Australia motley t0 protest his (Mn. Glbsmll'a) olec• ndvo0al°d by the Liberals, viz. :-The ing her metier, Mrs. S. Pearson, in the easy morning.°aretalcer Repnir Shop," and iia trinity of 'Mine. and '329 this. from the Unites Stake. tion, although ho was himself opposed to c ooeptanoe al the Praviuoi0l iiobe for Loftus Stark and Norman Hill, of Soa• bthelearly otos for he fits ; A boon to multitudes ; Recreation Our lnter•1}rovinatal trade might be de- it protest being oberod. Did that look as Dominion purposes. This will, of oourse, forth, were in town last Snbbabh. candidates for t] probationers the° and t tune ; d, el g tp; trip t lam tionum ns velopod twenty-fold if our Business As- if he wore being coerced ? Another' do away with the Dominion Franchise Mrs, G. F, Blair is visiting at Gode- don Conference awil ministry in the Lem Gen; ; Geneva, e lak trip tm GVaWeb- sothe ciabions and J3it oards of Tredo lbolt [told prominent hobelksepet in this county hall Ac entirely, and will remove a couple of riot). tiler sietor is on bbe sick list, Iiebhodist oherah i 1 bb he 0d eb tba Glen ; Thelake SWeoa and The ofetwl 0f abbonl n °ouelnoe.1lkorwai6in. bola him he would rather be under the glaring peetoree that Imes wimps been John Stemple has taken a situation in 0nmmenoin Timed: the nil 20111, 11 , a3) rtes ; The Its a Woman" ; The g present system then at the mer0y of a regarded as unfair. Under the Provincial Coleman Bens• sawmill an Seafortll. a, m, A public meeting will be !held at 9 (ileo itself ; Its extent nut] beauty l for Govommanb to complaining in the meeker. Reeve o• DeputyRoeve as he used to be. lido there ie prnatioally no Ouch thine as Mr. mod Mee, eldercgue, of Teem-atter, Thursday avenin Aril 23 nd :Doubtl°sa arrangements could be mans (Boar, hear. IIs said b° ^ , g on Lutrmtoing eights and scenes ; Abysmal f ) got fair la "of g, p 22nd, at 8 p. me chasm and beetling Miffs ; Rook Quiet play the tee outside vee,"and the bringing in ee worn visiting tato J. T. Road' this week. when Bond, oSwf l tbeh deliveredonAnt ROV.end galleries cn and plashing, tlurouour two ln freights pint railways romLlrednodufastr$tes rear, home) li0onso 0ommissioners, and if he absentee voters-elweye a illi of expense D@vtd Laidlaw and bride, of Burnside, S. Baps, of SeryEortla on " g P shin^ waters Quiet g b greenly bolco the low he Wee entitled to be pun- to both partible under the Dominion Ao6, !loo., were visiting John Barnhill and methods of the Christian miniet1y,"" and pools Theh fllimb eased/es os Upoade the if there twee guaranteed t0 thom 0 von- ished for in A good deal ofuonsense had and a diroot violation of the same, will be wife this week. Rev, 3• W. Holman, of Mitobe i 1 11 and glen ; dge ,• "Laughing oaten" ; tiutml business of etfiicient volume to boon spelt= about the activity of the li- done awaywith, The einei pie, "ono Mrs. Jno. MoPain aua son wore in Methodist obumh : It i , on "The Labyrinth bridge ; "al ; Baptismal calms" ; warrant such an unclerlaltiu mu thein P Y dales and polity." g cense commissioners in polftioal a'ffair's. man one vto," is a much batter one than Methane on Wednesday visiting R, (IIDTnODIsv UNrote--The 1,3.abtenber Lrb �eioae ; be ; Cathedral ; Bgorge ; font ; part. They haus already mat the fruit Are their mouths to bo closed ? They "Dna man, many votes." Another ad- Wilson end wife. Y and Ontario Minot Methodist churches, f Triple be ; Shadowegorge ; Pluto growers rs of the 6i(ger°, peninsula /luring a impossible tt oltt ones and it would be vantage of the Pravineial lists Je that Mies Aggia Richardson lute been on Clinton, have decided to lee, fall t Tient andSummit, f collas from lbs S p get Proper men to act if they are n to• late, beu,g unite bye starting point end 600 gout above it ; A Summar months, and they would do Luis they were to bo arjbbecl, oabined and revered every year, oen0equetntly )there hop elelte will 00>0 the all rig t. bat w0 wag g majority49 of a , 101 The 5011173totei vote tharmm^ the= ; Delightful 011100 (01' ell 01101' commodities if they confined," aua if their right to exercise will be no possibility of diefranobimin m 1^g rl donne to. p w son be right, tens 240, 77 against union fee the smiling village and shimmarmg lake ; 08010 approached in a eimiim: manner. < g re old tblaid4n. of this Io 10 r in the union. The matterwillthe benano dr et Book o on S din e the Fraunhism ware to b0 taken away from large portion a. the electorate. Another parson of S. W. Laird, is renewing the Distri0t meeting in the Untulrio sirP + Further ea• Each State 10 the American Union thin. The member for West York ju advantage with the Provincial lista ie former friendships in Brussels. church in Me aeat Universa ; baborSermons ; beard ; Lr a may place ftp the rotunda of the capital oommenting peon the expenses of bho that they are ne fair fur one side ee the Mrs, S.'1'. Plum has been quite ill Confeeenoe ill 10 if 1000 ratified the Uuivepy ; T e oven ; At " i" ; and ab Washington a statue of two of its Agee:mitered College, gave the Minister of other ; there is no opportunity for the dining the past weep but is im roele = union ba o e o doubt arried a the w 11381 ; ;Tie overwrought " e" ; oPeople; eminent citizens it regards 05 most de, Agriaoleuro no crocljt for the Travellim P Y p k m t s law a married ordniued we poet ; Some oar veterans =dooms sarvpug of honor. Utah is now shookingg party in power at ()Uwe, if so disposed, nivel now we are pleased to state: minister and single Ivan on probation Mit i Dairy and other maims of improving tato to manipulate the lists to their own ad. Miss Hattie Stuart, of Wlclgitao1, and will be secured for three en r ender haloed ; The fourth Cou: the pro ptiobiee by proposing to place manufnolure of butter which have been vantage, Revised, es they must be int Mee, Art. Stead, of Palmerston, wow nhiQ)1 time 'r Y ls, a eotn. mmdmanb and the eighth • ty a mbl among that-gmllexy of immortals a statue introdueecl during the last fow ,years. each municipality, there cannot possibly visiting at Jos. Fox's 0n Wedaesda plated and a arrangements new nos will b° eons. lamsT ; Pols raising Party emb- of Brigham 1000g. Oongre.es 11110 some The quantity of butter macre iie the Prov be any wrong doing unless it is done Mise Maggie Bargees, milliner, ie holo P gruel now thumb meted. Py ]ems ; The elver man, a ; 16 to o and a living mete there ninth mese than the ince 1s not to be 1000,'baineci from the Ioomlly, whish is barely probable, e ° $d1f bbs Anne Noros.- Ltoub, Pytlnt, negro, a ]Glided„ man, a fool and the clecteteel lauebend of many -wives from Bureau of $bald bits, but the quantity of e 1 iron Algoma on a visit, It is ..,t veers late of the S0rmpbmtao Band, has been young ladies ; Faith and an honest ? Salt lake. Still it wont) be unforluuabbl creamer huller made lastslime she wile hero, Aliso Bargees ex• appointed ooceseor to Lint, Thaw, dollar ; Garliold' ( ) Y yeah }vas 111 A find Of velem/mon in reperbed on the peats to go .'Cast instead of !Vest for this and be espe0ted to active this week tb a patriotic words , if snob an ]loon wore perinitlod to the the neighborhood of 4,000,000 pounds. farm of John Rasbery, West Flembol'op, season, assist Captain Colied politica, old Cnnadud 'batik-alone,aoehe memory of the aposla4a Ivlorinau loader, He thought ho was within the melt when An earthgbnite shook cops distinotl bins. D. Frain waa called D P 1 9, the local o f t e• political, t theafront and religions Savo the martyred Abreham Lincoln, atm said then expel:imonts which have felt on both sides of the Elegem Rio b to erto]� lest West Onto ioin ovine will b woi o the Morph °oi b° the to g • The Grover 0/eyelet-di notifies from the Pnesi• been macre at the Agrict)Iurel College on Sisburda night. g River week o attend the Modal of her meter, to l3 Cuterio Province will be Welcomed a tout; Tufo patr]objsw ; Y g efts. Normal) Burton, who died quite to Brusee11 and Will • erndnat special Oen na»mon interacts ; Not Leagues bat dentia[ Muth.. with a worldevitl'e aoknowl• have ine'eason the price of then button by A little son of Henry Brown, Tilbury suddenly alter hawing undergone en meetings in 1 P Covenant,' Anew -,Spleen League and eclgemant of having been mho possessor of live cents per onncl a net g g g the S. A. Barnette on Satu 1, Condedlineeded ; either Clasped bands and cions common sons: P P + gain to the `Neel, set fire to his ttlothJag and was operation by a specialist in that Qity, day and Snuday, Month 20th 21st, "On genuine honesty, Previao of ()200,000. Ds meanie haeg000 burned to death. Colin MoArtitor starts bade to Romp There will also be held v; flags , sitter 11111 1) the public honor Anel unimptaclteble integrity to onsidsrable aeons° in improving hoe James Elemowotth, of Rolland, is to lana in a few d11 s, He ba8 sold quite with his In oeeecf deo riven" ; Working out a common and as a ruler than any other man in the long Faoiltbiee for malti»g good butter and has be given the Roy01 all 004110 Society's =mime of shenos in a silver mine e w 1 t vial]. a Lemon Pio 000 a also Rin1Odious destinyme !tinder the banner of n lino of Presidents lino the days of Week• eapt11ree1 the London market ; ana if by medal for heroic minded in otwin g bl - itis ° he is Ti Stat-Ca J1100 0 green Docs each, . Boma an f nn ington, He proved himself greater than tie expenditure 0f $4,000 or $5;000 8 year lives of two of hie g to tele. d e in thou [and of proeos Tho a week of th has v experience 400 111 g p, Silver 'er(Oo lloo. Y t ionise at the of meals, You should take a housekeeper ve the work o! the Salvation is Army, by the 0heir. Meeting will cotlttnonao et his Party, better null visor than either wo p@n roach the satrap lioaitipn in the h °heft' with you, 0°li», Y• A 0 ganrter to Dight, chore, BJlver dolJoc• Y p very interesting time is pepeatea. tion at the door, •