HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-3-5, Page 31
Town !ascot y5,
IvlrtLvmr,m C0peon.--Sabblatll Services
at 11 a no and 7;00 p, m, Sunday School
at 2;80 p m, Bev. John hose, 13 A,
ST, Jonrr's Cucnon,—Sabbath Sorvioes
at 11. a 10 and 7 p m. Sunday Sobool
at 2190 p, m. Rent. A. IC. Griffin, incum-
Msrnoossr 01IUlaan•--Sabbath Services
at 10;80 a to and 7;00 p m, Sunday
Sobool ab 2;80 p m, Rev, B. J. ARM,,
BOAIAN OATuoLTo Cnmtclr.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10180 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy,,
SALVATION Anarx,.--Sorvioe at 7 and 11
a re and 3 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week Rt 8 o'olook, at
the barracks.
ODD FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's bloats.
MASONIC Louse Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 • W Locale on the $rd
Friday evening of saab month, in Blas -
hill's block.
0 0 l' Loons 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of each month, in Blashill's
ICF, '2nd and last Friday in Odd
fellows' Hall.
L 0 L lot Monday in every month
in OrangeHall.
Sees ox-SeoTLANn, let and 9rd Truce -
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
R. 0. T. M. LODGE, 2nd and 4th Tues-
days of each month, in Odd m'ellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 1st
and 8rd Mondays of each month in Bloc -
hill's Ilan.
A 0 F, 1st and Ord Mondays of each
month in Odd Fe itoa's Hall
Ramo Clam'', 2nd and hth Friday even-
ings in Blashill's hall.
2n, ,.5'1.1,, 'M VP,,..W'rNrt P,M.77,Fnini SflS,M r�
Za1:Av11ti Towo. The New Bioko bay
Miss Anna Holmes, who has been n
dont of Clinton for a considerable
and is the moot faithful employee
New Era Inas over had, being onnttn
at her work, rain or shine, will eh
remove from town and take up her
dance with the family at St. Catllar
A member of Ilattenbury St, shnrab
organist in the Sabbath school, she
tried to perform faithfully who
duties Wore required of her. We do
oars to epee's too flatteringly aboob
of our own kin, but we can at least
she svill leave s good many Mends
hind who will be sorry to see her go.
Mrs. Jacob Mass iv Jaid up with a
vere attack of ioliatnmatory rhenmat
J. T. Wiggins, tax collector for
East division of Howlett, has all the b
P, Eel/install has returned from
ronbo where be was attending the
minion Grange.
The offertory in Trinity church
Sunday for the India famine f
amounted let over 98.
We understand that the fins Durh
cow (0. K's. Snowball) bought from
Collies by Claus. Shooter, was sold on
Toronto matlrot for a very fancy pride
The following is the number of bir
innreiageo and deaths registered in 11
lok for the year 1890 Births, 1
marriages. 17 ; deaths, 43. Lizzie Wa
er, Div. Reg..
H j merely /leen he ratan no crop lime('
but he /tepee to obtain, and in ma
oases dose obtain a eharo of the crops a
other produoto produced by other se
This he ix enabled to du beotseee
taxes are Inept luw,
Thus, the better a man does for hie
oonntry the wore° the country dues for
and ; turn
be -
To -
Do •
ow -
ny t"tI°Cisriq-'';u zft;`T
Cxodt.e rtielx.
The owner has cleared away the lu
bee off the old skating rink ground.
It is said that in the near future Go
Hell will have m new dry goods stare.
The contractors for the sewers It
stopped w r
c and will
nob Erhart n t
till Spring appears.
A. 112. Polley bas been awarded the o0
Poor Orrres.—UfOae hours from 8 a, tract for carrying the malts b ltween t
m, to 6:30 p. m. poetodioe and Codorioh station, to he,
MsonANms' INsxrTUTl1.—Library . Aprillst.
Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8
J. Lister, Q. C. �?. P,, Sarnia, wo'olook p. m, Wednesdays and 3;80 to 5 condueb the crown bueinese at the Fieri
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Ma- 005155 court svtiioh opens hero on Mandea
Naughton, Librarian. Maruti 8th.
Towv Couoarn•—W, 11. Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo. Beaker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
tberdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Seott, Clerk ; Thomas ]Kelly,
Treasurer ; R. Hingston, Assessor and 3,
T. Ross, Collector, Board Meets the lett
Monday in each month.
Sono°= BoAltD.--A. Koenig, (chair.
man,) D. 0. Roes, J. G. Skeoo, Jas•
Turnbull, A. Cousley and F. Van.
stone. Sec, -Trees., R. X. Ross.
Meetings 202 Friday evening in each
PUBLIC SOn00L Trraonnns.—J. R. Oam•
exon, Principal, Leon Jackson, Miss
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
BO 111D of LINAr:rn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm,
Jowitt. D. MoNaughtou, Medical
Health Officer.
The plan who by Ills industry bringo
forth twenty hesitate where be puts in
one, or who by the opplioation of his
labor converts clay and timber into a
dwelling, is pereaing the honest course of
acquiring wealth. 1-1'e creates prosperity
and thus esttabiisbos a right to enjoy
prosperity, But when 15 1111311 raises no
crop an hie land, when he adds nothing no
whatever to the prosperity of the un.
try, when by keeping his hand idle ho has
helped to keep the mon idle, and has
thus impeded the welfare of the country,
what poosibls claim 0011 he have to a
share of the prosperity begotten by the
industry of others ?
And yet the law imposes increased
taxes on the honest method of acquiring
wealth, ae though It were an evil to be
suppressed, and it keeps down taxes on
the extortionate misuse of land, as if it
were a good to be fostered, Thus, hon-
esty is discouraged and extortion is in-
directly bonuses!. '
Could we bring a stronger indictment
against the present method of taxation 7
Industry, honeety, enterprise, the very
source and fountain of prosperity, taxed
heavily and consequently depressed ; ex-
tortion, non -enterprise, non -improvement
taxed lightly and thus aided.
But the injustice of the present system
nn of taxation is most manifest in the large
cities, the larger the oity, the greater the
ds- injustice, The land in the heart of To -
tonic is worth from 920,000 to 960,000
nvs 1
per acre per annum, equivalent to a oat.
tai vales reaching to upwards of a mil.
lieu dollars per acre. From this oontre
n- the value declines till in the outer settle.
he mento of the Preview it finally reaches
yin the vani.hiug point, The owner of the
Ill acre in Toronto, without doing the first
productive aot, tuftdraw from industry
09 a fortune yearly, while the owner of the
y farm at the outer margin of setblemeuts
must tail like a slave for a meagre
New, here aro two men, one luxuriating
in affluence, the other straggling in
ptaxeovertd 7y. And how ale these two men
In answer to this question, we have to
colt your attention to this monstrous'
fact :—The farmer who struggles in the
most disadvantageous locating, and who
receives the least advantages from gov-
ernment, the farmer who struggles with a
mortgage which he finds it impossible to
reduce, much less to pay off, the laborer,
who with his otmoab toil secures but a
miserable livelihood, the serving woman,
NVho succeeds in some way in sustaining
life on sweatshop wages ; all these must
give several days' toil every year, direct,
ly or iudirently, for the support of gov-
ernment. On the other hand, in oar
large cities, a man may oolleot a fortune
yearly from ground rents, and never be
called on to give one hour's service in a
life time to support government or to
support anything else.
That which we plead for ; namely the
abolition of the law that taxes a mon for
making improvements, has been ;already
adopted in a greater or lass degree in the
legislatnre of Manitoba, the North West
Provinces, British Columbia, New Zea-
land, New South Wales and South Aus-
We would, therefore, erre that the
Legislature of this Province either
amend the assessment oat so as -to re.
duce the assessment of improvements
or that permission hs given to the
municipalities so to do.
Thou fairy llake,
No orb eau make
With all her cunning skill
A gem so bright,
That charms the eigint
Like snow or sparkling rill.
Thy silver sheen,
By moonlight seen,
Bedeoke the snowy mount ;
Thy orystal flow
Reflects below
lion image in the fount.
With *loft, sweet song
Ib trips along
The mountaiu'a sunny side,
But 011 1 the roar
On ocean chore
When daah'd by foaming tide.
In slumber meek,
Oo snowy peak,
Awakened by a breath
Then clown the steep,
With mighty sweep,
The vale to hush in death.
The bed in sheath,
The bonny heath,
The lily of the field,
Receive from thee
Thy bounties free ;
In turn their sweets they yield.
In aloud or wave
Thou bast no grave,
Immortal as the sun,
By law divine
Three forms combine,
Thy triple race to run.
In fleecy snow,
Lt liquid flow,
On twilight's dewy wing,
Thou gentle dove .
To Him above
Thy praises Over sing.
Clzraton. -
CooperBros. have added a telephone
to the equipment of their factory.
J. L. Doherty is going somowbat ex-
tensively into flower ani pliant mitten.
Mon, and has let the sonbracb for con•
servatary to Cooper Bros.
The other clay 310Nsws•Renord learnad
of a setting hen which died. The eggs
were forked to the manure heap, but in a
few days a good batch of innocent little
chicks worked their way out and thrived
well. The peanliar freak of nature oo•
marred iu Oliuto".
Dr, Steep, Wlouipog, and son•in-low
of Mee. II. Andrews, has been appointed
in the place, of Dr. Cotton, ex•M. P., as
medical attendant upon the Indians of
Olandeboye Agency, Manitoba. It in
worth 91,200 a year and will nauseant')
hie removal to Selkirk.
OBSTRUCT/NG TEE IltauwAo,—Informa•.
tion was laid before the Mayor on Man -
clay of last week, charging the G. T. R.
with obstructing the Bayfield road erase.
ing by a train for a longer time than al-
lowed by law, viz. ;—five minutes. The
ossa was tried and five witnesese .testi
lied that they did not believe the crossing
was ol000d mote than four minutes. The
oiroumstauoes were nnuseed,, the delay
being amused by the loading up of abort
twenty pieoee of theatrical baggage, and
taking the view that the delay in tide in•
stance was exousable, the °barge was
diemiegod, with the injunction that ast fie
as passible the highway be kept clear in
The two incandescent lights at the
post office have been added to and there
are now three, and one light has been
pieced down the lane so as to show the
letter box.
An olcl resident of Bast street, blrs.
51111 r, "'died rather suddenly ab the ad.
vanced age of 81 years. Until the day of
her deoease she had been able to go about
the house and rho her own cooping.
It is almost certain that some four or
five hundred members of the Internation-
al S0hoo1 Teachers' Association will
spend the Summer months at Goderioh
and vicinity, as the soaisty has placed
this town on its oh -older card.
Jas. Martin, of Fifeahire, a gentleman
who woe a few months since the guest of
J. T. Carrow, Q. 0., M. P. P., has,
through that gentleman, presented the
Carlotta!' Curling Club with a silver
trophy to be played for annually under
certain aonditious by the members.
John Roberts, while wonting on the
fires floor of Whitley's grocery, slipped
and fell through an open door into the
yard below, a di -tants of 16 feet. The
result of the fall is a broken ankle, which
will keep the young man confined to the
house for a considerable time,
A meeting of the Executive Commit.
tee of the West Huron Reform Asl:ooi.
Mien will be held in Goderieh on Satin,
clay, lllareh 0th, at 1:30p. tn. to fix the
date for holding the annual meeting and
for other purposes, The members of the
Dominion Parliament and Local House
are ex-effioio mbmbers of the Executive
At the annual meeting of the Gode-
rich Knitting Company the election of
directors tools piece, the result being as
follows ; Dr. J. R. Shannon, George
Acheson, E. Downing, 0. A. Humber,
D. C. Straohan, 0. A. Nairn, and Jas.
Clark. At a subsequent meeting of the
Board Dr, J. R. Shannon was elected
president, 0. A. Nairn, treasurer and R.
0. Hays, secretary.
William Booker, of Zurich, was tried
before Judge Masson at Goderieli for for-
gery. The act charged was that of forg-
ing the namos of three of his relatives to
a note for 9050, and his relatives all ap-
peared and swore that their signatures
were forged. As the law requires cor-
roborative testimony in a charge of forg-
ery, a banker from Exeter was called, but
as he swots he believed the eignaturee
were all genuine, the case ended in the
dismissal of the defendant.
Flus ON Tele SW:MIN.—Wednesday of
tact week about 8 a. no., a fire was noticed
in the room over Allen's hardware store
occupied by S. Grierson as a tailoring
shop. The brigade was:soon out and in
a alert time the fire was under control.
The fire evidently starred in Griereon's
shop and must have been smouldering
some time, as tile iirs had burned through
the floor and ceiling into the stere below,
and had it not been discovered when it
was would have soon burned itself info
the room above. All Mr. Grieeson's
stock and oteueils were destroyed, and
the stook of A. MoD. Allan considerably
iujnred by water, as the fire company, in
the short time it was at work, poured
tons of water on the burning parte, moat
of which flowed into Allen's store, In
the upper flat there was a piano and
Sows furniture which was slightly dam-
aged by smoke and water. The loss
ssstainefl by lilt'. Allan on stools and Mr.
Horton on building is covered by inset.
IIN J ijli'f"1'AX,t7'10I`'-
An adilrons bas been forwarded to the
Ron. A. S. 'Tardy and the allot mem.
bete of the Legislative Assembly, by the
Single Tax Aseociation,'the Trades and
Labor Council, and ten other organize..
Hens, calling attention to the present fn.
justice in the method of taxation. Froni
this address we make the following
extracts 1—
"Let two Wren acquire possession of
different portions of lend, The first
altars lis lot, fences it, drains it, erects
the necessary buildings, beautifies it, and
Wee to raider it Rs productive as pos.
sibbs. Thus be endeavors to pub that
land to its very beet use. When bo has
thus done hie utmost to odd to the pros.
perity and well•befng of the oommnnity,
then, according to law, for every act of
itllprovement hie taxes must be increased,
On the other hand the second man
01113107e no labor, le mien no crop, ho
makes no infprevemenb and adds nothing
to the wealth and prosperity of the Rom-
1nllnity. He pate hie land to the woreb
possible use ; namely, to secure wealth
by biro inIpoveriehreenl of othern. Not
Sellout Boys Essay on bracts.
Breath is made of air, Wo breathe
with our lungs, our lights, our liver and
our kidneys. If it wasn't for our breath
we would die when we slept. Oar breath
keeps the life agoing through the nose
when we are asleep. Boys that stay in a
room all day 'should not breathe. They
Omni(' wait till they; gets out of doors.
Bo.ys in a room make bad, unwholesome
air.. They matte earbanioide. Carboni.
aide is poisoner tbtau mad dogs. A herd
of soldiers was in is black hole in India,
nod a oarbonioide gob in that there hole
and nearly !tilled everyone afore morning.
Girls kill the breath with °omits that
squeeze the diagram. Girls can't holler
or run like boys, cause their diagram is
squeezed too much. If I was a girl I bad
rather be a boy, so I oan run end huller,
and have a great big diagram.
The blue -bird fig bailed as a harbinger
of Spring. It is also a reminder that a
blood.purider is needed to prepare the
system for the debiliating weather to
come. Listen and you will hear the
birds singing ; ",fake Ayer's Sarsaparilla
in Maroh, April, May."
Wm, Roberts, baggageman at the G. T,
11. statics at Hamilton, swallowed a set
of teeth while masticating his food two
days ago, The molars are 81111 in his
stomach, and are 'gaming pine 100511 pain
and htoonvenisnes, bat nothing eon be
done t0 remove them,
"A oriels in the beak," a pain under the
511ouldoe blades, Water -brash, biliousness
and constipation, are symptoms of die.
ordered stomach, kidneys, liver and
bowels. For all ailments originating in
u derangement of these organs, take
Ayer's Pills.
Robert Fair, a former resident 0f
Lealnington, has made his fortune an
Roseland, 13, 0. About two years ago
he began tvorlt on hie mining claim and
tools out 900,000 worth of gold in two
menthe. Ho afterwards mold the mine to
English eapitalists for 94160,000,
lICOer 101000080 TOE ABOVE
=enters 11100On mon fie. ]
nnD'st.1, _Inoue gores ri,Neieryo 1 1 1 0105„, 60peven.
.0 lisonn,lmppnnmsay 010 0,15.00 6y pout 0,5,95•
519re vi3gor tlhio ie ,llran'ws 0,09.00, 5btt
salollr:. .11%111.,rnern,.e 1051010500,5 in 010
or Woof:. Cank00SXtendyou wn One scram
of • 110810 011 5. 51054 by 0,51110 pinln wtappor
5,01 o.q, 0a y tooled. 1rotu 011 300u055, nslly
tsr 50.. ;'Nand me oq in oarhse s,v ,,n, po itrselflo
ad letter. A0dro', J
alt la to , 7;..F•
DMIcgee" t 5005Tu000, QST., .Agan; ter' rho" Do•
Widen of CsOodn•
Vtgi. tcaai :sJ*1i SC A
i :131 matte
a well men
Best for
Wash DaY
For quick and easy work
For cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
W" ---C. Surmise is best
f=�=, �
For every use about the
- - house Surprise works
best and cheapest.
•.�, .ea for yourself,
Allow I
irinpp..a ^-drt4>BGgavrMma¢!irnrm"'Ore:
•••-^---=u�: sac
The Only One
To Stand the Test.
Bev. William Copp, whose father
was a physician for over fifty years,
in laiew Jersey, and who himself
spent many years preparing for the
practice of medicine, but subse.
quently entered the ministry of the
M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad
to testify thatI have
had analyzed all the
sarsaparilla prepara.
tions known in the
trade, but
xis the only one of
;item that I could
recommend as a
hal ood.puri der. Ihave
rs away hundreds of bottles of
it, as I consider it the safest as well
as the hest to be had."—War. Carr,
Paster M. E. Church, Jacleson,lllinn,
W en tri Botattt, a3ll SarAyer's Gills
ow Harness
D. I RAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
whore he is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&e., kept in stock.
I inn prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, tee.
Good worts and 1llederate charges.
Certain 10 its effects end never blisters.
Read proofs below,
...,Carman. Dandelion Co., Ill„Deb, et, tel.
Dr, n.1. I.ssn•v,L Co.
De,e,a,o -Please send mo ono or 00111,0,0
108,4 and pa0rn I,03V15 a OssO 51t,,00,1Scar
x00500,0, npnv,u Cur. with i oo0 success, It Is a
wondorrnl metli01u0. 10,0 Aad n mato that bad
000 5 1110 00 hl tmd ave bnttlee cured her. I
keep n bottle au urnt all too thud,
Yours truly, CAM. Powin:t,
CAaxoN, aro„ Apr. II, ,09..
Deal. Sin—I have used several Mettles or your
t1CO3 l,al•s Hpievi,i Os,0” with 15511011 01100055. I
wok It Ile best Lhnmeut I ever used, Ram ee-
uo ee40,1 Curb, enc Wood month, and kilted
1100 isoa0 ttp,i, Iso, nave xo.ommeu40d rt to
serm•nl ar my rrres5s 0.10, are 015011 pleased 10 to
nod Icco1' it. Resllaet R. le
M. R. lcAx, P. O. Ronan,
Dor Salo by ail Druggists, or arldrese
Dr. D. r. IC.T,NDriZ1 0O2IP_ .Nr,
050505055 FALC5, VT,
110 R. I. Tam= Co.
British Columbia
Ted Cedar Shingles
AND- —
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing !Ells
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
term' on hand or made to order
at Short Notion,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildinp,s. Workman. 1
ship and Malerrad Guaranteed,
M, 1 '& - P. AMIEhTT,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Prm
perry at
6 �r 61 Per Cott., Yearly.
Stiaight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clea•lc, Brwssela.
'11112r Ship
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. Asllare
of'pubho patronage solicited.
S. WALEE111„
Meat delivered to all
of the town.
ARA 110
�I. G. Richardson
Is prepared to do ail kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and onwards.
t "Slurp oyer ;lleUaivao's titer
r �� C-1
The undersigned are prepared to atteud
to all branehesof Painting, including
House, Sign:, Carriage fend
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Iialsomiuing and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We make a Specialty of Manufacturing
and plaoiog in position
FIFA -MSS Awnings_
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs, Roddick
& Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with 11lessrs.Deadmfen & 1Se•
p•lrts SAMPLE j MPLE , 110
Now Stock of
Pim Stook oL5 ,
Bibles, Hymn Books,
Photo, and Scrap Albums,
t.pecial Bagga, m
Comb & Brush Cases,
Shaving Sets, &a.