HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-5, Page 5MAs b, 11`:1'/ T R R ,., ei '/ •.. i 4.3 ."ttliatemesameareosseen
Asesee.'eoeeersee. g tense to ,sues. .: uW!41estlteemet}'ser surreasea_ 12012?LyaSaskume PSV.-:.^,hm ._.„..: »"3rwI3.twAaar, ee
WCrueler news on pito 3,
Last Sabbath an old and [highly oe.
teemed reek nt pugged le p ed away in the per.
son of Mrs, Jobe Monteith, 'x
an h, Slie died
quite eu1lonly, "Lev hooband died about
5 or 0 weeke ago The feudal took plane
on Wednesday afternoon,
• lei hero say e'•R.
TAW Blergaret Stuart Clerk gave an
elocntionary s11 ertelnment hero on
Theredey evening, She was wedded by
Biine (Nava Rothwell.
The seeded[ offertory for the India
famine relief fund, given by the eongra
getion of Christ ohurch last Sabbath
amounted to $27.00.
A game of hockey was played last week
between the Married ve. Single, Adam
E ddins leading the hosts of the beaodiots
and Sb. Clair Wilson the bachelors,
Robe. Moore, late hardware merchant,
left town last week for Has Portage,
where he may eater business, 0lie
family will sojourn at Ingersoll for a
A. McDonald and wife were visiting
friends at Jamestown last week,
A. Raytnaun attended High Court et
Niagara last week as to delegate for Court
Wedding invitations are out for the
marriage of Rev. R. E. Cameron and
Mies Maggie i<otchen, of Whitby. The
marriage is to take place at Whitby.
A. C. Domes is now the owner of a
dandy driver receably purchased from J.
Hewitb, of levesSels. Abs, blank will now
go on the euper'onunated list we suppose.
ORA:meow: Puede Scuoon.-Souior De-
partmout-The following marks show
the average percentage taken by each
pupil in the subjects of Algebra, Hietory,
Pbyaiology, Spelling, Arithmetic, Read•
ing and Composition. No report is given
for third elttsaes and several names are
omitted from fourth class on account of
irregular attendance: -5th class-Silvie
Seel, 51 ; Thos. McRae, 61 ; Simon
Mitchell, 55 ; Wm. Cameron, 65, Br.
4th ----Wm. Hunter, 61 ; Alvin Cameron,
78 ; aerie, llnether, 42 ; Lizzie McKay,
65 ; Ellie Bird, 40 ; Susan IStoNair, 40 ;
Mabel Zimmer, 57 ; Clara Hunter, 40 ;
Edith ;Mitchell, 50 ; Lizzie Cameron, 08 ;
Lizzie Deanne, 53 ; Ida Welsh, 55. Jr.
4th --Ervin Hunter, 51 ; Beatrice Mc-
Nair, 47 ; Minnie Knight, 552 ; Albert
Fodder, 25.
1i. J. Cot ieovE, Principal.
nett 2.
Names in order of merit :-Sr. 2nd--
Coverdele McDonald, Susie Reymann,
Philip Dahote, Janie Love, Jae. Long,
Willie )IOL 1, Eine Fox and Mina Mo -
Rao, equol, Get field Long, Sylvester Fox.
Jr. 2nd. -Nelson Knight, Alfred Mitchell,
Width Long, Jas. BioNiohol, Willie Seel,
I`stta Smalldon, Ethel Moieties, Minnie
Smalldon, Sr. Part 2nd -Athol Me-
fduarrie, Willie Cameron, Robbie itic-
Donald, Garfield McDonald, Flossie Seel,
Florence Gadd. Jr, Part 2nd -Maggie
Fox, Harry Baker, Arthur Love, Tillie
Zimmer marl Willie Brown, ego), Willie
Fox, Geo. Hamilton. Sr. Part 2nd -
Cleveland B1tDonald, Della Mitchell,
Allis lforrest. Jr. Part 1st--Bdntt
Daltma, Katie Wyatt, Harvey Baker,
Amelia McInnes, Gilbert Nemec!.
Average atteudatice, 87.
Mae J. Gocu, Teacher.
Robb. Oliver is viBiting at Stratford
this week.
Townaltip Condi will meet next Sat.
nrday, the 0th inst.
Mise Eliza Livingstone is away visiting
friends in Bianaherd for a few weeks.
Mee Mary Livingston bas gone to
Uxbridge this week where she bas a situ-
Last Saturday Mies Hannah Ball left
for a visit with her brother, Dr. G. L.
Ball, Toronto.
The speoial services in oonneetiou with
Bethel appointment are being ooutineer{
this week, A goodly number have be-
come converted.
Robt. Sweeney, who has been visiting
at Peter Robertson's, has gone to Detroit
whets he expecte to make his home.
Mrs. Sweeney and children will follow in
the course of a few weeks,
Ae Mre, Robt. Robertson was returning
home from Brussels one day Inst week
the horse took fright end ran away,
throwing the ocoupaute oat of the cutter.
Fortunately no one was any the worse for
the adventure.
The auction sale of Peter Watson
takes plane ou Friday of next week. BIr.
Watson talks of removing to Breads as
he has Bold his farm on the 16th non,
We are sorry to Tose him from Grey
where he hue resided for a good many
,years fund has made ninny friends.
The anniversary services in connection
with the Bethel appointment will be held
March 14th, We nnderekand the services
will be aondttated by Rev. Mr, Allin, of
Broads. On the following Wednesday
a tea -meeting will be held. An excellent
proyram will be provided for the occasion.
Owing to illness iu his father's family,
Mr. Long, teaobee in S. S. No, 4, tender.
ed his resignation, He wag getting
along Moly with the pupils. His sneoes.
ser ie bit. Thompson, of HOwiok, who
comes well recommended, and who be.
on work last Monday. He receives
$1.80 fur the balance of '1897. We wish
hint suooess.
Milk routes in connection with Silver
Comore oheeee factory have been let foo
1897 tae followe :-12th eon., to David
Ballantyne, at 5 °elate per hundred ; 14th
con, to Jas, Shiels, at 7 conte per bund•
red ; and the 16th eon, to Messrs. Islet ac
Holmes, at 7 cents per hundred. The
above pried; include hauling the whey
baolr, Factory will begin work, it is ex-
pected, on Blonday, kitty Bed, with Neil
S. leleLemehlie in oemmanci, The foot.
ory is likely to do well as there ie the
promise of a large gain ever 1806.
Ban Fttua.-Fire destroyed the real,
'lanae of Richard Aloccic, 14th non., on
Tuesday night of this week, about 11,30
o'clock, Bir. Aiooulr was oat to the
stable attending to acme dealt and ou re.
turning to the house went npstaire to
drive out it oat, In descending the etaire
his feet slipped, owing to the enow me his
boots, and in hie fall the lamp he wee
carrying was smashed at once setting fire
to the place, The dumas spread rapidly
and gory little of the household diode
Wave saved, Ineure.nne amounted to
4800. Mr. Mamie and family are eym-
pathieed with in beiug so hurriedly de.
',Mead of thole home,
Jelin Greet, 14.tfew
on., t was week.
ng at , Ilan 1-7'1'4 a' :'lj :: B !`� (j
Ssnforth fur n fnW days this Book,
Stnaousbr Ila., --ill's. John Roddiyk, .. «,,.,,.,-.......,...,,,.,,.,
[illi amt., is seriously 111 and doabta are
entertained as to the ptububllity el her have been going nn at Oda Blore during the past few weeke, Clearing out
recovery. Bars. A, Morrison end Arch. the balm -lee of Winter Goode, and opening and !nothing New Goode. Every hereon
R0,1d1uln, of Pert Huron, Mich„ and Jne, in the County of HIuron knows that we were ou hand when the wholreale stook of
M. Roddick, of Woodstock, daughter and ,' itlellaster at Co, WAS placed nn the market, We diel net buy all the above amok, but
0000, a"fl
re We hope to ht
ar of one h
raI l l 1 ,
A ret
Senor, Reeenv-The following is a
report of the standing of the pupils in 5,
S. No, 10, Grey, for the month of Feb.
reary, Fourth glad, total 500. -Amelia
d4iohel, 897 ; Geo, McKay, 390 ; Mary
Carnoohan, 351 ; Irene Belies, 830 ;
John Sperain, 821 ; Wilber Baker, 809 ;
Susan Bothwell, 258 ; ,7ohn Coutts, 267 ;
Girdwood Coleolongh, 062 ; Adelia Fogel,
201 ; John Beane, 199. Sr. 3rd, total
400. -Gee. Michel, 298 ; Alex. Ooutts,
070 ; Garfield Baker, 239 ; Nellie Sand.
0,e, 187, 00, 3rd, total, 400.-iltary
Potts, 820 ; Jas. Comedian, 821 ;
Arthnr Elyria, 804 ; Ethel Spading, 298 ;
tiara Buttery, 207 ; Esther Balzer, 254 ;
Willie Shine, 103. Sr. 2nd, total 800.-
Maud Bothwell, 2291 Wilbert Evans,
201 ; Regius Neebel, 180 ; Conrad Neabel,
172 ; (Jerry Gass, 117, Jr. 2nd, total
300. -Florence Itollenbeok, 231 ; Mand
Shine, 197 ; Bone Oeutts, 178 ; Percy
Baker, 120 ; Fanny Baker, 92. Pt. 2nd,
total 225, -John Battery, 1711; Ethelbert
Coleolough, 145 ; Lynn Beane, 132 ;
Osoil Comte, 128 ; Eardley Buttery, 111 ;
Frannie Baker, 102 ; Gerty Hallenbeck,
98 ; Curtis Rathwell, 01 ; Sophia Spar -
ling, 84 ; Fred. Piekrell, 01 ; Oliver
Pielzrell, 49, Pt. let, in order of merit. -
Catharine Brown, Percy Sperain, Edna
Sperain, Roy Taylor,
W. E. AulIe'rnONtt, Teacher.
f, .
Gash i
l ,
for L I11 now Lt all to hand, opened up,
marked, and lofty fur your rnnimvtinn Come and let
cis Ahcw yon what we been
been doing oven though yen de not taro to buy.
This ie a Cestt Betelneee-Cash from beginning to end, attd hi a barge insure
aoeonnte for the following prices t--
Ginghe me, good width, new patterns, very Reseda! at 4;Ic.
Shirtinge, fast colors, bine end white eheebn, as rued as we h,ve ever offered at
8o, bot now they are going et 44o,
Table Liner' is a most useful and necessary article. When you gall we will be
pleased to show you to line ab 16a, a yard.
The Table Linens we have now are by all odds the best value we ever possessed.
Some special lines in haif.bleaohed at 20o. and 300., acid better still at 40e. and 50e.
Blue Serge, very suitable for Boys' wear, regular prion 400.• now its only 80e
Ladbee Comets, severe[ very specie, find, nue in particular et 25o. is worth more
money. Others just ae good value in proportion at 40c., 500, and 75e.
Curling Tonga, extra strong spring and well mode, regular 10e. kind for 5c,
Ladies' Fine Ribbed Cashmere [lose, regular pries 35e, we scoured them to
sell at 25e.
Prints, some really wonderful values. A Line of Plaid Prints, bright odors,
really worth 0e., are going quickly at Gu.
Prince and printed Sergoe in every eonoeivable pattern, small or large, light or
dark, the hest lines we hese shown at 8e., 9e. and 10e. a year.
Delaine Effects in Prints and Crinkle Cloth, should balite. and 180„ going at 12eo.
It's simply impossible to give yon an adequate idea of what we aro doing. We
hope yon may find time to come and see for yourself. We can make
you glad if you give us ,o chance.
Liceine District
A. Chatfield, of Guelph, has pnrehased 0111 '1111']
the jewelry busineee of Fred, Davie.
Datong 189E thereElliwere births, 17 'ding'
(If IIuron
with town Clerk Elliott, 50 births, 17 East 1U1d1Y U1 lUj Ull
marriages and 2G deaths.
John Thomson rind William Sclater
attended a meeting of the high Court of ,
Canadian Order of Foresters as delegates To the 7 avert -keepers and Others
from seaforth lodge. wbom it may Concern.
While running with the hoee orb M.
Broderick slipped and fell and the cart
passed over hie font, but fortunately he
NOTICE is hereby gleno tont
was not seriously hart.
The to pupils subscribed
f the bSeafoto Cs of $21,e lication for License
Instituto have snbsm•ibod the sum of 4'31 illi ftl
towards the relief of the Armenians, j�`•1 s
Which sum has been forwarded to Dr.
for the sale of liquor in the
Gcikie, the treasurer of the fund,
Mrs, F. 1(lbnkh,tmmer, of Winnipeg, EAST MINS OF HURON
who alma Isere n. few weeke ago with the
remains of her mother, the late Mrs. for the License year1897-e8, which common -
Dorsey, and who has bean visiting friends 00800 the 1110 'lay of May next, will oe re-
in town end vicinity since, hes returned calved by theuuderetgnedtrohu the present
to her western home. date 11p tc
At the lest meeting of the official Thursday, A 1 0ril 1st 189 7
heard of the Methodist church, a rose -
!Mien was no/min-musty adopted, expree•
sing their (high appreciation of the ser-
vices of their paster, Rev. 5. Bond, der•
ing the past two years, end extending a
welcome for his return for a third year.
Some person or pentane brake a couple
of bars off one of the windows et the
ideating rink, crud on earning admittance,
sprinkler) a gn'mtity of salt across the
centre of the ice. Before it was noticed
the salt had melted a considerable portion
of the ice, which will necessitate as
quantity of it being cut out to the floor.
James Robb and his alaee of olub•
ewiegere perposs giving a public enter-
tainment in a couple of weeks or so.
They will be assisted by a number of the
local nnusiciane of the town. The pro-
ceeds will be devoted to the very laudable
purpose of assisting the India famine
Geo. Tennant was attending the High
Court 0. 0. 15'. at Niagara Palle last week
as a delegate from the local court.
Bire. Peter Beddow received the sad
intelligence on Monday morning of last
week from Ripley of the death of her
mother. Deceased wee well and favor.
ably known in and around Milverton.
She had reached the ago of 80 years.
A number of the officers and members
of the Atwood Presbyterial) congregation
met at the home of Miss Jennie Morrison,
Newry, on Tneaday evening of last week
and pre'enterl her with a beautiful silver
tea service and a nice Bible accompanied
by on address, in recognition of her long
and faithful eervioes as a member of the
ohurch choir. The presentation was
made by Jae. Dickson, peeve of Elma,
and the address was read by W. R. Ers-
kine. Miss Mm'risou replied to the kind-
ly sentiments expressed in the address,
assuring them that she fully appreciated
their kindness and generosity, and that
she would long cherish pleasant mem•
Dries of the assooiatione formed during
her couneetiou with the church and choir.
Lunch was then served and a meet en-
joyable evening spent.
Geo, Anderson left recently fon his
home at Morula, Man,
Tho committee having the flax mill in
charge Importfevorable progress.
A collection was taken lillt. 011 Sunday
in rho methodist Sabbath wheel in aid of
the sufferers in Indict.
Ed. Pallor, 02 Hanover, has accepted a
position ae foronian in the finishing do
partmout of Thee Ball at Son's feetory.
The stook of John Raottel at Sone of
this place was sold by public auction to
McCormick and Pridham, of Goderich, at
08 conte on the dollar.
Eli Elliott, sr,, of the brick yard, had
the misfortune to Buffer a compound
fraituro of one of his legs by a pile of
lntnber falling on him.
The other evouiug Dr, and Mrs. Towlot
entertained the noble's, teachers and
then wives and the Orchestra of the
Methodist Sabbath eohool at their resi-
dence. An ovenmg's social enjoyment
with the saperiutcudout and his genie'
wife hue become a sort of tenurial effete
and is always oagarly anticipated by the
worlcors its the echoed, baton fife occasion
they clotorminod to have in store for the
dootor a surprise which would show that
hie work as Suporintoudeet and the deep
interest he had shown in the welfare of
the saheol were no6 unappreciated by his
co-workers, A000rdingly seen ahoy they
heel all assembled Wm, Footed was cell -
eel upon to road an addt:ose and to present
[him with a bountiful and comfortable
arm chair, The (looter made a suitablo
reply, thenkiug them for their Icinduees,
The resignation of john Dickson ae
Teensthrer was adapted, to take effect
from date of next regular meeting, and
the Cleric will advertise in the local pa -
pots lot application for the office of
,I reaenror. Applicatiolte t0 bob at the
next regular meeting of tho oounoil, the
amount of 0oaurity to he $4 000 exth •
inelueivo. Applicants must furnish the
names of two good and Bodleian t sureties as
bondsmen at the time animating applina-
tteu. Ally apptlloaut 001' a llBlw neeeOO moat
fm.uish n eerW11ooLe etgue't by a aierity of
the electors outitied to vote at elections for
the Legislative Assembly iu the Polling Sub -
Division in which the promises sought to be
liaoneed aro shouted, and the said. majot'lty
mast ittcle,le at te,,et time ,ird of the eaicl
elootare, who aro at the time of anon 0,111-
00010n residents within the said Polling Sub.
Jamestown, Feb. 22nd, 1897.
privets individual or guarantee company's
bonds or both combined, security to be to
the satisfaction of the Council. The
following resolution was passed :-That
this Council desires to place on record its
appreciation of the long and faithful
services of John Dickson, who has held
the office of Treasurer of this mnnioi-
pality for 20 years. Mr. Diolcsou by hie
sterling integrity and uprightness of
character has endeared himself to all
classes of the continuity and we regret
that ho has been compelled through health
health to relinquish thoresponeible duties
of Treasurer.
The Hudson Bay Company oontribute
4,1,000 to the India famine fund.
Mr. McLennan, M. P. for Glengarry,
has been promoted to the office of Colonel
of the 50th Battalion.
It is reported from Rome that Mgr.
Rudini Tedesohe has been appointed
Apostolic Commiesiouer to Canada,
The verdict of the Coroner's jury at
Emaciate was that James Fry frilled him.
self by shooting with n rifle on Sunday
God Liver Oil
You have probably been advised
by your Physician be take Cod Liver
Oil. This ie the season when the
belting of this flesh.producing 011. is
moat desirable. If the Pure Cod
Liver 011 is boo disagreeable in taste
for you just bey the Homo Health
Emulsion and you will find that dis-
agreeable taste hidden, . This Etnal•
Bion contains 50% of the Pnre Oil, so
you have a ntuoh stronger Emulsion
than is usually found, It. is pleaeanb
to take and certain in its notion.
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Cptiolana and Bookeallere,
System, neMovatox
--arm omen
Fon Impure, Weals and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepsin, Sleepieeenese, Palette.
tion of the Pheart, Liver Complaint, Nor.
algia, Lege of Memory, 13ronainitie, Con.
enreptiOn, Gall Stories, Jaandioe, :Kidney
rind Urinary Diseases, Sk,'Vitas' Donate
Foredo Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Mannfnotueer,
Bahl by Jas, Vex, D iiggtst, Brussels,.
I wish to acquaint the good
people of Brussels and locality
with the fast that I have opened
up a Laundry in town,
One Door West of
Williams' Livery,
Where I will be pleased to attend
to the wants of the public in
first-class style.
Specialty 1nade of Collars,
Cuffs, Shirts, Ladies' SVaists,aucl
Lace Curtains, and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Prices Moderate.
Your esteemed -Patronage is
solicited in supporting a 'local
f= Tell your Neighbor.
f wA,- a xt'mttJ ',J 1
lloiie1 SIu:ftMeuIs Thnplg
We Have got dearly through marking our Spring Goods :Intl
would like you to call and inspect our stock and 0Ot54lart3 priec'8.
We think we can say without any exaggeration that we are in a
position to show one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stooks that
it has been your privilege to soe within the COUNTY.
In ress Goods
and 'Trimmings we show a range that will delight the hearts of tllo
Ladies. Please don't buy until ,you set our stock, not that we wish
to insist on you buying from us but our •;tock will give you an idea
of what is going to be worn this Spring.
ur Linens
we imported direct through Agents from the Brookfield Linen Co.,
Belfast, Ireland, which enables us to sell them at prices much be-
low regular prices.
LACES and EMBROIDERIES are one of the leading features
with us this season.
In Ready -tor wear Clothing
we -lead all Competitors. Our Men's Suits at X8.00 must be seen
to be appreciated.
is to make this store to the County of Huron what the T. Eaton Co.
is to Toronto.'•, Any *yho haven't as yet favored us with a call we
would like to specially invito,thew to do so, and I think we will be
able to make them permanent customers.
Gr eery Department.
Our Grocery Department is under the direction of Mr. Jas. Purcell,
and he will be pleased to show you through' that department.
P. 8. -Our Advertising Agent, Prof. Golding, a colored gentle-
man, will probably call on you in the course, of a week or two with
Literature which will pay you well to peruse carefully.
Importer, Seaforth.
Successful selling follows careful and keen buying.
We wish to impress on yoiii the fact that our
New Dress Goods, New Prints,
New Corsets, Gloves and Elosiery, New Flannelettes, Cot-
tons aiid Cottonades,; New' Towellings and Table Linens,
were • Bough't Right.
The Prices never were so much in your Favon
We show a very fine and complete
assortment of Boots & Shoes for
. Men, Women, Misses, Youths
and Children,
It's an acknowledged fact that
we carry the largest stock of Readylnade Clothing, all kinds.
This season the stock is large and prices Lower than ever
We will have the [attest ilz ,)71en's .[Hats next week, look; at them Udder's
you Buy,