HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-5, Page 88 PURE HONEY 1` 1 ibo. for $1, PURE HONEY 12, 111:1. for $1. 12 1-2 lbs. fox $1 of Pure Honey. 12 1-2 lbs. for $1 of Pure IIoney. Come quick and bring eotnething to put it in unless you want 10 lbs, with pail for $1, or in bottles. DEADl19AN t McCALL, THE BRUSSELS POST MAR, 5, 1897 v nounsmstesc 4 assionstmoremsigulassawisessosingsraragentrammitswoonsishotommammessuonnegstersonshtnitotessisoplesEramsaussesumosimiessarosszcsmasTissiall A LOOM. poet tells in tide issue of the Aliso McCallum, who has been visiting weeders of a snow Hessle Mrs J A Stewart returned to her home R. LEA•Irsenmuna roauived a car of tow at Cabourg on Mondety. for upholstering tide week, Jas. Rennie and wife, of Shakespeare, n A lase of live hogs was shipped by Jail. ; paid a visit to NIre. Tufts and Mrs, Ireland on Thnredny or this wools, Stewart, Queen street, this weeds. Tux 12th of July oolebratiou to be hold Moses Doll, who took (Marge of a ship - in Brussels this year promisee to be a . cont of parses to Landon, England, for regular old-fashioned monster gathering, George Parker, has arrived house, a»Rau oars of pane end one Cat' of oats were shipped by Messrs, Beaker ,0 Van. stone during the past week and a ear of pons by R. Graham. As on elocuticuiat and Interprotsr of nhaacter Miss Clark is said to he a great enmities, She appears le the Town Hall, Brussels, this (Friday) evening. 'aux eontraut for carrying the mails to the (:liuto° station has been re-atvardecl to Samuel Beattie, hie tender presumably being the lowest, out of abort seven. Hese Miss Margaret Stuart Clark at the i'own Hall this (Friday) evening. She comes under the nuspiees of the Town Band. Pleur of Wail ab ['ox's drug FE0V1'eV'E. Rxi1sn.t'1'e 010101ng train ran down a red fox nu the line East of Brussels and the result was the sudden demise of Lir, Sect$on•mal hiller fell heir to the pelt. le lire new Temperance legislation be- fore the Local Legislature islature becomes law ru Druggists, • Opticians and Booksellers, one of the hotels in Brussels will be struck off, as according to our population three will be our limit, A COMM .U1T has been made against a few young men for insulting ladies on the street and this lute is penned as a warn. Eng t„ them that if it is continued there is freebie !Wend for them, 1\rxr Tuesday, at 19 o'obeuk, 3?. 9, Scott, auctioneer, will offer the 100 -acre Gomm Sorra, (1°ING 0Wi W. fa dazed 01, rm, being South ball lot 20, con. 7, Ssnrams :L1 Mall,I Mall 12:5: p.m Mixed 11:41 ado Morrie, for sale at the Queen's Hotel,6p 0. , B. tinsels, by public auction. CouN'rr promotion examinations, in e` y t n; couuectiou with the Public schools, take Brat � l �1�15 l'���< place on Thursday and Friday, March _ 2511.1 and 20111, The necessary arrange - monist are naw being made by Inspectors Rabb and Tum. Ovne 30 members were enrolled in connection with the new Commit of • TEs live lane market is booming. Chosen Friends instituted by W. G. Rue the District trews on inside pe les, Collins, Grand Organizer, at Tara last Sponse moving has already token au weeds. Mr. Collins left for Hanover with the intention of scoring another victory. WEnNEsna1: evaning quite a number of Bruseelitea went to Seafortb to see the sights es displayed by the wonderful Cinematograph. One of the loads unloaded at a pitch hole South of Brussels on the return trip but no one was injured. Anvsnrrs0xu Ix TILE POST PAYS.—A business man told us this week that he could trace direct results to his advertis- ing with us in many instances. Another GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. souxioERN EXTENSION w. 0. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: A chief's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. initial spurt, Seam Assizes will open at God,rieh next Monday. Smoot Board will tnaet on Friday evening of neat week. M. Wusox shipped a oar of cattle last Thursday from Brussels. Tnursnuv was Horse Fair in Brussels and attracted a big crowd. A COxltIINICA710N on Dominion political affairs is orowded out of this issue. ON Thursday Messrs. Clegg & 1:):01,38 Rentleman says "I find TnE Poor an A 1 shipped a oar of cattle frau this station, medium for advertising." Try our Tun Laundry is rushing work this columns whether you wish to buy or sell. week. If you hove not patronized it do ao PACIxe R.1cle.—In connection with the DRovEn McLEax will ship 2 of races to be held on Brussels half mile cattle to Buffalo from Brussels in a few took on the Queen's Birthday, a stake days. rune for pacers has been opened. The FnmAr of next week the Brussels ilex purse will be $100 with h mile heats, best mill and the Livingstone farm wi1l be of. 3 to 5. The horses most be owned in fared for sale at 1 oelock to close up Huron County and eligible to 3 minute estate of J. & J. Livingston. class. The stake race for trotters has DEAD100) & MWCArr, having dissolved filled for the same date. partnership, respeotfully request that all Tows BAND.—The annual meeting of who owe them would settle before Marsh the Town Band was held Tuesday even. 12th, as Mr. McCall leaves town on that lug at which the following nflicere were date. elected for the ensuing year :-- LIE — LIE report of the North Perth Go. President and Trea.., R. N. Barrett ; Orange Lodge contains this sentenee of Vice -President, W. H. Stewart ; interest to thie locality :--Toe brethren Secretary, Fred. Gilpin ; unanimously decided to celebrate the Committee—E. Grewar, Wm. Watt, earning 12th of July in Brussels, and Alex. Bird. WEDNEenir afternoon of this week at Jas. Jones was retained as leader at a the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, Rev. salary of $100 per annum. The Band is S. J. Albin tied the matrimonial bow knot now to a tiptop shape and open for en. between William M. Hudson and Miss gagemente for the coming year. Ettie Nelson, both of Grey township. MAT'muoNtAr,.—We learn that Harry TSIs week Mr. Parsons, of London Comte, a brother of Mrs. Geo. Thomson'e was 10 town on business connected with and a former resident of Brussels, not the Ronald Fire Engine Works. Itis in. only wooed but won one of our estimable timated that he will asthma the duties of young ladies, in the person of Mise Teenie, tr:vellina agent for the works, a position daughter of James Menzies, William he is well qualified to fill. street, Brussels. The ceremony took Musses. DEADUAN & McCALL have per- cplace ity of 5Chicago, wears thof ise weekeholds e lucrative position from whish he tilde considerable difficulty in absenting him- self, lienee, true to her womanly pledge, turn. Mr. Deadman again resumes sou. the bride adopted Hence Greeley's trol of the business here. advice and went West. Harry would Tim annual meeting of the East Heron have been in a great box if the now Mrs. Teachers' Convention will be held in Coutts had been stopped at the inter• Wingham on Friday and Saturday, May national line as an alien, as was the case Stet and 22nd. Either Mr. Stewart, of in another instance. May health, wealth the Normal school teaching staff, or In. and happiness be the portion of Mr. specter Dearness, of Middlesex County, Coutts and bride is the worst wish 'file ie expeoted to be present and deliver ad. POST has for them. dresses. 1313IExE,1L,--00 Thursday, Feb. 18th, William Wilton and Miss Maggie Mc- Martin, two of our residents, slipped away very quietly to Wingham where by the aid of Rev. Dr, Gifford, they were united in marriage. They will go into huusrkeeping on their own account in 11r. Wilton's dwelling, William street. Tum POST wishes thorn prosperity in their new relationship. Hones opREi'nen Noce.—Death claim• ed another of the inmates in the person of Henry Schwartz from Crediton. He WKS about tic years of ase and died on Monday, March 1st. Tuesday another death took place in the person of Miss Mary Adonis, whose home was previous. ly at Belmare. Her age was 25 years, The latest arrivals ere James Brown, from Aehlield ; Mrs. Charlotte and Nliss• es .fans and Elizabeth (;rooks, (mother and two daughters) from Morrie town• ship, making 65 inmates in the House at the present time. Henry Bone, who went throueh a critical operation, is making rapid progress towards reeove'y and will Coen bo around again, The in. mates were very mush disappointed last Sunday because there was no eeetrieo held in the douse. There has been a good supply of tirat•clmss ice safely housed for use this coming Summer. L,tunIER AN» His CAsInET. -We have made arrangements by which enbseribere to the Weekly Globe and Tum Pose' may receive the handsome note picture 04 Premier Laurier, sitting at his Connell board, surrounded by hie oabinet, on the sense throe as are effete by the Globe. The picture° are taken i rem photographs and are reproduced in Sts. This very desirable picture is not : :dd for leas than 50 menta per copy, but we call supply it to subscribers at the low figure of 15 cents. Sample ocpioa may be seen at this office, or will be mailed to enbeoribers on receipt of the price, The Globe is now 16 pages every week, the beat paper of the kind published in Oanada, The price of Tug Pose and the Globe is only 01.50 0 year in advanoe, or including the picture, 01.65. Old subscribers ae well as new can have the pfeture for 15 °ante, We will sand TIME POST and weekly Globe 3 months, on it trial trip, with picture in. chided, for 50 cents in advanee, chased a drug business in Chatham. 111r. McCall will take charge of the business there, ATr. Rogers bas gone for a week to look after it until Mr. McCall can re - OPENED Onr.-3. H. Wilmer, of Blair, has leased the blacksmith shop in con. neotion with John Wynn's Carriage Works, Brussels, and is now fully instal. led. In hia advertisement in this week's POST he solioits a share of public patron- age. 3. correspondent to the Galt Re- former says :—"Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ren• eliaw held a reception on Friday evening for 111r. and Mre. J. IL Wismar, on the return after their. marriage. Both Mr. Wisner and his bride, formerly Miss Edith Krampein, are well and favorably known here, and the young people to show the esteem in wbioh they hold them presented them with an address end an elegant clock. The evening wee pleasant. ly spent and all present realized that Mr, and Alre. Renshaw know how to entertain friends, NIr, Wismer'e many friends with him euooess in his new undertaking at Brussels," Told POST extends a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Wiemer in their beooming residents of this plasm. PeopiG We Know. Lire. Anderson bete been quite ill dur- ing the 5001 week, the tronble being about the heart, Vie hope site will soon be better. D, A, Lowry and family remove from Brussels to London next weelr, We are sorry to lose good oitdzene but Mr, Lowry thinks it wise. Mies Attie Daly and Was Josie McKay, of Seslorbh, were visiting Airs. Robt. Ross and other friends in Brussels and locality Met week. E. 'W, Bruce, prinoipal of the Heron street school, Toronto, who ie well known in Brussels and Bleevalo, bad hie Salary raiser) from 0700 to $1,000. Lew, JAolcenn, who has been employed at Chatham and Bothwell for several years, will take a position in the Ronald ]?ire Engine Werke, Brussels. We end a plonsant call last week from J. F. I%ioCrae, of Roseland, It was l.e ported that he had come Meat to wed It Montreal bells, but 3. F'. says he hasn't time just uow to moray. Ile went West on Saturday. D. Ferguson, wife and children, of Teeswater, were renewing old friendships in this locality this week. In spite of all the hard work done by Mr, Ferguson, we are glad to know that be still plumps down the scales at 220. Miss Dolly Bather ie visiting in Wrox. ete1. Miss Annie Slommor ie visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Thomson ie visiting in Galt this week, Peter Cantton talks of seeing Roseland this Spring. Will. Leatnerdale was in tower ou Wed nesclay. Inc. Ritchie talks of taking 0 trip to Keewatin. Miss Jean MaLauohliu spent several days in Seaforth. Mrs, (Dr.) hloNaugbton is visiting in Stratford for a few weeks. Wm. Mooney has been laid up with pleuriey but is getting over it all right. Miss Annie Inman, of Stratford, was visiting at Mrs. Jas. Wilson's last week. Misses Mary and Mamie Sample are attending the Millinery Openings et Toronto, Jas. Fox, wife and children, were visit-,. ing relatives in Wingham for a few days thie week. Mies Jessie Hogarth, of Kincardine, was visiting Mrs. Geo. Hogarth for a couple of weeks. Business Locals, ST,I XDO1.PD 13.4,N7C OE Cr X 1 DX , T.p.313=CESTF.,9 1V7.7... HEAD OFFIOE, - TORONTOiI ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 OAPITAI, (Authorized) 02,000,000 :igencios in all principal points' in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States it Rowland.' tilWrgarwES lge, r 'C•.1X. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Drafte Issued and Collections made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards from slat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SrEOTAL ATTENTION OVEN TO TEM COLLECTION OP FARlnane' BALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietance, Dlecounted. A. 1 Lute Huron herring cheap at Me- Cruoken's. LAKE herrings for sale at Jas. Ballon. tyne's grocery. No. 1 Clover and Timothy Beed cheap et McCracken's. ArrLnrox's world renowned Teas for sale at Thomson's. Rooms or dwelling to rent over my store, I. C. Richards, SEED Peas for sale, warranted clean. Walter YOill, gravel road. Do not forget we repair rubbers, boots and shoes cheap and durably. L C. Riobarde. Some men's felt boots on hand yet whish will be Bold ata bargain. I. C. Richards. Pare of new bob•sleigbe b0 exohange for wool nr lumber. Good chance. Jas. Wel , r ,• ,ratio,,, make'. $20 Ao.aut'10 gold piece loot in or near Brussels. A suitable reward will be paid by leaving it at Tun Posr at onee. Num stock of envelopes to hand at Tme Pae'r Publishing House. Get your b,ei• nese card printed on 500 of them. Price less than retail rate. W. F. STEWART has now completed repairs at the National Boller Mille wbioh will enable him to guarantee satisfaction. Manitoba dour always on hand. KARL'S Clover Root, the great Blood• Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 eta, 50 ole and $1.00. Sold by Jamas Fax Druggist, Brussels. Kg SEmolc s pure is sold on a guarantee. It aures incipient oonsumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ots., 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. COMFORTABLE brick residence with every convenience, furnace, &c., for sole or to rent. Immediate possession given. For further particulars apply to Mrs,. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says :—"Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by Jas. FoX. druggist, Brus• sele. Ino saw filing for 25o. each time after the first time if no one files between times, and I charge aoeorclingly if saw gets damaged. Wood taken in payment if delivered tit the time the deal is made. Taos. McGeneen. Ties hardest saws warranted full set without breaking, as I have a new, safe and fast way of setting saws. Sawa that are in fine order given in exchange for laws that are onto£ order by paying the difference. T. McGregor, saw filer, Brea. eels, Queen St., East. (sneers, --Any one desiring carpets will do well t0 call at -the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in tbie locality, rouging in prise from 300. to $1.00, Homs & Co. BAnnini Orrsnnn: That eligible half 03re lot situate nn the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die• posed of below coat. Very easy terms. Write for partinulare to Jong ITAnnaEavne, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. "1110 001111 011,0 1A100E0," A few more good, hustling, experienced canvassers wanted for this popular law book. It sells lista hot rakes and every purchaser says it is the best ho has ever seen. Write to W. H. Auger, 28 Ulster St., Toronto, Ontario. Only $1.00. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR.—If he advises Cod Liver Oil we recommend Wompole's Tasteless Preparation. You can't taste the nil ; all you taste ie wild cherry, and that's good. What ,you get is flesh and strength. Ceres coughs, colds and %native diseases. Jae. Fox, 3 In Chemist and Druggist. Nnw BAXEev,—Baving purchased the business' and good will of N, Blackmore, 1 am now in possession and prepared to attend to the wants of the public, We will have constantly on band a first-class supply of bread, buns, cakes and pnet;y. Bread delivered daily to all parts of the town. Orders promptly attended to. The patronage of the people of Brussels and)eurroundingcountry sot lotted. Satin. faction guaranteed. W. A. Cneu. Michael Delaney, the Grand Trunk sectiollnan who was etruok by w train near Dundee, died at Hamilton. 141r, Bertrand, the Liberal candidate, is opposed to any protest in St. Boniface. W. O. Wilson, grocer, of Woodetook, oommiLtecl suicide by taking a dose of pt•ussio acid, Miee Alice Kay, employed et the Gib- son House. Belleville, oommitted suicide by laking Paris green. W. J. Gage and othere milted Prosier Greenway to establish a home for eon• sumptivee in Manitoba. David Winter, formerly of Sarnia, died at the Bernard House, London, from the nffaots of an overdose of tinc- ture of opium, While ice -boating near Sackett's. Har. hoe, Ildward Frazier and Arthur Algate sniffed tint so far stab they lost their way. When disnovered Frazier was dead from exposure. IIUNTns.—In Cranbrook, on Feb, 24111 the wifef Mr.John o6 u liuutar of rt daughter. Ox'renv.--In Grey, on Feb. 28111, the wife of Mr. George Oxtoby of a son, LAvsounNE—MVlonxreoe, In Newry, on Wadneedny, Feb. 24th, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. 1. N1. Auld, of Palmerston, Miss Jennie, daughter of Mr. Jno. Morrison, sr., to Mr. Samuel Ltaybourne, of Palm- erston. ,LAw—McGoNICLE.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Feb. 24th, by Rev, N. Shaw, Mr. David Laid. law, of Burnside, Manitoba, to Miss Mary Habkirk McGonigle, daughter of Mr. Geo. McGonigle, of Tucker - smith. HunsoN—PAwsoN.—At the Methodist Parsonage, Brnssele,•on the 3rd inst., by Rev. S, J. Albin, Mr. William M. Hudson and Miss Etie Pawson, both of the township of Grey. LAIDLAw—MCCsw. —In Sacramento, Cali- fornia, on January 27th, Mr. Robert 33. Laidlaw to Miss Mary Jane Mo. Caw, both of Sacramento City. CLAxrox—TA11AN.—Ab the residence of the bride's father, on Feb. 17th, 1807, by Rev. J. S. Fisher, of Gorrie, Air. Leman E. Claxton, of Detroit, Michigan, to Miss Evelyn J., daugh- ter of 1)11. John Taman, of Blyth. W1altsn—Ksolrrnui.—'On Feb, 17th, by Rev. J. Showers, of Sheffield, Mr. J. 11. Wilmer, of Blair, to Miss Edith Krampein, of Freeport, Ont. WnTox—McMnnxlN —Io Wingham, on Feb. 18th, by Rev. Dr. Gifford, Air. William Wilton, to Mise Maggie, daughter of Mr. Hugh McMartin, both of Brussels. -- WATsoN. Io Morris, on March 1st, James Watson, aged 78 years. WILsoo.—In Atwood, on Sunday, Feb. 21st 1807 HenryWilson. ageded 00 years, 11 months and 4 days. Wuo.eox, In Atwood, on Thursday, Feb. 18th, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. III. Wilson. HoLxxre.—In Atwood, on Wednesday, Feb. 241b, 1897, Mrs. Mary Ann Holmes, aged 52 years, 3 months aid 16 days. JAEpIvE.—In Howiok, on Saturday, 20th inst., John Jardine, aged 62 years and one month. NiciroLsox.—In McKillop, on February 28111, Wm, Nicholson, aged 76 years, 3 months and 2 weeks, LA . 7CT20N ^aAT,EE- WEnxharnAr, Marsh 10.—Farm stock. Lot 24, Con. 7, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Robb. McKelvey, Prop., F. 8. Soots, Ane. Fume, Marsh 121-h.—Lot 3, Con. 16, Grey. Farm stook, implements, &o. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. Peter Watson, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auo. TUESDAY, Mnroh 16th.—Farm stook, implements. East -1 lot 13, Con. 17, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Duncan Mo. Kenzie, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auc, 391M 7m11m -.111 3o.C.A.112, r=e111, Fall Wheat Spring wheat Barley .. Peas Peas (large) Oats Butter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel- Potatoes (per hag) Hwy per ton Hidee trimmed Hides rough Balt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb shins oast Apples par Uhl Hogs, Live Dressed Hogs 73 75 80 20 25 38 30 54 55 15 17 30 1.1 12 00 4 00 4 50 25 7 00 8 00 5 5}, 4 1 00 00 50 15 40 50 4 00 4 10 4 00 5 00 THE PEOPLE'S CO MM. CORD WOOD WANTED, -100 cordo, 4 feet 1on0, soft or hard, for cams, RONALD FIRE IONGINE WOBIUS, f1110 RENT.—LOT 10, IN THE JAl 0111 Concession of Township of Grey, 100 noroe, 50 mores cleared; geed buildings; good orchard and well watered. Will be rent- ed for to, term 0f yearn. Apply to 02.4 WIIILIANL POLLARD Pallet P.0 FOOD WANTED.—MARK.1+1±1T price win be paid for 8,000 or 4,000 write of cord wood, either soft or Hard, to be delivered this Winter at the ENTE1tPRISE SALT WON ES, BBrunels. 2011 Estate el T. T. GOLENiON. J. A. STEWART MANAGER. cametwtatl PUBLIC SALE —OF -- "arm in the Totialnehip of 1VSorrie IInder and b virtue of a power Y t MO Or Ofsale 0 trained in 0 mortgage luted the 8rd day 01 of April, 1805, made by Francis J. McCaughey as Mortgagor to the Corporation of the County of Huron and which watt maligned by assigumant of mortgage dated the 151 day of July IWO, and both 01 which will be produc- ed at the tuns of sale, there will be offered for sale by Publie Anshan nr the 0111511N'S HOTtt2, IN 11116 TOWN OP BRUSSELS, on Tuesday, lite Mb day of .11ar,:h, 1891, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, that certain farm comprising the south halt of Lot nom. bar Twenty in the Seventh Concussion of the Township of Morris, in Ebro County of Ifuron, containing 100 nares tunt or lose, being the arm lately in occupation by F tauoie J. Mc • I anghey. The firm consists et 30 acres of gond clear. eel laud fmh4,v feuded and the bal1nee is in tin rdwood bush wttb some swamp. The farm tins thereon a small 'frntn0 house and a Immo burn 0.7110 shod. It is situated about 3d 101100 ttonl the Town 0f 13r•Lleeele bn a good farming section. PE100te.-10 tin Cont. wish and the balance in 30 daye,if dee rod by the purchaser a por- tion of the purchase money may retrain uv a first mortgage fora tends of yours. Terms in other respects ma de known at sole aud meanwhile may be ascertained on appBma• Noe to F. S. SCOTT, Bailiff, Bru0sele, or t0 the undersigned. MILLAR & SIy1S, Solicitors for As01guee, Berlin, Ont. Dated Fob. Oth,1b07. 81-4 ARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES 12 in the Township ofBowiekbeing tote 15 and 10 Con, 0. 80 aerie aro cleared, Md 20 acres in bush, 11anitbarn with atone stab- ling Underneath, unci frame lieuse with cellar, a good thriving orchard, Farm IS Situated 3 utiles from Wrexete•. For fur - Gun particulars apply to A3 JIX. 34•4 Wrext 110ter 05, • COMFIORTABLI3 RESIDENCE and 10 acres of first..less lamp adjoin, in gBruss0l e, for este, There is nSmall bank barn and a ynueg embers" of 21 scroll. Would make a imo fruit fare, or market garden, Proprietor loth afair dairy bnsinese lmeon- rloCtIon, POse68e16e1 given at once. Will be sold at no low pries, For further partieulars apply on the promises to 0E0, RROB13 Pro. prtet0r, Brus00le P.O. 20.4 REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FAR11 FOR SALE or to rent, Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey. For partiouiare apply to 28- 1. 110081, Brussels, -WARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- AA- nsnsroNlcn has several good Farina Por Salo and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Kerrie and Grey, F S. SCOTT. Brussels ('IOOD PARA TO RENT )near Brussels. 100 acres being Lot 7, 0 mi. 0, Gray townebip. Good buildings and etcher 3, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. Possession given 505tblaroh. Apply to - W. 73. 1(0511R, Poem Publishing House, Brussels, or to THOMAS HEIRITAGLo, Londou West. FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 awes—consisting of Lots 18 ou the 760 and 8111 C00O0ssious, Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile fro0i the Village of Ethel mutt 5.1 miles from Brussels. 40 soros of Fall 1011501 sown and about 80 acres under grass 1 00 recess cloned en oaeh, Poems of payment easy. A, MCKELVEY, 111, 17., 34- Brussels. Tri ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acme of good farm lend at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, 1s offer- ed for sale at slow prion. - The property is North East ; Soo, 10, Twp. Il, Rouge 4, East. There is a house on the promises and some breasting doue, Nor full p mrtioulars as to Price, title, &e, writs or apply to 0, 3.13LAI11 or W.li, WORM, 20-1)• 13 teasels, Ont. HARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. nnnetesen has a 100 more farm for sale in Plast Wawiwoeb, 12th 8ou.,2i miles from 1ViirgL am. Good bunk barn, 50260 feet, good Immo house, oroliorct, fenoms, &o. School botipo on corner of lot. Popsoseon 8t 01100. Vi11 be soul cheep if said soon. Terms reasonable. Apply forpnoticulars 10 WM. CLEGG Winehltm : JOS. CLEGG, Brussels, or E. 11, 5)101(1N0050 Wlugkam, T.(,OR SA LE—A VALUABLE 150 acro farm in Maris Township, 2 miles from Brussels, Ituown as the "13arrie Farm." Good bank burn, good brisk house, good orchard, in every respect a ohoioo farm. .A leo a largo quantity of turnips, clover, hay, straw uud oats. Far all partisnlare apply to Jong 1110011A s, of the Village of Brussels, or to G. P. 1300210. Dated at Brussels, Jan. 2811, 1807. ,TORN 1GCI3AE, G. F. BLAIit. 111ARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South 1 and Sonbli 1 of the North 1 of Lot 50, Cor e, Last Wawa - nosh, This is au excellent stook farm ,beiug well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage cf Blyth. A large part of itis under grass. Buildings and fences are in arab state of rennin Easy terms of ilayment will be gluon, For all information apply t0 11.11 G. F. BLAI18, Barrister, Brussels, G1 PLENDID FARM FOP SALE 1,7 That exoollnut faun, Lot 15, Con. 0, Township of Grey, 100 aeons, must be sold at 01100 in order to close. estate of d0ceasedOwu- or. The lot le nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, large or. chard, 11 miles from Cranbreo0C is under good enitivatiou and 10 0 vary tiesil'able pro- pertyindeed, Apply to 1110HAltl) ltll'L'- 0111+11I1, Brussels P. 0. • ,7010 N MITOFELL, on the premises ; or A. )LIINT'R, Brussels. Dated Sept, loth „18116. 1_OOD FARA". FOR SALE IN l� the Township of GIsy. In m•rlor to elope an estate the West half of Lot 21, Con. 7, Township of Grey, 80 acne, is offered for immediate sale. Oe the proud Bee aro a good inane dwelling with kibalieu, &o., also two inane barns, good water, orchard, &c., and 18 close to the Village of Ethel. Soil id of the best and 1001 is well folioed. Apply to ALEX. nlal(ELVII•Y, 61,D., Enemata 1 ma., Mo1ULLVIi1, Jamestown.; or A. MINTER, Bin0eols, VALUABLE FABBMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 no's farm. composed of lots 50 and 17 1n oho nth 005., Groy township, Baron 00„ and 50 acres, part of tots 16 and 17, 11.111 con„ belonging to the 110bertlirolvn estate, is offered for Malo to wird up ee tate, On the first farm 10 a good store house and huge bank bare, necessary materna-Ines, os. chard, 6/0. Perin well watered, well fenced and 15 gond Mato of b0lti0ati0u. About 50 acres of bush,42 of tehieln is hardwood, On the 50 acre farm there is a louse and barn, orchard, and about 8 pores of bush. Farrn5 sold jointly 00 separately to 0,111 pi1r01la6er, Pomeaesion given in the Fall. Fantle aro ou- 1y anile from the village of Cranbrook; where aro school, churches, poet.ollioo, stores, &c., and8i maim to the thriVing ma- 1101town Brnnsele. Por furthor particulate as to price, terms, &o., apply to /VANES 1JBOWSL /AMPSBROWN,l,ixoentors, J0108 BROWN Oranbrotk P. 0, TRUSSES THC til0l MAnrr.. 'fllw MOST i1141 641 rnrri FOR E SF Of body and peace of mind It le necessary that e. Truss should be well fitting, p011601 in Melee uud ple in adjustment. The Wetmore Silver Truss ltlls all tho.e requirement's. It embodies the latest improv.meute and r But w8 have r best. I u the es is scientifically all nntkea of Trusses and can supply any style desired at the lawsuit possible price. 1Ve guarantee a perfect 10 in every case or money cheerfully refunded. We also carry a well assorted etook of Rubber Goode :-2 quart Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, $1.25; 3 quart Combination 1.7nter Bottle and Fountain Syringe, $1.50 ; Nice )Rub- ber Syringe, 2 pipes, 50e.; Rubber Syringe, continuous flow, $1.00; lee Bags at 60o. ; Atomizers from 75o. up, •See them Fox's Dema Store,, VETERINARY. •yp- • D. WARWICK, . fJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all disoaeos al rinmeotinatacl animals in a Om - potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calla promptly at- tended to. Olrroe au d Coflrmary—Four t mule north of bridge 'l'urub eery 80..11ruseo,s. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solioitor and Oonveyanoor. Colles. Mous made. OOioe—Vaustouo's Bloolt, Brus- sels. 51.3m 111. SINCLAIR, 00 • Solicitor Uoavoyanoor,No miry Pub- lic, 00, Oillco—Vaumtouo m Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. 10.`19'. G. CAMERON, 10'1 • (Formerly 0f Cameron, Holt & Cut, Ofi) Barrister and hedaite•, G,eiosCol- Out• 011iee—Iiamilton St„ 05431011110 Col- borne Hotel. T, Ii t F. � BLAIR BARRISTER, VI Solicitor, &oI3 RR1 1LIt. (hate of Garrow & Prondfoot's- Office, Goderioh•1 Ofnce oyer Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Allctiemeet. Salem conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka enoaialby. Orders left ab TUE Poem Publishing Hou se dire male, or sent 50 Walton P. O., will receive promp t attention, T.(1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will Bell for better prices, to better mon, iuass time mud less charges than any other Auctioneer in En at Enron or he won't charge anything, Dates 111)11 orders eon always be arranged at this °Moe or by pors anal application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 9.5 years expor'io ee as an Auctioneer, but wbo had to quit owing to ill health, 15110 again taken out lloeuue and 1s Prepared to conduct Bales ab reasonable term% Sotlslaetton MUM utoed. Dates may be arranged at Tim PosT Publishing House. JAS. STRETTON, 13-11 Auctioneer. Ancient Order of United Workmen. This old and prosperous Fraternal Assoc ation numbering 850,000 members are pro minting to the public their popular and ocon• omioal rates toworthy men, at the very low rate of about 58.00 per 511,000 per annum. Tho 'Workmen" Promptly Pay Death wanes nude:speeb a large increase to its members now that those American Lire Companies don't deem satisfactory tu Can- adians, 110130, ARMSTRONG, NM. W. ; W. 11, EERIt, Recorder 1 J. A. 0BELGBTON,Fliaauoior, BUSINESS CARDS. NIT H. NloORAOKEN, Y . IsOuror of Marriage Ltoeusee. 01110sr at hle Grocery, Turuborry street, Bruseels. N. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. 14, McKay & Oe'a hardware store. Ledies'and ohildroue hair nutting u specialty RUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Depoeita from :11,00 to 51,000 and allows 81 per cent, Merest.T. FARROW, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. oiJELF H. T. FLETCHER testier of Marriage Licenses, OsnioE Al JEwELRR STORE. ia—N0 Witness Required. T. FLETCIHER, Brussels A LEX. HUNTER, .Ca. Mork of 1118 Fourth Divneiou Cour Co. Buren, Oonveyaneer, Notary Public Land Loan oil Insuennoo Agent. aPmend inv E f and to Ioau. Oolleetiotie made Olooo GYahwm'm Sleek, Bruseolo THOS. A. HAWEINS, Will give lessons to penile either on Piano or otgRal, at his male Boom, opposite tiro poet-ofeco, Primate, Vocal humour. also given, lase yean•e oxperiooce io teaching. Tame moderate,