HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-5, Page 7A.� Iinteresting Items About put Own Country, Great Britain the , h United States, and All Porta of the Globe, Coadpnsed and Assorted for easy Reading, CANADA. The meeting of Petrliament will nut take plies until elated 25, The Western Fair Huard of Landon report a most prosperous year. Driver Ilooper of "A" Battery, King- slon, has fallen heir to $50,000. i Manitoba College students have con- triJ uted $02,05 to the India relief fund, 'i Mr,T. Button of tato Matthews ]louse, Stratford, had $350 atulee from his Cush is isLer. Tate Bell Telephone Company is ask- ; ierg the Government for peruussiun Lo inn eese their rotes. The London City Council voted the sum, of $506 to the bele. of the lndta famine sufferers. The Kingston Elevator Company, with a capital of $150,000, has 1lecn famed at Kingston. Four hundred Welsh families from Buenos Ayres are exported to settle in Manitoba in the spring. A. disease has broken out amongst the sheep of Louth Township Get baffles the veterinary surgeons. Coal has been discovered on the shores of the PeLewawa, on the Upper Ottawa, and it is said to be in paying quantities. Mr. Joseph Bourque oC hull, has re- ceived the contract for the new tem- purary Luef on this burned Parl]ainont block. A small army of men aro employed by the Public Works Department re Ot- tawa clearing away tee debris ul the .recent fire. I: toil ;:I, 1897 F NEWS 1 R NU1SHELL. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL Tai WORLD OVER, A. report Is current in Landon that the military authorities at Ottawa have decided to disband the Seventh -Bat- talion, The Manitoba Dairy Association re- port that $127,261 worth of butter and $62,000 worth of cheese were exported last year, An illicit still was seized on Win. b1e- llroy's farm in Collingwood Township. dtotiroy was fined $IOU and costs for the offence.. .M.r. Waiter Velug1han of fire law de- partment of the Canadian Paeific 'Rail- way has been appointed Bursar or Me - Gal University. The Government has decided to abol- ish the Mare of Deputy Commissioner of Patents, made vacant by the death of Iti chard Pope. Micheal Brennan, the life prisoner from Barrie at the Kingston j.'euiLen- Liary, has been taken from the hospital and placed at hard labor. So many robberies have taken place in Montreal lately that a special guard has been glaceu on the banks and )rrokers' ofs]ces by the police. Stops aro being taken in Montreal to prepare a testimonial to be offered to Iles. James A. Sactlior, the well-known Irish authoress, at an early date. A deputation from the Ottawa City Council visited Montreal and inspect- ed their aro appliances. It is probable that Ottawa will get a :water -tower. The Caledonian 'Society of Ottawa proposesW organize a company of kit- ties, whiter it hopes in time will be reooguized by the militia authorities. 1t is rumored at Winnipeg that the Dominion Government will hand, over 1.0 the Manitoba Government all the remaining Crown lands in the Pro- vince. Special precautions are being taken on the Paca:ro Coast by the quarantine authorities to prevent the entrance oC any of the deadly eestilenees now rag- bag in the Orient. Manager Thompson of the Ogilvie Jlutining Company announces at Win- nipeg that all choir elevators will be closed owing to uncertainty regarding the tariff changes. Commutation of the death sentence pissed an Sullivan, of bfoneton„N. B„ for the murder of Mrs. 011utoher, has beta asked, and a petition with 2,000 signatures r,rwarded to Ottawa. - The shareholders of the Bank of Nova Scotia have authorized the dir- ectors 1.0 increase the capital of the bank from $1,500,000 to $2,040,000 when- ever they deem it expedient. Captain H, L. Covetter•, of Savanna. Ont„ died on Thursday. 1 -Ie was former- ly commander of the steamer Chieora when she was running the blockade to Charleston during the American war. Acting on the advice of his physi- oians, Dr. Borden, 1611eisLer of Mili- tias will go south for two or three wealth to give himself time to recover from the shaking-ap he got in the recent 1tiilway accident. Veterinary Surgeon Morgan has dis- Jvered the disease known as the sheep scab” in two :Hooks of sheep, inc at 13arriefield, the other at Bat- tersea. The Department of •:lgrioul- ttura has been notified:. Tho Hammond murder triad at Brace - bridge came to a conclusion on Friday night at eleven .o'clock, when the jury announced 'tinea' being out for five hours, that they could not agree au a verdict. They wore discharged. An agitation is on foot in Montreal to provide better facilities ler cross- ing the St. Lawrence, either by, build- ing a new bridge or by improving the t l'( present Victoria' bridge. Government aid is wanted for either project, The fruitra ' g w ors of Ontario are threatened with a 1.l new pest, small insect rolled the San Jose a 'Scale or Bark Louse. This insect has lately spread throughout the nurseries and orchards of Ohio and NowYork, doing great damage, Sir William Van Horne, president, and Mr. Shaughnessy, vice-president:, or the Canadian 150]65 railway, waited on the Minister of Railways on Saturday and opposed the application which the Victoria, Vancouver, and .Eastern rail- way is making to the Government for assistance to ]mild its lime from •the '!coast into the mining regions of East ' I{ootoney. At the annual convention of the Grand Council A,0.1.7.W., great aaCehan 0 ., g s ]were of acted I 1.l constitution I n e fret ul.ton of e ,F gho order, namely, the separation of the Grand Councila o£ Can da he Su- e from C � 1 ip' prerne Council in the United Stites, the removal of the headquarters from ,St. Thomas to Toronto, and the atop. •tion of a graded tato of assessment. GREAT A7,• B„ BRITAIN. A • Grea(: Brifaill has agreed to ala ts.ti- fica•tiuu 01 laic Paris convention o11885. 111.1x: S. 1�3. ills,' pottery at Patters• eh T BRUSSELS POST. tato side or Cpl. (tbb,los, whoa% exam- ination will last another four er five tings, AI. a dinner u1. Oxford ell Saturday nigh]: Mr. John Morley M,P., said that Crete • , mustn be liberated, for ( rot all p fret 3 'Parkhill li 1.•o idol . end n 31:1 Jelin !)wins tweeted a scene in the Brit ihi house of Commons by at- tacking M1', W. W, Astor for his op- Poeitlon to the new County Council hail, The proposal to ereot the hall was defeated. In reply Inn question from Lord Sal- isbury relative le t11e strength of the various fleets in 1115 Mediterranean, Mr. Cost:hen, 1 irst iuord of the Admir- all .y, replied Ihal: Great Britain mu Id. whip the 141, which figures abundant- ly prove. In the British ]louse of Commons on Thursday Mr, Joseph Chamberlain art pounced that the Transvaal had pre- sented their bill for indemnity as a result of the Jameson raid. They ask for £lei77,038 3s. 8d., one million being for "moral and intellectual damage". The magnite eat Hertford art eollec- lion, left by Sir Richard Wallace, the celebrated English philantbropist, to his widow, has now leen bequeathed to the nation by her. It is one of. the finest: private galleries in the world, and is valued at X3,500,000, The Marquis of Salisbury's refusal to follow the suggestion of the Emperor of Germany and blockade the Piraeus is warmly praised in England, and his suggestion to the powers that Crete be granted autonomy similar to that of the Island oe Samoa is 18511 received, as affording a solution of the problem which Greece can ac,,opt without a trio great saerifiee of national pride. UNITED STATES. The great machine bolt trust isre- ported at Cleveland to have collapsed. T.he Merchants' National Bank of Jacksonville, Fla., has closed its doors. Galveston, Texas, street railway is "tied up" by a strike of the employes. Over 250 Greeks at San Francisco are ready to leave ter Crete when called upon. Increased activity is reported from manufacturing centres in Eastern Con- necticut. Chief Operator Williams, of the West- ern Union Telegraph Company, is dead at Pittsburg, The Great Northern Railway Ls again blockaded on account of snowy and storms in the Cascades. The Standard Oil Company will, it is said, hereafter pay dividends of 5 per cent. quhstea'ly. The lowed• branch of. the Nevada Legislature has voted down the Wo- man Suffrage amendment. Fouts officials of De Kalb county,n- disna, have been found to be 00 short in their aapcoulnts. At San Quentin, Cal, on 'Wednesday, Chun Sing, a Chinaman, was hanged. foe: a triple murder committed i p- tember, 1805. IA bill to permit the construct ot a bridge over the St. Lawrence oppo- site Cornwall was introduced t he United States Senate. A cable from Havana states Lb Richard Ruiz, a natluralized American: citizen, leas found dead in his c n' Wednesday afternoon, Opposite the Leland Hotel, Ch Elwood Leidy, of Philadelphia w id up by three men at eight o'cloe e other unight and robbed of $165. a gold watch, Helen Weisenbo2'n is suing the at Cleveland for $$1,000 on a poli n the life of her husband who, she s is bead but ]whom the 1.0.1'. says is still living. • J 130,4 esti ang n Se ion n t at Dr. erioa o(10 as he k 1.h 1114 X.O.F. policy u ays Ys Com- pany nal c1. la- bour brok- er retia failed b mild minutes, ports testae! States. wee- tater mi- litated augment- ed and and wool foes of a and ad- vanced to his Still im- provement, 11418 aro tle- ants 1.1111 115814 traps ] Philippine of- ficial, from a the G. [herr Wagner, a Berlin editor, has been sentenced le two mouths' impris- onment for having published (110 (aLc- ment that the Foreign Office inspired 14 paragraph to (118 effect that the (Isar was dissuaded frcnn visiting Prince i ismarok by advice from the highest Government authorities, The West End Street Railway of Boston is advertising in Cana- dian newspapers for men virtually defying the United States contra t- bour la1v. 11. J. Mayhem, the New York who chartered a special train Chicago to Denver, in order to h the bedside of his dying son, fail y four hours. The distance 1,020 s was made In 18 lours and 52 min the fastest time on record for g distance. idccea•ding to the commercial re from New York there is no 1 change in the present condition of bus- iness throughout the United St Among other thing,, unseasonable - t'her has to a considerable extent- lital:ed against :rade, and in some rection labour disputes have aug - ed the depression. On the other d there is an increase in the iron there is an increase in the iron l steel trades, a better inquiry Tor l and cotton goods and boots and s which encourage to hopeful view o e outlook. The mills axe reported s having filled . present• demands, wool, while more active, has not - vanced in price. Prides aro stat be a Oiltle better in New, York, Louis, and Chicago, but no advance occurred in other directions. l the general trend of trade is for however slight. Mercan- tile collections are reported ass , and requests for "extensions" common, GENERAL, Dr, Steinitz, the famous chess play- er, Le dead, at Moscow. It is reported that Bolivia 1vi11 elate war upon Peru, It is stated that 826,000 inhabit have left Bombay on account of plague. Severe fighting is reported to taken place between the Spanish tr' and the insurgents of the Philip Islands, It has been found that German pork, duly inspected by a Government ficial, and stamped as free from ease, is infected. Mather Bey ]las been degraded f his army rank and imprisoned in fortress for being responsible for murder of an :Ctailan priest in 189 MINIATURE RETICULE, A miniature reticule has a circle of silk 01 the front of too bag. Upon the silk is painted a Lace. It may bo a fauey u load r t it mss o the 1.t of friend, Y er of r. ncL Girl friends paint each t p h a lot's faces up - o11 satin and set them in talo little ]rant] bag the, carry. As a they room ornament, the lit- tle rctienlo hung over the back of a air, with a miniature painted upon Is unique. It's top of chased gold filigree unfolds to disolose a bottle si refreshurg salts and a bonbonniere ith its tanto of sweets. dr burg, .East London, was destroyed by i1. fire, or The feeling far London 1s veering to Of rvey I 1 , a t• 1 ter' botm•e on Dormer, , SOME LATE CABLE NEWS CRISIS IN THE CO'l'TEN TRADE I LANCASHIRE. ( Menial 'rimers 4a, '1.54(1. lilt In the 51 mond ,ptgllex ('olebtfHoaa..-1',7uu'e 1 Prepared flu' Wet', A de patsli from London says: -The. plague anti famine in India are pro- ducing the crisis in the l.anuishire cot- ton trade, The collapse or the Indian trade has led to the stoppage or Oulu - sands of loom], East, :Lancashire is (hiefly' attested, and the employers am conferring over a projected reduulio11 of ten per emit. in wages. The men have declared flint they will fight the reduction tooth and nail, .If a strike. occurs 288,589 looms 1vi11 be idle, COLONde1L TROOPS. Most of the colonies Have already accepted the invitation of the Secre- tary of State for the Colonies, Vlr, Josuph Chamberlain, to send ropreseme tations of troops to the Queen's Dia- mond Jubilee celebrations, and they are expected to greatly enhance the attraetions of the processions, Canada, New South. Wales, Victoria, Queens- land, South Australia, New Zealand, the Cape of Good ]lope, Natal, Trin- idad, and Cyprus are sendinfg cavalry, the troopers to be sent by the last be- ing mounted zaptiehs. Some infantry and artillery are coming from else- where , as far distant as the Gold Coast, Georgetown, and fflong-Kong. A general officer will be appointed to command the w11010 force. The vis- itors will he housed in the military barracks of the Home districts, PRANCE NOT PREPARED, In response to the question put to a leading Minister why the 1'renchGov- ernmeut has treated Sir M. Iiieks- Beach's declarations about .Egypt with so much caution, the reply was made: -"Because M. L1anoLaux and his col- leagues know that France is not pre- pared for naval warfare. The condi- tion of the French fleet puts Prance as a sea power in a worse mess than she was in as a military power on enter- ing upon the war of 1871.1," THE NILE :EXPEDITION. 03y the, end of this year the British Government expects to hold Egypt and the Soudan from the White Nile to the Mediterranean, . to complete the English regime, the mixed tribunal, whose term of existence under the treaty will expire in 1898, will be re- formed, or so revised as to give Eng- land a majority in the tribuual, Late nelwa 11.Om1 Cairo fixes the start of the Upper Nile expedition for June. The Egyptian forces will number 22,0(10, strengthened by Angio -Indian forces to u total of 32,000. The now gunboats now being completed in England for the expeUttionl carry easel six machine guns; with one tlwelve-pounder, :they nava only two feet of draught, are twin screw boats, and carry their big gun, forwal'd. Six of these formidable emits will be at the service of the ex - petition, and 1vill carry the most terri- ble weapons of tear the dervishes have yet encountered. E t f 'Royal m tr a e Star t O h 5 a t n 0 1 a Y un CARRIAGn The police seem to have Teuehecl the end of their sesourc05 in seeking to solve the mystery of the 'railway car- rmurder. Every clue in their pos- session thus far has been limn down without result. .They investigated no less than forty rumors in regard to iron pestles, but were unable to trace the one with which the crime was coin - netted, The public and the police themselves are beginning to believe that the tragedy must be added to the Jack -toe -Ripper category. No ade- quate motive has been discovered, and as fax as anybody has been able to learn the murder was committed for learn the murder was committed for the mem sake of killing. This idea has naturally given a fresh impetus to the popular protests against the :Eng'. lisle form of railwa travel. Y v 1 The locat roads admit 1•,1.811. 1.1114 receipts from first and secotrcl class travel have falls en off sharply since the memo was dis- t:o wl:red, \Worlten 00110nee to prefer to travel in the more tiopular third-class rather than enjoy solitude, which is the only real advantage of the superior classes. N a• of .1UBI.L1,1 ARRANO.EMEN'1S, ,Although he Queen has been back 01 11`indsur from Osborne Ler uurely' a week, she is engaged (laity with mem- bers of the Loyal family, court offi- cials, and others, In connection with the arrangements for the diamond jubi- lee, The Empress Frederick and the Princess Beatrice are with her. The story g s that her patronageotascheme of the gCli ln- dron's Band of Hope Union (whose jubilee le next year), for obtaining a million more adult teetotallers to the ranks of :the various societies this year. ANOTHER OCEAN GREYHOUND. Some incorrect reports have been sent out regardingthe now fast liner which Will be built al Belfast this $ear for the White St r line. The Oceanic will bo 702 feet long, 08 25 feet longer than the Great :Eas or'n, and 17,000 gross ton- nage. It is expected she will be as fast as the orack unarders, but there will be no attempt to get twenty-seven knots, wbioh as been reported as the expected sped. The company an- nounces that mucb higher speed than that now contemplated (e quite prac- ticable from n engineering point 01' view. It has been determined to aim at a regular Wednesday meriting ar- rival, both at New York and Liverpool, malting Queenstown by daylight, and enabling pis, angers travelling to Places beyondthe port of arrival to reach their destinations during the clay, It is cal ulated that the Oceanic 1vill be able t steam around the lvor]d without recon ing, at twelve knots, if necessary, as reserve vessel of the British navy, It is expected to launch the vessel next January. The 141111.14 Star line nosy bus no less than 103,000 new tonnage der construction at Del - fast. R,A.SG\PAY MURRO;ii. FAMINE:STRICKKEN INDIA. e-- Iaelt( :11Orin 1113 I5 1111.1.1173. ... An' I'll l ?rear 5u the l'soune llirlriris. Hiuxs+ Lli , o c utbrca n k f 'the plague, 1 gu , 6,853 cases have bean reported in Bom- bay, and 0,44:7 deatbs from that cause have been reported, 111 Bombay Pre- sidency, 9,911 eases and 8,006 deaths from the plagne have occurred. The apeeia( representative of the As- sociated !'rose who is visiting Lhe fa- tnirt5-stricicn;l dtstrI 13, of 15x(1.5 has 141 spea:(•ed (1145 8541180.] na(.ive � 11(1:414 and Bunde(kund disLt'ict, 1'0044113 froin (1,13 1010182' have 1113on flocking (11(14 Brit- ish territory for the past month, and hunrir5ds of starving n 814141(14 are it/1;115Bit; trains and (legging ,(s 1.1151.8 only ehnnce of substwwe,. '('he vil- lages are turning the refugees away and many are. dying on the rails. Walk - Mg from one station to anether, the eorrespandent found five dead bodies along I.]re line. Children are deserted, and left lo forage for themselves. The Rajahs were the last in starling relief works, and then the mischief was already done. The mortality is awful at Bantle, the blackest spot of the lluldelkund pro- vince, where, nut of a population or 700,000, 200,00(1 aro receiving relief. The number is expected 1.c reach 300,00(1, ABOUT LONDON AND PARIS STATISTICS ABOUT THE TWO LAR- GEST CITIES OF THE WORLD. ondon Dar Ila4,4 raps any other Illy ba Population, Welting and All Taut fine$ to Make '1'p n Modern filly. There are 000,000 buildings in the city or London, including stores and public. buildings. There are 100,000 buildings in Paris. The population of London by the municipal census of 1800 was 4,433,018. The population of Saris by the last municipal census, -the record or popu- lation m France is continuous and not made at stated intervals only -was 2,- 511,955. Tho area of London is (188 square miles. The area of Paris is 172 square miles. There are 1,890 miles of streets and 2.350 miles of sewers ill London, 'there are 600 miles of streets and 550 miles of sowers in Paris. London consumes in a year 1,000,000 tons of meat of all kinds and Paris con- sumes 3,000,000. Farndon consumes in a year 400,000 inns of potatoes, 110,000 tons of cabbages, IO,LUO tons of turnipst 50,000 tons of ((1110118, and 20,000 tons of green peas. Tao yearly consumption of celery in London is 800 tons and of asparagus 300 tons. 1`nais consumes a ton ot bread a day and •150,000,000 eggs a year. 1114 consumption of game in Paris includes 1,000,000 pigeons, (100,- 000 partridges, 3,;0,000 larks, and 100,- 000 pheasants. The water supply. of Paris averages 150,0(10,000 gallons a day, and of Lan- don 210,000,000, exclusive of a portion of the metropolitan district:, locally'' supplied. London's supply costs 58,- 000,000 a year. The consumption ui ale, beer, and 11 - guars to Londou amounts to 355000,- 000 gallons in a year. In Paris thecou- sumiption oC wine is 100,000,000 gallons acidafbeer 8,060,000gullons,through the disparity between the two is being gradually leseenud by the im'rcasing popularity of beer in the French en.pt- tal, There are relatively more drunk- enness and fewer arrests for drunken- ness hi London than in Paris. The municipal expenses of London in a year amount. to about 370,000,000. The municipal expenses of the city of Paris, exclusive of national contributions, can - exclusive of national contributions, amount to 365,000,000. The debt of London is $50 per capita; the debt of Paris is $150 per capita. There were 2,015 burglaries and "house-breakings" committed m Lon- don in 1895, 997 in Paris. The receipts of the Paris theatres and music halls for the year 1896 were $4,- 490,000. The receipts of the London theatres aid Iicensed music hails for the same year were 53,200,000. The population of London increases at the rate of 200 a day from the excess of births over deaths. The population of Paris is increased by drafts from the French provinces and not from the e xoess of births over deaths in the eapi- ml, which average ten a day of 3,000 in a year. There are more than 2,000 churches in London -6755 belonging to the Estab- lished. Church, 450 Methodist, 350 Bap- tist, and 125 Catholio-1,000 exclusive of Congregational, Presbyterian, and Lutheran alurohes, acrd exclusive also of Jewish synagg•ogues, of which thele are 3`2 in O,ondon. There are 355 churches iu Parts of all religious de- nominations. The antiquarians dieters that the first authentic mention of London ap- pears in Taaitus. It was burned in A. D, 01. Paris was burned in B, C. 52, and the earliest authentic mention of its existence as a settlement is traced to Julius Caesar, or rather it was as- cribed Julius In Caesar thou there cr l d to ul h o e e g was never was anything traced to Jul- ius Caesar so far as history records, In London, English is spoken almost exclusively by all the inhabitants. In Paris the number al tourists is con- tinuously large, UNDER ANIESTAET1CS. SetaI4 of a Mau at Itenniferd is a Kut: ttery. .4. despatch from .Brantford, Ont., says: -On Saturday afternoon William Travis, an employe of the (Brantford Clarrlage Company, died in 11r. Cha.t- e •111]51. en- der'a surgery, Market sari i, n n n g y, der an aesthetic which was being ad- mitristered by Dr, Lanlonl, preparatory to an operation for the removal oC the index finger by Dr. Chitin, Dr, Dig - y, lar, D. Marquis, and Dr, O. A, Mar - els were oalled in, but the efforts the five medical men to restore ani - Mien were unavailing. .it was after- ar<is stilted that deceased was in the habit for years past of 6131(1ng lauda- um, a fact which he ceneealeal from e doctors, and which no doubt esus- tbo unusual accident. The medical men, against the wish of the friends the dotaased, have insisted that an (guest be held, and have laid the rent - of q of m 1wi A VINE, ACCOMPLISHMENT. n b:L3, Homewood -Whet a popular girl 1.t' at Point Breeze is ( She Is out ed ei h-ridin nearly (ivory night. V g le 1, 1 g .ran]: t a , t Slro X1(5]814 bo1v, to , In . i T, Will BY 7 Sgf4 } 'Yea, By the I-Iurlflre(L;, Those Who Have Been Cured of Dire I)• ' South fse�.sc. By South Americi 1 Nervine. .'°f C i l I1e. Mag Widesprardd ll:li%rureSPI 11 fppiiaalioii. Where Other 3fatlicinea Have 1" uileli -and Doctors Have Pronounced the (.,;fir's B'vou'l Cill'e, This Great Diseovt'r„v I1:1> Proven it Genuine. 1.:l:ilc' (If 1.ifb. ?110 Sante Verdict Come; Proof Old and b olLII) , Male and Female. IlJoh and Poor, and From A11 Corners of 1:Oo Dominion. 7f it Is thl case that he who makes two blades of grass grow where onl one had grown before Is a benefactie of the race, what is the posltlon t0 be accorded that man who by lis know- ledge of the laws of life and health gives energy and strength where lan- guor, weakness and anticipation or an early death had before prevailed.; le not he also a public benefactor? Let three who have been down and are ▪ 111, through the use of South Am- erican Nervine give their opinhnes on this eubjeot, John Boyer, banker, of Klnr ardine, Ont„ had made himself au hupeeess 1(1130,(14 thr.gh years of over: work. At least he felt his ease was ho1ciess, for the best physicians had failed to do him good. He ulna Ner- ✓ ine, and these are his words : " 1 glad- ly say It : Nervine cured me and I am to -day as strong and well, as ever," of Meaford, was our341 of neuralgia of the stomach and boraelis by three bottles of this medicine. Jas. Sherwood, of Windsor, at 70 years of 1:;^e, suffered from an attack of raraly- r'e• lits life, at that age, was deapair- ed 02. But four bottles of Neriine gave him tack his natural strength. A 1.(1(01 of indigestion, W. F. Beige-, of .L eat', se/Li : " serving cured pie ' 1.0' .. ,:.. e-r,ng, whlch seethed incur- .. , arse a..td oaf flied all forr.•,.r Me- t. „ and courts." Peter Nissen, of 1 a•+.,':-. :c.1. 1te::h and rarely had a '' -Lt's seep, because 0' stomach • , • ' . He rays : " Nervine stopped a . !trinf; pains in my stomach the +3 I user! it, 7 have now taken ' ' • ' ties and 1 feel entirely relieved tee sleep Lee a top." A repre- 1..::ve farmer, of Western Ontario, .. ... t', J. fiiu•cis, res:Ging near hind - 1 -,s. heelth was seemingly Cern- .. de. treycd through la gr1l,pe, .•:ro r,:d 11115 any good. "To .'t`"s r::' Tervinc,' 1(e srys. '1 ' t ;• reetoratlon to health and • :;,titter man or 'roman Pre It hen troubl',l with liver :'115:'11. 'rills was the sentiment r,: 5 . J. IIJI, the well - r.•"1 1:1,1117 of Ter:7.cehrid ;e. " I was 'a ro ,ll," ;says he, " that one of my rr^•7:1'51 attendants cal: that T was u. tin tut, thank God, Ianot dead Set Froin the first few doses I took ''1 J v'ne T commence,] 1v feel tat- ter. and ant to -day restored ro,npletely +•' 1ry' emits] health." A resident of (113 ,^s"it! rr T rovinces, in the person . ,bice: c1 f hts1e1, N.B., says : "For :'ear's 1 was a martyr to Mai- "' ,:.!on. t •aion and hradaehe. 1 "}•" t'eetele eta of several physicians I _.J not i..:a ,..o, I ]lave taken at fele Sold by Dead y, 1 ltleo of Nervii.e, and can truthfull y e,ay that 1 um a new man." A shrewd oimer1•er of human nature . has said : " The hand that rucks the . cradle moves thr world," Now ire- tpartant 41 Is, then, that health and 'strength should he made the lot of 'the mothers of Ude country. The wo- !men of Canada are ready Ly sce,r135 to 'tell Of the benefits that bate c•nrne to 1 them through the use of South Ameri- can Nervine. Mrs. R. Armstrong, of (Ortulla, wile of the c'olporteur, of tho IBltle Society' of that town, suffered ;for six years from nervous prostration. Mesilcal assistance did not help. "11( !all," she says, "I have taken six bottles ,of Nervine, and can truthfully say this 'is the one medicine dicine that has cffe" teA a cure to my ease," Mrs. John Din - woody has been for 40 years a resident of Plesherton, and has reached the al - 'lotted three -,core years and ten. Three 'Years ago her ny:'tcm sustained r. aal•- iere shuck through the death of a daughter. Nervine was recommended (She perseveringly took 12 bottles of , rnedivine, with the result that she Is to- day again strong, and hearty. !Inn - 1 dreds of women eager from impov ;rash. ed blood and v: takene'J ]serves, " All vitality:" say:: IL's, J. tea tile, of Brampton, "etcmed to have forsaken my system, 1 was unable to get re- lief from any source tilt 111 I e:'mmer.eer3 taking South Amelgean Nervine. The results are most rattsCaetnry-.greatnr far than 1 eouh7 have hoped for," it came within the nay of 3ir,i. 11. Stap- leton, of Winglinm, to treat. under the best physicians, both :n Canada and England, for heart disease and nerv- ous debIllty, but she fa(I',i to get any, relief. "1 n'as advised, ' she says, "to take South American Nervine, and must say I do believe that it I had not done so I would not be alive to- day," Newspaper space is too valuable to Permit of further additions to these earnest words of testimony front those who know just wha4 they are talking about. In the common language of the day, they have been there, and aro speaking from the heart. The dozen or more witnesses that here speck have their counterparts by the hundreds. not only in the province or Ontario, but in every other section of the Domin- ion, Sout'- American Nervine is based on a a'..entlfn pr1110ip113 that mattes a cure a certainty, no matter how des- perate the case may be. It strikes at the nerve centers from which flows the llfe hl-od of the whole system. It s not a medicine of patchwork, but s complete and comprehensive In its application. man & McColl THE AMETHYST IN FAVOR. Old-time neoklaces and br000hes of amethyst that have been cast aside as out of fashion are coming once more to the fore. The exquisite coloring of the stone is quoted universally, and is always admitted to heves a peculiar fac- ulty for bringing out the whiteness of the skin. A great deal is said, too, about the soft comforts of its purple depths. L1'FES A BURDEN If the Stonlaeh Is Not Right. Is there Nausea? Is there Constipa- tion? Is the Tongue Coated;'Are You .Light Headed'? Do You Have Sick Headaches? Any and all of Tbeso Denote Stomaoh and Liver Disorder. I)r, Agnew's Liver Pills act quickly and will cure meet stubborn and chron- ic cases. No unplensantuess, No grip- mg. These little pills are little wonder workers a 1.t ud aro far-famed. # fa1 ed. n •l0 ' vial #or 20 cents, m a Sold by G. A. Deadman. CASTE. Big Calf (vaiuly)-Get out of my way or Pll step on you, You're nobody. .Barnyard !'owl (haughtily) -1f you could hear touts grumble when they find veal in chicken Baled you'd change your time. IUCTI'r FROM. '.8111 M.iNES, Family Ties may be Broken in the Grand ltnsh fpr' Gold, but What's Wealth Without Health -Dr, Ag- new's Catarrhal .Powder is a \Von- derfal Cluro--Il: Never fails to Re- lieve in lean Minutes, Fred. ed Lawrie, of '.trail Creek, 13, writes .I have used two bottles of. Dr, Agnow's Catarrhal '.Powder, and have been wonderfully helped 1 van recnntinend 1t very highly (.o 01 suf- ferers from Catarr4u, ' And here. is another ;-Mr. B. L. 865,111,Easton, At, says: "when I read than Dr. Agnolv's Catarrhal Powder woad. re- lieve Catarrh in 10 minutes, 7 must say 1nvas far from being convinced of the fact. ,I, decided to try it, I pUI'ollased a bottle. A single puff of the ppelted& through the blower af- forded instantaneous relief," S01d by G. A, 1)01411 can. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. THE BEST FRIEND LA13SSST SALE 1N CANADA. SKIN .ERUPTIONS CURED 1005 38 CENTS -RELIEF IN A DAY. Eczems, letter, salt rheum, barber's 11.5]8-511 itching and horning skin dis- eases vanish where Dr, Agnew's Oint- ment ie used. It relieves in a day and cures quickly. No ras sof piles which a.1( application will not comfort in a fele minutes. If you he,ve used high- priced ointments without benefit, trg Dr. Agnew's Ointment at 35 cents and be mired, ba .,. A. Deadman, HINT TO TELE SCORCHER, , If you're a cye:lists sir -you know, ' i It makes a difference where you go; I For there are regions of retreat, Where rubber tires won't stand the beta t IIL'.i1R\' :S ']'11.01' 111.E:S. Were of the ]Henri --]lumen 8'11.1(1 oras Almost 131fented when lar. Agnew's Cure for the Heart t hell Into the Ereae'le and in a few Minutes After, One Dose He Grate •• Found 1 .xrt.t(. heli et, and rive Bottles Made a .Rad Heart 41ood (Inc Wm: Cherry, of Owen Sound, Cate writes:"For the past two years 1 have been ggreal:l,v troubled with weakness of (bo heart and retrain spells. I tried eta s v a 5 or 1 remedies, m ea an consulted hest physicians witheiut anal apparent relief. 1 noticed testimonials of great (:urns made by Th'. Agnew's Curs for the Heart. I procured u bot- tle, and the first dose gave me great relief. The first bottle did wonders for me. After using rive bottles there are none of the symptoms remaining' whatever. I think it a great boon to Mankinid," ' 1 Sold by G. A. Deadman, )